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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 9, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 9, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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" W News Perfect recipe birthday cele- sons anal their about a week of surprise unexpecte(i. and Iris¢ ,vith and two of Se- Wife and connived for the birtil- dad, un- son, "Clluck" as the private Saud of Saudi WaS same da received wo they ha( Service With theil However 8foremen- Judy&apos;s SEEJ,T(SN-MA0N OUN 30URNAL -- Publish'Pal in "Ori,tm.,toc,n U,R.A, Sheltcm, Washin P S etti . is was the first that Bill together the re- for all the home. Y plans to 15 before and his gy Hillman StlC('llntbed "]'or one (lay with lhe result that (nu' grade school youngsters ctrrie(l ]l.n]ches last Tl{urmday. The Jubie Hicks fanlily ('apituhlted wilh Virginia standino" strong mltil titis past wt.(d(en(I. Larry Lutz finally re- turned in scho,)l tiffs week afler laving been ill since Good Friday, and l'hyllis is baltling back. t{owarcl arid Cleo Cooks' eldest da, llglMer Pclly llnderwent nlinor surgery At)ell 1 which necessitated twr spending tho night at the Har- rison Men}orial Hospital in Brem- erton. Latest reports have it that able to make several visitations in vacuum clea.ners in relationship to this area. Mrs. Green plans to vis- otlr ganle fish population. it Seatlle relatives after her visit I Incidentally, Julie expects to \\;vith Ethel and ()rin. have his Marina open for business this weeRend, having moved it a A MOST I'I J<'+ASA NT weekend(few yar(ts south of its fornler lo- wa.: en.i,)yed by Vellb and Ruth cation. Etherion when they drove to Spo- kane to attend the'wedding of At- Bill and Le(ma Somers fell heir dell Clark, son of H.uth's cousins, i to their daughter's Cunning Frerlch poodle, Sugarfoot this D the R. H. Chlrkm. ICollowing the . , ..... , , ,_ast week- lovely Satllr<lav afternoon wed- erl(I WhilSt Garol flew to Palnl ding' they dr+)v(:+ on l() Clarkslon, I Springs, Calif., to attend the wed- Wash., u;herc they enjoyed a brief ding of former sorority sister and visit wilh the C. H+ Dykins, also roommate, Miss Valerie Dempsey. cousins, ftuiit and \\;Vebb arrived Valerie became the bride of Mr. hem(, late Sunday afternoon hay- Lewis Bradshaw of Yucca Valley ink ('xpericnc(,d a drive punctuated (near Palm SI)rings, their vows will] hwqy scenery, a dust storm, being read Friday evening. Before stills|lille and snow. Ah! See 'Wash- returning home Sunday evening, ington first !!! Carol stopped off in San Francis- she, is back on the job again with 'While the folks are away, the co to visit with another sorority appreciated respir;tt,)ry relief, chilhms will play! Out in Leslie sister, taldng full adwmtage of tile Silty and perky eighty-six year]'s trusty pram rowed Leslie brief vacation. old Mrs. Marl Green bas spent this and Larry Etherton destination ? LATET REPORT,, are that past week with daughter and has- IJulie Stock's dock. However, a Arnold Ronkainen is recuperating hand Orin and Ethel Bucking- ] pesky seal pestere(1 once too often satisfactorily from recent surgery ham. Elhel'm sister and husband, land "Dead Eve Dick (or is it Late Ann and Marcella have returned Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Clementslry? hasten'ed its exit from this to Seattle {having been staying and their daughter, drove tip from ]world only to find N.S.F. in tile with John and Edna Stevens) Sol t I Btnd th s past S nday with hotnty de})srtment Cute am these pending Arnold's release from the Mrs. Green so that she would be creatmes can be, they are veritable Harrison Memorial Hospital in is, ....................... ; ................................................... Bremerton. Cnrrent guest of John and Edna is their grandson Mor- I gan Brassfield III who is visiting while his folks, Morgan and Kav, are in the process of moving i.o .'t nlore spacJons residence ill Se- Ja.ttle near the Sun<l Point Naval Air Station. Menlbers fronl the school hoard. the Fail' H,qrl)or rtlllge ;|II(t the Grapeview Moitlers Cliff) nlet al; the mchoo]hollmo Tuesday night, March 31, fell' purposes of coordin- ation of their mcrvice, s ill relation- ship with the school and conllntlni- ty. Mike Zelenal¢ ably presided, and in addition explained the func- tion of the county real estate ex- icisc tax for a general public item.- ing. Those attending representing the Fair-Harbor Grange were Mr. and Mrs, Bill Spo<)ner, Orin Bttck- ingham and Mrs. ttenry I<ruize; from the Mothers Club, President Pat Benson, Slyvia Hanmen and Saili Clayton; and our school board, Mike Zelenal;, Ed Ok(reek and Don Pogreba. Tile Grapeview Mothers Club met: last Wednesday afternoon, A.pril 1, with seven members pres- :ent. Vice-President Louise Okonek presided in the absence of Presi- cleat Pat Benson. Main item under discussion: the Mothers Club dance May 2 +:it tide Grapeview fire hall. .Judy Statult will serve as c]lair+ man of the (lan(,e cornmittee and pronfisem (telicious refreshments. Aim(} bronffht up for (liscussi<m was tim coining 17'err!st Festiwd tnd the inevitable float. Tile l)arade is to be lleld the 23rd (if May+ The theme this year will be based on b'omlderm' Day, honoring the pio- IICf¢I'S Of MIlson C(llmty and con- tinning to emplmsize the Keep Washington Ch'een theme. All par- tieip'tnts are en(.otlrllged to inject ;llol+e co]ol' :Hid hHmor into theil' entries. TIlE FAIR IIAIIII()II Grange annotlnces ttnotllcr Game Night to be held tomorrow night tFriday, April 101 8:00 p.m. at the Grape.- view grade school, tlere's :tn op- portunity to help your comnnlni- ly while enjoyi,ng a relaxing fun night ! There will be pro-school clinic held at the helton Armory to- morrow, Friday, April 10, for all Births Shelton {Ieneral Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Leavitt, Grapeview, a girl, April 2. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lindsey, 326 S. 6th, a boy, April 3. Mr. and Mrs. Evar Nelson, Rt. 1, Box 12, a girl, April 3. Clinh. llamlfltal Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Davis, P.O. Box 184, a boy, April 6. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stetnhoff, 223 W. D Street, a boy, April 8. Mason cotmty ehihh'en scheduled to enter the first grade this fall, The clinic will be held from 8:30 tel 11:00 n.m. J_ II i ii I I WITSIERS PummP.. imm llYRNE ; BATSTONlf. 703 Railroad Avem PHONI IA II-40B i i i i m g i H,I :! _1 IF YOU OWN A BELL BOY BOAT... made out of Bellglass, you know you own the best and everybody else knows it too! SOUND MILLWORK CO. /a Mile South of Shelton Phones HA 6-4282 or HA 6-6392 i i i i ii illl iii I , [  .II ............ ,, ,, ,-, I, + ,,, :i:i i L0 lj+ + Bi.ger, better, more exciling than anything you've seen in over half a century! i i Ul i i ii .OPEN Fruday Nite 'til 8:30 More Time To Shop Anniversary BARGAINS 1" Tubular 44 er who was, about nine While it warn that J. Robin- to Grape- Calif., "feathers," wagon. that long- the stork, General morning Leavitts and Mil, JoAnn L, 12 ozs. and were doing Grapeview case 'Eke" Eac- ave joined ters' Club this past Was two tempt beach and. Friday to and Mrs. How- Murial's Missouri on! Lutz's Cozy list read Hells, the Cooks, the Wells and delicious by First and bottle assistants Wonder be open it ? There line run- rapeview. for the West "NO IRON" DACRON *FIocked."Fleurette'" IO0"x81" Ruffled Pris©illas $5 95 42"x81" Hemmed Panels.. $1 98 Just arrived, a repeat shipment of these dainty all-over fh)cked nylon marquisette curtains in a style for any and every room in your home. Deep flocked ruffles, headed ready to bang. Hand-washable, no ironing required, just drip dry. Choose from all white, white with a touch of pink or maize. "Fleurette" is one (If the prettiest curtains of the season. Come in and select yours. nd his this ::, .. '-,:.. : '.m. ..'..+..' :i.:':. " ;:g." ::2:: b;; ::4 ::: co+..:,:.:.: ;::. ::: , !?i?ii!i?ii!Si!!i?i; !ii!iiiiiii:' N ::ili} i!'iiiiiiii!i!':.:i?il Y ! i:,:{ i!! il!: :::i:::P.,;:i::;: ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL! Heaviest Denim Made 13a-oz. BOYS' BLUE DENIM WESTERN JEANS BARGAIN Tight Fit! Low Rise 6 to 16 Yrs. Sanforized, zipper fly, sturdy tough, 13  -oz. blue denim styled just like the teen-ager demands. ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL! 500 Skeins 4.Ply ALL WOOL mnm YAM s0°o,., IIII Priced at J J Choose from Red, Baby Blue, Grey Heather, Orchid, Turquoise, Black, Pi n k, White, Yellow, Bleige, KeN ley Green. Just theyarn for ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL! Slretohable NYLON ANKLETS ss 3++88' Sizes for misses and wom- en. White is the color. Cuff tops. Shop early! ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL! 1st Quality, Virgin Foam Foam Rubber THONGS + 77' Women's Children's Buy them in coIors to match or contrast with your sport clothing. Use them also for wear on the beaeh or shower. i, ii I i ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL! 120 Prs. Little Girls' Slriped SATEEN JEANS s,o. O0 2, 4, 6,8Yrs. Sanforized, machine wash- able, elastic back. Smooth striped sateen in red or blue. Plan to shop the Ready to Wear department Early. These are a bargain. / Aluminum Framel Washable Saran seat and baek! Folds up! Weatherproof, Waffle- able! Special Price! Cannon Balk Te FOR Stripes and solid color. Big, thick, thirsty. 22x44 and 20x 40 size. A big selection of colo ors, Ootton! 4. Dan River "Wrinkle Shed" Cotton! Anniversary Special ! Men's Suntan Pan Sanforlzed $ 2 Shrunk Sizes 30 to 40 Sturdy, machine washable• zip- per fly. Colorfa.t! L)ng wear- ing army twill. SPORT SHIRT Sp i I! ll.ndredsofNewSpringStyiesJ.m+Unpaeked Clean-., Bargalns , hNN!VE++,h+}Y oBI y, 20 On,y, Sanforlzed Men's ec a ouse Bu :+FLANNEL nn v less. Crease Resistant Cot- 1 40 Sizes s, M, L. Give*away price. / tons in White and Pastels. l lg 70niyl 3S-40 Size-Men's Cotton! Tailored or Fussy! Sizes 32 -- B ALL WOOL Sfl) irllifll 3. "Wash 'n Wear" Dacron/ to 38's. I -'"" 19 Only! Sizes 40 to 46 A special purcha.,e of outstanding styles and fsbricff in a Spring blouse. Chambrays, Ginghams and Broadcloths. Machine washable. You'll find so many good looking bh)uses you'll want several. Anniversary Special Buy[ Smart Bold prints on silky-looking rayon, executed as only the Japanese know how; or choose from a grand selection of prints and solids in "Wash 'n Wear" cottons. Many dacron and combinations. Short sleeves. Sizes snall, medium, Summer Tops[ Our Rough large and extra large. Plan your Summer needs now and save! MEN'S LINED WORK =3.99 IACKETS Machine washable! Denims and twills. 90nlyl Reduced to Clear BOYS' 00oo, ,5.00 JACKETS Cotton Short Coats +,,o+ 0+,o ,++ ,+ Textured +'+ **°"* Just 7. Si2es , M, XL Men's . : ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL! The short coat y011 dream of... car'- 1 AA Knit collar, cuffs. ' • . i:':"': .{. .... ,'+., R___ rying a terriftc wallop of style, ready  n !1 I1| II WOOiKMelton $iJFj .vv 90% nayon for anything, and ine×pensiw, enough  VVV ETS .t' ii " '''':' to wear nonchalantly. Several styles -T---- 10% Orlon in intrigqflng coarse weaves of cotton. U 4Only. All Wool. to+lear. MEN'S -- --- fully lined, with nylon acetate taft- '€ S Button SIP_ nn  ",   + RLANKET ...... eta ..'. and washable+ 8 to 16'S. CARDIGAN 3 "vv'+ + ++ PLAID ,." +#'7 ,.2 ...-" " !;;: : 38 to 42's. Now just $5.00. .,o. oo,o. 'J) 99 ii[+': GLOYE LEATHER'+ o,,, .K.,t ,en'si. .....   .+, . TURTLENEGKS! Choice. K. * ' ' Long wearing acetate bind- aQ ing. Warm, washable. Ter- } :v." Give-Away Prioedl rific value. Stock up now at  i;:i !iV Insulated $41 .+'.:,. this low Anniversary price. Colors are brown, red, +: "r'' :'  i' .ii i DRAWE j,vv + a.:!iii green and peacock. 5 :J[l They're )ft as cream light Elastic wai, ste 38-42. ____ j ....    '<1 i as b'arefoot. Penney's tur- :  i, tleneck flats hug your foot Just 8 Greatly Reducedl Me's ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL! i; i} .-, in action with elasticized ANNIVERSARY PRICEDZ " :' 21 top-line. Ribbed crepe sole. Plaid Wool Sill PLAID BLANKET NYLON FOOTLETS ' ...7,- Colors' Size, AA, 5 to 9, SHIRTS )'"" t ++! ..... ;:!:!;:::! B, 4 to . Sizes, small, medimn, larse. ANNIVERSARY SPEClALI _ .....  .... t , ,,,, - 1 Table. Reduced to olelPl 33! B0UFF,,, .... VEITEE $2 II Extra Long PAIRS FOR 30-Yard Nylon ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL! SWEATER- 7 x o mG CLOSE OUT, SHIRTS Long sleeves. All sie, smut, ' Another shipment arrived. PETTICOAT medium, large. Summer protection for feet and ahoes. 100% stretch- $-99 i w_ ,.P+, Penney-lvere (oPlrcl'd I Table! Sllp°n' Cardi'lls I --, --.--- 0'0 Lightweight, multtcolor able nylon, Saver plaid sheet blankets in tur-  "°YS' AI,IIS quoise/green/rose androse/ ---- SWE To r yellow/blue, bleachedwhite, rounds. Rich rayon bind- ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL! Stainless +2 *3 *4 ing. Terrific bargaLm Shop HO Iron Daoron Bar.a,., early thls weekend for all ishlyLight'as'air nylon net laY-tiered, lace and era- Steel Sets your blanket needs, save, 70 X 30 broiderYtrieot top . . . handtrimmed' 5n awash.slim Odds, and ends of better sweat- ' TIER +u,t ,o at +h,, Pr,oe' OURTAINS able, drlp dry, long time ers tn clean-up. crisp. White and pastels. Sl2S s Sizes snail, medium and 50 Only! Sizes 36 to 44 WOMEN'S 44 large. WOMEN'S All Nylon Gowns , Tab,. Sav,os Pr,ced, Flannel Gowa ISSl Eo.,, Swe SSirls ,O-inch .kit,st and ,id, 3-qt. S,ze ,o, .... ,. C0fl0n at saucepsn and cover, 2-qt. +,,. , ru+00+ro00 + "00 ++ ++ + + +++ 32to 38's quisette curtains m pink, Character Prints saucepan and hangrack. Printed gold oz" mocha at a bargain In sizes ! Bargaina! Flannel Pastel colors. Lacy trims, price. Matching ruffling 4 to 10. shirred waist. Easy to wash, I just 44¢ a yard. Shop early. Stock up now at thi low clean- quick drying. Very pretty! i is is an unusual value! Solid colors in 4 to 16. ,,, ,,,, .+ up price and save! l ,+ " W News Perfect recipe birthday cele- sons anal their about a week of surprise unexpecte(i. and Iris¢ ,vith and two of Se- Wife and connived for the birtil- dad, un- son, "Clluck" as the private Saud of Saudi WaS same da received wo they ha( Service With theil However 8foremen- Judy's SEEJ,T(SN-MA0N OUN 30URNAL -- Publish'Pal in "Ori,tm.,toc,n U,R.A, Sheltcm, Washin P S etti . is was the first that Bill together the re- for all the home. Y plans to 15 before and his gy Hillman StlC('llntbed "]'or one (lay with lhe result that (nu' grade school youngsters ctrrie(l ]l.n]ches last Tl{urmday. The Jubie Hicks fanlily ('apituhlted wilh Virginia standino" strong mltil titis past wt.(d(en(I. Larry Lutz finally re- turned in scho,)l tiffs week afler laving been ill since Good Friday, and l'hyllis is baltling back. t{owarcl arid Cleo Cooks' eldest da, llglMer Pclly llnderwent nlinor surgery At)ell 1 which necessitated twr spending tho night at the Har- rison Men}orial Hospital in Brem- erton. Latest reports have it that able to make several visitations in vacuum clea.ners in relationship to this area. Mrs. Green plans to vis- otlr ganle fish population. it Seatlle relatives after her visit I Incidentally, Julie expects to \\;vith Ethel and ()rin. have his Marina open for business this weeRend, having moved it a A MOST I'I J<'+ASA NT weekend(few yar(ts south of its fornler lo- wa.: en.i,)yed by Vellb and Ruth cation. Etherion when they drove to Spo- kane to attend the'wedding of At- Bill and Le(ma Somers fell heir dell Clark, son of H.uth's cousins, i to their daughter's Cunning Frerlch poodle, Sugarfoot this D the R. H. Chlrkm. ICollowing the . , ..... , , ,_ast week- lovely Satllr<lav afternoon wed- erl(I WhilSt Garol flew to Palnl ding' they dr+)v(:+ on l() Clarkslon, I Springs, Calif., to attend the wed- Wash., u;herc they enjoyed a brief ding of former sorority sister and visit wilh the C. H+ Dykins, also roommate, Miss Valerie Dempsey. cousins, ftuiit and \\;Vebb arrived Valerie became the bride of Mr. hem(, late Sunday afternoon hay- Lewis Bradshaw of Yucca Valley ink ('xpericnc(,d a drive punctuated (near Palm SI)rings, their vows will] hwqy scenery, a dust storm, being read Friday evening. Before stills|lille and snow. Ah! See 'Wash- returning home Sunday evening, ington first !!! Carol stopped off in San Francis- she, is back on the job again with 'While the folks are away, the co to visit with another sorority appreciated respir;tt,)ry relief, chilhms will play! Out in Leslie sister, taldng full adwmtage of tile Silty and perky eighty-six year]'s trusty pram rowed Leslie brief vacation. old Mrs. Marl Green bas spent this and Larry Etherton destination ? LATET REPORT,, are that past week with daughter and has- IJulie Stock's dock. However, a Arnold Ronkainen is recuperating hand Orin and Ethel Bucking- ] pesky seal pestere(1 once too often satisfactorily from recent surgery ham. Elhel'm sister and husband, land "Dead Eve Dick (or is it Late Ann and Marcella have returned Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Clementslry? hasten'ed its exit from this to Seattle {having been staying and their daughter, drove tip from ]world only to find N.S.F. in tile with John and Edna Stevens) Sol t I Btnd th s past S nday with hotnty de})srtment Cute am these pending Arnold's release from the Mrs. Green so that she would be creatmes can be, they are veritable Harrison Memorial Hospital in is, ....................... ; ................................................... Bremerton. Cnrrent guest of John and Edna is their grandson Mor- I gan Brassfield III who is visiting while his folks, Morgan and Kav, are in the process of moving i.o .'t nlore spacJons residence ill Se- Ja.ttle near the Sun<l Point Naval Air Station. Menlbers fronl the school hoard. the Fail' H,qrl)or rtlllge ;|II(t the Grapeview Moitlers Cliff) nlet al; the mchoo]hollmo Tuesday night, March 31, fell' purposes of coordin- ation of their mcrvice, s ill relation- ship with the school and conllntlni- ty. Mike Zelenal¢ ably presided, and in addition explained the func- tion of the county real estate ex- icisc tax for a general public item.- ing. Those attending representing the Fair-Harbor Grange were Mr. and Mrs, Bill Spo<)ner, Orin Bttck- ingham and Mrs. ttenry I<ruize; from the Mothers Club, President Pat Benson, Slyvia Hanmen and Saili Clayton; and our school board, Mike Zelenal;, Ed Ok(reek and Don Pogreba. Tile Grapeview Mothers Club met: last Wednesday afternoon, A.pril 1, with seven members pres- :ent. Vice-President Louise Okonek presided in the absence of Presi- cleat Pat Benson. Main item under discussion: the Mothers Club dance May 2 +:it tide Grapeview fire hall. .Judy Statult will serve as c]lair+ man of the (lan(,e cornmittee and pronfisem (telicious refreshments. Aim(} bronffht up for (liscussi<m was tim coining 17'err!st Festiwd tnd the inevitable float. Tile l)arade is to be lleld the 23rd (if May+ The theme this year will be based on b'omlderm' Day, honoring the pio- IICf¢I'S Of MIlson C(llmty and con- tinning to emplmsize the Keep Washington Ch'een theme. All par- tieip'tnts are en(.otlrllged to inject ;llol+e co]ol' :Hid hHmor into theil' entries. TIlE FAIR IIAIIII()II Grange annotlnces ttnotllcr Game Night to be held tomorrow night tFriday, April 101 8:00 p.m. at the Grape.- view grade school, tlere's :tn op- portunity to help your comnnlni- ly while enjoyi,ng a relaxing fun night ! There will be pro-school clinic held at the helton Armory to- morrow, Friday, April 10, for all Births Shelton {Ieneral Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Leavitt, Grapeview, a girl, April 2. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lindsey, 326 S. 6th, a boy, April 3. Mr. and Mrs. Evar Nelson, Rt. 1, Box 12, a girl, April 3. Clinh. llamlfltal Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Davis, P.O. Box 184, a boy, April 6. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stetnhoff, 223 W. D Street, a boy, April 8. Mason cotmty ehihh'en scheduled to enter the first grade this fall, The clinic will be held from 8:30 tel 11:00 n.m. J_ II i ii I I WITSIERS PummP.. imm llYRNE ; BATSTONlf. 703 Railroad Avem PHONI IA II-40B i i i i m g i H,I :! _1 IF YOU OWN A BELL BOY BOAT... made out of Bellglass, you know you own the best and everybody else knows it too! SOUND MILLWORK CO. /a Mile South of Shelton Phones HA 6-4282 or HA 6-6392 i i i i ii illl iii I , [  .II ............ ,, ,, ,-, I, + ,,, :i:i i L0 lj+ + Bi.ger, better, more exciling than anything you've seen in over half a century! i i Ul i i ii .OPEN Fruday Nite 'til 8:30 More Time To Shop Anniversary BARGAINS 1" Tubular 44 er who was, about nine While it warn that J. Robin- to Grape- Calif., "feathers," wagon. that long- the stork, General morning Leavitts and Mil, JoAnn L, 12 ozs. and were doing Grapeview case 'Eke" Eac- ave joined ters' Club this past Was two tempt beach and. Friday to and Mrs. How- Murial's Missouri on! Lutz's Cozy list read Hells, the Cooks, the Wells and delicious by First and bottle assistants Wonder be open it ? There line run- rapeview. for the West "NO IRON" DACRON *FIocked."Fleurette'" IO0"x81" Ruffled Pris©illas $5 95 42"x81" Hemmed Panels.. $1 98 Just arrived, a repeat shipment of these dainty all-over fh)cked nylon marquisette curtains in a style for any and every room in your home. Deep flocked ruffles, headed ready to bang. Hand-washable, no ironing required, just drip dry. Choose from all white, white with a touch of pink or maize. "Fleurette" is one (If the prettiest curtains of the season. Come in and select yours. nd his this ::, .. '-,:.. : '.m. ..'..+..' :i.:':. " ;:g." ::2:: b;; ::4 ::: co+..:,:.:.: ;::. ::: , !?i?ii!i?ii!Si!!i?i; !ii!iiiiiii:' N ::ili} i!'iiiiiiii!i!':.:i?il Y ! i:,:{ i!! il!: :::i:::P.,;:i::;: ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL! Heaviest Denim Made 13a-oz. BOYS' BLUE DENIM WESTERN JEANS BARGAIN Tight Fit! Low Rise 6 to 16 Yrs. Sanforized, zipper fly, sturdy tough, 13  -oz. blue denim styled just like the teen-ager demands. ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL! 500 Skeins 4.Ply ALL WOOL mnm YAM s0°o,., IIII Priced at J J Choose from Red, Baby Blue, Grey Heather, Orchid, Turquoise, Black, Pi n k, White, Yellow, Bleige, KeN ley Green. Just theyarn for ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL! Slretohable NYLON ANKLETS ss 3++88' Sizes for misses and wom- en. White is the color. Cuff tops. Shop early! ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL! 1st Quality, Virgin Foam Foam Rubber THONGS + 77' Women's Children's Buy them in coIors to match or contrast with your sport clothing. Use them also for wear on the beaeh or shower. i, ii I i ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL! 120 Prs. Little Girls' Slriped SATEEN JEANS s,o. O0 2, 4, 6,8Yrs. Sanforized, machine wash- able, elastic back. Smooth striped sateen in red or blue. Plan to shop the Ready to Wear department Early. These are a bargain. / Aluminum Framel Washable Saran seat and baek! Folds up! Weatherproof, Waffle- able! Special Price! Cannon Balk Te FOR Stripes and solid color. Big, thick, thirsty. 22x44 and 20x 40 size. A big selection of colo ors, Ootton! 4. Dan River "Wrinkle Shed" Cotton! Anniversary Special ! Men's Suntan Pan Sanforlzed $ 2 Shrunk Sizes 30 to 40 Sturdy, machine washable• zip- per fly. Colorfa.t! L)ng wear- ing army twill. SPORT SHIRT Sp i I! ll.ndredsofNewSpringStyiesJ.m+Unpaeked Clean-., Bargalns , hNN!VE++,h+}Y oBI y, 20 On,y, Sanforlzed Men's ec a ouse Bu :+FLANNEL nn v less. Crease Resistant Cot- 1 40 Sizes s, M, L. Give*away price. / tons in White and Pastels. l lg 70niyl 3S-40 Size-Men's Cotton! Tailored or Fussy! Sizes 32 -- B ALL WOOL Sfl) irllifll 3. "Wash 'n Wear" Dacron/ to 38's. I -'"" 19 Only! Sizes 40 to 46 A special purcha.,e of outstanding styles and fsbricff in a Spring blouse. Chambrays, Ginghams and Broadcloths. Machine washable. You'll find so many good looking bh)uses you'll want several. Anniversary Special Buy[ Smart Bold prints on silky-looking rayon, executed as only the Japanese know how; or choose from a grand selection of prints and solids in "Wash 'n Wear" cottons. Many dacron and combinations. Short sleeves. Sizes snall, medium, Summer Tops[ Our Rough large and extra large. Plan your Summer needs now and save! MEN'S LINED WORK =3.99 IACKETS Machine washable! Denims and twills. 90nlyl Reduced to Clear BOYS' 00oo, ,5.00 JACKETS Cotton Short Coats +,,o+ 0+,o ,++ ,+ Textured +'+ **°"* Just 7. Si2es , M, XL Men's . : ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL! The short coat y011 dream of... car'- 1 AA Knit collar, cuffs. ' • . i:':"': .{. .... ,'+., R___ rying a terriftc wallop of style, ready  n !1 I1| II WOOiKMelton $iJFj .vv 90% nayon for anything, and ine×pensiw, enough  VVV ETS .t' ii " '''':' to wear nonchalantly. Several styles -T---- 10% Orlon in intrigqflng coarse weaves of cotton. U 4Only. All Wool. to+lear. MEN'S -- --- fully lined, with nylon acetate taft- '€ S Button SIP_ nn  ",   + RLANKET ...... eta ..'. and washable+ 8 to 16'S. CARDIGAN 3 "vv'+ + ++ PLAID ,." +#'7 ,.2 ...-" " !;;: : 38 to 42's. Now just $5.00. .,o. oo,o. 'J) 99 ii[+': GLOYE LEATHER'+ o,,, .K.,t ,en'si. .....   .+, . TURTLENEGKS! Choice. K. * ' ' Long wearing acetate bind- aQ ing. Warm, washable. Ter- } :v." Give-Away Prioedl rific value. Stock up now at  i;:i !iV Insulated $41 .+'.:,. this low Anniversary price. Colors are brown, red, +: "r'' :'  i' .ii i DRAWE j,vv + a.:!iii green and peacock. 5 :J[l They're )ft as cream light Elastic wai, ste 38-42. ____ j ....    '<1 i as b'arefoot. Penney's tur- :  i, tleneck flats hug your foot Just 8 Greatly Reducedl Me's ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL! i; i} .-, in action with elasticized ANNIVERSARY PRICEDZ " :' 21 top-line. Ribbed crepe sole. Plaid Wool Sill PLAID BLANKET NYLON FOOTLETS ' ...7,- Colors' Size, AA, 5 to 9, SHIRTS )'"" t ++! ..... ;:!:!;:::! B, 4 to . Sizes, small, medimn, larse. ANNIVERSARY SPEClALI _ .....  .... t , ,,,, - 1 Table. Reduced to olelPl 33! B0UFF,,, .... VEITEE $2 II Extra Long PAIRS FOR 30-Yard Nylon ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL! SWEATER- 7 x o mG CLOSE OUT, SHIRTS Long sleeves. All sie, smut, ' Another shipment arrived. PETTICOAT medium, large. Summer protection for feet and ahoes. 100% stretch- $-99 i w_ ,.P+, Penney-lvere (oPlrcl'd I Table! Sllp°n' Cardi'lls I --, --.--- 0'0 Lightweight, multtcolor able nylon, Saver plaid sheet blankets in tur-  "°YS' AI,IIS quoise/green/rose androse/ ---- SWE To r yellow/blue, bleachedwhite, rounds. Rich rayon bind- ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL! Stainless +2 *3 *4 ing. Terrific bargaLm Shop HO Iron Daoron Bar.a,., early thls weekend for all ishlyLight'as'air nylon net laY-tiered, lace and era- Steel Sets your blanket needs, save, 70 X 30 broiderYtrieot top . . . handtrimmed' 5n awash.slim Odds, and ends of better sweat- ' TIER +u,t ,o at +h,, Pr,oe' OURTAINS able, drlp dry, long time ers tn clean-up. crisp. White and pastels. Sl2S s Sizes snail, medium and 50 Only! Sizes 36 to 44 WOMEN'S 44 large. WOMEN'S All Nylon Gowns , Tab,. Sav,os Pr,ced, Flannel Gowa ISSl Eo.,, Swe SSirls ,O-inch .kit,st and ,id, 3-qt. S,ze ,o, .... ,. C0fl0n at saucepsn and cover, 2-qt. +,,. , ru+00+ro00 + "00 ++ ++ + + +++ 32to 38's quisette curtains m pink, Character Prints saucepan and hangrack. Printed gold oz" mocha at a bargain In sizes ! Bargaina! Flannel Pastel colors. Lacy trims, price. Matching ruffling 4 to 10. shirred waist. Easy to wash, I just 44¢ a yard. Shop early. Stock up now at thi low clean- quick drying. Very pretty! i is is an unusual value! Solid colors in 4 to 16. ,,, ,,,, .+ up price and save! l ,+