April 9, 1959 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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........ .................. II I (rl I
Shelton Lodge No. 1684
2nd and 4th Tuesdays
of the Month
8 p.m. Airport
John Howe, Governor
Phone HA 6-4743
Walter Tynisrnaa, Soy.
Phone HA 6-3292
] I I III u
"Nover ntlnd, Ralph . . . 1 found
tile hood latch."
We have' the latest equipment
to service your car.
First and Pine Streets
Phone HA 6-3906
U.q.A.," Shelton, Wauhin
I i iiii i iii1,1
LS, ....
Hur00 Butler Wins
Honors al Annapolis
Midn. Hugh W. Butler, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Arvine H. Van Clave
of 638 Arcadia, Shelton, class of
1961, has been appointed to the
Superintendent's List at the U'.S.
Nawtl Academy, Annapolis, Md.,
for scholastic accomplishments
daring the filet term of tim aca-
demic year 1958.59, it was an-
nounced today.
The List is similar in many ways
to the Dean's List at many colleges
and nniversities. In order for a
midshipman to be so honored, he
taunt meet a minhnunl academic
average of 3.3 (82.5%) in his stu-
(lies, have a mark no lower than
3.2 (80%) in aptitude, and possess
a conduct standing satisfactory
,to the Commandant of Midship-:
Those who achieve the distinc-
tion of making the Superinten-
dent's List are granted special
p r i v i 1 e g e s commensurate with
their class for the succeeding' term.
This also creates among the mid-
shipmen an increased interest in
doing well and taking deeper pride
in their work.
4.H News
A meeting of the Kozy Kittens
4-H Club was held at the home
of Laura Downer, Monday, March
30. During the meeting the mem-
bers learned how to make fruit
cups, which they had for a treat.
Each member was asked to have
a demonstration ready for the
next meeting, i
The next meeting will be held at
the home of Louise Kruse.
.... Laura Downer, reporter
The largest use of nickel plating
is in the decorative field, where
as an undercoat for chzmium, its
resitance to corrosion and gouging
gives, a permanent, lustrous metal-
lic finish.
'Add Beauty...
3rd & Greys Dial 64264
By Vlvian Jones
much this last week about the
weather. We did have some sun-
sbine. Oh! Well, and for fun and
excitement for the youngsters, the
UNION. ...... Can't complain too ;; :;; Qir ttoniZ ea vfr°" their wn l The'he youngBelfairpeoplem'a'willthiSattendweekend'study
:o"ed "A-'?eil:'u'ual rock huntin and the lead role in "The Wizard of groups ann soctal get-togethers
y tn • s t4 ",, • dur.ing Friday and Saturday, stay-
arrived home with some really Oz'_ an. operetta_being .pzepazed
oy OllI:n tsap mgn scnoo slu- ing in homes of Seattle youngsters
Circus is coming to town, and we
quote, the Shelton General Hos-
pital Auxiliary is sponsoring the
Wenatchee "Y" Circus Revue, to
be lmld at the High School gym,
this very Thursday evening, April
9, at 8 ()'clock p.m. Adults $1.00.
Children and students 50¢. Pro-
ceeds go to the Shelton General
A BELATED Easter report, the
H. J. Skelseys had as Easter week-
end guests, Mr, and Mrs• James
Cranwe:l of Seattle, recently of
Boston, Mass. The Skelseya are
aunt and uncle of the James Cran-
wells. Mrs. Cranweli is a daugh-
ter of the Ted Skelseys of Shel-
ton and Hood Canal. The Cran-
wells were delight(i to again see
their many friends here.
Harlan Blake -would like to have
us remind everyone that he is not
the fire warden this year. Please
call tle Department of Natural
Resources, In Shelton, thank you.
Well Sir, one of our well known
men about town, Dick Buechel,
had a birthday last Saturday,
Apnll 4, and Eleanor surprised him
with dinner and friends at the Cot-
tage hm. To help with the cele-!
bration were Mr. and Mrs. Randal
Updyke, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Mor-
gan of Shelton, Mr, and Mrs. Otto
We john, Bud Wyatt, Mr. and Mrs.
C. Ntlcs and Wanda Wyatt. Con-
gratulations Dick !
Mr• and Mrs. Curt Grout were
in Portland, Ore., for a few days.
It was a sad trip, Virginia's moth-
er, Mrs. Thomas Hank, ts seriously
ill. While in Portland the Grouts
stayed with Curl's aunt trod uncle,
the Don Bagleys. We hope Vir-
ginia, your mother recovers very
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Thorpe, re-
cent Canalites, were down from
Port Angeles for the weekend,
stopping at the Harry Coles.
WANDA WVA! t, our postmas-
ter, has asked us to let her pa-
trons know and please mark your
cslendars, that commencing Satur-
day, April 18, and every Saturday
the post office will close at 12
o'clock noon. Ist outgoing mail
during the week will be 5 o'clock
and Saturday 12 o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Sterling
spent a wonderful day last Satur-
day visiting and dinner at the
Charles Sampaons in Tacoma. Mrs.
Sampson is a former school chum
of Kaye's.
The Union Square Dance Club
will have a dance at the Commun-
ity Hall this Saturday, April 11.
Potluck, Come one come all, more
fun• 9 o'clock•
Mr. and Mrs. Erlck Bergquist
retraced home to the Canal last
Sund____ay after a wlnter's stay
i i i i ii i i ii i i ii ii iii i i
Hi Style - Low Price
2-3X .................... $1.20 to $2.29
3-6X .. $2.29 to $3.99 with coat
7.14 ......................... $2.99 to $3.99
Sub-teen• ............. $4.99 to $599
Boys' Toddler to 14 --
............................. $1.29 to $2.99
Liltle & Big Shoppo
126 Cota
rare stones.
The Ted Batlcys and family en - dents. Jeannie, who recently re- Friday night. Those planning to
joyed last Sunday and dinner at calved a "superior" rating as so- attenci inclnde: Susan Wilson, Ben-
the home of Mr. and Mrs, Robert
Bingley in Hoodsport. The Blng-
lays are former Union residents.
season opens April 19. We hope
we are correct on this. Get out
those poles, boys, and fix those
Eleanor Buechel and Wanda
Wyatt attended onta Club meet-
ing last Monday evening, April 6.
This meetinglwas for the election
of officers for the coming year.
Vera Morgan was chairman, co-
hostess Kay Sutherland. Meet-
ing was held at the home of Mrs.
Kay Sutherland, Shelton.
According to the P.I. and we
quote, "Seems there are six men to
every woman In ournewest state,
Alaska•" Yippee.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Haugen
and daughter, Sally, of Seattle
were enjoying the sunshine at
their summer home on the Canal,
last weekend.
Hood Canal Woman's Club
meeting was held at the home of
Nina Miller. It was a business
meeting of members on the com-
mittee, compiling the Woman's
Club, press and publicity ),ear
book. At the meeting were vn.
Edith Kraus, Cecil Gilbert, Vett
Llnsoott, and Ethel Dalby.
Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Blake and
family, Mr. and Mrs. tester Ben-
her, spent Easter Sunday wltl the
J. M. Porters in Seattle. ri
Porter came back to the Canal to
spend a week at Grandma and
Grandpa Bonners.
Lila ehl is home u of lut
Thursday, April 2, from Arizona
where ab.e Ass been for the last.
ten days looking after, and settling
her father and mother. They have
been on the eriouly sick list,
now on the way to recovery. Nice
to have you heine IAla.
WANDA WATT attended a
Postmasters Amoclatlon meeting
at the Seattle-Tacoma Airort on
Sunday. All the air mail from
around this ara, Seattle, Tax}ma,
area leaves from this airport.
Seems there are sevehty planes a!
day dispatching air mail. Some l
of these planes carry nothing but!
mail• Then there are passenger
planes too, that also carry mail.
Gosh, does everyone send air mail ? i
Alvin Butler Finishes ]
Navy Baste Solmel
Alvin C. Butler, fireman, USN,
son of Mrs. Irma J. Butler of 1111
Harvard, Shelton, graduated
March 13 from the basic Engine- I
man School at the Naval Training!
Center, Great Lakes, Ill.
This course includes the opera-
tion of hand tools, precision meas-
uring instruments and the oper-
ating principles for various mnall
gasoline and diesel engines.
The ShaRon, Fire Dapaxtment
extinguished- a chimney fire in the
home of Stan Kavanack at 502
Grandview last week.
Nine firemen answered the call.
The damage amounted to about
$50 and, was caused by faulty wir-
Chevy slices gasoline costs by 20%
. on hot bakery delivery job !
The Southern Bakeries Company
tmea a Univac Computer to be
mum d top economY. The machine
offers proof that Chevy delivers
20% better fuel economy than'
any other trucks in their fleet.
Delivering bread daily to million# of onsumers, the
othern Bakeries Co. of Atlanta makes stern demamls on i
trucks. And, according to the Company's Univac mavhine,
Cheurolets in tl more miles .- r :ailo.
than the other makes-out.avia 'era all by 20%1
Chevy's a born dollar-saver, whether hopping to it on h,p
chores or hauling heavyweight load on long, hard grinds. Eviae
these trtmks offer is aimed at fattening your pocketbook. New vstom of
famous 6% nurse a gallon of gas like nothing you've ever known in truflm.
Big, tough V8's for every truck series have the shortt stroke design--the
uvinget design--of any comparable engines. Durable chassis componwtt
hike up profits by holding down maintenance costs.
Whatever you do, you'll do it at less expense with a Chevrolet light-,
medium- or heavy-duty truck. See your nearby Chevrolet dealer men!
No job's too tough for a Chevrolet truck!
For a "Sprng Sates Sdacular" deal see your local authodzeA C]wo dealerl
Students To ake Part In Operetta
essed this 'year by Lake lsabella
Woman's club and Shelton Junior
Mothers' club. Also ammunced
as an up-coming event was the
annual E.S.O. breakfast, part of
the state convention of women's
clubs which this year will be held
Reserves Te
Jr. SherHf's
The Mason
serves agreed tO
ior deputies in
rifles and hope to
for this purpose.
The reserves, WhO
night in the
house, planned to
ior deputies into
two or more
each group of
o vocalist at western Wash-
glen district music meet, will
take the part of Dorothy, the lit-
tle Kansas girl who visits the land
of Oz. Belfair students with chor-
US singing parts are JeAnne Har-
ttad, Brian Shelly, and Jim Wil-
n. Playing in the special orches-
tra for the show, will be Ted Wing.
.The production is under the di-
rectlon of Mr. Angelo Manzo.
the Robert Brinsons, South Shore,
will leave Saturday for San An-
tonio, Texas, where he will begin
9 weeks' basic training in the
Army Air Reserve. Hampton has
erilisted as an aeronautical
draughtsman, having passed a test
entitling him to training in the
field, with nearly a perfect score.
Following basic training, he will
proceed to the Az•my Corps of En-
gineers' school at Belvor, Va., for
3 months' training. He will even-
tually be sttl.ioned with the Wash-
ington Air Reserve, headquarters
at McChord Field.
Word ha been received here of
the ms.triage March 14 of a for-
mer Belfalr boy, Bill Turner. He
was nlarried in Anacortea to Mis
Clarie Steen of that city. Bill
live, on the South Shore here for
several years with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Turner, and
brother, Fred, Jr.
A first tam-out this week, set
off preparaU for a P-TA va-
riety show, planned for May as a
mcmey-making project for the
group: Mrs. Doug Corliss, chairman
of the show called for vohmteers to
help in all divisions, but especially
for entertaining vaudeville acts.
The call took place at the April
P-TA meeting, held Thursday eve-
ning at Belfair elementary school.
New effects were elected at the
meeting and will be installed in
May to serve during next year's
term. They are: President, Mr
John Edman; vice-president, Mrs.
Doug Coz'liss; secretary, Mrs. Jess
hie Boyle, Jan Cundiff, Marline
Morris, Nancy Mattns, Raynetta
Bradley, Barry Betzinger, Brian
Lean, and John Wilson. James
Wilson, Sr., will accompany them
as adult chaperone.
Twelve junior and senior high
students from the Belfaiv Com-
munity Baptist church attended
the spring rally of the Baptist
Youth Fellowship, held at the First
Baptist church in Bremerlon Sun-
day afternoon.
April 30th will be the date of the
final BYF roller skating party
for this year ,it was announced
this week. Advance notice is be-
ing given that this will be a cos-
tume party, held as usual at the
Shelton Roller arena. All Belfair
skaters are invited to attend.
MEMBER OF the VFW ladie
auxiliary to Nuel Curtis Post 5372,
made a recent hospital visit to
the veterans' home at Retsil. The
arrangements were made by M.
Philip Hanify, department chair-
man fox' Retail during the past
year. The group predated the hos-
pital with 14 .lap robes made by
auxiliary memners, and distributed
10 dozen decorated cupcakes in
hospital wards. Those who mde
the trip were Mesdames Hanify,
Carl llehol, F. A. Greenler, Hat-
tie Waz, Roy Smith, Henry Han-
nigan, and a guest, Mrs. Larry
Plans to attend the spring dis-
trict convention of Mason Coun-
ty Women's clubs were made at
the recent meeting of the Belfalr
Women's club and I-.S.O. reading
circle, held at the home of Mrs.
Frances Gladwin. The spring
meeting is et for April 13 at the
Shelton armory, and will be hesse
May 6 in Tacoma. This affair
will be open to all club women.
BelfaSt Women's club president,
Mrs. Tony Zoric, who presided at
the meeting, was welcomed by the
group after an absence due to a
several weeks' illnms. Three new
members have joined the club.
They are Mesdames Joe Peters,
John Bert and Frank Denevan, all
of the South Shore. A book re-
view of "The White Witch" by
Elizabeth Goudge, was presented
by Mrs. Douglas IAnce. Host-
essays, Mrs. Zorlc and Mrs. C. E.
Shepherd, served ice cream, cook-
ies and coffee.
NEW BABIES in the Belfair
area are the new daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Jerry Patrick, and the
baby girl born to Mr. and Mrs.
Elmer Slagle. They were born
March 23 and 27, respectively, both
"at Harrison Memorial Hospital,
Bremerton, and both are now
North Shore residents.
The second annual "smoker"
(boxing show) brought out a
crowd of fight fans, Saturday eve-
ning at Belfair school gym. Un-
der the direction of athletic direct-
or, Bud Grubb, the evening's ac-
Uvities included 11 boxing matcher
featuring boxer from 5th through
9th grade ages. Especially pop-
ular were a wrestling tag team
match and a final free-for-alL The
enthusiatic spectators ate pop-
corn and drank pop, served by
band members, at intermission.
Success of the affair seems to
assure its continuance as an an-
nual athletic event.
A travelogue - style assembly
program, "Fabulous South Amer-
ica Today," was preented to all
grades Friday in Belfair school
gym• Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wea-
ver of Yakima, told of their ad-
i ventures in traveling II times
over the Andes, in a boat trip up
the Amazon, and
wrecked at the
South America.
venirs were
Evergreen Garden
at the March
home of Mrs.
Perennials and
were purchased
present. Mrs. C.
charge of the
the sale. LuncheOn
!Mrs. Glenn Criss,
Mrs• Huffman.
the afternoon
duced hy Mrs. C.
was Mr. A. J. H.
sentative from
Co., whb discussed,
ing and pest
the meeting
A tippet is the
of a tapered fly
200 E. Pine ph,
tst aad Grove Sts. • IIA 6.4426
Foster; and treasurer, Mrs. Lee
A H][LARIOUS feature of the When People
meeting was the awarding of
"Knesoademy Awards" for perfor-
mances tn skits at the March Ch i
fiebting. Named as the best skit 0 ce * * . .
was a musical style show, perform-
ed by the North Shore group. Best
actress and best supporting actress
were Mrs. Bill Shearer and Mrs.
John Huson, also from the North They Cho:e
Shore group Other winners were
best actor, Len Rose; best support- • • •
best bit player, Mrs. Edward Coke-
let;' " all fz)m the Belfair skit, "A,,
Day in the Life of Dr. Carver.
Honorable mention went to Mrs.
Cora Kelly and Mrs. Frank Ko-
Attendance award was won by
Mrs. Phyllis Miller's kindergarten.
Refreshments were served by mo-
thers °f Mrs" Avis Whitfleld's 4th l r U t
A TWO-DAY junior high con- • m mm,
gress at the First Baptist church
in SagS.tie will be attended by a
BRINNON -- Walter A. Kelly,
Jefferson County chairman of the
Republican Party attended a meet-
ing in Eyerett last week. At this
meeting he was appointed chair-
man of the Republican Club of the
Olympic Peninsula.
Mrs. Walter Kelly, vice presi-
deh[ of the Mother Advlsor's Club,
attended a meeting on Tuesday,
April 7, at Poulbo. Mrs. Kelly is
,Mother Advisor of the Quilcene
Rainbow Assembly.
MR. ALONZO Robinson, father
(f Mrs. Walter Kelly, has been
staying at the Kelly home since
Ithe death of his wife. He is now
staying • at the Cleave Robinson
home in Shelton, while they are in
California at the bedside of Mrs.
RObinson's mother.
Mr. T. B. Balch returned home
Wednesday from a two weeks' vis-
it with his sister and other rela-
tives. He pent sevcral days in
Lo Angeles area with Mr. and
Mrs. Wilt Sands and other friends,
then pertt Some time in Las Vegas,
Renol Sacramento, Oakland and
San Francisco.
Mr: lli Whttney will be the
guesU0000a0000r at the 00llce.e
den urns. . n Thursday April 9,
at the hQme of Mr. and Mrsl Dick
The Pioneer Ladies Aid will be
held at ,the home of Mrs. H. L.
Barley on•Aprll 15. Her mother,
Mrs. Fay Bunnell, will be co-
hostess. There will be election of
THE BIOWNIE Scouts of Troop
16 are 'DI On an overnight trip
to the Girl Scout Cabin at Camp
Ramblewood in Sequim Bay Park
this week, They will leave im-
mediately after school on April
,0th rests
..raing Saturday afternoon.
They will join Troop No• 1 of Port
Townsend at the park•
The F4stern efferson county
OWl Scot Cotmctl was hosted by
Brinnon 'o
. . op No. 16 in the Brin-
non scan01 gym Monday, April 6.
These me,tings are usually held
in Port qownaend which makes
it difficult for local parents to
attend M
• . Killam, former Brln,
non residht, is president of the
Cub Scout pack meeting consist- |
BUHLER of Port Angeles
was guest speaker at the P-TA
meeting Wednesday, April 1. Hal
talked on libraries and their im-
p '. April 18th is the date
set for the P,TA Fun Night• It
will begin at 5:30 with a baseball
game. There will be booths with
various kinds or entertainment and
moneY making projects and a tal-
ant snow Will te given etween
7:30 and g:30. Joyce Rauch is
general-caalrman, luth Mueller is
chairman of the talent how and
wtl anyone who wishes
In Store Aflw
Store ThreughHt.
The Ool00
Oompetns . . .
!1 Wins!
Fresher Because It's
Kitsap-Mason Dairymen's
...... Ph
Biill, ,..t* ,. r ..... ,
........ .................. II I (rl I
Shelton Lodge No. 1684
2nd and 4th Tuesdays
of the Month
8 p.m. Airport
John Howe, Governor
Phone HA 6-4743
Walter Tynisrnaa, Soy.
Phone HA 6-3292
] I I III u
"Nover ntlnd, Ralph . . . 1 found
tile hood latch."
We have' the latest equipment
to service your car.
First and Pine Streets
Phone HA 6-3906
U.q.A.," Shelton, Wauhin
I i iiii i iii1,1
LS, ....
Hur00 Butler Wins
Honors al Annapolis
Midn. Hugh W. Butler, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Arvine H. Van Clave
of 638 Arcadia, Shelton, class of
1961, has been appointed to the
Superintendent's List at the U'.S.
Nawtl Academy, Annapolis, Md.,
for scholastic accomplishments
daring the filet term of tim aca-
demic year 1958.59, it was an-
nounced today.
The List is similar in many ways
to the Dean's List at many colleges
and nniversities. In order for a
midshipman to be so honored, he
taunt meet a minhnunl academic
average of 3.3 (82.5%) in his stu-
(lies, have a mark no lower than
3.2 (80%) in aptitude, and possess
a conduct standing satisfactory
,to the Commandant of Midship-:
Those who achieve the distinc-
tion of making the Superinten-
dent's List are granted special
p r i v i 1 e g e s commensurate with
their class for the succeeding' term.
This also creates among the mid-
shipmen an increased interest in
doing well and taking deeper pride
in their work.
4.H News
A meeting of the Kozy Kittens
4-H Club was held at the home
of Laura Downer, Monday, March
30. During the meeting the mem-
bers learned how to make fruit
cups, which they had for a treat.
Each member was asked to have
a demonstration ready for the
next meeting, i
The next meeting will be held at
the home of Louise Kruse.
.... Laura Downer, reporter
The largest use of nickel plating
is in the decorative field, where
as an undercoat for chzmium, its
resitance to corrosion and gouging
gives, a permanent, lustrous metal-
lic finish.
'Add Beauty...
3rd & Greys Dial 64264
By Vlvian Jones
much this last week about the
weather. We did have some sun-
sbine. Oh! Well, and for fun and
excitement for the youngsters, the
UNION. ...... Can't complain too ;; :;; Qir ttoniZ ea vfr°" their wn l The'he youngBelfairpeoplem'a'willthiSattendweekend'study
:o"ed "A-'?eil:'u'ual rock huntin and the lead role in "The Wizard of groups ann soctal get-togethers
y tn • s t4 ",, • dur.ing Friday and Saturday, stay-
arrived home with some really Oz'_ an. operetta_being .pzepazed
oy OllI:n tsap mgn scnoo slu- ing in homes of Seattle youngsters
Circus is coming to town, and we
quote, the Shelton General Hos-
pital Auxiliary is sponsoring the
Wenatchee "Y" Circus Revue, to
be lmld at the High School gym,
this very Thursday evening, April
9, at 8 ()'clock p.m. Adults $1.00.
Children and students 50¢. Pro-
ceeds go to the Shelton General
A BELATED Easter report, the
H. J. Skelseys had as Easter week-
end guests, Mr, and Mrs• James
Cranwe:l of Seattle, recently of
Boston, Mass. The Skelseya are
aunt and uncle of the James Cran-
wells. Mrs. Cranweli is a daugh-
ter of the Ted Skelseys of Shel-
ton and Hood Canal. The Cran-
wells were delight(i to again see
their many friends here.
Harlan Blake -would like to have
us remind everyone that he is not
the fire warden this year. Please
call tle Department of Natural
Resources, In Shelton, thank you.
Well Sir, one of our well known
men about town, Dick Buechel,
had a birthday last Saturday,
Apnll 4, and Eleanor surprised him
with dinner and friends at the Cot-
tage hm. To help with the cele-!
bration were Mr. and Mrs. Randal
Updyke, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Mor-
gan of Shelton, Mr, and Mrs. Otto
We john, Bud Wyatt, Mr. and Mrs.
C. Ntlcs and Wanda Wyatt. Con-
gratulations Dick !
Mr• and Mrs. Curt Grout were
in Portland, Ore., for a few days.
It was a sad trip, Virginia's moth-
er, Mrs. Thomas Hank, ts seriously
ill. While in Portland the Grouts
stayed with Curl's aunt trod uncle,
the Don Bagleys. We hope Vir-
ginia, your mother recovers very
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Thorpe, re-
cent Canalites, were down from
Port Angeles for the weekend,
stopping at the Harry Coles.
WANDA WVA! t, our postmas-
ter, has asked us to let her pa-
trons know and please mark your
cslendars, that commencing Satur-
day, April 18, and every Saturday
the post office will close at 12
o'clock noon. Ist outgoing mail
during the week will be 5 o'clock
and Saturday 12 o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Sterling
spent a wonderful day last Satur-
day visiting and dinner at the
Charles Sampaons in Tacoma. Mrs.
Sampson is a former school chum
of Kaye's.
The Union Square Dance Club
will have a dance at the Commun-
ity Hall this Saturday, April 11.
Potluck, Come one come all, more
fun• 9 o'clock•
Mr. and Mrs. Erlck Bergquist
retraced home to the Canal last
Sund____ay after a wlnter's stay
i i i i ii i i ii i i ii ii iii i i
Hi Style - Low Price
2-3X .................... $1.20 to $2.29
3-6X .. $2.29 to $3.99 with coat
7.14 ......................... $2.99 to $3.99
Sub-teen• ............. $4.99 to $599
Boys' Toddler to 14 --
............................. $1.29 to $2.99
Liltle & Big Shoppo
126 Cota
rare stones.
The Ted Batlcys and family en - dents. Jeannie, who recently re- Friday night. Those planning to
joyed last Sunday and dinner at calved a "superior" rating as so- attenci inclnde: Susan Wilson, Ben-
the home of Mr. and Mrs, Robert
Bingley in Hoodsport. The Blng-
lays are former Union residents.
season opens April 19. We hope
we are correct on this. Get out
those poles, boys, and fix those
Eleanor Buechel and Wanda
Wyatt attended onta Club meet-
ing last Monday evening, April 6.
This meetinglwas for the election
of officers for the coming year.
Vera Morgan was chairman, co-
hostess Kay Sutherland. Meet-
ing was held at the home of Mrs.
Kay Sutherland, Shelton.
According to the P.I. and we
quote, "Seems there are six men to
every woman In ournewest state,
Alaska•" Yippee.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Haugen
and daughter, Sally, of Seattle
were enjoying the sunshine at
their summer home on the Canal,
last weekend.
Hood Canal Woman's Club
meeting was held at the home of
Nina Miller. It was a business
meeting of members on the com-
mittee, compiling the Woman's
Club, press and publicity ),ear
book. At the meeting were vn.
Edith Kraus, Cecil Gilbert, Vett
Llnsoott, and Ethel Dalby.
Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Blake and
family, Mr. and Mrs. tester Ben-
her, spent Easter Sunday wltl the
J. M. Porters in Seattle. ri
Porter came back to the Canal to
spend a week at Grandma and
Grandpa Bonners.
Lila ehl is home u of lut
Thursday, April 2, from Arizona
where ab.e Ass been for the last.
ten days looking after, and settling
her father and mother. They have
been on the eriouly sick list,
now on the way to recovery. Nice
to have you heine IAla.
WANDA WATT attended a
Postmasters Amoclatlon meeting
at the Seattle-Tacoma Airort on
Sunday. All the air mail from
around this ara, Seattle, Tax}ma,
area leaves from this airport.
Seems there are sevehty planes a!
day dispatching air mail. Some l
of these planes carry nothing but!
mail• Then there are passenger
planes too, that also carry mail.
Gosh, does everyone send air mail ? i
Alvin Butler Finishes ]
Navy Baste Solmel
Alvin C. Butler, fireman, USN,
son of Mrs. Irma J. Butler of 1111
Harvard, Shelton, graduated
March 13 from the basic Engine- I
man School at the Naval Training!
Center, Great Lakes, Ill.
This course includes the opera-
tion of hand tools, precision meas-
uring instruments and the oper-
ating principles for various mnall
gasoline and diesel engines.
The ShaRon, Fire Dapaxtment
extinguished- a chimney fire in the
home of Stan Kavanack at 502
Grandview last week.
Nine firemen answered the call.
The damage amounted to about
$50 and, was caused by faulty wir-
Chevy slices gasoline costs by 20%
. on hot bakery delivery job !
The Southern Bakeries Company
tmea a Univac Computer to be
mum d top economY. The machine
offers proof that Chevy delivers
20% better fuel economy than'
any other trucks in their fleet.
Delivering bread daily to million# of onsumers, the
othern Bakeries Co. of Atlanta makes stern demamls on i
trucks. And, according to the Company's Univac mavhine,
Cheurolets in tl more miles .- r :ailo.
than the other makes-out.avia 'era all by 20%1
Chevy's a born dollar-saver, whether hopping to it on h,p
chores or hauling heavyweight load on long, hard grinds. Eviae
these trtmks offer is aimed at fattening your pocketbook. New vstom of
famous 6% nurse a gallon of gas like nothing you've ever known in truflm.
Big, tough V8's for every truck series have the shortt stroke design--the
uvinget design--of any comparable engines. Durable chassis componwtt
hike up profits by holding down maintenance costs.
Whatever you do, you'll do it at less expense with a Chevrolet light-,
medium- or heavy-duty truck. See your nearby Chevrolet dealer men!
No job's too tough for a Chevrolet truck!
For a "Sprng Sates Sdacular" deal see your local authodzeA C]wo dealerl
Students To ake Part In Operetta
essed this 'year by Lake lsabella
Woman's club and Shelton Junior
Mothers' club. Also ammunced
as an up-coming event was the
annual E.S.O. breakfast, part of
the state convention of women's
clubs which this year will be held
Reserves Te
Jr. SherHf's
The Mason
serves agreed tO
ior deputies in
rifles and hope to
for this purpose.
The reserves, WhO
night in the
house, planned to
ior deputies into
two or more
each group of
o vocalist at western Wash-
glen district music meet, will
take the part of Dorothy, the lit-
tle Kansas girl who visits the land
of Oz. Belfair students with chor-
US singing parts are JeAnne Har-
ttad, Brian Shelly, and Jim Wil-
n. Playing in the special orches-
tra for the show, will be Ted Wing.
.The production is under the di-
rectlon of Mr. Angelo Manzo.
the Robert Brinsons, South Shore,
will leave Saturday for San An-
tonio, Texas, where he will begin
9 weeks' basic training in the
Army Air Reserve. Hampton has
erilisted as an aeronautical
draughtsman, having passed a test
entitling him to training in the
field, with nearly a perfect score.
Following basic training, he will
proceed to the Az•my Corps of En-
gineers' school at Belvor, Va., for
3 months' training. He will even-
tually be sttl.ioned with the Wash-
ington Air Reserve, headquarters
at McChord Field.
Word ha been received here of
the ms.triage March 14 of a for-
mer Belfalr boy, Bill Turner. He
was nlarried in Anacortea to Mis
Clarie Steen of that city. Bill
live, on the South Shore here for
several years with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Turner, and
brother, Fred, Jr.
A first tam-out this week, set
off preparaU for a P-TA va-
riety show, planned for May as a
mcmey-making project for the
group: Mrs. Doug Corliss, chairman
of the show called for vohmteers to
help in all divisions, but especially
for entertaining vaudeville acts.
The call took place at the April
P-TA meeting, held Thursday eve-
ning at Belfair elementary school.
New effects were elected at the
meeting and will be installed in
May to serve during next year's
term. They are: President, Mr
John Edman; vice-president, Mrs.
Doug Coz'liss; secretary, Mrs. Jess
hie Boyle, Jan Cundiff, Marline
Morris, Nancy Mattns, Raynetta
Bradley, Barry Betzinger, Brian
Lean, and John Wilson. James
Wilson, Sr., will accompany them
as adult chaperone.
Twelve junior and senior high
students from the Belfaiv Com-
munity Baptist church attended
the spring rally of the Baptist
Youth Fellowship, held at the First
Baptist church in Bremerlon Sun-
day afternoon.
April 30th will be the date of the
final BYF roller skating party
for this year ,it was announced
this week. Advance notice is be-
ing given that this will be a cos-
tume party, held as usual at the
Shelton Roller arena. All Belfair
skaters are invited to attend.
MEMBER OF the VFW ladie
auxiliary to Nuel Curtis Post 5372,
made a recent hospital visit to
the veterans' home at Retsil. The
arrangements were made by M.
Philip Hanify, department chair-
man fox' Retail during the past
year. The group predated the hos-
pital with 14 .lap robes made by
auxiliary memners, and distributed
10 dozen decorated cupcakes in
hospital wards. Those who mde
the trip were Mesdames Hanify,
Carl llehol, F. A. Greenler, Hat-
tie Waz, Roy Smith, Henry Han-
nigan, and a guest, Mrs. Larry
Plans to attend the spring dis-
trict convention of Mason Coun-
ty Women's clubs were made at
the recent meeting of the Belfalr
Women's club and I-.S.O. reading
circle, held at the home of Mrs.
Frances Gladwin. The spring
meeting is et for April 13 at the
Shelton armory, and will be hesse
May 6 in Tacoma. This affair
will be open to all club women.
BelfaSt Women's club president,
Mrs. Tony Zoric, who presided at
the meeting, was welcomed by the
group after an absence due to a
several weeks' illnms. Three new
members have joined the club.
They are Mesdames Joe Peters,
John Bert and Frank Denevan, all
of the South Shore. A book re-
view of "The White Witch" by
Elizabeth Goudge, was presented
by Mrs. Douglas IAnce. Host-
essays, Mrs. Zorlc and Mrs. C. E.
Shepherd, served ice cream, cook-
ies and coffee.
NEW BABIES in the Belfair
area are the new daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Jerry Patrick, and the
baby girl born to Mr. and Mrs.
Elmer Slagle. They were born
March 23 and 27, respectively, both
"at Harrison Memorial Hospital,
Bremerton, and both are now
North Shore residents.
The second annual "smoker"
(boxing show) brought out a
crowd of fight fans, Saturday eve-
ning at Belfair school gym. Un-
der the direction of athletic direct-
or, Bud Grubb, the evening's ac-
Uvities included 11 boxing matcher
featuring boxer from 5th through
9th grade ages. Especially pop-
ular were a wrestling tag team
match and a final free-for-alL The
enthusiatic spectators ate pop-
corn and drank pop, served by
band members, at intermission.
Success of the affair seems to
assure its continuance as an an-
nual athletic event.
A travelogue - style assembly
program, "Fabulous South Amer-
ica Today," was preented to all
grades Friday in Belfair school
gym• Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wea-
ver of Yakima, told of their ad-
i ventures in traveling II times
over the Andes, in a boat trip up
the Amazon, and
wrecked at the
South America.
venirs were
Evergreen Garden
at the March
home of Mrs.
Perennials and
were purchased
present. Mrs. C.
charge of the
the sale. LuncheOn
!Mrs. Glenn Criss,
Mrs• Huffman.
the afternoon
duced hy Mrs. C.
was Mr. A. J. H.
sentative from
Co., whb discussed,
ing and pest
the meeting
A tippet is the
of a tapered fly
200 E. Pine ph,
tst aad Grove Sts. • IIA 6.4426
Foster; and treasurer, Mrs. Lee
A H][LARIOUS feature of the When People
meeting was the awarding of
"Knesoademy Awards" for perfor-
mances tn skits at the March Ch i
fiebting. Named as the best skit 0 ce * * . .
was a musical style show, perform-
ed by the North Shore group. Best
actress and best supporting actress
were Mrs. Bill Shearer and Mrs.
John Huson, also from the North They Cho:e
Shore group Other winners were
best actor, Len Rose; best support- • • •
best bit player, Mrs. Edward Coke-
let;' " all fz)m the Belfair skit, "A,,
Day in the Life of Dr. Carver.
Honorable mention went to Mrs.
Cora Kelly and Mrs. Frank Ko-
Attendance award was won by
Mrs. Phyllis Miller's kindergarten.
Refreshments were served by mo-
thers °f Mrs" Avis Whitfleld's 4th l r U t
A TWO-DAY junior high con- • m mm,
gress at the First Baptist church
in SagS.tie will be attended by a
BRINNON -- Walter A. Kelly,
Jefferson County chairman of the
Republican Party attended a meet-
ing in Eyerett last week. At this
meeting he was appointed chair-
man of the Republican Club of the
Olympic Peninsula.
Mrs. Walter Kelly, vice presi-
deh[ of the Mother Advlsor's Club,
attended a meeting on Tuesday,
April 7, at Poulbo. Mrs. Kelly is
,Mother Advisor of the Quilcene
Rainbow Assembly.
MR. ALONZO Robinson, father
(f Mrs. Walter Kelly, has been
staying at the Kelly home since
Ithe death of his wife. He is now
staying • at the Cleave Robinson
home in Shelton, while they are in
California at the bedside of Mrs.
RObinson's mother.
Mr. T. B. Balch returned home
Wednesday from a two weeks' vis-
it with his sister and other rela-
tives. He pent sevcral days in
Lo Angeles area with Mr. and
Mrs. Wilt Sands and other friends,
then pertt Some time in Las Vegas,
Renol Sacramento, Oakland and
San Francisco.
Mr: lli Whttney will be the
guesU0000a0000r at the 00llce.e
den urns. . n Thursday April 9,
at the hQme of Mr. and Mrsl Dick
The Pioneer Ladies Aid will be
held at ,the home of Mrs. H. L.
Barley on•Aprll 15. Her mother,
Mrs. Fay Bunnell, will be co-
hostess. There will be election of
THE BIOWNIE Scouts of Troop
16 are 'DI On an overnight trip
to the Girl Scout Cabin at Camp
Ramblewood in Sequim Bay Park
this week, They will leave im-
mediately after school on April
,0th rests
..raing Saturday afternoon.
They will join Troop No• 1 of Port
Townsend at the park•
The F4stern efferson county
OWl Scot Cotmctl was hosted by
Brinnon 'o
. . op No. 16 in the Brin-
non scan01 gym Monday, April 6.
These me,tings are usually held
in Port qownaend which makes
it difficult for local parents to
attend M
• . Killam, former Brln,
non residht, is president of the
Cub Scout pack meeting consist- |
BUHLER of Port Angeles
was guest speaker at the P-TA
meeting Wednesday, April 1. Hal
talked on libraries and their im-
p '. April 18th is the date
set for the P,TA Fun Night• It
will begin at 5:30 with a baseball
game. There will be booths with
various kinds or entertainment and
moneY making projects and a tal-
ant snow Will te given etween
7:30 and g:30. Joyce Rauch is
general-caalrman, luth Mueller is
chairman of the talent how and
wtl anyone who wishes
In Store Aflw
Store ThreughHt.
The Ool00
Oompetns . . .
!1 Wins!
Fresher Because It's
Kitsap-Mason Dairymen's
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Biill, ,..t* ,. r ..... ,