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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 9, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 9, 1964
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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{: Easier Observed Late In Alaska The .;cent,, Almh,,rn!U?, AI'IMut; the dale, Sunday, April 5; lhe bul- h'tin boqrd in rl,otll I)f All Saiill~ Episcolml eltorch read "Today ];~ Easier Sunday." AeLually il wa~ a week after Ii]asler, bill dHe lo lilt:: Good Fri(lay quakewhie]'t Wret:l~ed tl', a new biography of that fascinat- ing enigma; and "Land without justice", Milovan Djilas' story ot his youth in Montenegro. The great consequences of, the war are described in Ednmnd Ta'y- lor's "The fall of the dynasties: the collapse of the old order, 1905-1922". Two new books about Woodrow Wilson have appeared. "When the cheering stopped", about the last years of tile Presi- dent, is now on the best-seller list. A complete story of his life is found in "Woodrow Wilson, a brief biography", by Arthur S. Thur,~day, ON MT. VIEW ervations is controlled by the tri- bal councils, he said, and in many cases very well controlled. But should unrestricted fishing rights be granted, the few who are in- clined to disregard the future would then have no controls on their activities either by the trib- al councils or the Fish and Game Department either as to where the fish were taken or by what means, including electronic guidance of the fish from which- there is no escape. Should unrestricted fishing" by the Indians become verified a~ lawful, the next step to be expect- ed, he ifidicated, might well be un- restricted hunting. It was pointed out that in Oregon, where a court decision out of Federal court in California had prohib~ed the Fish and Game Department personnel from interferring with any fish- ing or hunting done by Indians, and where sale of such game is not prohibited, actual truckloads of game were hauled in and sold by the few who took advantage of the situation. The presentation was completed with a question and answer per- iod indicating great interest by the audience in the problem and during which time it was pointed out that if there is to be a future of fish and game there must be an upsurge of publi~ interest and activity in contacts to legislator's in Washington D.C. -the toughest rubber everused in Goodyear tires. Up to 25% more durablel , 3-T NYLON CORD NO MONEY DOWN "k FREE MOUNTING All-WeatherWHiTEWALLS! [ TUBE-TI PE All types '6.70 x 15 .$13.70 BLACKWALLSi 7.Z0 x !5 Z6.25 7.6Ox zS zT,?o TUBELESS ' .... SIZE Blaekwall Pricsl I SIZE Blsekwall PrieSt 6.00 x 13 $12.25 I 6.70X 15 $15.80 6.50 x 13 ]3.30 7.10 X 15 ]7.95 7.50 x 14 15.80 7.60 X 15 19.70 8.00 x 14 17.95 8.00 x 15 22.35 8.50 x 14 19.70 8.20 X 15 22.35 *All prices plui tax snd fire off your Car, [~i n k. Although in dominates the means all of life it. A wu'iety of nisemmes ab(;ut th ly with personal was siniphw than", I,ouella Grace her ehildh(~od in jusl after the nor's "Au only growinK np m I1 in the Irish ley's hooks, Thika", and "Oil RilL", :|]'e jllSl bef~l'e and 1 errib]e yearS. "A farewell to quiet on tile lwo of the the %Var. during that \vilrl ilTle yea "Worhl's 440 Lb. Capat Air-Sweep She cient freezing. Deep Door She front" storage. Bulk Package shaped items. Ea.~ and ~) 419 Phone Closed 6 a.m. Sunday 'til 6 a.m. ~4 NoW Only tLdessblack u GOODYEAR NATION-WIDE -. e.00x sta sna lira off csr. :: RN2mo~!s .ME! T~: .~iUlasA* NRo IAIm RN!tFr~d No .... I ,' No limit as to speed • For the sntlre life of the tread ALL NEW GOODYEAR AUTO TIRES ARE GUARANTEED agalnSt defects in workmanship and materiels and normal road hazards, "~ except repairable PUnctures. IF A GOODYEAR TIRE FAILS UNDER THIS GUARANTEE ~ny of more than 80,000 Goodyear dealers In the United States and Canada will make 'allowance on a new tire •based on original tread depth remaining and current -Goodyear Price." Ask about our FREE 10.Point Safety Check! We will check your brakes, front lights, rear lights, steer- ing, tires, exhaust system, glass, windshield wipers, r~ar.t view mirrors and horn..;FREEl BALANCING BATTERIES le 19TH & PAC. AVE. TACOMA FRONT & GROVE SHELTON 5TH & E M'~