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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 9, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 9, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Skilled TV Repairs By Top Technicians provide both for you. Only the tops in TV servloe can guarantee the best in. picture enjoyment. Let us Just Call On LEROY'S Television Sorvioe )1". VIEW 2218 Olymplo Hlway No. PHONE HA. 6-3172 tucm¢ tun pm|w,N@ OMPANV--VANUVL, WASk¢. IT'S LUCKY when you live in America This is the lifel Wide open fairways.., glass smooth greens.., good friends.., good e )orL And after the game ( you enjoy beer as much e you do golf) you'll really enjoy Lucky Lager. I DAYTON COMMUNITY l Hardtime Dance to be held at Dayton Hall Saturday, April 11, from 9:30 p,m. to 2:00 a.m. with deer. the Holloway orchestra providing the music Come dressed appropri- ately and win a prize for the best costume. The Community Club will hold its next meeting on Friday, April 10, at the hall. WE HEAR that an electric range has been purchased by the Community Club and Ladies' Club to be used in the hall kitchen. The Traveling Pinochle Club met on Saturday evening in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Lemke. High prize winners were Tavia Killough and Perry Rose Sr., low ---Ann Rose and Dari Goldy; Trav- eling Pinochle, Tavia Killough and Manley Michler. Mrs. Pearl Hoffee left on Friday for her home in Portland after spending two weeks with her sis- ter, Mrs. Gertrude Scott. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. John Young and family visited in Grand-: view at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Young. They brought home to stay with them little three year old Glenda Young Dinner guests of Ronnie Cochran on Monday evening were Donald Evans and Keith Ttbblts. Donald also was overnight guest. On Saturday the Henry Warnes family motored to Tacoma to shop and then visited Mr. and Mrs. Howard Rasor and family in Au- burn, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lamb of Lost Lake were Monday afternoon callers in the home of Mrs. Alia Lamb and Mrs. Elizabeth Comer. On Saturday and Sunday, :Mr. and Mrs A. W. Puderbaugh and Mr. and Mrs. George Puderbaugh and son Morris of Agate helped Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goldy on their house. Saturday hmcheon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold LeGarde werv Mr. and Mrs. Gall Allbrlght and children, Mrs. Merle Grimm and Don Anderson of Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Buechel vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. William Curtis of Adna on Sunday, Louis Morgan oi' Shelton called on Bud Rietdorf on Mondy evening. On Friday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dillenberg and children vis- ited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Hickson. LITTLE CINDY and James Clin- ton Tibbits were Saturday over- night guests of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Dell Adams. Jamic Hickson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Hickson, is spend- ing this week with Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hickson of Lake Nahwatzel. On Saturday, Mrs. Gertrude Scott attended a birthday party in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Scott of Shelton, honoring Mr. Scott Mrs. William M. Brown and sons and Mrs. Walter Chappel and chil- dren called on Mrs. Robert Goldy on Friday. On their way home from town k(ondy, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Tib- ItS h,l an unfortunate, accldenl whcn H OCtal' jlltllpc(l out in front of their car, It caused consider- THIS WEEK IN Washinglon Hislory An Olympia newspaper of April 8, 1871, announced that S. B. Par- dee of Gig Harbor was making oil from dog-fish. This fish so named is a kind of shark with long jaws and formidable teeth, which vis- ited Puget Sound in great numbers in the fall and was a source of food and oil for the Indians. The next year the North Pacific Com- mercial Company was incorporated under California laws with the ob- ject of taking dog-fish for oil. The works were located on Fox Island and the site was known as Castle- nook. The daily catch averaged SHELTON-MASON COLrNTY JOURNAL_ -- Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.," LJrv /AP.I='I 3,000 large fish taken by means v v • • m --n -mm,,  • of weirs, pounds, seines and traw- .+.:: sis. Egcellent glue could be made imlla from the heads, tails and fins of .. the fish, the liver processed for  ,CK? off, and the skin used occasionally I as sandpaper. The Castlenook es- mmll.,) m tablishment exported to France 1   many kegs and barrels of the for- i":J i] mer for glue. As the output in. n  creased it was the Intention of the 11 company to establish factories at +2 :1,I different points on the Sound and 'w: .... carry on an extensive business usib'0000]iRt am ii 00dii ° +c L u h m , Radio, Heater, Auto. TraDe., Driven 3,000 Miles by dealer's wife. *2495.00 1967 FOLIO 4.00011 STATION WAGON 4 New Tires, Radio, Heater, Automatic Transmission, Pews i Steering, 1959 Lloense 2195.00 1953 PONTIAC 4.1)0011 SEDAN Radio, heater, auto. trans., 2 new tires, exoellent tend. $695.00 1965 nOnOE PICKUP TRUOK $896.00 '/ Ton, 6 Cylinder, Long Box, Valves Ground '50 Ford Station Wagon. ....................... $245.00 8-Passenger, Runs Good, Looks Good 1956 Hillmn Husky Station Wagon .... $895.00 Valve grind, new rings 1950 Packard Sedan $345 Real Clean mmilmmm*wmllmmmmm mmmmmmmmNmmmmmmlmmmmmimmm mmmmmlmm ARE YOU CONFUSED ABOUT SMALL FOREIGN CARS? See and Drlve a HILLMAN MINX. Complete stock of Emergency Parts. ENJOY SPORT CAR PERFORMANCE HILLMAN DELUXE SEDAN $67.30 Per Monlh Mrs. Pearl Orr moved into the guest house of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Rietdorf on Sunday and plan to make her home there. Bill Roberts celebrated his elev- enth birthday on Saturday by hav- ing Mike Mcgee, Sandhi Rietdorf and Tom Bunnell for dinner guests. Wednesday afternoon callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Warnes were Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Warnes of Oakville and Mr. and Mrs. Alvie Warnes of Shelton. Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Marian Valley and Mr. Bill Kldd were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chur- chill of Shelton. MR. AND MRS. James Hickson and family took Gerz T Needham of East Olympia home on Sun- day after his two-week visit with them. Janie Chappell of Matlock spent the weekend with Barbara Goldy. On Sunday evening, Mr. and Mrs. William M. Brown and chil- dren called on Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Robertson of Arcadia. Jaks Goldy spent Saturday over- night with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Puderbaugh of Agate. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs Harold LeGarde were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dillenberg and children. Friday overnight guest of Bill Roberts was Tom Bunnell. Duane Kidd would like to take this means of thanking all those who helped him in the Journal contest. Ladies Club met on April 1 with, Mrs. Perry Rose Sr. as hostess  and the birthday of Mrs. Clifford Combs was observed. Next Ladies Club meeting will be on Wednesday, April 15, and Mrs. William Rietdorf will be hos- tess. THERE WILL RE a Mason County Homemakers annual spring! council meeting on Tuesday, April 14, to be held at the National Guard Armory in Shelton. Regis- tration begins at 10:00 a.m. and potluck luncheon will be served. There will be a speaker on heine safety. Fishing season will soon open and those fishermen going to the Panhandle 4-H camp are requested to register at the caretaker's cot- tage. The caretakers wish to thank all visitors of last year for their cooperation in this matter and all visitors are again asked to sign the registration 1ook this year. KAMILCHE NEWS LILLIWAUP NEWS The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Maude Crosby on the lFni(,n side of Hood Canal. Hood Canal Aq)man's club will hold their next meeting at the clubhouse in Potlatch April 16. Lunch will be served at 12:30. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Sceva o+ + Lilliwaup are visiting friends and relatives in southern California. Mesdames Christine Ahl, Allie Ahl and Ann Webb spent the day last week visiting Mrs. George Dickinson of the Skokomish Val- ley. They also visited Mr. Max Latzel of the valley. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Wstklns of Eldon visited their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Earl A. Frank of Seattle, over the weekend. While in Seattle they were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank at the tenth annual parade of the Seattle chapter of the So- ciety for the Preservation and En- ! couragement of Barber Shop Singing in America incorporation held at the Palomar Theater Sat- urday evening, April 4. The so- ciety is composed of men from all walks of life who gather together for the sole purpose of recreation- al singing in barber shop harmony. Real agate guides are long- wearing, beautiful and easy on the line Imitation agates are extreme- ly poor. SheIton, Washington By Mrs. Nell Vance Lilliwaup Community Club's next card party will be Vriday evening, At)ril 10, at Commtmity Hall in Lilliwaup. This will be the third party in a series of five and pinochle will be played, to start at 8 p.m. Mrs. Dorothy Swanson and Mrs. Rose Mile are hostesses for the evening. Hood Canal Garden Club met last Thursday at the Woman's Clubhouse in Potlatch. A delic- ious potluck lunch was served at 12:30. Mrs. Beulah Worl was hostess. The tables were beauti- ful with their decorations of ivy and daffodils. Thc meeting was called to order at 1:45 by the president, Mrs. Jenny Hoff. Seventeen members answered roll call and there was one visitor, Mrs. Turner of Union, who joined the club. A report was given on the district rose.ring held March 17 at Port Angeles. The club voted to entertain the Olympic District Federation of Garden Clubs the 21st of July. The Rose luncheon to be held June 21 was discussed. Plans for the luncheon will be formulated at the May meeting. Mrs. Nina Miller gave a very interesting talk on wild flowers. play ball n no fright.. shatterproof panels by Thursda / Rom Avoo Leaf L ouo Aflno PRICES ARE EFFECTIVE NOON THURS., Fltl., SAT., APRIL 9-10-11 Right to Limit Reserved 20th CENTURY On/////crest Pauley Motors Dodge - Plymouth Agency ,ST AND RAILROAD" PHONE HA 6-8183 iiiii ull iiiii l iii iii i i I Nickel plating is employed ex- tensively for electroformtng, par- ticularly in the manufacture of forming dies for plastic and rub- bur, where high strength and wear- resistance are required. Grocery Saturday, April 11, to fi- nance a trip to Seattle to preent scrapbooks to the Orthopedic Ho pttal. Mrs. Zeta Waldrip was ad- mitted to a Shelton hospital Sun- day for treatment of a bad cold. Mrs. William Moore of St. Maries, Idaho, and Clarence Moore and two children of Olympia were Thursday evening guests of the R. F. Keyzers Mr. and Mrs. William Boice of Bremerton were Friday evening dinner guests of the Herb Nelsons. Marlene Johns of the Skokomish Valley spent the weekend in the Bud Greene home with Sherry. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Nelson of Seattle and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Green of Bremerton were Sunday guests of the Herb and Art Nel- son familias. Mr. and Mrs. John Akin and two sons of Salem, Ore., were weekend guests of the R. F. Key- zers. Lyle Alverson took Denny and Alan Wagner, Donald Clary, Ed- die Keyzers and Da'vid Alverson to the show "The Shaggy Dog" tn Olympia Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Jordan and Dianne of Olympia were Sunday guests of the Edwin Pettys. Mm- Carr) are the parents of a new baby girl. She was named Virginia Ann, was born the 25th of March and has a brother at home. They lived in Fairburg, Illinois. Mr. W. B. Immbert was taken to Scaftle Sunday for an opera- tion at the Swedish hospital Mon- daYlr, and Mrs. Ernest Booth and son, George, and Mr. and Mrs, Tom Nelson and two girls were Sunday dinner guests of the Art Nelsons, Mrs. Ludell West and son, Troy, are both in a Sheiton hospital with the flu. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sigo and daughter spent the weekend at the Sol Duc Hot Springs. Dennis Whitener left last Fri- :day evening for San Diego, Calif., to join the Navy. Arlene Ellison was admitted to the Shelton Hospital Sunday with measles and double pneumonia. The Reverend and Mrs. B. W. :Ellmarorth and two sons were called to Port Angeles Saturday due to the serious illness of his mother. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Simmons i and two children spent the week- end in Portland, Ore., with her sister, the Dave George family. Mr. and Mrs. Albert IGault, Sr., of Cloquallam were Monday evening guess of the Alvin Nag- eln. The Rcverenfl A. W. Graham spent a couple of days in the hos- pital last week for treatment of a kidney ailment. Judge and Mrs. Howard Zim- merman of Astoria, Ore.., were Saturday guests of the Bruce Nel- son family. i The Kamllche Hustlers 4-H club will hold a bake sale at Lamberts By Grace Petty Don't forget Progress Grange's 50th anniversary party at the Ka- milche hall this Saturday evening, April llth. Visitors welcome. Word was received Monday that Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Trtbley (nee SKINLFS Wieners JAMES HENRY BRAND )€ Ib AA Mud. DOZEN CALIF. GIANT STRIDES NEW PEAS. 2 Ibs. 290 EX. FANCY WASH. GROWN Winesap Apples. lb. 10 0 6HUR-FRESH - 10-OZ. 28-OZ. BOTTLE OF CLEANER 7€ OFF DETERGENT " • 0 0 of! BabyLnmas. 2/45 NEWGENIE ...... ................... 65 OXYDOL ........................... SaHUR-FRESHnm- 10,OZ. . . 16-OZ. CLEANER PINK DISHWASHER !. Blackle's lO lANk; roza nat s .o,,da, Who or Ha,, 11 uumqm Bi r New .Crop ShaRers €  | 3 WE ALe ,€ lb. Ib Farm Fresh BRUCE'S FLOOR CLEANER ..................... oU S.O.S. PADS Minute Maid 5/*1 fi-OZ. CANS .... CONET CLEANSER 2/330 GENTLE BLEACH - 3€ OFF " PUREX ............................. 29' GIANT SIZE . . . 2/49¢ 14-0Z. Creamy ................... 18-oz. t Hunt's .................. 8-oz. 6/49 White, Family Size ............................ 80 Pak 10 ( For Your Spring Cleaning/ FINE FOR FLOORSI PEANUT BUTTER TOMATO SAUCE ZEE NAPKINS i ii fresh Frozen Foods ORANGE JUICE SOFTASILK CAKE FLOUR ...... 2-lb. Pkg. TABLE SYRUP Tastewell ........................ 24-oz. Skippy PACK NO. 1 I CANS FOR .. LUNCHE01 12-OZ. I CANS FRANCO-AM 3 SPAGHq OZ. CANS . • • VITAl:g] Dog or Car I MEAT SOUPS, CHICKEN SOUPS OR MUSHROOM 0 mnhvim imm00 +Campbell'SNO. 1TiNS .... c6/)1 DEVILED HAH Underwood ........ 4-oz. 3/Sl ++'q '-t -'' MAZOLA 01L ....................... : .......... Quart.o.,e 53+ PEANUT BUTTER BlG TOPGlassOesignfromWaltDls- 43 ney Movie "Sleeping Beauty" 9-Oz. Jar STOCK-UP NOW ON QUAUTY FOODS AT LOWEST PRIOESt wAttS , nctcuess • IqNCu oat.. ,,Anrr, o,.m • ,, ,,ore. sc,ms S o. Panel--11.10 • 34x120-1nch Panel---$13.90 • 34x144-1nch Panel"J} / 34x96.1nch m LAWTON LUMBER COMPANY "+*"'.4pHONE HA Skilled TV Repairs By Top Technicians provide both for you. Only the tops in TV servloe can guarantee the best in. picture enjoyment. Let us Just Call On LEROY'S Television Sorvioe )1". VIEW 2218 Olymplo Hlway No. PHONE HA. 6-3172 tucm¢ tun pm|w,N@ OMPANV--VANUVL, WASk¢. IT'S LUCKY when you live in America This is the lifel Wide open fairways.., glass smooth greens.., good friends.., good e )orL And after the game ( you enjoy beer as much e you do golf) you'll really enjoy Lucky Lager. I DAYTON COMMUNITY l Hardtime Dance to be held at Dayton Hall Saturday, April 11, from 9:30 p,m. to 2:00 a.m. with deer. the Holloway orchestra providing the music Come dressed appropri- ately and win a prize for the best costume. The Community Club will hold its next meeting on Friday, April 10, at the hall. WE HEAR that an electric range has been purchased by the Community Club and Ladies' Club to be used in the hall kitchen. The Traveling Pinochle Club met on Saturday evening in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Lemke. High prize winners were Tavia Killough and Perry Rose Sr., low ---Ann Rose and Dari Goldy; Trav- eling Pinochle, Tavia Killough and Manley Michler. Mrs. Pearl Hoffee left on Friday for her home in Portland after spending two weeks with her sis- ter, Mrs. Gertrude Scott. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. John Young and family visited in Grand-: view at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Young. They brought home to stay with them little three year old Glenda Young Dinner guests of Ronnie Cochran on Monday evening were Donald Evans and Keith Ttbblts. Donald also was overnight guest. On Saturday the Henry Warnes family motored to Tacoma to shop and then visited Mr. and Mrs. Howard Rasor and family in Au- burn, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lamb of Lost Lake were Monday afternoon callers in the home of Mrs. Alia Lamb and Mrs. Elizabeth Comer. On Saturday and Sunday, :Mr. and Mrs A. W. Puderbaugh and Mr. and Mrs. George Puderbaugh and son Morris of Agate helped Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goldy on their house. Saturday hmcheon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold LeGarde werv Mr. and Mrs. Gall Allbrlght and children, Mrs. Merle Grimm and Don Anderson of Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Buechel vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. William Curtis of Adna on Sunday, Louis Morgan oi' Shelton called on Bud Rietdorf on Mondy evening. On Friday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dillenberg and children vis- ited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Hickson. LITTLE CINDY and James Clin- ton Tibbits were Saturday over- night guests of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Dell Adams. Jamic Hickson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Hickson, is spend- ing this week with Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hickson of Lake Nahwatzel. On Saturday, Mrs. Gertrude Scott attended a birthday party in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Scott of Shelton, honoring Mr. Scott Mrs. William M. Brown and sons and Mrs. Walter Chappel and chil- dren called on Mrs. Robert Goldy on Friday. On their way home from town k(ondy, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Tib- ItS h,l an unfortunate, accldenl whcn H OCtal' jlltllpc(l out in front of their car, It caused consider- THIS WEEK IN Washinglon Hislory An Olympia newspaper of April 8, 1871, announced that S. B. Par- dee of Gig Harbor was making oil from dog-fish. This fish so named is a kind of shark with long jaws and formidable teeth, which vis- ited Puget Sound in great numbers in the fall and was a source of food and oil for the Indians. The next year the North Pacific Com- mercial Company was incorporated under California laws with the ob- ject of taking dog-fish for oil. The works were located on Fox Island and the site was known as Castle- nook. The daily catch averaged SHELTON-MASON COLrNTY JOURNAL_ -- Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.," LJrv /AP.I='I 3,000 large fish taken by means v v • • m --n -mm,,  • of weirs, pounds, seines and traw- .+.:: sis. Egcellent glue could be made imlla from the heads, tails and fins of .. the fish, the liver processed for  ,CK? off, and the skin used occasionally I as sandpaper. The Castlenook es- mmll.,) m tablishment exported to France 1   many kegs and barrels of the for- i":J i] mer for glue. As the output in. n  creased it was the Intention of the 11 company to establish factories at +2 :1,I different points on the Sound and 'w: .... carry on an extensive business usib'0000]iRt am ii 00dii ° +c L u h m , Radio, Heater, Auto. TraDe., Driven 3,000 Miles by dealer's wife. *2495.00 1967 FOLIO 4.00011 STATION WAGON 4 New Tires, Radio, Heater, Automatic Transmission, Pews i Steering, 1959 Lloense 2195.00 1953 PONTIAC 4.1)0011 SEDAN Radio, heater, auto. trans., 2 new tires, exoellent tend. $695.00 1965 nOnOE PICKUP TRUOK $896.00 '/ Ton, 6 Cylinder, Long Box, Valves Ground '50 Ford Station Wagon. ....................... $245.00 8-Passenger, Runs Good, Looks Good 1956 Hillmn Husky Station Wagon .... $895.00 Valve grind, new rings 1950 Packard Sedan $345 Real Clean mmilmmm*wmllmmmmm mmmmmmmmNmmmmmmlmmmmmimmm mmmmmlmm ARE YOU CONFUSED ABOUT SMALL FOREIGN CARS? See and Drlve a HILLMAN MINX. Complete stock of Emergency Parts. ENJOY SPORT CAR PERFORMANCE HILLMAN DELUXE SEDAN $67.30 Per Monlh Mrs. Pearl Orr moved into the guest house of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Rietdorf on Sunday and plan to make her home there. Bill Roberts celebrated his elev- enth birthday on Saturday by hav- ing Mike Mcgee, Sandhi Rietdorf and Tom Bunnell for dinner guests. Wednesday afternoon callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Warnes were Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Warnes of Oakville and Mr. and Mrs. Alvie Warnes of Shelton. Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Marian Valley and Mr. Bill Kldd were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chur- chill of Shelton. MR. AND MRS. James Hickson and family took Gerz T Needham of East Olympia home on Sun- day after his two-week visit with them. Janie Chappell of Matlock spent the weekend with Barbara Goldy. On Sunday evening, Mr. and Mrs. William M. Brown and chil- dren called on Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Robertson of Arcadia. Jaks Goldy spent Saturday over- night with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Puderbaugh of Agate. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs Harold LeGarde were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dillenberg and children. Friday overnight guest of Bill Roberts was Tom Bunnell. Duane Kidd would like to take this means of thanking all those who helped him in the Journal contest. Ladies Club met on April 1 with, Mrs. Perry Rose Sr. as hostess  and the birthday of Mrs. Clifford Combs was observed. Next Ladies Club meeting will be on Wednesday, April 15, and Mrs. William Rietdorf will be hos- tess. THERE WILL RE a Mason County Homemakers annual spring! council meeting on Tuesday, April 14, to be held at the National Guard Armory in Shelton. Regis- tration begins at 10:00 a.m. and potluck luncheon will be served. There will be a speaker on heine safety. Fishing season will soon open and those fishermen going to the Panhandle 4-H camp are requested to register at the caretaker's cot- tage. The caretakers wish to thank all visitors of last year for their cooperation in this matter and all visitors are again asked to sign the registration 1ook this year. KAMILCHE NEWS LILLIWAUP NEWS The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Maude Crosby on the lFni(,n side of Hood Canal. Hood Canal Aq)man's club will hold their next meeting at the clubhouse in Potlatch April 16. Lunch will be served at 12:30. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Sceva o+ + Lilliwaup are visiting friends and relatives in southern California. Mesdames Christine Ahl, Allie Ahl and Ann Webb spent the day last week visiting Mrs. George Dickinson of the Skokomish Val- ley. They also visited Mr. Max Latzel of the valley. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Wstklns of Eldon visited their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Earl A. Frank of Seattle, over the weekend. While in Seattle they were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank at the tenth annual parade of the Seattle chapter of the So- ciety for the Preservation and En- ! couragement of Barber Shop Singing in America incorporation held at the Palomar Theater Sat- urday evening, April 4. The so- ciety is composed of men from all walks of life who gather together for the sole purpose of recreation- al singing in barber shop harmony. Real agate guides are long- wearing, beautiful and easy on the line Imitation agates are extreme- ly poor. SheIton, Washington By Mrs. Nell Vance Lilliwaup Community Club's next card party will be Vriday evening, At)ril 10, at Commtmity Hall in Lilliwaup. This will be the third party in a series of five and pinochle will be played, to start at 8 p.m. Mrs. Dorothy Swanson and Mrs. Rose Mile are hostesses for the evening. Hood Canal Garden Club met last Thursday at the Woman's Clubhouse in Potlatch. A delic- ious potluck lunch was served at 12:30. Mrs. Beulah Worl was hostess. The tables were beauti- ful with their decorations of ivy and daffodils. Thc meeting was called to order at 1:45 by the president, Mrs. Jenny Hoff. Seventeen members answered roll call and there was one visitor, Mrs. Turner of Union, who joined the club. A report was given on the district rose.ring held March 17 at Port Angeles. The club voted to entertain the Olympic District Federation of Garden Clubs the 21st of July. The Rose luncheon to be held June 21 was discussed. Plans for the luncheon will be formulated at the May meeting. Mrs. Nina Miller gave a very interesting talk on wild flowers. play ball n no fright.. shatterproof panels by Thursda / Rom Avoo Leaf L ouo Afln0 PRICES ARE EFFECTIVE NOON THURS., Fltl., SAT., APRIL 9-10-11 Right to Limit Reserved 20th CENTURY On/////crest Pauley Motors Dodge - Plymouth Agency ,ST AND RAILROAD" PHONE HA 6-8183 iiiii ull iiiii l iii iii i i I Nickel plating is employed ex- tensively for electroformtng, par- ticularly in the manufacture of forming dies for plastic and rub- bur, where high strength and wear- resistance are required. Grocery Saturday, April 11, to fi- nance a trip to Seattle to preent scrapbooks to the Orthopedic Ho pttal. Mrs. Zeta Waldrip was ad- mitted to a Shelton hospital Sun- day for treatment of a bad cold. Mrs. William Moore of St. Maries, Idaho, and Clarence Moore and two children of Olympia were Thursday evening guests of the R. F. Keyzers Mr. and Mrs. William Boice of Bremerton were Friday evening dinner guests of the Herb Nelsons. Marlene Johns of the Skokomish Valley spent the weekend in the Bud Greene home with Sherry. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Nelson of Seattle and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Green of Bremerton were Sunday guests of the Herb and Art Nel- son familias. Mr. and Mrs. John Akin and two sons of Salem, Ore., were weekend guests of the R. F. Key- zers. Lyle Alverson took Denny and Alan Wagner, Donald Clary, Ed- die Keyzers and Da'vid Alverson to the show "The Shaggy Dog" tn Olympia Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Jordan and Dianne of Olympia were Sunday guests of the Edwin Pettys. Mm- Carr) are the parents of a new baby girl. She was named Virginia Ann, was born the 25th of March and has a brother at home. They lived in Fairburg, Illinois. Mr. W. B. Immbert was taken to Scaftle Sunday for an opera- tion at the Swedish hospital Mon- daYlr, and Mrs. Ernest Booth and son, George, and Mr. and Mrs, Tom Nelson and two girls were Sunday dinner guests of the Art Nelsons, Mrs. Ludell West and son, Troy, are both in a Sheiton hospital with the flu. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sigo and daughter spent the weekend at the Sol Duc Hot Springs. Dennis Whitener left last Fri- :day evening for San Diego, Calif., to join the Navy. Arlene Ellison was admitted to the Shelton Hospital Sunday with measles and double pneumonia. The Reverend and Mrs. B. W. :Ellmarorth and two sons were called to Port Angeles Saturday due to the serious illness of his mother. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Simmons i and two children spent the week- end in Portland, Ore., with her sister, the Dave George family. Mr. and Mrs. Albert IGault, Sr., of Cloquallam were Monday evening guess of the Alvin Nag- eln. The Rcverenfl A. W. Graham spent a couple of days in the hos- pital last week for treatment of a kidney ailment. Judge and Mrs. Howard Zim- merman of Astoria, Ore.., were Saturday guests of the Bruce Nel- son family. i The Kamllche Hustlers 4-H club will hold a bake sale at Lamberts By Grace Petty Don't forget Progress Grange's 50th anniversary party at the Ka- milche hall this Saturday evening, April llth. Visitors welcome. Word was received Monday that Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Trtbley (nee SKINLFS Wieners JAMES HENRY BRAND )€ Ib AA Mud. DOZEN CALIF. GIANT STRIDES NEW PEAS. 2 Ibs. 290 EX. FANCY WASH. GROWN Winesap Apples. lb. 10 0 6HUR-FRESH - 10-OZ. 28-OZ. BOTTLE OF CLEANER 7€ OFF DETERGENT " • 0 0 of! BabyLnmas. 2/45 NEWGENIE ...... ................... 65 OXYDOL ........................... SaHUR-FRESHnm- 10,OZ. . . 16-OZ. CLEANER PINK DISHWASHER !. Blackle's lO lANk; roza nat s .o,,da, Who or Ha,, 11 uumqm Bi r New .Crop ShaRers €  | 3 WE ALe ,€ lb. Ib Farm Fresh BRUCE'S FLOOR CLEANER ..................... oU S.O.S. PADS Minute Maid 5/*1 fi-OZ. CANS .... CONET CLEANSER 2/330 GENTLE BLEACH - 3€ OFF " PUREX ............................. 29' GIANT SIZE . . . 2/49¢ 14-0Z. Creamy ................... 18-oz. t Hunt's .................. 8-oz. 6/49 White, Family Size ............................ 80 Pak 10 ( For Your Spring Cleaning/ FINE FOR FLOORSI PEANUT BUTTER TOMATO SAUCE ZEE NAPKINS i ii fresh Frozen Foods ORANGE JUICE SOFTASILK CAKE FLOUR ...... 2-lb. Pkg. TABLE SYRUP Tastewell ........................ 24-oz. Skippy PACK NO. 1 I CANS FOR .. LUNCHE01 12-OZ. I CANS FRANCO-AM 3 SPAGHq OZ. CANS . • • VITAl:g] Dog or Car I MEAT SOUPS, CHICKEN SOUPS OR MUSHROOM 0 mnhvim imm00 +Campbell'SNO. 1TiNS .... c6/)1 DEVILED HAH Underwood ........ 4-oz. 3/Sl ++'q '-t -'' MAZOLA 01L ....................... : .......... Quart.o.,e 53+ PEANUT BUTTER BlG TOPGlassOesignfromWaltDls- 43 ney Movie "Sleeping Beauty" 9-Oz. Jar STOCK-UP NOW ON QUAUTY FOODS AT LOWEST PRIOESt wAttS , nctcuess • IqNCu oat.. ,,Anrr, o,.m • ,, ,,ore. sc,ms S o. Panel--11.10 • 34x120-1nch Panel---$13.90 • 34x144-1nch Panel"J} / 34x96.1nch m LAWTON LUMBER COMPANY "+*"'.4pHONE HA