April 8, 1971 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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15 words or less -- $1.50
• 10 cents for each additional word
• FOUR (4) insertions for the price of
THREE (3).
• Classified deadline: 2 p.m. Tuesday.
For Sale For Sale Pets, Livesto(k Sporting Goods Work Wanted Real Estate Real Estate Real Eda
TRAILER, 1963, 12 ft. FOR SALE furniture and FREE 3 Lab-Shop. pups, 3 FOR SALE -- outboard motor 31/z TRASH HAULED, yards cleaned BY OWNER- Treasure Isand SELL!NG CHEAP.! five rental NOW [S the time
Roadrunner. Floor heater, ice mscellaneous 'household articles, months old. Two females, one h.p. $85. Phone 426-4504. J4/8 up, odd jobs of any k nd done. year around home Electrc heat units, triplex- auplex. Attractive homesite for thiS~P
box chemical toilet {not 426-2806. C4/1-8 male• Rt. 3, Bo~x 635. C4/8 --~ Call 426-3000. W4/8 waterfront sae or trade Owner condition, nicely fenced yard, secluded wooded ~
installed). All in good condition ~~-~ ~ 15' BAYLINER boat, one 18 ..... will fin'ance 426-'6924 walk to school, stores. Was Less than 10 r
$650.00 Call 426-1715. K4/8-29 36" CHAIN link fence, installed FOR SALE Pomeranian puppies, horse Johnson, one 18 horse LICENSED CHILD care -- H3/25-4/15 ' " $45,500 now only $33500 downtown SheltOn,
Evenrude and trailerPhone dependable Iovina care for infant ........ Owner needs quick sale Maple Bob Eliot 426-41
----------------------'------~---~--- for as low as $1.21 per running 6 weeks old, AKC registered, all v ni 4 8 29 ' ~ -- Valley Land & Homes 42"6 1203 3 4tfn
LOST BRIGHT carpet colors.., foot• Call Sears, 426-8201, ask for males. Call 426-2711. R4/815 426-2234 e e ngs. / - __ to4 years. My, home, 5-day week.BY OWNER -- Angleside area, Evenings426-8460 4/8 - . 3/4tfn
restore them with Blue Lustre. Norm. 4/8-29
Rent electric shampooer $1. ~~ WILL GIVE away part Keeshond ~bia LrZb-Z~b~. /AJ/z::)trn three bedrooms, 1V2 baths, daylite ....... J ..... "~ Mc~^l nw~=HNG
Coast to Coast Store. 4/8 WOOD FOR sale 2 ft. and 16inch part poodle female dog. Call 2'~"three'~p~ed bikes. Like new basement., two firep, laces, VIEW LOT on Bayshore $5000 avai'lab~e'-3ust_c
4 • th for 80 00 narawooa TIOOrS carpetea living dn...~ h i=nc~ ...... erm ~-" ""-~'7n7
alder $20 cord. Phone 426-8921. Hoodsport 877-5270. H4/8 $ 5 00 each or bo $ .... , ............ ,,a .....~y • s. iwo freeway, e/e-o~v •
FREE -- ONE chicken basket to R4/8 426-4378. K4/8tfn ~ area, ,neww pamte? Insloe a, no miles Shelton. J. H. Tice No 17
R.L. Rice 2138 Jefferson at EWES AND lambs. Heavy laying ~ - outsioe, extensive storage, rPa[l°" ~'UD;" ,~.rhief, Palm... -~,"'u~"'~""; ~.~,,.r"~';~
20" BICYCLE can be converted Real Estate Wa.ted fencedback yard;FHA app a,sed 92262.4/8-29 ' " | ..•~|lltl~'~l|
Minor's A&W Drive-In on Mr. ROOM SIZE roU-ends carpeting, hens. call evenings 426-2453. to boys or ;iris Has training ~t~,.buu. Z4/b-~bb/ after :3 p. • La~l~|
View. 4/8 50% off, in stock for immediateG4/8
wh~elc cur-, r~n ao~ Ann'~ ~ b~/~-zt~
delivery. Suitable for wall-to-wall " " " - .... ~ iiAaeCg3de~" ~ t ~ "Le°s " herl°t?c~ SOU~:~[ !~
GARAGE SALE Friday Saturday installation Call Norm Sears, terrierREGISTEREDmale puppies.AUSTRALIANphone ~~i~~~B~4~i~ ~K~:r~:M~9~e,. ~4!~~!~!ii!S~Ti~nm~d e.%r~I'
April 9 & 10 11 a.m. Waterwheel Roebuck & CO, 426-8201'. 4/8-29426-6152. F3/25tfn fr°LmkSe
Grocery, Union. H4/8 rI s
SIX 7-14.5 8 ply tires with five
FOR SALE: Double kitchen sink lug wheels. 8'x20' aluminum K-9 KELPS, professional poodle
with cabinet base; 200 gallon oil canopy, steel mobile home steps,clipping and pet grooming. Call ..... • ...... ' ..... -- NEARLY SOLD out! We need 426-]203 4/8 • TIMBERED 10 8 LOTS ¢`4 000 TO"
barre~with stand; Double bed 426-1773. N4/8 Mrs. Kimball for appointment. LIKE NEW 2-burner Coleman 1-5 acres or larger tracts with or ___~"'____ 660 ft. square, near Bayshore, " '
with Hollywood headboard, 426-8988. 8/31tfn camp stove, with can of Coleman without house. We want to sell EASY TERMS~ 10 acres back marked corners, near power. .
fue $15 Phone 4262859 our ro ert Not list it Mape r ' 7950 terms TERRIFIC VIE:~
spring and mattress; old buffet,WOOD HEATER, trash burner • • - • Y P P Y- " - top, powe, fir covered building $ ' ' " s
two sets of large double doors.
Can be seen at 430 Dearborn dog with us if over 20 Ibs. MeI-Ru ~~----__r 426-]203. 3/18-4/8 $6 000 6% nterest Map e ~/a ey ~.all ~d Ski LizaKowsKi view of moun tain~f'il Ill0 _
Phone 426-6152. F3/25tf? refrigerator and wringer washer.GOING ON Vacation? Leave your A4/ltfn V a II e y L a n dand Homes. site overlooking private lake Only .. _ , ..... bedroom house,
426-4595. W4/8 Kennels, 426-2387. N8/14tfn 'b/ Hur4uA Jub bcramoler ' ' ' 4 f n ]ern R
................ ~' Land & Homes. 426-1203. 26-6572 o Shelto . "i &ILRt
~.tzb. vnone Hooosport ~ll-~/'qZ ~ Evenings 426 6961 4/8 ........... $5 500 1. "
RHO DENDReN$ MOST POPULAR sizes of tires DOG CLIPPING and grooming, anytime. B4/ltfn " " ~IE|~ ~E~LT~ ' " ,1~
and batteries now in stock. CallFor appointment, call Mrs. ~ ANGLE AGENCY ~ 857-21,6,1 , Purdy T(~&TR/~ LICvINvG~f~I"
Government Inspected Hybrids Sears, 426-8201. $4/8-29 LaMont. 426-4t64. L9/17tfn
Several 100's to chose from ~11~/
C cle Accessories . . ~ 3 bedroom, 2 ell~
Prices $5, $6, $7, $8 -FOR SALE -- used Frigidaire Y __ Jo,n The W,se Ones... ~ ~ M~_L~ co m pletely ca_rP;nit~.~
• " • ~ ~'~ ~," ~ I II • Ill ~ll fir--I--e birch cau"'. IL
electric range $79.95. including & Parts ..... !
Open all day Saturdays & Sundays Invest In t'roperw. !11 Jl li • •,• oL ,. ----
Week days after four delivery and installation. Also 30 ......,,,.,... ==..~ ~ ~ 1 lJ'lll II~l~l/ll d i snwasner, "~cll ~l
day guarantee, 426-3410. T4/8-15 -- ---"--------"---"-"--"--" ~ ILU~I/UI~I, IIllUV il~ . , ~ h I ~ disoosal and rnu ..tI -
H. A. ENOCHS- Used Cars .............. 5 ACRES near town~ road ~ IId~_~lil ~ relies from tow" I
STREET MINI BIKES frontage $5 600 O0 owner ~ ~cal m~al~V ...... L ~m~ ' '
ENCHANTED GARDENS FOR SALE young laying hens, l ' " I I1~1~ ILl/ )~--~l.~ UUU J~ ' ~ ~
Ho(x~s~rt on Finch Creek your choice, $1. Phone 426-6842. contract. . ~ I~ '
good tires, good work car.= ~ .......................................... (E...~r.~.~~..T4frrber--t~rk.~...: ~ i..i])l~t[lll~ m Ii Love~.~:,21.;;~':\~
Pool Table Complete REDUCE EXCESS fluids with 426-6495. D4/8 tfn , arge lot, unfinished cabin. Good' 1::1"3= Till:: FranR13~'Eir(~#l~'~ I
-- ~'u" " ....... 1618 Olympic Highway South beautiful wa"P.°.~'::i\
u y auh
FLUIDEX, $J.69. Lose weiqht OlYMPiC • DISCRIMINATE BUYER 426 1600 kitchen and bau~,~~[llr
safely with Dex-a-Diet, 98c at i 9 6 4 C O R V A I R. M o t o r m= " - - seclu
$119.95 Neil's Pharmacy. R2/18-4/8 excellent, needs transmission CVI r~l~t, fl~ THIS WATERFRONT home has A new 3 bedroom home located dining room, ,sec~l~~l~
work. Make offer, phone ~l~lll~,~i,~i,~ everything you're looking for..,on a most beautiful view tract at Retirement In Luxury!!! t°-.d°wnt°~Wnnd C~\T\\\\~
See our selection of new Pool FOR SALE -- Larqe selection of 426-5042. R4/1-22 135' low bulkhead frontage c useBay East. 1620 sq ft. of Small enough for a couole big ~,.z,,u.uu o.u - : i:.~\ "~.\\\\ I
reconditioned ranges, 5847 MARTIN WAY ...... . - ' ~ avaHao~e
Tables. A complete selection ........... to town, four bedrooms, 2 baths,qual~ty-bu~It hwng space that enough for a famdy, easy to care " .;¢I~'4\ ~,~I
available. The most desirable refrigerators washers, dryers. 1955 GMC V~ ton pickup V-8, 4 OLYMPI/A ~l-~5.q.II two fireplacesdin ng room rec cannot be duplicated at ess than ' for built to eniov the outdoors ........ w~'¢;l"M~lR ' ~\ \\\
Cells & Valley Appliance Center.speed, radio, $300 or best offer. 4/1 tfn om nice ard '1 20 00 er s f In II the - -' • - • - z ups ~ ~,~'-- , ~\ \\ \ \
ro ,..~ ~-_ Y , excel ent $ . ... P q. t• cludes a hying, 3 bedrooms, carpeted I,v,ng .... .) ...A~n~r~n-~l,~, \~
models in stock for immediate 6/5tfn Call 426-1225. f4/8-29 cone t~on In~s you ve ot to see amen t es of BAY EAST Bu er nnm ;~n~l ~lln; ............ f .......... UI"~I~I~I~\\\\ \~ ~
delivery• Free delivery, and it's only $39,250. will be part o,wner of 450 feet of kitchen, fireplace, larvae utility ~$125~OE. ~i,#~:l\\~,\~\'~
SIMPLICITY MOWERS and PICKUP -- 1962 GMC, narrow .-~-_--__-__-..~__-..-..-_--------- . .....~C~LTM .... Deac. n, a aeep-water dOCK, room, separate from ma n house,m" ....... -.- .t~'\ '\ \\\\
Ol$~n FurnillJlr~ tillers. See now at Mike's long box $795.00. Ambulance, _ yUU'L .... "-" ~ ,mpresse(] ooat-,auncn,ng ramp and an large workshon can be used as .......... Ni3El~f~i\\\ _
McCulloch Sales and Service. 1961 Pontiac $495.00. Canopy - Hl _ln Wanted by the spacious living room excellent water system. $35000.guest house lot's of shrubs view b,P--vP-..1~.~L'u~'v- ~lr' ~...~
----r ....... deluxe kitchen and bay view in' Well worth it and then some!' 100 ft waterfront $29 950' 'about these. ~~j~
2215 Olympic Hwy. North. 8 ft. long, 5 ft. wide $75. this three bedroom home. It has " ' ..._MODELEI:)'~I
4th & Cote 426-4702 3/28tfn 426-6383. H4/8
9/1Otfn tWO fireplaces, large basement " II r~ ~ "
Right Smack Downtown COUNTRY 3
, YOUNG GRAIN fed steers, cut CAR HOSTESS wanted 18 years deck and a new roof in town' BEAUTIFUL "'" : "
and wrapped. Expert cutting and or older, out of school for car$21 900 ' " TnTT,-N ~.ur~n~ 3 bedrooms bath living room, living room~.it~'l~!~l~...
BAYSHORE wrapping• Shelton Foods. hostess and fountain work. Apply ' s".. rtne Ioca [ion, on~.J~,l'~ r Of .... tnls separatekl cl'i n i ng room, erlargelot carpeted' new ~&~I~E"A"'r DO," "'~
in person only. Minor s A&W THIS ISLAND LAKE home has • . .. tchen utility room, corn , large ga age ,~[~oU~'~I~I~
426-65"23. S3/27tfn For Sale !es~ree°:°ta~n°~ onw~i~ ~attti~r!°~md ~s rental ,n back only$8000 W Ort!~4~ndgrae~°or.l~i~l~ii!~i:~!
SAND AND CORO WOOD for sale. Anylength. Drive-lnShelton4/8 !heile~l eb:dodk~sTanSnd i~cP~enCl:i~h! rf h
Call Exceptional Foresters 1971 International s : l
ATTENTION -- HOUSEWIVES _~g ..... ve usa ca Ir " " had only loving care and attent on Cl~ T,, e. ....III " ~t"/~L~S:
426-1550. EIO/ttfn Custom Travelall and mothers- work from home .~J~l~buu" ~' ,an°laKeR since it was built It's a "must,,~...u.~,v,.~. .... " "-"rooms MOBILE H~Wv~e~si:
IOO IVll. view Location z DeU , eV 0 .v I
tWO hours per day Stanley Home " see" for $22 500 and owner will . - . , ..... ' ~t-=~¢. We II ev~;'~{]~h,~,ndi;ti:w_
GRAVEL ALDER, FIR, cherry stove or Fully equipped, V-345 engine, Products. 426-67~30 426-6311 ----SIDE ADD" assist wth tlqe financing -- Ca,,vmg room, .extra ~ar.geraK~Cnnen~ mob'iTe'home ~.~:~:'~eecn'
fireplace $16.00 cord. Project Power steering and brakes, D4/829 , ANGEr- TION toda,~ ut~jty room lOtSOrSto g, -- n tl~#~il~l'~.~rld~,e,(::...
RTIES A nu - r n ~ocateo o ~' ~ a
Mary M. Knight Senior Class. automatic, dual tanks, air cond., ~'~'~'~ __~_____ PROPE. . : .... tuber of " o6my bath' new furnace, ew .... x'50~)~c'~ak!t
For The Finest In: 426:6767 school 426-6970 after low mileage -- Must sell -- big WANT: GOOD laborer w th desirable tracts avanlab~e that will paint throughout $11,500 oeoroom, ;u ^~6-~,50(~. FI-j
• PRE--CAST SEPTIC TANKS school. K4/8-29 savings, supervisory ex erience small be suitable for. s,ng e a.n.d double ZERO DOWN, VETS ' LR. Acreacje 5~0~ ~!~l,,~~. "
• P I homes Have excellent Home $ 3 '1 ~ I
Call 426-8124 4/1 8 eve view
construct on steadyempoyment -- " ....... On this 2 bedroom H llcrest D ..... * ..... ''~"~finnlll furnished ~ il.ll~lTIm.
• CRUSHED ROCK ONE 12'x 17', one 71/~x9'-8'' ' ~ m L~ ~,u me v,,,,~w,, ,.v ........ ..~
426-3300 L4/8 of the u Y P water, nl f r c osm Y%, , I"
• PRE--MIX nylon beige and brown tweed t rMl~l:r"l C~IMQH/TAI%.ITQ *nrt ncluded at lot Hnes. These tracts ~°,'~',."'~'t .... x .'PY" ~" ...... '~::;'almost completed large living w~,~t~r~.~'~'0~.;'il~l~ ~ larCh.n!
•SAND * GRAVEL carpets plus waffle padding, $65 2 .......... '- -- with city wa.ter and sewer h°me',°r~Y..$2pOO2 ,o mnnf~g Older family home, owner has it .......... NT: _1"~%2;~'F
" USED CARS ...... ..... :° .......... based for imm ...... incluo,ng tax and ,nsurance. rull re ........*;re" ace formal bedroom ho~l~l~.si)a(,~i~ I
426-4172. T4/8 g " r future homes bUlldinu FHA appraised price $9,75. . dining room kitchen with new "'uL' "~,''.',,'~l~l". . ~e'b~edo,
mana ers TOr national cosmetic Call u~ lau.,-,, . .-u,a~e " " 0 00 ,~,,, vv,~,, ., ~. ,.._ u;..~, k~,.u riders'; ~,esikZ~,~ou
,I SATU"DAY,OURS I NOMAD 19 FT Travel Trailer, C°rmkPe#innY llnn mY°~es amrea'e T?oPr ~onvenient terms @ 6% intereEt cupboards, breakfast room, half Hl:_C at. b'{_~~&"Ke OV~u
sleeps six. ful,y contained, very yaur. W,ig Pain. Cal, Hannay LE on contract purchases. NnTHINC heWN bath down. 3 big bedrooms and apprec,ate
7 3518 or CR 5 6588 Collect . . -'",[ ...... ." .'" ..... large bath up needs very litt e ~.~l~lltly."''[s of
ron~ on un [n~s smart ~ bedroom ram rou hout
good condition, see at 296 Island Wagons o~er ' "
i ARE WELCOME 1 Lake Drive, Rhodes Ramble-in. " 35 FEET WaterT L ttle . work new paster th g ~ H A~.,~"~" ~' ~
D4/8tfn______ .... 2kookum -- all cleared -- with .wa!l to walL .carpetl.ng new'heating system, sanded tigll ~_.~',~E~l,.,..
R4/8 " " if i din site. I-ruSt trees mrougnout cheery K,tcnen w~u~ floors for n,,ick sale ¢,11 500 - -- ..,a~". JL~"urI~..
68 Country Sedan TEAR DOWN bu d ng on beaut ul bu g .... ~ .................. e I-ull , -t ...... uev]nom~'- :~Ib~'~'lVl::
FREE -- ONE galIon of Root beer 66 Country Squire contract. Phone 426-6707. $4/8 small barn. Don't m~ mlS. /GrinsDrUil~:[e-~n~sa..~)0a[[acneu go"u - ' ~A~h~be,dro~
...... Available. $26,3bu.uu ~" -~ , - - -- -.--dm~llM~rt~'.',.s.' h;~u
LOCATED ACROSS FROM tOat Minor'sR'W" Enderle,A&W Drive-lnRt" 2 ShorecreSton Mt. 66 Volks. Camper . Sue M. Daniels-Broker • _ DI r ,,ore
BAYSHORE GOLF COURSE View. 4/8 64 Chev. ATTRACTIVE MASON county THREE BEDROOM downtown DDIP= o,'r Hr,-r e~ ~nn 426.1600 L~I~I~I~'~.,~~ ';ararea
Phone women n~d~rl r~n~hl~ ............ I'1 decorated-,,,~,L ,~L,..V~..L~, ~=.,..,vv _.,~Jll~'l~'. ~'q.
........ ~-- -, nor.e has oeen ,,~, ~ " " " ximatel Tr ne Moorhead-Salesman |1~ ee i "~¢lu
respons,ble, to learn and teach ts cheerful rooms are large and On th,s home w,th appro . ~Y ....... jI~OBI~I~.L~'~,I,u~'
426-2669 OIsenTRADEFurniture,IN your old4thfurnitureand Cote.at Hard-Tops professional make up Puss biG to well arran.,ed Has fireplace, bath J.U acres on Cole Road. Has ~1-~ ,~.o-,~o= .~,~.1!1'~'~1~. "OUr i:
DAYS -- EVENINGS 4/16tfn have small business o:f your ownand ha f u senarate dining area,feet of choice road frontage, Z Mor,,oret Youn--Salesman REAL ESTA-I~ . 'a~t," " '
9/3tfn 69 T-Bird Call VivianeWoodard Cosmetics attached garage $21 500. wells, .outbuildings and many = "" 426.61=~0 ,,~,~ ~r~,ITHI'~,~.~NI::t~,
FOR SALE 2 horse trailer. Phone 68 Caprice 2 Dr. collect CR 5-2103. F3/18-4/8 " ome is nine ore extras, t~lOW ~z/,uuu.uu. ~ ,-~ ov~a ,"" 4~.~.~1:::W
426-8423. W3/18-25 67 T-Bird TH S 4 BEDROOM h , . •
es fro h beacn an(] r 0 -~1/
65 Pontiac m, m town w,t ectacular MT VIEW RAMBLER a
dock access. Has a sp / t ,n n~
63 T-Bird , "~"~~ ,,i~w of fh ..... ÷~ ÷ .... fireplaces A smart contemporary 3 bedroom ........ ~ ~h~r~m,,-~b~I
-----------------'---"------- 62 Impala la, -- • t'wo bath'~ I'ar:e' fa'm"ily kitcher~ rambler with all the extras you've / Ul~,U,~ -~ ~ a;
wanTeo and room 'for ~.'.--~nsion Make it oeen looking for in a home. Large / OFFICE
Used Cars --r .......%~....." master bedroom exceptional / ~. ~1~ ~1~l~[agl~
Sedans .-_-_-_-_-;_-_-_-_;-;_-_-_-_;;-. yu .... ,or ~Zb,UUU. livin ........... '.^. ,,.o~,,=~o / ....... ~ =~~.l~lq ~lg-t,:
-"LL B- ' -- leside 2/2 baths separate utility room,| v~,u-z_,a~, ,,-.- --- - ~'~h~i~la,~:'~
TAKING RIDERS to OVTI, l-.Uode.4 LOCK on F~,n.g._,,ics carpeting, large family room and/ ,
69 Plymouth Sod. Mon. Wed. Thurs evenings only. w u u, v~ew or u~y,,,~ attached double garage. $27,500. I At Alderbrook Golf & Country ~.~.r~h~u~9.,
INTERNATIONAl 66 Plymouth 4-Dr. Phone 426-1229. $4/8 Sb,~UU.UU No down for veterans / Club ,New Chalet, 2 Bedrooms. ~l"';" W[{h
~~----~-- ....^;. .... / Woo(led, near Pro Shop, view large, plU~.~'i~l~_ "
.... BRAY~I~NE 64 Comet ' I~lr-/-~r~ ~EHOOL this" three of Fairway Quiet exclusive & Paneled, I~r~
i 62 Ford CASH FOR alder stumpage Ca bedroom home s an exceptional MASON LAKE |onl ...... ' '
TRUCKS 62 Bel.Air 4-Dr. 426-]76] S4/8tfn " buY. Has double carport Let us she ..................... I " ' "
• , . ~ W yUU L[ll3 OLLIOLLIVe~ ~:~ 3 UIJ, ~i ,,
f,rep/ace/_,electr,c heat, bu,lt-,n be.dr OUT home (plus small / ........... ~j~[~rz~
I ~°""°"~"°" Gas and Diesel Trucks - ..... : .................... rangu .-u oven. $16,400, save coEage suitable for guests) on/ I~,orm b.nore z Rearm. On :~u ~~,hcj-wnt
ontract ......... ~ s grl
Heavy - Medium and up• Prefer 10 ft. multiples Topc • waterfront o- ,,o ,~u= ¢~ nnn / community beach & dock ~~..~r.i%'i,
Co.crete Buil ,.g M teriak WANTED ALDER logs 9" and Tinance Charges on owner some of the fi~,.d nr, h;~nk / Tt. OUiKnead with addtl. North of Ho°u~. ;,qJIl~nd-
• Pipe Sand&Gravel Special Duty 67 Chev'~/4 T°n prices. Mason Hardwood" Cog__ !O~i~c~)~wOwnifietMwsEir~laTi~Terms .................... / facilities. S34500 cof. ~~~eQn :
• Masonry * Cru,hed Rock 67 Jeep 4 x 4 !v2nG, n3gs4. 6441t f d a y s 4:6810 :~ !e iOoPcnlEgo~Tr tYmo AC RcEr eAs Gw set h'-c /
• Septic Tanks * Ready Mix 65 G M C ]/z Ton.
SCOUt- T ravelall 65 Ford ~/4 Ton Yellow a l;~;i
Pickup -- Campers 65 Ford 3/~ Ton White reek $450.00 per
I101 IUIqPIPI~ acre 1 ' " Choose from_~t~_
NEW and USED 61 Studebaker IN/IIIIi=M -- ..... 4 Acres ......... $3,950.00 | ~ts o~j ii ~,~ lb. ~,
54 Ford ]/~ Ton plll~b~l,I; ~l~i;;Nl~r 5 Acres on Mill Creel~ " : .7,500.00 / The best get-away home on the U ni o n F~u~0~~ ~1~ ~i
JACK KIMBEL s2 Ford Dump ''"" " "- • "°'1 E'* .....-.... 15 Acres ........ $800 per acre/ Can'al. Very. private 2 bedrm. Olympics. $~'~':~oi -"
50 Int. 1 Ton ' Will DUy or Lonsign Insurance 1 O developm / : P Y . " " ' a~
,,~.- u¢~ ~ 40 Acres f r ent contem orar with its own
Shelton, Wash. -- -- $900.00 per acre 1 1 00 feet OT exc~ usive 2 Bedroom ~[t#;
Good Used Furniture Since1890 | waterfront. Situated on a road from wl~~
RADIO DISPATCHED Phone426-8124 JIM U.NN R'II I~'q~lq~P | b~ut~)l bay on Hood Canal. Beach ~nd el
r A li n HERB ANGLE DICK ANGLE I11~1 I;jl~ ¢;)IAIE / $ • $16,50 . i;
READY-MIX TRUCKS Representing O pp a cos .......
GRAYSTON E INTERNATIONAL I LEY' S WOODBARBARA NELSON 12 ] R.R. Ave. 426-6592 anytime Evening, Call |/ u,..,.. ~ 'L i--S
Bill Johnson-BusEinarsson I. II " e_ .BOB HARVEY BOBBIEGOODWIN r m,~,u ~.~NAI RE, ;
OF SHELTON HARVESTER CO. Bob Wolden Kelly rurnlTure Eve.'og; 426-4134 or 426-6188 426-3503 OR 1 ..... ,..,Otl'
South 7th & Park Street Mt. View at Kneeland Center .... ~, ........ 401 Railroad Ave. Ph. 426-8272 IRA EDWARDS | First in recreation(, properties in moo
2/1]tfn Portland, Oregon 12/8tfn 4~6"8231 t}Z:) 30, IS1[ 4Zb-Z41 I CR 5-2751 l
Page 16 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, April 8, 1971