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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 9, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 9, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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L J 12 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Christmas(own, U.S.A.," Sbelton, Washm on __ Thursday, A !L Island ," By DONETTE GLASER !HARSTINE ISLAND-.The Her- mtiae: Island Ladies Club met at hei regular monthly meeting at e Community Hall. This was a tlffek work party. They were i:to accomplish a lot of odds ,ends that were very much :lled of doing before the sum- t:'$ets in. We understand that :::windows were washed inside d Out and believe us this hasn't ::tlone in years. There will be aVid(liar work party today at the :: :iEveryone who is able wheth- :members of the club or not is lge to attend. Mrs. McCulloch: ed that we thank Mr. Ernie i ,TOUeh, Dr. Raymond Waid, Mr. I lMty McCulloch, Mr. Al Pridham $d Mr. John Hitchcock for their help :;a the work party. . Tler6 was a meeting at the 061 house last Friday to dis- Sithe float for the Forest Fes- ta82 I': and set a date for a work A committee was appointed all the necessary material by Saturday. This work will be held at the StaR at 10 a.m. but people are to drop by anytime it's con- venient. This float will be a rep- Ca of the first Harstlne ferry, the Island Belle. We would like thank Mrs. Clive Troy of Pick- ing Passage for the lovely 8xl0 totograph she loaned ue of the d Island Belle. 'j County Commissioner C. W. Streckenbach was ill at his home everal days this pat week. We ope you have shook off the old ld bug by now Streek. H Jppy birthdays this week go to Mrs. Dot Smith of Harstine laUd and to Mr. Jim McAuliffe of San Francisco, Calif., who are o celebrating their day on Sat- rday the llth. Many happy re- Ur of the day to both of you. T.he George T. WaRes Jr. and 0hflden and Misses Yvonne and heryl Meeks attended the spring COncert at the Pioneer school this ]past "Wednesday. Mrs. Jack Meeks entertained at rble surprise birthday party rday night at her home. The honored guests were Mr. Jack Meeks and Mr. George T. Waite Jr. The hostess served a lovely ,pagettl dinner buffet style and had all the trimmings along with It. Those attending to sing hap- Yckbirthday were Mr. and Mrs. Seward of Olympia, Mr. Jones of Pickering Passage Edith Smalley, Mr. and Glenn Yates, Mr. and Mrs. John Lee Goetsch of Sattle, Mrs. WaRe and Cindy, Cheryl and Yvonne and Michael Meeks, and the H. V. Glasers. We would like to thank Mr. Streclkenbach for the work he so ecusly did in the school yard. lnl¢ you," Streck, from all us parents. The Harstine Island Ladies Club will entertain the Pickertng ladles at the hall the last Thursday in lnnd visiting Dorothy's parents, the Lee Carlsons. We wish to offer our sincere W$alDathy to Mrs. Raymond Mc- fllh who received word of the ssing of her brother, Emmit Logan in Keosauqtm, Ind,, tills la: week. , Dr, Pollock, formerly of Shelton, llas,ioved to Hoquiam, and is now usoeiated with Howard Bryant R Street in Hoquiarn. Good ltlck' to you, Dr. Pollock. i; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Eddy of quiam drove up to the Island this past Saturday to visit with all :teir little sick grandchildren. e:Glaser kids are under doctor's orders to spend one more week bed to try and ehake off the e sore throats. These Sore : •: : ...... A//yn News Items of Interest By MARLENE BURGESON ALLYN--Mrs. Blanche Zeitner had as weekend guests Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sullivan and their three children, Kathy, Pat and Mike of Skykomish, Wash. Mrs. Sullivan is the daughter of Mr. A. W. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Ratsont spent Sun- day afternoon in the home of her sister, Mrs. Margaret Davis. Sunday dinner gmsts in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Pet- arson was Mr. and Mrs. Andy Matsko and daughter Marsha of Seattle. Mrs. Leonard Nelson reports that her brother, Mr. Wesley Grif- ,fey, spent several days last week in the Shelton General Hospital with a case of pneumonia. We are sure everyone will want to wish him well and hope that he will soon be up and about again. Mr. and Mrs Nelson spent Fri- day evening at the boat show in Bremerton. Mr. and Mrs. George Plasha of Aberdeen stopped in for an after- noon chat with Mr. and Mrs. George Milosevich Sunday on their return from Port Orchard. UTTLE SKOOKUM BAY Mr. and Mrs. Larry King and their three children of Moses Lake slmnl: a recent weekend with her father, Mr. William AustiL Mr. tIank Austin has been elect- ed clerk of the North Mason School Board. He will take office the first of April The board meets the second Monday eve- niu of each month. Saturday Mr. and Mrs, L. A. Alma ant( daughter Carol visited with her mother, Mr. Ins Baltuss and family in PuyaIlup Later in the afternoon on their return trip they stopped at the home of his brother, Mr. Lloyd Allen in Olym- eta to share in a birthday dinner in his ,hrother*s honor. LITTLE SKOOKUM BAY .... Come one, come all to the dance this Saturday night at Little Skoo- kum Hall. The Jim Blizzard's or- chestra will be featured and danc- ing starts at 9:30 p.m. Some very interesting training films are scheduled to be shown at the fire meeting Tuesday, April 14, at Southside Hall. During the Friday evening Shel- ton vs. Chehalis high school track meet, David Roundtree of our com- munity ran away with first place honors in the half mile run. Good work. David. Saturday overnighters at the Larry u, ver home were the Oll- vers' daughter, Robin, and the peo- ple she lives with on Bainbridge Island, the Orvil Greenwoods. Saturday evening, the Green- woods also Visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Sells. i Joan and Davis Chappell and daughters and Bob Horton, all of Aberdeen, spent the weekend with Joan's folks, the Walter Aliens. Davis and Bob returned home Sun- day, while Joan and girls remained until Wednesday. Little Kathyand Betty Blanton of Shelton spent Sunday afternoon with Evelyn and Dan Lynch. Dr. and Mrs. Lauerman of Mon- tsano 'spent all day Sunday at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Ryan. Mrs. Frank Bishop and her housegmsts, Mr. and Mrs Vie.(or Bernard and daughter, Audrey, made the interesting trip to Van- couw)r, B.C., this weekend. A dinner party in honor of her houseguests was given Monday night by Mrs. Bishop. Spending Sunday afternoon and enjoying dinner and a late lunch- : Wtl, ,it. Water . AII were Mrs. Edna Knee/and, Mrs. )el'tll0 Hodel and Mrs. Abll. Dick Welch along with his son Bob and daughter Jan of Tacoma called Sunday on Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wallin. The Bill Price family drove to Brlnnon Sunday for a visit with Mrs. Price's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Springer. Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Leland Hudson were Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Nelson of Seattle and Mr. and Mrs. Green of Bremerton. throats are the aftermath of scar- let fever. The Harstlne school was notice- ably vacant this Monday with Danny Knauf, Eddie WaRe, and Suzte Glaser on the absent list. NEVER TOO EARLY,.. NEVER TOO LATE s e, Now Is The Time TOe.. OLOQUALLUM [ Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Ap,'il 10-11"I" ,[ I "TORPEDO RUN" pLUS .] J I C01-ll I= Salem, Ore., visited relatives in the communi! y thi wcelt,lld. A Satlll'day g'ue;l eft the .h)o Whilil.::; was lilmtn' ]!',i," of Poriltl(t, ()re. By DON EVEI.ETH CL()QUA LLUM .... The Cloqual" hull Priscilla Chlb met "We(hws- George Johnson. After a bu;dwss nlecting tile ladies enjoyed an eve- ning of visiting and refreshments. The next club meeting will be at the Grange hall for hmcheon the first Wednesday in May. The la- dies are asked to bring sewing materials (needle, thread, etc.) to work on the quilt. Thelma (Mrs. Boney) Loertschcr has been away for a week visiting friends. Joe MeAl fray returned home from the hospital Saturday after several days stay. Mr. and Mrs. Rod Brockley of MARINE ON LEAVE St 'x' l:Ioinl:tn, soil Of Mr. and Mrs. (h'nt! 1-/ohlian, Rt. 3, Arcadia( l{lad, is ]l(llllt oil lelvc fl'OITl tile • Mr" D(ulK Miller arid 5iis }.ai,' Marinc' fr 13 days. day evening at the honle of ,Mrs. CaIes Of l",;be \\;vcr,! ,%ulday vis- ltc is s;,imed at Camp Pendle- I itors at the ,Ioc \\;Vidlings. (Ion, Calif. }-it, will return to camp Mr. and Mrs. George Leb,ki and[to'imvc' 6 weeks advanced train- Mr. AlberL Alexander were guest: ng. Then hc will be shipped over- in Forks Friday and Salurday and seas for 15 months to 2 years. attendcd the installation of thei Eastern Star where Mr. l!Iarry Saeke/t was installed Worthy Pa- been in a rest home there. tron. Mrs. Alice Bents and Carol of Sunday, Mr. and M:I's, Gcorge lPorter were Sunday guests of the Leboki were hosts at a birthdaylPearsons. dinner for Miss Bonnadel Alexan-I Mrs. Irene Holt and three sons ider, with all fanliiy meml)ers there lwere guests of the Tom Kearneys to wish her Happy Birthday! l all last week. The Kenneth Pearson family] Miss Pat Greites and Mrs. Tom went to visit her great-uncle at Kearney spent three days in Port- Jackson's Ferry Sunday. He has land recently. Starring: Glenn Ford and "ME AND THE Ju "." Ernest Borgnine Starring: Danny Ka.)', I! The unforgettable story of the Jurgens with NicOle ' submarine "Grayfish." The A new kind of triumP P" greatest ,submarine picture of, ny Kava. Magnific'e them all. The men who loved i sense, in (*very sc ll: her, the hate that drove her, most appealing ana.{! the glory she found at Sitka!funniest films DannY Bay !- made ! Week, May 22-23-24 i Needham's Shop-Rite SEE SHOP-RITE'S "A STAR IS BORN" IN THE DAFFODIL PARADE, SAT., APRIL II Watch the big Daffodil Festival Parade this Saturday at coma, Puyallup or Sumner or view the parade over 11 & 13 sponsored by Needham's and Shop-Rite Food of the Pacific Northwest... Don't miss this wonderful Wesson Oil ..... QUART " MarGarine 3-1bs. ,o,,,,,,- i)eternent UCESS GIANT SIZE PEANUT BUTTER ,cswE oz 18-oz. "0 " Strawberries 3 b oxes Jar. ='tq7 "Fresh as a Daisy'"Produce POTRTO00ES WASH. NO. 2 50 pound bag CAULIFLOWER ....................... 19 HBD LETTUCE ............. 2 25 VAN CAMP'S Pork & Beans 2 ................ Tins FRANCO AMERICAN Spaghetti ' 4 ............................ Tins Scotties FACIAL TISSUES 2 ................................. 400's DARIGOLD Butter ........................................ Pound SPERRY'S Pancake Flour ................ ,-lb. Bag WHITE STAR Chunk Tuna 2 ...................... Tins ii i I . ii i iii LET YOUR HONEY WORK FOR YOU 3 1/% Per/mnumCurrent Dividend HOME LOAN ::i All ,,.,,t. I.,. .p to ,,0,00o by t=.s. a ,...d I.e. ii THURSTON OOUNTY FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOOIATION Seeu/tty Bldg., Olympia, Wuh. D I R ECTOR S--.. iilton 1. Sears, Predent ARNOLD KOUTONEN rr HAZEL WALMER V, R. Lawrence, Exee, Vice Pre& JOHN S. LYNCH, JR. 'Hazel Walraer, Seeretary-Trea V. 1 LAWRENCE lgane Damn, ANt. 8ecy.,2hreea, J.C. MTNSHUI J'i C. Minshull, Vice President CARLTON I, SEARS I CURRENT DIVIDEND RATES 3V=% PER ANNUM-- I ............ I I I I I llll ill I SWANSON'S T-V Orangeade, Grapeade, or Pineapple-Grape- fruit Drink TOP VALUE COFFEE 46-OZ. TINS EACH Whole Bean .......... 1-Lb. j' WHOLE FRESH Fancy Washington Grown Birds... Absolutely Top Quality. POUND ...... VNF, "CHOICE" BEEF . , . BOTTOM ROUND FLUFFO. . . . 3-1b. 69 BOTTOM ROUND STEAKS. . Ib, FOLGER'S INSTANT VNF, "CIOICE" BEEF , . . TOP ROUND OOFFEE, . , . 6-oz. 99 BONELESS STEAK . . . , Ib, OUR OWN BULK STYLE SA... ,NSTA.T PORK SAUSAGE... 3 Ibs. OFFEE.... 4-oz.' 79 BRISOO. , , . 3-1b. 79 SALT Leslie's New "Finger Tip" Pack 12-oz. Pkg .... 10 PRICES EFFECTIVE NOON THURS.) APRIL Limit 3hts Reserved' L J 12 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Christmas(own, U.S.A.," Sbelton, Washm on __ Thursday, A !L Island ," By DONETTE GLASER !HARSTINE ISLAND-.The Her- mtiae: Island Ladies Club met at hei regular monthly meeting at e Community Hall. This was a tlffek work party. They were i:to accomplish a lot of odds ,ends that were very much :lled of doing before the sum- t:'$ets in. We understand that :::windows were washed inside d Out and believe us this hasn't ::tlone in years. There will be aVid(liar work party today at the :: :iEveryone who is able wheth- :members of the club or not is lge to attend. Mrs. McCulloch: ed that we thank Mr. Ernie i ,TOUeh, Dr. Raymond Waid, Mr. I lMty McCulloch, Mr. Al Pridham $d Mr. John Hitchcock for their help :;a the work party. . Tler6 was a meeting at the 061 house last Friday to dis- Sithe float for the Forest Fes- ta82 I': and set a date for a work A committee was appointed all the necessary material by Saturday. This work will be held at the StaR at 10 a.m. but people are to drop by anytime it's con- venient. This float will be a rep- Ca of the first Harstlne ferry, the Island Belle. We would like thank Mrs. Clive Troy of Pick- ing Passage for the lovely 8xl0 totograph she loaned ue of the d Island Belle. 'j County Commissioner C. W. Streckenbach was ill at his home everal days this pat week. We ope you have shook off the old ld bug by now Streek. H Jppy birthdays this week go to Mrs. Dot Smith of Harstine laUd and to Mr. Jim McAuliffe of San Francisco, Calif., who are o celebrating their day on Sat- rday the llth. Many happy re- Ur of the day to both of you. T.he George T. WaRes Jr. and 0hflden and Misses Yvonne and heryl Meeks attended the spring COncert at the Pioneer school this ]past "Wednesday. Mrs. Jack Meeks entertained at rble surprise birthday party rday night at her home. The honored guests were Mr. Jack Meeks and Mr. George T. Waite Jr. The hostess served a lovely ,pagettl dinner buffet style and had all the trimmings along with It. Those attending to sing hap- Yckbirthday were Mr. and Mrs. Seward of Olympia, Mr. Jones of Pickering Passage Edith Smalley, Mr. and Glenn Yates, Mr. and Mrs. John Lee Goetsch of Sattle, Mrs. WaRe and Cindy, Cheryl and Yvonne and Michael Meeks, and the H. V. Glasers. We would like to thank Mr. Streclkenbach for the work he so ecusly did in the school yard. lnl¢ you," Streck, from all us parents. The Harstine Island Ladies Club will entertain the Pickertng ladles at the hall the last Thursday in lnnd visiting Dorothy's parents, the Lee Carlsons. We wish to offer our sincere W$alDathy to Mrs. Raymond Mc- fllh who received word of the ssing of her brother, Emmit Logan in Keosauqtm, Ind,, tills la: week. , Dr, Pollock, formerly of Shelton, llas,ioved to Hoquiam, and is now usoeiated with Howard Bryant R Street in Hoquiarn. Good ltlck' to you, Dr. Pollock. i; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Eddy of quiam drove up to the Island this past Saturday to visit with all :teir little sick grandchildren. e:Glaser kids are under doctor's orders to spend one more week bed to try and ehake off the e sore throats. These Sore : •: : ...... A//yn News Items of Interest By MARLENE BURGESON ALLYN--Mrs. Blanche Zeitner had as weekend guests Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sullivan and their three children, Kathy, Pat and Mike of Skykomish, Wash. Mrs. Sullivan is the daughter of Mr. A. W. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Ratsont spent Sun- day afternoon in the home of her sister, Mrs. Margaret Davis. Sunday dinner gmsts in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Pet- arson was Mr. and Mrs. Andy Matsko and daughter Marsha of Seattle. Mrs. Leonard Nelson reports that her brother, Mr. Wesley Grif- ,fey, spent several days last week in the Shelton General Hospital with a case of pneumonia. We are sure everyone will want to wish him well and hope that he will soon be up and about again. Mr. and Mrs Nelson spent Fri- day evening at the boat show in Bremerton. Mr. and Mrs. George Plasha of Aberdeen stopped in for an after- noon chat with Mr. and Mrs. George Milosevich Sunday on their return from Port Orchard. UTTLE SKOOKUM BAY Mr. and Mrs. Larry King and their three children of Moses Lake slmnl: a recent weekend with her father, Mr. William AustiL Mr. tIank Austin has been elect- ed clerk of the North Mason School Board. He will take office the first of April The board meets the second Monday eve- niu of each month. Saturday Mr. and Mrs, L. A. Alma ant( daughter Carol visited with her mother, Mr. Ins Baltuss and family in PuyaIlup Later in the afternoon on their return trip they stopped at the home of his brother, Mr. Lloyd Allen in Olym- eta to share in a birthday dinner in his ,hrother*s honor. LITTLE SKOOKUM BAY .... Come one, come all to the dance this Saturday night at Little Skoo- kum Hall. The Jim Blizzard's or- chestra will be featured and danc- ing starts at 9:30 p.m. Some very interesting training films are scheduled to be shown at the fire meeting Tuesday, April 14, at Southside Hall. During the Friday evening Shel- ton vs. Chehalis high school track meet, David Roundtree of our com- munity ran away with first place honors in the half mile run. Good work. David. Saturday overnighters at the Larry u, ver home were the Oll- vers' daughter, Robin, and the peo- ple she lives with on Bainbridge Island, the Orvil Greenwoods. Saturday evening, the Green- woods also Visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Sells. i Joan and Davis Chappell and daughters and Bob Horton, all of Aberdeen, spent the weekend with Joan's folks, the Walter Aliens. Davis and Bob returned home Sun- day, while Joan and girls remained until Wednesday. Little Kathyand Betty Blanton of Shelton spent Sunday afternoon with Evelyn and Dan Lynch. Dr. and Mrs. Lauerman of Mon- tsano 'spent all day Sunday at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Ryan. Mrs. Frank Bishop and her housegmsts, Mr. and Mrs Vie.(or Bernard and daughter, Audrey, made the interesting trip to Van- couw)r, B.C., this weekend. A dinner party in honor of her houseguests was given Monday night by Mrs. Bishop. Spending Sunday afternoon and enjoying dinner and a late lunch- : Wtl, ,it. Water . AII were Mrs. Edna Knee/and, Mrs. )el'tll0 Hodel and Mrs. Abll. Dick Welch along with his son Bob and daughter Jan of Tacoma called Sunday on Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wallin. The Bill Price family drove to Brlnnon Sunday for a visit with Mrs. Price's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Springer. Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Leland Hudson were Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Nelson of Seattle and Mr. and Mrs. Green of Bremerton. throats are the aftermath of scar- let fever. The Harstlne school was notice- ably vacant this Monday with Danny Knauf, Eddie WaRe, and Suzte Glaser on the absent list. NEVER TOO EARLY,.. NEVER TOO LATE s e, Now Is The Time TOe.. OLOQUALLUM [ Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Ap,'il 10-11"I" ,[ I "TORPEDO RUN" pLUS .] J I C01-ll I= Salem, Ore., visited relatives in the communi! y thi wcelt,lld. A Satlll'day g'ue;l eft the .h)o Whilil.::; was lilmtn' ]!',i," of Poriltl(t, ()re. By DON EVEI.ETH CL()QUA LLUM .... The Cloqual" hull Priscilla Chlb met "We(hws- George Johnson. After a bu;dwss nlecting tile ladies enjoyed an eve- ning of visiting and refreshments. The next club meeting will be at the Grange hall for hmcheon the first Wednesday in May. The la- dies are asked to bring sewing materials (needle, thread, etc.) to work on the quilt. Thelma (Mrs. Boney) Loertschcr has been away for a week visiting friends. Joe MeAl fray returned home from the hospital Saturday after several days stay. Mr. and Mrs. Rod Brockley of MARINE ON LEAVE St 'x' l:Ioinl:tn, soil Of Mr. and Mrs. (h'nt! 1-/ohlian, Rt. 3, Arcadia( l{lad, is ]l(llllt oil lelvc fl'OITl tile • Mr" D(ulK Miller arid 5iis }.ai,' Marinc' fr 13 days. day evening at the honle of ,Mrs. CaIes Of l",;be \\;vcr,! ,%ulday vis- ltc is s;,imed at Camp Pendle- I itors at the ,Ioc \\;Vidlings. (Ion, Calif. }-it, will return to camp Mr. and Mrs. George Leb,ki and[to'imvc' 6 weeks advanced train- Mr. AlberL Alexander were guest: ng. Then hc will be shipped over- in Forks Friday and Salurday and seas for 15 months to 2 years. attendcd the installation of thei Eastern Star where Mr. l!Iarry Saeke/t was installed Worthy Pa- been in a rest home there. tron. Mrs. Alice Bents and Carol of Sunday, Mr. and M:I's, Gcorge lPorter were Sunday guests of the Leboki were hosts at a birthdaylPearsons. dinner for Miss Bonnadel Alexan-I Mrs. Irene Holt and three sons ider, with all fanliiy meml)ers there lwere guests of the Tom Kearneys to wish her Happy Birthday! l all last week. The Kenneth Pearson family] Miss Pat Greites and Mrs. Tom went to visit her great-uncle at Kearney spent three days in Port- Jackson's Ferry Sunday. He has land recently. Starring: Glenn Ford and "ME AND THE Ju "." Ernest Borgnine Starring: Danny Ka.)', I! The unforgettable story of the Jurgens with NicOle ' submarine "Grayfish." The A new kind of triumP P" greatest ,submarine picture of, ny Kava. Magnific'e them all. The men who loved i sense, in (*very sc ll: her, the hate that drove her, most appealing ana.{! the glory she found at Sitka!funniest films DannY Bay !- made ! Week, May 22-23-24 i Needham's Shop-Rite SEE SHOP-RITE'S "A STAR IS BORN" IN THE DAFFODIL PARADE, SAT., APRIL II Watch the big Daffodil Festival Parade this Saturday at coma, Puyallup or Sumner or view the parade over 11 & 13 sponsored by Needham's and Shop-Rite Food of the Pacific Northwest... Don't miss this wonderful Wesson Oil ..... QUART " MarGarine 3-1bs. ,o,,,,,,- i)eternent UCESS GIANT SIZE PEANUT BUTTER ,cswE oz 18-oz. "0 " Strawberries 3 b oxes Jar. ='tq7 "Fresh as a Daisy'"Produce POTRTO00ES WASH. NO. 2 50 pound bag CAULIFLOWER ....................... 19 HBD LETTUCE ............. 2 25 VAN CAMP'S Pork & Beans 2 ................ Tins FRANCO AMERICAN Spaghetti ' 4 ............................ Tins Scotties FACIAL TISSUES 2 ................................. 400's DARIGOLD Butter ........................................ Pound SPERRY'S Pancake Flour ................ ,-lb. Bag WHITE STAR Chunk Tuna 2 ...................... Tins ii i I . ii i iii LET YOUR HONEY WORK FOR YOU 3 1/% Per/mnumCurrent Dividend HOME LOAN ::i All ,,.,,t. I.,. .p to ,,0,00o by t=.s. a ,...d I.e. ii THURSTON OOUNTY FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOOIATION Seeu/tty Bldg., Olympia, Wuh. D I R ECTOR S--.. iilton 1. Sears, Predent ARNOLD KOUTONEN rr HAZEL WALMER V, R. Lawrence, Exee, Vice Pre& JOHN S. LYNCH, JR. 'Hazel Walraer, Seeretary-Trea V. 1 LAWRENCE lgane Damn, ANt. 8ecy.,2hreea, J.C. MTNSHUI J'i C. Minshull, Vice President CARLTON I, SEARS I CURRENT DIVIDEND RATES 3V=% PER ANNUM-- I ............ I I I I I llll ill I SWANSON'S T-V Orangeade, Grapeade, or Pineapple-Grape- fruit Drink TOP VALUE COFFEE 46-OZ. TINS EACH Whole Bean .......... 1-Lb. j' WHOLE FRESH Fancy Washington Grown Birds... Absolutely Top Quality. POUND ...... VNF, "CHOICE" BEEF . , . BOTTOM ROUND FLUFFO. . . . 3-1b. 69 BOTTOM ROUND STEAKS. . Ib, FOLGER'S INSTANT VNF, "CIOICE" BEEF , . . TOP ROUND OOFFEE, . , . 6-oz. 99 BONELESS STEAK . . . , Ib, OUR OWN BULK STYLE SA... ,NSTA.T PORK SAUSAGE... 3 Ibs. OFFEE.... 4-oz.' 79 BRISOO. , , . 3-1b. 79 SALT Leslie's New "Finger Tip" Pack 12-oz. Pkg .... 10 PRICES EFFECTIVE NOON THURS.) APRIL Limit 3hts Reserved'