April 9, 1964 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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April 9, 1964 |
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9, 1964
SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "CChristmastown, U.g.A.", Shelton, Washington
.... A 75th bh'th-
air y one worthy
mt )n we thinl¢.
u@ s Jr. not only
way, but (lid some-
it! Grandpa Bill
as 75 April 4, so
Lter-in-law Bill and
..... q .........--
RIDDLE: Why are
clouds like' old
tse they become
With the passing
old friends how-
replaced if lost
friends with
cleaning time
one wants
ling: done
3urg ary is
the many
L by our
,whets pot-
include wind,
t and per-
Call us for
Angle Agency
Herb & Dick Angle
Judy Standt, held an open house
at their Senses Lake home Satur-
day evening from 7:30 until 9:30
p.m. to honor their dad. Approx-
imately 50 friends, neighbors and
relativ'es dropped by to extend
their best wisbes for many hap-
py returns and stayed on to visit.
"After a family dinner which in-
cluded son Louie Staudt, wife Dor-
othy and daughter Sue of Everett
and grandson Chick and friend
Kama Conger, out from McChord
Field, the birthday celebrant re-
ceived two very welcome long-dis-
tance telephone calls: the first
from his daughter, Mrs. Trisbha
Moore, Hollywood, Calif., and the
second from long-time family
friends, Mr. and Mrs. Bud John-
son of Long Beach, Calif. Drop-in
guests from out-of-town included
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Borland of Se-
attle and Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Kowalczyck of Allyn. "Grandpa
Bill" was delighted to receive his
guests and stayed up past his bed
time, in spite of still recuperating
from his recent illness. We sin-
cerely wish him many happy re-
turns ~ !
brated locally was that of Don
Anderson, who enjoyed a special
dinner and birthday cake with his
wife Sally and four little girls at
tlleir Trea~mrc Island home Wed-
nesday, April 1. A belated "Happy
Birthday" wish to you.
Grapeview Mothers CLub' met
April 1 at the schoolhouse and,
besides discussing plans for their
eem~!il gllla i~ ~Fhr o ~Ftn?:{:flP~p~ ~Y!
ade May 23. M~s. Louise EwarL
gave a most interesting and in-
formative talk on petrified forests
and offered interesting samples
/or members to view.
Mrs. Hell Shepard, who under-
went surgery on her hip recently,
~as,,, released from Tacoma Gen-
eral Hospital last Monday to con-
tinue her convalescence at the
l:ome of her son, Lawrence Wilson,
near Tacoma. -
A 4-H "Splash" party gave ap-
proximately 24 young folks a won-
derful evening at Pool Nuotare
last Friday evening, April 3 when
sPend on our "know how" to save
andmoney when it comes to glass
Beoa us~,~e know wnat we are
you can be sGre we'll do It
rove 8ts., 426-8264,
Grapcview's "Barnacles" had aI
"just for fun" time after many[
weeks of work selling candies to
raise money for theh" club. Mem-
bers will be busy preparing for
their demonstrations for the an-
mml Demonstration Day coming
up soon. Leaders attending were
Mrs. Art Nicklaus and Mrs. Vir-
ginia Hicks.
Last Thursday evening several
Grapcview citizens attended the
annual Rotarian basketball ban-
quet at Shelton's Mountain View
School. Faithful fans Eke and Ann
Eacrett were there to partake of
turkey dinner and view slides and
movies of Brian Sternberg, the
scheduled speaker who was unable
to attend. Also attending were the
C. W. Seiners, the Walt Claytons
with Chief and the Howard Som-
erses with LIz and Don.
Julte Stock surprised Doris, his
bride of 12 years, by not only re-
membering their anniversary Fri-
day, but also by taking the after-
noon off and taking her out for
dinner that evening.
By Frances Simmons
KAMILCHE .... Nat Waldrip re-
turned home Thursday after spen-
ding six weeks in Japan on an
oyster seed buying mission. He
had a three day stop over in Ha-
waii before the second lap of his
trip home by jet plane.
A baby boy was born at home
last Monday at noon to Mr. and
Mrs. Guy Sage, the 10th child to
come into their home. The boy
has been named Chris and weighed
seven pounds.
Edwin Petty attended the An-
nual Reunion dinner of the 248tll
Coast Artillery Association at the
VFW hall in Olympia April 4.
Mark Craddick left Monday for
Platinum, Alaska; returning to
his work there which is 150 miles
north of Anchorage.
Mrs. Martin Otto made a trip
to Seattle Monday to visit her
uncle, Jess Huskey, who under-
went surgery at a hospital there.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Petty at-
tended the 50th wedding anniver-
sary of Mr. and Mi+s. Archie Un-
derwood at the Faith Lutheran
Church in Shelton on Sunday af-
Mrs. Mildred Scott of Union Gap
visited last Thursday at thc Eu-
gene Tayh)r home.
Miss Carol Marshall and her
friend Gordon Stewart of Seattle
spent Easter at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs, Chester
MILS. JIM TOBIN and Mrs. Ed-
wih Petty attended a bridal show-
er for Mrs. Rrichard Adams (nee
Peggy Castro.) formerly of Olym-
pia and now living at Union Tues-
day afternoon at the Robert Pet-
ty home in the Lower Skokomish
Valley. Mrs. Delores Simmoi/~ Of
Lilllwaup was hostess.
Mr. and Mrs, Herb Nelson and
Mr. and Mrs, Chet Richatds mo-
tored to Moclips last weekend and
were involved in a cat" accident
at Ocean City wl]en another car
strucl¢ tile Nelson car. The dam-
age was,, considerable to the car
and they were very grateful for
only slight injuries.
Sunday evening the ,Edwin Pet-
Malhck Area Has
II Inches Of
THE STOCKS played host to
Tacoma friends, Mrs. "Neff" Me- Rain During March
Girk for an overnight visit, Mon-
day evening.
North Grapcviewitcs were dis- by Dora Hearing
mayed late last Tuesday afternoon Tile vicinity had 11 inches el:
when a transformer located be- rain in Marcia.
twecn the A. V. IR, iebards and Dr. Doll Gribble, sou of Mr. and
McRae's blew out with a veng- Mrs. Kenneth Gribble, returned
eanee that not only deprived thefrom the McCleary hospital Thurs-
area of lights but also silencedday after spending five days there
phone service. The power lines witll infection in hi'; knee.
were repaired within a few hoursMrs. Augusta Portm'm and
but phone service was not fully Carl Portman accompanied by
restored until late Thursday af.. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Portman el!
ternoon. So strong wan the surgeShelton attended a bridal shower
of electricity that blew out thein honor of Miss Linda Webmder
transformer that it almost corn-at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
pletely melted it. '. Matson on Arcadia road Saturday
The newly formed Grapeview evening.
Volunteer Fire Department's lad-Mr. and Mrs. Duane LovetLe
ies Auxiliary will hold its 'instal- spent the weekend with their
lation of officers at 8 p.m. Wed- folks Mr, and Mrs. Garry Lovette
nesday evening, April 15 at the of Vancouver and brought Mike
Grapeview School house. Mrs. Nel- home who spent the past week
lie DeMeiro of Belfair will offtc-IwiLh his grandparents.
late. The public is cordially in- Mrs. Augusta Portman and Carl
riled to attend and refreshmentsPortman were dinner guests ot
will be served following the in- Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Portman Fri-
stallation ceremony, day evening:
MR. AND MILS. Elvin Hearing
accompanied by Mr. and Mrs.
William Duckwitz of Rochester at-
tended the Grange dimmr at Fords
Prairie Sunday.
Mr. aud Mrs. Dave I+Ialnmer el'
Olympia spent tile weekend with
the Dave DeFoer family.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth O'Neil ot
ty's drove to Hoodsport where Presser were weekend guests of
they visited the Mike Stolen faro- Mr. and Mrs. Dave DeFoer.
lly. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Valley
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Simmons were host and hostess for the
were Sunday dinner guests at the Dayton Pinochle Club Saturday
home of I-tarry Simmons Jr. of evening at the home of Mr. and
Summit Lake. They later drove Mrs. A. E. Lemlee.
to Carbonado. + Mr. and Mrs. Edward Valley
Mrs. Joe Bush and threc child-and son David spent Sunday at
ren of Enumclaw visited over the Moclips at the home of Mr. and
~eekend at the Chester Marshall Mrs. Ronald Miller.
home. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walker spent
Sunday the Harry Simmons' and the week end in Tacoma, with
the ten Cole's of Shelton drove relatives. Mrs, Larry Walker re-
over the Hood Canal floating turned with them for a visit.
bridge and to Hood Canal for an MR. AND MRS. Steve McCow-
enjoyabTe drive, an and daughter and Mrs. Berl
Little Caryl Simmons, who will Van Norman were luncheon guests
be a year old on April 17 was able of Mrs. Kenneth Howard Thurs-
to have her leg out of traction 0n da .
Monday of this week. She fell out ~r. and Mrs. Luwell Cook and
of the Phil Simmons car two
weeks ago and broke her leg. She family of Aloha, Ore. spent Sat-
urday with the Kenneth Howard
will not be allowed to step on family.
her leg for another week. Mr. and Mrs. Kennctll Howard
JANIE BERGESON who is in and family attended a family re-
the Orthopedic Hospital because nnion Sunday at the home of Mr.
of burns is improving. She is not and Mrs. L. F. Cook of Montesano
allowed to walk but moves around
in a push cart, She is the daflgh- there were 31. in attendance.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Ptach
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bergeson
and granddaughter of Mrs. I:larry Sunday for their home at Small-
wood, N. Y. They spent ten days
Scott. with the Andrew McGarvie faro-
There will be a 6:30 p.m. pot- ily and. will travel enroute '30 days
luck dinner aL the Grange Hall going home.
Friday of this week.
Snnday afternoon callers at the Misses Nancy and Margaret Me-
John Krise home were Mr. and Garvie spent Saturday in Portland
Mrs. Dave Krise of Puyallup and Ore,
Mr. and Mrs. Al Garcia of Tacolna, Misses Eva Hassehnan and Eliz-+
and Randy Lewis of Tacoma. abeth Houby of l.)enmark, who
The Kamilche church Missonar- make their home in Seattle now.
ies met at the Dewey Sign home and m'e exchange students, spent
Wednesday evening, the weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
Visitors at the Phil Simmons Gone Brown. The Browns took
~(e)me on Sunday afternoon were them to the ocean and a drive on
v~ and Mrs. A. W. Graham of Hood Canal.
Tacoma accompanied by th+:iV M'r. a0d Mrs. Clayton McCrum
dren Merilyn, Keith and Timmy, and daughter of Satsop visited
The Kamilche school baseball Mr. and Mrs. Gone Brown Men-
team are practicing and were dis- day.
appointed to be rained out in their MR. AND MRS. J:mms I~).~s-
first game. meier and daughters ,)f Shclton
The monthly district fellowship were Sunday dinner guests of Mr.
meeting will be lleld at Kamilche and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier.
church April 10 at 8 p.m. r Mr. and Mrs. Taylor t)[ Olympia
key. and Mrs. Earl Bradley vis-. } arc tile parents of a+ baby daughter
ited relatives in Salem, Ore., theI born April 2. Mrs. Taylor is the
first of the week. former Bobble Crape.
Choose your favorite Frigidaire Appliance IN YOUR FAVORITE COLOR--at the same low price as
white! Don't wait! Select now from our blg stock of 4 glamorous colors to blend with any decor and
brighten your kitchen or laundry room. Come in now while you can get tho model and color you wantl
11.60 cu. ft.
4 colors or white!
+ Big 63-lb. freezer chest.
* Chill Drawer for fresh meats.
Model RD-35.64
4 colors or white|
• Ful'-width Hydrator stores 25.1. FRIGIDAIRE RANGE
quarts of fruit and vegetables.
• Roomy storage door with space for WITH COOK'MASTER
eggs, butter, bottles big or small. AUTOMATICOVEN[
~t ~,~--,m ~..,. • Oven control minds cooking
, B I' * Big 23' oven holds biggest
.... . holiday ham,
J ven less
with trade • Recessed, one.piece flowin
....... - top--catches spills.
range cleaning,
r~~ o./~
~~ s2179'
l~!ii - n Even less
12 LB. I with trade
llli-' I male, were+
• Underwater Action Zone washing ONLY
helps get clothes really clean in
giant 12-lb. tub.
• Separate cycles for Wash & Wear nv:,
and delicates.
• Lint tlows down the drain--no
traps to clean. " s"
• Extra-fast spin leaves clothes te, s
extra-light, wonderfully dryl with trade
1st and
I DIAL 4 6-4393
I Monday - Friday 8 a.m. till 5:30 p,m.
" Saturday 8 a,m. till 4:30 p.m.