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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 9, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 9, 1964
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Want Ads ve Only 12 Ibs. ON TODAYI Luncheon Slated By Happy Dolphins To Aid Sagging Swim Fund A spaghetti hmcheon has been planned by the Happy Dolphins Guild to supplement the sagging l'wads exDerienced about this time aqch year. Tile hmeheon, served in Ivue Italian fashion, will be he!,~ from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. April 22 at the Masonic temple. Donations will be $1.25 and ticPets may be ]mrehased from Bern Nelson chaimmm, or any Dolphin member. The Dolphins are in their fift~ year of swim insh'uetion for the (q~.ildren from Rogers school. Al- though most of their expenses are paid tlu'ough donations from loeal arganizations and individuals, at lhis time of year tile funds begins to sag, Expenses for the remainder of this year ine, lude pool rental, an annual picnic and outing for the ehildren and their annual gradu- ation day when swimming skills nre shown off to parents and friends. Profits from ~he luncheon will oe used for these purposes. Visitors are always welcome to view the Dolphin swim program at the pool any Tuesday from 9 - 1l a.m. SEY CLUB TO RESUME MEETINGS The St. Edward's Youth group will resume meetings this Friday with a 6 p.m. potluck dinner in the church basement. Election of officers for the coming year will take place. All eighth grade mem.- bers with paid-up dues are eligi- ble for nomination. Hlllcrest DIRT DOBBER~ CLUB The Dirt Dobbers Garden Club will hold a regular meeting be- ginning at 10 a.m. next Tuesday in the PUD auditorium. t' Dodge Boys are increas.' nan anyone else in the industry !, DOdge Boys have jockeyed themselves w'lner's circle with another big sales year. ,.Ith 1952, Dodge Boy sales were up 54% even bigger this year! They owe success to the great '64 Dodge (like Odge 880 below) This year's Dodges are the market-and ihe imagination-of the With their sensational styling, sensible lnE and well-known dependability, And when up, Uodge Boy deals, trade.ins and terms and better. See wha! we mean. Stop in d see why ever ,ibedy s glad .their local making good. (In I1: Fre nice 'good buys.) i l S or DON PAULEY $helton TIELT0/V--MA ON O0I qTV 30URNAL-- Published In "OhrL tma tmr b ,, r, ,Jlolton, Wn. hing on ...................................................................... i- .++~- .................. i, ii ' , i iii~ I ......... ii II I I I HER ENGAGEMENI RINLAI,kD Brunch Meeting Held By Iotans Thirty members of Iota Chap- ter, Delta,. Kappa Gamma gather- e(| for a brunch meeting at tile Colonial House last Friday. After the initiation service was given, view points on "Portrait of a New Generation" were expressed by Margaret Bahlwin, Dr. Louise Cle- menls an(I Katherine Allard. Two nmsical numbers on tile flute were presented by Janet Ma- ranville who was accompanied by Mrs. Dexter Edge. Mrs. Ncwland, ln'esident, urged tile nlembers fo . attend tile April 11 State Conven- tion meeting in I'ort Angeles. RACHEL KNOTT GUILD LUNCHEON MEETING The Rnchel Knott Orthopedic Guild will hold its April 17 hmeh- eon meeting at 12:30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Dorothy Jessup on Hood Canal with Mrs. Grout as co- hostess. If any member is unable to at- tend she is asked to not!fy either of the hostesses. BPW Representatives To Spring Gonference Four members of tim Shelton Business and Professional We- ] men's Club attended the Springl Conference of District NO. 5 last] Sunday at Raymond. Delegates l and alterntite were May Slnith,i Mary Dobson, Mabel Burf~ and Lo- I (~.(,nla ,Johnson. [ B and PW Club state conven- tion will bc held in Richland May 14-17 with the Tri-City clubs as hostesses. The local club will meet for a no-host dinner at Timbers Restan- rant at 6:30 p.m. next Thursday with the meeting following in the home of Ella Chase. STUDENT TO PLAI' Janet Maranville, Shelton, is a member of the Seattle Youth Sym- phony which will present a young people's concert at 10 a.m. April 11 in Meany Hall at the Univer- sity of Washington. Tile concert is intended particularly for junior and senior high school students rl Auto Glass ,,, . Expert Installation JIM PAULEY, INC. 5th & Railroad Ph. 426-8231 Landscaping, • Lawns, roekertes, trees shrubs • Top soil, tilling, leveling • Free estimates SUNSET LANDSCAPING Herbert Baze 426-4718 m i i i Drugs Pawn Shop ++ o i .o I + + + I. Prescriptions I . Mon.-Fri. 6 p.m. - 10 p.m. • Hypo-Allergic Cosmetics [ • Sat. - 9 a.m. - 10 p.m. . NELL'S PHARMACY i Govey Bldg. Ph. 426-3327 | SHELTON PAWN BROKERS I 122 So, Seoond St, BRIDE-ELECT--In a recent ceremony at Seattle Pacific College, Miss Jenny Knautz revealed her engagement to David Wayne Scott. Miss Knautz is the daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Eugene Knautz of Shelton. She will be graduated from SPC in June and assume appointment at Redmond Junior High School in Redmond, Wash. in September. Her fiance, son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew K. Scott, Hoodsport, is presently manager of Hales Market in Hoods- port. He attended San Diego City College and the University of Washington where he will resume studies next fall. No date has been set for the wedding. Oonservalion Luncheon Slated By Shellon fiarden Olub April 20 The 17th Conservation luncheon of the Shelton Garden Club will be held April 20 at 12:30 p.m. at the Colonial house. The first one, held Febl 17, 1947, was also at the Colonial house. C. H. Krien- bourn, then vice president of Simp- son Logging Co. gave a talk on the new "sustained yield" pro- gram which the timber and pulp and paper compmfles were starting in cooperation with the United States government. This was the first conservation hmeheon held in the state, after which the :National Council of State Garden Clubs urged clubs throughout the corm- try to stress conserwttion. The :National president, Mrs. J. Gordon Gose of Seattle, the first Washington garden club member ever to achieve that position, sent the following letter to the Shelton Garden Club congratulating it on its 25th anniversary: "Dear mem- bers of the Shelton Garden Club: As president of National Council of State Garden Clubs I send you greetings upon the 25th anniver- sary of the organization of the Shelton Garden Club. My congrat- ulations are extended to you for a record full of accon~pltshments, many awards for dedicated service and support for all projects sup- ported by the gardening organi- zation. It seems only yesterday since I attended the Conservation luncheons in Shelton as state vice president. Y(mr work was always dedicated and noteworthy in the conservation mid civic improve.. ment fields. May tile coming years be full of similar progress. Cord- ially (signed) Violet Gose (Mrs. J. Gordon)". Following a precedent, the queen of the coming Forest Fes- tival, Miss Liz Seiners, and her princes.~es will be guests of the garden club at the conservation luncheon. For the program after lunch Jim Hartley of Simpson Timber Co. will show the newest film of ihe various company operations throughout Washington, Oregon and California. Co-hostesses in charge of ar- rangements for the luncheon are Mrs. Maude Crosby and Mrs. Eu- gene Dorman. Reservations should be made by April 17 with Mrs. Dorman at 426-4626. Homemakers To Sponsor Plant, Rummage Sale Members of the Mason County Homemakers' Association wi 1 l hold a plant and rummage sale this Friday in the PUD building. Among many things on sale will be some articles of clothing for larger women. The proceeds of the sale will be used to send chaperones with Mason County 4-H youngsters who will be attending 4.H Conference in Pullman in June. Brownie Troop 172 Brownie Troop 172 held its Ap- ril 6 meeting at the Evergreen school. C]mryl Tabor gave a dem- onstration on making a fruit sal- ad and served it with cookies for the treat. The troop then rode out to Cook's Plant Farm and went through all of the greenhouses. Mr. Cook presented each member then with a plant and a calendar. Roxanne Wilson will demon- strate at the next meeting and will serve the treat. --Cheryl Tabor, reporter Spring Luncheon Held By DPW The annual spring hmcheon of the Daughters of the Pioneers of Washington was held last Thurs- day at tile Cohmial house. Guests from B|'cnlerton, Olympia and Se- attle ehapler,~ attended along wit:It Shelton guests who were inter- ested hut not members. Spriffg flowers arranged in an- tique amber glass containers dec- orated the tables. Mrs. Fredrik If. Haslund of Seattle, state presi- dent:, talked about the activities of the Daughters of Pioneers at the state level. Mrs. Jean Miller Plant brought Indian baskel:s and grasses and spoke of their nses. Committees for the hmcheon in- chided: Decorations, Misses Rose and Dora Fredson; tickets, Mrs. Warre~ Earl; and registration, Mrs. O. D. Durand. Mrs. Susie Pauley, president, presided. April Sashay Set By Squa]e-'- Dance s' The r(,gv, lar dance of the Salty Sashayer Square l)anee Club wiil be held beginning at 8:30 p.m. this Saturday tit the Memorial hall. Ben Irorbes will do the calling, President Clarence Grunert is working: with the w~rious commit- tees on plans for the ninth birth- day dance which will be held May 9 at the Bordeaux sehool with Walt Willi'~ms of Kelso calling. Different men excel in different ways ....... Pindar Electrical_ . , Printing • House wiring & rewiring I I I Electric Heating ] l • Quality Work l = Trouble Shooting Ii Of All Klndll Ii • Licensed & Bonded Contractor . I I JIM EINARSSON ELEC. I THE JOURNAL I Star Rte. 2, Box 37, 426-6520 | 227 Cots Phone 42(i.4r41~1 [ t H . -- Electrical - Sand, Gravel ....... . I uo+. II I I• Electric Heating I I . Westinghouse Appliances iI . Peat Sell I I SHELTON ELECTRIC CO. I ] . Custom Tractor Work [ 1,419 Railroad Ph. 426-6283 III 426-3552Johns Creek NotmSand &AndersonGravel II Floor Coverings . Sewing Maehme . [ . Linoleum It . Sales, Service Rentals I I . Tile I I • New and Used I I . C,~rpeting I ] . Free Pi*up & Delivery ] [ , Formica I I Singer Sewing Center I REX FLOOR COVERING I |117 5th Ave. East - Olympia | l~.[Mt View Ph 426-2292 l, Ph. 357-7.586 l Heating --/' Tire Service . . Safety check l I • New OK Tires I • Clean-up l • Minor & major repairs.[ | • Recapping I STARKEY'S HEATING | J • Used "1 Sales & Service | | OK TIRE STORES I 514 Ellinor 426"4673 I I Mt. View Ph. 426-4832 I Insurance ......... + Travel I . Disability, Hospitalization I I • Air - Rail - Steamship J | • Bus - Hotels - Tours I I , Life { I • No Extra Charge For I I • Retirement Funds | Our Service | [ Mutual & United of Omaha I Angle Travel Res. Center | [ ......... Duane Rodgers - 426-6,142 II 401 Railroad Ave 426"41341426"8272 1 Kirby Vacuums TV Service + I• sales and service ] 1 • Radio - TY ] I • Repair Parts I • Phonographs l I • All Vacuum Makes I . CB 2-way radio / | FOR SERVICE WRITE I LEROY'S TV SERVICE | I P.O. Box 354 Ph. 426-3402 I Mr. Vl?w Ph. 426-$172 [ For Your Home -- Economical, Practical For only a few cents a night you can light up your front yard and driveway, you can install a modern efficient light near your house or garage, you can banish the darkness around your patio or recreational• area. Here's What You Get: * An efficient and modern lighting luml- nalre designed for all outdoor areas. Visualize YOUR home with one or more of these modern, efficient lights. Think of the many advantages you will enjoy and the peace of mind you realize if your property is effectively illuminated after dark. * A photoelectric cell whloh turns on the light as darkness approaches and turns it off next morning automatically. * All brackets and hardware necessary for complete installation. * All electric power used during the oper- ation of the light. * Free maintenance and replacement of burned out bulbs. The Low Cost Will Surprise You -- Get Details Today From I, [] JACK COLE TOM WEBB ED TAYLOR JERRY SAMPLES Presider~t Vice President Secret.sty Manager LIVE BETTER E LEOTHIOALLY DACE 1 PRICES EFFECTIVE APRIL 9.10 & I I RIGHT TO LIMIT All Center Cuts - Well Trimmed ............ LB. Fresh .............................................. LB. Loin End - 2 ~2 to 3 Lb. Avg ..... LB. SLIOED LUNCrHEON MEAT Rath- 29¢ 4 Varieties ................ 6 oz ..... Each Bal{ard R QUICK OR REGULAR 42-OZ. BOX $:tal R Shut-fresh Round White 22Va-oz. 37¢ Crudy Bread ... Jiffy 2V2-1b. Pkg. Biscuit Mix,,,,, Tastewell 8-oz. Tins Tomalo Sauce 10 79' NALLEY'S TANG 32-OZ. JARS Vitamin Rich - Indian River Pinks 6rapefruil ............ Eaoh 10/'1 Calif. Fuertes - The Perfect Salad Ingredient ,, Avocados .................... Eac. 2/23¢ Red Ripe - Verifine Brand - See All Pack Tomatoes .................... Pkg. o, 3 33* Cucumbers L0ngOreen Hot House Ea.a--/ l t Pears Fancy o 'Anjou, ........ Each 4/25* " Hy.S. I i: