April 9, 1964 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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April 9, 1964 |
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9, 1964
B. Eagle
At 68
Eagle, 68, a fornler
died in Brenmr-
morning. Mr,
red recently L'om the
Naval Shipyard
, been employed since
a firerr, an in the power
rginia Sept. 30, 18-
came to Washing-
Worked as a
Simpson Timb-
in the mill
aany years. He
of Veterans
• erved in
War I.
:e will be held
ay at Millcr-
ome in Brem-
(de his wife Susie
of Healdsburg.
and' Wentm ot
Eagle of Calf
Mrs. Nor-
Donna Dou-
Mrs. Bonnie
Mrs. Phyllis
and Mrs.
Alaska; a
aglc of Eaton,
sters, Mrs. Irene
Edith Price ot
~d Mrs. Lyda
service for Lyda
held at 2
e Fun-
mt was in Shel-
Rev, Grey of
)rn Dec. d2e
the past 37
er for many
three sons'
h. Rtls-
Russell, all
~rs, Vennesa
ng, Essie
and Edith
one brother,
Oalif. ; cight
four great
Earl J. Fitchitt
Succumbs At 76
Tile funeral service for Earl J.
Fitchill, 76, was held at tile Bat-
stone, lgllnel'al Heine l.lt 1 p.nl,
Tuesday with H.ev. Eugene Knautz
officiating. Interment was in Shel-
toil Memorial Pack.
Mr. leitchitt passed away at a
local llospiial Sun:~ly, April 5,
1.1t64. He m:lde his heine at 3:14
South 3rd Street. Mr, FiLchitt
was bo)n August 17, 1887 in Purt
Hllroll Micliigan and had hcea a
Mason Colmty resident for lhe
past 46 years. He was a veteran
~)f World War I.
Sm'vivors include his widow,
Pearl, Shelton; two soils, Thomas
E., Tacoma, and Dick L., Shelton;
three nephews, Arthur E. Fitehitt
and twins Robert (Bob) Fitchitt
and William (Bill) Pitchitt, all of
Shelton; and two nieces, Mrs. Wil-
liam Anderson, Olympia and Mrs,
Illah Keys nf Marlette, Mich.
There are eight grandchildren.
Rites Today For
Emery C. Jackson
.4. graves)de service for Emery
Charles Jackson will be held at
Shelton Memorial Park today fol-
lowing a fuAeral service to be held
hl Port Angeles.
Mr. Jackson, a former Shelton
resident, died in Port Angeles l
Monday. He was born July 30,
1911 in Idaho. Hc lived in Shelton
about 12 years before leaving in
1943 for Clallam Bay then Port
Survivors include his widow,
Dorothy, ,~ort Angeles; three •ons,
Gerald, Clyde and Glenn, all at
the family home; three daughters,
Maxine, Margaret and Merry, also
at the family home; two brothers,
Marshall of Shelton and Clarence
of Mathews AFB, Calif•; three •is-
ters, Edna %Villiamson, Lake City,
Oregon, Jean Lytle of Elby and
Bonnie Knight, Renl~on.
Nalural Resources Here
Hosts Sludeni
The Department of Natural Re-
sources office here has been play-
ing host to a group of forestry
students this week.
The group, 22 from Washington
State University and 35 from Mon-
tana State University, have been
observing forestry practices in
Mason County.
They arrived Tue•day and have
been quartered in one of the build-
ings at the Shelton Airport. They
left today.
g 'I LTON--MAg0N C011NTV ,T01rP NAI]-- Pilbli, ho, d in eeg71v{, troa,¢tmcn,. 17.,q,A.,- " ,qli01ton, Wa, hin#nrt
Too Lale To Glassify
1,'()I~ llENT - Two )',,ran hirnished
('llliill ell 11)('Ii'l"'dPl(ll) I'(,)ad. I)111)Itile Gold(!n Text at Christian Sci-
ell('t} chill'tthes llexl Sllnd}ty.
'Pl~.e qi'.e:~l iOll, "AI t" Sin, l)lsease,
i flll I I ;e:~th ~ ' ~ will be ex-
i.,. ,l.
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