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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 9, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 9, 1964
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PA ,E • TI2,L (TI '--MA O ¢ OGT. ,t'G 3OLF NAT;-- Thiblimhod in 'q%r£efmrr.elnwn r. . . holtnn, ~n.qhirl~Ofl~01"i T1mr. day, Legal Publications NOTI('I,: OP SALE O1" VAI.I~ABL1.] MATEIIIAI, ON g'I'AT)". I,AND . STATIC Ol;~ \VASHIN(]T()N, DEPART MENT ()b' NATI:RAI. I4ICS()tH~CES, ]'t¢lJ L. (~lth', (~l)lnli/i~:Qtlll*'l' q~ll l'tlb- lic I ,n nil~-, Not(co is givPn IIUI( Ipll Tile.~- dny, lll~' 2~;lh day ¢,f April, 1961, Ci)le- llll~llcJng a[ ton o'(,lol!k in |]1o ft)rJqlOOli i*f said d~ly at th(, l'm'l ()rchard, Dis- tri('I lloa(l lu lr((' 's. -~: i~' 1 al Pm't i () '¢'hl I'd, (7,,lllltV I,f Kits:qt.Shlle of I Wa,~hillgl-n. I}V the. l)islricl Adnlhlis- ll'alol' Ill' SllJd [)JslrJ('l, lho iJlllbi!r on Ih(' followhlg d~,scril)l'd ,~hlh. land will I,, s(J1 l al l~(lblic atlvlh~ll l,i lht high- est bhldlw, Io-wi! : Apldicathm No. 28883 Bolfair Sch.i)l b.'aled approxhmih'ly 2 lnilos Illlrlh (if l~,t'lfair. The si/le is ('(alllI{)sf~d of all l iIiIbor wit]lin lllarkod Sld(! ~+/rea hi)llndal'y nlld IIrOl)Oi'ty lino, s I,ll part ]{ll,~ SWl:i. l)arl NW!i SE~(~ S('ciJllll 16, Townsilil) 23 Ni)rlh. Range 1 We~t, W.M., (!lllll ~inillK 50 Ilcr(!s, lllOrt! i)r loSS, COlll])ri:illlg alll)roxilllllt/'Jy 9(10,000 bd. ft. I~[' I_)(allzla~t fh'; 3(I,000 bd. fl, ol ht,nd,!k ; I()A}()0 bd. fl. oil cPdar; alld 60,00it hd. fl. I,f alder, ill' a lldal of ].()(ffl,00t) bd. fl. Minimunl acc~!ptal)h! hid: $3,1,520.00. Tillll)~r will hc s.h'l (Ill a I'asb or IlIHlalhllcnl Illall I1tisJs. TJliilt(tl' lllllSt |il! rt,llliivf,d prior lo ~)o/'lqilll('l' 31, 1965. ()It Ill' l)l!l'lirt' April 2S, 1964, lit ll):00 flail., o:~('h bhldi'r lllll.~ll IIIlt]U~ I1 nlilli- lnUlil doposil ~d" ,$3,452.00 plus a $5.00 bill .f sale f('o, or a l~)lal (,f $3,457,00 hl the fol'lil (if {'ash, lllllliey (ll'dcr or corllfi"d check. Said dt'llcmii ~hail con- slitlll,~ an opnnlng bhl at llic nl)- 1waisl:d i)riul!, l]liOll li'wtlc(t ill' lids sallL llu' I'(>Slio(qJvt! d~'posils shall lu! ro- Itll'no(i Io lh(! {lllfllll!l'i!S~'t"ll b~l'i°''~ rPl~¢~ i)llr'cha.~or illU~l lilly lhe balance be. lw~,~,n the )rid (lelmsiI nnd tim lull bid pri('o (in itll' lilly (lY .~;lle, tir lilly, if lho illlrcilasvr SO f'IOClS I1[ Ill(' time IJf ,¢lllIl', plly all addJlJllllal IIIilOI.UII, I(I brhlK lll~' l~)llll ailnlllnt of lllo di,posit, i'x(!Jil:liVt! fir f0('S, t(,I I!qlla] ~5~7~, of l]le full bid lll'ict! based on tim ci'nise e~ii- hl+ql(!, This I)fllallce Ii/ay be paid by llt'l'slillal cli(~ck, liilrchascc TllUSl also furnish, within 30 dny;I lif date i)f silo,,< sli',lvl, llf 1"$5,ft(0(0l~gl~r- aliioo CiHllliliani'0 wilh all iOl'lllSt of tile hilt iif sob'. All chocks, nliill(,V orders, etc. :Ire IO lll~ llladl, t)avahlo Ill thc ("t)lillllis,~ion0r f,f Public L,ands. (')11 (lip day of sah.. ¢~v('r and `abOVe lho initial deliosit and for!s. (he pur- i'l|llsi!r ]IIIIFli l)l'l'lvJdt! the i)Pt)arilltPnt ~1 N r~il 11 Ia] !F{ lei,l~ O 1. I | 'l~ es ~l~" i 11 i a casiller's iqn'ck ill the alllollnl i)f $725.00, Day- libh' to Norlliel'n Paeifh' Railway Conl- i)o I', 10 l)aY fill' 1. 1( i'l lsirllCtlon of a i'ail Way "rl'(mshlg, Tile till rcllaSf~r IllllF~I al~lo providl! a casiliei"s c]leek in lhe tililOlUlt of $100.00, payable to United Slates /)~qlartinont of the Na- V.V, Ill satlsfy i]le if]rillS of tile. (I()v- (!l'nllleitt's grant of east',meat No. Hey ]lind!4, " ' " BEST SELECTION Cooke's Feed & ltardware 219 South First Legal Publications Accessil)iltly: Via St:ale access road. COllliilol(! (.ontral4 an(' specifications nlay lie e×amined nl Port Oreilard Dis- lricl tioadquarlers, t~llunly Atldltor's offh:o, ;llld office of COlllnlissionf)r ill ]hlblic lmnds, Olylnpia. 'i',~ lm sold ,at Port Orchard Distri('t lllmd(luarh,r!L on Tu~,slhiy, Al)rtl 38, 196|, I11 1() i¢chlck, Allllllealhtn No, 29297 Twin l~liko ll.,.aii,d aliiiroxilllately 13 mih!s norlhwosl of l~ldfah'. The saln i~ C(lllllliimq:l of all linllicr on NWl~ NW !~, Sevlil,n 16. Townshil) 33 North, ]~llllgi! 2 WI!Sl. W.~l., i,lilitaining 40 ilt~l'l,s, lllor(! or loss, i~onlllrising ap- llroxiinahdy 318,001i bd. it. (if I)ouglas fir. Minhnilill ncvol)tlihle hid: .~;5,1d7.00. ThilbiW will he Sidd ¢in a cash or in- shilllaolil llhin I~Iisis. Tit(tiler iiulsl be rt!lliOved lit'ha' lo JIine 30, 1964. Oil or llol'lwo April 28, 1964, at 10:90 a.lil., (,ii(,li bidder nil+is( lli`ake a mini, liilllil dellosit i,f $52,1.70 plu.~i a $5.00 bill of sale lot,, i,i' a total (,1' $529.70 ill lilt~ fill'Ill ll|" cm:h, lOll'lilly iil'doc or certi- fied check. Silht d:~l)osll shall cons(i- lil(O all Oltt'nilig hhl ,at lln! alipi'ui.~t~d i)i'h'o, lr ioii award ol tlHs sale, lhe rt,sllcclive deIlltstts shall be returned l(i l]il~ iinsu¢,c.l,Tsflll |liddel,s. The pllr- Clllls.r lllllSl l)ay th(! tialall(,(~ I)ctwcen lho bid dl'l!,)sil `and the full bid price on lll,~ day id' ~ale, or ltiay, tI tlm ptlrchlisor S0 elects at the time ef sa c, pay an addilional ,anlount to hring tlw lot`al amount of tlm deposit. o×clusive of fee'L to equal 25'~, of the ill I hid pl'ice b`ast,d on tJle. cruise eslhnah,, provided that mi('h deprlsit shall uot lie less lhau $2,000.00. This halall('e ilia)' be lla d [ V llt!r~',nat cherk. Plirchasor Inust also' ftd'nlsh, wiihin 30 d ,:S of date of sale, li Surety hond of $1,000.00 to gunrantee compliance wiih nil terms of the biil of sale All ehcvks lTIOhey orders, elc are to be Iillldl' payahle to the Ciinlnll.qsionel, Of Public Lands. Accc~ssibili(y: Via pnblie roadm Coniplote contract fi.nd specifications nm:¢ be exalnlned at Port Orchard Dis- (riot Headquarlers, CoBnty Auditor's offtce, and offtce of Conmiissi~mer of Public I.`ands, (')lynipla, Tt) tie sold at Port Orchard r)islrict tteadqlmrters, oil Tuesday, April 28, 196,1, a( 10 o'clock a.m. Any sale. whtch has been offered and fin, which no hids are received shall not lie reoffered untll it has been re- advertised. If all miles cannot be of- fered within lhe speeifled time on tlle ndverIisl.d date. the ~u]e shall contin- ue rm the folhiwhlg day between tha hours (;if ten o'clock a,ni. and four o'clock p.m. Said limber on said land will be sold for not less than the appraised vahle, as appraised by the Commissioner of Ptll)lic Lsnds in the manner provided by law, a notice of which is now on file in the office of tile Auditor of Ma- son Counly, and District Administra- tor of said district. Terms of sale are: cash or install- ment pla~l basis. :BERT L. COLE Commtsshiner of Public Lands 4/2-9-16-23 4i NO, 8621 SUMMONS BY PiJBLICATION IN TttE SUPEP.IOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY FLORENCE W. HEINI'~E, a widow, Plaintiff, vs. I=~ELFAIR SAND AND GRAVEL COMPANY, INC." FRANK M. SCHANTZ and ROSE SCHANTZ, .his wife; GORST READY MYX CON- CRETE COMPANY, INC.. PENINSU- LA READY-M:IX. INC.; 'TERRANCE COGAN and JANE DOE COGAN his wife; CHARLES R. HARTMAN' and .TANE DOE I-IARTMAI~, his wife: WALTER ]tALLOCK and JANE DOE Leg i n n al Publications n i n i i i I(NOWN CAIMING' ANY RIGHT, TITLE, ESTATE, LIEN (')P. INTER- EST 1N TlIE REAL ESTATE DES- CRIBED IN TIIE COMPLAINT HERE- IN. Doft,ndantm `and TIlE STATE OF WASItlNGTON ; UNITFI) STATES (iF AMERICA; SAItlA:H,~RG EQUIP- MENT, IN('.. Additional Dofl,n(lants. T1tE STATE el~ WASIIINGTI)N TO TIIE SAID I~ELI~A[R SAND AND (II~.AVET~ COMPANY, IN(;., FRANK M. SCItANTZ and R~.m SCHANTZ, his wife; (I()RST l{EAI)Y MIX CON- CRETE COMPANY, IN(:'.; PENIN- SULA READY-MIX, INt'.;TERRANCE C()(IAN and ,JANE I.)()E COCIAN, his wif,'; C11ARI,ES R. HARTMAN and JANE DOF, II AI{TMAN. his wife; WAIf],ER HALLOCK mid JANE DoE HAI~LOt;~. tlis wift.; AND ALL OTlt- ER PERSONS OH. I'AIVI'IES I.JN- KNOWN CLAIMING ANY RI(~ItT. TI- i n, ,,,,,, I n I i| Legal Publications C'ul~e ~o. 8,576 NO'rlCI.] O1: Slll'~i{ll!'le'S NAI,I'] OF RFAI, I,'STATE l!`ader (lellerlil Execnlhln IN TIlE SUPERIOI{ COIJI{T OF TIIE STATE Ol~ WAStIINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY Provident Life 1nsnrance (.~Dlill)any, a corl)ol'alh)n, Plahltiff VS. Itolit,r[ l], I~,IN?C,' and I.ila M, ]~.eece, his wife, et al, Defendant I~lldl!r and by Vil'[ll~ of II 14onlq'llt f!x-' eculion issllod otlt of lind illlder (he soul Ill lhe Supel'|or Cluirt ill lhe State of Washingtlm, in and fill' said County, eli tile 1st day of April. ]9~1. lll)llll a judgliiont rendoro(l in said (}our[ Oil lho 28Ih day of Pehruary, 19(i.1, in fa- Viii' of }lI'l)vldt.nt Llfo lnsurailce (.~onl- llany, li ciirl)liralilin, and against l~ol)- or( l'. Roecl, and Lila M. Reecl,, his TI.E, ESTATE, I.I:EN OR INTEREST Will,, et al, judgon!nt dl;biors fin' lh. IN THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED isunl -f Six Thousand Two 1lundrml :IN TttE COMPLAINT I{ERE1N, De- thirty-nin(! and 77/]00 Dolhu's, togeHwr fendtirlts, and THE STATE 0F WASH- INGTON ; UNITED STATES OF AMI!]RICA ; SAHLBERG EQUIPMENT, INC.. Add|(tonal Defendanls: YOU ARE HEREIiY SUMMONED TO APPEAR wHhin sixly days after the dale of the first public,alien of this Suaiilillns, lo-wit : within sixty days al'tt,l' the 20th day of March. 1964 P.oginniag at the Solllhensl. corner and (lt,feiid the above-lntltled aetiun of the SWt~ of the SEt; ill Sl'clion in Ih(, al~ovo-[mlitleil C.urt, and as- swer the cntnphiint of the plainliff, an~ SeT'VO a Col)Y 0f y0Ul' an.qwer ui)o'n the undl,rsigned atlollioy Tllr plain- tiff', al his office I)chtw staled; and In case of your faihlre so to do judg- Ilient will be rendered againsl you llcci~rding to the delllanl!, Of the coin- plainl,,.whicii has lit,t,li Jiled wil,h the Clork of said COUl't. 'rh~ subject (if lhe above-entitled aclion is t(i foreclose I~. lnortghge oil real estate described ah follows: The, ,.S~lit lwesl .... qua 'lA,r (SWl~,~ ,u ) of the SOUl hoast quarl(,r (SI,Jl5). Sect toil lhh'ly (30), Township twenty-three 123) North, Rangl, one (1) WeS[, W.M,, excepting (hi.roJ'roni existing roadwilys, in Mas(m Col.lnly, WllsI1- ington. .... , and to quiet lille in (he plaintifI to said real estate `against the claims of all known and nnknown defendants, JAMES B. SANCHEZ Attorney for Plaintiff OFFICE AND POSTOFF'ICE ADDRESS: 245 Fourth Street Building Bremcrton, Washington 3/19-26-4/2-9-16-23 -6t U,~. Treasury I)eparlnlent- Interna! Revenue Serviee NOTICE OP SEALED BIB SALE April 9, :I,Igl4 Pursuant 1.o `aulhority contained in Section 6331 of lh~.~ Intern,al Revenue Code, lhe folh)wing described prol)erty has been seized fin' nonpayment of de- linquent internal revenue t`axes due frolil William J. Jr, & Patricia Ke~l- nedy, Rt. 5, Box 493, Port Orchard, Washington. The property will be sold in ac(,.ordanc, e wilh the provisions Of Seclion ~335 of the Internal Revenue Code and the regulalions thereunder, at public sale under se`aled bids which the property is offered for ~ale. Pros- pectlve bidders are requested to write or call in person at the olfice of tim 1)lstrict Director at 204 Second St., (P.O. Box 750), Bremerton, Waslffng- ton for the purpose of sccurillg In- tern,al Revenue Service lt'o r I I1 2222, Sealed Bid For Purchase of Seized Legal Publications lto dsport Man Escapes NATI()NAL I:ORIC'-IT 'I'[MBEll, ]:OR ~AI,E. SOUTII I,'lll{ll. Injury In gging Accident Pnlllic Ill)lil'o IS ]l~.!'ohy givcli I}llll pl.lrstialil h/ file lll'l,vi.~.¢m: [~f Sl,('Jtoil i 5 of Pulllh' l~iiw '273, 7~11i ('~l)nl41'OSS (58 Slill, 1,32-IiJ, U.S.C.A. 5~3-5M3i), and the Co(ll)l'ralivl, Al4i'tq!ilii'lil l'lll' lho By SilUlli Thllrnliln ~I~ ~[lil'y'k Malla!4lqnl'ni ~,f ih. i':irlicilwliing Fllr- ' I-IOOI)SPORT - r£oberl Beard- est Pr(iperlicv ill IIw Sholillli (NII)])l'l'- lilk'o Sus(ahi~,d Yhqd Unit onlorod in- ~11l, .]'1~, (~scal)od sel'iOllS hljury in a h~ liy and ll,,twot,n the Vnih.d Stalos ~d' logging accident "~vhen a Jr)g- Sll'llC]{ AlIltq'il!ii and tlw Shll[ison Thllllor COlll- hi)n ill the hip. He was taken to p ny. dab'd l)t'conlber J2. 191(1, :ill Inor- i'Jialillil)h, Ihnllt,r lilark(!tl (ti, (h,sig- lhe hospilal %v]lel'e lie silent sex,- lill[l'd |'ill' cuttinl4 llll lin ill'Ca ('illlll'~il'- eral flays lllldOr ol),~0rvLttion, Bob [ng 541 aclli!s, liiOl'i' ill' loss, wilhhl is horne now arid is expecled to , , I ~ ')o Sections 2 3, ,I, 6, 9, 2JI. 2~, 2,t..~. y.N., retnYn io wm'k this week. I~.. 5W., St~qilms 31, 32. 33, T. 2,iN.. I~.. 5W., liartia ly st rvov., I; Socti~,ns ]0, ~ll{~l'Cll 6 lhe Hood Canal Amer- 15, T. 22N.. R. (;W,. Sol,lion,