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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 8, 1971     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 8, 1971
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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II il le By NANCY BLOOMFIELD HOODSPORT - March 27, friends and family dropped by to share Bill Gilbert's birthday with him. Bill's son Dean came from Spokane for the week-end, while grandson Tim O'Neil drove down Pioneer By ANN WHEELER PIONEER - A matter of great interest to all residents of the Pioneer, Agate, Pickering, Spencer Lake, Phillips Lake and Deer Creek districts is the chance to annex to the Allyn Fire Dist. No. 5. Petitions are ready to be distributed throughoutthese districts beginning April 8. Maps and information will explain the needs and savings involved. Anyone interested in assisting with petitions please call Donna Hartkop 426-8907 or Grant lmpeth at 426-1459. The Agate Grange held a baby shower at the home of Ann Wheeler honoring Mrs. Steven Witcraft April 30. Many gifts were opened for the little one by the happy mother to be. Those present were Charlene's mother Kathleen Mikkelson, Mrs. Olsen, Charlene's grandmother from Bremerton; Doris Jones, Jessie Jones, Vera Troy, Dagmar Anderson, Gall Auseth. Elsie Whetham, Rayola Abbott, Elsie VanderWal, Flossie Auseth, Gyneth Auseth, Pearl VanderWal, llma lfamilton and Ann Wheeler Coffee, Cake and ice cream were served. Mr. and MrS. Charles Lute from Bellevue were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Anderson on Phillips Lake April 2. Dan Deffinbaugh son of Byron Deffinbaugh of Spencer lake won the Inspirational award lor swmlming at the winter sports event. Raleigh Hammond entertained with the Sports Swing Choir. The Pioneer citizen advisory with his wife Vada and two daughters, Paige and Rhonda. Local guests included Rev. and Mrs• Gain, Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Schwab, Mrs. Clark Beall, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Shumate, Mrs. Jack Catto, Bessie and Linda ttale, at 7:30 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kolowinski of Phillips Lake have as guests their two daughters Mrs. Larry Pfaff and two children from Moses Lake and Karen Williams from Sprague for a week's visit. Mrs. Pfaff was called home Monday due to Mr. Pfaff being injured while at work. Two large pipes fell on his feet crushing them seriously. Mrs. J. Meacham of Spencer Lake reports that their shetland pony has wandered away from home and asks that if any one has seen their reddish brownShetland pony will they please call them at 426-3640. Janet and Dave McCarthy and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Robinson of Timber Lake, Carl and Toni ttawks and Sam and Frances Magruder of Phillips Lake attended the monthly camp out of the Totem camper club at Lake Sawyer this past weekend. Lori Neiman of Seattle is spending this week with her grandparents Carl and Toni ttawks on Phillips Lake. It was such a happy weekend for Ann Wheeler at Phillips Lake when her son Russell came from llacienda Heights Calif. for a three day visit. Her son Robert and family came from Port Angeles and his son R. Kenneth Wheeler came from Tacoma, then her brother and sister-in-law Mr. and Mrs. llans Sauness came from Grapeview also Jan Wheeler and Dennis McCreery from Lacey. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Adley of Phillips Lake enjoyed a visit of several days from their grandson David Grant from Philadelphia. David has enrolled at the University uf Washington as a lona Vissar and grandson Denny O'Neil. Sunday, Bill attended the Hunter family reunion at the Skokomish Valley Grange Hall, where he shared birthday honors with Paul Hunter. Two Birthday cakes and many gifts were set before the fella's, after they and some fifty members of the family enjoyed a pot luck supper. Welcome to Win and Jin Dahlquist and children, fortnerly of Puyallup. They are the new owners of the Hoodsport Marina. The Dahlquist family, including Julie, an 8th grader and Steve a 7th grader, moved into their mobile home at the marina a week ago Saturday. While the kids are busy getting acquainted, Win and Jin are busy installing the new elevator and making general repairs. Except for changing the cafe into a Burger Bar, all facilities will be much the same as in the past. Hopefully the marina will be in full operation by May 1. Gas should be available in about a week. A Sunrise Service will be held at 6 a.m., Easter Sunday at the Hood Canal Community Church. Sunday school and regular church services will be at their usual times. Rev. Gain extends an invitation to all to attend. The Golden Thimble 4-H club meeting was called to order by President, Mary Johns. They had a short business meeting, then proceeded to work on various projects, one of which is a maxi being made by Tobi Frint. Before the meeting the girls enjoyed an upside down cake and juice. Thirty-five fifth graders from ttood Canal School District, journeyed to Olympia, Monday for a day in Legislature. Mr. Bates, Mrs. Harvey and Mrs. Harold Drake accompanied the youngsters, who were greeted by tour guide, Mrs. lngrid Hall. The boys and girls wasted no time in mounting the 42 stairs, to the rotunda, where they viewed the State Seat, marble walls and the five ton chandelier hanging 185 feet from the dome. They learned the 42 steps represented this state being the 42nd state to enter the union. The group visited with Lt. Guy. John A. Cherberg and posed for pictures with him. Rep. Paul H. Conner also greeted the boys and girls and more pictures were taken before they proceeded to the galleries to observe the opening of the session. Saturday, while Harold Drake attended a Lions Club convention in Tacoma, Kenny and Richard traveled to Gig Harbor with their mum, Delores, to take in the sights in the harbor area. They inspected each and every boat and then went to the Scandia Gaard, which is part Norwegian Museum, Coffee lfouse, and gift shop. The boys enjoyed a fancy pastry, Hot NORTHSIDE BAPTIST CHURCH Phone 426-2488 ! 23 W. C. St. at Olympic Hwy. Rev. Paul Butterfield Bible Study .................................. 9:45 a.m. Worship ......................... 11:00 a.m. & 7:30 p.m. Revival Services, each night ..................... 7:30 p.m. March 24 through April 4 First Church of Christ, Scientist 302 Alder St., Shelton, Wash. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. -- Church 11:00 a.m. Wednesday evening testimony meetings 7:30 p.m. Reading room located in church. Reading room hours 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Mon. & Fri. buttered rum in frozen custard• ] For the fishermen. Kings are FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH I [ Arcadia and Lake Boulevard I running in the canal. Mike ED CHAMBERLAIN,Minister I Bloomfield went fishing with his Bible School ....... 9:45a.m. Family Service ...... 7:00 p.m.I granddad, Charles Bloomfield, last Worship ...................................... 11:00 a.m. I week. Others in the boat were Wednesday -- Bible Study and Prayer-- 7:00 p.m. I Ray James of Kamilche and J.R. Child Care Service Available at 11:00 Service I Bloomfield of Quilcene. J.R. and Mike had a fine day catching six salmon. The four largest weighed 22 lb., 20 lb., 18 lb., and 15 lb. In tne next two days this same boat went out with fishermen aboard and caught six more fish. lmhle with hydraulic systems? Your Standard Man, C. C. COLE & SONS, INC. Can Solve Your Problem. He's In Shelton - 426-4411 Standard Oil Company of California FOURSQUARE CHURCH 910 East Dearborn Lewis B. Wysong, Pastor 11:00 a.m. OLD FASHIONED CHILDREN'S EASTER PROGRAM Climaxed by an ILLUSTRATED MESSAGE 7:00 p.m. "NO GREATER LOVE" Cantata -- by Youth Choir 9:45 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL Wed. Bible Study -- 7:00 p.m. "EVERYONE WELCOME" MT. OLIVE LUTHERAN CHURCH MISSOURI SYNOD 206 E. Wyandotte ROLAND HUBER, Pastor Maundy Thursday, April 8, 8 p.m. Holy Communion Good Friday, April 9, 8 p.m. Tenebrae Service Easter Sunday, April 11, Joint Service with Faith Lutheran at 8:00 a.m. at Mt. Olive. Choirs to sing: Hallelujah Chorus Festival Service at 10:30 a.m. Message: "RISEN TO REIGN IN GLORY" Fishermen's Club I I St. David's Church Fourth & Cedar, Shelton, Washington 8:00 A.M.-- Holy Communion 10:00 A.M. Family Service The Church is always open for meditation and prayer• of SHELTON CHURCH the N Located in Memorial Hall, 2nd and Frankl Lowell Keene, Pastor Sunday School .......................... Morning Worship ........................ Junior Fellowship ................... Evening Service .......................... Prayer Meeting, Wednesday SHELTON ASSEMBLY OF 1521 Monroe St. Mason Youngl EASTER SUNDAY SERVICES Sunday School For Everyone ................. Sunday School Easter Program ................ Morning Worship ........................... " Cantata-"So Send I You" . ..................... Wednesday - Family Night .................... REVIVALTIME, Sunday, KGDN .............. Community Easter Sunrise Service FIRST BAPTIST CI SUNDAY, APRIL 1 1,6:00 a.m. REV. LOWELL KEENE, Sl Your Guide to P.U.D. AUDITORIUM -- 3rd & Cota Board will meet Thursday April 8 pre-med student. --..---[xpet Ser¥ites_'n htoson Coutn, SUNDAY, Public Co Iolly hlw ----7 ...... 0e,,oo ,0on.o.eO0 me Oerc . , o,'"e li~ll~Bi~--Ii,--w"-lLllllt " '"~: ~° " " ~' "':"" ' e ~:'":}~"~ "~" '$" : Sp--ea' 'TO---" ......... Courity Ministerial Association v.C- eeti Auto Glass : ......... I" ,EI0or Covering ker: BE ANNOUNCED ..... ange Slates M ng J Expert Installation II --Linoleum --Carpeting ~~'~----" :: ~ "'" For Friday N ght At Hall i I I --Tile --Formica Fo I 7---- 1 I J,M PAULEY,,NC. I I CROSSES . --Mt. Vle N , I CHURCH OF 11;$U$ CHRIS, L,lrl"ER | GOSPEL ' " I ' I' Mr. View I I REX FLOOR COVERINGph 426-2292 [2 THIEVES I I Alliance Church I I Connection & 12th Sis. Phone 426-2805 Mr and Mrs Stanley ]°hns°n I Kneeland Center Ph 4268231J I Mt View -- ISAVIOR I I--.27-. .......... I I Priesthood Meeting -'' By MARY VALLEY SKOKOMISIt Skokomish and family of Toppenish visited l _ I I wasning~on & J 3~s. i i .. . .. • .................... ........ -~ venin the Jim Hunters over the I l thief Oiea and went to hell. I [ I I bunaaybchool .............................. L, range wm meet rrmay e g .... unda ev " ~" ~*artin,. with a .~..h,oU ~un-er at weekend, b "y emng alter l I I _ . I I Sacrament Meeting ......................... " h ~ i~ thief died and went to heaven. I I SundaY School .... 9:45 a.m. I I " ~'o:.~o'" p.m.e ' v ....... vv. Mrs attendedchurch thea housellunterSwarmingand JohnsonSfor Mr Auto Repairing i au,-,smit | Iwnat made the cl fference~ I t Morning Worship .. ll:O0a.m. I " Mrs. (?laud Dugger anu . • " "err "-' " • . I I ,