April 9, 1959 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Pe 4
StrILTON-MABON C0 :IOURNAL- Publisli in "Ohrlstmastown U.S.A.," Shelton,
Risky base-running cost the 3-2 triumph because Jerry Mallory
Highcltmbers at least a deadlock took a short-enders gamble to
and quite likely a victory over score from second base with the
Olympia in a non-conference prep tying run in the seventh inning
basebalt game played on I-oopland was thrown out easily, leav-
Fiehi Tuesday afternoon, ing a two-out and one-aboard sit-
The Bears carted home a tight I sat ion instead of a one-out, two-on
setup from which could have re-
suited the tying run on Ray
'°U00F Ea00YTiili00
following fly to right.
THE CLIMBERS, held runless
hrough six innings, came to life
with a bang in the seventh inning
to blast out four hits. Denny Tem-
i ple led off with a single to left
and one out later Roger Hermes
slammed his second blow of the
game to right. Mallory then un-
loaded a long double to left which
chased Temple imme and Hermes
to third. Hermes tallied on AI
Smith's single to left but Mallory
was nailed trying to follow him
across the plate.
Mallory nullified his chances of
becoming the winning pitcher for
he had hurled four innings of fine
ball after relieving starter Jim
Sargent in the fourth. Sargent had
given up three Olympia runs when
mfthanded swinging Bear catcher
DOuR Guenfelder lined a home=ram
into the football stands with two
mates aboard i the second in.
SARGENT and Mallory each al-
lowed the Bears three hits while'
the Climbers garnered seven off
Webber Drilling
John Webber
Phone HA 84157
Jaouzzi Pumps
Sales & Service
Route 1, Box 8, Shelton
Mason County Dealer
Phone HA 6-6389
three Olympia hurlers. Mike Drew
pitched three hitless hmings, giv-
ling two walks, as the starter.
Hermes got the first Climber hit
in the fifth off Bill McCoy, then
the Shelton batters really took a
fancy to Dick Jones' offerings in
the sixth and seventh, getting six
blows in the two frames and meet-
ing the ball sqtmrely on two line-
drive outs.
Bob Hllden's fielding at third:
saved the Bear bacon twice, rob-
bing Manke and Smith of hits.
The short score:
OLYMPIA .. 030 000 O-- 3 6 1
SHELTON .. 000 000 2-- 2 7
Batteries ....... Drew, McCoy (4),
Jones (6) and Gruenfelder, Bert
(5); argent, Mallory (4) and
Unearned Run Defeals
Blazers in Diamond
Opener; SK Wins, 4-3
An unearned seventh inning run
sent the Shelton Blazers down to
a 4-3 defeat at the hands of South
Kttsap in the opening game of the
junior high school baseball seas-
on Friday at Port Orchard.
Bruce Cowan, muscular Blazer
righthander, pitched beautiful ball
after a shaky start which saw
three South runs seoring in the
first two innings. He walked the
first three men in the first and
was nicked for singles by the first
three batters in the second.
The winning run scored with
two out on an infield error follow-
ing a walk and single.
All the Blazer runs scored in
the sixth with Bill Sloan's bases-
loaded single scoring Joe Watters
and Cowan and Jim Hilderman's
fly plgting Ray Neuneker. Slosh
bagged two of the three Blazer
Cowan struck out 13 South Kit-
batters willie walking six.
The same two teams were play-
ing again yesterday afternoon at
Journal preastlme. Next on the
Blazer slate is a league game with
Jefferson April 21 at Olympia.
The short score:
lg H E
SHELTON .. 000 003 0-- 3 3 4
S. K ............. 210 000 I--- 4 6 4
Batteries --- Cowan and Hilder-
man; Johnson, Neilson (6) and
Craw ford.
/ter launching your boat on a beautiful day
Expecting the weather to remain that way
Then the wind comes up and starts the spray
Your boat bounces up and down and you start
i to pray
i Thcn something slides by so happy and gay
Second glance shows a Bell Boy just on its way
Being pushed by a Scott Motor leading the way
For all the others who have shopped astray
Saving their pennies and throwing their dol-
lars away
Buying "Thoroughbreds" that balk and bray.
Maintenance .................... 44 J/ 15%
Wood Birds .................... 34)/, 25/
Cellulouses ..................... 32 28
Clockwatchers ................. 28 32
Acetate Aces ............... 28 32
Pin Curlers .......... : ......... 27 33
Silva Foxes ..................... 26 34
SO UN 0 : W K LJ OOMPANY Rayonettes ...................... 20 40
IIgh eBob Elliot 246, 237
V2 Mile $ttKb# Shlt"i'Otm:pl¢ H iway ' :*h 0tal'-Bob Eliot 644 :
r l ,,,c HA. 6-4282 o' HA. 6-6392 Bob Eliot pai:e-d the Clockwatch-"
ers to ne team records in the
, j i . ii i
....................................................................................................................................................................... Rayon{or Research bowling' league
The Big mson's Ahead
Sales and Service
Tuesday night with a 644 series
With 565 and 543 support from
Arn Cheney St'. and Norm Trotzer,
the Cloekwatchers hit a 1095 game
and 3004 series to shatter all pre-
vious Research learns marks and
blanked the Pin Curlers (Vivian
Halbert 412).
Leading Maintenance (Wa.e
Herren 584) also was a shutout
winner, over the Cellnlouses (Rolls
Halbert 464}. The Wood Birds
(Am Cheney Jr. 565) and the
Acetate Aces (Mike Keeney 528)
were 3-1 winners over the Ray-
onettes (Marge Bacon 420) and
the Silva Foxes (Mary Morkert
Fimt Drag hoe Due
Sunday At Airport
The first of eight drag races
Sleyster's Bike and Fixit Shop scheduled for this season at the
Shelton airport will be held this
Sunday. The Tacoma Timing As-
sociation is again sponsoring the
aeries of competitions. Other dates
LAWNMOWER HEADQUAR'IRS FOR OVER 25 YEARS include April 26, May 10, June 28,
July 12, August 16, September
223 Cota Street • Phone HA 6-$118 5-7 (Labor Day weekend), and
Sept. 27.
Mr. Home Owner...
Increase its value by keeping ahead on
By Painting and Other Essential Maintenance Work
If Your ROOF Needs Fixing
if You
If You
If You
And Will Gladly Furnish FREE ESTIMATES
1ST & PINE ST. PHONE HA, 6-4393
Blazers Win 815 Dual
Moo! in Row; Sells
Sels New Shot Record
Blazer track and field athletes
won their eighth straight dual
meet vitcory for Coach Bill Brick-
ert when they shaded Jefferson
junior high in Olympia Friday,
The Blazers haven't lost a dual
meet since 1956.
John Sells featured a day of
highly satisfactory Blazer perfor-
mances by setting a new school
shot put record with a throw of
51 feet 8 inches in the Class A
competition. The old record was
set by Warren Zeitler at 48' 10%"
in 1956. Sells also ran a fine 11.3
century for a second victory and
led off for the Blazer Class A
440-yard relay team which made
an excellent early-season mark of
50.2 seconds.
Crandall McCutcheon was a dou-
ble winner for the Blazers in the
Class B competition, in the shot
put and pole vault and Bob Car-
son doubled up in the Class C di.
vision with victories in the low
hurdles and pole vault.
The Blazers are idol this week-
end, their next action finding them
hosts to Washington of Olympia
on Loop Field next Thursday af=
LOW HURDLES--Wrye J, Bali J,
Don Johnson S. 16.4
SHOT PUT--John Sells S, Gary
C(mbs S, Ken Kerns S. 51' 84"
(new school record)
100-YARD DASH--John Sells S,
Millam J, LeRoy Austin S. 11.3
POLE VAULT ---Jim Lament S,
Borst J, Strandberg J, all tied.
9 ft.
BROAD JUMP--Andrew J, Gary
Simons S, Jerry Llnton S. 17' 9"
50-YARD DASH---Simons S, Wrye
J, Hayes J. 6.3
660-YARD RUN-..Beitzel J, New-
ton J, Ed Kazinsky S. 1:39.5
180-YARD DASH ...... Gary Sheltnn
S, Andrew J, Austin S. 21.2
HIGH JUMP--Borst J, Kerns S,
Kazinsky S. 5' 4"
DISCUS--Dave Lamont S, Combs
S, Kazinsky S. 96' 3"
RELAY---SheIton {Sells, Simons,
Linton, Shelton). 50.2
LOW HURDLES---Morand J, Co-
ble J, Ricly Durkin S. 13.9 \\;
100-YARD DASH--Dave Utter S,
Anderson J, Flanagan J. 11.7
50-YARD DASH--Purcell J, SUm
Johnson S, Patterson J. 6.2
HIGH JUMP ...... A'nderson J and
Moran J tied, Tee J. 4' 10"
SHOT PUT---.Crmdali MeCntcheon
S, Staa ,/olmson S, Ken LeBresh
S. 37' 7"
18O-YARD DASH--Dan Olsun S,
Fred Boat,wick S, BHI Dodds S.
POLE VAULT- Mc(hd('htm S,
l)urkin S and l)ave ltobertson
S tied. 8' 7"
BROAD JUMP .... Purcell J, Utter
S, Colin Sutherland S and Olson
J tied. 17' 2"
RELAY- Shelton (Bostwick, Ol-
son. Johnston. Utter). 51.5
CI, ASS (,
Bob ltwding S, B. Taylor J.
HIGH JUMP-Lewis J, Brook J,
Brian Bri(.keH. S. 4' 7"
100-YARD DASH Hazelrigg J,
I)n Mcllenry S, Brlckert S. 12.2
50-YARD DASH.-(leorge Ihwld-
son S, Lewis J, Bellamy J. 6.9
75-YARD DASH-- Lewthwaite J,
Bill Miller S, Rawdbg S. 9.5
SHOT PUT - Hazeh'igg J, Brook
J, C'arson S. 28' 7"
POLE VAULT-Car.)n S, ltrry
Ixdghton S, Phil Scrafford S.
7' 6"
BROAD JUMP -- Lewthwaite J,
Davldson S, Lewis J. 14' 5"
RELAY--Jefferson 56.4
( Final ) W L
Lumbermen's, Merc ...... 40 16
Grant Lumber .............. 32 24
Psntorium Cleaners .... 32 24
Wilson Leftys ................ 32 24
20th Century Thrtftway 29 27
Waterfront Realty ........ 23 33
Morgan Transfer .......... 22 34
Cole & Myhre Service .. 14 42
High totalsKen Fredson 658,
Dave Harris 613, Mark Fredson
High games--Dave Harris 240,
Ken lredson 232, Bud Donaldson
231, Mark Fredson 227, Bob Stew-
art 226, Warren Woods 221.
Industrial league bowlers wound
up their 1959 season last week
with thine 600 aeries, six single
games .over the 220 nmrk, the
L.M. as second half champion, and
three teams tied for second place.
The Merk8 and the first half
champion Grant Lumber quintet
were to meet last night to settle
the whole=season titlist. The
Merks wound up the second half
on a losing note, taking the short
end of a 1-3 match with 20th
Century Thriftway (Ray Rice
575), ouly Bob Stewart's closing
226 taving the champs a goose-
egg loss.
The first half champ Grant
Lumber got a 613 (191-182-240)
I)crfol'nlanct from Dave Harris
and a 2-2 deadlock with Morgan
Transfer (Bud Donaldson 231 and
561), but were tied for second
)lace when Pantoriunl Cleanel's
(Ken Fredvam 658 anti Mark Fred-
son 601) drubbed Wilson Leftys
(Joe Anderson 535) by a 3-1
(:ount Waterfront Reslly (Bob
Ogden 538) blanked Colc& Myhrc
M.ohil Sere'ice {Bill O'Neill 522).
Ilemh:)ckers .................... 34 18
Strippers ........................... 33 19
l)laners ............................ 28 21
l:)g Peelers .................... 25/ 261/.1_,
Chasers .......................... 23 . 28!
Woodworms ..................... 23 29
Mix('rs .............................. 21 31
Pin Bc)dc,'s .................... 20 32
lllgh g'ame -.Flu.yd Howard 210
High series Bud T('nq)h; 519
Shelh:m Union Service .. 33 23
lh,ergrcen Texaco ........ 31 35
101 Park In .................... 31 35
Jim Pauley Inc ............. 25. 30:
Byrne & Bats{one ........ 24 32
Bucchel's Garage .......... 23 ., 32 ,.
tiigh game--Jean Rau 215
dih ttal--etty Thumyal 49
Local 161 ........................ 331/, <, 18V,
Delight Park ........... 30 22
Got{ Oil ................... 27!,', 24!.',
Verle's Sporting Goods 27 25
Hansen Oil .................. 26 26
Wingard Sport Shop .... 26 26
Ritner's Highballers .... 21 31
Moose Lodge ................. 17 35
High game ..... Bert Hoard 233
High total ...... Bert Hoard 637
Bert Hoard pitched a stout 637
series (233-206-198) to pace the
men's Commercial league pimnen
last week and Hansen Oil to a
3-1 vietory over Delight Park
(Jack Howard 556).
It also knocked the Park five
ont of first place when Local 161,
paced by Armon Tuberg's even
600 series (243-167-190), shut out
Wingard Sport Shop (Charlie Dale
Gott Oil {Dick Holland 496)
grabbed third place with a 3-1
success over Ritner's Highballers
(Harry Speas 571) while Verle's
Sporting Goods lEd Byrne 567)
dittoed over Moose Lodge (Cliff
Howard 571 ).
,Camp 6ovey Loggers
Grab Simpson SRA
Pin Tournamenl Lead
The Camp Govey Loggers team
,'oiling a fat 3126 score was in
first place this week at the two-
thirds point in the Simpson Recre-
ation Association interstate bowl-
ing tournament.
The five men on the team are
Bill Ridley, Joe Bourgault, Bill
gingery, Frank Winkelman and
Carol Kinnie. They are ahead of
the second place Sawmill Two
squad by five pins.
A total of 32 teams from Simp-
son plants in Washington and Or-
egon bowled last Saturday and
Sunday at the Timber Bowl. An-i
other 16 teams will finish up the
tourney Saturday.
NEXT SATURDAY also will see
an interstate basketball tourna-
ment and fl'ee throw contest and
the annual SRA dance as Shelton
Recreation Week comes to a close.
Prizes to be drawn for at the
dance include a round trip airline
ticket to Las Vegas, Ncv., a 12x12
Simpson Accoustical tile ceiling
and a one day trip to Westport
for salmon fishing. A Simpson
door will be given as a door prize.
Donation tickcts fnr the prize
drawing are selling for 50 cents
each or three for a dollar. Anv-
one may buv them and anyone
may cor;e to 'the dance.
THE DANCE, "Satellite Stomp,"
will bc held in the Shelton Me-
morial Armory from 10 to 1 with
Ken Stevens "orchestra supplying
the music.
A Simpson emplovce from Ly-
ons, Ore., Carol Anderson, is "in
first place in singles competition
with a 703 score. Behind lim are
A. W. Bttcher, McCle.:iry, 68'3;
Ted Blair, Shelton, 692;' Harry
Tronson, McCleary, 671, and Dave
McKecknie, Albary, Ore., 655.
In the team competition, lhe
Engineers are third, 39S5; Camp
Govey Bushellers, fourth, 3067,
and Porter and Law, Lyons, Ore.,
Climber Linksmen
Win Lose Two
Highclimber golfers were vict-
ors once and losers twice in a tri-
angntlar match which opened their
Central Iague links schednle
last Friday.
The triumph was a resounding
15-0 decision over Montesano, the
losses were tightcr 9-6 and 9U-
5!, margins to St. Martins and
Raymond respectively.
Heavy scorer for Coach Andy
Tuson's linksmen was Dave Me{sa-
ner, who earned 8Vz of a possible
9 points in the three matches. He
dropped the half-point to his Ray-
mold rival. Me{saner holds down
the No. 3 spot in the Climber line-
Dave Knutzen, No. 1 man and
the only returning letterman in
the Shelton line-up, captured 6K,
of his possible 9 points while Heal
Close (No. 2) had 5', Don Van=
Blaricom (No. 4) 3V.,, and Jim
Aim (No. 5) 3.
This Friday thc Climbers meet
Elms at Oaksridge Golf Club and
next Monday they try a non-league
rival when they visit Central Kit-
Rec, Week A©lion Now
Under Way; Sulheriand
Leading Free Throwers
I)ng, lean Jim Sutherland, who
can reach half-way to the ho()I)
from the foul-line, dunked 22 out
of his 25 shots to take an early
lead in the foul-shooting contest
which is a feature of the Simpson
Recreati(m Association recreation
week festivities now under way in
Other activities incluacd in the
week-long program include a
bowling tournament which started
last weekend With 48 teams enter-
ed from five communities in
Washington and Oregon in which
Simt))n operations are located, a
basketball tournament in which
four teams are entered, and a big
dance (the Satelite Stomp) this
Saturday evening in the Shelton
The basketball tournament will
be held Saturday with opening
round games at noon, consolation
and champiouship games in the
evening in the Shelton gym.
The foul shot contest will wind
up Saturday prior to the start of
the basketball tournament with
shooting between 10 a.m. and noon
as well as tonight between 7:30
and 9:30.
In addition to Sutherland, other
free-throW contestants who have
turned in scores include LeRoy
Shelton 20, Ken Knight 17, Cee
Crow 16, Tony Brisk{ 16, and Jim
Simmons 15.
A special division of the free-
throw contest has been set up for
children of Simpson employes with
prizes and age groups to be deter-
mined later by the number of en-
tries and their ages.
Northwest Evergreen ............ 174
Dan's Nite Hawks ................ 158
Home Gas Company .............. 157
Timber Bowl ............................ 142
Wolden's Chevron Service .... 115
Jim Pauley Inc ..................... 105,
Ritner's Broiler ....................... 91 /.
Olson Barber & Beauty Shop 89
High totals---L. L. McInelly 616,
Ray Rice 602.
High games- Dale Yost 243,
Ray Rice 225, Bert Hoard 223.
Front-ru,ming Northwest Ever-
Lake Nahwatz(,l is the hme Ma-
son county water on lhe (!urFent
list of lakes being considered for
future rehabilitation treatment by
the State Gal'ue Commission.
The 269 acre Lake Nahwatzel
was rehabilitated in 1949.
Game quest{rams{re figures re-
leased last: week by the State
Game Department report that Ma-
son county yielded 1,17:} antlered
deer, 180 does and fawns for a to-
tal decr kill of 1.353 during the
1958 hunting season plus 156 bull
elk and 57 cow elk for a 213 total.
In the feathered prey depart-
ment, the questionnaires indicated
13,020 ducks were killed in Mason
county, 1,560 geese and 269 pheas-
Although most nimr()d thoughts
are being directed toward the ap-
proaching trout season opening
April 19, excellent fishing is be-
ing enjoyed right now by those
who go after steelhead and sal-
mon in Mason county waters.
Both Hood Canal and Steamboat
Island waters are doing well for
blackmouth and king salmon
seekers, according to reports from
Verle's Sporting Gooas and Win-
gard's Sport Shop.
Mary Pearcy, for instance,
boated a 19-pound king at Steam-
boat last Saturday while Wen
Young and Jerry Eck picked up
12-pounders each the same day
Roy Meek reported taking a
couple of small Iblackmouth in
Hood Canal and other unidentified
fishcrmen have
Ted Beese
16 !':,-pound
merous other
from the same
going above 15
50 Years
Fairmont &
Boil Out, Rod Out,
Phone HA.
Boon's Plumbing, Healing,
623 So. First • Les Hansen,
green galloped to a substantial
''L * ' (' V" I" t ' p*' ,'t,ing, ''r k with .-'I RENTAL
three wc(*ks of play left in the
Major bowling leag,;e schedulc by L LARGE OR
scoring 18 nf a possible 23 point's
in last Friday's action while sec-
ond p]sce I)a):l's Nile Hawks i Dale ,''lk-J Edger and Vib
Yost 243 and 598) collected but
'""""" FLOOR SA
Ray Rice shot a 602 for the
leaders but yielded series honors
to L. L. MeInelly at 616 of Tim-
bcr Bowl, which lost ground in
f()urth place l)y gqning only eight f.. Home
points. Home Gas (Mary Carter
557) n('ared sec°nd I'lace with a16 point gain. 0000:FLOOR
UP SECOND HALF Morgan & Eacrett
311!]N' ()IT%' I,I"A(;[;E (final)
W 1. Hillcrest (Eleanor & Highway) Phone HA
Beckwith Jeweh'y ........ 29 1:]
Wilson Company ........... 25 17
Needhanl's Shoprite ... 24 1S
40 & 8 ............................. 21 21
Lmnbez'n,en's Merc ....... 19!z 22
I,'risken Oil ................... 19 23 Lake
Simpson Logge.rs .......... 16,. 25!
Mac's Corner . ................ 14 28
High game ..... Harry Speas 214
High total ..... Harry Speas 568 Opens Ap i
Beckwith Jeweh-y Lhwarted Wil-
son Company's bid to sweep 1959
men's city bowling league honors
by blanking thc first half cham- HAVE YOUR OUTBOARP
pions in the final match of the
second half schedule Monday night:.
The Jewelers (Don Gaines 496) READY TO GO
thus won the second half title and
will meet the Wilsonians next Mon-
day in the play-off series. The COMPLETE REPAIR
Jewelers entered the finale with a
one-game lead, which ]efL the door
open to the Wilsonians. T
Cascade-Olympic .......... 35½ 20 .5.
Fuller Construction ...... 32 24
Active Club .................... 30 26,
Moose Lodge .................. 29. 26/
Lions Club ...................... 27 29
McCleary ........................ 23 33
Shelton Hardware ........ 23 33
Kiwanis Club ................ 23 33
High game--Les Shclver 207
High total--:L. L. Mclnelly 555
News about the New Rockets!
:iii: / ,
1959 OLDSMOBILE IflNETYEIGHT HOLIDAY SCENICOUPE-- shield. All share the'smooth, mne "Glide"
Rear sea passengers ride under a sky of pure Safety lmhind the quiet and econonfical Rocket
Phte, Glass, especially processed and tint,d to block niCoupe is available aL your local
out the sun's raysl Front seal paaenge share the Oldsmobile QuaLity Dealer's in all three
beauty of Oldamobile's new Vista-Panoramic wind- Dynamic 88, Super 88 and Ninety=Eight.
) . €) •
1st and Grovc Sts. IIA 6,-ii,,6
Pe 4
StrILTON-MABON C0 :IOURNAL- Publisli in "Ohrlstmastown U.S.A.," Shelton,
Risky base-running cost the 3-2 triumph because Jerry Mallory
Highcltmbers at least a deadlock took a short-enders gamble to
and quite likely a victory over score from second base with the
Olympia in a non-conference prep tying run in the seventh inning
basebalt game played on I-oopland was thrown out easily, leav-
Fiehi Tuesday afternoon, ing a two-out and one-aboard sit-
The Bears carted home a tight I sat ion instead of a one-out, two-on
setup from which could have re-
suited the tying run on Ray
'°U00F Ea00YTiili00
following fly to right.
THE CLIMBERS, held runless
hrough six innings, came to life
with a bang in the seventh inning
to blast out four hits. Denny Tem-
i ple led off with a single to left
and one out later Roger Hermes
slammed his second blow of the
game to right. Mallory then un-
loaded a long double to left which
chased Temple imme and Hermes
to third. Hermes tallied on AI
Smith's single to left but Mallory
was nailed trying to follow him
across the plate.
Mallory nullified his chances of
becoming the winning pitcher for
he had hurled four innings of fine
ball after relieving starter Jim
Sargent in the fourth. Sargent had
given up three Olympia runs when
mfthanded swinging Bear catcher
DOuR Guenfelder lined a home=ram
into the football stands with two
mates aboard i the second in.
SARGENT and Mallory each al-
lowed the Bears three hits while'
the Climbers garnered seven off
Webber Drilling
John Webber
Phone HA 84157
Jaouzzi Pumps
Sales & Service
Route 1, Box 8, Shelton
Mason County Dealer
Phone HA 6-6389
three Olympia hurlers. Mike Drew
pitched three hitless hmings, giv-
ling two walks, as the starter.
Hermes got the first Climber hit
in the fifth off Bill McCoy, then
the Shelton batters really took a
fancy to Dick Jones' offerings in
the sixth and seventh, getting six
blows in the two frames and meet-
ing the ball sqtmrely on two line-
drive outs.
Bob Hllden's fielding at third:
saved the Bear bacon twice, rob-
bing Manke and Smith of hits.
The short score:
OLYMPIA .. 030 000 O-- 3 6 1
SHELTON .. 000 000 2-- 2 7
Batteries ....... Drew, McCoy (4),
Jones (6) and Gruenfelder, Bert
(5); argent, Mallory (4) and
Unearned Run Defeals
Blazers in Diamond
Opener; SK Wins, 4-3
An unearned seventh inning run
sent the Shelton Blazers down to
a 4-3 defeat at the hands of South
Kttsap in the opening game of the
junior high school baseball seas-
on Friday at Port Orchard.
Bruce Cowan, muscular Blazer
righthander, pitched beautiful ball
after a shaky start which saw
three South runs seoring in the
first two innings. He walked the
first three men in the first and
was nicked for singles by the first
three batters in the second.
The winning run scored with
two out on an infield error follow-
ing a walk and single.
All the Blazer runs scored in
the sixth with Bill Sloan's bases-
loaded single scoring Joe Watters
and Cowan and Jim Hilderman's
fly plgting Ray Neuneker. Slosh
bagged two of the three Blazer
Cowan struck out 13 South Kit-
batters willie walking six.
The same two teams were play-
ing again yesterday afternoon at
Journal preastlme. Next on the
Blazer slate is a league game with
Jefferson April 21 at Olympia.
The short score:
lg H E
SHELTON .. 000 003 0-- 3 3 4
S. K ............. 210 000 I--- 4 6 4
Batteries --- Cowan and Hilder-
man; Johnson, Neilson (6) and
Craw ford.
/ter launching your boat on a beautiful day
Expecting the weather to remain that way
Then the wind comes up and starts the spray
Your boat bounces up and down and you start
i to pray
i Thcn something slides by so happy and gay
Second glance shows a Bell Boy just on its way
Being pushed by a Scott Motor leading the way
For all the others who have shopped astray
Saving their pennies and throwing their dol-
lars away
Buying "Thoroughbreds" that balk and bray.
Maintenance .................... 44 J/ 15%
Wood Birds .................... 34)/, 25/
Cellulouses ..................... 32 28
Clockwatchers ................. 28 32
Acetate Aces ............... 28 32
Pin Curlers .......... : ......... 27 33
Silva Foxes ..................... 26 34
SO UN 0 : W K LJ OOMPANY Rayonettes ...................... 20 40
IIgh eBob Elliot 246, 237
V2 Mile $ttKb# Shlt"i'Otm:pl¢ H iway ' :*h 0tal'-Bob Eliot 644 :
r l ,,,c HA. 6-4282 o' HA. 6-6392 Bob Eliot pai:e-d the Clockwatch-"
ers to ne team records in the
, j i . ii i
....................................................................................................................................................................... Rayon{or Research bowling' league
The Big mson's Ahead
Sales and Service
Tuesday night with a 644 series
With 565 and 543 support from
Arn Cheney St'. and Norm Trotzer,
the Cloekwatchers hit a 1095 game
and 3004 series to shatter all pre-
vious Research learns marks and
blanked the Pin Curlers (Vivian
Halbert 412).
Leading Maintenance (Wa.e
Herren 584) also was a shutout
winner, over the Cellnlouses (Rolls
Halbert 464}. The Wood Birds
(Am Cheney Jr. 565) and the
Acetate Aces (Mike Keeney 528)
were 3-1 winners over the Ray-
onettes (Marge Bacon 420) and
the Silva Foxes (Mary Morkert
Fimt Drag hoe Due
Sunday At Airport
The first of eight drag races
Sleyster's Bike and Fixit Shop scheduled for this season at the
Shelton airport will be held this
Sunday. The Tacoma Timing As-
sociation is again sponsoring the
aeries of competitions. Other dates
LAWNMOWER HEADQUAR'IRS FOR OVER 25 YEARS include April 26, May 10, June 28,
July 12, August 16, September
223 Cota Street • Phone HA 6-$118 5-7 (Labor Day weekend), and
Sept. 27.
Mr. Home Owner...
Increase its value by keeping ahead on
By Painting and Other Essential Maintenance Work
If Your ROOF Needs Fixing
if You
If You
If You
And Will Gladly Furnish FREE ESTIMATES
1ST & PINE ST. PHONE HA, 6-4393
Blazers Win 815 Dual
Moo! in Row; Sells
Sels New Shot Record
Blazer track and field athletes
won their eighth straight dual
meet vitcory for Coach Bill Brick-
ert when they shaded Jefferson
junior high in Olympia Friday,
The Blazers haven't lost a dual
meet since 1956.
John Sells featured a day of
highly satisfactory Blazer perfor-
mances by setting a new school
shot put record with a throw of
51 feet 8 inches in the Class A
competition. The old record was
set by Warren Zeitler at 48' 10%"
in 1956. Sells also ran a fine 11.3
century for a second victory and
led off for the Blazer Class A
440-yard relay team which made
an excellent early-season mark of
50.2 seconds.
Crandall McCutcheon was a dou-
ble winner for the Blazers in the
Class B competition, in the shot
put and pole vault and Bob Car-
son doubled up in the Class C di.
vision with victories in the low
hurdles and pole vault.
The Blazers are idol this week-
end, their next action finding them
hosts to Washington of Olympia
on Loop Field next Thursday af=
LOW HURDLES--Wrye J, Bali J,
Don Johnson S. 16.4
SHOT PUT--John Sells S, Gary
C(mbs S, Ken Kerns S. 51' 84"
(new school record)
100-YARD DASH--John Sells S,
Millam J, LeRoy Austin S. 11.3
POLE VAULT ---Jim Lament S,
Borst J, Strandberg J, all tied.
9 ft.
BROAD JUMP--Andrew J, Gary
Simons S, Jerry Llnton S. 17' 9"
50-YARD DASH---Simons S, Wrye
J, Hayes J. 6.3
660-YARD RUN-..Beitzel J, New-
ton J, Ed Kazinsky S. 1:39.5
180-YARD DASH ...... Gary Sheltnn
S, Andrew J, Austin S. 21.2
HIGH JUMP--Borst J, Kerns S,
Kazinsky S. 5' 4"
DISCUS--Dave Lamont S, Combs
S, Kazinsky S. 96' 3"
RELAY---SheIton {Sells, Simons,
Linton, Shelton). 50.2
LOW HURDLES---Morand J, Co-
ble J, Ricly Durkin S. 13.9 \\;
100-YARD DASH--Dave Utter S,
Anderson J, Flanagan J. 11.7
50-YARD DASH--Purcell J, SUm
Johnson S, Patterson J. 6.2
HIGH JUMP ...... A'nderson J and
Moran J tied, Tee J. 4' 10"
SHOT PUT---.Crmdali MeCntcheon
S, Staa ,/olmson S, Ken LeBresh
S. 37' 7"
18O-YARD DASH--Dan Olsun S,
Fred Boat,wick S, BHI Dodds S.
POLE VAULT- Mc(hd('htm S,
l)urkin S and l)ave ltobertson
S tied. 8' 7"
BROAD JUMP .... Purcell J, Utter
S, Colin Sutherland S and Olson
J tied. 17' 2"
RELAY- Shelton (Bostwick, Ol-
son. Johnston. Utter). 51.5
CI, ASS (,
Bob ltwding S, B. Taylor J.
HIGH JUMP-Lewis J, Brook J,
Brian Bri(.keH. S. 4' 7"
100-YARD DASH Hazelrigg J,
I)n Mcllenry S, Brlckert S. 12.2
50-YARD DASH.-(leorge Ihwld-
son S, Lewis J, Bellamy J. 6.9
75-YARD DASH-- Lewthwaite J,
Bill Miller S, Rawdbg S. 9.5
SHOT PUT - Hazeh'igg J, Brook
J, C'arson S. 28' 7"
POLE VAULT-Car.)n S, ltrry
Ixdghton S, Phil Scrafford S.
7' 6"
BROAD JUMP -- Lewthwaite J,
Davldson S, Lewis J. 14' 5"
RELAY--Jefferson 56.4
( Final ) W L
Lumbermen's, Merc ...... 40 16
Grant Lumber .............. 32 24
Psntorium Cleaners .... 32 24
Wilson Leftys ................ 32 24
20th Century Thrtftway 29 27
Waterfront Realty ........ 23 33
Morgan Transfer .......... 22 34
Cole & Myhre Service .. 14 42
High totalsKen Fredson 658,
Dave Harris 613, Mark Fredson
High games--Dave Harris 240,
Ken lredson 232, Bud Donaldson
231, Mark Fredson 227, Bob Stew-
art 226, Warren Woods 221.
Industrial league bowlers wound
up their 1959 season last week
with thine 600 aeries, six single
games .over the 220 nmrk, the
L.M. as second half champion, and
three teams tied for second place.
The Merk8 and the first half
champion Grant Lumber quintet
were to meet last night to settle
the whole=season titlist. The
Merks wound up the second half
on a losing note, taking the short
end of a 1-3 match with 20th
Century Thriftway (Ray Rice
575), ouly Bob Stewart's closing
226 taving the champs a goose-
egg loss.
The first half champ Grant
Lumber got a 613 (191-182-240)
I)crfol'nlanct from Dave Harris
and a 2-2 deadlock with Morgan
Transfer (Bud Donaldson 231 and
561), but were tied for second
)lace when Pantoriunl Cleanel's
(Ken Fredvam 658 anti Mark Fred-
son 601) drubbed Wilson Leftys
(Joe Anderson 535) by a 3-1
(:ount Waterfront Reslly (Bob
Ogden 538) blanked Colc & Myhrc
M.ohil Sere'ice {Bill O'Neill 522).
Ilemh:)ckers .................... 34 18
Strippers ........................... 33 19
l)laners ............................ 28 21
l:)g Peelers .................... 25/ 261/.1_,
Chasers .......................... 23 . 28!
Woodworms ..................... 23 29
Mix('rs .............................. 21 31
Pin Bc)dc,'s .................... 20 32
lllgh g'ame -.Flu.yd Howard 210
High series Bud T('nq)h; 519
Shelh:m Union Service .. 33 23
lh,ergrcen Texaco ........ 31 35
101 Park In .................... 31 35
Jim Pauley Inc ............. 25. 30:
Byrne & Bats{one ........ 24 32
Bucchel's Garage .......... 23 ., 32 ,.
tiigh game--Jean Rau 215
dih ttal--etty Thumyal 49
Local 161 ........................ 331/, <, 18V,
Delight Park ........... 30 22
Got{ Oil ................... 27!,', 24!.',
Verle's Sporting Goods 27 25
Hansen Oil .................. 26 26
Wingard Sport Shop .... 26 26
Ritner's Highballers .... 21 31
Moose Lodge ................. 17 35
High game ..... Bert Hoard 233
High total ...... Bert Hoard 637
Bert Hoard pitched a stout 637
series (233-206-198) to pace the
men's Commercial league pimnen
last week and Hansen Oil to a
3-1 vietory over Delight Park
(Jack Howard 556).
It also knocked the Park five
ont of first place when Local 161,
paced by Armon Tuberg's even
600 series (243-167-190), shut out
Wingard Sport Shop (Charlie Dale
Gott Oil {Dick Holland 496)
grabbed third place with a 3-1
success over Ritner's Highballers
(Harry Speas 571) while Verle's
Sporting Goods lEd Byrne 567)
dittoed over Moose Lodge (Cliff
Howard 571 ).
,Camp 6ovey Loggers
Grab Simpson SRA
Pin Tournamenl Lead
The Camp Govey Loggers team
,'oiling a fat 3126 score was in
first place this week at the two-
thirds point in the Simpson Recre-
ation Association interstate bowl-
ing tournament.
The five men on the team are
Bill Ridley, Joe Bourgault, Bill
gingery, Frank Winkelman and
Carol Kinnie. They are ahead of
the second place Sawmill Two
squad by five pins.
A total of 32 teams from Simp-
son plants in Washington and Or-
egon bowled last Saturday and
Sunday at the Timber Bowl. An-i
other 16 teams will finish up the
tourney Saturday.
NEXT SATURDAY also will see
an interstate basketball tourna-
ment and fl'ee throw contest and
the annual SRA dance as Shelton
Recreation Week comes to a close.
Prizes to be drawn for at the
dance include a round trip airline
ticket to Las Vegas, Ncv., a 12x12
Simpson Accoustical tile ceiling
and a one day trip to Westport
for salmon fishing. A Simpson
door will be given as a door prize.
Donation tickcts fnr the prize
drawing are selling for 50 cents
each or three for a dollar. Anv-
one may buv them and anyone
may cor;e to 'the dance.
THE DANCE, "Satellite Stomp,"
will bc held in the Shelton Me-
morial Armory from 10 to 1 with
Ken Stevens "orchestra supplying
the music.
A Simpson emplovce from Ly-
ons, Ore., Carol Anderson, is "in
first place in singles competition
with a 703 score. Behind lim are
A. W. Bttcher, McCle.:iry, 68'3;
Ted Blair, Shelton, 692;' Harry
Tronson, McCleary, 671, and Dave
McKecknie, Albary, Ore., 655.
In the team competition, lhe
Engineers are third, 39S5; Camp
Govey Bushellers, fourth, 3067,
and Porter and Law, Lyons, Ore.,
Climber Linksmen
Win Lose Two
Highclimber golfers were vict-
ors once and losers twice in a tri-
angntlar match which opened their
Central Iague links schednle
last Friday.
The triumph was a resounding
15-0 decision over Montesano, the
losses were tightcr 9-6 and 9U-
5!, margins to St. Martins and
Raymond respectively.
Heavy scorer for Coach Andy
Tuson's linksmen was Dave Me{sa-
ner, who earned 8Vz of a possible
9 points in the three matches. He
dropped the half-point to his Ray-
mold rival. Me{saner holds down
the No. 3 spot in the Climber line-
Dave Knutzen, No. 1 man and
the only returning letterman in
the Shelton line-up, captured 6K,
of his possible 9 points while Heal
Close (No. 2) had 5', Don Van=
Blaricom (No. 4) 3V.,, and Jim
Aim (No. 5) 3.
This Friday thc Climbers meet
Elms at Oaksridge Golf Club and
next Monday they try a non-league
rival when they visit Central Kit-
Rec, Week A©lion Now
Under Way; Sulheriand
Leading Free Throwers
I)ng, lean Jim Sutherland, who
can reach half-way to the ho()I)
from the foul-line, dunked 22 out
of his 25 shots to take an early
lead in the foul-shooting contest
which is a feature of the Simpson
Recreati(m Association recreation
week festivities now under way in
Other activities incluacd in the
week-long program include a
bowling tournament which started
last weekend With 48 teams enter-
ed from five communities in
Washington and Oregon in which
Simt))n operations are located, a
basketball tournament in which
four teams are entered, and a big
dance (the Satelite Stomp) this
Saturday evening in the Shelton
The basketball tournament will
be held Saturday with opening
round games at noon, consolation
and champiouship games in the
evening in the Shelton gym.
The foul shot contest will wind
up Saturday prior to the start of
the basketball tournament with
shooting between 10 a.m. and noon
as well as tonight between 7:30
and 9:30.
In addition to Sutherland, other
free-throW contestants who have
turned in scores include LeRoy
Shelton 20, Ken Knight 17, Cee
Crow 16, Tony Brisk{ 16, and Jim
Simmons 15.
A special division of the free-
throw contest has been set up for
children of Simpson employes with
prizes and age groups to be deter-
mined later by the number of en-
tries and their ages.
Northwest Evergreen ............ 174
Dan's Nite Hawks ................ 158
Home Gas Company .............. 157
Timber Bowl ............................ 142
Wolden's Chevron Service .... 115
Jim Pauley Inc ..................... 105,
Ritner's Broiler ....................... 91 /.
Olson Barber & Beauty Shop 89
High totals---L. L. McInelly 616,
Ray Rice 602.
High games- Dale Yost 243,
Ray Rice 225, Bert Hoard 223.
Front-ru,ming Northwest Ever-
Lake Nahwatz(,l is the hme Ma-
son county water on lhe (!urFent
list of lakes being considered for
future rehabilitation treatment by
the State Gal'ue Commission.
The 269 acre Lake Nahwatzel
was rehabilitated in 1949.
Game quest{rams{re figures re-
leased last: week by the State
Game Department report that Ma-
son county yielded 1,17:} antlered
deer, 180 does and fawns for a to-
tal decr kill of 1.353 during the
1958 hunting season plus 156 bull
elk and 57 cow elk for a 213 total.
In the feathered prey depart-
ment, the questionnaires indicated
13,020 ducks were killed in Mason
county, 1,560 geese and 269 pheas-
Although most nimr()d thoughts
are being directed toward the ap-
proaching trout season opening
April 19, excellent fishing is be-
ing enjoyed right now by those
who go after steelhead and sal-
mon in Mason county waters.
Both Hood Canal and Steamboat
Island waters are doing well for
blackmouth and king salmon
seekers, according to reports from
Verle's Sporting Gooas and Win-
gard's Sport Shop.
Mary Pearcy, for instance,
boated a 19-pound king at Steam-
boat last Saturday while Wen
Young and Jerry Eck picked up
12-pounders each the same day
Roy Meek reported taking a
couple of small Iblackmouth in
Hood Canal and other unidentified
fishcrmen have
Ted Beese
16 !':,-pound
merous other
from the same
going above 15
50 Years
Fairmont &
Boil Out, Rod Out,
Phone HA.
Boon's Plumbing, Healing,
623 So. First • Les Hansen,
green galloped to a substantial
''L * ' (' V" I" t ' p*' ,'t,ing, ''r k with .-'I RENTAL
three wc(*ks of play left in the
Major bowling leag,;e schedulc by L LARGE OR
scoring 18 nf a possible 23 point's
in last Friday's action while sec-
ond p]sce I)a):l's Nile Hawks i Dale ,''lk-J Edger and Vib
Yost 243 and 598) collected but
'""""" FLOOR SA
Ray Rice shot a 602 for the
leaders but yielded series honors
to L. L. MeInelly at 616 of Tim-
bcr Bowl, which lost ground in
f()urth place l)y gqning only eight f.. Home
points. Home Gas (Mary Carter
557) n('ared sec°nd I'lace with a16 point gain. 0000:FLOOR
UP SECOND HALF Morgan & Eacrett
311!]N' ()IT%' I,I"A(;[;E (final)
W 1. Hillcrest (Eleanor & Highway) Phone HA
Beckwith Jeweh'y ........ 29 1:]
Wilson Company ........... 25 17
Needhanl's Shoprite ... 24 1S
40 & 8 ............................. 21 21
Lmnbez'n,en's Merc ....... 19!z 22
I,'risken Oil ................... 19 23 Lake
Simpson Logge.rs .......... 16,. 25!
Mac's Corner . ................ 14 28
High game ..... Harry Speas 214
High total ..... Harry Speas 568 Opens Ap i
Beckwith Jeweh-y Lhwarted Wil-
son Company's bid to sweep 1959
men's city bowling league honors
by blanking thc first half cham- HAVE YOUR OUTBOARP
pions in the final match of the
second half schedule Monday night:.
The Jewelers (Don Gaines 496) READY TO GO
thus won the second half title and
will meet the Wilsonians next Mon-
day in the play-off series. The COMPLETE REPAIR
Jewelers entered the finale with a
one-game lead, which ]efL the door
open to the Wilsonians. T
Cascade-Olympic .......... 35½ 20 .5.
Fuller Construction ...... 32 24
Active Club .................... 30 26,
Moose Lodge .................. 29. 26/
Lions Club ...................... 27 29
McCleary ........................ 23 33
Shelton Hardware ........ 23 33
Kiwanis Club ................ 23 33
High game--Les Shclver 207
High total--:L. L. Mclnelly 555
News about the New Rockets!
:iii: / ,
1959 OLDSMOBILE IflNETYEIGHT HOLIDAY SCENICOUPE-- shield. All share the'smooth, mne "Glide"
Rear sea passengers ride under a sky of pure Safety lmhind the quiet and econonfical Rocket
Phte, Glass, especially processed and tint,d to block niCoupe is available aL your local
out the sun's raysl Front seal paaenge share the Oldsmobile QuaLity Dealer's in all three
beauty of Oldamobile's new Vista-Panoramic wind- Dynamic 88, Super 88 and Ninety=Eight.
) . €) •
1st and Grovc Sts. IIA 6,-ii,,6