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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 9, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 9, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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¸¸1959 Pilone 3/26 1 fn G o* d SOme timber. .]CX clean 2- ehqt ric P1/29 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: Mve acres, mpaern house. electrm hot water tank. Skokomish Valley, Phone :A 6-3688. 611/14 tfn l:)lace; carpeting; new double gar- age: two lots iu grass, olle fenced; Beverly Heights. Phone HA 6-3265. FOR SALE: the H. W. kelseyprol- erty on 7th and Euclid St. Phone .... !_n!n_ I 1: ............................ __86(r, tf?, OR SALE: 4-room Hlller(-;t home. large f/raced lot. $4900. Phone HA. 6- 4522 days, HA. 6-3559 after 6 p.m. E3/27tf FOR SALE---Furnished hous*L 2 view lots on Hillcrest pric(:'d for quick sale. For information call I-IA 6- 6 .09. P3/26 tfn USED CARS FOR SALF'--1953 Studebaker ./ ton pickup, $585. Phone I-tA 6-8788. __ r R a ,, Sholton, Washin SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOIffNAL Published in "Chri,/ma,town  ......... Legal Publications No. 2865 NOTICE OF SALE OF RJEAL t,I'I'ATIG AND PI"t¢ONAL PBOPEtg'rY IN THE SUPERIOR COUH.T OF TIlE STATE (I" WASIIIN(;TON FOR MAS()N ('()UNTY ( in Probate) In Uw Mattor of tim Estate of AI)OLPI4 BUE(_,tII£L. I)er.ased. N()TiCE IS IlEREBY GIVEN that TIIARCILI.A IYECI{EI DIESEN, iu ]e!r *:ai,nciiy as administratrix of tim a|)m't! eslnl,, will setl at private sale and ftlr (qlsh the f()lh)wing describod 1 eal eStilt*! : Northeast quarter of Northeast quarter , N E I a NE l,i ), Secti(n eight- t:en i18), Township twenty (20) NorIiL Iiangt four (4) West, W.M., {as()ll Ctbtlltl¥, Washington, excel)t- ink public roads and exce4)t- ins land deeds to Fritz Buechel according to deed dated January 26, 1942. filed July 10, 1942, in Val- ume 76 of Deeds, .).,age 556, Mason (2,runty Auditor's liling No. 102712 j4/2 tfn and further excepting therefrom ............................................................ lands ht,r*t*)fore dPede(I is and FOR SALE--1956 Ford hardtop, ex- cellent condition, lots of accesSories, 25,000 miles. Don Johnson at Don*s FOR SALIC---1941 Ford l)iekup, new I|t*)tor. tel'hiS, SOillt. trade. Phone FOR SALE--52 Deluxe Chevrolet, auto. Iital iC tl,ansmissioa, real clean, good paint, good buy. HA 6-,1619. M4/9 tfn i CLASSIFIED SERVICE tREES TOPPED, trlnmaea, Larry's Tree Surgeon Service 6-4823. ARTIFICIAL BREEDING service for both dairy and beef, $7.00 "cash. Ev- ergreen Northwest Breeders, Inc. Call William Turner, Olympia, col- lect. Ft. 2-2118. tfn SEWING MACHINE RJP8 Expert work. Bonded empl?Fce. Leave calls at Journal' office, phone HA. 6-44Jt2. Singer Sewing Mchle Co., Olpla. IlJn ()-FG, blown rock wool insula- .on. 00one HA. &CCORDION private tessotm m your home. 8taneato National School ot Accordion. Mrs• CMsad, photo RA 84229. 111 1s MASSEUR TREATMENTS at my rt- dense near the Lower. Skokomtsh school. Mondays. Wednelays and Thursdays. Phone Hoodsprt TR - 6438. A. F. Oppelt. 8/6tf REGISTERED ARABIAN Stallion at stud to approved mares. Dark clest- 'I(E nut, 4 stockings, blaze. Box 103, Matlock HA 6-6070. HI]/19 tf/1 Den after To help guard product purity, nickel-plated equipment is used in P 4-2-9 chemical, food, petroleum and oth- er processing plants. EXCELLENT BUYS! .L HOME AS DowN PAYMENT . .. o your present home and need more P Portunity to get a nice 4 bedroom down- Seaools. Many excellent features. $10,750. ONE OF SHELTON'S FINEST HOMES • . . ne Could want -- 3 bedrooms, dining room, den, playroom, etc. Lovely view. By ap- No. 75.15 NOTt('E IN ('t)Nt)EMNATtON tIN THE SUPERIOR COIII(T (It," 'rile I STATE 01," WASIt IN(iT(IN li'O I¢ MASON (7OIINTY TIIE STATE (IF WASHIN(IT()N, Pe- titiener, .... "ca .... ROBERT SCOTT (also known a: county of Ms*on, Stat, of Washingl,,n, I)y tilt' (Tt,ttnlv Au(titor ,f sa (1 t' 1 \\;L t}te I', Ih win" * (st'vil),'d st:*to tide I.obert L. Scott) atttl M 11.DRIql ) S('()TT his wife'; UNKN()WN HEII{ (IF I.OBERT SCOTT AND MIIDRED COTT; HOWABD B. PEt,SIiALI., a rirlo nlfln Ss his sOinlrate t)l'i[)ert,. Ii){STON C()U'NTY FEDI,]RAL SAV-' INC;S AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, JACK A, COLE and BEATtiI(:E (N)I,E his wife; and MASON COUNTY; also) all olriler pel'sons ill' partit,s unkll(wn claileiug or Ilaving ;in3' riltht, liih,, *,s- tats, lieN, or lntcrtyst in i)r It) ltl,' l)roperiiis described in the l)cliiion ill condeltlnfltion on flit' h('l'(!hl. I{!st)t) n- d,,nts. TO THE ABOVE NAMED RESPON- DENTS: 111 the name of the Stat*" ¢,f Washing- ton, hi)lice is hereby given timt tim lallds, I,t,th,r with lit*' iln)t'%,:lll¢.llts tuaied lhel'*'ll, will |it' old at pttbiit' itttttiqlll t(I tile Ilillt'.i  ddcr Lht!l't'f)I', ,-wit : NI}'I'I':--No Olle except citizeos of the 1Tnited .'4tates, or pet'soas who ilae | i'(']ll i'q(I 1heir ial¢'ntion it, bet!onn Nt|ell, (!till parcintse state lalldN. AI'PI,ICATION NO. 1:1280 Tit*' tid!i:tn(ls of 111,' s¢'(!OlI(I *!lass billow tilt' 1]11€ ()[ nlean l¢)w lid,', t}wn- i'd )y ' Stt I*! )f Wasilingtln, situal(! ill front f, tdj ti'ent to ,)r abutting u] )° on tili)Se I)Ol'[i()llS of (OVCl'nnli!nt L.t 5, SHtlit)n 24. Township 21 North, Rang. 2 V'esl, W,M., (ies*ribcd aS folhws : NOT1CI, OF SAI,IC {IF STATE No; 3021 " "l'tl)i I.ANDN /N(}TtCE OF SAt E (}1 " REAl, I;S'l'A'l'li N )'rI "t I, IiEtmt:Y (UVEN. Tmt fIN THe3 SIIPI'iH, IOI.,C¢)[!:I:T O l' TJ-Ii5 ! 1i5! , t ll' lei 114' I t tq'n (t'ltck Ill lhe ] ,u/%, .N * ' I** ]l* ' Illt¢'l ,'' S i(l dll , l l' lit II |h till .-€...-- . ,% ] lliill •It 'ane' €. II'  ]1' (htllltY hi l|1€' Matit,l' ill" {]l' [,],tilt(! (1 (),'(A { ] ol-IIt It()us ill l}lq' city of Sh,,ll)li ](L WII.KIE. l)e¢''It;g('d. N )TI('E IS [tP'.Rb]BY (iVEN that i lIl,', ' AI X WII.KIE in h,'r ralmt:ity ItS }K'I'ItII'IX O| lilt' a])t)%e t''llll I' . W [ :(')1 a| private, ,ai¢' 11,1 I',r ('a:dl tat! ]h)JiIIwinl/ d,scril.'d told 'Slllt*': i.,,t ,(!, [h,ck I, I{o,,*i's Addition to Shelton, Washiogt,u. ('xccpthlg the lda,t t5 f,.'t, and t/;I,](IINNIN(I tt tho NE ce+rnor of l;l,.l¢ I, l.)avid Sh,,ltm's Addi|im t, Shl,]tlll; |hi,n(',, N 730' E,, :til |!.t t, tilt' l'(lilll €)1' beginning }f 111' h,!l'eilla['l'l' dos*!rilml [ ua(!l ; t}lci1H! fl'*)llt SiiJ{I ),iIl| t)[' t)*'gillnillg N 82 31)' W 1.82 c]laitts; tilell(!*: N 7 '30' E. 2,;  ('hains ; l Il('nt't! S. 650' E. I.o a i)ohit which iS N 7'30 ' E. ql' |h, I)oin| ('if |),,ginnillg: Ihoo*:e S 7"3(1' W. t,, th, place [' b,'4inniLlg, ill (.IOV. L(I1 I. S!clion 18. Twp, 20 Nt,rth, I.aoge 3 West, W.M., .22 tcl'eg, and ;ASEMENT, CORNER LOT . . . ew home on Mountain View has so many nice furnace heat, nicely decorated, hookups range, many built-ins, etc. Only takes $300 FHA terms. WITH THE OPTION OF BUYING • these available ...... comfortable 2 "bedroom garage for only $50 per month, and rent on purchase price of $5,750. FOR 1 BR. ANGLESIDE HOME • . . you can have your own home for so little ? water, for $2250 with $200 down. OF HOOD CANAL... home situated above Union. Has fire- and many extras. Ideal for Camp on easy terms. ',EN FARM ON 50 ACRES NEAR AGATE fine chicken houses, barn, outbuild- land with ereek. All equipment. $15,000. THIS HOME IS YOURS . . . comfortable 2 bedroom home. room, all-over carpeting, 2-car s, new heater included. $6750. HEM': OR $5OOO... f0r$500 down, then $45 per month, abundance of flowers. PHILLIPS LAKE LOT... o cannot use. Ideal for cabin, g, fishing, etc. Only $1495 with Per month. AVAILABLE, AND A DAN- DO.WNTOWN LOCATION. & ROY DUNN REALTOR owned by the School Distri(:t, and Miscellan0ous farm machinery, to the highest and b(,st bidder, Bids n|ust be slll)lllitted in writing and Inay lie loft with the alministratrix at Bell ].Illilding, 121 S(ulh Fourth Street, Shelton, Washington. tii(ls will be re- ceived until the date of sale. Tim sale will be made on or after April 17. 1959. Tin." Adminiatratrix re- serves the right to r(,ject any and all bids. THARCLLA BUECHEL DIESEN ! Administrat fix LEWIs & CORR,EA Bell Building i 121 South Fourth Street No. 3033 Nil'ricE OF HEARIN( ON FINAL REPORT, AND PETITION FOB I)ISTRIBUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STTF OF WASHANGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Fstate of PETE] YORI Deceaed. NOTIC IS HEREBY GIVEN that Pete F. Whetham, Administrator c.t.a. of said estate, has Illed wih the Clerk of said Court his final report an pe- tition for distribution, askiag the {ourt to settle and approve the same, to distribute the property to the persona thereto entitled and to discharge said Administrator c.t.a. NOTICI. IS FURTHER GIVEN that said final report end petitition for dis- tribution will be heard on eiday, the 1st day of May, 1959, at the hour of 10 o'ch)ck A.M., at the Courtroom of said Court in Shelton, Washington. DATED THIS 30th day of March, 1959. ItARRY DEYETTE Ma.on County Clerk By: Irene McGuire Deputy Clerk ROBERT L. SNYDER Govey Building Simlton, Washington Attorney for Administrator c.t.a. 4/2-9-16-23 4t ORDINANCE NO. 657 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A FIRE PREVENTION CODE PRESCRIB- ING REGULATIONS GOVERNING CONDITIONS HAZAR DOUS TO LIFE AND PROPERTY FROM FIRE OR EXPLOSION BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SHELTON : Seetlon 1. Adoption of Fire l'revention Code. There is hereby adopted by the Com- mission for the purpose of rescribing regulations governing conditions haz- ardons to life and property from fire or exl)losion, that certain (:,)de known as the Fire Prevention Code, Abbrev- iated Edition, recomnmnded by the Na- tional Board of Fire Underwriters, : being particularly the 1956 edition I thereof and the Whole thereof, of which code nbt h'ss than three (3) copies have been and now are filed in the office of the Clerk of the Cily of Shel- ton and the same are herehy adoI)ted and incorporated as fully as if set out at length herein, and from the date on which this ordinance shall take effect, tlm provisions thereof shall be ccmtrolling within the limits of the lty of Shelton. Section 2. Enforcement. Tbe code hereby adopted shall be enforced by the Chief of the Fire De- partment. Section 3. Definition. Wherever the word "Municipality" is used in tim code hereby adopted, it shall }m held to mean the City of Shel- ton. Section 4. Amendments Made in the (;ode lterehy Adopted. The code hereby adopted is amended by adding a. Paragraph "C" as follows c. There shall be a fee for the is- suance of all permits provided for, and required by this code, in the sum of $1.0(snch'sum to be paid directly to the Clerk-Treasurer of the City of Shel- ton at the time the permit form Is re- quested, said sum to be refunded in the event the Fi 'e Chief 4,)cs not is- sue the 1)ermit as requested. Section 5. Mollifications. abo,*-named petiti(n', the S lto f Tle' ,ast 2i6.7 t'c*4 of said G,ver]- Wastiin ton wil on the 17th da,v ,,: l)x,'It Lot 5 with a fr, m/agc of t.8l A,,, u t.q at the 11( u ' *)" 10'00 (¢,',[ ( I¢ 1 nt.a chains I ore or lt!ss, ap )rals,u • *t .....  ....... . -,,,n thereaftcq'. .,.  ;, at $25.00 per lineal chain or $95.25; ttl:t),, or a ";"  t ..... . ;.. ,, ($-...,t:?. T lat portion of the Eb ,f sad petman*,r. !,an.};,.us'.r,.(,,L c m!,t- ,(:o,,,rnment i,*,t 5. lying w,'st (,f the l'(}oln at [ne cous t,  ; • ,.- it. t,*l t.¢l/n- [ ..f 'IS 7 there(f wilh a J't'(llt- ty, Washington, in .tn,': L',ty of Slmlton 1'7-otr".5 li=mal cha'ins, n,or .... ,' l,,ss, .... ' of Public I s and a" 'date g: an Order - ..... sc o ..... I Not less than one-tenth of the pur- for the trial el this cau. ,* me issue cilase t)ri('e lnust be paid at tile time nsatlon of just co I pe . )f sae In DUrchas( r if II b( nit The object of said petthn s to se-lthe owner of the improvements, must cure an adjudication st putmc. Use of, I forthwith pay to the officer making and to condemn ana appropriate the[the sale th( full amount oil the ap- lands, real estats, p,renuses a xla (!.tAct_ [praise d "value of the improv;(mmnts, as property more PaX't!cuatY,etesetbed tabor stated. One-tenth ot the p.ur- in Exhibit "A' attacncu . o)j(nu Y]chase price must be paid annually this re.ferenee'made a pat • tm.s o- ] thereafter with interest on all deicrrect tk:e in Condemnation, lor a, luntted ] payments at the raie of x per centum ,access highway on antlEa.ili?  that Iper anntnn: Provided. That any pur- property referred to , ....A," [chaser may make full payment of prin: to which the abutting ow,?qr WUl nave]cipal interest o.nd statutory tees at; no right of access ,wnmn property Itny 'time and obtain deed. The pur- i situated in the County o.Maon, lehaser of land containing timber or State of Washington, o wmch.then(the r valuable materials ts prohibited above named responnents are all of[by law fronl cutting or rem(vlng any the ewners, encumtranrrnU W s°ns ]such timber or; materials without first otherwise interested . , . . . far obtaining consent of the Co m0tiss•!,n*!' as can be ascertained xt:om te pt*bltc of Public Lands, until the iuti amou records; and to vest utlet! rreto in of the purchase price has been pats fee shnpie in the State Oo1' cWr:tn!ngton, and deed isstmd. for the constructl0n, f 1 state n and All sales )f state lands are maue maintenance thereon o rt of Pti road subject to the reservations of oils, gas- and bi hway aa a pa limited 'i tory es, coal, ores; minerals and fossils of State ghway .o. 9, a . c ss every nanm kind and description, and faciilt which l a highway established t' tire additional terms and conditions by the y' legislature heretotore, presc:ibed in se.ction 3 of chaliter 256 of number" may be disregarded i)y ti . (SEAL) . }ER, • :, Uomlnlssioner t)f I'uoIic lan(l,. Township Nineteen (19) North. Range Ttree (3) West, W.M.. Mason County, Washington, EXCEPT roads, Parcel C : South 15 acres of the Northwest arter of the Soutl•east quarter WASEri) , Seetion Nineteen (19), Township Nineteen (19), North, lnge Three (3) West, W.M.. Mason County,, Washington, EXCEPT roads. The lands being herein condemned parties in interest. .. "Description"fbllowmg me word "Description" is a legal description of the propecty to be acquired by the p( titioner ..... "Interested Parties"--fmmwmg the words "Interested Parties" are all par,- ties wt•o have any interest in the prop- erty described in the petitlott in ac- cordance with the records of the county whe,'ein the properties are located and investigated, -Item. N). 1 -- Parcel No. 20485 INTERESTED PARTIES : Robert :Scott. also known as Robert L, Scott and Mildred Scott, his wife: Unknown heirs of Robert Scott and Mildred Scott. DESCRIPTION : All that part of the following de- scribed Tract "X" lying Westerly of, a line drawn parallel with and being 125 feet distant Easterly wllen meas- ured at right angles and/or radially rom the L1-Line Survey of Primary State Highway No. 9, Ttmrston County Line to Shelton, and Easterly of a line drawn parallel with and heing 135 feet distant Westerly when measured at right angles and/or radially from the L-Line Survey of said Primary State Highway No. 9; EXCEPT that from Highway Engineer's Station L 391 plus 00 Nortlmasterly to an intersection with the Northerly boundary of said Tract "'X", said parallel line shall be drawn 110 feet distant Westerly when measured at right anglPs, and/or ra- dially from the L-Line Survey of said Prinmry State Highway No. 9. TRACT "X" Parcel A : The North 15 acres of the Northwest quarter of the Southeast quarter (NW(tSE:I), Section Nineteen (19), Township Nineteen (19) North, Range Tt•ree (3) West. W. M., Mason County, Washington, EXCEPT the Went 16 feet thereof, reserved for road pur- loses, and EXCEPT public roads. Parcel B :. Center 10 acres of the Northwest quarter of the Southeast quarter (NW14SE,), Section Nineteen (19), The Chief of the Fire Dapartment ,hal have power to inodify any of the contain an area of 7.0 acres, more or provisions of the code hereby adopted less, the specific details concerning all upon application in writing by the of which may be found within that owner or lessee, or his duly authorized certain map of definite location now agent, when the,'e are practical diffl-I of record and on file In the Office of culties in the way of car,'ying out the lthe Director of Highways at Olympia, strict letter of the code, provided that ]Washington, bearing dte of approw•l the spirit of the code shallbe observed, IApril 29, 1958; and the center ltne of public safety secured, and substantial I which is also of record in Book No. 1 justice done. The particulars of suchof Highway Plats, page 5, under Audi- inodificatir;n when granted or alloweUttor's File No. 173200, records of Mason and the decision of the Chief of the ]County, State of Washington, Frc Department thereon shall be erie I TOGETHER WITH all rights of in- tered upon (he records of the depart- i greys and egress, If any (including all ment and a signed copy shall be fur- existing, future or potential easements nished the appli('ant, of access, light, view and air) to, from Sec,tian . &ppeats. _. _ and between Primary State Highway When ver the Chief of the _are De- No 9, Thurston County Line to Shel- artment shall disapprove an applica- ton, and the remainder of said Tract on or refuse to grant a permit ap- died for, or when It Is claimed that .... " THE STATE OF WASHINGTON 'X' prowsmns of the code do not ap- Petitioner, or that the true intent and mean- JOHN J. O'CONNELL of the code have been misconstrued Attorney General DELBItT W. JOHNSON 4/2-9-16-23-30--5t. NOTICE OF SALE t)F NATIt)NAI, I!'0 it EST TIMBER Publi(" not (' is hereby given that! pursuant to the provislns of Sectill 51 of Pul)lic Law 273, 78tl Congress (58 .tat. 132; 16 U.S,C.A. 583-583i), and lhe Cooperative Agr(!elnent for ih! Managnnent ,If the Parl:icipaling F*)r- est Properties io the ShelU,n Cooper- ative Sustained Yiehl Unit *mtered int) by and httw(er the United States (,l' Ameri('a and th Siltlpson L,gging Company dated December 12. 1946, all merchantal)l  tl r her nlarked tlr ¢l[,s- ignatcd for cutting m an ar(!a * el!l* hracing 234 acres, more or less, wtttj•l Sections 30 and 31, T. 22 N., R. o w., and Sections 25 and 36, T. 22 N., R. 6 W., W,M,, surv!ye(l, Btngnlttn Block, Mason County, Shelton Co(iperat ivy' Sustained Yi(ld Unit, OIv 1U)Ic Nathmal Forest, State of Washingion, will be sold to the S psi n Logging Company, S, attic Washington, )n Mtv I1 1959. The estimaUd volum*s arci 12,800 M hoard f,et I)(,uglas-fir and Wt*stern white 1} nc 300 M hoard feet W!slel'u r¢ (1 c ,dar and 2 900 M hoard feet Wt'st- ero ]lenllock and other spec Ca. The nliailnunl acceptable pric per M bord feet is ss folh)ws : Dl'a.lg'hls-fir e, ad Western white Din*' $24.25, Western r(d cedar $7.40 and WcsteFa hemio('k and other species $7.25. This inclu(fs the folhtwing stunl|) ge " tes ",*1' M" |) ))l'd '('t!t' Douglas-fir and Wt!stcl'n whito ne" $23,4t, West,,rn rod ('edar $6.55 md Western hemlock and olher sis!tit's $6 40 plus $0.,t5 for sale r,:a b*ttr-. lllt!nt an(t $(}.4|) ['t)r slIlsh (|is|)()sal liar all species. If re(lee*ted by th( Stats of Washillgl()ll or I)y Mason C,)unly O ' by ally persian de*,Incd to hav! a reas( nlbl ! lnte 'esi in the prop()se4 sale. or ill its t,,rnm, a public llat'illg will be held in the offic, of the Fro'cat Supervis)r Post Office Building. Olym- pia. Washington, on the, 29th day /f April. 1959. t 2:00 P.M. Requests lor publi( tar ng will not be considereu unless re(:*ivcd in the of fie ' I the Forest Supervisor, Post Office Buihl- lng, Olympia, W ishington on or. be- I fore April 24. 1959. Dated April 1, 1959, Lhyd G, (; In,)r. t,*,rest Super- visor, Olympic National Forest, 4/9-1(;-23-30 4t ON STATE LANi) Notict* is h¢.r*l)Y given ltlai on Tues- day 1he 5th day of May, /959, seru- m n qng at ten o'clock in the fl)rcnl,ou of said day, in front of the nlain en- trance door to the county court: hou, m n ,ths City of Port Or(':hard, County (,f Kitssp StaU of Washington, by the County Auditor )f said county, lh; timber on the following described state land will be sold at public auctlou to the highest bidder therefor, to-wit: Applleatlnn No, F-5312 All timber within 2 marked sale area boundaries, Dlus a few nm,'ked trees outside of the sale area boundaries, comprising approximately 468,000 bd. part of the NE£ SE part of tle N/. SEt,£ SEA 'and part of the S/ SW'tI SE, Section 15, .part of the NW NE, and part of me E* E/.i, NW 5. east of road in Section 22. alI |n TownshID 24 North, Range 1 West, W.M., conainlng 39 acres, more or less. A tract )f laud in (Iov, L,,t 1, p;,rti('ul;tl'ly d,s*'rtt),'d as t'*dl)ws, t )--Wi! : C ItlIli(!ncin4 I1t the! NE cl'n,r ,l' iik 1, l)a%id Sh(!lt)n•s 3td A(hlitiml I.o S]lt,ltn; th,•nc*! N * Title Insurance Bldg ,y interpreted, the applicant may appeal from the decision of the Chief of the Fire Department to the City Commission within 30 days Irom the date of the decision appeaieu. 7. Penalties. who shall v!olate any rpu00ro-er':e$ ions of the coae nereby or fail to comPlY therewith, shall violate or -fail to comply with any order made thereUnaer, or DOWN, $3S MONTH ..... who shall build in violatipn .9I aay detailed statement of specificamns Or bedroom home on Hillcrest is a Riaps submitted and approved __there- ,200. Use it as a stepping t)ne unaer, or any certlflcaTo Phc o equity toward the home you will sued th r u der, and . ' . appeal has been taken, or wno shall t2all us today, fail to comply with such an oraer tm affirmed or modified by the City om- • mission or by a court of competent ;len'look no further but call us Jurisdiction within the time tta nere- tonally attractive "family home." in, shall severally for each ana every such violation and non oompllance re- many uses, 5 rooms and bath on spectively, be guilty of a misdemeanor, rs ca be used as is or can be punishable by a fine of not less than 'e bedrooms. Wall-to-wall carpet- 1,00 nor more than $10000 or y im- prisonment for not less than one say ath, automatic furnace, and lot is nor mox than 30 days or b..z. bot.n SUCh fin and imprleonment. Tne Imposi- tion of one i)enalty for any WOLation shall not excuse the violation or Per- T¢,i:s.U,..,,,,  , tlis attractive 4 bedroom mit it to oontinue; and all SUCh per- sons shall be requlrd to correct or Wlth a low down payment. At remedy such violations or dejects with- in a reasonable time; and wnen not roomy kitchen, large living otherwise specified, each ten says that in very nice condition. Full prohibited conditions are nfiaintalned aZld $60 per month• shall constitute a separa ottense. b The application of the above pen- ' " " be held to prevent the airy snail no ...... :% GI LOAN .... enforced removal of prommtea ondl- Timber will be sold on a cash basis. Assistant Attorney General Minimum acceptable bid is $13,403.00. Attorneys For Petitioner : At time of sale the purchaser must Office and Post Office Address: laY $13 408 00 Plus a $2 00 bill Of sale Temple of Justice lille, or'a ,'tot:a] of $15,405.00, in the, Olympia, Washington 4/2-9 2t form of cash, money order, certified! !check cr bank draft. The balance be- N ,. tween th appraised erie and the btd o. a 'prtc( if any may be paid by per - NO00I00,E00UpE o00TOC"EDITORS TH' sooai check 00urchaser must also 00nr- IN THE_ R O RT i nlsh a s/t, ety bond of $2,500.00, to guar- i 'T_ _0F WASHINGTON FOR l antee compliance with all terms (ff the: MAON COUNTY bill of Sale, All cheeks, money ord,,rs, I the. Matter of the Guardianship late. are to be madl payable to the of the states of JOAN CASE BOLTON I Commlssioner of Public 'Lands, and DONALD STEPHEN CASE, Mi- Tinm i#or removal will be one year. nots. [ Located approximately 15 miles north- LEE W. GILLETTE, is the appolnted lwest of Gotst, and clualifl.ed Guardian of the estate] Accesslbility: Via public access road. of saltim.mots. All .persons .navmg COmplete contract specifications may claims agam said minors must serve [be examined at Port Orchard District the same, dul" verified, on said Guard-[J4eadouarters, County Auditor's office, lan or her attorney Robert L, 8nyder, ]and onmissioner )f Public Lands, at their addresses below stated, and lOlympia. .. file %he same with the Clerk of said[ Said timber on said land will be sots Court, together with proof of suchlfor not leas than the appraised value, service, within six months after March [s appraisod by the Commissioner of 19, 1959, the date of the first publtca-[pubhc Lands in the manner provided *ion of this notice, or the claln,s will [bY law a statement of which ts now be barred, ion file'ln the office of the Auditor' of LEE W. GILLETTE Isaid county Guardian " [ T(rms o sale are: Cash to be paid 1107 South 141st Ion the dsy bf sale. Tacoma, Washington ] BERT. L. COLE RORERT L. SNYDER t Commissioner of Public Lands Govey Building ] 4/2-9-16-23-30 5t Shelton Washington  "-No-, ...... AttorneY, for Guardian 3/19-26-4/2-9 4t . . • -- .... NOTICE TO CREDITORS TO No. 3048 NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL :itY limits. Fireplace, electric room, dining room, good and 3 bedrooms. Fll price is are $58.85 per month in- :ance. • EDROOM, MT. VIEW . . . plus closing costs. Fireplace, else- oven and range, fully plastered, landscaped 90 x 100 ft. tions. IIJIPORT AND PETITION FOB DISTRIBUTION PRE,INT AND FILE CLAIM8 IN THe' SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASH] NGTON FOR MASON COUNTY e G r i shi In the Matter of th ..... ,ua d an P of the Person and Estst )f BERTHA Section 9. Repeal of C, onflletlng Ordi- • KDROOM, $500 DOWN . . . $6,500 and owner will carry month including interest. Hard- newly decorated. The best is a home of your own. See REALTY North amt 7"30' lq,. 30 feet; Ihenc*, 82"30' W. !)|),12 feot t,, the I.P. ,,f tht tra(% ¢,f laird }lt,l'oby c)nveyotl: I}l(!nt'*. N 823(¢ %¥., 3(} IN,el; thence N 7"31)' E. 156.:12 l'e(!t; lhencl! S 86'50 ' E.. 31) lh!!/; tllencc S 7"30' W to the said 1,I),, .J2 acres, and Ileginning at tl]" NE corner of I,},,(:k 1, David Shelt(,n's 3vd Ad- (litioa to Shelton; thPnce N 7"30' E, 30 f;et; thence N 82"30' W 50 ft. t,, the I.P. of the tract of land h(,r*i,y described; tlu,nce 82':30' W.. 41} f,.t to ttm Sl' c*)rneI' of a tract (,f land hcre1f(,r( c(,ttveyed to the purchasers, Vid, 79 Of Dee(is, page 52',4, under Auditor's File NO. t()730; thence, N 739 ' I,]. along th(.' Ea.t line of said' tra(;t h(,retofore (!¢)nvf!,ved tq) the I)Ol,chaserl.l' as af0r,!sal(l, to the NE corner of said tract; thence S 86'50' E to a point whictl is N 7°30 ' E l'v.m tbc p(*irit of hgtnning; llmnce S 7"30 W to tlw said initial point. .16 acres. EX(EI"TING THER.EFRC)M Begin- ning' at a point whict is N 7"30' E 50 l',et and N 82"38' W 18 f(,et fronl tim NE corner of Blk. 1, David Shdt(m's 3rd Addition to Shelt(,n; conlinue th(mcc N 82o30 ' W 52 feet; thenc( N 7"30' E 50 fet,t; tlmnce Southeasterly to the point of bginniag, and BEGINNING at a point which is N 730 ' E., 20 feet from the NE corner of Blk. 1, David Shelton's 3rd Addition said point being on tim W line of lot 9, Blk. 1, Reod's Addition: thence N 7"30' E along the W line. of said lot 9, 30 feet; tlmn((! N 82"30' W. 18 feet; thence SE to a' p*,iot which is N 82o30 ' W ,% t'et front the point ,f beginlling, thence S 8230 ' E 5 feet to the point of beginning, and A tract of land in Govt. Lot 1, Sect. 18, Twp. 20 North. Range 3 W,st, W. M., particularly des- cribed as follows, to-wit: Begin- ning at the NE corner of Block 1, David Shelton's 3rd Addition to She[ton, Wasl•,; thence Westerly along th, N line of aid Blk. 1., 50 f,mt to the initial point of the tract [)f land hPreby described; 1hence continue W*stel'ly ttlong the N line of said Blk, ], ,t0 fee, t; thn(:e N 7'30 ' E., 30 feet to the SE *'l)rnel • *)f a tract Of land here- l*If,re collvy¢'d to the purcha,uers, Vi. 79 of Dcds, page 523, unde'r Audit,r's File No. 104730; th*mce S 82"30' E. 40 feet; th(.n(:e S 7"3|)' W., 30 l'(,et I.*) the said initial point. (()lnHleneJng at Lhe NW corner of llk, l, David Shelton'. 3rd Addi- lit,n, ru]l thence N 7"30' E 30 lt*t; lh(m('e E 7"30' S 2t(i feet; th,mce S 7"30' W., 30 feel to NE corner of Ilk. 1 : thence Westerly a|ong N line t,, pla('t *)f I)eginllhlg, .08 acres. BegilUlillg lit iit* NE corner of Blk. 1. David Sh*,lton's 3rd Addition to Sh('lt*)n; their(t*? Westerly, along tile N line! ,if said BIk, 1, 90 fcet; tl•tnce N 7"30' E 30 ft,; thl,nm E 7°30 ' S 9|) fet; th(.Ii(: S 7o30 , W t" thc NE *orner of said Blk. ,l and tile po}ltt o|" [)q!.;inlling. ,92 acres. lo Ihe higlmst and bst bidder. Bids must ho subrnitled In writing and mlty tm left with tile Executrix at 121 SOuth Fourth Stv2t, Sl•elLo•, Wash- it'tun; I:lids will im rtccived nntl[ tho dati,' ')f sale. Tb sale will bc nla(le on or after the 17th day of April, 1959. Th executrix t*s,,rvos the rivht to reject any and all bids. BPIULAIt A. WII.KIE STEWART l'trmerly Beulah A, Wilki( Exc*:utrix LEWIS & COIREA Atlol'neys l',r Estat* Bell Building 121 South Fourlh Street Sh,d t o a L 3A)t!,:}i: ,! - ....... _422-9-15 3t No. 3099 NOTI(E TO (.',REI)ITORS IN TIlE SlYPEItI()I¢ C,O[YRT ()b" THE STATE ()l' WASI.IIN(IT()N Felt MASON C()UNTY In Probate) In th(, Matter ,f tim Estate of LlqC)N- kill) L. HAWK, l)ecea,od. NOTICE IS HICIEtY (IVEq *bat 1he urldt rsil.lU'd ltts a(:!n a l:)Iotnte d :lnd has (:iuali| 'hd as the Adltllnlsll;a- trix of tho Estate (,l' lcollard L. Hnwk, deveased, that tdl t)orsoll ]laving clail'lls it,':lJllSt ,ttid (ie(('ss'd are hcl't:by re- ill ir,'d to t,rv(' tin' S II• ' duly v: ri- I  i, ll tl *' und*,rsqg'ln,d Adlnllnstl'a- 1.fix (Jr heF att(raey (,f rectt'd at ltle scldl'*'ss" I),'l,,w slat,,d |l•(:l l'ile *he satire with |he (?l!rk ,d' ti1' said coort, tel- gether with i)r(of of sil('h service wilh- in. SiX Ittonths after ill(! date of first ,ublt('ati)n of Lhis notiel! or the alile will )e la i'rt !(1. /s/ BERTIIA VISSER Adminis! ratrix GLENN E. CORREA Alt,)t'n('y for Lutato Office and Post Office Ad*]ress Bell f]ldg.. 121 South ,tth Street Shelb m, Washingtm 3/26-4/2-9-16 4t No. 3101 NOTI('E TO (HI",I)ITOllg TO PBISENT ANt) FILF CLAIMS IN THE SI!PI:}[O1 t',OI,"RT OF TItE STATE (IF WASH [NC}TON FOR MAS()N CC}ITNTY (tn iroi,sie) In the Matter of the E.tate of ER- VIN A, AMES, [)ec,'ased. NOTICE "iS HEREBY GIVEN that lira undq'siglmd, lella J. Ames has leen appelnt*d and ilas qualified as ]?,x(.(.ul, rix *,f th(" Last Will and Testa- In*'nt aI|tl of the estate ,,f Er;'in A. Ames, doceased; und that all persons haing claims against the said estate' *)1' th*" said deceased are hereby re- quir*!d to servt, th*, same duly verified In dulHicate with the necessltry vi,uch- *,rs atlached, upon the nn[er.lgned Executrix or her t[tl.orney of re,ord lit the htw office of I, Franklin Heuston, Angle Building. Shelton, Wa.hington. and file such clainls together with )roaf of mu'vice with the Clerk of the above el|titled CouI't Wil bill mix (6) months after the dais of ttw first IJublicatioa of this ntice, to-wit: 2 April 1959, *It' all rialtos not st) pre- st, nled and filed will be f(rever barred. tELLA J. AMES Executrix, Estate of Ervin A. Alnes, dec*ased, Address : at, 1, Box 425 Shclton, Washington B, FRANKLIN HEUSTON Attorney 'or sa d Estat Angle Bldg., Sh*,lt(,n, Wash, 4/2-9-16-23 4t No. 3049 NOTICE OF IIEARIN(I ON FINAL REPORT AND PETITION FOR DISTRIIBUTlt)N IN THE SUPERIOR GOURT OF TIlE STAT] OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of Edna E]len Evans, deoeased, • Berna Eugene Evans, Administrator of tile said estate, has filed in tire said Court his final report and petition for distribution, asklng the Court to settle said report, distribute the prop- erty ix) the person thereto entitled and discharge the said Adntinistrator. Said report and petition will bc heard on the 24th day of April, 1959, at l0 a.m., in the Courtroom ef said Court, in the County Courthouse at Shelton, Washington. DATED THIS 23rd day of March. 1959. HARRY DEYETTE, Page 1% Journal Want Ads Pay Firsl Christian Church "New Testament Christianity" Lewis E. Whitney, Minister Odd Fellows Hall SECOND STREET Bible School 9:45 m. Church Servicea 11: a.m. and 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. MISSIONARY BAPTIST MISSION Memorial Building Service Time 2:30 Each Sunday Sponsored by First Miseionary Baptist ChuPh of Puyallup, Wash• Everyone Welcome Sainl DavM's (Episoopal) 4th & Cedar Streets Rev. Robert •onncr Echola, Vicar 2nd Sunday After Easter: 9:00 a.m, Holy Communion, 9:45 a.m. Church School. 11:00 a.m. Morning Prayer and Sermon. i i i u i i i i ii it ii , , i TNE METNODIST00 ] 4th & Pihe  Parsonag 320 N. 4th  Phone HA 6-4174 CHARLES "T. HATTEN, Minister Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Church School 9:45 a.m. Second session i1:00 a.m. FIRST BAPTIST 0HUIt(:H 5th & Cota Rev. E. C. Knautz, Pastor SUNDAY, APRIL 12-- 9:45 a.m. Sunday School. 11:00 a.m. Morning Worahlp. "Something Is Missing" 6:00 p.m. Youth Groups. Four Departments• 7:00 p.m. "How To Live Like a Christian" FAITH LUTHERAN OHURGH Seventh & FPanklin'Std.t. ernhard Brethelm, Pastor Sunday School, 9:30 .t. Sunday worship 8:15 a.m. and 11 a.m. Mid-week Service---Wed., 7:00 p.m. Choir at 8 p.m. GHUROH OF THE FOUR SQUARE GOSPEL 910 E. DEARBORN .... Sunday School ............................................ 9:45 a,m. Morning Worship ........................................ 11:00 a,m. Evangelistic Service .................................... 7:00 p,m. Prayer Meeting ........................ Wednesday 7:00 p.m. REV. GARY N. BLACI,, Pastor RRST 0HUROH OF 0HRIST, 00IENTIST I 302 Alder St., Shelton, Wash. I Sunday School 9:30 a.m, ,Church 11 a.m. [ Wednesday evening testimony meetings 8 p,m. | Reading room located in' church. Reading room hours 2 to | 4 p.m. Mort. & Fri. Wed. evening 6:45 to 7:45. I CLerk of said Court. ALLIANCE CHIJRCH MT VIEW Govey Building" Shelton, Washington AttOrney for' Administrator. ' NI 8/26--4/2-9-16--4t. : Washington & J Sts Eugene Breid, Pastr No. 2806 Sunday School 9:45 a.m. NOTICE OF HEARING FINAL ..................................................................... ACCOUNT AND PETITION . Morning,Worship ......................... , ...................................... 11:00 a.m. EOR DISTRIBUTION A.Y. F ................................................................................... 6:30 p.m, IN. THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE Evening Service 7:30 p:m. STATE (')Ie WASHINGTON FOR .................................................................... 'MASON COITNTY ' Mid-week service Wedhesday .......................................... 7:;-10 p.m. In the MatSer t,f the Estate of LEL- AN E mNN Deceased EVERYONE WELCOME NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that LETIA F. KINDER. Admimstratrix ..... has flied in the office of the Clerk of [ ; said Court Final Account and Petition i| | :. for Dist:rlbution, asking the Court to I ................... I ': settle said report, and petlti,n will [| 1111[I[[I[ J •n  |: I:! be heard (,n the 8th day (,f May, I959, II IIIiIIIIN'I L I1  ! : • • , ,  , .... ;: tere;ted in'said estate t{y IP' "' I! - a 00TA. - ! I m a a aad P U D AUDITORIUM * 3RO  COTA :ialelt,bjecttons thereto and contest thell SUNDAY 12-'t ! DTED this 31st day of March. 1959. I I -e: \\;'a,M&IE' ! ;;,:..L ,: ; ,',, ,.,*. iIeaRer--Pat Havens lfB | M1 Harrison Building I[, "Music Training i Our , dl [ ,: NOTICE TO CREDITOR : 0 @9  ( IN THE SUPERIOR COUR00 OF THEI! SU00:" I" STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR ]1 ; ...... ....... r MASON COUNTY I " (In Probate) / -- I In the Matter of the Estate of RICH-/I ........ I ARD ADAMS. JR., Deceased, [ I 1  il HI m • A l  • M il  1 ] NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that[i Ill II,  II ]1 i1 II mi u II1[ I[ ii • n lib DI W I the nndcrsigned has been appointed ! ! II I !! I !! Ii L I[]1 I.!1 I. • • Ill WI. El=, and has qualified as th Admlnistrator o( the Estate of Richard Adsms, Jr., deceased, that all persons having claimS: WITH " nanees. - -arts there I IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF T I=I • ' endent ' s ' .' i  . "' ordinance i!dep o ...... a: such. ,ortlon .aid final report and petition for dis-i of record for salci Guardian, B. Franl¢- natlon h crelrom  invalid tribution willbe heardoa Frlday, the tin Heuston Angle Building, Shelton. as may oe aec!aru Effee¢ ' th day of April 1959 at the hour I Washington being' the place designed Sectlen 10 Date al , *ke effect and 9t' 19 a m, at the Cou{'troom of the for the transaction of the business of This.ordinance sn ae,' itsaro :ason Cdu'nty Courthouse at Shelton, I sald guardianship, and file the same be in Iorce irom  .== v*, - Washington. with the Clerk of said Court, together val as required bY w: .......... DATED THIS 23rd day of March I with proof of service within e months re ular L.;oinlnlSlon 1 ' ' Introduced at 'g_  ..... 959, [after the first publlcetton of this no- 1959 rasseu arcn meeting, arch17, • ' HARRY DET1$TTE tle. to-wit: 26 March 1959, or aid 91, 1959. - MOORE Clerk of d Court. [claims will be forever barred. EARL 14, by: IRN]EIRE, ] . C.. ROTTER o n- Mayor __ Deputy ClerR. I u.arptan of t.]e l-eron a a ATTEI' rk Treasury-- " --r Gov-OBERT L, NrDER, I Estate or l*ertna v. munson Alma K, 'cairo, Cle FRM' Shay Buildlng JR. FRANKLIN HEUSTON APPROVED A_$..TO. ttorn  he!tbn, Weshlngton ] Attorney, for Guardian C. T. 1/iatton, Oity " 4/9 It .tawmy  mt t%tTb..4/2 9 16-4t A.ngle lldg., 8helten, W82.4/2 9 16 4t against said deceased are hereby re-' quired to erve the same, duly veri- fied, on the ttnderslgned Administra- tor or his attorneys of toeord at tte iaddress below stated and file the same with the Olerk of tim said court, to- get:her with proof of such service'with- in six months after' the date of fltst publication of this notice or the same will be barred. /s/ RICHARD C. ADAMS SR. Admtn|strator GLENN E, CORREA Attorney for' Estate Office lnd Post Office Address Bell Bldg.. 121 South 4tt Street Shell on, Washtngiou 3/26-4/2-9-16 4t Carl & Edna Good, win Of Pomona, California, EVERY NmHT AT 7:00 P.M. Except Monday & Saturday SUNDAY SERVICES 11 a.m, and 7 p.rn. SUNDAY SCHOOL for ,CARk AND ED,NA GOODWlN All Ages 9:45 a.m, EVANGELISTS s, m0, o, ,. 130 East Pine Mason Youn.glund, Pastor ¸¸1959 Pilone 3/26 1 fn G o* d SOme timber. .]CX clean 2- ehqt ric P1/29 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: Mve acres, mpaern house. electrm hot water tank. Skokomish Valley, Phone :A 6-3688. 611/14 tfn l:)lace; carpeting; new double gar- age: two lots iu grass, olle fenced; Beverly Heights. Phone HA 6-3265. FOR SALE: the H. W. kelseyprol- erty on 7th and Euclid St. Phone .... !_n!n_ I 1: ............................ __86(r, tf?, OR SALE: 4-room Hlller(-;t home. large f/raced lot. $4900. Phone HA. 6- 4522 days, HA. 6-3559 after 6 p.m. E3/27tf FOR SALE---Furnished hous*L 2 view lots on Hillcrest pric(:'d for quick sale. For information call I-IA 6- 6 .09. P3/26 tfn USED CARS FOR SALF'--1953 Studebaker ./ ton pickup, $585. Phone I-tA 6-8788. __ r R a ,, Sholton, Washin SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOIffNAL Published in "Chri,/ma,town  ......... Legal Publications No. 2865 NOTICE OF SALE OF RJEAL t,I'I'ATIG AND PI"t¢ONAL PBOPEtg'rY IN THE SUPERIOR COUH.T OF TIlE STATE (I" WASIIIN(;TON FOR MAS()N ('()UNTY ( in Probate) In Uw Mattor of tim Estate of AI)OLPI4 BUE(_,tII£L. I)er.ased. N()TiCE IS IlEREBY GIVEN that TIIARCILI.A IYECI{EI DIESEN, iu ]e!r *:ai,nciiy as administratrix of tim a|)m't! eslnl,, will setl at private sale and ftlr (qlsh the f()lh)wing describod 1 eal eStilt*! : Northeast quarter of Northeast quarter , N E I a NE l,i ), Secti(n eight- t:en i18), Township twenty (20) NorIiL Iiangt four (4) West, W.M., {as()ll Ctbtlltl¥, Washington, excel)t- ink public roads and exce4)t- ins land deeds to Fritz Buechel according to deed dated January 26, 1942. filed July 10, 1942, in Val- ume 76 of Deeds, .).,age 556, Mason (2,runty Auditor's liling No. 102712 j4/2 tfn and further excepting therefrom ............................................................ lands ht,r*t*)fore dPede(I is and FOR SALE--1956 Ford hardtop, ex- cellent condition, lots of accesSories, 25,000 miles. Don Johnson at Don*s FOR SALIC---1941 Ford l)iekup, new I|t*)tor. tel'hiS, SOillt. trade. Phone FOR SALE--52 Deluxe Chevrolet, auto. Iital iC tl,ansmissioa, real clean, good paint, good buy. HA 6-,1619. M4/9 tfn i CLASSIFIED SERVICE tREES TOPPED, trlnmaea, Larry's Tree Surgeon Service 6-4823. ARTIFICIAL BREEDING service for both dairy and beef, $7.00 "cash. Ev- ergreen Northwest Breeders, Inc. Call William Turner, Olympia, col- lect. Ft. 2-2118. tfn SEWING MACHINE RJP8 Expert work. Bonded empl?Fce. Leave calls at Journal' office, phone HA. 6-44Jt2. Singer Sewing Mchle Co., Olpla. IlJn ()-FG, blown rock wool insula- .on. 00one HA. &CCORDION private tessotm m your home. 8taneato National School ot Accordion. Mrs• CMsad, photo RA 84229. 111 1s MASSEUR TREATMENTS at my rt- dense near the Lower. Skokomtsh school. Mondays. Wednelays and Thursdays. Phone Hoodsprt TR - 6438. A. F. Oppelt. 8/6tf REGISTERED ARABIAN Stallion at stud to approved mares. Dark clest- 'I(E nut, 4 stockings, blaze. Box 103, Matlock HA 6-6070. HI]/19 tf/1 Den after To help guard product purity, nickel-plated equipment is used in P 4-2-9 chemical, food, petroleum and oth- er processing plants. EXCELLENT BUYS! .L HOME AS DowN PAYMENT . .. o your present home and need more P Portunity to get a nice 4 bedroom down- Seaools. Many excellent features. $10,750. ONE OF SHELTON'S FINEST HOMES • . . ne Could want -- 3 bedrooms, dining room, den, playroom, etc. Lovely view. By ap- No. 75.15 NOTt('E IN ('t)Nt)EMNATtON tIN THE SUPERIOR COIII(T (It," 'rile I STATE 01," WASIt IN(iT(IN li'O I¢ MASON (7OIINTY TIIE STATE (IF WASHIN(IT()N, Pe- titiener, .... "ca .... ROBERT SCOTT (also known a: county of Ms*on, Stat, of Washingl,,n, I)y tilt' (Tt,ttnlv Au(titor ,f sa (1 t' 1 \\;L t}te I', Ih win" * (st'vil),'d st:*to tide I.obert L. Scott) atttl M 11.DRIql ) S('()TT his wife'; UNKN()WN HEII{ (IF I.OBERT SCOTT AND MIIDRED COTT; HOWABD B. PEt,SIiALI., a rirlo nlfln Ss his sOinlrate t)l'i[)ert,. Ii){STON C()U'NTY FEDI,]RAL SAV-' INC;S AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, JACK A, COLE and BEATtiI(:E (N)I,E his wife; and MASON COUNTY; also) all olriler pel'sons ill' partit,s unkll(wn claileiug or Ilaving ;in3' riltht, liih,, *,s- tats, lieN, or lntcrtyst in i)r It) ltl,' l)roperiiis described in the l)cliiion ill condeltlnfltion on flit' h('l'(!hl. I{!st)t) n- d,,nts. TO THE ABOVE NAMED RESPON- DENTS: 111 the name of the Stat*" ¢,f Washing- ton, hi)lice is hereby given timt tim lallds, I,t,th,r with lit*' iln)t'%,:lll¢.llts tuaied lhel'*'ll, will |it' old at pttbiit' itttttiqlll t(I tile Ilillt'.i  ddcr Lht!l't'f)I', ,-wit : NI}'I'I':--No Olle except citizeos of the 1Tnited .'4tates, or pet'soas who ilae | i'(']ll i'q(I 1heir ial¢'ntion it, bet!onn Nt|ell, (!till parcintse state lalldN. AI'PI,ICATION NO. 1:1280 Tit*' tid!i:tn(ls of 111,' s¢'(!OlI(I *!lass billow tilt' 1]11€ ()[ nlean l¢)w lid,', t}wn- i'd )y ' Stt I*! )f Wasilingtln, situal(! ill front f, tdj ti'ent to ,)r abutting u] )° on tili)Se I)Ol'[i()llS of (OVCl'nnli!nt L.t 5, SHtlit)n 24. Township 21 North, Rang. 2 V'esl, W,M., (ies*ribcd aS folhws : NOT1CI, OF SAI,IC {IF STATE No; 3021 " "l'tl)i I.ANDN /N(}TtCE OF SAt E (}1 " REAl, I;S'l'A'l'li N )'rI "t I, IiEtmt:Y (UVEN. Tmt fIN THe3 SIIPI'iH, IOI.,C¢)[!:I:T O l' TJ-Ii5 ! 1i5! , t ll' lei 114' I t tq'n (t'ltck Ill lhe ] ,u/%, .N * ' I** ]l* ' Illt¢'l ,'' S i(l dll , l l' lit II |h till .-€...-- . ,% ] lliill •It 'ane' €. II'  ]1' (htllltY hi l|1€' Matit,l' ill" {]l' [,],tilt(! (1 (),'(A { ] ol-IIt It()us ill l}lq' city of Sh,,ll)li ](L WII.KIE. l)e¢''It;g('d. N )TI('E IS [tP'.Rb]BY (iVEN that i lIl,', ' AI X WII.KIE in h,'r ralmt:ity ItS }K'I'ItII'IX O| lilt' a])t)%e t''llll I' . W [ :(')1 a| private, ,ai¢' 11,1 I',r ('a:dl tat! ]h)JiIIwinl/ d,scril.'d told 'Slllt*': i.,,t ,(!, [h,ck I, I{o,,*i's Addition to Shelton, Washiogt,u. ('xccpthlg the lda,t t5 f,.'t, and t/;I,](IINNIN(I tt tho NE ce+rnor of l;l,.l¢ I, l.)avid Sh,,ltm's Addi|im t, Shl,]tlll; |hi,n(',, N 730' E,, :til |!.t t, tilt' l'(lilll €)1' beginning }f 111' h,!l'eilla['l'l' dos*!rilml [ ua(!l ; t}lci1H! fl'*)llt SiiJ{I ),iIl| t)[' t)*'gillnillg N 82 31)' W 1.82 c]laitts; tilell(!*: N 7 '30' E. 2,;  ('hains ; l Il('nt't! S. 650' E. I.o a i)ohit which iS N 7'30 ' E. ql' |h, I)oin| ('if |),,ginnillg: Ihoo*:e S 7"3(1' W. t,, th, place [' b,'4inniLlg, ill (.IOV. L(I1 I. S!clion 18. Twp, 20 Nt,rth, I.aoge 3 West, W.M., .22 tcl'eg, and ;ASEMENT, CORNER LOT . . . ew home on Mountain View has so many nice furnace heat, nicely decorated, hookups range, many built-ins, etc. Only takes $300 FHA terms. WITH THE OPTION OF BUYING • these available ...... comfortable 2 "bedroom garage for only $50 per month, and rent on purchase price of $5,750. FOR 1 BR. ANGLESIDE HOME • . . you can have your own home for so little ? water, for $2250 with $200 down. OF HOOD CANAL... home situated above Union. Has fire- and many extras. Ideal for Camp on easy terms. ',EN FARM ON 50 ACRES NEAR AGATE fine chicken houses, barn, outbuild- land with ereek. All equipment. $15,000. THIS HOME IS YOURS . . . comfortable 2 bedroom home. room, all-over carpeting, 2-car s, new heater included. $6750. HEM': OR $5OOO... f0r$500 down, then $45 per month, abundance of flowers. PHILLIPS LAKE LOT... o cannot use. Ideal for cabin, g, fishing, etc. Only $1495 with Per month. AVAILABLE, AND A DAN- DO.WNTOWN LOCATION. & ROY DUNN REALTOR owned by the School Distri(:t, and Miscellan0ous farm machinery, to the highest and b(,st bidder, Bids n|ust be slll)lllitted in writing and Inay lie loft with the alministratrix at Bell ].Illilding, 121 S(ulh Fourth Street, Shelton, Washington. tii(ls will be re- ceived until the date of sale. Tim sale will be made on or after April 17. 1959. Tin." Adminiatratrix re- serves the right to r(,ject any and all bids. THARCLLA BUECHEL DIESEN ! Administrat fix LEWIs & CORR,EA Bell Building i 121 South Fourth Street No. 3033 Nil'ricE OF HEARIN( ON FINAL REPORT, AND PETITION FOB I)ISTRIBUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STTF OF WASHANGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Fstate of PETE] YORI Deceaed. NOTIC IS HEREBY GIVEN that Pete F. Whetham, Administrator c.t.a. of said estate, has Illed wih the Clerk of said Court his final report an pe- tition for distribution, askiag the {ourt to settle and approve the same, to distribute the property to the persona thereto entitled and to discharge said Administrator c.t.a. NOTICI. IS FURTHER GIVEN that said final report end petitition for dis- tribution will be heard on eiday, the 1st day of May, 1959, at the hour of 10 o'ch)ck A.M., at the Courtroom of said Court in Shelton, Washington. DATED THIS 30th day of March, 1959. ItARRY DEYETTE Ma.on County Clerk By: Irene McGuire Deputy Clerk ROBERT L. SNYDER Govey Building Simlton, Washington Attorney for Administrator c.t.a. 4/2-9-16-23 4t ORDINANCE NO. 657 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A FIRE PREVENTION CODE PRESCRIB- ING REGULATIONS GOVERNING CONDITIONS HAZAR DOUS TO LIFE AND PROPERTY FROM FIRE OR EXPLOSION BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SHELTON : Seetlon 1. Adoption of Fire l'revention Code. There is hereby adopted by the Com- mission for the purpose of rescribing regulations governing conditions haz- ardons to life and property from fire or exl)losion, that certain (:,)de known as the Fire Prevention Code, Abbrev- iated Edition, recomnmnded by the Na- tional Board of Fire Underwriters, : being particularly the 1956 edition I thereof and the Whole thereof, of which code nbt h'ss than three (3) copies have been and now are filed in the office of the Clerk of the Cily of Shel- ton and the same are herehy adoI)ted and incorporated as fully as if set out at length herein, and from the date on which this ordinance shall take effect, tlm provisions thereof shall be ccmtrolling within the limits of the lty of Shelton. Section 2. Enforcement. Tbe code hereby adopted shall be enforced by the Chief of the Fire De- partment. Section 3. Definition. Wherever the word "Municipality" is used in tim code hereby adopted, it shall }m held to mean the City of Shel- ton. Section 4. Amendments Made in the (;ode lterehy Adopted. The code hereby adopted is amended by adding a. Paragraph "C" as follows c. There shall be a fee for the is- suance of all permits provided for, and required by this code, in the sum of $1.0(snch'sum to be paid directly to the Clerk-Treasurer of the City of Shel- ton at the time the permit form Is re- quested, said sum to be refunded in the event the Fi 'e Chief 4,)cs not is- sue the 1)ermit as requested. Section 5. Mollifications. abo,*-named petiti(n', the S lto f Tle' ,ast 2i6.7 t'c*4 of said G,ver]- Wastiin ton wil on the 17th da,v ,,: l)x,'It Lot 5 with a fr, m/agc of t.8l A,,, u t.q at the 11( u ' *)" 10'00 (¢,',[ ( I¢ 1 nt.a chains I ore or lt!ss, ap )rals,u • *t .....  ....... . -,,,n thereaftcq'. .,.  ;, at $25.00 per lineal chain or $95.25; ttl:t),, or a ";"  t ..... . ;.. ,, ($-...,t:?. T lat portion of the Eb ,f sad petman*,r. !,an.};,.us'.r,.(,,L c m!,t- ,(:o,,,rnment i,*,t 5. lying w,'st (,f the l'(}oln at [ne cous t,  ; • ,.- it. t,*l t.¢l/n- [ ..f 'IS 7 there(f wilh a J't'(llt- ty, Washington, in .tn,': L',ty of Slmlton 1'7-otr".5 li=mal cha'ins, n,or .... ,' l,,ss, .... ' of Public I s and a" 'date g: an Order - ..... sc o ..... I Not less than one-tenth of the pur- for the trial el this cau. ,* me issue cilase t)ri('e lnust be paid at tile time nsatlon of just co I pe . )f sae In DUrchas( r if II b( nit The object of said petthn s to se-lthe owner of the improvements, must cure an adjudication st putmc. Use of, I forthwith pay to the officer making and to condemn ana appropriate the[the sale th( full amount oil the ap- lands, real estats, p,renuses a xla (!.tAct_ [praise d "value of the improv;(mmnts, as property more PaX't!cuatY,etesetbed tabor stated. One-tenth ot the p.ur- in Exhibit "A' attacncu . o)j(nu Y]chase price must be paid annually this re.ferenee'made a pat • tm.s o- ] thereafter with interest on all deicrrect tk:e in Condemnation, lor a, luntted ] payments at the raie of x per centum ,access highway on antlEa.ili?  that Iper anntnn: Provided. That any pur- property referred to , ....A," [chaser may make full payment of prin: to which the abutting ow,?qr WUl nave]cipal interest o.nd statutory tees at; no right of access ,wnmn property Itny 'time and obtain deed. The pur- i situated in the County o.Maon, lehaser of land containing timber or State of Washington, o wmch.then(the r valuable materials ts prohibited above named responnents are all of[by law fronl cutting or rem(vlng any the ewners, encumtranrrnU W s°ns ]such timber or; materials without first otherwise interested . , . . . far obtaining consent of the Co m0tiss•!,n*!' as can be ascertained xt:om te pt*bltc of Public Lands, until the iuti amou records; and to vest utlet! rreto in of the purchase price has been pats fee shnpie in the State Oo1' cWr:tn!ngton, and deed isstmd. for the constructl0n, f 1 state n and All sales )f state lands are maue maintenance thereon o rt of Pti road subject to the reservations of oils, gas- and bi hway aa a pa limited 'i tory es, coal, ores; minerals and fossils of State ghway .o. 9, a . c ss every nanm kind and description, and faciilt which l a highway established t' tire additional terms and conditions by the y' legislature heretotore, presc:ibed in se.ction 3 of chaliter 256 of number" may be disregarded i)y ti . (SEAL) . }ER, • :, Uomlnlssioner t)f I'uoIic lan(l,. Township Nineteen (19) North. Range Ttree (3) West, W.M.. Mason County, Washington, EXCEPT roads, Parcel C : South 15 acres of the Northwest arter of the Soutl•east quarter WASEri) , Seetion Nineteen (19), Township Nineteen (19), North, lnge Three (3) West, W.M.. Mason County,, Washington, EXCEPT roads. The lands being herein condemned parties in interest. .. "Description"fbllowmg me word "Description" is a legal description of the propecty to be acquired by the p( titioner ..... "Interested Parties"--fmmwmg the words "Interested Parties" are all par,- ties wt•o have any interest in the prop- erty described in the petitlott in ac- cordance with the records of the county whe,'ein the properties are located and investigated, -Item. N). 1 -- Parcel No. 20485 INTERESTED PARTIES : Robert :Scott. also known as Robert L, Scott and Mildred Scott, his wife: Unknown heirs of Robert Scott and Mildred Scott. DESCRIPTION : All that part of the following de- scribed Tract "X" lying Westerly of, a line drawn parallel with and being 125 feet distant Easterly wllen meas- ured at right angles and/or radially rom the L1-Line Survey of Primary State Highway No. 9, Ttmrston County Line to Shelton, and Easterly of a line drawn parallel with and heing 135 feet distant Westerly when measured at right angles and/or radially from the L-Line Survey of said Primary State Highway No. 9; EXCEPT that from Highway Engineer's Station L 391 plus 00 Nortlmasterly to an intersection with the Northerly boundary of said Tract "'X", said parallel line shall be drawn 110 feet distant Westerly when measured at right anglPs, and/or ra- dially from the L-Line Survey of said Prinmry State Highway No. 9. TRACT "X" Parcel A : The North 15 acres of the Northwest quarter of the Southeast quarter (NW(tSE:I), Section Nineteen (19), Township Nineteen (19) North, Range Tt•ree (3) West. W. M., Mason County, Washington, EXCEPT the Went 16 feet thereof, reserved for road pur- loses, and EXCEPT public roads. Parcel B :. Center 10 acres of the Northwest quarter of the Southeast quarter (NW14SE,), Section Nineteen (19), The Chief of the Fire Dapartment ,hal have power to inodify any of the contain an area of 7.0 acres, more or provisions of the code hereby adopted less, the specific details concerning all upon application in writing by the of which may be found within that owner or lessee, or his duly authorized certain map of definite location now agent, when the,'e are practical diffl-I of record and on file In the Office of culties in the way of car,'ying out the lthe Director of Highways at Olympia, strict letter of the code, provided that ]Washington, bearing dte of approw•l the spirit of the code shallbe observed, IApril 29, 1958; and the center ltne of public safety secured, and substantial I which is also of record in Book No. 1 justice done. The particulars of suchof Highway Plats, page 5, under Audi- inodificatir;n when granted or alloweUttor's File No. 173200, records of Mason and the decision of the Chief of the ]County, State of Washington, Frc Department thereon shall be erie I TOGETHER WITH all rights of in- tered upon (he records of the depart- i greys and egress, If any (including all ment and a signed copy shall be fur- existing, future or potential easements nished the appli('ant, of access, light, view and air) to, from Sec,tian . &ppeats. _. _ and between Primary State Highway When ver the Chief of the _are De- No 9, Thurston County Line to Shel- artment shall disapprove an applica- ton, and the remainder of said Tract on or refuse to grant a permit ap- died for, or when It Is claimed that .... " THE STATE OF WASHINGTON 'X' prowsmns of the code do not ap- Petitioner, or that the true intent and mean- JOHN J. O'CONNELL of the code have been misconstrued Attorney General DELBItT W. JOHNSON 4/2-9-16-23-30--5t. NOTICE OF SALE t)F NATIt)NAI, I!'0 it EST TIMBER Publi(" not (' is hereby given that! pursuant to the provislns of Sectill 51 of Pul)lic Law 273, 78tl Congress (58 .tat. 132; 16 U.S,C.A. 583-583i), and lhe Cooperative Agr(!elnent for ih! Managnnent ,If the Parl:icipaling F*)r- est Properties io the ShelU,n Cooper- ative Sustained Yiehl Unit *mtered int) by and httw(er the United States (,l' Ameri('a and th Siltlpson L,gging Company dated December 12. 1946, all merchantal)l  tl r her nlarked tlr ¢l[,s- ignatcd for cutting m an ar(!a * el!l* hracing 234 acres, more or less, wtttj•l Sections 30 and 31, T. 22 N., R. o w., and Sections 25 and 36, T. 22 N., R. 6 W., W,M,, surv!ye(l, Btngnlttn Block, Mason County, Shelton Co(iperat ivy' Sustained Yi(ld Unit, OIv 1U)Ic Nathmal Forest, State of Washingion, will be sold to the S psi n Logging Company, S, attic Washington, )n Mtv I1 1959. The estimaUd volum*s arci 12,800 M hoard f,et I)(,uglas-fir and Wt*stern white 1} nc 300 M hoard feet W!slel'u r¢ (1 c ,dar and 2 900 M hoard feet Wt'st- ero ]lenllock and other spec Ca. The nliailnunl acceptable pric per M bord feet is ss folh)ws : Dl'a.lg'hls-fir e, ad Western white Din*' $24.25, Western r(d cedar $7.40 and WcsteFa hemio('k and other species $7.25. This inclu(fs the folhtwing stunl|) ge " tes ",*1' M" |) ))l'd '('t!t' Douglas-fir and Wt!stcl'n whito ne" $23,4t, West,,rn rod ('edar $6.55 md Western hemlock and olher sis!tit's $6 40 plus $0.,t5 for sale r,:a b*ttr-. lllt!nt an(t $(}.4|) ['t)r slIlsh (|is|)()sal liar all species. If re(lee*ted by th( Stats of Washillgl()ll or I)y Mason C,)unly O ' by ally persian de*,Incd to hav! a reas( nlbl ! lnte 'esi in the prop()se4 sale. or ill its t,,rnm, a public llat'illg will be held in the offic, of the Fro'cat Supervis)r Post Office Building. Olym- pia. Washington, on the, 29th day /f April. 1959. t 2:00 P.M. Requests lor publi( t ar ng will not be considereu unless re(:*ivcd in the of fie ' I the Forest Supervisor, Post Office Buihl- lng, Olympia, W ishington on or. be- I fore April 24. 1959. Dated April 1, 1959, Lhyd G, (; In,)r. t,*,rest Super- visor, Olympic National Forest, 4/9-1(;-23-30 4t ON STATE LANi) Notict* is h¢.r*l)Y given ltlai on Tues- day 1he 5th day of May, /959, seru- m n qng at ten o'clock in the fl)rcnl,ou of said day, in front of the nlain en- trance door to the county court: hou, m n ,ths City of Port Or(':hard, County (,f Kitssp StaU of Washington, by the County Auditor )f said county, lh; timber on the following described state land will be sold at public auctlou to the highest bidder therefor, to-wit: Applleatlnn No, F-5312 All timber within 2 marked sale area boundaries, Dlus a few nm,'ked trees outside of the sale area boundaries, comprising approximately 468,000 bd. part of the NE£ SE part of tle N/. SEt,£ SEA 'and part of the S/ SW'tI SE, Section 15, .part of the NW NE, and part of me E* E/.i, NW 5. east of road in Section 22. alI |n TownshID 24 North, Range 1 West, W.M., conainlng 39 acres, more or less. A tract )f laud in (Iov, L,,t 1, p;,rti('ul;tl'ly d,s*'rtt),'d as t'*dl)ws, t )--Wi! : C ItlIli(!ncin4 I1t the! NE cl'n,r ,l' iik 1, l)a%id Sh(!lt)n•s 3td A(hlitiml I.o S]lt,ltn; th,•nc*! N * Title Insurance Bldg ,y interpreted, the applicant may appeal from the decision of the Chief of the Fire Department to the City Commission within 30 days Irom the date of the decision appeaieu. 7. Penalties. who shall v!olate any rpu00ro-er':e$ ions of the coae nereby or fail to comPlY therewith, shall violate or -fail to comply with any order made thereUnaer, or DOWN, $3S MONTH ..... who shall build in violatipn .9I aay detailed statement of specificamns Or bedroom home on Hillcrest is a Riaps submitted and approved __there- ,200. Use it as a stepping t)ne unaer, or any certlflcaTo Phc o equity toward the home you will sued th r u der, and . ' . appeal has been taken, or wno shall t2all us today, fail to comply with such an oraer tm affirmed or modified by the City om- • mission or by a court of competent ;len'look no further but call us Jurisdiction within the time tta nere- tonally attractive "family home." in, shall severally for each ana every such violation and non oompllance re- many uses, 5 rooms and bath on spectively, be guilty of a misdemeanor, rs ca be used as is or can be punishable by a fine of not less than 'e bedrooms. Wall-to-wall carpet- 1,00 nor more than $10000 or y im- prisonment for not less than one say ath, automatic furnace, and lot is nor mox than 30 days or b..z. bot.n SUCh fin and imprleonment. Tne Imposi- tion of one i)enalty for any WOLation shall not excuse the violation or Per- T¢,i:s.U,..,,,,  , tlis attractive 4 bedroom mit it to oontinue; and all SUCh per- sons shall be requlrd to correct or Wlth a low down payment. At remedy such violations or dejects with- in a reasonable time; and wnen not roomy kitchen, large living otherwise specified, each ten says that in very nice condition. Full prohibited conditions are nfiaintalned aZld $60 per month• shall constitute a separa ottense. b The application of the above pen- ' " " be held to prevent the airy snail no ...... :% GI LOAN .... enforced removal of prommtea ondl- Timber will be sold on a cash basis. Assistant Attorney General Minimum acceptable bid is $13,403.00. Attorneys For Petitioner : At time of sale the purchaser must Office and Post Office Address: laY $13 408 00 Plus a $2 00 bill Of sale Temple of Justice lille, or'a ,'tot:a] of $15,405.00, in the, Olympia, Washington 4/2-9 2t form of cash, money order, certified! !check cr bank draft. The balance be- N ,. tween th appraised erie and the btd o. a 'prtc( if any may be paid by per - NO00I00,E00UpE o00TOC"EDITORS TH' sooai check 00urchaser must also 00nr- IN THE_ R O RT i nlsh a s/t, ety bond of $2,500.00, to guar- i 'T_ _0F WASHINGTON FOR l antee compliance with all terms (ff the: MAON COUNTY bill of Sale, All cheeks, money ord,,rs, I the. Matter of the Guardianship late. are to be madl payable to the of the states of JOAN CASE BOLTON I Commlssioner of Public 'Lands, and DONALD STEPHEN CASE, Mi- Tinm i#or removal will be one year. nots. [ Located approximately 15 miles north- LEE W. GILLETTE, is the appolnted lwest of Gotst, and clualifl.ed Guardian of the estate] Accesslbility: Via public access road. of saltim.mots. All .persons .navmg COmplete contract specifications may claims agam said minors must serve [be examined at Port Orchard District the same, dul" verified, on said Guard-[J4eadouarters, County Auditor's office, lan or her attorney Robert L, 8nyder, ]and onmissioner )f Public Lands, at their addresses below stated, and lOlympia. .. file %he same with the Clerk of said[ Said timber on said land will be sots Court, together with proof of suchlfor not leas than the appraised value, service, within six months after March [s appraisod by the Commissioner of 19, 1959, the date of the first publtca-[pubhc Lands in the manner provided *ion of this notice, or the claln,s will [bY law a statement of which ts now be barred, ion file'ln the office of the Auditor' of LEE W. GILLETTE Isaid county Guardian " [ T(rms o sale are: Cash to be paid 1107 South 141st Ion the dsy bf sale. Tacoma, Washington ] BERT. L. COLE RORERT L. SNYDER t Commissioner of Public Lands Govey Building ] 4/2-9-16-23-30 5t Shelton Washington  "-No-, ...... AttorneY, for Guardian 3/19-26-4/2-9 4t . . • -- .... NOTICE TO CREDITORS TO No. 3048 NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL :itY limits. Fireplace, electric room, dining room, good and 3 bedrooms. Fll price is are $58.85 per month in- :ance. • EDROOM, MT. VIEW . . . plus closing costs. Fireplace, else- oven and range, fully plastered, landscaped 90 x 100 ft. tions. IIJIPORT AND PETITION FOB DISTRIBUTION PRE,INT AND FILE CLAIM8 IN THe' SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASH] NGTON FOR MASON COUNTY e G r i shi In the Matter of th ..... ,ua d an P of the Person and Estst )f BERTHA Section 9. Repeal of C, onflletlng Ordi- • KDROOM, $500 DOWN . . . $6,500 and owner will carry month including interest. Hard- newly decorated. The best is a home of your own. See REALTY North amt 7"30' lq,. 30 feet; Ihenc*, 82"30' W. !)|),12 feot t,, the I.P. ,,f tht tra(% ¢,f laird }lt,l'oby c)nveyotl: I}l(!nt'*. N 823(¢ %¥., 3(} IN,el; thence N 7"31)' E. 156.:12 l'e(!t; lhencl! S 86'50 ' E.. 31) lh!!/; tllencc S 7"30' W to the said 1,I),, .J2 acres, and Ileginning at tl]" NE corner of I,},,(:k 1, David Shelt(,n's 3vd Ad- (litioa to Shelton; thPnce N 7"30' E, 30 f;et; thence N 82"30' W 50 ft. t,, the I.P. of the tract of land h(,r*i,y described; tlu,nce 82':30' W.. 41} f,.t to ttm Sl' c*)rneI' of a tract (,f land hcre1f(,r( c(,ttveyed to the purchasers, Vid, 79 Of Dee(is, page 52',4, under Auditor's File NO. t()730; thence, N 739 ' I,]. along th(.' Ea.t line of said' tra(;t h(,retofore (!¢)nvf!,ved tq) the I)Ol,chaserl.l' as af0r,!sal(l, to the NE corner of said tract; thence S 86'50' E to a point whictl is N 7°30 ' E l'v.m tbc p(*irit of hgtnning; llmnce S 7"30 W to tlw said initial point. .16 acres. EX(EI"TING THER.EFRC)M Begin- ning' at a point whict is N 7"30' E 50 l',et and N 82"38' W 18 f(,et fronl tim NE corner of Blk. 1, David Shdt(m's 3rd Addition to Shelt(,n; conlinue th(mcc N 82o30 ' W 52 feet; thenc( N 7"30' E 50 fet,t; tlmnce Southeasterly to the point of bginniag, and BEGINNING at a point which is N 730 ' E., 20 feet from the NE corner of Blk. 1, David Shelton's 3rd Addition said point being on tim W line of lot 9, Blk. 1, Reod's Addition: thence N 7"30' E along the W line. of said lot 9, 30 feet; tlmn((! N 82"30' W. 18 feet; thence SE to a' p*,iot which is N 82o30 ' W ,% t'et front the point ,f beginlling, thence S 8230 ' E 5 feet to the point of beginning, and A tract of land in Govt. Lot 1, Sect. 18, Twp. 20 North. Range 3 W,st, W. M., particularly des- cribed as follows, to-wit: Begin- ning at the NE corner of Block 1, David Shelton's 3rd Addition to She[ton, Wasl•,; thence Westerly along th, N line of aid Blk. 1., 50 f,mt to the initial point of the tract [)f land hPreby described; 1hence continue W*stel'ly ttlong the N line of said Blk, ], ,t0 fee, t; thn(:e N 7'30 ' E., 30 feet to the SE *'l)rnel • *)f a tract Of land here- l*If,re collvy¢'d to the purcha,uers, Vi. 79 of Dcds, page 523, unde'r Audit,r's File No. 104730; th*mce S 82"30' E. 40 feet; th(.n(:e S 7"3|)' W., 30 l'(,et I.*) the said initial point. (()lnHleneJng at Lhe NW corner of llk, l, David Shelton'. 3rd Addi- lit,n, ru]l thence N 7"30' E 30 lt*t; lh(m('e E 7"30' S 2t(i feet; th,mce S 7"30' W., 30 feel to NE corner of Ilk. 1 : thence Westerly a|ong N line t,, pla('t *)f I)eginllhlg, .08 acres. BegilUlillg lit iit* NE corner of Blk. 1. David Sh*,lton's 3rd Addition to Sh('lt*)n; their(t*? Westerly, along tile N line! ,if said BIk, 1, 90 fcet; tl•tnce N 7"30' E 30 ft,; thl,nm E 7°30 ' S 9|) fet; th(.Ii(: S 7o30 , W t" thc NE *orner of said Blk. ,l and tile po}ltt o|" [)q!.;inlling. ,92 acres. lo Ihe higlmst and bst bidder. Bids must ho subrnitled In writing and mlty tm left with tile Executrix at 121 SOuth Fourth Stv2t, Sl•elLo•, Wash- it'tun; I:lids will im rtccived nntl[ tho dati,' ')f sale. Tb sale will bc nla(le on or after the 17th day of April, 1959. Th executrix t*s,,rvos the rivht to reject any and all bids. BPIULAIt A. WII.KIE STEWART l'trmerly Beulah A, Wilki( Exc*:utrix LEWIS & COIREA Atlol'neys l',r Estat* Bell Building 121 South Fourlh Street Sh,d t o a L 3A)t!,:}i: ,! - ....... _422-9-15 3t No. 3099 NOTI(E TO (.',REI)ITORS IN TIlE SlYPEItI()I¢ C,O[YRT ()b" THE STATE ()l' WASI.IIN(IT()N Felt MASON C()UNTY In Probate) In th(, Matter ,f tim Estate of LlqC)N- kill) L. HAWK, l)ecea,od. NOTICE IS HICIEtY (IVEq *bat 1he urldt rsil.lU'd ltts a(:!n a l:)Iotnte d :lnd has (:iuali| 'hd as the Adltllnlsll;a- trix of tho Estate (,l' lcollard L. Hnwk, deveased, that tdl t)orsoll ]laving clail'lls it,':lJllSt ,ttid (ie(('ss'd are hcl't:by re- ill ir,'d to t,rv(' tin' S II• ' duly v: ri- I  i, ll tl *' und*,rsqg'ln,d Adlnllnstl'a- 1.fix (Jr heF att(raey (,f rectt'd at ltle scldl'*'ss" I),'l,,w slat,,d |l•(:l l'ile *he satire with |he (?l!rk ,d' ti1' said coort, tel- gether with i)r(of of sil('h service wilh- in. SiX Ittonths after ill(! date of first ,ublt('ati)n of Lhis notiel! or the alile will )e la i'rt !(1. /s/ BERTIIA VISSER Adminis! ratrix GLENN E. CORREA Alt,)t'n('y for Lutato Office and Post Office Ad*]ress Bell f]ldg.. 121 South ,tth Street Shelb m, Washingtm 3/26-4/2-9-16 4t No. 3101 NOTI('E TO (HI",I)ITOllg TO PBISENT ANt) FILF CLAIMS IN THE SI!PI:}[O1 t',OI,"RT OF TItE STATE (IF WASH [NC}TON FOR MAS()N CC}ITNTY (tn iroi,sie) In the Matter of the E.tate of ER- VIN A, AMES, [)ec,'ased. NOTICE "iS HEREBY GIVEN that lira undq'siglmd, lella J. Ames has leen appelnt*d and ilas qualified as ]?,x(.(.ul, rix *,f th(" Last Will and Testa- In*'nt aI|tl of the estate ,,f Er;'in A. Ames, doceased; und that all persons haing claims against the said estate' *)1' th*" said deceased are hereby re- quir*!d to servt, th*, same duly verified In dulHicate with the necessltry vi,uch- *,rs atlached, upon the nn[er.lgned Executrix or her t[tl.orney of re,ord lit the htw office of I, Franklin Heuston, Angle Building. Shelton, Wa.hington. and file such clainls together with )roaf of mu'vice with the Clerk of the above el|titled CouI't Wil bill mix (6) months after the dais of ttw first IJublicatioa of this ntice, to-wit: 2 April 1959, *It' all rialtos not st) pre- st, nled and filed will be f(rever barred. tELLA J. AMES Executrix, Estate of Ervin A. Alnes, dec*ased, Address : at, 1, Box 425 Shclton, Washington B, FRANKLIN HEUSTON Attorney 'or sad Estat Angle Bldg., Sh*,lt(,n, Wash, 4/2-9-16-23 4t No. 3049 NOTICE OF IIEARIN(I ON FINAL REPORT AND PETITION FOR DISTRIIBUTlt)N IN THE SUPERIOR GOURT OF TIlE STAT] OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of Edna E]len Evans, deoeased, • Berna Eugene Evans, Administrator of tile said estate, has filed in tire said Court his final report and petition for distribution, asklng the Court to settle said report, distribute the prop- erty ix) the person thereto entitled and discharge the said Adntinistrator. Said report and petition will bc heard on the 24th day of April, 1959, at l0 a.m., in the Courtroom ef said Court, in the County Courthouse at Shelton, Washington. DATED THIS 23rd day of March. 1959. HARRY DEYETTE, Page 1% Journal Want Ads Pay Firsl Christian Church "New Testament Christianity" Lewis E. Whitney, Minister Odd Fellows Hall SECOND STREET Bible School 9:45 m. Church Servicea 11: a.m. and 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. MISSIONARY BAPTIST MISSION Memorial Building Service Time 2:30 Each Sunday Sponsored by First Miseionary Baptist ChuPh of Puyallup, Wash• Everyone Welcome Sainl DavM's (Episoopal) 4th & Cedar Streets Rev. Robert •onncr Echola, Vicar 2nd Sunday After Easter: 9:00 a.m, Holy Communion, 9:45 a.m. Church School. 11:00 a.m. Morning Prayer and Sermon. i i i u i i i i ii it ii , , i TNE METNODIST00 ] 4th & Pihe  Parsonag 320 N. 4th  Phone HA 6-4174 CHARLES "T. HATTEN, Minister Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Church School 9:45 a.m. Second session i1:00 a.m. FIRST BAPTIST 0HUIt(:H 5th & Cota Rev. E. C. Knautz, Pastor SUNDAY, APRIL 12-- 9:45 a.m. Sunday School. 11:00 a.m. Morning Worahlp. "Something Is Missing" 6:00 p.m. Youth Groups. Four Departments• 7:00 p.m. "How To Live Like a Christian" FAITH LUTHERAN OHURGH Seventh & FPanklin'Std.t. ernhard Brethelm, Pastor Sunday School, 9:30 .t. Sunday worship 8:15 a.m. and 11 a.m. Mid-week Service---Wed., 7:00 p.m. Choir at 8 p.m. GHUROH OF THE FOUR SQUARE GOSPEL 910 E. DEARBORN .... Sunday School ............................................ 9:45 a,m. Morning Worship ........................................ 11:00 a,m. Evangelistic Service .................................... 7:00 p,m. Prayer Meeting ........................ Wednesday 7:00 p.m. REV. GARY N. BLACI,, Pastor RRST 0HUROH OF 0HRIST, 00IENTIST I 302 Alder St., Shelton, Wash. I Sunday School 9:30 a.m, ,Church 11 a.m. [ Wednesday evening testimony meetings 8 p,m. | Reading room located in' church. Reading room hours 2 to | 4 p.m. Mort. & Fri. Wed. evening 6:45 to 7:45. I CLerk of said Court. ALLIANCE CHIJRCH MT VIEW Govey Building" Shelton, Washington AttOrney for' Administrator. ' NI 8/26--4/2-9-16--4t. : Washington & J Sts Eugene Breid, Pastr No. 2806 Sunday School 9:45 a.m. NOTICE OF HEARING FINAL ..................................................................... ACCOUNT AND PETITION . Morning,Worship ......................... , ...................................... 11:00 a.m. EOR DISTRIBUTION A.Y. F ................................................................................... 6:30 p.m, IN. THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE Evening Service 7:30 p:m. STATE (')Ie WASHINGTON FOR .................................................................... 'MASON COITNTY ' Mid-week service Wedhesday .......................................... 7:;-10 p.m. In the MatSer t,f the Estate of LEL- AN E mNN Deceased EVERYONE WELCOME NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that LETIA F. KINDER. Admimstratrix ..... has flied in the office of the Clerk of [ ; said Court Final Account and Petition i| | :. for Dist:rlbution, asking the Court to I ................... I ': settle said report, and petlti,n will [| 1111[I[[I[ J •n  |: I:! be heard (,n the 8th day (,f May, I959, II IIIiIIIIN'I L I1  ! : • • , ,  , .... ;: tere;ted in'said estate t{y IP' "' I! - a 00TA. - ! I m a a aad P U D AUDITORIUM * 3RO  COTA :ialelt,bjecttons thereto and contest thell SUNDAY 12-'t ! DTED this 31st day of March. 1959. I I -e: \\;'a,M&IE' ! ;;,:..L ,: ; ,',, ,.,*. iIeaRer--Pat Havens lfB | M1 Harrison Building I[, "Music Training i Our , dl [ ,: NOTICE TO CREDITOR : 0 @9  ( IN THE SUPERIOR COUR00 OF THEI! SU00:" I" STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR ]1 ; ...... ....... r MASON COUNTY I " (In Probate) / -- I In the Matter of the Estate of RICH-/I ........ I ARD ADAMS. JR., Deceased, [ I 1  il HI m • A l  • M il  1 ] NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that[i Ill II,  II ]1 i1 II mi u II1[ I[ ii • n lib DI W I the nndcrsigned has been appointed ! ! II I !! I !! Ii L I[]1 I.!1 I. • • Ill WI. El=, and has qualified as th Admlnistrator o( the Estate of Richard Adsms, Jr., deceased, that all persons having claimS: WITH " nanees. - -arts there I IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF T I=I • ' endent ' s ' .' i  . "' ordinance i!dep o ...... a: such. ,ortlon .aid final report and petition for dis-i of record for salci Guardian, B. Franl¢- natlon h crelrom  invalid tribution willbe heardoa Frlday, the tin Heuston Angle Building, Shelton. as may oe aec!aru Effee¢ ' th day of April 1959 at the hour I Washington being' the place designed Sectlen 10 Date al , *ke effect and 9t' 19 am, at the Cou{'troom of the for the transaction of the business of This.ordinance sn ae,' itsaro :ason Cdu'nty Courthouse at Shelton, I sald guardianship, and file the same be in Iorce irom  .== v*, - Washington. with the Clerk of said Court, together val as required bY w: .......... DATED THIS 23rd day of March I with proof of service within e months re ular L.;oinlnlSlon 1 ' ' Introduced at 'g_  ..... 959, [after the first publlcetton of this no- 1959 rasseu arcn meeting, arch17, • ' HARRY DET1$TTE tle. to-wit: 26 March 1959, or aid 91, 1959. - MOORE Clerk of d Court. [claims will be forever barred. EARL 14, by: IRN]EIRE, ] . C.. ROTTER o n- Mayor __ Deputy ClerR. I u.arptan of t.]e l-eron a a ATTEI' rk Treasury-- " --r Gov-OBERT L, NrDER, I Estate or l*ertna v. munson Alma K, 'cairo, Cle FRM' Shay Buildlng JR. FRANKLIN HEUSTON APPROVED A_$..TO. ttorn  he!tbn, Weshlngton ] Attorney, for Guardian C. T. 1/iatton, Oity " 4/9 It .tawmy  mt t%tTb..4/2 9 16-4t A.ngle lldg., 8helten, W82.4/2 9 16 4t against said deceased are hereby re-' quired to erve the same, duly veri- fied, on the ttnderslgned Administra- tor or his attorneys of toeord at tte iaddress below stated and file the same with the Olerk of tim said court, to- get:her with proof of such service'with- in six months after' the date of fltst publication of this notice or the same will be barred. /s/ RICHARD C. ADAMS SR. Admtn|strator GLENN E, CORREA Attorney for' Estate Office lnd Post Office Address Bell Bldg.. 121 South 4tt Street Shell on, Washtngiou 3/26-4/2-9-16 4t Carl & Edna Good, win Of Pomona, California, EVERY NmHT AT 7:00 P.M. Except Monday & Saturday SUNDAY SERVICES 11 a.m, and 7 p.rn. SUNDAY SCHOOL for ,CARk AND ED,NA GOODWlN All Ages 9:45 a.m, EVANGELISTS s, m0, o, ,. 130 East Pine Mason Youn.glund, Pastor