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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 9, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 9, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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1 9, 1959 REED. INC. qERR ROTTER Building on Request FAITII I,UTHERAN CHURCH J. Bernhard Bretheim, Pastor This ,Sin]day at Lutheran c}mv('h a g],mp of students from the' I,uhera, n Bible Institute in , So, tile will bring messages at the 'S:!5 and the 11:00 a.m. worship services. Botll choirs of the church !will present anthems. Join us for tills hour of worstflp. Sunday school and adult Bible classes will meet between the serv- ice at 9:30. Be a loyal attender of your Sunday school each Sun- !: :!): TEEN-AGERS DELm.T The ! iill i ALPINE HAT oys, s,e $1"" -M-t.-XL LITTLE & BIG SHOP ,6 cots st. SI-IEJ,TON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in "hrisfmastown? U.S.A.," Shelton, Washington i ...... !,, .... i. , ,)!!, day. Every member of the family will find a class for ages 3 through adults. Tim Luther Leaguers are at- tePxling the antitlai spring con- vention of the "Washingl;on circuits at First Lutheran chm'ch of Ellens- burg this weekend. Mr. Vince Him- lie, one of Faith Lutheran's youttt leaders, is president of this state- wide organization. On Monday night the board of trustees meet at 6:30 and the Sun- day school staff at 8:00 p.m. Youth class meets on Tuesday night at 6:30. The midweek service is held on Wedtlesday night at 7:00 with Bi- ble study in "Witnessing with the Word." The senior choir has its weekly rehearsal the same eve- ning at 8:00 p.m. On Thursday the junior choir rehearses at 3:30 p.m. and the youth council meets at 7 p.m. At the April Family Fireside Hour on Sunday the 19th, begin- ning at 5 p.m., the boys glee from the Rainier school for retarded children at Buckley will present a sacred concert in our church. Plan to take in this event. Subject of Service God's goodness and all-power will be brought out at Christian Science services Sunday. "Are Sin, Disease, and Death ]Real?" is the subject of the Les- son-Sermon. MT. OLIVE LUTHERAN W. F. Kellerman, Pastor Sunday school and Bible classes Sunday momfinga at 9:45 worship service at 11:00. The second quar-l terly meeting of the voting body of Mt. Olive will be held Sunda, evening at 7:00 in the parish hall. The adult membership class will meet on Monoay at 8:00 p.m. The Lutheran Layrnen's League meets Tuesday evening at 8:00. Choir rehearsal on Thursday eve- nings at 8:00. ; Junior Confirmation class meets every Saturday morning at 9:00. The pastor will attend the Pu- get Sound Pastoral Conference to be held in Aberdeen. April 14-16. You are cordially mvlted to at- tend our Sunday school and wor- ship service. Goodness, Power Scriptural readings will include l these verses from Psalms (103:2,' 3): "Bless the Lord, 0 my soul, and forget not all his benefits: Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases." Also emphasizing the harmoni- ous nature of God's creation are selections to be read from "Science and Health with Key to the Scrip- tures" by Mary Baker Eddy, in- cluding (472:25-30) : "That which He creates is good, and He makes all that is made. Therefore the only reality of sin, sickness, or death is the awful fact that un- realities seem real to human, err- ing belief, until God strips off theii" disguise. They are not true, because they are not of God." Most of the automobile manufac- turers are now using more nickel under the chromium plating on their 1959 cars. A thick layer of nickel beneath the chromium on bumpers and other parts protects them from nicks and scratches and from corroding. CHURCHES FIRST CHRISTIAN CItURCH Lewis E. Whitney, Mhtiter Sunday school and adult Bible classes meet at 9:45 a.m. each Sunday followed by the morning worship at 11 o'clock. Nursery ser- vices are available for those with small children. Sunday vesper ser- vices are held from 7 to 8 p.m. Members of the congregation meet for midweek Bible study each Wednesday evening at 7:30 in the Whitney horrre. On April 22, 23 and 24, the fourth annual Gospel festival will be held at the Puget Sound Col- lege of the Bible in Seattle. Res- ervations for the Friday night banquet should be made as soon as possible, with Mr. Whitney. Theme for the festival is "Holding Forth the Word of Life." The local church will host the fifth Saturday rally from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., May 30, in the church. Prices Effective Noon Thurs., Fri,, Sat., April 9-10-11 COTTAGE CHEESE ......... SAL. DRESSING 4,5 c QUARTS ......... SALAD OIL 53" QUARTS ......... SMALL SHRIMP s.u.. 49' 5-Ounce Tin ....... Stove's Meats 00,cucov California, 9* T mtun(i B00Er O0 ,,,,L,,,. ........................ " a||dtan Medium 9* IR t Tender Young  I I VII/HUVO Snze ............................. Each ,H ) . Bee ........................ .... lb. l OnUllU¢ Lrge Grin O¢ Large, A€ RvmMinr-. Solid Heads ................ .. Each T M Chunk Style .................... lb. qlP WIENERS BarS-i-lb. 49€ BANANAS Golden Yellow Lb. IS € Cello Pkg ..... " ........................... Southside News i,, i llnll i i By MRS. RAY KRATCIlA SOUTHSIDESouthside Grange degTee team is putting on the first and second degree at South Bay Grange in Olympia April 12 at 8 p.m., and on April 18 at 8p.m. they are taking the first and sec- ond degree to Cloquallum Grange in Mason county. GEORGE C. Bernertt of Long- view was a Saturday dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Leggett. Time Watchers 4-H Club met at Sandy Anderson's in March. The club decided to sell mints to raise money. Sandy Anderson gave a demonstration on wrapping and storing bread, and they discussed demonstrations for the county! contest. Time Watchers 4-H Club met at Mrs. BedeWs March 26 for a project meeting. Alice Stotsberry showed the girls how to make pie ernst, and they also met with their project leaders. The next meeting will be held on APril 9. Mrs. John Holtorf and family and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Coleman and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Staley of Seattle Easter Sunday and while there visited the Woodland Park zoo. BUSY BELL 4-ll Club meeting was held at Becky Jackson's April 1. Becky practiced her demonstra- tion on how to make cocoa syrup, and Susan Smith also practiced her demonstration on how to sift and measure flour. The next meet- ing will be held at Rose Kinnie's on April 15. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Danielson after church for Easter breakfast were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kimbel and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kimbel and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kimbel and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Samples and fam- ily, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Simpson and family, Mrs. Etta Rector and Mr. and Mrs. H. Borkenagen of Se- attle. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Leggett spent Easter Sunday with Josephine Bee- craft of Yacolt. SOUTHSIDE Sewing Club met at Peggy Holman's. They cele- brated Ruth Snyder's birthday, those attending were Ann Castle, Mary Glassey, Lorrain Dalbolt, Bobby Holman, Frances Fisher, Elnora Frazier, Ruth Snyder and Peggy Holman. Live Wires 4-H Club meeting was called to order by President Nancy Burnett Thursday. Dorothy Burnett and Lucille Lawson at- tended the meeting in place of Betty Wolf. Augusta Rollins will do a commtmity service for the month of April. The meeting was adjourned and refreshments were served. The next meeting will be May 7. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Leggett and daughter of Seattle were Saturday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Leggett. GUESTS CELEBRATING Mr. Lake Nahwatzel By MARY DAWSON LAKE NAHWATZEL --- Easter weekend gmsts of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Kelly were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Pearsali of Seattle and Mr. md Mrs..Tohn Pearsall of Sacra- mento, Calif. Other guests on Sat- urday were Mr. atd Mrs. Jim Leg- gett and daughter Susan of Se- attle. Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Pearsall and family of Elma called. The birthday of Mrs. Kelly and her first visit with her only grand- child, Susan Leggett, made the weekend extra special. MR. AND: MR Allan Hickson visited Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Billy Neff of the Arcadia district. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Gwinette of the fish hatchery wet weekend guests of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Johnson in Shelton. Dick Boothe of Seattle visited his mother, Mrs. Clifford Ford and sister Mrs. Dennis Reed last week. Charles Chappel of Matlock was a weekend guest of Lee Eddie Dawson. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Dawson and son, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Reed and Roberta, and Charles Chappe.l enjoyed Saturday night and Sun- day at the beach at Grayland. Mr. Newton Kendall spent sev- eral days last week in Seattle at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Walker. Saturday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Zillyette were Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Sellers and Mr. and Mrs. Adelbert Spaulding, all of Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Williams and daughter of Cathlamet, and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rathrock and chil- dren were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Zillyette. Tuesday eveng Mr. Ray Ander- son of Matlock called on Mr. and Mrs. Amel Tveit. Mr. and Mrs. Amel Tveit were Saturday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Peterson at Lost Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Parker and children of: Olympia were Satur- day afternoon and evening guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Hewson. Tbe Mary M. Knight PTO will hold their regular meeting this month on Friday, April 10, at 8 p.m. at the schoolhouse. ELECIPION OF officers will be held during the the regular busi- ness meeting. A nominating com- mittee has been working on pos- sible candidates and there will also be nominations from the floor. Refreshments will be served in the cafeteria following the meet- ing by Dorothy Landis, Melba Beerbower and Tens Shaw. Everyone is urged to attend the meeting and vote for the candi- date of your choice. Sigurd Bakke Serving On Coast Guard Cutter Sigurd A. Bakke, 20, Seaman Apprentiee, USCGR, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Dillon of Star Route 1, Shelton, has reported aboard the Coast Guard CUttei" McLane at Aberdeen, Wash., for assignment to duty. Sigurd, a member of the Coast Guard Re.rve, will serve on active duty for a two year period. He was graduated from Irene S. Reed High School in 1957. Much of the equipment used in atomic energy plants is nickel- plated to prevent corrosion. Pae 13 FLOYD GIBSON Call Hoodsport TR. 7-5237 Our Hood Canal Representative KIMBEL MOTORS Chrysler-Plymouth Cars International Trucks A New LM Service • N I Spring Weddings •. • Brlght!y Formal I Handsomely correct, and so comfortable! A large selec- tion available for summer formals. Sparkling 1 ig h t- weight . . • just right for your wedding! Complete for- mal rental service. ! YOU'RE AN INORIO:UAL.. You're a person, a dis. tinct, separate individual And when it comes to the strictly personal matter of your financial security, it'o important that you be treated as an individual That's why our otce al- ways gives you the P.S., Personal Service you de- s,grve. ANGLE Insurance 4th & R. R, H A 6-8272 L John Hoitorf's birthday Sunday Hi NO ABS @O, were r. and Mrs. ,.id Cole- IT "'-'" .................. -"°'- --''*'r" °" Chuck Staley of Seattle, and Mr. Broken Sections TUNA =d Mrs. Job..olto, and ,.=,,y. • nn • • • Ttewe,- SOS... OHUNK 9K_ =rs (len =tcha d =,chae, of Siletz, Ore., were weekend vis- k,b, @.]gt..?::,? ,,, -i.,= ;-":.:4 =.. STAR-KIST NO. '/2 IbqV MALLOWS ... 2:1 € WEST"IBE ........................ 0913 ttm. ofMr. andMrs. AlfredKa- _t,.t,.. doun and family, Mr. and Mrs, . - • *.u ,., -._a e B George Johnston of Matlock, 'Mr. ,,, --. --- -.. --- ,,,, Pixie Rainier, OIy Pla, Harems 6-1R- .U. and Mrs. Bill Lester and Mr. and ,.,,go]t,', . .'----- Mrs. Ray Kratcha and Janice of _ ............ _ I1} ,.; °, ,," ,," ," ,.', "" PROTEIN n.. "'""" Shelton. ' It&H,!,ol,![:,M,t " it_ s ,; ; , . . RS JEL[O 311 $ PtU$0erea n AST*W'ENDvs't°rs°f .":'-'-.,: e...-"'*'' Janice were George Boyce, Mel- TOILET TISSUE .Q v Schwede, d Tom orts o,  , Joan Bmaard and Judy Bernard 00PPlI: n : : MODE" 9/Rq of Seattle, Sandra Richardson of Union, Walt Kratcha and Mr. and Shurfi e _ Mrs. Walter gadoun and Linda, and last Monday visitors of Ray ,,ratoh. were Mr and Mrs Wal- o 0 • • :+:::::::,:-7:-::_=  nai , • • • • Chunks-No. 2.  SANITARY NAPKON$12'S h/rUM 00a,Yonna,se Pork & Beans IIRq I Potato Chps 49 **Frmers 0w°°°*'° . = I .  :C:.:?: ,  * - .;? ' .,,,':...:.. • -, , ..... , ........ : € € --- Seeding Pastures Chip ' 27 € Sal. Vinegar 23 € Macaroni 29 € grasslm'itCmmty'attenti°nPaSture seeding is again getttngAlfalfawasA.ededbYtenandfa.elacrelastLatar.edingweekinOrchard.byM__nof LeeDe" I s/*1 ;;/'d'i'' ;htimp 55 ( VeriflneEqGSfOr salads' 24.O= ? ! RQ----C Whe Depuit Alfalfa ia better adapt-thanCd Lapriore at Belfah'.wastoscededotherthe westnnalfalfas,a deePcoastThe mlxtUrbutlOamYcondittousit .nd.still AA X, LGE,  U V needs a well drained soil, The Kamilche Point Later Orchardgrass is also a new 9rn. spears, Pic. q'/ BOOTH FROZEN " 10-OZ. • --=,m, v . strain of Orchardgrass which has be:an need on the west coast only the past two years. Latar has a wider leaf than other mhardgrass, is more palatable and contains more protein. * Wldt tense plsr ' i h's "'""-" There are grasses snd clovers eSwe¢llsh stolnless stos! rods adapted for all soil conditions, wet  €   a Carrying Case m" dry, so plan before you seed. $24.95 Chevk yollr soils to see what is On Hi//crest best: for your farm for hay or pasture. Always prepare a good Johnny's Music Box firm seedbeed and fertilize with the proper fertilizer before seed- 429 Railroad Avenue • Phone HA 6.4302 Journal Want Ads Pay 1 9, 1959 REED. INC. qERR ROTTER Building on Request FAITII I,UTHERAN CHURCH J. Bernhard Bretheim, Pastor This ,Sin]day at Lutheran c}mv('h a g],mp of students from the' I,uhera, n Bible Institute in , So, tile will bring messages at the 'S:!5 and the 11:00 a.m. worship services. Botll choirs of the church !will present anthems. Join us for tills hour of worstflp. Sunday school and adult Bible classes will meet between the serv- ice at 9:30. Be a loyal attender of your Sunday school each Sun- !: :!): TEEN-AGERS DELm.T The ! iill i ALPINE HAT oys, s,e $1"" -M-t.-XL LITTLE & BIG SHOP ,6 cots st. SI-IEJ,TON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in "hrisfmastown? U.S.A.," Shelton, Washington i ...... !,, .... i. , ,)!!, day. Every member of the family will find a class for ages 3 through adults. Tim Luther Leaguers are at- tePxling the antitlai spring con- vention of the "Washingl;on circuits at First Lutheran chm'ch of Ellens- burg this weekend. Mr. Vince Him- lie, one of Faith Lutheran's youttt leaders, is president of this state- wide organization. On Monday night the board of trustees meet at 6:30 and the Sun- day school staff at 8:00 p.m. Youth class meets on Tuesday night at 6:30. The midweek service is held on Wedtlesday night at 7:00 with Bi- ble study in "Witnessing with the Word." The senior choir has its weekly rehearsal the same eve- ning at 8:00 p.m. On Thursday the junior choir rehearses at 3:30 p.m. and the youth council meets at 7 p.m. At the April Family Fireside Hour on Sunday the 19th, begin- ning at 5 p.m., the boys glee from the Rainier school for retarded children at Buckley will present a sacred concert in our church. Plan to take in this event. Subject of Service God's goodness and all-power will be brought out at Christian Science services Sunday. "Are Sin, Disease, and Death ]Real?" is the subject of the Les- son-Sermon. MT. OLIVE LUTHERAN W. F. Kellerman, Pastor Sunday school and Bible classes Sunday momfinga at 9:45 worship service at 11:00. The second quar-l terly meeting of the voting body of Mt. Olive will be held Sunda, evening at 7:00 in the parish hall. The adult membership class will meet on Monoay at 8:00 p.m. The Lutheran Layrnen's League meets Tuesday evening at 8:00. Choir rehearsal on Thursday eve- nings at 8:00. ; Junior Confirmation class meets every Saturday morning at 9:00. The pastor will attend the Pu- get Sound Pastoral Conference to be held in Aberdeen. April 14-16. You are cordially mvlted to at- tend our Sunday school and wor- ship service. Goodness, Power Scriptural readings will include l these verses from Psalms (103:2,' 3): "Bless the Lord, 0 my soul, and forget not all his benefits: Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases." Also emphasizing the harmoni- ous nature of God's creation are selections to be read from "Science and Health with Key to the Scrip- tures" by Mary Baker Eddy, in- cluding (472:25-30) : "That which He creates is good, and He makes all that is made. Therefore the only reality of sin, sickness, or death is the awful fact that un- realities seem real to human, err- ing belief, until God strips off theii" disguise. They are not true, because they are not of God." Most of the automobile manufac- turers are now using more nickel under the chromium plating on their 1959 cars. A thick layer of nickel beneath the chromium on bumpers and other parts protects them from nicks and scratches and from corroding. CHURCHES FIRST CHRISTIAN CItURCH Lewis E. Whitney, Mhtiter Sunday school and adult Bible classes meet at 9:45 a.m. each Sunday followed by the morning worship at 11 o'clock. Nursery ser- vices are available for those with small children. Sunday vesper ser- vices are held from 7 to 8 p.m. Members of the congregation meet for midweek Bible study each Wednesday evening at 7:30 in the Whitney horrre. On April 22, 23 and 24, the fourth annual Gospel festival will be held at the Puget Sound Col- lege of the Bible in Seattle. Res- ervations for the Friday night banquet should be made as soon as possible, with Mr. Whitney. Theme for the festival is "Holding Forth the Word of Life." The local church will host the fifth Saturday rally from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., May 30, in the church. Prices Effective Noon Thurs., Fri,, Sat., April 9-10-11 COTTAGE CHEESE ......... SAL. DRESSING 4,5 c QUARTS ......... SALAD OIL 53" QUARTS ......... SMALL SHRIMP s.u.. 49' 5-Ounce Tin ....... Stove's Meats 00,cucov California, 9* T mtun(i B00Er O0 ,,,,L,,,. ........................ " a||dtan Medium 9* IR t Tender Young  I I VII/HUVO Snze ............................. Each ,H ) . Bee ........................ .... lb. l OnUllU¢ Lrge Grin O¢ Large, A€ RvmMinr-. Solid Heads ................ .. Each T M Chunk Style .................... lb. qlP WIENERS BarS-i-lb. 49€ BANANAS Golden Yellow Lb. IS € Cello Pkg ..... " ........................... Southside News i,, i llnll i i By MRS. RAY KRATCIlA SOUTHSIDESouthside Grange degTee team is putting on the first and second degree at South Bay Grange in Olympia April 12 at 8 p.m., and on April 18 at 8p.m. they are taking the first and sec- ond degree to Cloquallum Grange in Mason county. GEORGE C. Bernertt of Long- view was a Saturday dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Leggett. Time Watchers 4-H Club met at Sandy Anderson's in March. The club decided to sell mints to raise money. Sandy Anderson gave a demonstration on wrapping and storing bread, and they discussed demonstrations for the county! contest. Time Watchers 4-H Club met at Mrs. BedeWs March 26 for a project meeting. Alice Stotsberry showed the girls how to make pie ernst, and they also met with their project leaders. The next meeting will be held on APril 9. Mrs. John Holtorf and family and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Coleman and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Staley of Seattle Easter Sunday and while there visited the Woodland Park zoo. BUSY BELL 4-ll Club meeting was held at Becky Jackson's April 1. Becky practiced her demonstra- tion on how to make cocoa syrup, and Susan Smith also practiced her demonstration on how to sift and measure flour. The next meet- ing will be held at Rose Kinnie's on April 15. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Danielson after church for Easter breakfast were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kimbel and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kimbel and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kimbel and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Samples and fam- ily, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Simpson and family, Mrs. Etta Rector and Mr. and Mrs. H. Borkenagen of Se- attle. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Leggett spent Easter Sunday with Josephine Bee- craft of Yacolt. SOUTHSIDE Sewing Club met at Peggy Holman's. They cele- brated Ruth Snyder's birthday, those attending were Ann Castle, Mary Glassey, Lorrain Dalbolt, Bobby Holman, Frances Fisher, Elnora Frazier, Ruth Snyder and Peggy Holman. Live Wires 4-H Club meeting was called to order by President Nancy Burnett Thursday. Dorothy Burnett and Lucille Lawson at- tended the meeting in place of Betty Wolf. Augusta Rollins will do a commtmity service for the month of April. The meeting was adjourned and refreshments were served. The next meeting will be May 7. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Leggett and daughter of Seattle were Saturday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Leggett. GUESTS CELEBRATING Mr. Lake Nahwatzel By MARY DAWSON LAKE NAHWATZEL --- Easter weekend gmsts of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Kelly were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Pearsali of Seattle and Mr. md Mrs..Tohn Pearsall of Sacra- mento, Calif. Other guests on Sat- urday were Mr. atd Mrs. Jim Leg- gett and daughter Susan of Se- attle. Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Pearsall and family of Elma called. The birthday of Mrs. Kelly and her first visit with her only grand- child, Susan Leggett, made the weekend extra special. MR. AND: MR Allan Hickson visited Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Billy Neff of the Arcadia district. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Gwinette of the fish hatchery wet weekend guests of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Johnson in Shelton. Dick Boothe of Seattle visited his mother, Mrs. Clifford Ford and sister Mrs. Dennis Reed last week. Charles Chappel of Matlock was a weekend guest of Lee Eddie Dawson. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Dawson and son, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Reed and Roberta, and Charles Chappe.l enjoyed Saturday night and Sun- day at the beach at Grayland. Mr. Newton Kendall spent sev- eral days last week in Seattle at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Walker. Saturday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Zillyette were Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Sellers and Mr. and Mrs. Adelbert Spaulding, all of Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Williams and daughter of Cathlamet, and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rathrock and chil- dren were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Zillyette. Tuesday eveng Mr. Ray Ander- son of Matlock called on Mr. and Mrs. Amel Tveit. Mr. and Mrs. Amel Tveit were Saturday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Peterson at Lost Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Parker and children of: Olympia were Satur- day afternoon and evening guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Hewson. Tbe Mary M. Knight PTO will hold their regular meeting this month on Friday, April 10, at 8 p.m. at the schoolhouse. ELECIPION OF officers will be held during the the regular busi- ness meeting. A nominating com- mittee has been working on pos- sible candidates and there will also be nominations from the floor. Refreshments will be served in the cafeteria following the meet- ing by Dorothy Landis, Melba Beerbower and Tens Shaw. Everyone is urged to attend the meeting and vote for the candi- date of your choice. Sigurd Bakke Serving On Coast Guard Cutter Sigurd A. Bakke, 20, Seaman Apprentiee, USCGR, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Dillon of Star Route 1, Shelton, has reported aboard the Coast Guard CUttei" McLane at Aberdeen, Wash., for assignment to duty. Sigurd, a member of the Coast Guard Re.rve, will serve on active duty for a two year period. He was graduated from Irene S. Reed High School in 1957. Much of the equipment used in atomic energy plants is nickel- plated to prevent corrosion. Pae 13 FLOYD GIBSON Call Hoodsport TR. 7-5237 Our Hood Canal Representative KIMBEL MOTORS Chrysler-Plymouth Cars International Trucks A New LM Service • N I Spring Weddings •. • Brlght!y Formal I Handsomely correct, and so comfortable! A large selec- tion available for summer formals. Sparkling 1 ig h t- weight . . • just right for your wedding! Complete for- mal rental service. ! YOU'RE AN INORIO:UAL.. You're a person, a dis. tinct, separate individual And when it comes to the strictly personal matter of your financial security, it'o important that you be treated as an individual That's why our otce al- ways gives you the P.S., Personal Service you de- s,grve. ANGLE Insurance 4th & R. R, H A 6-8272 L John Hoitorf's birthday Sunday Hi NO ABS @O, were r. and Mrs. ,.id Cole- IT "'-'" .................. -"°'- --''*'r" °" Chuck Staley of Seattle, and Mr. Broken Sections TUNA =d Mrs. Job..olto, and ,.=,,y. • nn • • • Ttewe,- SOS... OHUNK 9K_ =rs (len =tcha d =,chae, of Siletz, Ore., were weekend vis- k,b, @.]gt..?::,? ,,, -i.,= ;-":.:4 =.. STAR-KIST NO. '/2 IbqV MALLOWS ... 2:1 € WEST"IBE ........................ 0913 ttm. ofMr. andMrs. AlfredKa- _t,.t,.. doun and family, Mr. and Mrs, . - • *.u ,., -._a e B George Johnston of Matlock, 'Mr. ,,, --. --- -.. --- ,,,, Pixie Rainier, OIy Pla, Harems 6-1R- .U. and Mrs. Bill Lester and Mr. and ,.,,go]t,', . .'----- Mrs. Ray Kratcha and Janice of _ ............ _ I1} ,.; °, ,," ,," ," ,.', "" PROTEIN n.. "'""" Shelton. ' It&H,!,ol,![:,M,t " it_ s ,; ; , . . RS JEL[O 311 $ PtU$0erea n AST*W'ENDvs't°rs°f .":'-'-.,: e...-"'*'' Janice were George Boyce, Mel- TOILET TISSUE .Q v Schwede, d Tom orts o,  , Joan Bmaard and Judy Bernard 00PPlI: n : : MODE" 9/Rq of Seattle, Sandra Richardson of Union, Walt Kratcha and Mr. and Shurfi e _ Mrs. Walter gadoun and Linda, and last Monday visitors of Ray ,,ratoh. were Mr and Mrs Wal- o 0 • • :+:::::::,:-7:-::_=  nai , • • • • Chunks-No. 2.  SANITARY NAPKON$12'S h/rUM 00a,Yonna,se Pork & Beans IIRq I Potato Chps 49 **Frmers 0w°°°*'° . = I .  :C:.:?: ,  * - .;? ' .,,,':...:.. • -, , ..... , ........ : € € --- Seeding Pastures Chip ' 27 € Sal. Vinegar 23 € Macaroni 29 € grasslm'itCmmty'attenti°nPaSture seeding is again getttngAlfalfawasA.ededbYtenandfa.elacrelastLatar.edingweekinOrchard.byM__nof LeeDe" I s/*1 ;;/'d'i'' ;htimp 55 ( VeriflneEqGSfOr salads' 24.O= ? ! RQ----C Whe Depuit Alfalfa ia better adapt-thanCd Lapriore at Belfah'.wastoscededotherthe westnnalfalfas,a deePcoastThe mlxtUrbutlOamYcondittousit .nd.still AA X, LGE,  U V needs a well drained soil, The Kamilche Point Later Orchardgrass is also a new 9rn. spears, Pic. q'/ BOOTH FROZEN " 10-OZ. • --=,m, v . strain of Orchardgrass which has be:an need on the west coast only the past two years. Latar has a wider leaf than other mhardgrass, is more palatable and contains more protein. * Wldt tense plsr ' i h's "'""-" There are grasses snd clovers eSwe¢llsh stolnless stos! rods adapted for all soil conditions, wet  €   a Carrying Case m" dry, so plan before you seed. $24.95 Chevk yollr soils to see what is On Hi//crest best: for your farm for hay or pasture. Always prepare a good Johnny's Music Box firm seedbeed and fertilize with the proper fertilizer before seed- 429 Railroad Avenue • Phone HA 6.4302 Journal Want Ads Pay