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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 9, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 9, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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SHELTON-MA,q0N COUN Published in "Oh H.;ms.mrn u.,q.A./&apos; SheRon, 6 tits Throw- iu Pui)lie llandi)llIN of snd l'ee- i'iolalian TIIE C()M- L)F SlllqL- shall I.+ as tht, "Sh:I- alling g JVt'll with the In the ]))'ps+,ni 'ords used in r, tl)e singu- USod ill the n(iw VeaTed. nse(l Of' flight shah alp lrlvat( reeepI ach!" ad c011ecti( n l (.(:t*l>- S]]eltt)n. is any saltll)lo h.afh,[. any oth(,r d origi- it; liter- pa4vrtlses for sale an, toduet, COmnmdity, u ttention to ally Or eonun#r(l al ' tCtivity, for llr,ctl,v <)r n- llt Interests .te:ltion Ill or tg, theatrieal , or event of aflndssion ftie e of private )m as of this 3ere an ad- a collection : (if de- ; t0 such nee, l- id, w] en given or with the which is ordin Contained to engaged as Cible animal • g fl't)In the g and cou- ," +'refuse," herein and to publh.' any newspaper s.deflned by duly en- snd recorded witl by to. any pcrlodical alarly Dublish- Ir isSUes per I-l.and i)ill ' Pservation. center Person, fiPlll, Orporati<m, any kind. dwell- strut- and REST ASSURED" I1€ o II0ti¢ tseitl I m redlt gr. Pike Street st b 7tk Avenue i)ish, ashes, .ll'('vt cleaoitlgs, dead ant- Ill:ItS. ;Ib:Hlfl(llleri HUtq)IIIO/Ii+'S, and solid Inarkpt ;in(t in(hlslrial VIIsIes. lID "l.ubbish" i, n(,nl)utroscib e sol- id wast,'s (:,)ltsistinK i)11 both conlbus- til)h, slid nl)lJ-(q)lllbttstibl(! wastes, such :IS I):Q)('(', Wl'allPillgS, t!i'gal'etteS, card- ]n)artt. till Call, yard clippings, ](,av(!s. wood. glass. I)edding, crockery snd Sitllihlr nuiterilils. (15) "Velticb," is every device in, Ilpoll, O1' by which lilly ltel•Son ill' prop- (q'lN IS q)l' IIIIIV lit' [l•Itns )lifted or <lrliwn tlp(!)II It lizhv$; V ill( It disk d 'V ces used ,'xc'ltlsivl'ly Itpoll sl ati()nal'y l'a Jis or i i :It;ks. ,eelion 3. l.iller in l)uldic l'laees. N(, ])(.l'SOlt ll+lll [Itl'()W l)(' dej)oSi| l[l- t('l ' ill (it' IAI)I)II tlny slrq',!t, sidewalk ()r (dhpr t)tti)li<! l)hl"e wilhiu the City t':,;t'+'|) l 11 t e l+e .+.l)lacles ill alltlt- oriz(.d p('iv'At(? r+'c('ptacles for c()lh'c- ti(,n, (Jr in official City dumps. Section I. Plaeea|ent of Litter in |+ecel, taeie+ Sa it!*; It) l)revellt Scatter- tng. l:.++.rsl)ns placJ)l litt('r in public I'e('i'l)t;tcles ,)1' in Stlthl)rizpd t)rD.'Ilte rc- ((q,tm'h's s]lall do HI) ill sItCb a luanner I1 IU i)rev('lll i( fr(,lu b,'ing (.arriod ill' dep()silpd i)v Iho (,|(.lilt,illS uplln tiny rtre.t, si(h"alk or other public place ,,I' Lll)Oll ])riv21te IJroperty. Holy Name Society Plans Breakfast St Edward's Holy Name Society will hohi its annual spring Com- muni(m breakfast Sunday at the Shelton Hotel. The breakfast will be served after the eight o'clock mass. Speaker for the event will be Mike Contris of Olympia. Charles Murray, presklent, urges al men of the parish to attend. iPa!S tr,'(' (if litl(,l •. t)l't)x'ili(,(i, however, that thi. S,'cti,Jn sit+ill n(,t prohibit the storage of litter in authorized pri- vate rect.ptaclcs for collection. i,cIion 20. Litter on ),'scant Lots. No l)t'rsott shall thr()w or deposit lit- tl!l" Oil tlty oi),!n ill" vacant l)rivat, prop- erly witlHn the City wh(,lher )wned lly u('h i)(,l'son el' not, • eetion 21, Clearing of Lifter frem Open l)ri,aie l)reperty hy City. (a) N()TICE TO REMOVE, The I.'ire Chi('f is hereby atlthorized and elllpOw- ert,(i to nolify the owner t)f any open or vacant private pr(,p(!rty within tile City or l lie agent of such owner to Sectioa 5, Nwe(,i)ing Litter Into Gut- ler l'rohil)ih•d. Nt) iwrson shall swe.ep 1): )ll('rly dispose ill litter located <Ill Jill (1' d p)sit ill any gutlr street or Su('ll ,iwni!r'.)l'lpett}' which i8 dal,l- (t 'r I + t p  ee w'ilh n II + C. ty the 'L!t•IIIIS t() pill)tiC nealtn, safety or wel- :l(:('ttlllulatioil (if litt(q' fronl an)' build-, tare. Stt(.h not<r(, sludl lle by Regis:- a ' ( ' f 'C) I IV I U ) I or private terl'd Mall. adflr(ssed to sahl owntw aT. 'sid,,wsik )r driv ,we,,: P rs)ns ()wiling his last known at lfll)'(,ss, - - :" ..... ' kee" the J) ,%CTI()N t I ON NON-COM LI= (,1" ()('('U|).'II, I'() l) 'l'ty }]l{Ill •  " __.,. * ..... . S d walk ill fr( Ill of' th ) r pr('nll:4(ts IN_:P;. LJJ)t)ll Lilt' IallUl'', negl('CL or I I•cl'usal (d" tiny owner or aent s< notl- f)'pe of littt+l', fled, t<, l)l;oporly dispose of litter dan- ger(us t(' II(! pthlic h'alth, sa'etv or Nletion 6. Merchants' Dut.v to Keep I.idt, walks Pree (if Litter. o person iownilg o' I) tupving a place of bllsi- ItL%S sit,it sweo])"into <)r deposit in any Kutler stre('t (d' ()tiler public place wittin t ( C tv th< " lecunulation of I litter fr()u) an'y hu ](lng or lot or I fr()m any public or private sidewalk welfare within five (5) days nfter re- ceipt of written notice provided for in sub-section (at abels, or within ten (I0) (lays after the date of such notice in the event th(! sallte is returned to the CAty Post Office Departulent be:- or driv('way. Persons owning Or OC Cause of Jt. inability to nlaki, delivery ('Llpying places of business within the thereof, provided the saule was prop- :C t:) sha ] kelp the sid,walk In front erly addross;,d t,, the last known of the - business pro ises free of litter, addres; (f suc! owner, o)' a6ent, tile I eetlon 7. Litter Thrown bY Persons Ilre cnlei ts nerel)y autnorlzeu anu In Vehicles. No person whih'i a driver etnp(iwer,2t tl) pay for the di.s.postng (,r t)assenger in a vehicle, shall throw pl l(!ll Illl,q' or to oruer its mst)osat or deposit litter upon any street or y ulr]y. other public place within the City, or ...!el LIEN [QR DISPOSAL S ERVI .C/. Ul)Oll orivate t)roBerf wnere lne lull an]oust (lue Ill() (;ll.y "et(on 8 T'rue I:ade Causing I it-i is not paid by such owner within thirty ter. No person shall dri,,'e or move .(. 30} days after the disposal of such Shy tpuek or other vehicle within the litter, as pr()vlded for hereinabove, tnen C (v ,mi<,s a,,,.h vo,ll. ]a an en n that case the CRy by and through strut.ted or laded as to prevent any Its dilly authorized officials shall cause h,ad contents or litter from tieing to be eeirded Ill the Mason Count, bh)wn or deposited upon any street. uuaors,unme a sworn st.atemem all{ or other ouhlir N¢,r shall snowing the cost anti expense lncurreu '. - - • .... v ........... e any person drive or move any vehicle [for th. wojk, the date the work was or truck within the City, the wheels leone,_ anu t nt: location of.tne prop ely or tires nf which carry onto or depos- ]on wnlcn salu WOrK W:q lone, ancI the tt in any street, alley or other public Ileggl. aes..rlptio, n o[ tn Proprliy on place mud. dirt sticky substances, lit-IWnlcn sale WOrK was uone, Tne tee ter or foreign uttter of any kind ICoruaion of such sworn statenlent shall Seetlan 9. Litter In Parks. No per'- I tonstitute a lien on said. property and shall be foreclosed In thb manner and son shall throw or deposit litter in any park within the City exeept in public roce.ptacles and in such a manner that tile litter will be prevented from being carried or deposited by the elements upon any part of the park or upon any street or other public place. Where public recel)tacles are notprovlded, all such litter stlall be carried away from the park by the person responsible for its pr(,sence and prol)erly disposed of elsewhere as provided herein. See(ion 10. Litter In Lakes and i Pountains. No person shall throw or deposit litter in any fountain, pond, lake, stt'tallt, hay (lr any other body water a park or elsewhere within II. Throwing or I)istrlbut. lng Commercial Handbills in Public Places. No person shall throw or de- t)oslt any commercial or non-comlner- cial handbill ill or Upon any sidewalk, street or other public place within the City. Nor shall any person hand out i)r distribute or sell ally commerelal handbill in any public place. Provided, however, that it shall not be unlawful ou ally sidewalk, street, or other pub- lic lilacs withiu the City for any per- to hand out or distribute, without charge to the receiver thereof, any n,)n-eonlmercial handbill to any person willing to accept it+ Nt, etion 52. Plaehtg Commercial and Non-Conlmercial ilandbllis on Vehieles. Nt) person shall throw or deposit ally (-'OIllTtl(reial or non-conullercial handbill • or upon any v(,hicle. Provided, bow- ever, that it shall m)t be unlawful in blic .lla(:e for a perso to hand without charge to a non-conlnlercial of a vehicle who is willis eetion 13. Commercial and Non-Coy Lls on Un- inhabited or Vacant Premises. No pcr- S(III stlall throw or deposit any COlU- 'ul('rcial or non-col)lm(!rcial hancbill in or upon any private premises which IlI'e teulporttl'liy i)r continuously un- inhabited (ir vacant, within the time prescribed for liens for labor and material. Said disposal set.v- ice lin shall be prior to all liens and encumbrances filed subsequent to the filing of the notic( of It with the County , Auditor, except the lien of general taxes and local improvement assesmnents whether levied prior or subsequent thereto. Seetion 22. Peultles, Any person violating any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thdroof shall be fined In an amount not exceodlng one hundred dollars ($100,00) or be Imprisoned in the city jail for a period not exceeding thirty (30) days or be both so fined and imprisoned. Each day such violation is committed or permitted to continue shall consti- tute a separate offense and shall bo punishable as such hereunder• Seetlon 23. Separability. If any sec- tion, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or uncon- stitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and inde- pendent provision and such holding sha|l not affect the validity of the re- nmtning portions hereof. Heel)on 24. Ordinances Repeled. AL) ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed. Passed this 31st day of March, 1959. EARL H. MOORE ATTEST : Mayor Alma K. Catto. Clerk-Treasurer APPROVED AS TO FORM: ,C• T. Halten, City Attorney 4/9 It No, 3L04 NOTICE TO CUEDITOIt IN Tile SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE (:iF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY (In Probate) ,( "" )t "" .. ............. In tho Matter of the Estate, of AL- , +till I 14. ! eoJIIOling UlSlrlnnon I T]q  T C£',T T TF.:. "1 s ln+,wn n s I ilandllllls illere l roperty Posd.]EWT COl t t S Droe,se d N(, pers<ln shall thrt,w, deposit or dis- "NOTIi:E +I',q"hE'FBY "GtEN .... t tr i)ute any conllnerc|al or non-eommer- .( -'( " ( A  h(e) annoi *'l ( ill ' Ln ! LIIII 'rSl rn u HaS  .) .l V'" *' l_.. h}.n(Iblll npon any private prem- and has quafied as the Adnlinistrator ,(t, ,, requesteu o X anyone tub-con I of the Estate oi Albert L. Collins, also n to uo o i)r li there Is placeu on t.(,, n a - , Cell ",s deceased' h-t .aid prmuses in a,,conspicuous po. ltlon Il) persons ',,v .... ( ms aoalnst said near the entrance thereof a sign bear-]:¢ctas(d {r'h(r'l,,'re-nire to s:rve ing the words: "No Trespassing," "No <h  't)'. :',,,fi¢i,l " cm' the ,,rtf,, :" , e ' ) ................... ' .......... '"" ]eddt ,rs or Ag nts ' "No Advertise- (,*-ed J <u'Ulr() • h s attorney of I+1 mr., t)r anyi.s nular ngtlce, indtcat- r(icord al thd addresa below stated and ng Ill /lily nl [[er trial [/le o(cupans e • : file the same with the Clerk of th . of said premises do not desire to be nlolested or have their right of privacy disturbed, or to have any. such hand- bills left upon such prenuses. Section 15. Distributing Commercial and Non-Commercia! Handbills at In- habited l)r|vale Premises. No person shall thrl)w, dep(mit or distribute any comolercial or non-eonlmerclal handbill ill or up(in private premises which are inhabited, except by handing or trans- mitting any such handbill directly to the t)wner, occupant, or other person then present in or upon such priwlte prem- ises. Provided. however, that in case (if inhabited m'ivate premises which are not posted, as provided In this Ordinance, such person, unless re- quested by anyone upon such premises not to do so, may place or deposit any such handbill in oP upon such inhabited private prcnlisea, if such handbill Is so phlced or dep()sited as to secure or l)revent such handbill from being bh)wn or drifted about such premises or sidewalks, streets, or other public places, and except that mailboxes may not he so used when so prohibited by Fvderal postal law or regulations. (a) EXEMPTION FOR MAIL AND NEWSPAPERS. The provisions of this Section shall not apply to the distrl- button of mall by the United States, nor to newspapers (as defined herein) except that newspapers shall be placed on private property in such a manner as to prevent thelr being carried or deposited by the elements upon any street sidewalk'or other public place or upon private property. eetion 16. DruPping Litter From Aircraft. No person In an aircraft shall throw out. drop or deposit within the City any litter, handbill or any other object. Section 17. Posting Notlees Phlb- )ted. No person shall' post or affix any notice, poster or other paper or device, calculated to attract the at- tention of the public, to any lamp post, public utility pole or shade tree, or upon any public structure or bulldil, except as may be authorized or re- quired by law. Section 18. Later on; Occupied Pri- vate Property. No person shall throw I or deposit litter on any occupied pri- vate propsrty within the C'lty, whether owned by auch person or not, except that the owner or person in control l/revented from being carried or de- posited by the elements upon any street, sidewalk or other public plae8 cr upon any private property, Section 19. Owner to Maintain Prem- ises Free of Litter. The owner or per- son in control of any private property shall at all times maintain the press said Court, together withproof of such service within six months after the (late of first publication of this notice or the, same will be barred. JACK ELLIOTT BYRON E. McCLANAHAN Attorney for Estate Office and Post Of flee Address: Courthouse Shelt(,n. Washington 4/9-16-23 3t No. 31( NOTICE TO CRE1)ITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In tile Matter of the Estate of IVA STONER, Deceased. W. Stoner is the appointed and qualified Adndnistrattlr of said estate. All persons having claims agaJnat said deceased are required to serve the san)e in dupli(:ate, duly verified, on said Adlninistxator or hls attorney, Robert L. Snyder at the address hol()w stated, and file the same wllh the Clerk tff said Court, together with proof -f such serviee, within six nlonths after the date uf first publica- tion of this notice., or the same will be barred. DATE of first publication: April 9, 1959. JOHN W. STONER Administrator Star Route 2. Box 149 Shelton, Washington ROBERT L. SNYDER Attorney at Law I Dril!ing WELLS- TEST HOLES • " CO Dr,lhng . 'LWRENCE BEDELL '.i , Phone HA. 64713  S, hx 170, glimm May Festival Slaled May festival were aired at Mon- day's meeting of the Parent-Teach- ers Organization. Chairman for the event was announced as Mrs. Melvin Swayze• Weather permit- ting, the event will be held at the Southside school April 26 In case of foul weather, the festival will be postponed until May 3. Members of the PTO wish to :hank the public for their cooper- tion in making the recent school carnival so successful. The need for a scoutmaster and assistant scoutmaster was zport- ed and fathers of the boys in the Southside Troop asked to cooper- ate in helping the inspiring work of the troop. Entertainment following the meeting was provided by the school s Brownie Troop in the form of comical skits, Brownie song and promise. Movies of pre- vious May Day festivals were shown the group by Mrs. Frank Wolf. Rainbows Slate Scrap Metal Drive Plass have been completed by the Shelton Assembly, Order of Rainbow for Girls, for a scrap metal drive Saturday, April 11 and 25. The girls will conduct a house to house canvass for metal to ell. Proceeds from the sale will 5e used for color standards for :he Assembly. The girls are planning a candy and apron sale for May 9. Grand Assembly will be held ffune 14, 15 and 16, for which the local girls will be hostesses. About 0 girls from the Shelton Assem- bly are planning to attend. E00les 6iw 6rand Prizes Io Top Players Grand prizes for the 1959-60 series of ]agles' card parties were warded at last Saturday's final game• Winners of the grand prizes were Mrs. Earl Leggett, 22620, and Herman Lorenzon, 23480. Evening prizes for high scores Ralph Stockwell, 5190, and rs. Stockwell, 5660. Low score rizes were given Roy Anderson, 1380, and Vera Huntington, 1630. The traveling pinochle prize was taken by Mrs. Larry Downie and Ralph Stokwell. Circus to Benetil Hospital Tonighl "Hooray---It's here"---Tonight is the big night for the younger set for the Wenatchee "¥" Circus will present their blg ten acts for the benefit of the Shelton General Hos- pital through the sponsorship of the hospital's auxiliary. The big "show will begin at 8 p.m. in the high school gymnasium. WARC To Elect New '59-60 Officers Election of officers will be the order of the day at the regularly scheduled meeting of the Wash- ington Association for Retarded Children at 8 p.m. Friday in the Rogers school. "Wills, and specifically those re- garding retarded children" will be the topic of the program with Rob- ert L. Snyder, local attorney, as guest speaker. BPW Plan For State Convention The Shelton Business and Pro- fessional Women's Club welcomed Mrs• Estelle McKinnis as a trans- fer from the Tacoma Club at their meeting April 1st at the home Of Mrs, Ingrid Reck, club president. Plans are being made for the state convention to be held in Yakima May 21st to 24th. The dinner meet- ing of the club will be Wednes- day. Reservations may be made with Mrs. Reck. CONGRATULATIONS: Mr and Mrs, Kenneth Clark, Fullerton, Calif, became the proud parents of a six pound, 13 ounce son March 25. Kenneth Jr, joins a brother and two sisters, Jon, Tracy and I Christine, at the family horse. [Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. troy Moorhead, Aberdeen, and Mr. and Mrs. J. E, Bishop, Shelton. G  i'-" NOTICE OF SALE OF TIMKB ovey ru lilng O ) • 4/9 16 23 3 N 8'PATE LAND Shelton Washington - - - 0 4t '._ __ Notic is hereby given that on Tues- ...... ---0". 810It day, .the 5th day of May, 1959, com- .......... - .,u,DITORS menclng at ten o'clock in the forenoon .... -t'--('-'Ir"--+t-'-""T "OF '-- of saidday) in front of the m(ln en- I • " ' I cation of ..,, ,.- =., ...,, s the. date of first push i+,= harr=a this I County conta/n/ng 20 acres nlore 0r notlce or the same w-   + it== ' DATE of first publication'. April 9 I'--: ....... 1959 , ' I Tlmor will oe SOlU on a cash '" ----+"ZO ROBINSON ] Minimum"acreptable bid is $6,984,00.. " m ' At time oz sale the urchaser mus zegu  .... a ]pay $6 934.00, plus a $.{ bill of sale _i t .. _' ,,,,in,ton ]fee. or a total of 6936.00 in the form neltOll vv €to=,  + ...... ,, V vDER |of cash, money or]'er, certified check wE . "w /or balk. draft. The balance between Attmne at a ~ ' ' .... |tha appraised pri(e and the bid price o%e BUll¢lln l . ':Y ... . .... 4/ n , | f any may be paid by personal ceck. tnelton wasnlntu- "   p ........... - | urchaser must alo furnlah & surety )bona of $2,000,0G to guarante c0mpJb Ng. #'. .... FI .... lance with all terms oT the bilYof aale. (F H]kl, tl tt  ma NOTICE ) _l ,,, ).All checks, money orders, etc. are to. REPOR:..._,,=.. " [be made payable to the Commlssioner FOR  'Lrl --hi%"' F T"-- [of Public Lands. RIOR Uuu u tta; ar IN THE SUPE ............. , | Tre for removal will be one ye • O1 W Ittr--  rc STATE N W-Tx | Located approximately 22 miles MASON COU ..... "-t^te of ---- ]nOrthwest of Shelton. atter 01 me *.-a . In tile M __:--.. .-, ....... .* " I. Accessibility: Purchaser must enter HULTCtlIJz  Into FRED J , ".,_5 ...... ,_ ./ road use agreement with Slmp- Rctta . Hultsren, p ol [son Logging Company, copies of which the said etate,, has L-^,, ,,..m |are on file in the District and Olym ° nal report m ptAtlon l Court her fl .... h ...... , . {P a offices. ution asRlng t e ,uurt. [O for distrib '- -+Ibut o  ,r^ | Oomp|ete contract specifieatlons may diseharge the .. --'" "b + '+"-d ^-/grumissi°ner of Public Lands, Olym- + tltlOn w+,nr.a ,.+ ,.= + un/Pie report and pe the 8th day of May,.ls+ai, da<lrt.'m'_, _ Said timber on said land will be sold D THIS6th da o AP 9o9 b AT-I ' 2 T  ' " Y Iawa statement of which is now HARRX 2L)'(ti. on rile'in the office of the Auditor of Clerk O_--'ER said county. IOBERT L. SNi'I) . Tetns o| sale are: Cash to be paid ovey Buildl h o the da of sale. helton, Wal_$ff, - trlx BRT L, CO)" t Attorney for Admimstra a/q.A.9_.n . Commissioner of Public Iands .............  4/2-9-1(F-a+ 5t Socnal Even ts STRIP TEA SLATED FRIDAY JUST THREE of the styles and models that will be modeled at the Strip Tea sponsored by the Rachel Knott Orthopedic Guild Friday at the P.U.D. Hours for the tea will be from 2 to 4 p.m. All styles shown at the tea and several more stripped at the tea w{l{ be sold at the "Nearly New" sale on May 1. Price of admiss- ion to the tea is an article of clothing. Pictured above are Mrs, Don Drengson, Mrs. Dean Mikelthun and Mrs. Frank Rogers. (Journal photo, Ziegler priut,) l Members of the Rachel Knott pany. SteWs forthcoming move to Orthopedic Guild are viewing with 1517 5th Avenue In Seattle neces- mounting excitement the many sitated disposal of the furs which lovely clothes being donated to should provide exciting bargains their "Nearly New" sale from for Shelton shoppers) many sources. Many of the clothes already do. Melville P. Steil, prominent Se- nated will be modeled at the "Strip ttle furrier, last week donated Tea" Friday at the PUD. Tea will ten fur coats from the storage be served at 2 p.m. and the first department of the Arctic Fur Corn- showing will be at 2:30. An addi- tional showing Will be held at 4 Mrs. Preppernau New Zonta Head New officers for the ensuing mar will be installed at the reg- r monthly dinner meeting of the Zonta Club, Thursday, April 16, in the Colonial House. Officers to be installed by the retiring president, Alma Catto, will be Audrey Preppernau, president; Wands Wyatt, first vice president; Elsie Wilson, second vice presi- dent; Eleanor Buechel, secretary, and Vera Morgan, treasurer. Hostesses for the meeting will be Kay Sutherland and Vera Mor- gan. BABY GIRL: Mr. and Mrs. Gene Lindberg became the proud par- ents of a baby girl last Satur- day. Little Trudy Jean weighed' seven pounds, 13½ ounces Doting grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Kopperman, Shelton, and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Baller) Lewis- town, Mont. o'clock. The only admission price will be some article of clothing, suitable for the "Nearly New" sale, which will be "stripped" at the door. All Shelton women interested in an enjoyable afternoon and a chance to preview many exciting bargains are cordially invited to attend. ,]AI<¢E AT MATLOCK GRANGE HALL SAT., APRIL 11 9:30 'TIL 2:00 ( I @ Door Prize • Refreshments Served • Everybody Weloome • Music by Grange Tune Toppers Each 2nd & 4th Saturday Elephant Sale to Hilite Canal Meet The Hood Canal Woman s Ch.tb will meet at 11 a.m. Tilursday, April 16, in their Potlatch club- house. A white elephant sale for the benefit of the Mason county ion of Woman's Clubs will highlight: the meeting. All mem- are asked to bring something ior the sale. Jack Ellis of the Department of Irlstitutions, Olympia, will be guest speaker at the Federation meeting Friday, April 17, in the Armory. Topic for his talk will be "Mental Health." Special music will also hold the spotlight at the meeting. Rebekahs To Fete MemrW Birthdays Members of Ruby Rebekah Lodg No. 75 are reminded of the regttlar meeting to be Friday, April 10, at 8 o'clock in the Odd Fellows The committee planning the firth(lay party for those members with birthdays from Oetober through March is Mrs. Maybell Danieis, Mrs. Warren Earl, Mrs. Charles Savage and Mrs. Cltrence Lathmu. Members who attended the Chi- na Tea given by the tier( Orchard t.el)ekah Lodge on SItd:¢y, April : :: ..... 5, were Miss Elizabeth }]tlt]er, Mrs. : ...... : Elizabeth Simpson, Mrs. Ahua +- White, and Mrs. Teckla Anderson• Chain Saw as low $169so" NIW HOMILI?| SAE6ER MOTOR SHOP HILLCREST Phone HA 6-4602 LAWNM0WERS Sharpened We have recently aoquired a new SIMPLEX 400 lawnmower zharl- ener, the newest and most ar+- ate straight-line mower sharpener ever budlt. , WE'LL SHARPEN 'f" El  ANY MOWER... rb V i  rotary, hand, or power IB ill . . . from 4 Ines to .KJIW | 38 Inohes in cutting I Kq=Nad, I B I Get that aee kloy !  l wh,? ,oo .. '":I Engine Repuirs Cuit}vate et. COOPER CLIPPER Reel-type Mowers MASTERCUT Rotary-type Mowers SALES SERVICE RENTALS MERRY TILLER GARDEN TRACTORS Hedrilk +Sport Center 123 COTA STREET PHONE HA 6-4321 150,000 FAMILIES HAVE ALREADY MADE THE MAGNIFICENT CHANGE TO THE CLEAN 0000INGED STYI00 OF BUICK'59 ! Next time you iook through your windshield at lhe un- mllakably clean, sleek tall of a Bulck '59 • . . take a moment to envy its owner... He owns THE Car... "hottest" thing on wheels today. He owns THE style that's farthest ahead both in public notice and in future trade-in worth. He commands the most ecient automobile power plant in America today. (Buick's new Wildcat engines not only deliver an important increase iu actual miles per gallon.., but when you take car weight and perform, ance into account, they get more out of each gallon of gas than any others.) He stops with Buick's ezdusie braking system. (Fin-cooled, front and rear, aluminum drums in front.) When he wants to speed up or slow down, he feels the quiek answers of the smoothest transmissions of all... (only Buick combines Twin Turbine* or Triple Tur- bine* transmission smoothness with Wildcat getaway). SEE YOUR AUTHORIZED QUALITY BUICK But why not find out for you.ll? Thle ltwa laum of motion. Its comfort of roominess and ride. It'/,, es to do exactly what yot  of it, You'll live so much better in ra Buick '59. It ymr, Quality Buick Dealer show YOU why • .. and, hq, the man in the Buick could b... Y@UI Visit your Quality Buiak Dmtr m. He's aa $  why your famil belou in Sh xxr 150,00050  tl magni.fxer change o Buick '5Pl *Otl at extra eat oa mme nu1 TO OWNER OP .4 IN THE LEADIb DOW-PRIC [. . . You'll be surprised how easily you can own a Buick L Sab instead! Be sure to ask, your Buick dealer abou$  a$" *200 " .,o,,..., BUICK '59 DEALER NOW. .oo.ou..,+..o,c. o..... N,H,,+o,,, SHE[TON MOTOR CO. * == • ,,, st. ............ Jl_+ II I I I ]I I I I I II I [ I I j SHELTON-MA,q0N COUN Published in "Oh H.;ms.mrn u.,q.A./' SheRon, 6 tits Throw- iu Pui)lie llandi)llIN of snd l'ee- i'iolalian TIIE C()M- L)F SlllqL- shall I.+ as tht, "Sh:I- alling g JVt'll with the In the ]))'ps+,ni 'ords used in r, tl)e singu- USod ill the n(iw VeaTed. nse(l Of' flight shah alp lrlvat( reeepI ach!" ad c011ecti( n l (.(:t*l>- S]]eltt)n. is any saltll)lo h.afh,[. any oth(,r d origi- it; liter- pa4vrtlses for sale an, toduet, COmnmdity, u ttention to ally Or eonun#r(l al ' tCtivity, for llr,ctl,v <)r n- llt Interests .te:ltion Ill or tg, theatrieal , or event of aflndssion ftie e of private )m as of this 3ere an ad- a collection : (if de- ; t0 such nee, l- id, w] en given or with the which is ordin Contained to engaged as Cible animal • g fl't)In the g and cou- ," +'refuse," herein and to publh.' any newspaper s.deflned by duly en- snd recorded witl by to. any pcrlodical alarly Dublish- Ir isSUes per I-l.and i)ill ' Pservation. center Person, fiPlll, Orporati<m, any kind. dwell- strut- and REST ASSURED" I1€ o II0ti¢ tseitl I m redlt gr. Pike Street st b 7tk Avenue i)ish, ashes, .ll'('vt cleaoitlgs, dead ant- Ill:ItS. ;Ib:Hlfl(llleri HUtq)IIIO/Ii+'S, and solid Inarkpt ;in(t in(hlslrial VIIsIes. lID "l.ubbish" i, n(,nl)utroscib e sol- id wast,'s (:,)ltsistinK i)11 both conlbus- til)h, slid nl)lJ-(q)lllbttstibl(! wastes, such :IS I):Q)('(', Wl'allPillgS, t!i'gal'etteS, card- ]n)artt. till Call, yard clippings, ](,av(!s. wood. glass. I)edding, crockery snd Sitllihlr nuiterilils. (15) "Velticb," is every device in, Ilpoll, O1' by which lilly ltel•Son ill' prop- (q'lN IS q)l' IIIIIV lit' [l•Itns )lifted or <lrliwn tlp(!)II It lizhv$; V ill( It disk d 'V ces used ,'xc'ltlsivl'ly Itpoll sl ati()nal'y l'a Jis or i i :It;ks. ,eelion 3. l.iller in l)uldic l'laees. N(, ])(.l'SOlt ll+lll [Itl'()W l)(' dej)oSi| l[l- t('l ' ill (it' IAI)I)II tlny slrq',!t, sidewalk ()r (dhpr t)tti)li<! l)hl"e wilhiu the City t':,;t'+'|) l 11 t e l+e .+.l)lacles ill alltlt- oriz(.d p('iv'At(? r+'c('ptacles for c()lh'c- ti(,n, (Jr in official City dumps. Section I. Plaeea|ent of Litter in |+ecel, taeie+ Sa it!*; It) l)revellt Scatter- tng. l:.++.rsl)ns placJ)l litt('r in public I'e('i'l)t;tcles ,)1' in Stlthl)rizpd t)rD.'Ilte rc- ((q,tm'h's s]lall do HI) ill sItCb a luanner I1 IU i)rev('lll i( fr(,lu b,'ing (.arriod ill' dep()silpd i)v Iho (,|(.lilt,illS uplln tiny rtre.t, si(h"alk or other public place ,,I' Lll)Oll ])riv21te IJroperty. Holy Name Society Plans Breakfast St Edward's Holy Name Society will hohi its annual spring Com- muni(m breakfast Sunday at the Shelton Hotel. The breakfast will be served after the eight o'clock mass. Speaker for the event will be Mike Contris of Olympia. Charles Murray, presklent, urges al men of the parish to attend. iPa!S tr,'(' (if litl(,l •. t)l't)x'ili(,(i, however, that thi. S,'cti,Jn sit+ill n(,t prohibit the storage of litter in authorized pri- vate rect.ptaclcs for collection. i,cIion 20. Litter on ),'scant Lots. No l)t'rsott shall thr()w or deposit lit- tl!l" Oil tlty oi),!n ill" vacant l)rivat, prop- erly witlHn the City wh(,lher )wned lly u('h i)(,l'son el' not, • eetion 21, Clearing of Lifter frem Open l)ri,aie l)reperty hy City. (a) N()TICE TO REMOVE, The I.'ire Chi('f is hereby atlthorized and elllpOw- ert,(i to nolify the owner t)f any open or vacant private pr(,p(!rty within tile City or l lie agent of such owner to Sectioa 5, Nwe(,i)ing Litter Into Gut- ler l'rohil)ih•d. Nt) iwrson shall swe.ep 1): )ll('rly dispose ill litter located <Ill Jill (1' d p)sit ill any gutlr street or Su('ll ,iwni!r'.)l'lpett}' which i8 dal,l- (t 'r I + t p  ee w'ilh n II + C. ty the 'L!t•IIIIS t() pill)tiC nealtn, safety or wel- :l(:('ttlllulatioil (if litt(q' fronl an)' build-, tare. Stt(.h not<r(, sludl lle by Regis:- a ' ( ' f 'C) I IV I U ) I or private terl'd Mall. adflr(ssed to sahl owntw aT. 'sid,,wsik )r driv ,we,,: P rs)ns ()wiling his last known at lfll)'(,ss, - - :" ..... ' kee" the J) ,%CTI()N t I ON NON-COM LI= (,1" ()('('U|).'II, I'() l) 'l'ty }]l{Ill •  " __.,. * ..... . S d walk ill fr( Ill of' th ) r pr('nll:4(ts IN_:P;. LJJ)t)ll Lilt' IallUl'', negl('CL or I I•cl'usal (d" tiny owner or aent s< notl- f)'pe of littt+l', fled, t<, l)l;oporly dispose of litter dan- ger(us t(' II(! pthlic h'alth, sa'etv or Nletion 6. Merchants' Dut.v to Keep I.idt, walks Pree (if Litter. o person iownilg o' I) tupving a place of bllsi- ItL%S sit,it sweo])"into <)r deposit in any Kutler stre('t (d' ()tiler public place wittin t ( C tv th< " lecunulation of I litter fr()u) an'y hu ](lng or lot or I fr()m any public or private sidewalk welfare within five (5) days nfter re- ceipt of written notice provided for in sub-section (at abels, or within ten (I0) (lays after the date of such notice in the event th(! sallte is returned to the CAty Post Office Departulent be:- or driv('way. Persons owning Or OC Cause of Jt. inability to nlaki, delivery ('Llpying places of business within the thereof, provided the saule was prop- :C t:) sha ] kel p the sid,walk In front erly addross;,d t,, the last known of the - business pro ises free of litter, addres; (f suc! owner, o)' a6ent, tile I eetlon 7. Litter Thrown bY Persons Ilre cnlei ts nerel)y autnorlzeu anu In Vehicles. No person whih'i a driver etnp(iwer,2t tl) pay for the di.s.postng (,r t)assenger in a vehicle, shall throw pl l(!ll Illl,q' or to oruer its mst)osat or deposit litter upon any street or y ulr]y. other public place within the City, or ...!el LIEN [QR DISPOSAL S ERVI .C/. Ul)Oll orivate t)roBerf wnere lne lull an]oust (lue Ill() (;ll.y "et(on 8 T'rue I:ade Causing I it-i is not paid by such owner within thirty ter. No person shall dri,,'e or move .(. 30} days after the disposal of such Shy tpuek or other vehicle within the litter, as pr()vlded for hereinabove, tnen C (v ,mi<,s a,,,.h vo,ll. ]a an en n that case the CRy by and through strut.ted or laded as to prevent any Its dilly authorized officials shall cause h,ad contents or litter from tieing to be eeirded Ill the Mason Count, bh)wn or deposited upon any street. uuaors,unme a sworn st.atemem all{ or other ouhlir N¢,r shall snowing the cost anti expense lncurreu '. - - • .... v ........... e any person drive or move any vehicle [for th. wojk, the date the work was or truck within the City, the wheels leone,_ anu t nt: location of.tne prop ely or tires nf which carry onto or depos- ]on wnlcn salu WOrK W:q lone, ancI the tt in any street, alley or other public Ileggl. aes..rlptio, n o[ tn Proprliy on place mud. dirt sticky substances, lit-IWnlcn sale WOrK was uone, Tne tee ter or foreign uttter of any kind ICoruaion of such sworn statenlent shall Seetlan 9. Litter In Parks. No per'- I tonstitute a lien on said. property and shall be foreclosed In thb manner and son shall throw or deposit litter in any park within the City exeept in public roce.ptacles and in such a manner that tile litter will be prevented from being carried or deposited by the elements upon any part of the park or upon any street or other public place. Where public recel)tacles are notprovlded, all such litter stlall be carried away from the park by the person responsible for its pr(,sence and prol)erly disposed of elsewhere as provided herein. See(ion 10. Litter In Lakes and i Pountains. No person shall throw or deposit litter in any fountain, pond, lake, stt'tallt, hay (lr any other body water a park or elsewhere within II. Throwing or I)istrlbut. lng Commercial Handbills in Public Places. No person shall throw or de- t)oslt any commercial or non-comlner- cial handbill ill or Upon any sidewalk, street or other public place within the City. Nor shall any person hand out i)r distribute or sell ally commerelal handbill in any public place. Provided, however, that it shall not be unlawful ou ally sidewalk, street, or other pub- lic lilacs withiu the City for any per- to hand out or distribute, without charge to the receiver thereof, any n,)n-eonlmercial handbill to any person willing to accept it+ Nt, etion 52. Plaehtg Commercial and Non-Conlmercial ilandbllis on Vehieles. Nt) person shall throw or deposit ally (-'OIllTtl(reial or non-conullercial handbill • or upon any v(,hicle. Provided, bow- ever, that it shall m)t be unlawful in blic .lla(:e for a perso to hand without charge to a non-conlnlercial of a vehicle who is willis eetion 13. Commercial and Non-Coy Lls on Un- inhabited or Vacant Premises. No pcr- S(III stlall throw or deposit any COlU- 'ul('rcial or non-col)lm(!rcial hancbill in or upon any private premises which IlI'e teulporttl'liy i)r continuously un- inhabited (ir vacant, within the time prescribed for liens for labor and material. Said disposal set.v- ice lin shall be prior to all liens and encumbrances filed subsequent to the filing of the notic( of It with the County , Auditor, except the lien of general taxes and local improvement assesmnents whether levied prior or subsequent thereto. Seetion 22. Peultles, Any person violating any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thdroof shall be fined In an amount not exceodlng one hundred dollars ($100,00) or be Imprisoned in the city jail for a period not exceeding thirty (30) days or be both so fined and imprisoned. Each day such violation is committed or permitted to continue shall consti- tute a separate offense and shall bo punishable as such hereunder• Seetlon 23. Separability. If any sec- tion, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or uncon- stitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and inde- pendent provision and such holding sha|l not affect the validity of the re- nmtning portions hereof. Heel)on 24. Ordinances Repeled. AL) ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed. Passed this 31st day of March, 1959. EARL H. MOORE ATTEST : Mayor Alma K. Catto. Clerk-Treasurer APPROVED AS TO FORM: ,C• T. Halten, City Attorney 4/9 It No, 3L04 NOTICE TO CUEDITOIt IN Tile SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE (:iF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY (In Probate) ,( "" )t "" .. ............. In tho Matter of the Estate, of AL- , +till I 14. ! eoJIIOling UlSlrlnnon I T]q  T C£',T T TF.:. "1 s ln+,wn n s I ilandllllls illere l roperty Posd.]EWT COl t t S Droe,se d N(, pers<ln shall thrt,w, deposit or dis- "NOTIi:E +I',q"hE'FBY "GtEN .... t tr i)ute any conllnerc|al or non-eommer- .( -'( " ( A  h(e) annoi *'l ( ill ' Ln ! LIIII 'rSl rn u HaS  .) .l V'" *' l_.. h}.n(Iblll npon any private prem- and has quafied as the Adnlinistrator ,(t, ,, requesteu o X anyone tub-con I of the Estate oi Albert L. Collins, also n to uo o i)r li there Is placeu on t.(,, n a - , Cell ",s deceased' h-t .aid prmuses in a,,conspicuous po. ltlon Il) persons ',,v .... ( ms aoalnst said near the entrance thereof a sign bear-]:¢ctas(d {r'h(r'l,,'re-nire to s:rve ing the words: "No Trespassing," "No <h  't)'. :',,,fi¢i,l " cm' the ,,rtf,, :" , e ' ) ................... ' .......... '"" ]eddt ,rs or Ag nts ' "No Advertise- (,*-ed J <u'Ulr() • h s attorney of I+1 mr., t)r anyi.s nular ngtlce, indtcat- r(icord al thd addresa below stated and ng Ill /lily nl [[er trial [/le o(cupans e • : file the same with the Clerk of th . of said premises do not desire to be nlolested or have their right of privacy disturbed, or to have any. such hand- bills left upon such prenuses. Section 15. Distributing Commercial and Non-Commercia! Handbills at In- habited l)r|vale Premises. No person shall thrl)w, dep(mit or distribute any comolercial or non-eonlmerclal handbill ill or up(in private premises which are inhabited, except by handing or trans- mitting any such handbill directly to the t)wner, occupant, or other person then present in or upon such priwlte prem- ises. Provided. however, that in case (if inhabited m'ivate premises which are not posted, as provided In this Ordinance, such person, unless re- quested by anyone upon such premises not to do so, may place or deposit any such handbill in oP upon such inhabited private prcnlisea, if such handbill Is so phlced or dep()sited as to secure or l)revent such handbill from being bh)wn or drifted about such premises or sidewalks, streets, or other public places, and except that mailboxes may not he so used when so prohibited by Fvderal postal law or regulations. (a) EXEMPTION FOR MAIL AND NEWSPAPERS. The provisions of this Section shall not apply to the distrl- button of mall by the United States, nor to newspapers (as defined herein) except that newspapers shall be placed on private property in such a manner as to prevent thelr being carried or deposited by the elements upon any street sidewalk'or other public place or upon private property. eetion 16. DruPping Litter From Aircraft. No person In an aircraft shall throw out. drop or deposit within the City any litter, handbill or any other object. Section 17. Posting Notlees Phlb- )ted. No person shall' post or affix any notice, poster or other paper or device, calculated to attract the at- tention of the public, to any lamp post, public utility pole or shade tree, or upon any public structure or bulldil, except as may be authorized or re- quired by law. Section 18. Later on; Occupied Pri- vate Property. No person shall throw I or deposit litter on any occupied pri- vate propsrty within the C'lty, whether owned by auch person or not, except that the owner or person in control l/revented from being carried or de- posited by the elements upon any street, sidewalk or other public plae8 cr upon any private property, Section 19. Owner to Maintain Prem- ises Free of Litter. The owner or per- son in control of any private property shall at all times maintain the press said Court, together withproof of such service within six months after the (late of first publication of this notice or the, same will be barred. JACK ELLIOTT BYRON E. McCLANAHAN Attorney for Estate Office and Post Of flee Address: Courthouse Shelt(,n. Washington 4/9-16-23 3t No. 31( NOTICE TO CRE1)ITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In tile Matter of the Estate of IVA STONER, Deceased. W. Stoner is the appointed and qualified Adndnistrattlr of said estate. All persons having claims agaJnat said deceased are required to serve the san)e in dupli(:ate, duly verified, on said Adlninistxator or hls attorney, Robert L. Snyder at the address hol()w stated, and file the same wllh the Clerk tff said Court, together with proof -f such serviee, within six nlonths after the date uf first publica- tion of this notice., or the same will be barred. DATE of first publication: April 9, 1959. JOHN W. STONER Administrator Star Route 2. Box 149 Shelton, Washington ROBERT L. SNYDER Attorney at Law I Dril!ing WELLS- TEST HOLES • " CO Dr,lhng . 'LWRENCE BEDELL '.i , Phone HA. 64713  S, hx 170, glimm May Festival Slaled May festival were aired at Mon- day's meeting of the Parent-Teach- ers Organization. Chairman for the event was announced as Mrs. Melvin Swayze• Weather permit- ting, the event will be held at the Southside school April 26 In case of foul weather, the festival will be postponed until May 3. Members of the PTO wish to :hank the public for their cooper- tion in making the recent school carnival so successful. The need for a scoutmaster and assistant scoutmaster was zport- ed and fathers of the boys in the Southside Troop asked to cooper- ate in helping the inspiring work of the troop. Entertainment following the meeting was provided by the school s Brownie Troop in the form of comical skits, Brownie song and promise. Movies of pre- vious May Day festivals were shown the group by Mrs. Frank Wolf. Rainbows Slate Scrap Metal Drive Plass have been completed by the Shelton Assembly, Order of Rainbow for Girls, for a scrap metal drive Saturday, April 11 and 25. The girls will conduct a house to house canvass for metal to ell. Proceeds from the sale will 5e used for color standards for :he Assembly. The girls are planning a candy and apron sale for May 9. Grand Assembly will be held ffune 14, 15 and 16, for which the local girls will be hostesses. About 0 girls from the Shelton Assem- bly are planning to attend. E00les 6iw 6rand Prizes Io Top Players Grand prizes for the 1959-60 series of ]agles' card parties were warded at last Saturday's final game• Winners of the grand prizes were Mrs. Earl Leggett, 22620, and Herman Lorenzon, 23480. Evening prizes for high scores Ralph Stockwell, 5190, and rs. Stockwell, 5660. Low score rizes were given Roy Anderson, 1380, and Vera Huntington, 1630. The traveling pinochle prize was taken by Mrs. Larry Downie and Ralph Stokwell. Circus to Benetil Hospital Tonighl "Hooray---It's here"---Tonight is the big night for the younger set for the Wenatchee "¥" Circus will present their blg ten acts for the benefit of the Shelton General Hos- pital through the sponsorship of the hospital's auxiliary. The big "show will begin at 8 p.m. in the high school gymnasium. WARC To Elect New '59-60 Officers Election of officers will be the order of the day at the regularly scheduled meeting of the Wash- ington Association for Retarded Children at 8 p.m. Friday in the Rogers school. "Wills, and specifically those re- garding retarded children" will be the topic of the program with Rob- ert L. Snyder, local attorney, as guest speaker. BPW Plan For State Convention The Shelton Business and Pro- fessional Women's Club welcomed Mrs• Estelle McKinnis as a trans- fer from the Tacoma Club at their meeting April 1st at the home Of Mrs, Ingrid Reck, club president. Plans are being made for the state convention to be held in Yakima May 21st to 24th. The dinner meet- ing of the club will be Wednes- day. Reservations may be made with Mrs. Reck. CONGRATULATIONS: Mr and Mrs, Kenneth Clark, Fullerton, Calif, became the proud parents of a six pound, 13 ounce son March 25. Kenneth Jr, joins a brother and two sisters, Jon, Tracy and I Christine, at the family horse. [Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. troy Moorhead, Aberdeen, and Mr. and Mrs. J. E, Bishop, Shelton. G  i'-" NOTICE OF SALE OF TIMKB ovey ru lilng O ) • 4/9 16 23 3 N 8'PATE LAND Shelton Washington - - - 0 4t '._ __ Notic is hereby given that on Tues- ...... ---0". 810It day, .the 5th day of May, 1959, com- .......... - .,u,DITORS menclng at ten o'clock in the forenoon .... -t'--('-'Ir"--+t-'-""T "OF '-- of saidday) in front of the m(ln en- I • " ' I cation of ..,, ,.- =., ...,, s the. date of first push i+,= harr=a this I County conta/n/ng 20 acres nlore 0r notlce or the same w-   + it== ' DATE of first publication'. April 9 I'--: ....... 1959 , ' I Tlmor will oe SOlU on a cash '" ----+"ZO ROBINSON ] Minimum"acreptable bid is $6,984,00.. " m ' At time oz sale the urchaser mus zegu  .... a ]pay $6 934.00, plus a $.{ bill of sale _i t .. _' ,,,,in,ton ]fee. or a total of 6936.00 in the form neltOll vv €to=,  + ...... ,, V vDER |of cash, money or]'er, certified check wE . "w /or balk. draft. The balance between Attmne at a ~ ' ' .... |tha appraised pri(e and the bid price o%e BUll¢lln l . ':Y ... . .... 4/ n , | f any may be paid by personal ceck. tnelton wasnlntu- "   p ........... - | urchaser must alo furnlah & surety )bona of $2,000,0G to guarante c0mpJb Ng. #'. .... FI .... lance with all terms oT the bilYof aale. (F H]kl, tl tt  ma NOTICE ) _l ,,, ).All checks, money orders, etc. are to. REPOR:..._,,=.. " [be made payable to the Commlssioner FOR  'Lrl --hi%"' F T"-- [of Public Lands. RIOR Uuu u tta; ar IN THE SUPE ............. , | Tre for removal will be one ye • O1 W Ittr--  rc STATE N W-Tx | Located approximately 22 miles MASON COU ..... "-t^te of ---- ]nOrthwest of Shelton. atter 01 me *.-a . In tile M __:--.. .-, ....... .* " I. Accessibility: Purchaser must enter HULTCtlIJz  Into FRED J , ".,_5 ...... ,_ ./ road use agreement with Slmp- Rctta . Hultsren, p ol [son Logging Company, copies of which the said etate,, has L-^,, ,,..m |are on file in the District and Olym ° nal report m ptAtlon l Court her fl .... h ...... , . {P a offices. ution asRlng t e ,uurt. [O for distrib '- -+Ibut o  ,r^ | Oomp|ete contract specifieatlons may diseharge the .. --'" "b + '+"-d ^-/grumissi°ner of Public Lands, Olym- + tltlOn w+,nr.a ,.+ ,.= + un/Pie report and pe the 8th day of May,.ls+ai, da<lrt.'m'_, _ Said timber on said land will be sold D THIS6th da o AP 9o9 b AT-I ' 2 T  ' " Y Iawa statement of which is now HARRX 2L)'(ti. on rile'in the office of the Auditor of Clerk O_--'ER said county. IOBERT L. SNi'I) . Tetns o| sale are: Cash to be paid ovey Buildl h o the da of sale. helton, Wal_$ff, - trlx BRT L, CO)" t Attorney for Admimstra a/q.A.9_.n . Commissioner of Public Iands .............  4/2-9-1(F-a+ 5t Socnal Even ts STRIP TEA SLATED FRIDAY JUST THREE of the styles and models that will be modeled at the Strip Tea sponsored by the Rachel Knott Orthopedic Guild Friday at the P.U.D. Hours for the tea will be from 2 to 4 p.m. All styles shown at the tea and several more stripped at the tea w{l{ be sold at the "Nearly New" sale on May 1. Price of admiss- ion to the tea is an article of clothing. Pictured above are Mrs, Don Drengson, Mrs. Dean Mikelthun and Mrs. Frank Rogers. (Journal photo, Ziegler priut,) l Members of the Rachel Knott pany. SteWs forthcoming move to Orthopedic Guild are viewing with 1517 5th Avenue In Seattle neces- mounting excitement the many sitated disposal of the furs which lovely clothes being donated to should provide exciting bargains their "Nearly New" sale from for Shelton shoppers) many sources. Many of the clothes already do. Melville P. Steil, prominent Se- nated will be modeled at the "Strip ttle furrier, last week donated Tea" Friday at the PUD. Tea will ten fur coats from the storage be served at 2 p.m. and the first department of the Arctic Fur Corn- showing will be at 2:30. An addi- tional showing Will be held at 4 Mrs. Preppernau New Zonta Head New officers for the ensuing mar will be installed at the reg- r monthly dinner meeting of the Zonta Club, Thursday, April 16, in the Colonial House. Officers to be installed by the retiring president, Alma Catto, will be Audrey Preppernau, president; Wands Wyatt, first vice president; Elsie Wilson, second vice presi- dent; Eleanor Buechel, secretary, and Vera Morgan, treasurer. Hostesses for the meeting will be Kay Sutherland and Vera Mor- gan. BABY GIRL: Mr. and Mrs. Gene Lindberg became the proud par- ents of a baby girl last Satur- day. Little Trudy Jean weighed' seven pounds, 13½ ounces Doting grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Kopperman, Shelton, and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Baller) Lewis- town, Mont. o'clock. The only admission price will be some article of clothing, suitable for the "Nearly New" sale, which will be "stripped" at the door. All Shelton women interested in an enjoyable afternoon and a chance to preview many exciting bargains are cordially invited to attend. ,]AI<¢E AT MATLOCK GRANGE HALL SAT., APRIL 11 9:30 'TIL 2:00 ( I @ Door Prize • Refreshments Served • Everybody Weloome • Music by Grange Tune Toppers Each 2nd & 4th Saturday Elephant Sale to Hilite Canal Meet The Hood Canal Woman s Ch.tb will meet at 11 a.m. Tilursday, April 16, in their Potlatch club- house. A white elephant sale for the benefit of the Mason county ion of Woman's Clubs will highlight: the meeting. All mem- are asked to bring something ior the sale. Jack Ellis of the Department of Irlstitutions, Olympia, will be guest speaker at the Federation meeting Friday, April 17, in the Armory. Topic for his talk will be "Mental Health." Special music will also hold the spotlight at the meeting. Rebekahs To Fete MemrW Birthdays Members of Ruby Rebekah Lodg No. 75 are reminded of the regttlar meeting to be Friday, April 10, at 8 o'clock in the Odd Fellows The committee planning the firth(lay party for those members with birthdays from Oetober through March is Mrs. Maybell Danieis, Mrs. Warren Earl, Mrs. Charles Savage and Mrs. Cltrence Lathmu. Members who attended the Chi- na Tea given by the tier( Orchard t.el)ekah Lodge on SItd:¢y, April : :: ..... 5, were Miss Elizabeth }]tlt]er, Mrs. : ...... : Elizabeth Simpson, Mrs. Ahua +- White, and Mrs. Teckla Anderson• Chain Saw as low $169so" NIW HOMILI?| SAE6ER MOTOR SHOP HILLCREST Phone HA 6-4602 LAWNM0WERS Sharpened We have recently aoquired a new SIMPLEX 400 lawnmower zharl- ener, the newest and most ar+- ate straight-line mower sharpener ever budlt. , WE'LL SHARPEN 'f" El  ANY MOWER... rb V i  rotary, hand, or power IB ill . . . from 4 Ines to .KJIW | 38 Inohes in cutting I Kq=Nad, I B I Get that aee kloy !  l wh,? ,oo .. '":I Engine Repuirs Cuit}vate et. COOPER CLIPPER Reel-type Mowers MASTERCUT Rotary-type Mowers SALES SERVICE RENTALS MERRY TILLER GARDEN TRACTORS Hedrilk +Sport Center 123 COTA STREET PHONE HA 6-4321 150,000 FAMILIES HAVE ALREADY MADE THE MAGNIFICENT CHANGE TO THE CLEAN 0000INGED STYI00 OF BUICK'59 ! Next time you iook through your windshield at lhe un- mllakably clean, sleek tall of a Bulck '59 • . . take a moment to envy its owner... He owns THE Car... "hottest" thing on wheels today. He owns THE style that's farthest ahead both in public notice and in future trade-in worth. He commands the most ecient automobile power plant in America today. (Buick's new Wildcat engines not only deliver an important increase iu actual miles per gallon.., but when you take car weight and perform, ance into account, they get more out of each gallon of gas than any others.) He stops with Buick's ezdusie braking system. (Fin-cooled, front and rear, aluminum drums in front.) When he wants to speed up or slow down, he feels the quiek answers of the smoothest transmissions of all... (only Buick combines Twin Turbine* or Triple Tur- bine* transmission smoothness with Wildcat getaway). SEE YOUR AUTHORIZED QUALITY BUICK But why not find out for you.ll? Thle ltwa laum of motion. Its comfort of roominess and ride. It'/,, es to do exactly what yot  of it, You'll live so much better in ra Buick '59. It ymr, Quality Buick Dealer show YOU why • .. and, hq, the man in the Buick could b... Y@UI Visit your Quality Buiak Dmtr m. He's aa $  why your famil belou in Sh xxr 150,00050  tl magni.fxer change o Buick '5Pl *Otl at extra eat oa mme nu1 TO OWNER OP .4 IN THE LEADIb DOW-PRIC [. . . You'll be surprised how easily you can own a Buick L Sab instead! Be sure to ask, your Buick dealer abou$  a$" *200 " .,o,,..., BUICK '59 DEALER NOW. .oo.ou..,+..o,c. o..... N,H,,+o,,, SHE[TON MOTOR CO. * == • ,,, st. ............ Jl_+ II I I I ]I I I I I II I [ I I j