April 9, 1964 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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April 9, 1964 |
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gTTT J/T( N--M'A ON ,TOI NAT - l'nhlL,,hed in "Phrlafma. tnwn, U.,q.AY, helinn, Wa, lfin nn
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Fronl Nell Evnntler
Do you haw, })robh,ms when it
come.~: io :;WallowLig l,i!b;'.' ~,¥(li.
the hc,~dv,'uV 1o d,, i ;:~. ording
to ;IH Ill'licit ill
Lhe ~;c, he.'i,lg SeN
ellen.! l~ullelln, i~:
t•I) rai:;e y o ll l'
[OTI~HL' PAl'1 p,L-IC, O
the pill on the
f I o o r oflhe
mouth jusL be.-
hind your lower
t e e t h. Keeping
yOllr tongl]e rnis-
......... ed ( which also
means little or no taste sonsat,ion~
drink a glass of water. [()rgetting
the pill behind your teeth While
you are engnged in swallowing,
the [)ill will be washed down 2/our
throat usually with no taste or
feeling. Keeping the pill behind
your lower teeth gives you an al-
ITIOSI, Sllre Kllarantee, that even
th0. bitterest medicaLion \',,ill give
you no taste unless you wait h r a
h)nK period of time.
Open Daily 9:30 to 7:30
Saturdays --- 9:30 - 6:00
4th & Railroad
Haines, above, await sailing time on a recent cruise
to Hawaii. The trip, a Golden Wedding Anniversar.y
gift from their children, began March 4 when the
Couple left Shelter for Vancouver, B. C. where they
boarded a ship for the leisurely cruise. Their first
from Long Beach to Honolulu Was when Mr'.
Haines witnessed a school ,of flying fish early ti~e
second morning out of port. The couple stayed on
Oahu Island taking m as many of the sights ;Is
time permitted. The return trip was by plane as
far as San Frapci.sc9 where they again visited
'l'tu ll-at'hvoAl~e G:ll'den Clllb
helcl its ].e-u', ~ 51:t: ch m('e'.ing "it
the (]r;~povle.v h(;r.w of Mr.;. l~d-
win Grigp-. M.l's, Ehlil Gaetana
[);'o~dd('l|L. con.lllc[od the nlecting,
..'!:(, inim~tcs were read liy Mrs.
Vesta t~,cynolds ill abf;ence of the
rcgular :deeret;t~'y, Mrs. Call Ter-
roll. Thirteen IlletllbeFs all.~:\Vel't,d
r'oll rail.
~{)'s. GaCtalla g'llVO all interest-
ling repol't on native wild flowers
final shrubs. Membe:'s were llrKe(i
to help prcser\,o strain of ()tit' wild
flowers in their g~rdens.
Thv April 21. dbflrict hmehecm
al 13elfait 13:~ptisk church was dis-
etlssefl :it h.n%"lh. The Beat!hconlb-
ers hopo to see a good tllrnout at
thi,'~ hmcileon For all all:trier offi-
cer.% nu,mbP:'s and friends who
cave tO a(,l•ell't Mv'l "vViqi',-~ C'ald-
er is taking phone reservations foz
the hmeheon Business of the dis-
trier will be discussed along with
a~lieles in the "Cmmtry Store" to
be said. topped off with a llower
:tl'l~lngcnlent ,Hho~M. Mcnlbers are
ilrff.ed to attend bu* reminded to
be sure and call in their reserva-
stop was Sa~ Francisco where they were met by their children before returning to Shelton by car
their child~i~n who. were invited aboard for din- with friends. The Golden Anniversary trip came to
her. At Long Beach r~lat, ives had the couple as,here an end March 31 when the Haines returned to their
for a special anniversary dinner at a hotel, complete Hood Canal home.
[i¢;n.4 In Mrs. Calder,
The regular April 9 meeting will
bc held at lhe home of Mrs. Earl
with wedding cake. Outstanding event of the trip
~;:7-.7:. "'- - " "
¢C2;-. :_::e
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Former Area Man is
Band, Busi0 Direcl0r
!n GoJlet edale, Tenn.
Edwin D. McGhee, formerly of
Union, recently sent a tape re:
cording• of a performance of his
band at the Collegedale Academy
in Collegedale, Tenn., to his sis-
ter, Mrs:" Orabell Avby of Hoods-
pro%. He is the band and nmsic
director at Collegedale. Highlight
of the recording was an original
composition by him titled "Prest.
dent Ke~medy's Last Ride". The
composition recallqd musically the
sobering chain of events that oc-
curred last November in Dallas.
McGhee received his start as a
musician in the Lower Skokomish
orchestra under the direction of
his father, the late Prof. MeGhee,
Mrs. McGhee was the principal of
the school st that time.
O0 in
• ,'%q
t ,, Mrs. Avey played several num-
PERFORMANCE bo,.s the program for her stn-
~,i] dents at the Iffoodsport school
A N D E C O N O M Y illl([ whc,'e she teaches a combination
.~;~. .. l~[lt~ second and third grade.
Chevron gasolines give you both. First, they're blended ~ll EA-('~£-Li~S--NE~t~S
for your climate, to give you faster warm-ups. They con- fi~l/l'i
tain Methyl* -- first new antiknock compound since(~'I CARD PAJKTY
~: Ethyl@-- to step up octane performance. ~ . The Eagles Auxiliary will hold
a card party at'8' p.m. this Satur-
Second, they have Detergent-Action, the carburetor- ~ day at the airport hall. The pnblie
cleaning additive that dissolves gums and dirt depo.sits, ,~[ is invited.
protects the fuel system against rust. These features ~i~ Winners for the March 28 party
were Glenn Gee and Avis Saeger,
|,~ cost you nothing extra. ,~ high; He~man Lorenzen and Clara
"z .......................... ~ ~ Stuck second. Traveling pinochle
I was won by Ernie Stuck and June
Fnr any Standard Oil producb c~all Gee.
G.G. Cole & Sons |no, C'EH.~I,IS VISIT*,[ON
118 So. Third St. ~ ~ Member~ of fine Eagles Auxin
~. Phone 426-4411 " ~I iary making a visitati011 to Che-
v, ~ , halls recently we.re Jean Dorsett,
"~!~l/]fl¢~~l,~~|' Ruby L0renzen, M~arie Lewis and
Myrtle Swearingcn.
L i
..... :.," " ~ ~';~ ~" .7
• , : ~ ' ~ ~.
| ": .'
| ii .,
MARGIE REYNOLDS, a newcomer to our community, decided
on Banana Bread when we asked her to share a recipe with you
readers. It is an easy one to mix and so very handy for lunches
breaks. , •
Banana bread isn't as sweet as cake but it can take its place very
A Chew IT Statbn Wagon is the way to get the
whole family there and back on a small vacation
budget. You get 76 cu. It. of cargo space for.les
than you'd pay for most sedans. You get money-
saving, easy-care features, too. And you'll go BO
far between gas tops ¥oa'll think we built ia a
spare tank. And now that it's Trade 'N' Travel
Time at your Chevrolet dealer's, you'll nerds; fin4
a better time to buy a Chevy iL There's a wide'
range of engines and transmissions to ch0ose
-from. And whatever: you pici(, r0u can be sure
ou'll alwa ,s get a good run for your money.
First & Grove Sts.
Shelton 4264426
nicely. It is easier to pack for
lunches and wonderful for serving
at those morning "coffee breaks".
Margie Reynolds' recipe is quick
and easy to mix.
The Reynolds have only lived in
this area since September when
Stuart. who is with the State
Troopers, was transferred to Shel-
ton. They come from Concrete,
~aashinggon. A home overlooking
mmer sley Inlet gives them an
Opportunity to observe some of the
beauties of the Pacific Northwest.
IV/argie and Stuart's oldest son,
Randy, 17. stayed in Concrete to
graduate with his class. Their oth-
er children are Janie. 16, Craig, 13,
Kevin, 11. and Kelly, six.
Reading is Margie's favorite
hobby, when she can find the time.
She is a member of the Shel-Toa
Orthopedic Guild.
B.o/n rout Bread
~/" cup shortening
1 cup sugar
f2 eggs
cup crushed bananas
2 cups regular flour
3 Tbsp. milk
1. tsp. soda
~/4~ tsp. salt
Cream shortening and sugar.
Add eggs one at a time. Add milk,
bananas and flour, soda and salt.
Bake about 50 minutes in 350-375
deg?ee oven.
Canal Garden Club
Sets June Date
For Rose Luncheon
Mrs. D. H. Pierce. president of
the Hood Canal Garden Club con-
ducted the April 2 meeting of the
group aL the Potlatch clubhduse.
Plans were started for the Rose
Luncheon which is an annual af-
fair of the club and will be held
June 18 this year at the clubhouse.
Mrs. Pierce reported she anti
Mrs. Mattie Baeldund went to
Port Angeles March 30 and
brought back 20 azalea bushes giv-
en to the club by the Sears Foun-
dation. They will be used for the
junior high landscaping project
at the H~ghway 101-21 junction.
The clubs in the district feel a
deep sense of appreciation to-
ward Sears for the help given by
them. It has made it possible for
Individual clubs to accomplish
much move each year than is pos-
sible on t.he existing budget.
A beautiflfl Delos azalea bush
has been donated to the project
by Bud Wyatt of Union for which
the club also extends its thanks.
Journal W anl Ads
TERRY KADOUN plans to be a teacher. He has taken advantage
of a fairly new course, student teaching, at Shelter High school
to help him make this decision. Terry has been active in sports
during his h gh school years.
* * :P *
The student te0,ching class in-
troduced at Shelton High School
the past cauple of years gives stu-
dents an excellent chance to decide
whether..or not they really want to
pursue the teaching profesaion:
Terry Kadoun is discovering after
teaching a uophomore composition
class he defi=fitely does want to
be a teacher. He will attend eithe~
Western or Eastern Washington
college in the fall and plans to
major in F_mglish and minor in his-
tory. He has chosen teaching as
his life work because he enjoys
working with people.
In addition to student Ceaching,
Terry's subjects this year are ba-
sic math, civies, senior literature
and physical science. He is a mem-
ber of Future Teachers of Amer-
ica, Rifle Club and Lettermen's
Terry is a two-yea~" letterman
in baseball whe¢'e he plays in the
catcher's p0.~ition. He has also let-
tered one year in basketball. Here
he played guard.
Terry is the son of Mrs. Stella
Kadoun and was born Sept. 24,
1946 in Shelton. He has lived here
all of his life. A sister; Linda, is
Collecting baseball player's bio-
grapiiies is one of this six foot,
blond, brown-eyed senior's hobbles.
Kitsap-Mason County Past Ma-
trons Association of the Eastern
Star will meet next Tuesday in
the Manette Masom~ temple at
11th and Perry Streets, East Bre-
merton. Philahea Chapter No. 174
will be hostess for a 12:30 p.m.
He also likes deer hunting, trout
fishing, water skiing, swinm]ing
and tennis.
October 1. 1959,
L|tlgllral.ion Of ,,1
auto-insurance plan
sots. Under this
careful drivers are
reduced insLu'ance
the careless o
up LO twice as nluC
plan hopes tn Offer.,
incentive Lo make s
worLh while, Those
vieted of tral?fic
given points for
the number of
increast~)g with the
of -the offm)sc.
poi~Jts earn for
ard rates. With
points the rate
th~g~ the st~
the careless
el'. There are
volved in the ueW
it seems to be a
right direction.
PRICE.., For
or USED tires
CGTA . . . 426-810~'
Copr. 1960 Std.
plus Guest Star
Ev ry Saturday Night :,
Highway 101 -- Between Shelter & Olyn~pll
Crystal PinR
All in Jubilee
Town & Country Shoe!
Operated and managed by