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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 9, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 9, 1964
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9, 1964 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in "'Christmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington }:)AGE 3 TO BE NEW HOME IE in Newfoundland, Canada is in the near future Mr. and Mrs Norman E Langevin who were Edward,s Catholic church Jan 17 by Rev. Mark bride is the former Shirley Ann Kopperman, .and Mrs. Lyle Barnhard, Shelton. He is the son mgevin, Rhode Island. The Langevins have been where he is stationed with the U. S• Navy. Open Installation ]RECEPTION HONORS NEWLYWEDS Of New 0ES Officers Saturday Welconle Chapter No. 40, Or- der of the Eastern ~¢ltal' will hold its 70th annual installation of of- ficers at 8 p.m. this Saturday in the Masonic Temple. The cere- mony will be open to members and friends. Mrs. Bessie Hall will be installed as worthy matron and Edward Auseth as worthy patron. Mrs. Jua~ita Potter and Victor Ellison, retiling leaders, will pre- side• Other elective officers to be in- stalled are Mrs. Evelyn Ellison, as- sociate matron; Samuel Magruder, associate patron; Mrs. Florence Weeks, secretary; Mrs. Florence Taylor, treasurer; Mrs. Mary Anne Beach, conductress. Appointive officers include Mrs. Norma Larson, chaplain; Mrs. Ed- na Auseth, marshal; Mrs. Violet Cole, organist; Miss Edith Mayer, Adah; Mrs. Dorothy Phillips, Ruth; Mrs. Elsie Seljcstad, E~- ther; Mrs. Helene Biehl, Martha; Mrs. Mildred Blackwelder, Electa: Mrs. Helen Stansbury, warder; and Ira Stansbury, sentinel. A reception will be held in the dining room following the instal- lation• Mrs. Goldschmid Is Series Winner Awards to the winners of recent Individual Series which concluded March 30 were made Monday by the Shelton Duplicate Bridge Club. Over-all winner was Mrs. Gusti Goldschmid, followed by runner- up Bob Quimby, with Rose Quim- by carrying off the consolation third prize. In Monday night's play North- South winners, with eight tables in play, were: Mal'tien Stroud and Gordon Bennett, Bill Lucke and Dexter Edge, Gusti Goldschmid and Connie Travis. East-West win- ners: Neff Bell and Jim Fletcher, Anne and Bill Batchelor, Tuey Schumacher and Lou Hartley. ..... ~•: _ i i .... ......... ::.::~ ..:; :::~ .................... " : ................ 2:_ MR• AND MRS. DONALD C. ANDERSON A reception honoring newly wed Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Anderson was held March 27 at the LDS clmpel in Shelton. The Andersons were lnarried March 21 in the Re- lief society room of the Nyssa LDS church, Nyssa, Ore. The ]~ride is the former Miss Avon Lucille Pe- terson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Peterson of Nyssa. Parents of the bridegroom are Mr. and ROSS SELECTED ST. EDWAR D'S CY0 MAY FES!TIVAL QUEEN JOAN ROSS (left) has been selected to be Queen of St. Edward's CYO May Festival. Princesses are (above, left to right) Kelly Fredson, Melody Morgan and Judy Smith. Flower girls for the occasion will be Janna Rhodes, Tammy Wolden, Marilyn Timpani and Kathleen Byrne. The May festival will be held at 2 p.m. May 3 in St. Edward's Catholic church. Fifteen visiting queens from CYO Teen Clubs in the Western Deanery will participate in the coronation ceremony. Leading the procession will be Fran Dern- mort, retiring queen, and Jennie and Jerrie Cross. Seventy-eight Confraternity of Christian Doctrine students will participate in the living rosary with 150 CCD students in grades one thru eight parti- cipating in the ceremony, General chairman of the affair is Kathy Flower. Organist will be Mrs• Ted Wittenberg. The benediction will be given by Rev. Mark Weichmann, OSB. Junior High To Dem.ocrals Set Present ,Concert Prec:ncl Caucuses In Akn,Anan Anr'-I I/1[ The Mason County Democl•at ca| ~m~|M~u|a ~ali a-~ ,party will Ilold precinct caucuses The Shelton Junior High Sclloolfor 16 precincts at the Court music department will present the House at 8 p.m. Am'il 13. second of two annual spring con, Caucu "1 -" pi • . • ses wl 1 be hold lot (2a_- cert prod;rams next Tuesday eve- itol Hill,• Mt. View precincts and ning, April 14, at 8 p.m. in the Shelton city precincts 1-14. include the J'unior High Advancedium ," .......... ........... x~m ee seiecteu at the meet- man(/ under tnd fllrectlon OI (~ary in~r Nicloy, and the 9th Grade Choi]-, "'-°' undel: tim direction of Pat Havens. ~u .... ~=--=: ............ n ..... Also included in the pl'ogram are /nree bne|ton noys several small ensembles. -- _ • _ _ Advanced tickets are being sold ~r-nrA ~|p'~ 11111 ToQ~ ......... " '- llusic.~--v.~ =w.~•• m•• IVVav ny par[mlpatlng Jr. rng.n I " T1 1 the nee Shelton H~gh School sen ians or may be purchase( at : . " ~ ' ." - door at 50"cforadults and30c }.ors achieved perfect scores on .... tne Air Force Oualifying Test, lor SLuoen[s . ~, , ___ ' _______ which all senior boys t()ok some tnne ~go Shime!k Plays Percussion ^ • ~. ~r.~...~.._ . ~ ...... ~arl Dugger, Jonathan Gain and Ill k.~ Ill ll~llll3 qk.l'l-uu • Toni S ,} l~ l chlagel got perfect scores. • JerryShimel¢, son of Drand Reples tivo.~ of tl~o Air • * ' . entat ....... i i ......... ]~ lVfrs. J. T. Shimek of Shelton andForce, Al•my, Navy Marines and a 1961 gl:aduate of Shelton Coast Gnarcl spoke' to the boys high school is playing m the perat a Bo . " , ," . . . " y's Club assembly last CtlSSiOI1 section of tile western week. " Washhlgton State College sym- ,, ,u ........... • , • ~-t~ utaL n~eetlng, i.lle Air tPoree pnol.~lC orcnestra,, ............ I'epresentalixe, said th'lt anlong rlls parents enjoyeo nettt'mg cue the 21 h"'.... ' " " ' ' . I~l/ SChOOlS In Ills area. orchestra, . in Ehna recently•, .°ne Shclton. n~ga":-'" t)oys- ~ ranicea"'~- ' trio' ~ ' of its stops on a 9-corlcerl; Lollr hlo.ho~f covering three days dnrlng spIlng ""~ ....... vacation. Jerry took l~is first two years of higher education at Ska- git Valley Junior College at Mt. Vernon before transferring to WWSC at Bellinghaln this year. Shelton (ieneral Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Matthews, Star Rt. 2 Box 1[12 A, a g~'l, April 2. Mr. and Mrs. l~ay Cordis, Star Rt. 1 Box 87, a boy, April 5, Mr. and Mrs. Charles l~ubert, P.O. Box 11, Hoodsport, a boy, April 7. Mr. and Mrs. Ancil Ogg, P.O. Box 402, a boy, April 7. ~VARC MEETING The regular meeting of the Ma- son County Chapter of WARC will be held at 8 p.m. next Wed- ncsday at the clubhouse oll Cap- itol hill. 7 Past Chefs Attend 40 & 8 Annual Fete Seven Chefs de Gare Passe were on hand last Thursday for the an- nlial past chefs night of 40 & 8 Voiture 135, held at Lake Cush- nlall Resort., One was Harold Lakehllrg, who was serving as Chef de Gore ol Voitul'e 151, Thurslon .Conllly IlL. o- the time Voiture 1,,O was revived in 19,t5. Others included Ed Fau- bert 1946, Gib Ruekcr 1952, John I,,uhm :1960-61, Ernie Campbell 19- 62, Frank Travis 1963 (serving as e.hairnmn for the night). 40 & 8 Chapeaus were presented .Ioe l~.anl¢ and Buek Armstrong, newest voyageurs of Voitnre 135. WEDNESDAY MEETING DATF FOR AMARANTH Laurel Com't No. 26 Order ot Anlal'anth will hold its regular i]leeting at 8 p.m. next Wednes- day at the Masonic telnpk~. There will be election of officers. All nlemt) are lu'ged to attend. RMHL Lueille Speeee and RPSK Charles Wright will preside. Re- freshments will be served follow. inS the meeting. .... !idj a, ciymn:::l's Club will vicN]~ixt LM:nda~'l~So;e~ieti~glil~f thl~ b n Potluck s°~lasi~°~;eSte~S~nefit resulted ill State Nurses Association COnvention in Yakima this Wednesday 'elyn Fagergren (left) and Hazel Burnett convention is Legal Responsibility. The Will give reports of their trip at a no ,at 7 p.m. next Tuesday at the Timbers =t~.A members are urged to make reser- ms Week with Nancy Cunningham. _ Mrs. Olaf L. Anderson of Shelton Assisting with serving a3~d gifts at the reception were Laurie Rog- ers, Mrs. Harold Kvenild, aunt oi the groom, Mrs.. Spencer Myers, his cousin, Mintie Ahern and Jim Nielsen. A duet was sung by Jane Roach and Marie Taylor lind a solo by Mildred Greenwalt. They were ac- companied by Maxine Nielsen• May Axelson read a poem which had been submitted by NeLffe Glaser. The bride is a graduate of Brig- ham Young University and is pre- sently employed at the Swedish hospital in Seattle. Her husband is studying at the University ot Washington. Following a wedding trip al(mg the Paci~c coast, the newlyweds are now residing at 4505 Eastern Ave., Seattle. Today, Tlnlrsday, April !) Golden Age Chib, 12 noon pot- hick, Melnorial Hall. Rotary Chib hnlcheon, nooll, Mine' Tree. ShelLon Yacht Club rumnmge sale, 9 a,m. - 4:30 ll.m., PUD hldg. Shelton-Mason Colmty Chamber oi Commerce Apl'il prograln, din- ner 7, agenda 8 p.ln., Timbers Restau rant. ttigh school baseball, Shelton vs. North Kitsap, 3:30 p.m., Loop Fieht. Friday, April 10 Rnhy Rebekah Lodge, 8 l).m., IOOF Hall. Mason County Homelnakers As- sociation plant and rulnmage sale, PUD building. SEY Cluh, 6 p.ln., potluck din- l:er nleetiug, church hasemenl. Pa.trick T. Orthopedic Gitild runnnage sale, i0 a.m. to 5 t).m., next to public liblary. Junior high school" track, Shel- hm vs. Jefferson of Olympia, 4 p.ln., Loop Field. Saturday, April I i Drivers' license examiner, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., police station. FOE card party, S p.ln., airport hall. ~alty Sashayers Square Dance Club, 8:30 p.ln., Menml'ial l-]all. Sunday, April 12 Shelton churches invite you to attend tile church of your "choice, Monda.y, April 13 PUD No. 3 colnlnission's lnect- ing, 1 p.ln., PUD eomlnission room. Shelton Bridge Club, 7:30 p.m., PUD bldg. County connnission's meeting. 10 a.m., coui'thouse. Coin Club, 7:30 p.ln., PUD bale. Vickie Lee Guild, 8 p.m., homc :of Mrs. Gordon Costa Tuesday, April 14 Kiwanis Club luncheon, noon, Mclnorial Hall. City commission's meeting 2, "city troll. School" board mccting, 8 p.ln., Evergreen school. 4-H leaders council meeting, 8 p.m., extension office. ~Vednesday, April 15 Drivers license examiner, 10 P,., BPW dinner, 6:30 ll.Ul., Tinl- bets Motel. Meeting follows at the home of Elht Chase. Thnrsda,y,'iI I(l Clubhu~cheon, noon, Mine Tree Care. PoI'L comnlission's meeting, 8 p.n'l., Collrt house. Navy Mothers Club, 7:30 p,m., Memorial Hall. Marriage Licenses Applying for marriage licenses at the Mason County Auditor's ~fffice t:his past week were: Guy D. Pole, 53, Shelton and Glenna E, Kelley, 53, Shelton. Charles F. Redman, 36, Shel- ton and Nadine L. LaChalme, 32, Shelton. Donald L. Simnlonds, 27, Taco- ma and Donna "L. ~Ioore, 21, Se- attle. Victor Goldmari, 56, H.oy and Peazl lffil!e~, 57, I~oy. Cancer Crusade Leaders Named Mrs. 1). 'W, (Kitty) Johnson has been appoillted busitless Cl'llsadc chailmal~ for the Mas,)n County Chapter of the Anaerican Cancer Society for its April fund dl'ive, it WaS allnOllaced lhi-~ week hy Mer- vin Wingard, president of the chapter. Block captains who will assist Mrs. Johnson include John Hal- uerson, Tom "Ward, AI LaBission- iere, John Ragan, Guy Beckwith, W. F. MeCann, Al Mlmro, Marge lagnow, M. M. (Bud) Lyon mid ~lint Willour. Wingard said that the thelne of the crusade this year would again be "to cure more. give rnore". The ~Iogan "fight cancer with a eheck- "lp and a check" will also he used, Aringal•d said. Last year, the chapter raised ;2.019 ill its fund drive during ~-pril, Cancer Month. Shelton General Hospital recent- ly purchased all Electrocardiogram machine from the Sanborn Com- pany, a leading mannfactnrer of medical electronical equipment. Since Dr. Homer B. Frank re- tired from private practice ltist ?all, hospital persolinel have been 5Dine the cardiogralns on Dr. Pranl¢'s nmchine. Tile new ma- ~hine, the latest the colnpany has to offer, is a heavier duty machine and is better adapted to hospital rise. Dr. Frank, heart specialist, will ~ontinue to interpret all eardio- Trams done at Shelton Gencral on out patients as well as bed pa- tients. His written report becomes permanent part of the patient's ?ecord at the hospital. The new machine, complete witt, fll attachments and a mobile cab- inet, plus taxes, cost $930. i::~ i~i: ~ CALVIN POE Promotion of Calvin M, Poe, 39, from associate forester to opera- lions forester for Simpson Tim- ber Colnpany in the Shelton ~Arol'k- ins Circle was announced today by Max Schmidt, Jr., manager, Wash- ington tinlberland divisi(m. Poe will head the forestry ac- tivities fornlerly headed by 'J. G. Rlmkel', chief forester, who retired April 1. Tilese inchlde Silnpson's large second growth thinning l)ro- grain in the Shelton ~rorking Cir- cle and fire prevention and sup- pression on Siznpson secc~n(t growth lands. A native cf Ollt.look, Wash., Poe served in the U.S. Navy during World War II, then earned a for- cstry degree from the UmliversiLy of Washington, graduating in 19,)1. He went to ~ol'k for' Simp- son the san~(, yesr, I-oe is a, n]enl- ber of the Society of An~erican Foresters. W. S. Loonev will continue to supervise Simpson's reforestation, forestry research and lninor forest products activities, and A. O. Pet- ;zold will supel~.~ise forest inventovy and land transactions. Simpson also announced this week several promotions which af- fect Shclton people. C. Dale Grytuess. office super- visor at Shelton sawln]lls, is •lOV- ing to Areata, Calif., where he will become ger,cral accountant, snc- eeeding Howard Christensen, a former Shelt(m resident, who has been promoted to a new position as promlcL cost analyst in Seattle. Dale Yost, accountant in the general office here, succeeds Gryt- ness as office supervisor at. Shel- l(it1 Sawnlills, Vel'non t~.clnsherg, accountant at the Inslila ting Board Plant 8uceeeds Yost in the general office aud Bernie Scoles, Shett(m Central Shops Clerk, suc- ceeds Remsberg. Merv Hooker Due P.O. Assignmcat In " • rlseo Probable assignnleut to the re- gionaJ of flee in San Francisco is ahead of Merv Hooker, forluer clerk in the Sheiton post office folk)wing his appointment hy the Post Office Departlnent to the eonlptroIlers seclion of i~he ac- e(mnthlg division in the regional ¢fffice in Scaltle recently, Hooker had been studying ac- COUlltin~' by COITespondence eolu'se fin' the past two years and re- ceived his aplmintment throl~gh his application for transfer to the :recounting division. I{UMMAGE SALE The Patrick T. Orthopedic glfild will imve a rulnmage sale froln 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. this Friday iu lhe blfilding next to the Imblic Ii- ]brary. All proceeds wil'l to tho go Tacoma Orthopedic liospital. Olympia Man Wins Speech Contest Here WINNING SPEAKER---AI Mo~oy, left, Olympia, was the win- ner of the Toastmasters Area Speech Contest in the Timber.~ Restaurant here Saturday night. He was presented with his first place award by Carl Downing, past president of the Shelton Toastmasters Club. Al McCoy, Olympia, was the fn'st place winner in the Toast- master's Area Speech Contest in the Timbers Restaurant last Sat- urday night. Second place went to Edwin Wheeler, Olympia; third to Ron Colprow, Aberdeen, and fourth to Bob Osterman, Shclton. The Shelton Toastmasters Chlb hosted the meeting, which was at- tended by about 70 toastmasters fr,lm five clubs, their wives and guests. McCoy will represent Area 4 ill a district contest at Alderbrook Ilm May 9. Acting as toastmaster for the speech contest was Ed Jcnson, Olympia, area. governor. Paul GiN lie, Shelton, was in charge of the judging. Carl Downing, past president of the Shelton Toastmaster's Cluh. He introduced visiting district of. ricers Ernest Harmon, district governor; Boone Chittick, Lt. Gov.; Anthony Bertocchini, Lt. :Gov., and Wes Hilman, secrelary- treasnrer. McCoy, who is with the State Utilities ancl Transportation Coin- mission in Olympia, in his talk "The Two Faces of Man", con- trasted what man says he believes with what his actions are. Wheeler, an attorney in the State Attorney General's office spoke on nlisconceptions about: Lhc dauge;,s of the nalional debt. Colprow, an Aberdeen salesman. spoke (m "The Poverty. Riddle", and Osterlnan spoke on "My IqlI~;SII)ING at the meeting was Creed". Tidal Wave Destroyed Home "bed M)'. and Mrs. Robert Goldy, former residents of the Dayton area, were anlong those in the Alaska earthquake March 27.'They ,vere living on Afognak Island near Kodiak. Their home we_s swept away by the tidal waves which followed the earthquake. They are now living with a daugh- t.ev and SOil-in-law, Mr~ and Mrs. Andy Sherapine in Kodiak. In a letter to his parents, Mr. :lnd Mrs. Darl Goldy, Dayton, Mrs. Robert Goldy described their experienccs. Part of the leLtSr fol-. lows. "We wore in Aiognak \~,'hen the quake starte(I. It was jnst before supper and we were so upset we couldn't cat. My neighbor came an(i told lne that' the tide Wss real- ly COlUillg ill and for nle to leave and take. sonle food. All I could think of was getting my ehildren out and lip to the neighbors. ! al- so had the teacher's boy, as he was to stay overnight with Jake. "1 RAN TO THE neighbors ana they told Ine to back and get a blanket for Irene. I ran back ano got the quilt off our bed. We left as first wave eame in. It did very little damage, It was the next three waves that ruined the village. Half of the villagers went ....... hshTik-U- (C,,nt' ' fr,,m tage 1) Brian Slernberg is a perfect ex- alnple of a young man who has won at sports, and is nOW 1.1sing" this deLerlnination to win to over- come the obstacle in his life." Rising in turn to take an ova- ti(m from the audience were theI IAttle Clilnbers, intrdduced by As-[ sist ant Coach Harold Wilson lmdel" ] whose guidance they do battle on the courts. ] Pre.senta~ion of the Honorary Captains Trophy and Inspratlonal ] Tropily were then made by Coach Jim Doherty to Ron Orr and Bob Walker l•espectivcly. Ron Orr then presented Doherty" with a trophy in appreciation of "the great job you have done this year." Finally, Harold Sten~berg pro- jected solnc of the Umusands of letters, cards and other tokens from well-wishers from all ovel the world following Brian's acei- dent. Included were: A letter from President and Mrs. Kennedy; a letter from an aged man 'who wanted to will his spine to Briar "if this were only possible;" a let:- ter from a small boy that said "I am sending you a joke so that nlaybe you will langh and feel bet- ter. Question---what kind of a noun is trousers? Answer----An un- common noun. It is singular at ~he top, and pblral at the bottom;" a special nledal froul the USSR' showing an athlete sl~perimposed over flags of Russia. and the US flying side-hy-side; a brass nail fl'onl a SlUlken Spanish Galleon sent in i)y a skin diver fronl Flor- ida." This is only a sampling, but enough to show that people of every age, fronl all over the world, ('ared abollt a yonng lnan W]lo at the peak of tlis attiletle career had lnet nlisfortlule. STERNIIERG then si~owed a fi]nl Of Brian setting the world's o'....~pion pole vault record in 1963. i~t the request of George Valley, FrogI'ara eIla.irnlan for the ban- quet, the Jonrual iv happy to in- chide the Sternberg's address for lhose who v,'ish to convey theiY thanks for a splendid presentation, o" t.o send cards or letters of en- e,mragemcnt t(i Brian. The ad- dress: Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stern- , llerg, 619 \V, Enlersoh St., Seattle, Wash. np the nlountain by the saw mill, Pnd the l'e~t of llS went by back trail the trail across the s\vanlp~ to Aluete town aud then up ou the nlountain, We stayed up there :ill l,'riday nighl; nnd "~Vellt down to 1;he sehool at about 5 The people were so panic stl'ickened t, ha[ i:he slight- est Swell Ol' I'UlnOF sent lhell~ rushing¢ lip the mount:~in. Some of them spent tlu'ee nights up there. Other than Friday night, the ehildl'en and I spent the time. at lhe Al!ognak School. The teaeh- e~" and I fed ,t0 people and there were more than that sleeping there. "AFOGNAK WAS 70 per cent destroyed, nearly all the ]lOUSeS Wcre lllove(] and' had sea water ill thenl. Three buildings vanishe(I, the eonnnunity hall, a bi,tcheh)l"S house floated away. Our house is gone loo. We f(mnd the kitehe:~ up hy "Grand•is Larsen's". The rest ~)f the house was swept into the sen, We found a few odds an(l ends that floated out of the living roon/o "Bob was lncky Lo get out of it, alive. He was Oll a povcer seow it| Kodiak Bay. He said thaL it was just like ~i whirlpool thcl'e and then they went out into the chan- nel they'took off the harbor mas- ter's r)fficc roof and over the breakwater without touching the rocks, "We were ewlcuated Tuesday night into Kodiak. Wh(m we got into town We Were Lake• to the high school and fed and put to bed for the night. Bob calnc up with Barbara snd got the children slid we went t(/ the Arm(ry for clothes aa~d food. \Ve are we'll set for a few days. Tlle only problenl is to find SOlne kind of housing. ....... " ( " . K)dlak is under nlarilal law because of so nltlch looting, The downtown part of Kodiak and the small boat harbor were destroyed. There areboats and power scows setting three or four blocks from the harbor. TIiere is only one gro- cery store, a drtlg store and a few other business houses left.. Offi- cially there are 11 dead and many more n~issing, They figure th'e death toll will be around 50.-----" County Vacates Hoodsport Street The Mason C()unt.y Conlnlission Monday approved the w~cation of a portion 6f Wilhlrd Avcnue in Hoodsport and started aetion to sell the property. After a ],earing Monday morn- ing, the cornmissiou approved the vocal.ion of the street, and lhen passed a resolution to sell the property to the Stacel Contract- ing Co. for $100 and the costs re- lating to the action, Sheriff D. S. (Sam) Clark ap- peared to ask ahout getting' the sheriff's office rgonls painted. The commission tool( the request tIB- der advisement. Jack Grubh oI' the Ieol'estry I)e- 'partment al>pea 'ed (t the eo ~ll~is- sion n~eeting Lo ask ab(lut the possibilty of getiug permission lo do some landscaping aroulld lhe deparlnlent's stalioll al. "l:tood,'~,. y,()rt, pal't of wilich is oil Gl'(,ve Stree.t in Hoodsport. ,--WEATHER.--. High Low Precip. April 1 ................ 53 37 .(/2 April 2 ................. 55 35 . April 3 .............. 62 30 .- April .t .............. 52 3(,) .07 i April 5 ............... 55 37 • . April 6 ...... 65 :),5 -- April 7 .............. 61 36 ,~"