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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 9, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 9, 1964
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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9, 1964 SHELTON MASON COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A." Shelton, Washington PAGE 13 ..2 :i. t Tee 7bp azd Stretch famaica FAIRWAY PASTELS l MR11 ill and Club card party was wcll attended Work Progressing Oil The Annual; Juniors And u-r-- "' -: 'y- 't ! , ' , ' ' J,N UIN -~: IVlrS. %rONl.a S\vcnson tier (l'tll,l~alor A.nll Cohen v,,ho \verB with eight tables. Top scorc \vent Seniors Join To ether For One-Act Conleuv !and lmr four children arrived here tm'mer residents of Union. They lo Vera Bishop and low score to ~" *' troln Kodiak, Alaska, Match 31. ' By Tom D',de SMce the Annual is delivered in Ihe fall, work can be done in pre- paring it right up to the hEst day of the school year when it is sent to the publishers. With all this time the ammal staff expects to put out a very well organized yearbook. Jerry Shaw comes to the position of editor with three years of work on the annual and one year as assistant editor as past experience. He plans to utilize the knowledge of his also-experienced staff to get equally good coverage for ev- erything from sports to the social events of the past year. He is also doing this by reorganizing his as- sistants to include a representa- tive from each class. They will serve as reporters for the activi- ties of their respective classes. Dean Palmer of Dean's Studio in Shelton has taken the majority of the photographs needed for the Klahowya. Between the taking of planned photographs, Dean got a number of candid camera shots of classes that didn't know they.were to be photographed. Other pictures will be taken by Mr. Nolan, who, previous to his teaching career was a photogra- pher. In addition to these sources, snapshots will be accepted from anyone who has taken any that are related to school life. FOUR SENIORS and three jun- iors are Working on a play to be presented at a PTO meeting in the near future. The play selected was "Listen Dad" by Donald Payton, It is a one-act comedy. The story takes place as if it were in the present time. It be- gins as a slight mix up and turns into what is a modern version of] a family rued, The play was also publishcd under the name, "Life with Bobby Sex", because it is quite hectic when Bobby Sex goes around tending to everyone else's bnsiness. Nancy Stodden takes the part of her 14-year-old pal, Judy, who helps her get into trouble. Thc hero, young Joe Crawford, is play- ed by Jerry Shaw. Donna Owen is Margie, Bobby Sox's 17-year-old sister. Jackie Landis is Mrs. Hanna. She acts as mediator belween her husband and the family next door. Mr. Hanna mid Mr, Crawford played by Bill Trenkmann and Tom Dale respectively spend the entire play mad aL each other be- cause of part of the mix up. The play is under thc~.direction of Mrs. Noris and Mr. Solon. * • $ GRADI~,' SCIIOOL NEV¢S By Donmt Owen lsi. & 2nd Grades: The first and second graders are decorating for open hmme which will be held April 24. They have flowers around the room and a spring scene on the bulletin bOal.d. Five students are absent with the measles. Karen Lily and Gary Jeffries have just returned. 3rd & 4th Grade.s: The third and fourth graders have made beau- tiful decorations to welcome spring. There are daffodils and tulips growing ft'om the window sill and bhte birds flitting gaily above. The little ducks that the class hatched have been sent home. They kept them at school for a week but they grew too big to keep any longer. All of the children are looking forward to the swimming lessons which will start April 9. Every morning the class does h " t e Fifteen for Fitness' exercises that President Kennedy recom- mended for all school' children. They have mastered the first 'three and are working on the others. Mrs. Clift, their teacher, re- ports that one third of the class has been absent with the measles. 5th & 6th Grade.u: The fifth and sixth gl,aders are getting ready for this n]onth's P.T.O. meeting. They are planning the decorations for their bulletin board. By Joann Tupper NAHWATZEL -.- With fishing season a little over a week away, the lakes in Mason County and Western Washington are getting rence Hansen last Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Dunseolnb and daughter, of Seattle. She is the former Charlotte Dickenson, who gradlmted from Mary M. Knight All their belongings were destroy- cd in the earthquake. She and her children aL'c staying with her m(tther Mrs. A1ta Hcnnington. A baby shower imnoring Mrs. Sandy Stone (formerly Sarndi Richardson) was given Thursday evening by Louise Bittlc. Games were played with the prizes going to Marjorie Stairs, Marion Rich- ardson, Clara Bittle, Sharon Peek and Sandy Stone. Louise with the help of Clara served cake, coffee and jello. Sandy received many lovely gifts. Others attending were LoUella Nault, Carolyn Morse, Wanda Nilson, Donna Morris, Atm Ghramln and Sherrie Richardson. Bonnie Allen was thc honm'ed guest at a birihday parly glven for her by her parents Mr. and Mrs. Herb Allen. It was Wednes- day evening April 1. She received many gifts. An cvening nf games were enjoyed hy Mr. and Mrs. Dick Allen and family, Mr. and Mrs. Max Dean and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Allen and family and R0nnie Allen. The party ended with the serving of cake, ice cream and coffee. A DINNER, PARTY honoring Dick Biiechel on his hirthday April 4, was given by his wife Eleanor. Guests included Mr. anti Mrs. Karl O'Berry, Philip Johnson and Larry Nelson. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Keller re- turned home after spending the winter in Arizona . We arc sorry to hear of the oeath of William Boyce of Seattle April 1. He is the father of Fran Eby. Visitors at the home of Pauline ~Vyatt last week were her sister- in-law Vina Pfundt her niece Vera Baplist Church Welcomes New Members Sixteen new lncnlbers \veto vdel- corned inlo the First Baptist Church last Sunday evening at the close of the evening service. Fol- h)wing the presentation of mem- bership cards, the new •cuff)era were honored at a t'ecel)l;it)n held ill the church parlot:s. The new members are: Mr. and Mrs. Leon- ard Steele, Mrs. Sandi Minor, Mrs., Lillian Svenning, Gary E. Dillon, Babe C. Andeson, Mrs. Virginia i Mercer, .Mrs Paul Armstrong, Mrs. Eva; Simmons, Mrs. Rule Johnson, Mrs. Ken Ranf, Mr. and prepared for the anglers to try school at, Matloek. Mrs. Gordon Creasy, Dick, Gary their luck. Lake Nahwatzel opens Weeken(1 guests at the home of and Linda Crcasy. ~y April 19. The De~)~rlment of Fish Mr. and Also the Dan Adsero during WaS evenillg recep- and Game dumped fish in the lake Bruce Adsero and daughter, tan- tion a gift was prcscnl, ed to Mr. last Spring and in September, and la of Seattle. and Mrs. Dale Grytness and Earn- also put in 15,000 legal size last Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Lee Daw- ily who are being transferred to month. The lake is now supplied A:rcata, Calif. ~vR,,Phablc line of these stretch Jama[cas gives you the plus ery " son last Thursday was Mrs. Daw- with Rainbows, Silvers, and East-son's cousin and'family, Mr. and mm--'A----,L~--------'_-~.-----" .~L~ery in subtle , - ern Brool);. Fishing season looks Mrs. Harold Warnex of Mabton. hanz0 .... ncxer taut, never ehngy fit. Rich sheen HOOD CAML ]~. -Ealstretch cottoa with side zi-~cr The nlavful,mllover very promising at Lake Nahwat- Friday and Saturday the Vernexes li-~bri~llt vertical stripes withliolizolm~i baa(iln~ is' breeze- zel this year. accompanied Mrs. Daw.~on LQ A "surprise" birthday pai;ty was SCHOOL NEWS t~s:°tton knit Wimhledon Mcsh to keep you cool on the held last SatEirday evening for Mr'. Dawson. and everywhere you go. Mrs. Arehie Kelley. Those attend- Last Thursday evening Mrs. Tee Top, $5 00 ink were Mr. and Mrs. Blair Dawson and son, Eddie attended # • " ' Thompson of Wenatehee Valley, the basketball awards dinner, held Junior lt'gh airway Stretch Jamalca, $6.00 Mr. and Mrs. A1 Chappell of Day- at the ML. View School as guests This week the ninth grade is ton, Jerry Mathews of El•a, Mr.of the Shelton Rotary Club. registering for High School. Reg- and Mrs. Hank Chappell, Mr. andDinner guests last Sunday at istraLion involved two afternoon Mrs. Al Tapper, Mr. and Mrs. Lee the home of ME'. and Mrs." Roe trips to Shelton to take care of Dawson, Mrs. Leroy Smith, Kenl Franklin were Mr. and Mrs. Fran- necessary details. 1 e Ii A Subsidiary of P. N. Hirsch & Co• Carter, Ken Madoche, all of the eis Wright of ShelLon. lake. The party was given by her Mr. and Mrs. Alan Hickson and daughter, Betty• family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Sunday visitors to .the Kelley Wtlliam Kirk of Hoodsport last home were Mr. and Mrs. Blair Sunday. Thompson of Wenatchge Valley, Satm'day dinner gamsts at the Later in the evening Mrs. Kelley home of l~ir. and Mrs. Amel Tvett and daugi~ter, Betty were dinner were Mrs. Fred Parkingson and and guests at the home of Mr. and son of Bismarck, M.D., Mr. and Mrs. James Leggett of Aberdeen.Mrs. Harold Tveit of Bellingham, VISITING Mr. and Mrs. Law- Mr. and Mrs. George Bellinga of Tacoma. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Hewson en- joyed a few days east of the mountains in Yakilna Valley on business and visiting friends. They! visited with their son. Sam Hew- son of Grange. While they were away their daughter Knd fah~ily ; iM;r. and :M:rs. Phil Parker of Olympia enjoyed spentling the wcekend in their home here on the lake. Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Clifforo Ford last Friday was their grand- son, Steve Cr!~po who is attending coffege at Centralia. Spending the weekend with the Fords was Mrs. Dennis Reed of Seattle. ML'. and Mrs. Clifford Ford be- ~Ionday the class met with the Shelton Junior High ninth graders for High School orientation by tt panel of seniors. This consiste~'i of information, advice, and some de- monstrations by members of the panel. Wednesday afternoon the class met with Miss Baldwin for final scheduling. There was nmch con- cern over which courses to tske i',L mm•• --ALSO-- but, as usual all turned out well. Friday will be a busy day wil:h the track team competing in Shel- ton after school and the l~'reshman Ball in the evening. All spare time for the past week has been spent preparing fro" this function which is the fanciest of the y~r except for graduation. The girls League is planning for its Spring conference which will be held in Sl~elton this year April 18. the Coopers was Mr. Shapp of MaLlock. Thursday overnight guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph live in Gig ltarbor now. \Vhile they were here they also visited \Vanda Nielson, Nell Anderson and Vcrn Wyatt. Mr. alld MFS. ~'lll'l'cn Edingcr an(1 fanlily altcnded the 50th wed- ding anniv(wsary (ff Mrs. Edinger's parents Mr. and Mrs. Arehie Un- derwood in Shelton Smlday. It was held in the Faith Lutheran church. Last week Mr. and Mrs. James Chahners were on there way to Elms when Mr. Chalmers became ill and they took him l o the Shel- ton hospital. He had a hcart at- lack and last report he was doing fine. Mr. and Mrs. ,Tames Wampler and children, Riverside, Calif. are visiting their aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hamilton. James has just finished 20 years service in the air force. THE IJNION LADIES' Civic Ellen Rebman. The door prize a beautifull cake made by I,illian Hough was won by Nina Millcr Other' cakcs were won hy l~onnie Alhm, Philip Johnson and Grace Gardner. Betty Dean was hosless for tile affair. The club wishes to thank the ladies who donated cakes. The ehlb meets today at noon for a potluck hmcheon at the community hall. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ball and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ball drove to Portland, Ore. Sunday to pick np the ceramic supplies Mrs. Ball had bmLght the week before b~t came home by bus and couldn't bring them. They returned home that evening. Betty Dean was hostess to the Union pinochle club last ~¥ednes- day art her home. Ellen Rebman had high score for the day with low-going to Betty Dcan. Those EVERGREENSQUARE -- 426-3456 Quake playinK were Edith \\falter, Vera Bishop, I'hyllis Bc~sett, H'elcn Tirnnl fr(m] Union and Evelyn "While and Mandy Halbert front Shelton. The next pinochle p;Lr[:y will I:)e in Ellen's homc Apz'il 16. 311{8. IIAI{ILIIlA Sjohohll spent the weekend al 13ishopbr()ol~ and had as her guests Mr. and Mrs. Lm'ry Sloan and daughter. Barb- ara is the daughter of the E. K. Bishops. A birthday party h(moring Tillie Sherman was given' by her sister April 25 in Bremerl(m. Mrs. Doug- las Selnmmcher had nine of Tilhe" 's friends and relatives in for a birth- day cake, and they. spent the eve- ning playing cards. Katie Niles took Mr. and Mrs, Randall Updyke to Seattle ]asL Thursday to take a plane to Los Angeles to attend the funeral of Randall's motl~er, who passed away March 31. Katie weni~ and picked them up at the airport on Monday ew:ning. APRIL 9 thru 18 Starts } Springer were Mr. and Mrs. Steve McCowan and family of Marriet.ta, Ohio. Lake Sunday the Springer fa- Spending a few days with Mr. mily enjoyed a "family" reunion and Mrs. Frank Cooper last week aL the L. F. Cook lmmc in Men- was Frank Cooper, Jr., of Pasme tesano. canlc ' l t " 'g "~at grandparents last Thursday when Mrs, Dale Taylor of Olyinpii~ gavc birth to a I~aby girl, named Lourine Diane. HOur OFIICtl ttalILS Nobody settles claims faster and more fairly Large slock of surplus equipmeni, including 31) ton Lorain crane, I0 ton Auslin -Weslern hydraulic crane, towermobile, compressors, genorators, trucks, pick-ups, station wagon, etC, here is one of lhe ca'cb~sive advantages offered you by a SAFECO Auto Insurance policy : SAFECO makes it easy for agents, like ourselves, to give you the finest insurance'cov- el'age possible. For example, • SAFECO itavs ytmr eatire repair hill if you are invol~'e~/ in an accident with anofller tar covered hy a SAFECO auto policy. You will no! have to pay the deductible amount. SAFEc0 offers many more time-saving anLt money-saving befletits. IL would be our pleasure to discuss them with yea. *Not avaLlable in all states HEMBROFF AGENIIY 116 North Second St. Ph0n¢ 42.6.3357 at thc new - VALLE - PHOHE MUTUAL Today [~ 69c Rubbing Alcohol 2170 [---1 98c Pre-ElectricShave 2leo, PttYSICIANS & SURGEONS, Pint ......... ~ L.-..-J BRIARGATE. Smoother shvve~i, 5-oz ....... !IJI,i 89c Lacto Bismadine 9/Qflc ['-798c Shave I:otion 2/a0c Soothes upset stomach. 8-oz ............ LIeU I I BRIARGATE. 5-oz ...................... J~J~ $1.98 Beverage Sweetenerg/199 [--798c Briargate Shave q/flOe WALGREEN. For food, cookln9. 16-oz ....... 6"/I I I Spice, h~cnthol. 11-oz .............. ,, .... ~.~ 49c Baby Oil 2/50c i--1 98c Men's Cologne 9/Qfle PItYSICIANS & SURGEONS• 5-or .......... I L._.-] Spicy Brlorgate. 5-ox. bottlo ........ ,, .... ~,,l~J [~$1.79 Sleep Capsules 9|180 [--79Bc Men's Deoderant 2/q9c ANIDONr~ettle of 36 ............. ,**,.i,.~.~l| ..... :'~L~.J,~r~lARGAlE.~Tbuch~tlpspr~,L.l~oz ....... lIJ 69c Mineral Oil ..... '}/'/tic " WALGREEN. Extra heavy, p;nt ........... lieu E98c Acne Cream ,,11111.i:: RELLER Hides he=Is 1 5-or ,, ~ ~l; 98c Eye Drops 9~lQc [--'I 98c Cold Cream 9/flQc ANEFRIN. Soothing relleL a.h.ox .......... g,l~ I I PERFECTION. Freshly mode, 8-oz ......... g.|~ll~ 98c Saccharin 91QQc [-"789c Shampoo with Egg ?/Qllc |000 ~,~-gr. Toblets, effervescent ......... g.~l~ I I FORMULA 20. B.oz ..................... ~,.l~u ['-'] 53c Walgreen Aspirin 2/54° [-189c Bubbling Bath qlrlfle Guar{anteod quallty~ 5-gr., 100% ...... Apple blossom, pine, tea rose, carnation..~,/~]U ['-7 45c Gly. Suppositories 2/46< [--I $1.29 Hand Cream ,.o,..2/130 Infants or adults• Bottle of 12 ......... PERFECTION. Makes hands feel soft, D 39c Cold Sore Balm 2/40< ~ 98c Roll-On Deodorant 9/00c KELLER. ~-oz. tube .................... TIDY. Protects fnr hours, 2-o~ ............ /,i~ 39c Merthiolate 2/40, llnclure. 1-oz, bottle .................. ~i,.~! --]$1.00 Glide Celenate ::~: 9/10t Powder or ointment fer athlole's foot., o...~,1! D 79c Zinc Oxide .2/80c D 39c Waving Fluid ..... 2/40c Antibiotic. O;ntmcnt, 1 !~-o: ........ ,.., I.A PEGGIE, Non-sticky, 6-ox ...... .. ["-] $1.29 Antacid Liquid 2113° ~-] $1.39 Hair Permanent .... 21140 WALGREEN. Soothes. 12-o ................ I ~ MAREE. Ple-mlxed .................. D 98c Headache&Pain Tablets 2/99' 89¢CreamHalrDresslng ~}/fln¢ WALGREEN. Extra stren0th. 10.O% ........ , FORMULA 20. 8-oi. bottle. .............. LIeU I--"] 49c Milk of Magnesia , 2/50¢ i--] 9Bc Dandruff Shampoo...2199c WALGREEN. Mint or Pla;n. Pint ........ • FORMULA 20. Helps =ontrol, 8..o~ ....... E~ $9c Laxative Tablets 2/60c [~~ B9c F°°m Oil shamp°°2/90¢n.-,,. B9c J Shampoo WALGREEN. GenHe lelief. 84"~ .......... ! FORMULA 20, For dry holt, 8-or ......... I 69c Smokers' Tooth Paste . WALGREE. ,ube ......... • ....... Liqui FORMULA 20. It s lemoffzed. 8,oz.,~.*** L~I [~ 69c Keller Mouthwash 2/70c [-7 $1.69 Hair Spray 9/170 Rebeshes mouth. Pint ............... ',, I ~ FORMULA 20. II.~Z...,...o...~........LJl D 89c Baby Lotion ,2/90* ...... ......... PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS. 8-oz ......... , D S9c Children's Aspirin 9/Rflc WALGREEN'S finost,, 100's ........ ,/UU ["7 $3.98 AYTINAL W/MIN. ,00,, ...... 2/3" 7s< Babykoe Syrup 2/76¢ ["7 $6.95 0LAVlTE "M" Thera.t0o,, .... 2/6" Gentle for boby'l cough, a-oz... ,** ..... 75C Castoria q/TCc hi,d,en's ,oxo,,,. ................ $3.29 0LA.VlIOL SOLUIION ...... 213 79c Child. Cough Syrup n.nn SZn mLt Vm , 8{) $5.79 GERIATRIC TABLETS E 9Bc Vaporizer Spray 2 99c ~.NEFRiN. M*dkmedd .... 9 ..... t, . $1.98 VITAMIN C Chi[dren'l; " "80 $1.79 Antihist. & Vit. C Tabs ?/lS0 $3.79 SUPER AYTINAL ,00 ......... 2/3 ANEFRIN. Cold f;~hlcr, 50's .............. *'-Is • • 5o THERAPEUTIC ,oo,, 2/6 D$1 49 Decongestant Tab A.EFR,N .... SO. ............ 2/1 $6.45 0LAVITE $2.89 JR. AYTINAL W/MIN. ,.,,..2/2" $2•49 AYTINAL IR. ..... 2/2 $1.39 COt} LIVER .......... 2114 $1.19 BREWERS YEAST TAB. EVERGREEN SQUARE G $1.19 Antihist. Syrup For coughs. 8.oz ........................ B9c Cold Capsules 2/90' WALGREEN. Effective, 25% ............. D 63c Bismadine Tablets 21fi4< WALGREEN. Prompl relic, f, 100 s ........ [-"1 79c Analgesic Bolm 2/~0c WALGREEN. $oru muscle Icllcf, l:.-c:,.. SHOP DURING ONE CENT SALEDAYS We invite you to come in and shop the many bargains on sale in every depaEt- ment of the store during our ONE CENT SALE. There are big savings for ¥o~, in.. eluding many more items at le Sale pSces that space does notpermit us tO show. WiTH PURCHASE ," AT OUR DRUG DEPARTMENT \ ! I,