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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 9, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 9, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Pa 16 SHELTeR,MASON COUNTY JOURNAL -- Published in "Chrisfmastown, U.S.A.," Shelton, A0 I,I, j,// t! FOR SALE FOR ..... , ii i, HRUBS-Good supply_ on hand, fruit SOYSEN PAINT--all types and kinds, 6-MONTHS SUPPLY OF TIDE free Classified Advertising trees, large well branched trees, ehohze of 1322 colors. L.M. DECOR- with the purchase of any Kennlore Wagener Feed Co., 219 So. First. ATING CENTER, 1 Railroad. Washer. Sears Catalog Sales Office, Rates Phone HA 6-4532. 2/12 tfn 1/29 tfn Evergreen Square. Phone HA 6-8201. 3/26 fin 15 words or less (minimum FOR SALE--Baled hay, $15-$25 per ton. PeR SALE--Used radio-phonograph, charge) $1.00 single insertion, t Forrest Green, Matlock. Phone HA self-propelled lawnmower. Lunslord&apos;s F()R ALE OR RENT--Professional 6-3605. G3/26-4/9 Firestone Store, 3/19 tfn rug, upholstery equipment, supplies. $1.60 two insertions, $2.00 for ................................................. L.M. Decorating Center, 321 Bah- three insertions. Additional in- (+)LD FISH FOR SALE. 35€. HA MoRe CHAIN SAWS, 9 cl' direct road Avenue, 2/26 tfn 6.4378, 638 Arcadia St. V8/26 drive, $99.50, 16-1nch bar chala, sertlons 25¢ each. Rates for ....................................................................... Hlllcrest Hardware. 11/18 tfn BOATS, MOTORS, TRAILERS, equip- larger ads on request, FOR SALE: full size electric range+ eat at Walt's Marine SuppD', oll Good condition except burners are FOR SALE--Miscellaneous used furnt- beaUUhli Hood Canal. Phone Hoods- Card of thanks $1.50 Read- • low heating. $15. Phone HA. 6- ture. Phone HA 6-4376. Mc4/2-9 ._port  7- 1/19tfn er notices 15 word minimum, 8536 ewmings. N4/2tfn WARD'S PORTABLE Zig-Zag mewing r.H,A. TERMS now available om all $1.00 or $2.50 per column inch. SRAND NEW Stauffer Magic Couches, machine with Greist attachments, $60. buUdil matartala allows you to "Not Responsible" n o t i c e a Princess Model "L," all guaranLves, Wardrobe trunk, like new, $30. See *p ooastrttlon costs under one now only $149.50, $20.48 down: $10.05 at 1221 Franklin anytime except Fri- bill. For intormgtion lnaulre at $1.50 per insertion. monthly, Ralph Horton, HA 6-68. day evening or aturday. B4/2-16 LawtoD Lumilmr, 420 8. l[L Pho ........... HA, $-4108. 616tta All classified advertisements FOR SALE -- One Montag heater. In- 1/12 tfa ._Luire 727 RR Ave. Me4/2 tfn FOR SALF,--JUSt received, a few 1958 mtmt be paid in advance. Ads ....... i ..... L I ..... model:IS h.p-Ev .In!ud% out board__.m- taken over the telephone must FOtEfof  +at g tireaucea prmea.M tl = be paid before the end of the I conditioned ranges_ refrllrgtors, , . ....  "" month. An extra charge of 10€ 5 Refrigerators ..... $49.50 to $99.50 washers, dryers, Eells & Valley A,p- 1 Apt. range elec. $42.50 pliance Center. 1/6tfn BT BUY. IN TOWNI l Heavy will be made when billing Is ................ p -IIU. a'OllS W eeaUl, IIU- n+m= 1 40" Elec. range ................. $59.50 FOR SALE. dry hesv or light glib mm .7, -gdlonl $8.97. FUll- --+--+" wood, $10 a cord. HA 8"4127--/1faC r,rt.i'-°r's leo Ch'eam Center, 4 /nN°rt  .... 1 40" Elec. range $39.50 1 Wringer washer .............. $39.50 NtUDE OUTBOARD MOTOR u/e FOR SALE and service at Hlll¢t Hardware. 1 Elec. clothes dryer ........ $69.50  :+'r 6"MIOtNTtUP p%U&PasLeYoPFanyTIKDpnnree Coil springs Spindle bed, full size SPECIAL VALUES ( the Journal, $1.1/1 EvergreenWasner" SearSsquare.CatalOgPhoneSalesHA orgies,6.8201. 2d Hand Chest .................. $12.50 Used Reconditioned SCHWINN BIKE for sale, very good - 3/26 tfn 6" Mah. Drop leaf table condition, large size. Phone HAl SEATS, 'JtAILERS and outboard mo- 6-8595.after 5 p.m. , La3/12tfn[ torl at Hlllcrast Hardware. 2/20tfn 2 Youth beds TELEVISION SETS HAY FOR SALE 50¢ per bale. Mc-I''.N_G__I.WN, 96 mont.hs_to.J Donal Farm,' Kamilche Vallev. l, unaer F..A. terms on mt ou||ambll. Book case Table and Consoles phonedHA 6-3740 3/26-4D1 suppiles._Lun.p it all under one ......... "' ":--+: .... l ,awon ,umnsr, 420 S. Ist St. Ph. 2 Swing rockers 17" - 21" - 24" Screens DR SALE2-wheel trailer, goes con-I HA. 6-4308. 6/Stfn 2 Library tables ' dition. Call HA 6-626 preferably 2/ ..IUSZD BALDWIN Acrosonlc Piano like $I0 GIFT WITH PURCHASE ................... e - [ n w. Johnny's Music Box. 2/26 tfn SKINDIVERS -- Used aqua £ungs, new l -- Kelly's Furniture .ul. -in. Neoprene wet sults, ITRAV, NL IS OUR BUSINESS! Ar- 625 so. First Olsen Furniture ttored -In. sklndivlng and water[ raagernen for all tours, tra]por- egnng suits or kits. Newest in skin- [ ration ann reservations, at no addi- Phone HA 6-2411 328 Cots HA 6-4702 diving equipment. 1950 Chevrolet eta- [ ttonal cost to you. Clara Bell Anglo, ties wagon for sale. Phone HA 6-[ phones HA. 6-4154 or HA. 6-T/2. 6877. Morgtm' Diving & Marine, 4l 6/26tfn , , i , I  I i miles East Arcadia Road. 3/19 tfn l ---te- ler, faster more efflc'ent Also 24- hour hoto finlehlng Try us Zle - road and fill gravel, washed un ler'  " . • E' ,rod rnl draina- ,avel and -ea s Studio 124 No 2rid HA+ 6-6163 NOTICE OF SALE r,, for dveway,. o-- - ,/i erson, phoae HA 6-152. John's i, ,, ,.,-reek Sahd and Oravel, Bayshore. Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be as- 7/tfn West Coast cepted on or before 12 o'clock noon, April 18, 1959, for .... .h + + ......o+ser the sale of  interest in a Swanson 21 foot cruiser, CUSTOM UPHOLSTERING Bay Jay, No. 30V1479, with a 95 H.P. Gay Marine motor, FIR SLAB WOOD Free Estimates - Free Pickup, Delivery Green -- 15 - 20 Inch 710 EAST 4TH AVE. $16 PER LOAD OLYMPIA now moored at Shelton Port District. No bid will be ac- cepted less than $250.00. The bids must be mailed to Rudolph Nm:c+arato, trustee, at 224 East Fourth Avenue, Olympia, Washington. The trustee reserves the right to refuse any and all bids. 4-2-9 4-2-23 DRAPERIES CUSTOM AND READY MADE Expert Workmsnship Large Selection LUMBFN'S MERe ANTIL E 'Dry Goods Dept. See FRIGIDAIRE First @ REFRIGERATORS • RANGES • WASHERS • DRYERS also for EXPERT, ECONOMICAL, EFFICIENT APPLIANCE and TV SERVICE TELEPHONE HA. 6-8211 M ICRCAIITIL|+ Due to Other Commitments Shelton and Vlcinty Phone WH 3-0991 PHONE HA 6-2118 2-5 tfn KENNETH F. COX 2-12-tfn .... BOOTH HIGHEST CASH PAID CONSTRUCTION CO. For Timber Stumpage HOUSES MOVED, RAISED and Lands and FOUNDATIONS HA. 6-6441 Interested parties 3/27tfn call evenings collect. Bar-Din Enterprises BATTERIES - TIRES FOREST PRODUCTS Enlarged Stock for Star at. 2, Box 119, Sheiton, Wn. Immediate Delivery Telephone HA 6-6837 Ialwest Cost per month Ethel M. Barton - John A. Dinning for first line tires ..... Free Mounting of Passenger Tires Bar-Din Boats Sears Catalog Sales 8'- 14' beats our specialty Office Any size or style boat on order Evergreen Square WE FIBERGLASS Shelton Ph. HA. 6-8201 Fishermen and duck hunters, see us before you buy Bar-Din Enterprises Forest Products BUDGET SHOP i916 Olympic Highway No. 321 RAILROAD • Telephone HA 6-6837 formerly Martin's Boat Shop Used Furniture .......... ....... Daveno & chair .................... $49.50 THE GARDEN SHOP Daveno .................................... Sa0.00 3-Pc. Sectional .................... $49.50 HA 6-3710 aT. 1 BOX 48 6 Chrome Chairs ........... $3.50 Ea. Fruit Trees, nicely branched $2.00 Chrome Set ............................ $35.00 Dwarf Fruits .................... $2.75 up Wood Heater Combination Trees ........ $3.50 up ........................ $49.50 Flowering Plum & Crabapple $2.50 Apt. Size Range .................... $35.00 Hawthornes, red ................... $3.50 Refrigerator .......................... $39.50 3-4 ft. ........ $5.50 TV Set .................................... $39.50 upright .... $3.50 1 Electric Range .................... $59.50 Weeping Cherries $6.50 oil Springs ......................... $10.50 Weeping Willow .................... $3.00 Pernettia red, pink or white Dishwater, Portable .......... $99.00 berries ..................................... $1,25 pink ........................ $1.60 New Furniture 715€ Chair, uph. Reg. $17.95 .... $6,95 ragtts ...................... $I.00 doz. 5-Pc. Dining Sets ................ $49.50 Blueberries ........................ $1.75 ca. Swing Rockers .................... $59.50 Rockhfll Strawberrie . $1.50 doz, Daveno .................................... $99.50 MII Strawberries .... 50¢ do. Inlaid Tile ............................ 12€ Ea. Small Berrie & Rhubarb 3 for $1, Head Boards, Plas ................. $8.95 Wide election of Evergreens Bamboo Shade, All and Flowering Shrubs Sizes to 10-Ft. Wide I ,. , ,, , .. , ,,I I |111 ,, , ..... , i i I A FRANCHISE m Bmm... BUSINESS i, Hone+y, .sineerlty, and +",+ with Inventory aml Fixtures gTd::orn':; =r=cee"  is forgotten. FOR 'SALE TRADE 00oo00re,o or Wor00 Let George Do It 2 Year Lease Available on BUILDING, REPAIR AND REMODELING Our Present Location Concrete Foundations, Sidewalks, Vloors, Walls, Driveways, Steps, Swimming Pools, Patios, Plain or Colored. Lunsford's 00'Iresloee Cement and Ca ennter 317 Railroad Ave. HERMAN GEORGE Free Estimates HA 6°2487 Terms FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR RENT 6-MONTHS SUPPLY OF TIDE free KEEP Y()UR CARPETS beautiful des- FOR SALE. LEASE OR RENT: large with the pro*chase of any Kenmore pits <:onstani footsteps of a busy 8-room building with two baths, son)+ Washer. Sears Catalog Sales Office, family.. G,]t Rlue Lustre. Lumber- furniture, all new .220 wiring and Evergreen Square. Phone HA 6-8201. men's mace. Co. 4/9 plumbing. No leaks in roof. Reason- 3/26 tfn able. Please call HA. 6-4297. Marie . _ FOR SALE-+E flat saxaphone witi A. Kubixk, 205 East Pine. 4/2tfn COVERINGS -- for walls, wmuows, c,ts • Us(d shoz time Phone HA ................................................ floors Paint wallpaper drapes 6'21.q5 " t./o ' ' ' ' DE , _- ........ FOR at 1522 RENT: 3 roo|n furnished house rugs, tlle,cRYTER,ardgoods. L.M, COR- ----:----- .......... Ridgeroad. Phone HA. 6- ATINI 321 Railroad. CH.ROME l& .STEEL feedmg tab!e. 1/29 tfn sn'om,r, gn crier, u'aming cnmr 6517. A4/2tfn  $12 eomph,te. Phone 6-6980. B4/9 TEACHERS, RELAX after school rOB SALE: used steel, plates, pipe, -= ...... E--)''--- ....... ; hours. Sehool-year lease, furnished pulleys and shafts. All type sal- F()R  ..... TRADE .-7- All-meta 2-bedroom Canal beach home. wash- vae mholtan -Tu- f- First an d D tl'tlY nullt souse trailer 14 ft Mi-l, phone HA. 6-86. 9/Sits _ho!' HA6-3689 after 5 p.m. C4/.9 er, dryer. Also summer season. Mrs. Catto. evenings. Olympia. FL 2-3760, F-6R'--SA-L----Neand---sed---t-actrs FOR SAI,] -- 15' inboard cabin boat weekends Hoodsport, TR 7-5338. ,a * on ,,t,,,. 'u k nda ,€ air cool '1 eng ne cedar hull oak ribs C4/2 tfn farm machinery. Tern or cash. anod  d_[,Co 1 nahogany cabin, TR 7- LARGE CLOSE IN 2-bedroom apt., Phone HA 6-6001. A3/19 tfn 0o23. it P . C4/9-16 heat and hot water furnished. Phone ROOFING and all other bulldinma-  HA 6-3084. 83/19 tfn terials, nothing down, 86 menus to • UJ JJl'll" FOR RENT---Two bedroom house, part- pay under FHA terms now available 'at Lawton lumber, 420 S. 1at SL, GOLDSBOROUGH TRAILER PARK+ ly furnished on Mr. View. Phone phone HA. 6-4308. . 6/5_tfn_ Convenient to mills and downtown HA 6-4349. D4/9-23 TOP SOIL, gravel, fill drt. F. E. I stores. C.t. sewer and water. At J FOR RENT- One bedroom furnished Ogden. HA 6-6156. 2/1 tfn! highway nridge. S4/4tfn I house. Phone HA 6-4644. $4/9 tfn V#'----lE--rted-'--__-= FOR RE N. TT-2-bedroom modern du-i UNFURNISHED two-bedroom house where. Phone Olympia FL 7-7761 plex. !ectrm neat, garage, utlllty for rent on Stevens and Hay St. In- Stella Roosevelt and Hay C1/22 tfn room. xnone HA 6-8150. 12/18 tfla ouire Bina, t--useReeplng rooms I t.. 4/9-23 WE BUY YOUR EQUITY, or will sell . +r Pble ,,h^  aa on consignment, your boats, motor, ....... ""'=  "-,tfist ' FOR RENT: I bedroom furnished apt. Wailers, etc, Hillerest Hardware. [ - ...... i 718 NO. 6th, phone HA. 6-4848 after 2/20tfn!FOR RENT--Partly furnished apt, 2 5 p.m. D10/lltfn F--m large bedrooms,_ 2-room bachelor apt. furniture bed chest etc. Phone HA furnzsnea, kIA 6-4394. Call after 6:30i FOR RENT--Large partly furnished 6-3225.' ' ' A3/26 tfn ...m. K2/26 tfn ' three room apartment downtown. MT VIEW DOLL Hospital 160 FOt.RENT--Qne-bedroom partly f- Adults. No pets. $50. Water, gar- el Phone 6-187. Dolls of all knd nlsnea on waterfront. $35 per month, bage furnished. Phone HA 6-8270. P1/29 tfn repaired. Do it now! Come In and __Phone H_A 6-22420. D_2_/.26 tfn FOR RENT: 4-room apc._completsly see my collection of new dolls and FOR RENT or lease With option to, furnished. Phone HA 6-6500. fancywork. Also original inserted buy--Attractive 3-BR, full basement : F 1/S tfn patterns In pillow cases. Mrs. Ann home. Wall to wall carpeting, new  Twardowskl. 11/6 tn automatie zurnace and many more FOR RENT--Furnished cottages and iFO-----E---,i--ky-ye c- extra features: 75_ per month. _C, aJl trailer spaces. The Pines. L10/9 tfn with flash attachment. 2 batteries 4 mr. ann, nA e-t> or nA -. FOR RENT--Reed Apt. 2-bedroom us- flash bulbs, close-up attachment and i_ RE 4] - 6 furnlehed, yard, large garage. Walter eardboard carrying case. $10. Call FOR . NT -- Car/on Apts. Newly; George. HA 6-6642 or HA 6-4686. HA 6-4064. K4/9 tfn furnmhed, 3-room apartments, steam 10/2-11/13 tfn D-IN'INC R-O'OM---S-E-Tbl-e.-- heat. Downtown. $50 and up. Phone FOR RENT--Small house on Angle- chairs, seats 10. good condition• __A L:._. a/u.nn side. Phone HA 6-3080 after 6 p.m. Phone HA 6-619. B4/9 FOR RENT -- One=bedr0om cottage, D10/23 tfn electric heat. refrigerator and range, FOR RENT--Furnished Canal 2-bed- $45 per month, on Cole Road. Phone room home, washer, dryer, fine HA 6-6952. L4/2-16 beach. Owner reserves basement News From F-o-R--RElT'2-bedrooms, large living apartment. Phone Mrs. Carte, Olym- room, picture windows, utility room pia FL 2-3760 evenings, Hoodsport wired or washer & dryer, carport, TR 7-5338 weekends. C2/19 tfn BELFAIR GARDENS close in, partly furnished. To see call M+()D-ER-N--3=7)-m---ground-'flo()r---fu at 706 Cota after 6:30 p.m. or Sat. I nished apt. Steam heat electric kit- Start spraying roses regularly for B3/12 tfnl chen, close to stores. Ideal for pen- lovely bushes as well as blooms. F-(Yi=¢N---Y---Rse--e-il-g  sinned lady. 208 No. let. Phone Fertilize all your plants, they need building, 220 wiring, close to stores 6-6176 or 6-4481. M3/12 tfn on highway, 201 E. Pine. Ideal for F-()It-R-EN-T--=-T;(in-Uitll'- energy as well as we all do. Re- cabinet shop or business or home nished house, available April 5. Ga- member, plants make a home en- or both or tear down if sold. Phone rage. Plmnc HA 6-4549 or HA 6-8436. joyable; we have many usual and HA 6-4297. 205 E. Pine. K3/5 tfn P3/26 tfn unusual ones. FOR RENT--3-room apt. furnished, 5th 5-ROOM FURNISHED apt., 2 bed- _+and Cedar_P_h_one6-4676__M3/!2_tfn rooms, washer, dryer, refrigerator, BELFAIR GARDENS FOR RENT--One-bedl-oom heated fur- electric range, trash burner, oil heat- nished apartment. Adults only. 311 er. Water and garbage included. No. 1st, Phone HA 6-3025. P3/I2 tfn Ground floor. Shorter Apts., 325 Star Rt. 1, Box 55 Belfair, Wash. )E-BE)-I,.OM--p--ne+n---fS+rit 5th & Pine. B2/26 tfn Across from Belfair P.U+D. with fireplace, downtown. Utilities ONE AND TWO bedroom unfurnished paid except lights. Phone HA 6-4655. apartments, hot water heat, range, Furnished. $1/22 tfn refrigerator included. H611y Hill Apts., 920 Olympic. Joe Hartough, ONE LARGE 8-ROOM apartment at manager. Apt. 8. Phone HA, 6-8088 reduced rent. Will take one small or HA. 6-6593. B6/26tfn child. 1203 Rath'oad, Phone HA La12/4 tfn F-OR--IENT=LF-U-nis|I-e-d+ Id'ro Custom Tractor Work Rotovattng or regular plowing, discing and harrowing, excavating, blade leveling, road grading, road gravel. Well-age sawdust. Work i by hem. singlc-nanded. Jerome urke, HA 6°3678. REBUILT VOLTAGE REGULAT- ORS for 6-volt cars $5.00 ex- change. Bonded brake shoes ex- change for most cars $8.95 per car. RODGERS BROS. Auto Wrecking Rt. 1 Box 6, Shelton, Wash. Phone HA 6-4662 3-12-tfn SEPTIC TANKS Drain fields, Ditching, Excavating Gibraltar Const. Co. Earl T. Marr If no answer, Ph. HA 6-4692 Ph. HA. 6-3053 at. 1, Box 476 lrginls Courtenay'e Bride Bsok/et Freel It contains many helpful l gestions end intimate chit-chat o411 important subjects. Each be rosy have • copy ss lonl ss tim supply lsst. Call at the office of this pep end see our new samples of Invi- tations, snnouneements, vhfltin$ cards, informsls for Thsnk Y Imt. A PERFECT GIFT I Give Shelton's Famous Log Monument Glazed! In Everlasting Tile 6"x6" - Use it as a Wall Piece or Hot Plate $1.50 each SPECIAL BARGAIN ON FIREPLACE SCREENS Screens to fit fireplaces up to 36", $19.95, Includes Brush and POker. Carlson Tile & Fireplace Shop 2335 Olympic Hiway North HA 6-2057 Open 12:30-5:30 i USED FURNITURE We Buy and Sell SEE US FIRST BUDGET SHOP 321 tL R. Ave. HA. 6-4332 BOAT BUILDER, any ambitious boat buildin Hiway nings. WANTED TO rier puppies. 227 Roosevelt PREPARE FOR tion. Tacoma gins May Bernadi coIla. WILL DO the hour. erences• Pi]one WANTED -- Springer Spanl Itad all shots. dren. Call HA FOR FULLER pin L. Arnold. WE BUY scrap tors, copper,. Shelton Jun Streets. Phone WANTED: large timber. Cash. our CO., WANTED: courteous Elma 1211, GraYS Inc. WANTED: Rubber SAW PILING Laurel. Phone lawns. 14 year 6842. sprayer. Garden dust. for sale. HA 6-6584. FX/q  cU l cash or take on HA 6-3375. HANDY-MAN think it Landis, HA FURNACE etallations, Furnace Co. 6-6121. CHAIN SAW accurate Saeger Motor HA 6-4602. ONE available on are better who is willing Watkins natio! extracLq are dies Home 6-2228. duplex apartment, washing facilities. 706 Cota. P1/29 tfn C!pl Stw'S. Garage, gal'den sp.,t. Phouo 6-6270. D.1/9 tfn 11th St., apL Nat, c]eall, ctmlph!it!iy nod(.]'li, call ESsC Also available 1 & 2-i)+drol)m fur- nished al)ts, at slighlly highor;ttes. St,(rtnnn's Apartment Motel, HA 6- 3772. A4/9 tfn ton-holes, mine. Phone ONE-BEDROOM HOUSE for rent uu- furnished, at 1735 Stevens. Cal HA WORK 6-8595 after 5 p.m. La3/12 tfn sick, house ................................................................ or will baby FOR RENT--Unfurnished two-bedroom house, Mt. View. Phone IIA 6-4510. M3/19 tfn FOR RENT--Modern furnished cabin, electric range and tank. Water free. Reasonable. Phone HA 6-4841. C1/8 tfn CLEAN AND QUIET roonm, by day or week. Cameron Hotel 2/8tfn F--6-RE-fT"- Attractive waterfront home, 1 bedrooms, city convey- Phone HA 6-4292 lenses, 10 miles from town. Call HA {$-3641. G1/15 tfn COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL SRNISHED APAI-ENT available New and Remodeling At Goldsborough Apts. S4/4tfn ON APARTMENTS, B acle Tidewater Construction unit ideal for single men or ,,era- Your Local Builders en. Also attractively furnished one bedroom apartments. All utilities No job too large or too small, furnished except lights. Reasonable. Shelton, Washington Phone HA 6-121 or HA 6-8177. 11-20 tfn 12/4 tfn MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE W A N T E D On and after this date. April 9, 1959, I will nnt be responsible for any • Used Furniture debts contracted by anyone other than • Will Pay Cash or take on myself. Consignment. Gilbert M. MaIlett 4/9 PHONE HA 6-3375 CARD OF THANKS W, wish to express our hesrtfelt or HA 6-2411 gratitude for the sympathy, kindness K/3-12/tfn snd assistance, also the beautiful flor- al offerings given us during" the loss of ore" lowed one. DRY SLAB WOOD A F. Oppelt iii $2O.OO Load FOR SALE Phone HA 6-6463 Spencer Lake Waterfront --- 330 C-11-20-tn feet at $25 per foot, low bank. . 4 BEDROOM house, full basement, ...... fireplace, dining room, very good condition, corner lot and inside APPLIANCES lot 7- $12,500.00. FOR RENT 3 BEDROOM HOUSE, garage, one lot 60 x 100 feet, includes wall to Clark Electric Floor Sanders wall carpeting, draperies, nice In- Sterling Electric Portable cation -- $10,500.00. Will F.H.A. Hand Sanders * * * Regina Electric Floor PRACTICALLY NEW 3 bedroom Polishers house on Mr. View, dining room, House Jacks nice utility room, attached garage, fireplace, all electric heat -- $12,- LAWTON LUMBER 50o.oo. • :k * 420 S. 1st Phone HA. 6-4303 2-10tfn 3 BEDROOM house, fireplace, rad- iant heat in floors, garage, 1 out- ........ side fireplace, 1 lot, Angleside --- CONCRETE SIDEWALK 5-FT. X 60 -F'I.  $95 CASH In City Limits FOR SALE --- PLANTER BOXES M. E. WRIGHT HA 6-3608 BABY CHICKS! New Hampshire White Lghorn White Rocks (meat type) Wagener Feed Co. 219 So. First St. PHONE HA 6-4532 $10,550.00. $400 down payment and closing cost. 5 ACRES all cleared, 3 bedroom house, pressure water, single gar- age --- $8,000.00 or will trade for city property. * $ $ 4-2-23 32L ACRES 24 acres cleared and in pastnre, barn 40 x 60 feet, gar- age and woodshed, drilled well, 2 bedrooms, living room, den, din- ing room, kitchen, utility, partly fm'nished with practically new fur- niture, about 150 Holly trees --- $13,650,00. $6,542 down payment. * * * 2 BEDROOM house, central oil heating plant, nice nt]ity room, one lot 60 x 100, yard in perfect shape both front and rear-+left town, must sell at once. Make an offer. $ .- . WALTER GEORGE Real Estate 124 North First Office HA 6-6642 - Res. HA 6-3530 Products erton, 7-5661, 8:00 a.m. AUTO pain1 houses, mates phone 1202 Cota St. MAN OR kiss in hours of per hour Durand, phone 3323. FOI WHY When you efT, home ]aPge kitchen wired for nlent with laund age in basement lot with plot. A good $600 down 60 x 100 lot room with 2 room, suitable expensive needed. block from streets. quick sale. Can+ you uSe a bed rooms, room, some place, oil with space for facilities in is in good cellent value balance can be ments about Located on nes. district. Nice 4 .room bed rooms, garage with home for Located within Hillcrost alue at £iabl party. , , 5-room modern condition with' buildings, 5: property drilled well. in on Arcadia value S $ ;3 bedroom place, utility garage and will wish in a in SheIton and center. Can be pointment. 16 acres of with nice plenty of about 8 miles good hardtop side,' terms. S $ room modern rooms and fair acres more or property and to home, Loc outside city road. Priced wishes cash. on smallcr SEVERAL Southside of Olympic at $950 each o Angle Phone III I I I Pa 16 SHELTeR,MASON COUNTY JOURNAL -- Published in "Chrisfmastown, U.S.A.," Shelton, A0 I,I, j,// t! FOR SALE FOR ..... , ii i, HRUBS-Good supply_ on hand, fruit SOYSEN PAINT--all types and kinds, 6-MONTHS SUPPLY OF TIDE free Classified Advertising trees, large well branched trees, ehohze of 1322 colors. L.M. DECOR- with the purchase of any Kennlore Wagener Feed Co., 219 So. First. ATING CENTER, 1 Railroad. Washer. Sears Catalog Sales Office, Rates Phone HA 6-4532. 2/12 tfn 1/29 tfn Evergreen Square. Phone HA 6-8201. 3/26 fin 15 words or less (minimum FOR SALE--Baled hay, $15-$25 per ton. PeR SALE--Used radio-phonograph, charge) $1.00 single insertion, t Forrest Green, Matlock. Phone HA self-propelled lawnmower. Lunslord's F()R ALE OR RENT--Professional 6-3605. G3/26-4/9 Firestone Store, 3/19 tfn rug, upholstery equipment, supplies. $1.60 two insertions, $2.00 for ................................................. L.M. Decorating Center, 321 Bah- three insertions. Additional in- (+)LD FISH FOR SALE. 35€. HA MoRe CHAIN SAWS, 9 cl' direct road Avenue, 2/26 tfn 6.4378, 638 Arcadia St. V8/26 drive, $99.50, 16-1nch bar chala, sertlons 25¢ each. Rates for ....................................................................... Hlllcrest Hardware. 11/18 tfn BOATS, MOTORS, TRAILERS, equip- larger ads on request, FOR SALE: full size electric range+ eat at Walt's Marine SuppD', oll Good condition except burners are FOR SALE--Miscellaneous used furnt- beaUUhli Hood Canal. Phone Hoods- Card of thanks $1.50 Read- • low heating. $15. Phone HA. 6- ture. Phone HA 6-4376. Mc4/2-9 ._port  7- 1/19tfn er notices 15 word minimum, 8536 ewmings. N4/2tfn WARD'S PORTABLE Zig-Zag mewing r.H,A. TERMS now available om all $1.00 or $2.50 per column inch. SRAND NEW Stauffer Magic Couches, machine with Greist attachments, $60. buUdil matartala allows you to "Not Responsible" n o t i c e a Princess Model "L," all guaranLves, Wardrobe trunk, like new, $30. See *p ooastrttlon costs under one now only $149.50, $20.48 down: $10.05 at 1221 Franklin anytime except Fri- bill. For intormgtion lnaulre at $1.50 per insertion. monthly, Ralph Horton, HA 6-68. day evening or aturday. B4/2-16 LawtoD Lumilmr, 420 8. l[L Pho ........... HA, $-4108. 616tta All classified advertisements FOR SALE -- One Montag heater. In- 1/12 tfa ._Luire 727 RR Ave. Me4/2 tfn FOR SALF,--JUSt received, a few 1958 mtmt be paid in advance. Ads ....... i ..... L I ..... model:IS h.p-Ev .In!ud% out board__.m- taken over the telephone must FOtEfof  +at g tireaucea prmea.M tl = be paid before the end of the I conditioned ranges_ refrllrgtors, , . ....  "" month. An extra charge of 10€ 5 Refrigerators ..... $49.50 to $99.50 washers, dryers, Eells & Valley A,p- 1 Apt. range elec. $42.50 pliance Center. 1/6tfn BT BUY. IN TOWNI l Heavy will be made when billing Is ................ p -IIU. a'OllS W eeaUl, IIU- n+m= 1 40" Elec. range ................. $59.50 FOR SALE. dry hesv or light glib mm .7, -gdlonl $8.97. FUll- --+--+" wood, $10 a cord. HA 8"4127--/1faC r,rt.i'-°r's leo Ch'eam Center, 4 /nN°rt  .... 1 40" Elec. range $39.50 1 Wringer washer .............. $39.50 NtUDE OUTBOARD MOTOR u/e FOR SALE and service at Hlll¢t Hardware. 1 Elec. clothes dryer ........ $69.50  :+'r 6"MIOtNTtUP p%U&PasLeYoPFanyTIKDpnnree Coil springs Spindle bed, full size SPECIAL VALUES ( the Journal, $1.1/1 EvergreenWasner" SearSsquare.CatalOgPhoneSalesHA orgies,6.8201. 2d Hand Chest .................. $12.50 Used Reconditioned SCHWINN BIKE for sale, very good - 3/26 tfn 6" Mah. Drop leaf table condition, large size. Phone HAl SEATS, 'JtAILERS and outboard mo- 6-8595.after 5 p.m. , La3/12tfn[ torl at Hlllcrast Hardware. 2/20tfn 2 Youth beds TELEVISION SETS HAY FOR SALE 50¢ per bale. Mc-I''.N_G__I.WN, 96 mont.hs_to.J Donal Farm,' Kamilche Vallev. l, unaer F..A. terms on mt ou||ambll. Book case Table and Consoles phonedHA 6-3740 3/26-4D1 suppiles._Lun.p it all under one ......... "' ":--+: .... l ,awon ,umnsr, 420 S. Ist St. Ph. 2 Swing rockers 17" - 21" - 24" Screens DR SALE2-wheel trailer, goes con-I HA. 6-4308. 6/Stfn 2 Library tables ' dition. Call HA 6-626 preferably 2/ ..IUSZD BALDWIN Acrosonlc Piano like $I0 GIFT WITH PURCHASE ................... e - [ n w. Johnny's Music Box. 2/26 tfn SKINDIVERS -- Used aqua £ungs, new l -- Kelly's Furniture .ul. -in. Neoprene wet sults, ITRAV, NL IS OUR BUSINESS! Ar- 625 so. First Olsen Furniture ttored -In. sklndivlng and water[ raagernen for all tours, tra]por- egnng suits or kits. Newest in skin- [ ration ann reservations, at no addi- Phone HA 6-2411 328 Cots HA 6-4702 diving equipment. 1950 Chevrolet eta- [ ttonal cost to you. Clara Bell Anglo, ties wagon for sale. Phone HA 6-[ phones HA. 6-4154 or HA. 6-T/2. 6877. Morgtm' Diving & Marine, 4l 6/26tfn , , i , I  I i miles East Arcadia Road. 3/19 tfn l ---te- ler, faster more efflc'ent Also 24- hour hoto finlehlng Try us Zle - road and fill gravel, washed un ler'  " . • E' ,rod rnl draina- ,avel and -ea s Studio 124 No 2rid HA+ 6-6163 NOTICE OF SALE r,, for dveway,. o-- - ,/i erson, phoae HA 6-152. John's i, ,, ,.,-reek Sahd and Oravel, Bayshore. Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be as- 7/tfn West Coast cepted on or before 12 o'clock noon, April 18, 1959, for .... .h + + ......o+ser the sale of  interest in a Swanson 21 foot cruiser, CUSTOM UPHOLSTERING Bay Jay, No. 30V1479, with a 95 H.P. Gay Marine motor, FIR SLAB WOOD Free Estimates - Free Pickup, Delivery Green -- 15 - 20 Inch 710 EAST 4TH AVE. $16 PER LOAD OLYMPIA now moored at Shelton Port District. No bid will be ac- cepted less than $250.00. The bids must be mailed to Rudolph Nm:c+arato, trustee, at 224 East Fourth Avenue, Olympia, Washington. The trustee reserves the right to refuse any and all bids. 4-2-9 4-2-23 DRAPERIES CUSTOM AND READY MADE Expert Workmsnship Large Selection LUMBFN'S MERe ANTIL E 'Dry Goods Dept. See FRIGIDAIRE First @ REFRIGERATORS • RANGES • WASHERS • DRYERS also for EXPERT, ECONOMICAL, EFFICIENT APPLIANCE and TV SERVICE TELEPHONE HA. 6-8211 M ICRCAIITIL|+ Due to Other Commitments Shelton and Vlcinty Phone WH 3-0991 PHONE HA 6-2118 2-5 tfn KENNETH F. COX 2-12-tfn .... BOOTH HIGHEST CASH PAID CONSTRUCTION CO. For Timber Stumpage HOUSES MOVED, RAISED and Lands and FOUNDATIONS HA. 6-6441 Interested parties 3/27tfn call evenings collect. Bar-Din Enterprises BATTERIES - TIRES FOREST PRODUCTS Enlarged Stock for Star at. 2, Box 119, Sheiton, Wn. Immediate Delivery Telephone HA 6-6837 Ialwest Cost per month Ethel M. Barton - John A. Dinning for first line tires ..... Free Mounting of Passenger Tires Bar-Din Boats Sears Catalog Sales 8'- 14' beats our specialty Office Any size or style boat on order Evergreen Square WE FIBERGLASS Shelton Ph. HA. 6-8201 Fishermen and duck hunters, see us before you buy Bar-Din Enterprises Forest Products BUDGET SHOP i916 Olympic Highway No. 321 RAILROAD • Telephone HA 6-6837 formerly Martin's Boat Shop Used Furniture .......... ....... Daveno & chair .................... $49.50 THE GARDEN SHOP Daveno .................................... Sa0.00 3-Pc. Sectional .................... $49.50 HA 6-3710 aT. 1 BOX 48 6 Chrome Chairs ........... $3.50 Ea. Fruit Trees, nicely branched $2.00 Chrome Set ............................ $35.00 Dwarf Fruits .................... $2.75 up Wood Heater Combination Trees ........ $3.50 up ........................ $49.50 Flowering Plum & Crabapple $2.50 Apt. Size Range .................... $35.00 Hawthornes, red ................... $3.50 Refrigerator .......................... $39.50 3-4 ft. ........ $5.50 TV Set .................................... $39.50 upright .... $3.50 1 Electric Range .................... $59.50 Weeping Cherries $6.50 oil Springs ......................... $10.50 Weeping Willow .................... $3.00 Pernettia red, pink or white Dishwater, Portable .......... $99.00 berries ..................................... $1,25 pink ........................ $1.60 New Furniture 715€ Chair, uph. Reg. $17.95 .... $6,95 ragtts ...................... $I.00 doz. 5-Pc. Dining Sets ................ $49.50 Blueberries ........................ $1.75 ca. Swing Rockers .................... $59.50 Rockhfll Strawberrie . $1.50 doz, Daveno .................................... $99.50 MII Strawberries .... 50¢ do. Inlaid Tile ............................ 12€ Ea. Small Berrie & Rhubarb 3 for $1, Head Boards, Plas ................. $8.95 Wide election of Evergreens Bamboo Shade, All and Flowering Shrubs Sizes to 10-Ft. Wide I ,. , ,, , .. , ,,I I |111 ,, , ..... , i i I A FRANCHISE m Bmm... BUSINESS i, Hone+y, .sineerlty, and +",+ with Inventory aml Fixtures gTd::orn':; =r=cee"  is forgotten. FOR 'SALE TRADE 00oo00re,o or Wor00 Let George Do It 2 Year Lease Available on BUILDING, REPAIR AND REMODELING Our Present Location Concrete Foundations, Sidewalks, Vloors, Walls, Driveways, Steps, Swimming Pools, Patios, Plain or Colored. Lunsford's 00'Iresloee Cement and Ca ennter 317 Railroad Ave. HERMAN GEORGE Free Estimates HA 6°2487 Terms FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR RENT 6-MONTHS SUPPLY OF TIDE free KEEP Y()UR CARPETS beautiful des- FOR SALE. LEASE OR RENT: large with the pro*chase of any Kenmore pits <:onstani footsteps of a busy 8-room building with two baths, son)+ Washer. Sears Catalog Sales Office, family.. G,]t Rlue Lustre. Lumber- furniture, all new .220 wiring and Evergreen Square. Phone HA 6-8201. men's mace. Co. 4/9 plumbing. No leaks in roof. Reason- 3/26 tfn able. Please call HA. 6-4297. Marie . _ FOR SALE-+E flat saxaphone witi A. Kubixk, 205 East Pine. 4/2tfn COVERINGS -- for walls, wmuows, c,ts • Us(d shoz time Phone HA ................................................ floors Paint wallpaper drapes 6'21.q5 " t./o ' ' ' ' DE , _- ........ FOR at 1522 RENT: 3 roo|n furnished house rugs, tlle,cRYTER,ardgoods. L.M, COR- ----:----- .......... Ridgeroad. Phone HA. 6- ATINI 321 Railroad. CH.ROME l& .STEEL feedmg tab!e. 1/29 tfn sn'om,r, gn crier, u'aming cnmr 6517. A4/2tfn  $12 eomph,te. Phone 6-6980. B4/9 TEACHERS, RELAX after school rOB SALE: used steel, plates, pipe, -= ...... E--)''--- ....... ; hours. Sehool-year lease, furnished pulleys and shafts. All type sal- F()R  ..... TRADE .-7- All-meta 2-bedroom Canal beach home. wash- vae mholtan -Tu- f- First an d D tl'tlY nullt souse trailer 14 ft Mi-l, phone HA. 6-86. 9/Sits _ho!' HA6-3689 after 5 p.m. C4/.9 er, dryer. Also summer season. Mrs. Catto. evenings. Olympia. FL 2-3760, F-6R'--SA-L----Neand---sed---t-actrs FOR SAI,] -- 15' inboard cabin boat weekends Hoodsport, TR 7-5338. ,a * on ,,t,,,. 'u k nda ,€ air cool '1 eng ne cedar hull oak ribs C4/2 tfn farm machinery. Tern or cash. anod  d_[,Co 1 nahogany cabin, TR 7- LARGE CLOSE IN 2-bedroom apt., Phone HA 6-6001. A3/19 tfn 0o23. it P . C4/9-16 heat and hot water furnished. Phone ROOFING and all other bulldinma-  HA 6-3084. 83/19 tfn terials, nothing down, 86 menus to • UJ JJl'll" FOR RENT---Two bedroom house, part- pay under FHA terms now available 'at Lawton lumber, 420 S. 1at SL, GOLDSBOROUGH TRAILER PARK+ ly furnished on Mr. View. Phone phone HA. 6-4308. . 6/5_tfn_ Convenient to mills and downtown HA 6-4349. D4/9-23 TOP SOIL, gravel, fill drt. F. E. I stores. C.t. sewer and water. At J FOR RENT- One bedroom furnished Ogden. HA 6-6156. 2/1 tfn! highway nridge. S4/4tfn I house. Phone HA 6-4644. $4/9 tfn V#'----lE--rted-'--__-= FOR RE N. TT-2-bedroom modern du-i UNFURNISHED two-bedroom house where. Phone Olympia FL 7-7761 plex. !ectrm neat, garage, utlllty for rent on Stevens and Hay St. In- Stella Roosevelt and Hay C1/22 tfn room. xnone HA 6-8150. 12/18 tfla ouire Bina, t--useReeplng rooms I t.. 4/9-23 WE BUY YOUR EQUITY, or will sell . +r Pble ,,h^  aa on consignment, your boats, motor, ....... ""'=  "-,tfist ' FOR RENT: I bedroom furnished apt. Wailers, etc, Hillerest Hardware. [ - ...... i 718 NO. 6th, phone HA. 6-4848 after 2/20tfn!FOR RENT--Partly furnished apt, 2 5 p.m. D10/lltfn F--m large bedrooms,_ 2-room bachelor apt. furniture bed chest etc. Phone HA furnzsnea, kIA 6-4394. Call after 6:30i FOR RENT--Large partly furnished 6-3225.' ' ' A3/26 tfn ...m. K2/26 tfn ' three room apartment downtown. MT VIEW DOLL Hospital 160 FOt.RENT--Qne-bedroom partly f- Adults. No pets. $50. Water, gar- el Phone 6-187. Dolls of all knd nlsnea on waterfront. $35 per month, bage furnished. Phone HA 6-8270. P1/29 tfn repaired. Do it now! Come In and __Phone H_A 6-22420. D_2_/.26 tfn FOR RENT: 4-room apc._completsly see my collection of new dolls and FOR RENT or lease With option to, furnished. Phone HA 6-6500. fancywork. Also original inserted buy--Attractive 3-BR, full basement : F 1/S tfn patterns In pillow cases. Mrs. Ann home. Wall to wall carpeting, new  Twardowskl. 11/6 tn automatie zurnace and many more FOR RENT--Furnished cottages and iFO-----E---,i--ky-ye c- extra features: 75_ per month. _C, aJl trailer spaces. The Pines. L10/9 tfn with flash attachment. 2 batteries 4 mr. ann, nA e-t> or nA -. FOR RENT--Reed Apt. 2-bedroom us- flash bulbs, close-up attachment and i_ RE 4] - 6 furnlehed, yard, large garage. Walter eardboard carrying case. $10. Call FOR . NT -- Car/on Apts. Newly; George. HA 6-6642 or HA 6-4686. HA 6-4064. K4/9 tfn furnmhed, 3-room apartments, steam 10/2-11/13 tfn D-IN'INC R-O'OM---S-E-Tbl-e.-- heat. Downtown. $50 and up. Phone FOR RENT--Small house on Angle- chairs, seats 10. good condition• __A L:._. a/u.nn side. Phone HA 6-3080 after 6 p.m. Phone HA 6-619. B4/9 FOR RENT -- One=bedr0om cottage, D10/23 tfn electric heat. refrigerator and range, FOR RENT--Furnished Canal 2-bed- $45 per month, on Cole Road. Phone room home, washer, dryer, fine HA 6-6952. L4/2-16 beach. Owner reserves basement News From F-o-R--RElT'2-bedrooms, large living apartment. Phone Mrs. Carte, Olym- room, picture windows, utility room pia FL 2-3760 evenings, Hoodsport wired or washer & dryer, carport, TR 7-5338 weekends. C2/19 tfn BELFAIR GARDENS close in, partly furnished. To see call M+()D-ER-N--3=7)-m---ground-'flo()r---fu at 706 Cota after 6:30 p.m. or Sat. I nished apt. Steam heat electric kit- Start spraying roses regularly for B3/12 tfnl chen, close to stores. Ideal for pen- lovely bushes as well as blooms. F-(Yi=¢N---Y---Rse--e-il-g  sinned lady. 208 No. let. Phone Fertilize all your plants, they need building, 220 wiring, close to stores 6-6176 or 6-4481. M3/12 tfn on highway, 201 E. Pine. Ideal for F-()It-R-EN-T--=-T;(in-Uitll'- energy as well as we all do. Re- cabinet shop or business or home nished house, available April 5. Ga- member, plants make a home en- or both or tear down if sold. Phone rage. Plmnc HA 6-4549 or HA 6-8436. joyable; we have many usual and HA 6-4297. 205 E. Pine. K3/5 tfn P3/26 tfn unusual ones. FOR RENT--3-room apt. furnished, 5th 5-ROOM FURNISHED apt., 2 bed- _+and Cedar_P_h_one6-4676__M3/!2_tfn rooms, washer, dryer, refrigerator, BELFAIR GARDENS FOR RENT--One-bedl-oom heated fur- electric range, trash burner, oil heat- nished apartment. Adults only. 311 er. Water and garbage included. No. 1st, Phone HA 6-3025. P3/I2 tfn Ground floor. Shorter Apts., 325 Star Rt. 1, Box 55 Belfair, Wash. )E-BE)-I,.OM--p--ne+n---fS+rit 5th & Pine. B2/26 tfn Across from Belfair P.U+D. with fireplace, downtown. Utilities ONE AND TWO bedroom unfurnished paid except lights. Phone HA 6-4655. apartments, hot water heat, range, Furnished. $1/22 tfn refrigerator included. H611y Hill Apts., 920 Olympic. Joe Hartough, ONE LARGE 8-ROOM apartment at manager. Apt. 8. Phone HA, 6-8088 reduced rent. Will take one small or HA. 6-6593. B6/26tfn child. 1203 Rath'oad, Phone HA La12/4 tfn F-OR--IENT=LF-U-nis|I-e-d+ Id'ro Custom Tractor Work Rotovattng or regular plowing, discing and harrowing, excavating, blade leveling, road grading, road gravel. Well-age sawdust. Work i by hem. singlc-nanded. Jerome urke, HA 6°3678. REBUILT VOLTAGE REGULAT- ORS for 6-volt cars $5.00 ex- change. Bonded brake shoes ex- change for most cars $8.95 per car. RODGERS BROS. Auto Wrecking Rt. 1 Box 6, Shelton, Wash. Phone HA 6-4662 3-12-tfn SEPTIC TANKS Drain fields, Ditching, Excavating Gibraltar Const. Co. Earl T. Marr If no answer, Ph. HA 6-4692 Ph. HA. 6-3053 at. 1, Box 476 lrginls Courtenay'e Bride Bsok/et Freel It contains many helpful l gestions end intimate chit-chat o411 important subjects. Each be rosy have • copy ss lonl ss tim supply lsst. Call at the office of this pep end see our new samples of Invi- tations, snnouneements, vhfltin$ cards, informsls for Thsnk Y Imt. A PERFECT GIFT I Give Shelton's Famous Log Monument Glazed! In Everlasting Tile 6"x6" - Use it as a Wall Piece or Hot Plate $1.50 each SPECIAL BARGAIN ON FIREPLACE SCREENS Screens to fit fireplaces up to 36", $19.95, Includes Brush and POker. Carlson Tile & Fireplace Shop 2335 Olympic Hiway North HA 6-2057 Open 12:30-5:30 i USED FURNITURE We Buy and Sell SEE US FIRST BUDGET SHOP 321 tL R. Ave. HA. 6-4332 BOAT BUILDER, any ambitious boat buildin Hiway nings. WANTED TO rier puppies. 227 Roosevelt PREPARE FOR tion. Tacoma gins May Bernadi coIla. WILL DO the hour. erences• Pi]one WANTED -- Springer Spanl Itad all shots. dren. Call HA FOR FULLER pin L. Arnold. WE BUY scrap tors, copper,. Shelton Jun Streets. Phone WANTED: large timber. Cash. our CO., WANTED: courteous Elma 1211, GraYS Inc. WANTED: Rubber SAW PILING Laurel. Phone lawns. 14 year 6842. sprayer. Garden dust. for sale. HA 6-6584. FX/q  cU l cash or take on HA 6-3375. HANDY-MAN think it Landis, HA FURNACE etallations, Furnace Co. 6-6121. CHAIN SAW accurate Saeger Motor HA 6-4602. ONE available on are better who is willing Watkins natio! extracLq are dies Home 6-2228. duplex apartment, washing facilities. 706 Cota. P1/29 tfn C!pl Stw'S. Garage, gal'den sp.,t. Phouo 6-6270. D.1/9 tfn 11th St., apL Nat, c]eall, ctmlph!it!iy nod(.]'li, call ESsC Also available 1 & 2-i)+drol)m fur- nished al)ts, at slighlly highor;ttes. St,(rtnnn's Apartment Motel, HA 6- 3772. A4/9 tfn ton-holes, mine. Phone ONE-BEDROOM HOUSE for rent uu- furnished, at 1735 Stevens. Cal HA WORK 6-8595 after 5 p.m. La3/12 tfn sick, house ................................................................ or will baby FOR RENT--Unfurnished two-bedroom house, Mt. View. Phone IIA 6-4510. M3/19 tfn FOR RENT--Modern furnished cabin, electric range and tank. Water free. Reasonable. Phone HA 6-4841. C1/8 tfn CLEAN AND QUIET roonm, by day or week. Cameron Hotel 2/8tfn F--6-RE-fT"- Attractive waterfront home, 1 bedrooms, city convey- Phone HA 6-4292 lenses, 10 miles from town. Call HA {$-3641. G1/15 tfn COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL SRNISHED APAI-ENT available New and Remodeling At Goldsborough Apts. S4/4tfn ON APARTMENTS, B acle Tidewater Construction unit ideal for single men or ,,era- Your Local Builders en. Also attractively furnished one bedroom apartments. All utilities No job too large or too small, furnished except lights. Reasonable. Shelton, Washington Phone HA 6-121 or HA 6-8177. 11-20 tfn 12/4 tfn MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE W A N T E D On and after this date. April 9, 1959, I will nnt be responsible for any • Used Furniture debts contracted by anyone other than • Will Pay Cash or take on myself. Consignment. Gilbert M. MaIlett 4/9 PHONE HA 6-3375 CARD OF THANKS W, wish to express our hesrtfelt or HA 6-2411 gratitude for the sympathy, kindness K/3-12/tfn snd assistance, also the beautiful flor- al offerings given us during" the loss of ore" lowed one. DRY SLAB WOOD A F. Oppelt iii $2O.OO Load FOR SALE Phone HA 6-6463 Spencer Lake Waterfront --- 330 C-11-20-tn feet at $25 per foot, low bank. . 4 BEDROOM house, full basement, ...... fireplace, dining room, very good condition, corner lot and inside APPLIANCES lot 7- $12,500.00. FOR RENT 3 BEDROOM HOUSE, garage, one lot 60 x 100 feet, includes wall to Clark Electric Floor Sanders wall carpeting, draperies, nice In- Sterling Electric Portable cation -- $10,500.00. Will F.H.A. Hand Sanders * * * Regina Electric Floor PRACTICALLY NEW 3 bedroom Polishers house on Mr. View, dining room, House Jacks nice utility room, attached garage, fireplace, all electric heat -- $12,- LAWTON LUMBER 50o.oo. • :k * 420 S. 1st Phone HA. 6-4303 2-10tfn 3 BEDROOM house, fireplace, rad- iant heat in floors, garage, 1 out- ........ side fireplace, 1 lot, Angleside --- CONCRETE SIDEWALK 5-FT. X 60 -F'I.  $95 CASH In City Limits FOR SALE --- PLANTER BOXES M. E. WRIGHT HA 6-3608 BABY CHICKS! New Hampshire White Lghorn White Rocks (meat type) Wagener Feed Co. 219 So. First St. PHONE HA 6-4532 $10,550.00. $400 down payment and closing cost. 5 ACRES all cleared, 3 bedroom house, pressure water, single gar- age --- $8,000.00 or will trade for city property. * $ $ 4-2-23 32L ACRES 24 acres cleared and in pastnre, barn 40 x 60 feet, gar- age and woodshed, drilled well, 2 bedrooms, living room, den, din- ing room, kitchen, utility, partly fm'nished with practically new fur- niture, about 150 Holly trees --- $13,650,00. $6,542 down payment. * * * 2 BEDROOM house, central oil heating plant, nice nt]ity room, one lot 60 x 100, yard in perfect shape both front and rear-+left town, must sell at once. Make an offer. $ .- . WALTER GEORGE Real Estate 124 North First Office HA 6-6642 - Res. HA 6-3530 Products erton, 7-5661, 8:00 a.m. AUTO pain1 houses, mates phone 1202 Cota St. MAN OR kiss in hours of per hour Durand, phone 3323. FOI WHY When you efT, home ]aPge kitchen wired for nlent with laund age in basement lot with plot. A good $600 down 60 x 100 lot room with 2 room, suitable expensive needed. block from streets. quick sale. Can+ you uSe a bed rooms, room, some place, oil with space for facilities in is in good cellent value balance can be ments about Located on nes. district. Nice 4 .room bed rooms, garage with home for Located within Hillcrost alue at £iabl party. , , 5-room modern condition with' buildings, 5: property drilled well. in on Arcadia value S $ ;3 bedroom place, utility garage and will wish in a in SheIton and center. Can be pointment. 16 acres of with nice plenty of about 8 miles good hardtop side,' terms. S $ room modern rooms and fair acres more or property and to home, Loc outside city road. Priced wishes cash. on smallcr SEVERAL Southside of Olympic at $950 each o Angle Phone III I I I