April 9, 1964 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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April 9, 1964 |
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Pson Timber Co
received re(,og.~ ,_
sa~z, ly tlu,. !~i:-
ItELTON--MA 0N COI.rNTY JOLTRNAL- Publish0d in "(?hri, tma,qtown, U.,q.A.", ,qhelton, Washington
Delegates To Girl's S'tate Are Amlounce3;
Boys Club tlears Armed Forces l¢,el)resenlatives
By Molly Murdey Air li'orce toht aboul their branch-
safety iI~oo.r~..' At a Girls' Club meeling Tlmrs-
a tin,e i:;ss'"i;l" day in the high s,,hool audit,wium
~er -* *. "" " deiem/tes to G ' s' St lie we 'e m-
wl LIEe CFeW "~ ,,, )' , . .
aWn,.A v,, llOllll(tefL 1 Fie gtl'ls ,~lntl their spon-
Jur" h " ,72, . e J, :,. q ,in, by Silel.,n
.d, Allael'l(91n [A~glon Atlxill'll'V; [er.'l
)ervisors ,~ ..... ~ Furrier, IIo(Msport American Le-
300 Ill-'-- ~ ........ ::gi(n Auxiliavv" Rela Carte Ki-
t~ll [ISall ' . ~2~, 1 ' ' ..... ' "
0Litel'2( , XVHD.ISL:ll.)' ','111(I Te(Iu Tl'aVlS
) }ll:tfl ' t S '
Zonta Club.Alter~l~ te:are Janet
ggers a, . Maranville fro' Si~elton and Pain.
'oeti es 'L%:; M,,C,.,,b H,,,,ds,.oi,:
We a ~'" Girls' State is a week-long ses-
r Perfo;'lClaqnmt,e, sion held at Central Washington
s..,.:e:.... State College in June which teach-
1. o . ,ucuy es principles of state government
rom..~. : .... and is attended bv high school
o~.,'.~':", mcnlaes pirls from all over {he state. Girls
"-usoaie, Camp ~. .
ver ana .-,, .~.., e selee.ted on tile basis of leade|'-
.. ~t,, l~,m- ship, character, courage, honesty,
-----~._____ ,~cholarship, cooperativeness, and
Bon-~ .. phvsie'll fitness A fqeulty eom-
u~ arc tile ." " ' . ...... '.
of A ' nuttee nominates approximately
merlcans ix "ills r • • ¢
rd eeon • s ." g '., b it the sponsoring chlbs
th2~lCo~e'~lL L; ,II Inake the final choice. Boys' state
.ties. " delegates have not been selected
~| 3eLther :,elivities al the recent
,H:~ ~Y I Girls' Club meeting included a, re-
:- --A I ~ort oil tile Tolo, which was held
" ONLy I March 20, by Mary Johnsen, wno
,tarts 7 p m[ was chairman of ll~e annual event.
~te Show " I Plans were started for the Moth-
....... | ers' Tea in May, whTch is the last
mh,I Girls' Club activity of the year. ,
I Last year's delegates to Girls
~.~. J State told about their experiences.
~l¢" | Liz Seiners told about transporta-
: i!ii\ I tion and accomodations, Charlene
| Kelsey explained the recreational
1 activities, and Kelly Frcdson gave
|l~m[DmAb | a preview of tile oi)portunities for
-*a~lll~ | participation in government which
,~-~... u are available to those a&tending
kUW." | Girls' State.
--" I For entertainment Lynn Nutt
)RN l~r~ | t~ldma humorous story based on
-- "~F~:I " eo and Juliet". Sandi Lewis
| sang "You Stepped Out of a
~ I Dream" and was accompanied by
I Pat Havens. Sgt. Tores of the
e~RAMOUNTeJCTUrESl I women's Marine Corps and Sgt.
I I Webber of tile WACS were pres-
',, d_~l[~ | eat. They explained the require-
~ll~ I .n~ents a girl must. meet to entm~"
~|1~ ] the armed ,services, answeIed. '
• ~O~1 questions, and distributed litera-
--_ /" I Lure.
~l~)i~q~ I AT TIlE SAME time a meeting
~|~1,~ I of the Boys' Club was held in the
i "~|Ildlll[~ I gymnasium. Joe Snyder, Boys'
r ~z,.,..le~,e/ Chlb president, presided. The main
t mulnon / attraction at this meeting was a
i / panel of recrui[ers for this area.
' I Representatives from the Army,
! ~ Navy, Marines, Coast Guard and
Th¢ Magic of A1ttmhaum will add, permanent
i BEAUTY and CHARM to your
• ' Porches and Steps.
"%N' Exo,u ,v. o
!Johnson Machine Shop
,M =
neeland Streets Shelton Phone 426-3203
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Art Point Inwtauons
Can help make your ira-"x
portant event a wonderful
success! Invitations that will
quality and social correctness
to your wedding.
Southside 4.H
Clubs Hold
Meelings Lasl Week
by Mrs. Ray Kratcha
~r; of the ~;:u'vi('.c and answered [ . ::::/} X, Vhat Nots I-H Club menlbers met
'!uo,-!tiollQ fl'c!ll liw fhml'. . ' ~:~?, at Simpson Al)ril 1• b'htg sahlte
l,'rvo 7ovls f"om Shrqtcm attender1 ~ ~! ~i mid ,i-lt Pledge were led by Doro-
a play dav of the Girls' Athletic I i:: thy Gunter. ,t-H Ch b members
Assocl'Hio]l last Saturday at ] . m~t at the Post Office .% turdly
Forks. Going to Forks l.r) partiei- ' ' .'i and w'ent on a hike, At the elui)
pate in the sports activities were [ * . nleeting Marvin Simllson gave, a
IVlarleen Adams, Cindy ~Villard, ~ ' | denmnstration