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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 9, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 9, 1964
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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~a SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAIJ---Published in "Chrisfmasfown, U.g.A.", Shelton, Washington Thursday, NEW POWER LINE (Top) PUD 3 line crew prepares to set a pole near Lake Isabella using its new hydraulical- ly operated, combination hole-digger' pole-setter truck. Left to right are George Waite, lineman; Rex Umphen- our, driver and Larry Burfiend, line foreman (Bottom) lineman George Waite reaches out from his perch at,3p a power pole to receive a transformer being3 handed him by his mechanical "helper." DUPLEXES COMPLETEDIConstruction was re- cently completed on these two new duplexes just off Seventh Street. These homes and one single DRIVE-IN THEATRE--Due for opening early in May is a new drive-in theatre located at Taylor Towne, five miles south of Shelton on the-: Oiyrnpic highway. The screen is located an unusually dis- NEW SIMPSON PLANER--View shows new planer at Simp~,on Timber Company here shortly after it had been placed in position. The wooden structure .above and to the right of the planer : i¸¸~I i:.:'ilil IC i PIPE IS UNLOADED--A truck unloads concrete pipe for the storm sewer which is being installed on Pioneer Way. The work also includes widening the street and straitghtening some of the sharp will house the complex electronic brain that will : : control its operation. Carpentersare ,busy trying ~:i:; i : : • to meet a s:heduled June 1 completion date. ' ................ : NEW HOMES GO UP-~Under construction here are two of the five new homes being constructed ................................................ . .................... ~ ........ .,..., ....................... ............................................... ..... by LaChaussee Homes Inc., Kirkland on Haw- • =~:i '.:;: :..: .' ~:~ family dwelling were built by Reserve Construction Co.. Federal Way. tant 480 feet from the projecti,on booth in the con- crete block building at the left. Fred Thibadeau, owner of the Blue Ox theatre in Shelton, is a r,~em- bet of the group building the new drive-in theatre. curves in the present street. The street will be blacktopped a year from this spring after it has had time to settle. thorne Drive and Turner St. Construction is now underway on all five. MISINTERPRET LEVY When and why individual voters in to reject the school district levy is a personal to each voter. But, assessed on a group basis from opinions volunteered in public, comments over l the various other avenues of feeling the surmise that the overwhelming majority package-deal type levy as a poorly concealed through some controversial expenditures on such tried-and-true money-raisers as books, and building maintenance. The resentment arou sed by this peculiar to Shelton voters. In the EdmondS d$strict a petition has halted a similar levy vote scheduled for April 28. This is the first time this writer-can recall have turned down a money issue in District 309,, special significance for that very reason. Those and supported and campaigned for the levy terpret the defeat as an anti-school feeling in ty. Past history strongly denies, it. If we interpret public feeling correctly, od in which it was handled, and is remz hall issue of a couple of years ago. Properly sure Shelton would now have a new c.ity hall; presented, perhaps the school levy, at least have been approved Tuesday. TAKE STOCK OF OUR LIBRARY National Library Week will be observed conjunction with the rest of the nation, special displays and activities in the Shelton Those who use the library frequently are of the fine facilities and the courteous and ca com nunity is privileged to utilize, but for or never visit the Shelton library we suggest occasion to become better acquainted with its volumes. Thcre was a time, in thc ancicnt so prestige was attached to libraries people of one city tried to sabotage the another when it threatcne to outstrip The Alexandrian Library was long ter of learning when the library at Per how signs of overshadowing it. Then the off the supply of papyru to Pergamum. thing to write on, the people of Pergamum hit skins . . . and went on to develop a better which became known as Pergamentum, from parchment is derived. Perga? ?um's library was saved for being, but the resd ceful citizcns were done by love, w] e'n Mark Anthony tool scrolls from Pergamum gave them to for the Alexanderia ? library. No such dangers beset modern world less that of Shelton, but nonetheless the to the people of this community through the should be a source of genuine pride as well as Let us take cognizance of this fact Library Week ! CYCLISTS NEED TRAINING, Safe bicycle driving calls for special if the young cyclist is to steer clear of traffic A bicycle is just one step below a car, cyclist must bserve many of the same rules motorists.. All too often parents will.purchase a youngster and immediately send him out on the the new 'toy'. However; few sensible chase an automobile for their son and without first insuring his ability to drive Twenty.five million people in the bicycle drivers., and with more .than 800 vehicles on the road, bieylists are exposed ly great dangers. Therefore, it is vitally important for their youngsters proper bicycle driving lists to obey the rules and regulations of A new poster "Ride one on a Bike" is elementary and junior high schools this the Auto Club of Washington's continuous program. i i ii:: PUTTING UP STACKER---Ed Lyons (in jacket) directs installation of new stacker at Simpson ,Timber Company here. Lyons, who designed the . .... i unique device which automatically stacks lumber for drying, is with Marvin 8chnitzer Machinery, Portland, Ore. LAST CONCRETE~Scene is at the Washim.;ton Corrections Center where concrete finishers busliy sm,~oth out a freshly-poured courtyard in front of "E", building which will house the s~-hool, library, hobby shop and barber shop. According to Chief Building Ir~s~ector, John Sells, the pouring of the courtyard completes the concrete work to be done at the Center, STUDENTS A.T WORK--Two of the 12 boys carpentry class at Shelton High School saw a here as they work on the home which they sch,~ol is out. The home, being built for the Ted has four bedrooms and two baths, a dining a kitchen. A recreation room and a utility room basement. This is one of the largest homes the built. The class is directed by .Arne Johnsen a home for some family in b~wn. i•