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April 8, 1971 |
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AWARD WINNERS at the Winter Sports Banquet held last Most Pins in wrestling; back row: Best Rebounder Rocky
Thursday night at Mountain View School were front row, left Nutt, Outstanding Swimmer Jim Kimmerly, Inspirational
to right; Outstanding Wrestler Brad Stites, Most Improved Swimmer Dan Deffinbaugh, Inspirational Wrestler Mark
Wrestler Randy Howard, Basketball Captain Kevin Dorcy, Wittenberg and Basketball Inspirational Bill Bacon.
Wrestling Captain Mark Thompson and Don Vanderwal for
Shelton's tennis team is still
undefeated in seven matches and
has three unbeaten players• The
Highclimbers' latest victories were
over South Kitsap and Aberdeen.
On Wednesday, March 31,
host Shelton won every match
and beat South Kitsap 5-0. In first
singles, Bob Quimby beat Dale
Leighton 6-4, 6-1. Jeff Okano
won number two singles 6-4, 6-2
over Dave Frederick• Jim
Robinson beat Warren Lew 3-6,
6-4, 6-2 in third singles. In an
extra singles match, Jerry Johnsen
beat Phil Clements 6-0, 6-1.
Quimby and Okano teamed
up in first doubles to dump
Leighton and Frederick 6-4, 6-3.
Jim Kimmerly and Rick
Stevenson took Randy Groten
and Steve Hutchins in second
doubles, 6-2, 6-4•
Last Friday, April 2, the
Climbers played their first league
match in Shelton and beat
Aberdeen 3-2. Quimby defeated
Gordy Scott in number one
Rocky Nutt qualified for his
third event in the Shelton
Invitational and Rich James broke
his own school record in the
two-mile that was only a week old
as Shelton beat Aberdeen 77-59
Tuesday on Loop Field•
After the meet, Climber Head
Coach Bill Brickert said, "I just
can't believe it." His troops pulled
off a minor upset over the strong
Bobcat team.
Nutt was spectacular in the
meet. He won the high hurdles
with his best time ever, won the
low hurdles and triple jump,
qualifying for the Invitational in
the latter event• He also took
second in the high jump with a
personal best of 6'0". Nutt has
qualified in the 180 yard low
hurdles, triple jump and high
James set a new school record
in the two mile last Friday and
broke that four-day old record
with a 10:18.0 clocking.
Junior Tom Brigham won
both the discus and shot put. He
also ran in the winning mile relay
team. Brigham's 50 foot, six inch
effort in the shot last Friday was
half a foot short of qualifying for
the Invitational.
Single winners for Shelton
were Mike Hays with a lifetime
best of 4:50.6 in the mile, Gary
Burger in the 880, Rob Settle in
the high jump and Chris Elmlund
with a lifetime best of 23.6 in the
Johnsen, Rogerson and Moore(A);21'9".
Armstrong); 1:36.2• 8 80-Burger(S), Hays(A)
Shot-Brigham(S), Brown(A), Wilson(A); 2:05.0.
Oling(S);46'5 ¾". PV-Swor(A), Nieznalski(A),
440-Ferguson(A), Lemagie(S), Armstrong(A); 14'0".
Sumner(A); 52.7. 2 2 0 - E 1 m 1 u n d ( S ) ,
LH-Nutt(S), Henry(A), Moilanen(A), Rogerson(S); 23.6.
Peterson(A); 21.7. H J-Settle(S), Nutt(S),
LJ-Gordon(A), Swor(A), Swor(A); 6'2".
2 Mile-James(S),
, Peary(A);
Swor(A); 41 '4".
Lemagie); 3:37.0.
• @
Shelton's Head Track Coach
Bill Brickert has announced that
Saturday, May 1 will be the date
for the Eleventh Annual Shelton
Invitational, to be held on Loop
Over 30 schools from greater
Seattle to Vancouver, Washington
competed in 1970 and more
entries are expected this year.
Prelims in the hurdles, sprints,
880 relay, triple jump and long
jump will begin at 2:00 p.m. with
the finals starting at 7:00 in the
Last year more than 60 of the
300 entrants went to either the A
or AA State Meet. The entrance
qualifications for this "best
performance" type meet have
produced many top times and
distances including some marks
that surpass the present state
These stringent requirements
have enabled this meet to realize
two major objectives. They are to
bring together top flight athletes
and better prepare them for their
coming subdistrict competition
and to provide the source of
income for the Shelton Coaches'
Association college scholarship
Last year the Shelton coaches
awarded $500 in college
scholarships to
preparing to
physical education
Last year,
team title
second, Clover
entrants in the
a senior, has
yard low hurdleS,
and triple jump.
qualified in the
Settle, who has
record in the high
be there•
team is in the meet.
I BI ck Hill Leag M
The Highclimbers won 13 of
singles, 6-3, 6-1. Paul Lancar of 16 possible firsts in the meet to n a s u e
Aberdeen beat Jeff Okano bygrab their second league win
identical 6-4 sets in second against no defeats. There was no Rich James set a new school Rogerson(S), Elmlund(S); 10 4 " " ' n
singles Jim Robinson went three javelin event because Aberdeen record in the two mile as Mile-McGimnse,,tNT~ and .- Javel-lr'
Diamon men; . - . ~- -, • namstreet~,
sets again to win third singles 6-3, does not throw st. Shelton's Highclimbers dumped Burger(S) tied for first, 14~,,-,, --
L) IU .
3-6, 6-2 over Scott Stoehr. HH-Nutt(S), Settle(S), North Thurston 77-68 in Lacey Miller(NT);4:48.9. ~11~ UelaV'Sh!!
Kimmerly and Stevenson won Henry(A); 16.. .Thursday. 880 Relay-North Thurston; Armor .... nri~MOg~lhh--
tY!ga?t!hedcl !ers C tuns ' ........... "-
first doubles 6-4, 6-4 over Dave 1 0 0 - R o g e r s o n ( ), It was onlv the first meet of 1:37.7. a•al,
Smith and Bob Geddes Bob Ferguson(A), Moilanen(A); 107 the "ear for~c ......... Shot Bri"ham'Sx Prat"NT~ " ...... "'q')~
• " " y ouelton, out tWO " r~ ~ ), tt J, TJ.Fl,hertVU~ ~li._
Shaffer and Dave Gozart beat Mile-Hays(S), Smith(A) Climbers ualifiedfor Strong(NT);50'6" ~J,,,.e~ ~'n,~'- ~gA
• q the m?~)Sr~) l!!.n(N . magic(S),H:"''°'; ...... ]O'
lm offwl nJOhs~eeit6aiqL~ekr Mlll8~A),4la506helton(Elrnlund, :nth;:~nalr;:dl .ajumor,Hi ghNcle2bte T~i~l,~
• sevenhitsbu no - " " - o
shu frame, Terry Knight led "thaJed;rYs J0a..~;?~ T), Le
nGetting =rstwere Shelton threatened m each of
ru s, Shelton s Highclimbe _ • .... " single and was advanced by Duane rs
beaten b North Thurston the first s~x innings, herin tJorcy Makoviney's one-base hit, but two doubles, 6-3, - , - . ~.. Head Coach Bill Brickert said . -__ (, T), Flahe ty(NT), Tigers on Loop .~;~wlll'A ~,,'
y . Number one player nob senior Don Gardner "saved the WeeKs(Nl); 19 11% . meet Shelton tra*~,e
Monday in Lacey 3-0. It was the singled in the first and was sent to again the attack was stalled. Qulmb" y is one of. ~three. d ~" " - meet" for Shelton The meet LH-Nutt(S), Fawcett(NT), on April 16 forle#'L~|
third loss in a row for Shelton and second by Bill Bacon s single, but The third stanza saw Mike Highclimbers that are unaeieate " ~"- -- "=- - •IL -- "T hinged on the mile"relay. Had Case(NT); 21.2. the Bears.
was tile second consecutive the rally died. In the second Johnson walk and Dorcy collect Quimby is 6-0 in singles and 2-0 ~lel~o~l ~S North Thurston won it the Rams 880-Burger(S), Grubb(S), /
his second hit. Johnson was in doubles Jim Robinson has had • wou'- - v ". - Jones(NT); 2"14 4 .. m ~.oI) |
to go three sets several times to ~ IlillrlilelVlid~iA/ c:~.a ......... A ~.. ¢... ,h...m..,. P V - B r o w n ( N T I ~a~)e K /
|__ I I-- L_a----• thrown out at third and Dorcy " la na e won tne meet. • • • .... I#|
Aberdeen_.._ .....__ ,,, was stranded on third when the neat ........... ms opponents, out is stm r-i, .v..----.v W.v ........... vv .................. s o ' " * "
Jay Himlie and ran well The mile Armstr ng(S), Lewis(S); 12 0 . U.~A&.~/II d
inning ended. In the top of the unbeaten with a 6-0 record in " 0 ilVlig~lllnl
.ers . 22 Fawcett(NT),
Defeat, Cllm vBO" fourth, Knight reached base on an ......... .nd 2 0 ..... d .,: .... d ...... Records fell in the Longview relay team of Shelton won and Elmlund S- Weeks NT 24 2 There wt-'"
error and Makoviney singled, but " 'Rela,,s held last Saturda,, at Mark the Climbers came home with the (), ( ); . . .~ ~ i~
Jim Kimmerly is 5-0 in doubles .. J ........ ~.. .... :_ 2 Mile-James¢S*Havs¢S~ concerned wiut - "q
no runs were scored. . . , morns rtlgn acnool, bnelton's win. • ,, ~ .., .
and 1 0 in singles Shelton s Thur da mght
Mfller(NT), 10 29 1 s y
Aberdeen threw a no-hitter at the sixth, and one in the seventh. Bill Bacon got a single in the lea-ue ;~cor ...... n-' t'-e" are Highclimbers finished last of the Junior Rob Settle qualified " . " : " " ~., ~n, ra :,
e ut~ ~uau uy , Discus Brown(NT), House at t a,, r
.~l~st ~ .Sh~ton did not get. a man on fifth ,for his. second hit .of .:the ~ . ..........- r five teams, but qualified two men for Shelton s Invitational in the " :~-.e'st'
w a ton 1 n Brigham(S), Klaheuh(NT), All
~t .)b'~ ~[~'~t~" ~!~ddl$ :0t:,,,the g~m~~ The "~i~th/inning- saw -. T~,. t,,~m i~',,~,,, ,,..~,,. ~ ~..,, for the In "t t" a a d set two high jump with a leap of 6 0 . He " " " ' " .~_..a ;
132 5% m ~ted
"bY-~~(~-in a l~gue~g~rne '.secoiad (r~me wheb Neal Chile Knight get on base for the'third ................ s,,,~,,.v .................. ~ " " v" to aft~"~'
machi ...... " ...... ~; . meet recordS. . was a double vmtor in .the. meet, - 11 ~.(1~
nv wnlcn mrows olrterent 11 ~,~
on Loop Field. reached first on an error. Only time, this time via walk. He ........ " Rob Settle tiedthe oldSch0ol ':also winiai~g'tIi"~high l~tJrdles'in' HJ-Seltle(S),, ,, Brown(NT), officers wi ~
types o~ snots at me prayers ........................ NutttS~'6 0 meetino is to
~,~,rh ^l Uo .... ;n ,h., ,~.. record in [ne nlgrl jump as me 1o./. lne nigh nurmes was me " "' " " "-d
,s°t -~--~.~ ,-.,, .... vv ~,~, ,,,,,, u,~ Climbers won that event In the only event that the Climbers baseball., starts. --..ati~
14 hits in the contest. Terry next five inning. None of them base.
scnooi and tide city pain ior the " s the t ..... " - - - furmer inlor*-.,
Knight started on the mound and made it past first base. North Thurston, meanwhile, . ............ relay , oral a~stance oI each swept .... 24Y
machine Jointly. lne nigh scnool ~-am's emries i ................. ~ Warnes at 4zo"
gave up three runs in the firstBob Failor started for the scored one in the second and two ........... te ~ used ~my me ~oc~y r~utt ran me i~o yaru "I- .~
wm use It aunng me SCHOOL year "earn wins not in .... " ................ /ournament
inning. He was relieved later by Bobcats and took the win. Knight in the third. They threatened in .......... t , awmuaLs. ~etue, LOW hurdles m z~ z, wmcn was
ior ooys ana girls tennis ann me who went 6'0" ......... " ...... *'t
Kevin Dorcy. Aberdeen scoredtook the loss for Shelton. The all but the first and fourth inning ........... me nay oetore,one tenm o[ a second otI me r~^_,,ll.',.^ kl .... I~,_L',~ AI'I~
city win use 1[ during its summer ' ~ " IL~UIdlIIHI~ I~III~U/~ ,jikj1~/r~l~. i -
another run in the fourth, two in game set Shelton s record back to with men on base. Shelton was ,. , . went 6 2½, Saturday_ to tie Jerry school record, to win and qualify
program. The macnlne can de set Westlund s record ~o÷ :-- ~o~< e.., th, ~...~,~.:.._.~ ~r.,, a ---. • -.' J
1-2. 1-3 after the loss. . , ........ u ................ ~una~ ~ ....... W '
for drives or lobs and the ball s v...t.., ~.~..., ......... r ..... " ..... As the April 18 deadhne for WIns LO
. .... ~u~.ay ~ut. qualllleO Ior me senlo , also took mira in the ~ ,... .. , .~ ~or~t
SHELTON ab r h rbi speeu can de adjusted "--vitational hi-~- ................. ~ house quaHHcat~ons o~me J~ckie AnU"
R , I.J
O .J
• xu ~t jump oy going triple jump anu nlgn jump, alto o et
" " Johnson, Mike 2000 Shelton's next match will be ~'10" He is now .................... Washington State Bowling for low net oV
ou,,enve,u ,e u,es o, • . ~ • mtwoeventsm seconumtnemgnnurales. Pro-rietors' Association team . ~/01~
azers Densley, Jim 1 0 0 0 ........ ' l that 1 meet The other Tom Brigham had his best ....... Y -¢ldl
April 13 against North K~tsap on deal P the Ba snore
For Monday Op ener Bacon, BillLong,D°rcy' KevinDoug 402030202000~°aesg?cem~rt~r~A~ne laC~hmmn~s~i ~'imbTiilN,,~abC!iliii~e J~hm! i!i°~e !ei!edwtihebi!~L0aPf~:et~ !!ymaw°C~aevtne'°sU~ilSdiad~r~imie~! hele~d:jy~SDa~t~
H e a d C o a c h H a r len see a lot of playing time. His four White, Neal 3 0 0 0 ..... • .......... ~ u Ior a meet second m me discus and ran on _. ." ._ _
was played Wednesday Those • ~o ' 17 41/2 ,,oon ....... " _ this point tied for lo~V ne
Buitenveld, now starting his third returning lettermen are Jack Frost Knight, Terry 3 0 1 0 results were not avallaoie at tins record and one of onl .............. Ilae top prize in me tourney
.~. y mree ilrsts me winning mile relay team. ;o ¢ l ¢~n i,~...,.. ,,~,,.-. i=oders ar- ,-----~al
year at that position, has spent and Rick Bacon, freshmen, and Krumpols, Ray 2 0 0 0 wrmng .... Chelton .......... e ,, ,~..,uu. ~,~ .............. I KIDNEY U~'.~
• ~ WOlaens t.nevron with ~u.¢,t, ACH~
Makoviney, Duane 3 0 2 0 The other meet record was set 880 in a 2: 14.4, far slower than ............... I ~- BAC..R, Afi~,~
Junior HighBlazers ready for Roy Pearsall. Herrel, Elmer 2 0 0 0 • • ...... moose anuers w~m .3o.3,-i. itllu Or Trequent f$
by George Lemagte, Jim Johnsen. his Invltatlonal-quahfymg time of ......... J c°~ntr~eUe~,t'~2#~
the freshmen out
r and • " . . • KenecKer ~onstructlon wirefunctional ~",,'1
Nutt, Mike 1 0 0 -- . Gary Burge Chris Elmlund last season. Hettedforflrstmthe .............. [ ~n~e~,~i~~
against Washin ton Junior Hiare Dan Morgan, Len Crume, _the s • au~ Lumoer neaas me women ,~,
, g gh nLe ;;;;eer 7; rh;: O¢oer:h h::he 2~O59. I ~i~i~'~j~
on Monday. Larry Schuffenhauer and Tim HIGHCLIMBER Go-karts ma;remtranmedale~3~ wm~TclTh and The Alley Cats
Buitenveld described the team Allen. Eighth graders out for the FOUR GAME AVERAGES •~Oll ~ Johnsen sprinted a 110, Burger Thurston opponent were stride "
as very inexperienced and hesquad are Mike Marshall, John Player ab h ave WIll ~O r went 660 yards and Elmlund ran for stride over the finish line and
expects many eighth graders to Laugen, Dave Carlson, Gary Bacon, Bill 5 3 .600
Moore, Lee Devaney, Grel~
~ 5 3 8
~NJ ~ Ill ~-'...~i'.-',~[ Johnson, Carl Brown, Roger
Makoviney, Duane 4 2 .500
!~1 .~,~_ [J J ~ Arndt and Gary Wilbur. Knight, Terry 7 2 .285
~J ~.~,~'-~ JJ J_ ~ Seventh grade hopefuls are Densley, Jim 7 2 .285
"l~J ~ll/~j £~ J Dale Campagna, Paul Skipworth, White, Neal 11 3 .272
~iJ[/r~',~Jll ~ J Terry Dion, Mel Morgan, DaveLong, Doug 9 2 .222
• l::ll~;ll b.#'~en,VII ~ , ~ | c Cox, Dennis James and ScottJohnson, Mike 6 1 .166
|iJ[~;~~-~ Davidson. Krumpols, Ray 6 1 .166
|i[[~g (fi~/- ,~1 ['x~-~'~ BLAZER BASEBALL Johnson, Mark 8 1.125
~i]~_~~xh~..TM SCHEDULE Herrel, Elmer 3 0 .000
~~=!'~r.-'rT~ el, ~.~ April 12 Washington Nutt, Mike 6 0 .000
"~ ~ ~ ~'~'~3" Aprll 27 Reeves
f-- ~ April 22 at Reeves
Linksmen Win One,
~J~2~ . ,, jo~..-"~ ~ ~[ May 6 at Washington
May 13 at Timberline Lose To Thu rston
"Xuu .... uzur.~t'-"t'~ a~ .u.~.~...t'""A"~'4 May ,.~0 at North Thurston
whatg" May 27 at Jefferson Shelton beat Tumwater but
lost to North Thurston in a
"" triangular league meet held at
Tumwater Valley last Thursday.
The Climbers ended up with 43
S Br~/~? points to Tumwaters 42 and
North Thurston s 53.
/~ Rich Walker played number
We happen to one for Shelton and had a 42 with
12 points. Jerry Munro was next
KNOW ~" with a 44 and ten points. Jim
where you oan have //I
and carded a 48 and eight points.
a brand new, '~I~ ~ Charlie Gay also had eight points
from a 47. Kim Hartley added
NO LEAK / five pointsfroma 49.
o ', Idren ginldondayApril 12at
Windshield I _____ " Be
Installed. !
The "Certified Girls would Don t et left out! I I. ¢.!
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" es & McN on the town, while in I Jk,|l. ,.,.. ,, :n ronlzea nmm,ng" Fri~oY '*~
'Ira Spokane bowling in the
Washington State
3rd & Grove Tournament t his past ~ I INII ~ V IR I
"WhereGuaranteedYourNotWindshieldto Leak"is weekend. _ i! 633 S 1 st 426-8452 J ~ For Further Information Phone 426-8223
Page 10 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, April 8, 1971