April 9, 1959 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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April 9, 1959 |
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'< 1
Pa,e I0 S.TON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL -- Published in "Chr'tmastown, U A ," Shelton, Wasblnon ThursdaY, ':/ "
................ " ............ ..... . ' .... ,*, "" " "-- ' ....... ' . ---"----
--00ry Fire Donald Brownf!eld Bremerton Man Gets 2
Ends Army Tra,n,ng Year Deferred Sentence [ H@/
l)v,r A.,.,, Army Pvt. Donald R. Broom-
YOU kuow llliii| li tilI, P | had
lllirlllll K io lllll:l the or lin ! rl-
ceill,iI for {,tlctMinas. 'eil, lust
tel:rally ! tlt, ard tit li mligle chord
llllikt, r liar llr**l n lll{I |,hino 11.%,. ,-
ttiardl lluil i, riglil out uf ihill
world. It llab hvJp(.d hie It foll. I
i.lill I .ill ,, ) (iWil eli ir(|tl PlINil t llltid
qutrkl),. JuL Ill' plltcili I tile, (!httrt
llilek of lily lil!3ltOllrd lind placing"
Iht- llOi!lll, r on {.hi, Ilt,y I IviNil i |
lllixe All tile ic'lior(l in that key
wllh tclih.,, li% woiillerflll rexlly.
li" f.illh#d I, lil Tel, l,h,,r'll I'et (!llord
M:d’er ltn(I Trltnspoutnfl {'harl llilli
;elb4 for on[.%' .il.0(I, l(iu CUll #t, lld
for ii Irlllll Mii.hatdit I'lll)lleilliolil,
I ll'lll. MIUi Ilox 1 tit, Ilremertiln,
| lt I1 r Ii
l',. Ill. Itll'tl ltlld I*nt'llINl" 10C for
htliil t hi g t;iili rglt,
Open 'ti! Noon Saturdays
J. V. "Joe" Simpson
Owner & Operator
.... !J!i!i i 7 i ........ !,tiLt| .,11111j! ......... !* ... ..........
GUEST SPEAKERSBruoe Strowbridge, John
Bariekman and William Albohan are pictured
above after the two representatives of the state
highway department spoke Monday noon at the
Political Forum Club meeting on the new Shel-
Hoodsport- Potlatch News
HOODSPORT .... Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Millo and Mr. and Mrs.
Archie Calahan have just returned
from an exciting and interesting
trip to Mexico. The two couples
;met in San Diego for the start
of their tour. Their first stop was
Tiajuana and then left by plane
for Mexico City, then flying on to
tv s rv00ce
Your set should be repaired
only by o qualified technician.
For expert
service on
any make
or model TV
a three-day stay in Acapulca. This
city has become a great tourist
attraction, with its tropical weath-
er, marvelous warm water for
swimming and all sorts of attrac-
tions for the traveler. It is known
as the ."Riviera of the Pacific."
Accompanied by a guide and trav-
eling by car, the next visit was to
the picturesque town of Taxco.
This aid mining town has been re-
built to display the fine talents
ton-Olympia highway. The club prelents a dif-
ferent guest speaker every Monday noon at a
luncheon held in the Shelton Hotel. (Journal pho-
to, Ziegler print.)
,,, , ,, , . ,,
Middle Skokomis___hh
By Mary Valley
Rev. and Mrs. Rol Burg and
daughters left early Monday
morning for a three weeks' vaca-
tion trip to Minnesota to visit rel-
atives, Mr. Mack Workman of
Shelton will have charge of the
Sunday services during Mr. Burg's
Mrs. Chuck Minor and daugh-
ter of Shelton spent last weekend
wlth Mr. and Mrs. Frank Minor.
Little Michale Doak of Kirkland
of the silver smiths of Mexico. has been visiting his grandparents,
On the return trip to Mexico City ir. and Mrs. Don Dank, the past
the tour stopped at the 16th cen- week ....
tury Hacienda Vista Hermosa for Mr. and Mrs. Chester Valley had
hlnch and in Cuernawtca, the cap- dinner with Mr. and Mrs. George
itol of the State of Morelos, a Valley last Sunday. Later they
sightseeing tour. visited Mr. and Mrs. Herman
Arriving in Mexico City, the Ahern at the Will Grisdale home
tours included a trip to a bull- at Arcadia Point,
fight, a boat excursion to the l Mrs. Morris Redman enter-
Floating Gardens of Xoehimilso, ltained the Slokpmtsh Women's
and a visit to University City. The I I ellowshlp at her home rest "ms-
city has the distinction of hay-Iday evening. Mrs. J. O. Bovee of
ing twin volcanoes in the back-
ground. Other impressive nights
were the Guadalupe Sh|'ine and the
Pyramids of the Sun and the
Moon, works of the Aztecs. Now
lor the resling part of the vaca-
lion trip, by plane to Pue:rto VaN
larta, on tho west coast. A love-
ly town, not yet commercialized,
with five days of swimming and
just plain enjoyment of the lovely
counti'yside and nlarvelolls climate.
Then to Guadaiajara aud Tia-
jlmna and back to San Diego,
where the t:wo couples picked tip Mrs. Gary Stevens are Mrs. Ste-
.... .: their own ears and started their , .......
t|;'l riorth vens parents, Mr. ano Mrs. lJee
r " i i " , . Palmer of Seattle
illit! HI Sfllllt'l('Fn (4hll(ll'l]ltt the .:,; " ;' "'_ ....
s , . . Lmmer guests unoay ac [ne
MII[O,' VlSli(.,(t Wllh frienils of 30 ....... " 4, -
- l#alii'li stnn#livlo ' fh, I(',,hi' ilion "lea i,lcner[, name were iviasy Ann
J ................. " .............. ...... HolLer Mrs HolLer Ro er Rich-
Mrs. Alta Gonsalw.s, and Mrs. . .' :7. : '.. g" . .°
a , erl OI eatcie anG Mr aria lvirs.
Vcra Bitney Tht Calahans stopped . ' .. "_ . "
i 'o ) | ." ' is Jerry z]cnerc
to !uJ V a trit tu'ough D,ney -.' ..........
'" d : ..... "'i" I nd ivir aria mrs Tea rtl( nert were
l,an ixnot s erry t a "m a r " " i
._ .' ................ ecmt guests at a b rthday dinner
ne IfLI)LUOIIS easEl.e oI Wllilanl /tan .... " __' _ . -
i-- i iv /i -,... -- ol--I- ....., a tne cary tevens name in non-
..vw . l r - " ]- -_ya"s: _: . . or of Mr Stevens' birthday
Initl iE iN %IPVIIP s, lll.. IS iiERE, ano.jusc..to Don't forget the Grange meet-
IkilLll , i lllliiiL, ll snow the country cnac tne mg in- next Frida" evenln- at 8 30
..... ..... w _... leaguers aren't the only ones in- .. _ . ........ , e.-. 14 . 'll :C-
" , s ' - H _ ]).Ill, lllJpUfLtIJIL UUI/I Wl Ut ,
Phone HA 6-4633 114 South Second ter.'ted m baseball, the coo us-discussed such as d('coratin" the
(Timber APl)ll,nco Bidg ) nal si'hools are starting their turn- win o "" 'n D ...... ,. ,,^. ... ,,
ouls too tne fifth ann mxtn
___ , ': . .' ' .. .. . Forest Festival, and the progress
-------T--- I grant glr|s are a realty entnumas- of the talent show
. C/J i tic bunch and are being trained ........................
Ril[D ,,r=, rn., ', ...,,.....i^' C-: C']U, I by Mrs Bill (loodpaster, Mrs. Jim ..............
fi UI:P41:M/4L 'Jt)I:i:tU/ttlU.. 1 :S I ffeeder'Mrs Bob Smith, and Mrs..tne 7nirec.Ijon or i.lu Jz;yan.L...l
" " I r.,, P,*e,'so- -,,err Thursa-v -f |mag tne seventn and elgntu
. i ' ' gra e gn'Is are having some fun
ternoon. The seventh and eighth ; .........
I i ' -- -- S re workin- out under iwltn pracuce witn lvirs, ilua vic-
i l giaae ooy< a g D owell.
.............. '-- " ........ Another sign of spring comes
from Wes Johnson Realtor who re-
ports seven sales on the Canal al-
. - -- .. , ready. The Emil Andersons from
A_.L-_ _1 i-- J _ J '''-. 'racoma have bought one of the
I! Tirol Ell/'11 1 D Dl= Om l beautiful Chester Carron tracts
Lll .ltr_Jtllli._iF-ill lj II|PII B II " w near Sprtngwater and will build
l 'll=qlll ilwmlimVa,i IIi F11llelllili #' a permanent home. The Maurice
Kaares are already remodelling
tbeir small beech cottage south
of Hoodsport Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
liam Lundegard, formerly of Ev-
erett, are the new owners of the
Olympic Inn near Brinnon. Mrs.
Beulah Nichols of Seattle will be
moving into her newly acquired
home at Union, the former Brun-
strom residence. Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Oaks of Seattle, will sum-
mer at their new cottage south
of tetson s Resort. Don F. War
Wheels are five inches farther apart. This widens the
stance, not the car, gives you road-hugging stability,
less lean and sway. 0nIy Pontiac has Wide-Track Wheels!
Shelton was the guest speaker.
Arian Johnson and Bob Hunter
of Seattle Pacific College spent
last weekend with their parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Johnson
drove to Port Angeles one day
last week to visit Mr. and Mrs.
Ronald Johnson.
Bud Tzier has been confined to
the Clinic Hospital the past week
with a severe case of the flu.
Mr. and Mrs. George Barkley
attended the gavel meeting at
Southside last Friday evening.
Guests this week (if Mr. and
eott and family of Vashon have
big plans for vacationing at Holi-
day Beach property and the War-
ten McIrvlns now stationed in New
Jersey, will retire to Holiday in
about two years.
Mr. and Mrs. Burt Tweed enter-
tatned her aunt and friend, Mr s .
MacPherson and Bernice Mason
from West Vancouver.
The members of the Scant Fund
Raising Campaign are pleased to
leport a collection of $251.56. The
money will be used to improve and
maintain the Summit Lake Scout
Camp. Boys from Troop 11 are
making plans now for attending
this summer and so far twelve
have signed tip for a week at
camp starting July 19. Asst.
Scoutmaster Ray Peterson xtll ac-
company the boys.
MR. AND MRS. C. A. Picker-
ing traveled to Des Moines on Sat-
urday to visit Weslley Gardens.
The Hood Canal Commeiial
Club will meet Monday, April 13,
at 8:00 p.m. in the school base-
ment, Members are urged to at-
ten(i to discuss a change of the
number of meetings to be held
during the year.
The Lower SI’0komish P-TA will
meet on Thursday, April 9, tn the
The Cub Scout Pack 1I wtll
meet on Friday evening, April 10,
in the Hoodsport school.
Patty Jean Tyler is visiting with
her grandparents, the Cliff Tylers
a.t Cushman.
ALL PARENTS with children
entering the first grade next year
or kindergarten, are urged to take
advantage of the pre-school clinic
to be held on April 10, between the
hours of 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. in
the Shelton Armory. It is advis-
able to have a birth certificate
for the c2ul P.S. -- Come ea:ly.
,,ms Aired
field, 23, whose wife, Rose, and
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul M.
Local Meet ,o,,,, live on Route 1, Shel-
ton, completed eight weeks of ad-
vanced missile training March 27
at the Artillery and Missile Center,
..... ’,:;; Fo,.t Silt. Ol<,a
as" ' to,, "' t He was trained arS a crewman
of Natural Resources on the Az'my's Corporal surface-to-
and the United Staten Forest Serv-
ice to keep logging shutdowns at sm'face missile.
a minimum in western Washing- Brownfield c o m p l e t e d basic
it.on during the coming 1959 fire training at Fort Ord, Calif
season." -- --
casts, and consideration of such
Wayne Snelser, 21, of Bremerton
Regional Forester J Herbert
Stone of the Fo;'est Service and i
Stae Land Commissioner Bert I
'Cole issued this joint statement to-
day following a meeting Vednes-]
day between Department of Natur-
al Resources and Forest Service
Tile MEETING, held at Shel-
ton, was for the purpose of dis.
eusaing and ironing out mutual I
problems and cooperative responst, I
biltties of the two agencies in con-
nection with fire control and forest
practice regulations on private and
public lands.
factors as the accumulative build-
up of forest fuel inflammability
and other factors that ]nay contri-
bute to the rapid spread of fires
FINAL responsibility for order-
ing the shutdown, both on state
and federal protected lands, rests
by law with the Department of
Natural Resources, but the action
is taken only after consultation.
with Forest Service officials and
consideration of their recommenda-
Cole and Stone today emphasized j K
that during the coming fire season, E E P
as it|. past years, logging shut-I
tl.t. /(llll ILII i i i i i dm I lib i
downs will be imposed only when] .I[,(LuN=rJ|/IU|UII "
absolutely necessary because of [ J,\\;/ Plllll
crLtical fire weather conditions.
Each shutdown, they explained, I
is based on evaluation of informa-[ 4m_=LM|]=mL|_lml
tion from the field, coupled with ] _
up-to-the-minute fire weather fore- I
was given a two-year deferred sen-
tence for contributing to the de-
linquency of a minor girl by Judge -- i :=. l
Charies T. Wright Friday in the
Mason county superior court. * Convenmt,
The court appointed Robert Sny- lasO ti.ur! lllJ' 't
der to act as counsel for Bill Cok- -
er, Arnold Westlake and Michael |
McCo,'d who are charged with " NO nE[A
second degree burglary. Bail for
the trio was set at $10,000 each. _.:.i
The court also appointed C.T. tt
Ha|ten to act as counsel for W. L.
Kilmer, 45, of Seattle who is being JIalO]ll L l'rOlllt]l"
held here on a charge of grand .........
larceny-bY-f°rger--Y----- Ii & IanA___
The world record swordnsh, II TiU, insu--"F
weighing 1,182 pounds, was taken i|
by Lou Marron in 1953 from the ,..111, /ll',.alf-
waters off Chile. i
Building 120 x 60, Truss roof. Addition 8 x 120 for< '
check rooms, etc. Complete equipment for tavern
Has P.A. and inter-cam, two pianos. Large well
graveled parking lot. 41,/2 acres with 3"30 ft. froi l,
hi-way, 125 ft. from access, Minutes from Oly
Elms, McCleary, Excellent location for bcwllnl /
inter-cRy leagues, cabaret, fraternal club roomlb
super-market. Fine site for motel and trailer
vice station, grocery and school across highway.
1959 at $27,500.00. Must have some cash, will
ance easy terms, by owner. Call Olympia FL
Frl., or Sat., or write Leo M. Smith, 1020 E. I
, _ ili
Prices Start at
: WASHER : . .....
: 2-Speed Special! : Wr,nkh-Free Dryer
: $1/I/195,
: $I'}095 ' II 11 ll With
/I 1-'1 With I 1 1
V V Trade s 2-Cycle Drylng plus Inflnlte heat
* 2 speeds, one for regulars, other foe control for regular or"wash 'n Wear"
II delicatel * Buili-in lint filter * 5-temp fabrics. * Buih-!n uhra-violet lamp
wash-rinse selector conirol, 5urgilafor* gives clothes q lumhlna frogrance
agitator gets clothes cleaner * Washes without fading. E D'l
full lOJb load
<40"in'on,, De Luxe Ran_i
Wringer Ri0tl
plus high.speed _ I"'
w II H*ow<lut,/raft bber ] flasher unit
rolli" I[ I / Big, Balanced- !i::i
/ Iml.m ilk Ill / * Radiant.Heat [
- _ ;i ,
"R'Ike]lll qlr " -- T wen Iignal tiii!(:77j
wr - / lth Trade k
Large E382
ft. capacity Supreme
Freezer, or 522-1b., 15
ft. capacity Chest Fteszer at
the same low "Shower of Ba'i
gains" prics--uii $289o f :
,- eiihld ... i
,]SH .... " ....
" Timbe r Appliance
. ;,,:o:.;.:o:. "*'-"i
"" """ ""'" "'"'"" "'" """ "'/
'< 1
Pa,e I0 S.TON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL -- Published in "Chr'tmastown, U A ," Shelton, Wasblnon ThursdaY, ':/ "
................ " ............ ..... . ' .... ,*, "" " "-- ' ....... ' . ---"----
--00ry Fire Donald Brownf!eld Bremerton Man Gets 2
Ends Army Tra,n,ng Year Deferred Sentence [ H@/
l)v,r A.,.,, Army Pvt. Donald R. Broom-
YOU kuow llliii| li tilI, P | had
lllirlllll K io lllll:l the or lin ! rl-
ceill,iI for {,tlctMinas. 'eil, lust
tel:rally ! tlt, ard tit li mligle chord
llllikt, r liar llr**l n lll{I |,hino 11.%,. ,-
ttiardl lluil i, riglil out uf ihill
world. It llab hvJp(.d hie It foll. I
i.lill I .ill ,, ) (iWil eli ir(|tl PlINil t llltid
qutrkl),. JuL Ill' plltcili I tile, (!httrt
llilek of lily lil!3ltOllrd lind placing"
Iht- llOi!lll, r on {.hi, Ilt,y I IviNil i |
lllixe All tile ic'lior(l in that key
wllh tclih.,, li% woiillerflll rexlly.
li" f.illh#d I, lil Tel, l,h,,r'll I'et (!llord
M:d’er ltn(I Trltnspoutnfl {'harl llilli
;elb4 for on[.%' .il.0(I, l(iu CUll #t, lld
for ii Irlllll Mii.hatdit I'lll)lleilliolil,
I ll'lll. MIUi Ilox 1 tit, Ilremertiln,
| lt I1 r Ii
l',. Ill. Itll'tl ltlld I*nt'llINl" 10C for
htliil t hi g t;iili rglt,
Open 'ti! Noon Saturdays
J. V. "Joe" Simpson
Owner & Operator
.... !J!i!i i 7 i ........ !,tiLt| .,11111j! ......... !* ... ..........
GUEST SPEAKERSBruoe Strowbridge, John
Bariekman and William Albohan are pictured
above after the two representatives of the state
highway department spoke Monday noon at the
Political Forum Club meeting on the new Shel-
Hoodsport- Potlatch News
HOODSPORT .... Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Millo and Mr. and Mrs.
Archie Calahan have just returned
from an exciting and interesting
trip to Mexico. The two couples
;met in San Diego for the start
of their tour. Their first stop was
Tiajuana and then left by plane
for Mexico City, then flying on to
tv s rv00ce
Your set should be repaired
only by o qualified technician.
For expert
service on
any make
or model TV
a three-day stay in Acapulca. This
city has become a great tourist
attraction, with its tropical weath-
er, marvelous warm water for
swimming and all sorts of attrac-
tions for the traveler. It is known
as the ."Riviera of the Pacific."
Accompanied by a guide and trav-
eling by car, the next visit was to
the picturesque town of Taxco.
This aid mining town has been re-
built to display the fine talents
ton-Olympia highway. The club prelents a dif-
ferent guest speaker every Monday noon at a
luncheon held in the Shelton Hotel. (Journal pho-
to, Ziegler print.)
,,, , ,, , . ,,
Middle Skokomis___hh
By Mary Valley
Rev. and Mrs. Rol Burg and
daughters left early Monday
morning for a three weeks' vaca-
tion trip to Minnesota to visit rel-
atives, Mr. Mack Workman of
Shelton will have charge of the
Sunday services during Mr. Burg's
Mrs. Chuck Minor and daugh-
ter of Shelton spent last weekend
wlth Mr. and Mrs. Frank Minor.
Little Michale Doak of Kirkland
of the silver smiths of Mexico. has been visiting his grandparents,
On the return trip to Mexico City ir. and Mrs. Don Dank, the past
the tour stopped at the 16th cen- week ....
tury Hacienda Vista Hermosa for Mr. and Mrs. Chester Valley had
hlnch and in Cuernawtca, the cap- dinner with Mr. and Mrs. George
itol of the State of Morelos, a Valley last Sunday. Later they
sightseeing tour. visited Mr. and Mrs. Herman
Arriving in Mexico City, the Ahern at the Will Grisdale home
tours included a trip to a bull- at Arcadia Point,
fight, a boat excursion to the l Mrs. Morris Redman enter-
Floating Gardens of Xoehimilso, ltained the Slokpmtsh Women's
and a visit to University City. The I I ellowshlp at her home rest "ms-
city has the distinction of hay-Iday evening. Mrs. J. O. Bovee of
ing twin volcanoes in the back-
ground. Other impressive nights
were the Guadalupe Sh|'ine and the
Pyramids of the Sun and the
Moon, works of the Aztecs. Now
lor the resling part of the vaca-
lion trip, by plane to Pue:rto VaN
larta, on tho west coast. A love-
ly town, not yet commercialized,
with five days of swimming and
just plain enjoyment of the lovely
counti'yside and nlarvelolls climate.
Then to Guadaiajara aud Tia-
jlmna and back to San Diego,
where the t:wo couples picked tip Mrs. Gary Stevens are Mrs. Ste-
.... .: their own ears and started their , .......
t|;'l riorth vens parents, Mr. ano Mrs. lJee
r " i i " , . Palmer of Seattle
illit! HI Sfllllt'l('Fn (4hll(ll'l]ltt the .:,; " ;' "'_ ....
s , . . Lmmer guests unoay ac [ne
MII[O,' VlSli(.,(t Wllh frienils of 30 ....... " 4, -
- l#alii'li stnn#livlo ' fh, I(',,hi' ilion "lea i,lcner[, name were iviasy Ann
J ................. " .............. ...... HolLer Mrs HolLer Ro er Rich-
Mrs. Alta Gonsalw.s, and Mrs. . .' :7. : '.. g" . .°
a , erl OI eatcie anG Mr aria lvirs.
Vcra Bitney Tht Calahans stopped . ' .. "_ . "
i 'o ) | ." ' is Jerry z]cnerc
to !uJ V a trit tu'ough D,ney -.' ..........
'" d : ..... "'i" I nd ivir aria mrs Tea rtl( nert were
l,an ixnot s erry t a "m a r " " i
._ .' ................ ecmt guests at a b rthday dinner
ne IfLI)LUOIIS easEl.e oI Wllilanl /tan .... " __' _ . -
i-- i iv /i -,... -- ol--I- ....., a tne cary tevens name in non-
..vw . l r - " ]- -_ya"s: _: . . or of Mr Stevens' birthday
Initl iE iN %IPVIIP s, lll.. IS iiERE, ano.jusc..to Don't forget the Grange meet-
IkilLll , i lllliiiL, ll snow the country cnac tne mg in- next Frida" evenln- at 8 30
..... ..... w _... leaguers aren't the only ones in- .. _ . ........ , e.-. 14 . 'll :C-
" , s ' - H _ ]).Ill, lllJpUfLtIJIL UUI/I Wl Ut ,
Phone HA 6-4633 114 South Second ter.'ted m baseball, the coo us-discussed such as d('coratin" the
(Timber APl)ll,nco Bidg ) nal si'hools are starting their turn- win o "" 'n D ...... ,. ,,^. ... ,,
ouls too tne fifth ann mxtn
___ , ': . .' ' .. .. . Forest Festival, and the progress
-------T--- I grant glr|s are a realty entnumas- of the talent show
. C/J i tic bunch and are being trained ........................
Ril[D ,,r=, rn., ', ...,,.....i^' C-: C']U, I by Mrs Bill (loodpaster, Mrs. Jim ..............
fi UI:P41:M/4L 'Jt)I:i:tU/ttlU.. 1 :S I ffeeder'Mrs Bob Smith, and Mrs..tne 7nirec.Ijon or i.lu Jz;yan.L...l
" " I r.,, P,*e,'so- -,,err Thursa-v -f |mag tne seventn and elgntu
. i ' ' gra e gn'Is are having some fun
ternoon. The seventh and eighth ; .........
I i ' -- -- S re workin- out under iwltn pracuce witn lvirs, ilua vic-
i l giaae ooy< a g D owell.
.............. '-- " ........ Another sign of spring comes
from Wes Johnson Realtor who re-
ports seven sales on the Canal al-
. - -- .. , ready. The Emil Andersons from
A_.L-_ _1 i-- J _ J '''-. 'racoma have bought one of the
I! Tirol Ell/'11 1 D Dl= Om l beautiful Chester Carron tracts
Lll .ltr_Jtllli._iF-ill lj II|PII B II " w near Sprtngwater and will build
l 'll=qlll ilwmlimVa,i IIi F11llelllili #' a permanent home. The Maurice
Kaares are already remodelling
tbeir small beech cottage south
of Hoodsport Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
liam Lundegard, formerly of Ev-
erett, are the new owners of the
Olympic Inn near Brinnon. Mrs.
Beulah Nichols of Seattle will be
moving into her newly acquired
home at Union, the former Brun-
strom residence. Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Oaks of Seattle, will sum-
mer at their new cottage south
of tetson s Resort. Don F. War
Wheels are five inches farther apart. This widens the
stance, not the car, gives you road-hugging stability,
less lean and sway. 0nIy Pontiac has Wide-Track Wheels!
Shelton was the guest speaker.
Arian Johnson and Bob Hunter
of Seattle Pacific College spent
last weekend with their parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Johnson
drove to Port Angeles one day
last week to visit Mr. and Mrs.
Ronald Johnson.
Bud Tzier has been confined to
the Clinic Hospital the past week
with a severe case of the flu.
Mr. and Mrs. George Barkley
attended the gavel meeting at
Southside last Friday evening.
Guests this week (if Mr. and
eott and family of Vashon have
big plans for vacationing at Holi-
day Beach property and the War-
ten McIrvlns now stationed in New
Jersey, will retire to Holiday in
about two years.
Mr. and Mrs. Burt Tweed enter-
tatned her aunt and friend, Mr s .
MacPherson and Bernice Mason
from West Vancouver.
The members of the Scant Fund
Raising Campaign are pleased to
leport a collection of $251.56. The
money will be used to improve and
maintain the Summit Lake Scout
Camp. Boys from Troop 11 are
making plans now for attending
this summer and so far twelve
have signed tip for a week at
camp starting July 19. Asst.
Scoutmaster Ray Peterson xtll ac-
company the boys.
MR. AND MRS. C. A. Picker-
ing traveled to Des Moines on Sat-
urday to visit Weslley Gardens.
The Hood Canal Commeiial
Club will meet Monday, April 13,
at 8:00 p.m. in the school base-
ment, Members are urged to at-
ten(i to discuss a change of the
number of meetings to be held
during the year.
The Lower SI’0komish P-TA will
meet on Thursday, April 9, tn the
The Cub Scout Pack 1I wtll
meet on Friday evening, April 10,
in the Hoodsport school.
Patty Jean Tyler is visiting with
her grandparents, the Cliff Tylers
a.t Cushman.
ALL PARENTS with children
entering the first grade next year
or kindergarten, are urged to take
advantage of the pre-school clinic
to be held on April 10, between the
hours of 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. in
the Shelton Armory. It is advis-
able to have a birth certificate
for the c2ul P.S. -- Come ea:ly.
,,ms Aired
field, 23, whose wife, Rose, and
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul M.
Local Meet ,o,,,, live on Route 1, Shel-
ton, completed eight weeks of ad-
vanced missile training March 27
at the Artillery and Missile Center,
..... ’,:;; Fo,.t Silt. Ol<,a
as" ' to,, "' t He was trained arS a crewman
of Natural Resources on the Az'my's Corporal surface-to-
and the United Staten Forest Serv-
ice to keep logging shutdowns at sm'face missile.
a minimum in western Washing- Brownfield c o m p l e t e d basic
it.on during the coming 1959 fire training at Fort Ord, Calif
season." -- --
casts, and consideration of such
Wayne Snelser, 21, of Bremerton
Regional Forester J Herbert
Stone of the Fo;'est Service and i
Stae Land Commissioner Bert I
'Cole issued this joint statement to-
day following a meeting Vednes-]
day between Department of Natur-
al Resources and Forest Service
Tile MEETING, held at Shel-
ton, was for the purpose of dis.
eusaing and ironing out mutual I
problems and cooperative responst, I
biltties of the two agencies in con-
nection with fire control and forest
practice regulations on private and
public lands.
factors as the accumulative build-
up of forest fuel inflammability
and other factors that ]nay contri-
bute to the rapid spread of fires
FINAL responsibility for order-
ing the shutdown, both on state
and federal protected lands, rests
by law with the Department of
Natural Resources, but the action
is taken only after consultation.
with Forest Service officials and
consideration of their recommenda-
Cole and Stone today emphasized j K
that during the coming fire season, E E P
as it|. past years, logging shut-I
tl.t. /(llll ILII i i i i i dm I lib i
downs will be imposed only when] .I[,(LuN=rJ|/IU|UII "
absolutely necessary because of [ J,\\;/ Plllll
crLtical fire weather conditions.
Each shutdown, they explained, I
is based on evaluation of informa-[ 4m_=LM|]=mL|_lml
tion from the field, coupled with ] _
up-to-the-minute fire weather fore- I
was given a two-year deferred sen-
tence for contributing to the de-
linquency of a minor girl by Judge -- i :=. l
Charies T. Wright Friday in the
Mason county superior court. * Convenmt,
The court appointed Robert Sny- lasO ti.ur! lllJ' 't
der to act as counsel for Bill Cok- -
er, Arnold Westlake and Michael |
McCo,'d who are charged with " NO nE[A
second degree burglary. Bail for
the trio was set at $10,000 each. _.:.i
The court also appointed C.T. tt
Ha|ten to act as counsel for W. L.
Kilmer, 45, of Seattle who is being JIalO]ll L l'rOlllt]l"
held here on a charge of grand .........
larceny-bY-f°rger--Y----- Ii & IanA___
The world record swordnsh, II TiU, insu--"F
weighing 1,182 pounds, was taken i|
by Lou Marron in 1953 from the ,..111, /ll',.alf-
waters off Chile. i
Building 120 x 60, Truss roof. Addition 8 x 120 for< '
check rooms, etc. Complete equipment for tavern
Has P.A. and inter-cam, two pianos. Large well
graveled parking lot. 41,/2 acres with 3"30 ft. froi l,
hi-way, 125 ft. from access, Minutes from Oly
Elms, McCleary, Excellent location for bcwllnl /
inter-cRy leagues, cabaret, fraternal club roomlb
super-market. Fine site for motel and trailer
vice station, grocery and school across highway.
1959 at $27,500.00. Must have some cash, will
ance easy terms, by owner. Call Olympia FL
Frl., or Sat., or write Leo M. Smith, 1020 E. I
, _ ili
Prices Start at
: WASHER : . .....
: 2-Speed Special! : Wr,nkh-Free Dryer
: $1/I/195,
: $I'}095 ' II 11 ll With
/I 1-'1 With I 1 1
V V Trade s 2-Cycle Drylng plus Inflnlte heat
* 2 speeds, one for regulars, other foe control for regular or"wash 'n Wear"
II delicatel * Buili-in lint filter * 5-temp fabrics. * Buih-!n uhra-violet lamp
wash-rinse selector conirol, 5urgilafor* gives clothes q lumhlna frogrance
agitator gets clothes cleaner * Washes without fading. E D'l
full lOJb load
<40"in'on,, De Luxe Ran_i
Wringer Ri0tl
plus high.speed _ I"'
w II H*ow<lut,/raft bber ] flasher unit
rolli" I[ I / Big, Balanced- !i::i
/ Iml.m ilk Ill / * Radiant.Heat [
- _ ;i ,
"R'Ike]lll qlr " -- T wen Iignal tiii!(:77j
wr - / lth Trade k
Large E382
ft. capacity Supreme
Freezer, or 522-1b., 15
ft. capacity Chest Fteszer at
the same low "Shower of Ba'i
gains" prics--uii $289o f :
,- eiihld ... i
,]SH .... " ....
" Timbe r Appliance
. ;,,:o:.;.:o:. "*'-"i
"" """ ""'" "'"'"" "'" """ "'/