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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 9, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 9, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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t  19,.,9 with thv ,IVrite toda\\;, flu PY of "The Sll)ry )l&apos; th llhlstr:ltion, in facts and c(llll- Inehuh,., hi( ,- notes on inlp(n'lun| Autllentic, a led by f()Fn/iq, () - Inl(t firsI ,on- RPRISli]S, Box 3, SIwl- I T .... New Officers Repeat Vows in 15o’i0/ Events I • Insta tion Set  Mrs. V :l Ferris will hv in- i Ma."' " ' , '' rlilv I all'on el soc,et, 00,ito00 • ,o00e .ho.e .A. 6-44,00 { t M00.:or, 00.ld \\;Veh')e Chapter Nc:L ,t0, Order (,1 aslt I l'l ,. ldl, at [)pen Ctq'e- r-  ,. * (q ) "1 nmnie. Salurday ew?ning ill lhe ,,1., L,...,,m,. I.AkS RING Tem00,e April ].,|lllllt  lilt I C)t, hcr elective officers are Mrs. l)oris t{iJhllalI, a,sociale l'ltall'()h: Melvin 1 "{Ole l'l ,R HI , associal.e pit- tran; Mrs. b'h)rence Vgek'4. secrt'- tary; MI's. FlOl'(*l/('t, Tavhw. l l'oilN- ill'er; Mrs. Estella Robt',rtson con ..... . ductrCss, and Mrs. l)ornthea Drick- err, associate coDdllcrlPess. .... 'x::::ii: :.% Appointive officers to lw in- stalled are Mrs. I-IeAene "Biehl. ..... i;:i!!iii:!iii chaplain; Mrs. Elsie Seljesla,l marshall; Mrs. Alice Palnmr, or- ::+:Giiiii. gani.t: Mrs. J.lia Watts, Adah: }'h's. Evelyn Ellison Ruth: Mrs. : :i:. Be.,;sie Hall, Fsther; Mrs. lnez ,... ' : .... D'mmann, Martha; Mrs. Juanita ':::;!:: IPottcr, Electa; Mrs. Esma Feti- i 1, man, wtrdel'; anti t'l'e(t t:t.rris. st,ntint, l. Mrs. Hattie Pierce anti Lorell Seljestad, retiring Worttiy Matron and Patron, will officiate as in- / st.ailing officers. Other installing officers will be Fred Fcrris, La- vella Andrews, Ruth Williams. and Erma Perry of Reliance Chapter MR.'AND ,MRS. lltrtill S. Boll- No. 70, Ill\\;t|, SI,. ,|lirii.'s, ldllho, arc aJI- -" ...... ,,,e o, Ben Voyage Party j their daughter, Sally ,Io, to Mr. ,',,,,i,,s, ,,r., ,,,,, ,,, ,,r. Fetes l00ge, a "- "an's n,nd MrN. I{ aynlonll ( ',ol IIn. o[ i hellon. The yolin" eonlfle arc ali(,ndhl/4 the IAtlheran 1511,1c Mr. and Mrs. Harold Langeland lnstitlite iu ,,eatlth'. A June wd- were snrl)rised last Saturday eve- BILL PEARSON diig is Iwlng l)lamwd, ning for a bun voyage party. The - Langelands are leaving today on their trip to NorWay, flying to Golden Agers to Meet New York and sailing the next Mason county senior citizens day on the liner Bergensfjord for will meet today for a potluck din- Oslo. ner at noon followed by the month- A beautifully decorated cake ly business meeting. The members with a ship and enseribed with the of the Golden Age Club will hold names Harold and Clara was a rummage sale Friday and Sat- served to the gamsts. urday in the Union hall on Grove Among those present at the Stz'eei. party Mrs. Salvig Langela.nd and daughter Sylvia of Tacoma and Mr'. and Mrs. Rune Langeland, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cook, Mr. and One Cent Sale Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. John Nordstrom, Mr and lk(rs. Lloyd Laughnan, Mr. and Mrs. Donovan Palmer, Mr. and Mrs.   r ' ' ' ()rli()i,'dic (hlihl will h,' h,,h! ',l r:'.. 1 ','}td.Y I t:,]til. } Ir ,( c, :'>' I'*)r ',t!,, in*'i!lit!t,. \\;ill I), Ni,'s .lo.l • "4 .;tl}',4l(' :l)){I 5).q. {1 (;'L;UI l.I)yct . I'rqi:l:':!h)n: will b(' 1{' ;' :H ',iis 111 ('t' IL' 1)]' 'i'l,' _" (H }}'-' l';ll!ll]:'.', .-,:h'. A'pYil 17 :q,l 1,'.;. u }1' tlTi: i ;It<ii{ }l'iltlll. I IIA('llEI, I{NOTT GI]LI) Mtml)el': (if lhc l’.:whi!l I<noLL i l)vih(q*tiic (:uiht will lllelt[ lot' I i I tE::{) {tl 'ii '(HI N [,IC hol'll(A )lO[t , NI'; [ )Ol'l)lhV ,I*':IHIID l  l'ld/t, it7. v. ittl ,%Ir': L,,s hqvel, c.- for Tw0.Car Families! 125 N. 5th Street Phone IIA 6-306t lnrnarrled male drivers under 25 years. nza, *$,Z| OLA YlTO.L SOLUTION Tots' Ioluble-ize| vitamins. Pt. O Our 24th Anniversary 6 BIG DAYS MONDAY THRU SATURDAY SHELT " S Washingto ON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL  Publishea in "Christmastown, U.S.A.." ,heRon, Methodist (hurt h April 13 to 18 COUGH SYRUP REG. 98€ F mink:._S-oz,.... I IF IF George Frisk, Mr. and Mrs. How- ard Fuller, Mr. and Mrs. Matt Boon, Misses Clai'e and Grace En- gelson, all of Shelton. Hillerest Homemakers Hillerest Homemakers will meet in the home of Mrs. W. T. Jack-: son, 1728 Olympic Highway North, Wednesday for a potluck hmcheon and business meeting. At the last meeting of the club, Mrs. Ellis Wells gave an interest- MR. AND MRS. JAMES R. PETERSEN (Charlotte Helser) will make their first home in New Jersey. (Dean photo.} €.: t: Blue and white stock decorated the chapel of the Methodist church for the recent wedding of Miss Charlotte Mae Helser to Mr. James R, Petersen. The bride is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Marion J. Helser and Mr. Peterson, son of Mrs. Edna Peter- sen. The Rev. Charles T. Hatten performed the double ring nup- tials. Miss Glenda Robertson sang "Becanse" and "The Lord's Pray- er" accompanied by Mrs. Harw'y Hillman. Mr. Helser escorted his daughtt, r down the ,ribboned aisle. For her wedding, the bride chose a whil.e silk organza and nyhm lace full length gown, designed with a lace hodice with sabrina neckline or irridescent sequins and htrge bow at the waist back formed a cha- pel train. Her imported hri(lal ilh]sion veil was c'tught by a prin- cess CrOWn of lace and jew(qs. he carried a white orchid SlllTOlnldt*tl matching those of the other at- tendants. Mr. William E. Petersen, broth- el' of the bridegroom, was best man. Messrs. Lloyd Ewms and ; James Stuteville were ushers. Mrs. Hclser chose a turquoise silk sheath with white accesser ies and pink carnation corsage for her daughter's wedding. Mrs. Petersen: mother of the bridegroom, chose a'hhte and whil, e nyhm print dress with white ac- c('ssol'ies and i)ink eal'llalion e.or- s;tgt,. A ()'iple-tiered cake h>pped with lhret' blue miniature wedding bells and daisies was cut by Mrs. Julia Walls at the reception in lhe church parlors irnmediahdy fol- h)willg the ct-,remony. Pouring were Miss Margaret t3"ddwin and Miss h'ene I3urright, Miss ,h)y Halvorscn served punc.h mad Mb;s Connie Brcvig and Miss by bhle slel)hanr)lis on her white prayer book. Mrs. Charles }telser, sister-in- Darlene Bloomfield passed the groom's cake. In eha, rgc of the. {uest book was Mrs. Mary Morris ]mad Mrs. Shirley Kriefels }rod Mrs ANEFRIN A.P.C. "°"" 1 `o , Antihiramie tablets. 50's .£ Rubbing Alcohol 250 Saccharin "=.*" , JAe #,,.a. o .'111- Spice scented. brisk, reh'eshing. iii!i 89 = Cr. Shamp0 White "T" .... iii ' .... '°'°"'90 = SHIRTS r,.,,,,,l. 7 .79€ each 4-o=. jar ......... Ill :.:<: : [0,i H/nrose K Lotion "°" 2.o*70 Somhes.  ' An Extra Pair for I €l o-. Itt ..... GLORY "'=' FASHIQN HOSIERY l:or stotrmch up[. 'a[ or recta[ ............ BABY PANTS PLASTIC. Sin.. @ JJO' Med,l.,,,Ix Ig../.,0 Qtltnlil’, •' 45' Baby Oil r I 5-,z..Izo .......... li, w Babyk0f Syrup aEo. 69’ ll F ]FJl K Soodfing. -I 0 IJ w 4-oz. bottk" ............... I R m 79 c Analgesic Balm i:ii Body Massage Xelle. kd,,lt @OA’ eeo. 9a€ or ’'b/ld,. 1 ...................... ":OU Pint bottl ............................ *rAe .= 3 € BORIC ACID 69  MOUTH WASH ov,*d or or cr sty' " @[AC Keller. ilFlAn . s,..ez .................... L,'Ii'V iill 16.oz but e ............. zl/U'.... 29  IODINE 9:.'lle 2 I'', I-0 ..... .,.,,...i It  •  ill ii 39  CASTORIA ci,,l,.a,i,.o, 9;4 }-oz. bottle ............ '"'- " j lw cCONKEY'S VFW Aux Receives Vets H0sp. Award AI Ihe ]a,'t ale( t' the "v'el t't't.lllS Ill' lCoreign \\;Vars AHxiliary, 511ti'g'all Mcl(av was initialed a, :L llr.V Jt 1 (H'l [')e'F. ['l'*'si(hqll M;ll'ian ,Johnson gave H lt']),)l'l )t' Iltq' ltten(tilnce Lit Al'll- ('l ican Lake lIospilLI where slit.' Ic('.P|)lt'd ;t c,q'tifit.ulh  ()11 behalf o' tm.l';ital chHil'lll;|ii Belly Gild- win for the h)(.al auxiliary. The certificate was given for olltstan(i- big \\;r()hlll. tCt'F hospital st,rvice. Mrs. 1,11t'y P]dlniston also altended fl'orl the h)tull cluh The auxiliary has been invited l.o tth)lld the installation of new officers n OlynHia next Friday c'v(!niil. Mrs Belly G((twin. president- I III J leltct, am1()lnced tile following ap- poinlive officers for the ensuing vtmr: lqesdanles Daisy Pinney, scc- l'elliry; Lo;d Pearson'. flag bearer; Bbrniv,' .lansson, banner bearer; Merle Van(h'rWal, Jessie Cox, Ce- cilia Gimter and l)orothy Kelsey. ICOIOF heal'er; Laity Edrniston, pa- triotic instructor; Stella Booth, musieian, and Miss Marian Julia- son, ilisl el'tan. Canal Court to Hold Public Installation The public is cordially invited to the installation of officers for the ensning year for Canal Conrt No. 79. Or(ler of Amaranth. In- stallation eeremomes will begin at 8 p,m. Saturday, April 18, in the Union Cily Masonic Temple. Elected to head the organization for the new year are Doris Bear- den and Otto Radtke Royal Ma- t,xm and Patron. Other officers to be installed are Evelyn Nieholson, associate matron; Gordon Stole, associate patron; Mai'ian Cave,' secretary; Francis Moake, treasur- (:r; Helen Simmons, trustee chair- man: Mamie Kaare, conductress; and Esther Christensen, asscoiate conductress. Appointive officers to be' install- ed will be Harry Brown, two year tmmtee; Jim Cave,:, one year trus- tee; Helen Simmons, three year trustee; Matt, ie Backlund, Hattie Huntley, marshals; Robert Gwin, prelate; Frances Radtke, musi- cian; Vrieda Stall.h, standard bear- er; Florence Heintze, faith; Luhl Smith, wisdom; Susie Anderson, charity; George Clark, historian; Martin Smith, warder; Dess Haines, sentinel. hlslalling officers will be Martin Smith. Georgia Hallcr, Victor Hall- el., Hazel Ohrner, ldna ttaines, and Bea I:,arsn]k SERVING ON I)ESTI,()YEIt Travel Reservalion Genler Air - Rail - Ship - Bus TOURS * CRUI'SES • HOTELI HA 6-8272 or HA 6-4134 'NGLE F J i i • . . . ; ,, ]IJIIILI llet00y Power M.wers 18-in. 2-h.p. $3995 i -Cyele .......... ' ... 18-in. 2 Ό -h.p. 4-Cycle $4900! 4-Cycle ..: ....... 122-in. 2-h.p. J ! IWestern Autoi Supply ing report on the different types htw of the bride, was matron of](?orrinne "Willimm were ill charge , , , of button holes and explained a honor in. a pale bhle sill( broeade]tff the gift table, t (,la race E. Cullison, engineman new instalhttion method for zip- shtath wilh nvttching taylol (r- "h i " " ........ ' • 1' ( ) ' e ( la 1e(l IO a DeJR'e 1 pers gal/Za overshh'I Sho (arrie 1 ' a l<r i { ] ( S S  i " ' " * ) ' " ] f " I l • • . " .... . J ! .'*' [/l [ ]ltl'<. a(!(,,(!ssor]e,tt Wally Dl ndas was the holder e(domal b(alqucl of bhn. and wqnlc  .... ............ , ......... o ...... ] • , . , .... J l#ll(i V%,'[II[  /)l'l[ J(I (()l*:tto [1.()in [DC of the winning ticket on the cluh s daisies, lbrital l)(mqlltq for the wed(tilv hamper. Misss 1{.ira Bowles an(1 Margar-trip I( lw 0r(gm e.()as! " ..........  et Prouty were brid('snla ,is Thev " l h( t (v,i - ',  " " ' I " " ' • ....... ' ' 1' V nltl'rl:(1 LvJr 'Lrl(I IVII'S ([ A OF FI(ER" Janet Hin- were gowned in she.tths of th l)t[ts,n {(t( ,l t" a'' " '" " * .... " " " "  '  .... ( .... | ....    '  g 'i  (lU tel1 II'Olll [ tion daughter of Mr and Mrs ame (te,ign ,s 1hal cf 1he ma( orl . ,, ..  .  ...... ' • .... I .......... . .... Jl'("l](: , II,(?L(I [llglt JC/IOOI, 1 II(ff Pa ll Hmton has been elected sec-/ of honor ill( carried nlatch- \\; n't tl ,t., :_ • , [  . .r ' ' .... I rp , . , r, i V] i te LII}II* ill'S[ 1! lily In /NeV\\;' retary-treas Irer of the sophomore ng co]oni' 1 br)qu .ts iAtlle lVl .s , , (, , • ' ' * ..... ' ' ( ............... ,/eFs( "*, • )iJOwlng l'eat-{l'lUllellL class for 1959-60 She was inslalled Vicki Thompson was fh Wet girl n . ' ' , ;, _ ........... I ' ..... %kH[l lnt! t .'. z)t)'Jll: r, Tnesday. She has also been elect.-lit pale bh,e pylon organ(ly dress. ed to serve as May princess repre-ICandlelighttws' were M Pat .......... tireman, ISN, son (,f Mr. and Mrs. 315 So, First VCayne Stnel< of R(mtc 3, Shelton, is servinff aboard the'. escort des- ll'oycr USS Walker', operating with IIA 6-6183 1he U S. Pacific Fleet ont of Pet:l Harbor in Hawaii. II I senting her class on May Day. Mch'vin and Judy [:'earee, in g'own 20 Years Ago TUESDAY, APRIL 4, 1939--A Juni(ir Red Cross chapLer was organized for Shelton grade schools and the junior high school last Thursday. Officers elected were Douglas l,arson, president; Rusty Viger, vice-president Gertrude Silvers, secre- tary; Duane Cracola, chairman of the program committee. This week marks the business anniversary of the McConkey Pharmacy at 4th and Railroad. The drng store was established 24 years ago by proprietor Roy MeConkey. Appointive officers to serve in the Women's Field Army for the control of cancer were announced today by .Mrs. James K. Needham. They are Mrs. H. R. Hamilton, Mrs. B. N. Collier, Mrs. C. E. Runacres, Dr. George LeComl)te , Mrs. Frank Bishop and MT. Marcus Rodgers. Completing a highly successful day with some $25 going toward the PTA hot lunch fund, the cake baking contest held by the LM lroduced two winners With Mrs. La:wrence Burrell u;inning the sponge cake division and Mrs. Herman Ahern win- ning the butter cake division. Other winrmrs in the sponge care contest were Mrs. John Eliason, Mrs. J. T. Shimek, Mrs. Hale, Potlatch; Mrs. K. Simmons, Mrs. Ed Ahern, Mrs. Dave • Adams, Mrs. A. C. Cardinal, Mrs. Etta Rector, Mrs. E. M. Fuller, Mrs. Frank Fentiman, Mrs. M,. L. Morgan and Miss Katheen Graham. Other awards in the butter cake division went to Mrs. E. M. Fuller, Mrs. Alfred Andermn, Mrs. William Grove. Mrs. L. Carl- aon, Miss Evelyn Boardman, Mrs. Richard Grenberg, Mrs. Her- bert Angle, Mrs. Mary Armstrong, Mrs. Alex Miller, Mrs. Victor King, Mrs. Vernon Davidson; I0 year old, Shirley Clay and Virginia Glenn. 4  zk $ Fast haeball returns to Shelton Sunday after a two year absence when the Northwest League r611s up the curtain nn an0tl'mr season to present the Seattle Gibson Carpet Cleaners against the Shelton Loggers at Loop Field. Eddie Percival will be the npening hurler. For Over 24 Years It Has Been McCONKEYS FOR DRU6S TWO LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU 306 RAILROAD Phone HA 6-3456 329 RAILROAD .Phone HA 6-4456 DRUG CENTER 306 RAILROAD . PHONE HA 6-3456 i PHARMACY 4TH AND RAILROAD • " PHONE HA 6-4456 State Head Speaks To Navy Mothers Mason county Navy Mothers Chlb honored Mrs. Lorna ll)uCutte, state commander of Navy Mothers Clubs at a dinner last Thnrs(t:ly evening in the Memorial hall. Mrs. 19ttCuLte spoke to the groul) of the anrlllal conventi(m held in Bi)st()l. Initiated into the grnup i)y Mrs. I hlCutte was Mrs. Geof gia Vanning of Union. Oot-of-town guests at the mcet- in were Mrs. Laura Bodley, Mrs. Hazel Mnllins, Mrs. Annie Su- ler_ds, Mrs. Geneva Bralten, Mrs. Naomi Casson, Olympia; Mrs. Ollie Allen, Union, and Marie McLough. lin, The next meeting of the Navy Mothers will he held at 8 p.m, Thursday, April 16, in the Memor- ial hall. Ghristmasl0wn Guild Eleds New Offkers The Christmastown Orthopedic Guild met on Wednesday of last week in tho home of Mri. Don Brown with Mrs. Gerhard Ness as co-hostess. The following officers were elected far the coming year: Mrs. Vema Nelson president; Mrs. Joe Miltenberger, vice president; and Mrs John Eager, secretary-treaS- lit'el'. Plans were completed for the annual penny drive. Co-chairmen for the event will be Mrs. Earl Mericle and Mrs. Robert nyder. Refre.hments were served by the hostesses. _[ ........ 4-H News Shelton dley Clovera The Shelton Valley Clovers 4-H Club met at lhe Southside Grange lasi Thursday. How Lo test seeds to see jf the majority will germinate was the demonstration given by Joe Brown. Karen Frank]in showed how to nleIIStll'e liquid ingredients. Re- freshments were served following lh*, meeting, The next meeting of tile Clovers will be held Thursday, April 16, in the. Shelton Valley Grange. - Dick Ewrs, reporter. County Commissioners To Meet at Tacoma The Peninsllla district: of the Vqashinglnn Slate Association of Cmlnty Commissioners will hold a meeling this nrorinff at I0 a.m. at the Mt. View Country Chtb m Ta- coma. ConllllissioBers John B&I'iel<iYlan, C. W. Streckenbach and Roy Mit- ('.hell of Mason county will attend. Mitchell is president of the penin- sula district. Borrow money just by writing a checkwith READY CREDIT HERE'S anew way Lto borrow money--to buy things.., to y lls .. for any- I i thing you want. A Seafirst R-Crelit I ,,,account costs nothing until You use it.] - Upon approval of your application,  you can borrow money just by writing  a check. And you pay monthly onlyj ,10% of what you owe. There's no charge for establishing a  Ready-Credit .Account. For detailed in- formation about Seafirst Ready-Credit, visit, telephone, or write... SHELTON BRANCH t  19,.,9 with thv ,IVrite toda\\;, flu PY of "The Sll)ry )l' th llhlstr:ltion, in facts and c(llll- Inehuh,., hi( ,- notes on inlp(n'lun| Autllentic, a led by f()Fn/iq, () - Inl(t firsI ,on- RPRISli]S, Box 3, SIwl- I T .... New Officers Repeat Vows in 15o’i0/ Events I • Insta tion Set  Mrs. V :l Ferris will hv in- i Ma."' " ' , '' rlilv I all'on el soc,et, 00,ito00 • ,o00e .ho.e .A. 6-44,00 { t M00.:or, 00.ld \\;Veh')e Chapter Nc:L ,t0, Order (,1 aslt I l'l ,. ldl, at [)pen Ctq'e- r-  ,. * (q ) "1 nmnie. Salurday ew?ning ill lhe ,,1., L,...,,m,. I.AkS RING Tem00,e April ].,|lllllt  lilt I C)t, hcr elective officers are Mrs. l)oris t{iJhllalI, a,sociale l'ltall'()h: Melvin 1 "{Ole l'l ,R HI , associal.e pit- tran; Mrs. b'h)rence Vgek'4. secrt'- tary; MI's. FlOl'(*l/('t, Tavhw. l l'oilN- ill'er; Mrs. Estella Robt',rtson con ..... . ductrCss, and Mrs. l)ornthea Drick- err, associate coDdllcrlPess. .... 'x::::ii: :.% Appointive officers to lw in- stalled are Mrs. I-Ielene "Biehl. ..... i;:i!!iii:!iii chaplain; Mrs. Elsie Seljesla,l marshall; Mrs. Alice Palnmr, or- ::+:Giiiii. gani.t: Mrs. J.lia Watts, Adah: }'h's. Evelyn Ellison Ruth: Mrs. : :i:. Be.,;sie Hall, Fsther; Mrs. lnez ,... ' : .... D'mmann, Martha; Mrs. Juanita ':::;!:: IPottcr, Electa; Mrs. Esma Feti- i 1, man, wtrdel'; anti t'l'e(t t:t.rris. st,ntint, l. Mrs. Hattie Pierce anti Lorell Seljestad, retiring Worttiy Matron and Patron, will officiate as in- / st.ailing officers. Other installing officers will be Fred Fcrris, La- vella Andrews, Ruth Williams. and Erma Perry of Reliance Chapter MR.'AND ,MRS. lltrtill S. Boll- No. 70, Ill\\;t|, SI,. ,|lirii.'s, ldllho, arc aJI- -" ...... ,,,e o, Ben Voyage Party j their daughter, Sally ,Io, to Mr. ,',,,,i,,s, ,,r., ,,,,, ,,, ,,r. Fetes l00ge, a "- "an's n,nd MrN. I{ aynlonll ( ',ol IIn. o[ i hellon. The yolin" eonlfle arc ali(,ndhl/4 the IAtlheran 1511,1c Mr. and Mrs. Harold Langeland lnstitlite iu ,,eatlth'. A June wd- were snrl)rised last Saturday eve- BILL PEARSON diig is Iwlng l)lamwd, ning for a bun voyage party. The - Langelands are leaving today on their trip to NorWay, flying to Golden Agers to Meet New York and sailing the next Mason county senior citizens day on the liner Bergensfjord for will meet today for a potluck din- Oslo. ner at noon followed by the month- A beautifully decorated cake ly business meeting. The members with a ship and enseribed with the of the Golden Age Club will hold names Harold and Clara was a rummage sale Friday and Sat- served to the gamsts. urday in the Union hall on Grove Among those present at the Stz'eei. party Mrs. Salvig Langela.nd and daughter Sylvia of Tacoma and Mr'. and Mrs. Rune Langeland, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cook, Mr. and One Cent Sale Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. John Nordstrom, Mr and lk(rs. Lloyd Laughnan, Mr. and Mrs. Donovan Palmer, Mr. and Mrs.   r ' ' ' ()rli()i,'dic (hlihl will h,' h,,h! ',l r:'.. 1 ','}td.Y I t:,]til. } Ir ,( c, :'>' I'*)r ',t!,, in*'i!lit!t,. \\;ill I), Ni,'s .lo.l • "4 .;tl}',4l(' :l)){I 5).q. {1 (;'L;UI l.I)yct . I'rqi:l:':!h)n: will b(' 1{' ;' :H ',iis 111 ('t' IL' 1)]' 'i'l,' _" (H }}'-' l';ll!ll]:'.', .-,:h'. A'pYil 17 :q,l 1,'.;. u }1' tlTi: i ;It<ii{ }l'iltlll. I IIA('llEI, I{NOTT GI]LI) Mtml)el': (if lhc l’.:whi!l I<noLL i l)vih(q*tiic (:uiht will lllelt[ lot' I i I tE::{) {tl 'ii '(HI N [,IC hol'll(A )lO[t , NI'; [ )Ol'l)lhV ,I*':IHIID l  l'ld/t, it7. v. ittl ,%Ir': L,,s hqvel, c.- for Tw0.Car Families! 125 N. 5th Street Phone IIA 6-306t lnrnarrled male drivers under 25 years. nza, *$,Z| OLA YlTO.L SOLUTION Tots' Ioluble-ize| vitamins. Pt. O Our 24th Anniversary 6 BIG DAYS MONDAY THRU SATURDAY SHELT " S Washingto ON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL  Publishea in "Christmastown, U.S.A.." ,heRon, Methodist (hurt h April 13 to 18 COUGH SYRUP REG. 98€ F mink:._S-oz,.... I IF IF George Frisk, Mr. and Mrs. How- ard Fuller, Mr. and Mrs. Matt Boon, Misses Clai'e and Grace En- gelson, all of Shelton. Hillerest Homemakers Hillerest Homemakers will meet in the home of Mrs. W. T. Jack-: son, 1728 Olympic Highway North, Wednesday for a potluck hmcheon and business meeting. At the last meeting of the club, Mrs. Ellis Wells gave an interest- MR. AND MRS. JAMES R. PETERSEN (Charlotte Helser) will make their first home in New Jersey. (Dean photo.} €.: t: Blue and white stock decorated the chapel of the Methodist church for the recent wedding of Miss Charlotte Mae Helser to Mr. James R, Petersen. The bride is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Marion J. Helser and Mr. Peterson, son of Mrs. Edna Peter- sen. The Rev. Charles T. Hatten performed the double ring nup- tials. Miss Glenda Robertson sang "Becanse" and "The Lord's Pray- er" accompanied by Mrs. Harw'y Hillman. Mr. Helser escorted his daughtt, r down the ,ribboned aisle. For her wedding, the bride chose a whil.e silk organza and nyhm lace full length gown, designed with a lace hodice with sabrina neckline or irridescent sequins and htrge bow at the waist back formed a cha- pel train. Her imported hri(lal ilh]sion veil was c'tught by a prin- cess CrOWn of lace and jew(qs. he carried a white orchid SlllTOlnldt*tl matching those of the other at- tendants. Mr. William E. Petersen, broth- el' of the bridegroom, was best man. Messrs. Lloyd Ewms and ; James Stuteville were ushers. Mrs. Hclser chose a turquoise silk sheath with white accesser ies and pink carnation corsage for her daughter's wedding. Mrs. Petersen: mother of the bridegroom, chose a'hhte and whil, e nyhm print dress with white ac- c('ssol'ies and i)ink eal'llalion e.or- s;tgt,. A ()'iple-tiered cake h>pped with lhret' blue miniature wedding bells and daisies was cut by Mrs. Julia Walls at the reception in lhe church parlors irnmediahdy fol- h)willg the ct-,remony. Pouring were Miss Margaret t3"ddwin and Miss h'ene I3urright, Miss ,h)y Halvorscn served punc.h mad Mb;s Connie Brcvig and Miss by bhle slel)hanr)lis on her white prayer book. Mrs. Charles }telser, sister-in- Darlene Bloomfield passed the groom's cake. In eha, rgc of the. {uest book was Mrs. Mary Morris ]mad Mrs. Shirley Kriefels }rod Mrs ANEFRIN A.P.C. "°"" 1 `o , Antihiramie tablets. 50's .£ Rubbing Alcohol 250 Saccharin "=.*" , JAe #,,.a. o .'111- Spice scented. brisk, reh'eshing. iii!i 89 = Cr. Shamp0 White "T" .... iii ' .... '°'°"'90 = SHIRTS r,.,,,,,l. 7 .79€ each 4-o=. jar ......... Ill :.:<: : [0,i H/nrose K Lotion "°" 2.o*70 Somhes.  ' An Extra Pair for I €l o-. Itt ..... GLORY "'=' FASHIQN HOSIERY l:or stotrmch up[. 'a[ or recta[ ............ BABY PANTS PLASTIC. Sin.. @ JJO' Med,l.,,,Ix Ig../.,0 Qtltnlil’, •' 45' Baby Oil r I 5-,z..Izo .......... li, w Babyk0f Syrup aEo. 69’ ll F ]FJl K Soodfing. -I 0 IJ w 4-oz. bottk" ............... I R m 79 c Analgesic Balm i:ii Body Massage Xelle. kd,,lt @OA’ eeo. 9a€ or ’'b/ld,. 1 ...................... ":OU Pint bottl ............................ *rAe .= 3 € BORIC ACID 69  MOUTH WASH ov,*d or or cr sty' " @[AC Keller. ilFlAn . s,..ez .................... L,'Ii'V iill 16.oz but e ............. zl/U'.... 29  IODINE 9:.'lle 2 I'', I-0 ..... .,.,,...i It  •  ill ii 39  CASTORIA ci,,l,.a,i,.o, 9;4 }-oz. bottle ............ '"'- " j lw cCONKEY'S VFW Aux Receives Vets H0sp. Award AI Ihe ]a,'t ale( t' the "v'el t't't.lllS Ill' lCoreign \\;Vars AHxiliary, 511ti'g'all Mcl(av was initialed a, :L llr.V Jt 1 (H'l [')e'F. ['l'*'si(hqll M;ll'ian ,Johnson gave H lt']),)l'l )t' Iltq' ltten(tilnce Lit Al'll- ('l ican Lake lIospilLI where slit.' Ic('.P|)lt'd ;t c,q'tifit.ulh  ()11 behalf o' tm.l';ital chHil'lll;|ii Belly Gild- win for the h)(.al auxiliary. The certificate was given for olltstan(i- big \\;r()hlll. tCt'F hospital st,rvice. Mrs. 1,11t'y P]dlniston also altended fl'orl the h)tull cluh The auxiliary has been invited l.o tth)lld the installation of new officers n OlynHia next Friday c'v(!niil. Mrs Belly G((twin. president- I III J leltct, am1()lnced tile following ap- poinlive officers for the ensuing vtmr: lqesdanles Daisy Pinney, scc- l'elliry; Lo;d Pearson'. flag bearer; Bbrniv,' .lansson, banner bearer; Merle Van(h'rWal, Jessie Cox, Ce- cilia Gimter and l)orothy Kelsey. ICOIOF heal'er; Laity Edrniston, pa- triotic instructor; Stella Booth, musieian, and Miss Marian Julia- son, ilisl el'tan. Canal Court to Hold Public Installation The public is cordially invited to the installation of officers for the ensning year for Canal Conrt No. 79. Or(ler of Amaranth. In- stallation eeremomes will begin at 8 p,m. Saturday, April 18, in the Union Cily Masonic Temple. Elected to head the organization for the new year are Doris Bear- den and Otto Radtke Royal Ma- t,xm and Patron. Other officers to be installed are Evelyn Nieholson, associate matron; Gordon Stole, associate patron; Mai'ian Cave,' secretary; Francis Moake, treasur- (:r; Helen Simmons, trustee chair- man: Mamie Kaare, conductress; and Esther Christensen, asscoiate conductress. Appointive officers to be' install- ed will be Harry Brown, two year tmmtee; Jim Cave,:, one year trus- tee; Helen Simmons, three year trustee; Matt, ie Backlund, Hattie Huntley, marshals; Robert Gwin, prelate; Frances Radtke, musi- cian; Vrieda Stall.h, standard bear- er; Florence Heintze, faith; Luhl Smith, wisdom; Susie Anderson, charity; George Clark, historian; Martin Smith, warder; Dess Haines, sentinel. hlslalling officers will be Martin Smith. Georgia Hallcr, Victor Hall- el., Hazel Ohrner, ldna ttaines, and Bea I:,arsn]k SERVING ON I)ESTI,()YEIt Travel Reservalion Genler Air - Rail - Ship - Bus TOURS * CRUI'SES • HOTELI HA 6-8272 or HA 6-4134 'NGLE F J i i • . . . ; ,, ]IJIIILI llet00y Power M.wers 18-in. 2-h.p. $3995 i -Cyele .......... ' ... 18-in. 2 Ό -h.p. 4-Cycle $4900! 4-Cycle ..: ....... 122-in. 2-h.p. J ! IWestern Autoi Supply ing report on the different types htw of the bride, was matron of](?orrinne "Willimm were ill charge , , , of button holes and explained a honor in. a pale bhle sill( broeade]tff the gift table, t (,la race E. Cullison, engineman new instalhttion method for zip- shtath wilh nvttching taylol (r- "h i " " ........ ' • 1' ( ) ' e ( la 1e(l IO a DeJR'e 1 pers gal/Za overshh'I Sho (arrie 1 ' a l<r i { ] ( S S  i " ' " * ) ' " ] f " I l • • . " .... . J ! .'*' [/l [ ]ltl'<. a(!(,,(!ssor]e,tt Wally Dl ndas was the holder e(domal b(alqucl of bhn. and wqnlc  .... ............ , ......... o ...... ] • , . , .... J l#ll(i V%,'[II[  /)l'l[ J(I (()l*:tto [1.()in [DC of the winning ticket on the cluh s daisies, lbrital l)(mqlltq for the wed(tilv hamper. Misss 1{.ira Bowles an(1 Margar-trip I( lw 0r(gm e.()as! " ..........  et Prouty were brid('snla ,is Thev " l h( t (v,i - ',  " " ' I " " ' • ....... ' ' 1' V nltl'rl:(1 LvJr 'Lrl(I IVII'S ([ A OF FI(ER" Janet Hin- were gowned in she.tths of th l)t[ts,n {(t( ,l t" a'' " '" " * .... " " " "  '  .... ( .... | ....    '  g 'i  (lU tel1 II'Olll [ tion daughter of Mr and Mrs ame (te,ign ,s 1hal cf 1he ma( orl . ,, ..  .  ...... ' • .... I .......... . .... Jl'("l](: , II,(?L(I [llglt JC/IOOI, 1 II(ff Pall Hmton has been elected sec-/ of honor ill( carried nlatch- \\; n't tl ,t., :_ • , [  . .r ' ' .... I rp , . , r, i V] i te LII}II* ill'S[ 1! lily In /NeV\\;' retary-treas Irer of the sophomore ng co]oni' 1 br)qu .ts iAtlle lVl .s , , (, , • ' ' * ..... ' ' ( ............... ,/eFs( "*, • )iJOwlng l'eat-{l'lUllellL class for 1959-60 She was inslalled Vicki Thompson was fh Wet girl n . ' ' , ;, _ ........... I ' ..... %kH[l lnt! t .'. z)t)'Jll: r, Tnesday. She has also been elect.-lit pale bh,e pylon organ(ly dress. ed to serve as May princess repre-ICandlelighttws' were M Pat .......... tireman, ISN, son (,f Mr. and Mrs. 315 So, First VCayne Stnel< of R(mtc 3, Shelton, is servinff aboard the'. escort des- ll'oycr USS Walker', operating with IIA 6-6183 1he U S. Pacific Fleet ont of Pet:l Harbor in Hawaii. II I senting her class on May Day. Mch'vin and Judy [:'earee, in g'own 20 Years Ago TUESDAY, APRIL 4, 1939--A Juni(ir Red Cross chapLer was organized for Shelton grade schools and the junior high school last Thursday. Officers elected were Douglas l,arson, president; Rusty Viger, vice-president Gertrude Silvers, secre- tary; Duane Cracola, chairman of the program committee. This week marks the business anniversary of the McConkey Pharmacy at 4th and Railroad. The drng store was established 24 years ago by proprietor Roy MeConkey. Appointive officers to serve in the Women's Field Army for the control of cancer were announced today by .Mrs. James K. Needham. They are Mrs. H. R. Hamilton, Mrs. B. N. Collier, Mrs. C. E. Runacres, Dr. George LeComl)te , Mrs. Frank Bishop and MT. Marcus Rodgers. Completing a highly successful day with some $25 going toward the PTA hot lunch fund, the cake baking contest held by the LM lroduced two winners With Mrs. La:wrence Burrell u;inning the sponge cake division and Mrs. Herman Ahern win- ning the butter cake division. Other winrmrs in the sponge care contest were Mrs. John Eliason, Mrs. J. T. Shimek, Mrs. Hale, Potlatch; Mrs. K. Simmons, Mrs. Ed Ahern, Mrs. Dave • Adams, Mrs. A. C. Cardinal, Mrs. Etta Rector, Mrs. E. M. Fuller, Mrs. Frank Fentiman, Mrs. M,. L. Morgan and Miss Katheen Graham. Other awards in the butter cake division went to Mrs. E. M. Fuller, Mrs. Alfred Andermn, Mrs. William Grove. Mrs. L. Carl- aon, Miss Evelyn Boardman, Mrs. Richard Grenberg, Mrs. Her- bert Angle, Mrs. Mary Armstrong, Mrs. Alex Miller, Mrs. Victor King, Mrs. Vernon Davidson; I0 year old, Shirley Clay and Virginia Glenn. 4  zk $ Fast haeball returns to Shelton Sunday after a two year absence when the Northwest League r611s up the curtain nn an0tl'mr season to present the Seattle Gibson Carpet Cleaners against the Shelton Loggers at Loop Field. Eddie Percival will be the npening hurler. For Over 24 Years It Has Been McCONKEYS FOR DRU6S TWO LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU 306 RAILROAD Phone HA 6-3456 329 RAILROAD .Phone HA 6-4456 DRUG CENTER 306 RAILROAD . PHONE HA 6-3456 i PHARMACY 4TH AND RAILROAD • " PHONE HA 6-4456 State Head Speaks To Navy Mothers Mason county Navy Mothers Chlb honored Mrs. Lorna ll)uCutte, state commander of Navy Mothers Clubs at a dinner last Thnrs(t:ly evening in the Memorial hall. Mrs. 19ttCuLte spoke to the groul) of the anrlllal conventi(m held in Bi)st()l. Initiated into the grnup i)y Mrs. I hlCutte was Mrs. Geof gia Vanning of Union. Oot-of-town guests at the mcet- in were Mrs. Laura Bodley, Mrs. Hazel Mnllins, Mrs. Annie Su- ler_ds, Mrs. Geneva Bralten, Mrs. Naomi Casson, Olympia; Mrs. Ollie Allen, Union, and Marie McLough. lin, The next meeting of the Navy Mothers will he held at 8 p.m, Thursday, April 16, in the Memor- ial hall. Ghristmasl0wn Guild Eleds New Offkers The Christmastown Orthopedic Guild met on Wednesday of last week in tho home of Mri. Don Brown with Mrs. Gerhard Ness as co-hostess. The following officers were elected far the coming year: Mrs. Vema Nelson president; Mrs. Joe Miltenberger, vice president; and Mrs John Eager, secretary-treaS- lit'el'. Plans were completed for the annual penny drive. Co-chairmen for the event will be Mrs. Earl Mericle and Mrs. Robert nyder. Refre.hments were served by the hostesses. _[ ........ 4-H News Shelton dley Clovera The Shelton Valley Clovers 4-H Club met at lhe Southside Grange lasi Thursday. How Lo test seeds to see jf the majority will germinate was the demonstration given by Joe Brown. Karen Frank]in showed how to nleIIStll'e liquid ingredients. Re- freshments were served following lh*, meeting, The next meeting of tile Clovers will be held Thursday, April 16, in the. Shelton Valley Grange. - Dick Ewrs, reporter. County Commissioners To Meet at Tacoma The Peninsllla district: of the Vqashinglnn Slate Association of Cmlnty Commissioners will hold a meeling this nrorinff at I0 a.m. at the Mt. View Country Chtb m Ta- coma. ConllllissioBers John B&I'iel<iYlan, C. W. Streckenbach and Roy Mit- ('.hell of Mason county will attend. Mitchell is president of the penin- sula district. Borrow money just by writing a checkwith READY CREDIT HERE'S anew way Lto borrow money--to buy things.., to y lls .. for any- I i thing you want. A Seafirst R-Crelit I ,,,account costs nothing until You use it.] - Upon approval of your application,  you can borrow money just by writing  a check. And you pay monthly onlyj ,10% of what you owe. There's no charge for establishing a  Ready-Credit .Account. For detailed in- formation about Seafirst Ready-Credit, visit, telephone, or write... SHELTON BRANCH