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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 10, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 10, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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ENGS BALLET" gay as a. exclusive m, spring ink rayon 7 to 13. $895 You'll enjoy the feeling of in superbly fitting dress shoes! sparkling black patent with el€S" zed cross straps.., or smooth ties. ve ¢losd back, avenue he€b. $8.95 ARTMENT GS AS 00HE¥ SEEM Qced Words, "what to wa thinking about, --  SOme stud and ught bring out.', y knowledge or wrongs of between fie and system and its remains that d riLl- of a nec- with the little or noth- convenience. The ton have no fight Workers or the still of nation are orn of communi t Vital for every social inter- operation and The government officials who some inal- citi- the pot bring a enemies will be of a firm Politics as among politic: groups must is the under- of our indus- particularly in • have come to Laws hardship the public SUch service for living• Workers are sands, but to economy government Ire reasonable for the same time in- not disrupted. '7 tle industrial was aug- ant of producing made and celebration employees concern. record profits, a show- cent increase qharter of a yea, r ago. community ,n's industry rea- popula- r not ortance that for many and Mason is a large of Mason to and tim es- producing able improve- wood cellulose manufacture, its there Wile does living, daily. close- need ira- producer rayon alert to extensive it carried laboratory, provement in and also types for before a time supply and le opera- return people of Shelton )f employ- and van industry proud of accomplish- k t n. ame alon this ab eOty ,eorgc F. Lin- er r of aPlOaeer citizen his ;'eleat:lY family, - %,_ life The a ""Vaale ' al:ilst Ub c b;t ioan ro i- "11 ~_, "nformation "'I . anlSvl, ng strong and il t prof.S_t. at he is still l r}. improving a 00'iL00nd, Oregon, r "°e t.'u es. lie cx- ,_ all -at his Shelton . . uress is Route Broken. .d girl. Lh a lacerated When size of the Sat- Path of an Don- traveling etwcen 20 ira- the Shelton ere she rc- ales. any ording to NOW Con- District, his two ;'V.(2Y , r: 15) (.' . L7 : [ .'(2'! .:/Z " .... " BIG AIR SHOW 'r $t001t '"°'"'° FOR FESTIVAL VOL. LXI NO: 15 SHELTON, WASHINGTON. Thursday, April 10, 1947. 60 PER COPY; $2,50 PER YEAB Airplanes of all kinds--Army, Navy, business, pleasure md sports craftwill be flying over SPOTLIGHT Shelton like mosquitoes on May TELEPHONE COMPANY IN 18, the aerialdemonstrationcom- Jug as a climax ad conclusion to the three-day Mason ,ounty For- est Festival, in additiun to serving as an occasion for the official ded. iStrike Stops testier of the civilian operation Higher Rat00 of the Shelton Airport. S " " The feature, an attraction of the big annual Forest Festival, will Petitioned Services In berbe sp°ns°red bY the Juni°r Cham°of Commerce, working in close * o i cooperation with the Shelton Air For Services Shelton Area Services, Inc,, Len Tiffany presi- dent; the C. & E. Aircraft Co., operated by K. W. Ensley and R, The Pacific Telephone and Tcle- "Due to the strike, only calls of E. Converse. Tickets for an nor- graph Company filed last week - an emergency nature are being ial circus with a gate prize of two with the State Department of Pub- completed." airline tickets to Los Angeles, are lic Utilities at Olympia for a state- That statement, sometimes giv- to be sold to the public attending wide general increase in telephone en in a masculine voice instead of the big show. rates, citing sharply rismg costs the dulcet tones of a lady operator, Army and Navy planes will be and the lowest earnings in 30 is all of the£eleph0n.ser, ylce that present and will give demonstra- years as reasons for its action. Is being given to Shelton and Ms- Lions of service maneuvers, stunt Present rates in most Washing- ton cities were set in 1919, and son County phone subscribe,s this flying and formation maneuvers, week, the cessation of telephone many of the tactics' to be demon- in some instances, go back as far communications working a hard- strafed coming as the result of as 1907. At the same time, the company ship on business and individuals experience gained during the re- alike, cently concluded World War. filed proposed rates for new serv- ice plans for Puget Sound and The news coverage in this A special attraction of the big Lewis county exchanges, in line week's edition of The Journal will demonstration and air circus will with a previous announcement by be somewhat below standard be- be a delayed parachute Jump by A. J. Zimmerman, department di- cause of the inability to reach ira, Gene Rauscher, Shelton boy and rector, to the effect that the de- portant news sources by telephone, veteran of over 60 parachute partment is considering plans to while other business and services Jumps, many of them on combat improve and enlarge the scope ot were equally handicapped. Most misstohs in the recent war. anus- exchange telephone service in residents accustomed to giving cher will bail out at 8000 feet, their orders for groceries, meats, dropping half of that distance be- those areas . laundry and cleaning services had fore he releases his chute. In a statement giving the corn- to come to tbe business district to Several hundred planes from pany's reasons for requesting an increase, E. D. Wise, vice-presi- shop. Seattle and Tac0raai in addition dent and general manager for ! While Sheltol has l£ttle or no to raapy from Oregon, are ex- Washington, said: concern over the issues involved peeled to be here for the day's "Our problem is that prewar in the strike between telephone program,participating in a break- prices are not enough to meet owners and workers, the cessation fast hop from their home fields postwar costs. Although our reve- of service will cause untold loss to to Sldelton and participating in the hues from Washington operations business here. official dedication of the field. have gone up, our costs have What service was allowed dur- Their planes will be on the line for climbed even faster. Cost of ing the strike has been .handled by public inspection during the day. buildings, equipment and supplies supervisory employees, nut mere- Aircraft owners and pilots of of all kinds have increased tre- bers of the union. Telephone OF- Seattle have been invited and are mendously. Our payroll, the larg- erators, also not. involved in the expe'cted to be largely represented est item of expense, has almost walkout, however refused to cross during the day while a Sports- tripled since 1940, because of the picket lines. A. sandwich board IOnS Flying group from Oregon higher wage rates and more era- picket patrolled the telephone will also be here. ployees, company offices here. Chairman Rudy Werberger of "Current earnings have dropped the Festival Committee and his Rau s Cafe Ope ing assistants were busy during the to the lowest level for thirty 9 ' l past week perfecting details of years much lower than even at BERNADINE THE FESTIVAL QUEEN--Gorgeously bedecked in the three day celebration and the the worst years of the depres- her regal robes and crownewith the jewels of her Forest King- Friday; Equipment pub,is ls promised one of the most sion. dora, lovely Queen Bernadine Winleoki poses before the official outstanding celebrations ever "Rates in most of our exchanges Mason County Forest Festival Association seal while Photo- Entirely Electric staged in the Pacific Northwest were set in 1919. But rates set grapher George Andrews made this official portrait of Her High- ALL DRESSED UP in the brand new weather repellant outfits tContinued on page fiw0 with a, program of pageants, the purchased for the Shelton schoolboy patrol by their sponsoring .__ heSS. Queen Bernadine will rule over the third annual Mason With an open house and pubIie queelfs coronation, parades, log= Junior Chambe o,, Forest Festival May ,6, ,7 and 18. inspection planned for this after- ging competition and other at- organization, the Active Club, are Roger Salisbury (left), cap- r (Photo by Andrews Studio) noon and evening and an official tractions in addition to the plant- Lain of the Lincoln grade school patrol, and Denny Davidson (right), a member of the Bordeaux grade school patrol. B P bli ly FOREST FESTIVAL MEMBERSHIP opening for business on Friday, ing of the official state tree--the (Photo by Andrews Studio) OWS U C at Shelton's newest and most rood- hemlock--by Governor Men Wall- ern eating establlshment, Rau's gren at Kneeland park on Satur- New uniforms and weather pro- The Bordeaux schoolboy patrol Banquet April 23 CAMPAIGN GAINING HEADWAY andCafeappetizingWill offer inS°mething unusualthe way of' food i °a00j.Yl afternoon.LO K y Slates tective outfits have been Fur-is captained this year by Karl Public presentation of the new- l#ir t_ 1 chased for and received by the Schwarck, and composed of Den- ly organized Shelton Junior Cha, m- :Bill :: Goodpaster, chairman of charge of fifty cents for the mere- preparation, quality and delect- ability. C l e Bordeaux and Lincoln schoolboy ny Davidson Warren Gray, Ger- ber of Commerce to the citizen of theason County Forest /estival bership card and button together t The restaurant, formerly alL- i  • ,- LtTpJs r¢cgntly to, re:place thread- aid. Sheldon/ Barry Romsberg, Mason County will be.xclebrated cne/;ber:ship'driv committee,, ap: or a twenty-five cent charge for are and Xv6rn ofit outfits which Marvin Sheood, Don Botts, Gene at a charter night banqOet to be nouhoed this wedk that the h: either bf' thb'items" singly beoutd '[rLel or eqtilpmi8'arf .,a.,eXlkf ....:,.: be,i :the hajtsJ Annlversar-:00 ,,. :::::U-eric ,-: ...... served through the war and parts Fctverda, Buddy Gray, Mickey held by that group Wednesday, paign to enlist supporters for the be willingly given by all Mt/en ]ators during the put several] 'd%||@gi at||]Pf[iv of which, particula:ly the white Goodwin, Billy Maxwell, Wallace April 23, at 7 p.m. at the Masonic annual 'community celebration is county residents to assure success J weeks anit i.tle publiel,lnvlted to| La4t, 'tJ Mj raincoats, were virtually tropes- Lord, Jack Butler, and Jimmy Temple, according to President gainimg impetus and that workers of the big event, call and see what has been pro-' Twelve' years of servicing this sible to obtain. Cochran. Gene Burgoyne, are soliciting and signmg up new In Shelton and many outlying Tbc new outfits were supplied to The Lincoln patrol is captained Tickets for the dinner will go members all over the county, districts, memberships and but- vided for their satisfaction today, community withits drug and plmr- the schoolboy patrol by its sport- by Roger Salisbury and composed on sale early next week by mere- In answer to many questions tons are being sold by students The kitchen, equipped with new maceutical needs ad accessories soring organization, the Active of lieutenants Robert Jacobs, Joe bers of the organization at $1.75. Chairman Goodpaster points out of the Junior High School, while electric apparatus, designed and will be celebrated by Roy MeCon- Club, which undertook to organ- Buechel, Dick Scott, John Mac- The dinner will be served and pre- that the membership charge is be- at Hoodsport the Girl Scouts are conceived bY Allan Rau, will fen- key with open house at his Mc- ize the patrol as one of its ear- Rae, Bobby Dearie, Marion Ash- pared by the ladies of the Order ing assessed to help defray cost conducting the drive. The 'BeN ture butter fried foods, chicken, Conkey Pharmacy this Saturday liest projects when the club first ford, David Loop, Don Makoviney, of Eastern Star. of the celebration and that be- fair Womens club are handling steaks and sea food, and the which will feature many excep- came into existence in Shelton. David MacLucas, George Moore, Announced at the regular din- cause no charge is being made for that territory, and the same of- menu's offer all that can be eaten tionally low prices on every-day The late Ray Starwich, then a Tom Kneeland, Jack Pettyjohn, her meeting of the Junior Cham- any of the entertainment that will fort is being made at the Hotel of the finest type of food, pro. artielss plus the awarding of three member of the State Patrol, or- Richard Nichols, and B u d d y bey Tuesday evening at the Shel- be presented, the only means of Shelton. Buttons are available at pared through recipes that have valuable door prizes. ganized the schoolboy patrol here Vaughn; and patrolmen Gary Get- ton Hotel were definite plans for defraying costs and expens of Miller's Men's Shop, J. C. Penney been developed by Mr. Rau in his A graduate of Irene S. Reed and in the intervening years has ty, Edward Pratt, Lucretia Camp- a previously announced clean-up the big festival are through rfiem- Company, the two McConkey drug taurantYears of business.COnnection with the yes- Mr.high MeConkeySCh°°l with enteredthe class business°f 1924, compiled a spotless record of di- bell, Rolls Halbert, Bobby Barrett, campaign which is to precede the berships and individual contribu- stores, Prepp's Rexall Store, Lum- recting traffic at school street Darlene Settle, Larry Miles, Peter Forest Festival, Bob Weaver. Lions. Because of the fact that so bermen's Mercantile and Need- The special equipment for Rau's for himself when he established in crossings, no accident having ever Kendall, John Alger, Betty Whin- chairman of the campaign, set the many features will bc provided at ham's Men's, Wear. Memberships Cafe hee was manufactured in 1935 the pharmacy which bears his befallen a school child at a cross- ery, Freddie Patterson, Clifford date for Saturday, May 10, the no cost to the public, the Festival and buttons are also available at Allan Rau's Tacoma factory, name in the location at Fourth ing supervised by the schoolboy Watters, Jim Peterson, Lloyd Ben- weekend before the Festival. committee feels that the nominal The Journal office, where he has been developing and Railroad which it has ecru- , equipment for the trade for many pied ever since. He purchased the patrol in Shelton. nett, Allan Borden, Richard Priz. Members will cover the city bn CROSS COUNTRY SEARCH FOR years Restaurants in all parts Fir Drug Store in 1945 after the Tim schoolboy patrol" has all the net, Lewis Martindale, Edward that date with trucks, picking up . , of the country use the equipment death of Dick Grenberg. authority of a regular city police- Manzas, Marilyn Munson, Gary any debris placed outside. ' Both and it has been given an ovation Saturday's open house will offer man in directing traffic at school Stewart, Tommy Miles, 'Barbara the downtown area and the res'i- COPYRIGHT TOUCHES SHELTON by the public in all sections, a table model Mayfair combina- crossruffs, as the few motorists Ashford, Arlene Manke, Leonard dential sections will be contacted. Mr. Rau has been assisted in tion radio and record changer, art who bare disobeyed their direr- Hodgson, Stephen Mundell, Phil It is hoped that the public will cb- The long arm of Time Maga- Spokesman-Review in Spokane, establishment of the restaurant electric clock, and an Eastman tions have discovered to their sor- Keiburtz, Alfred Chappell, Paul operate in this clean-up effort, zile's research department swept the newspaper for which Mr. King here by a group of supporters who kodak as the three door prizes, row. , Sehweiterlng and Pat Greenup. which will aid in the impressive- ness of the annual festival for the out last week from the publics- had been a columnist and editorial have been so impressed with the which will be awarded" at 7 p.m. writer. With no solution to the possibilities for success of the Presence of the prize winners MARBLE SHOOTING TOURNAMENT 00.ny out-of-town 00isitors cx. tion headquarters ill New York problem being handed them by venture that they have subscribed won't be necessary fox' registra -- ' pected to be present at that time. in an information seeking arc that the Spokesman-Review editor, the to a financial program that will tlon cards with names and ad- 1U"" FOREST FESTIVAL FETE indirectly touched Shelton and, in hunt reverted to Washington, 1:)..assure a continued program of dresses will be filled out at both • . . particular, interested Mrs. Art C., where the children's program fine restaurant operation here. the McConkey Pharmacy and the Paging all grade school marble handsome big cup with the win- CI'[/MB]R TO IE2JR Walton, story had originated, Mr. Rau will personally preside Fir Drug Store all day from 9 shooters! her's name inscribed upon it will EXPERT ON WINE The search began when a story Eventually the researchers' ex- over the open house ceremony and a.m. until the time of the award • about children's radio programs plorations returned them to Spo- will personaily supervise the oper- .at 7 p.m. Sharpen tip your sights, lads, for be presented his school and the TIIS EVENING came to Time's copy desk with the kane and to the other newspaper ation of the all electric kitchen. Whistling balloons will be given glory awaits the keeneSt-eyed of champion limse will receive a all youngsters who visit the Me- your ranks, a cup for your school medal for his permanent posses- H.F. Stool, wine expert antl lead paragraph consisting of three there, the Daily Chronicle, whc're ats Pl Co.n.key Pharmacy during Satur- sion: The cup will go to the school grape culturallst, will be the stanzas of a poem (a parody of it was believed the poem was mocr ua.y s open louse. Further details of the event may be learned by cud a medal for you. The Veterans of Foreign Wars which wins it oftenest in five guest speaker at tim regular Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's originally published. Delving into want to find out who's the cham- years. Medals will be presented the meeting of lho Shelton Chamber "The Children's Hour") written by the files for the appearance of the J ffe Fet pion lharble shooter in Mason first, second and third place fin- of Commerce at Hotel Slmlton the late Stoddard King, Mrs. W, al- verse, the Times staff with the e rson e reading the large McConkey ad- , vertisement on page 9 of today's courtly so they're sponsormg a ishers in the tournament. Coffee Shop tonight, the meet- tows father. Permission to re- help" of the two Spokane editors Mason county Democrats will get Jounml. ing being called after dhmer print the verse had to be ob- and nmnerous other persons un- their honor Thomas Jef- tournament which will be one of For marble shooters in Shelton's that will be serve! at 7 o'clock, tained from the copywright owner, connected with the search; event- ferson sometime late next week--- the highlights of the third annual two grade schools a special city The subject of Mr. Stool's ad- a task that is generally routine ually wound up with the original the exact date to be announced 2 Merchants Get Forest Festival and will be held championship cup and medal will dress will be "Tbe Wasldngton for the magazine's research de- copy of the verse and therefore laterat a Jefferson Day banquet on Loop Field May 17 at two also be offered by tbe V.F.W. The Grape and Wine Industry today, partment. ,- .=-'"ec;" Parki b'clock, city cham will be eligible to corn- and tomorrow." A large attend- However, a cheer with the late stanzas.the permission to reprint the beingcountyarrangedDemocraticbYcentralthe MaSOncom. , lg Each grade school iu the county pete in t all-county tournament, anee is rbquestel by President Mr. King's publisher brought no rtugenr'v"e-- Here is to determine its own champion, Carroll McElroy is chairman of Roy Ritner. results and the search was then Mr. I:ing was well-kuown in the mittee, probably in Memorial Hall. who in turn will compete in the the Went. extended to the editor of the Northwest as a newspaperman, according to Charles R. Savage, S tournament on Loop Field. A , versifier and songwriter. Mrs. chairman of the Central Commit- Parking problems continue to - , Walton, wife of the assistant su- tee and also banquet clmirman, confront city officials with two . l I] ]- ] perintendent of the new Simpson Either Senator Warren G, Mag- merchants seeking relief from the sneer _un00 00r;.ve wood fiber plant, laughed this nuson of Seattle or Congressman recent installation of parking me- G week, along with the Time pub- Henry M. Jackson of Everett will ters that they believe have worked Continues .- et iisber, who saw fit to retell the be speaker for the evening. The hardships on them. Appearing at  story in hi weekly letter to Time Capitol Hill Women's. Club will the weekly city commission meet- ,, .,,v..,,Wa]°arna * t't "''unrmrt readers, about the cross-country prepare and serve the dinner. Say- ing were Ben Soper of the Shelton trouble her father caused by au- ago, former Third District Con- Electric company and Ed Sutton The second week of the annual thoring the following verse: gressman, spoke at the Cowlitz of the Shclton Printing company. Cancer drive brought continued county Jefferson Day banquet last Soper was given permission tn success to the campaign through "Between the dusk and the day- Saturday in Longview. use the alley at the side of his the efforts of tbc Junior Chamber light ............................ building for loading and unloading (,f Commerce c(,mmittee, accord- When ttm broadcasters step tip RAUS ARE PARENTS operations, while Sutton, who finds ing to Fran Hawks, chairman of their power Mr. and Mrs. Allen Rau of Un- space in front of his shop closed the drive. The Cancer drive which Comes that large and magnificent ion are the parents of a baby girl off by permanent parking, was o pen c d throughout the nation shambles born at the Shelton hospital on permitted to establish a loading April 1 will continue till the cud That is known as the children's Saturday, April 5. zone with parking for twenty min- or the month.  hour. , , uto periods. In order to meet the $488 goal A committee n concessions set for Mason county, Mr. Hawks "The wec om;s huddle together RAYONIER FUND from the Forest Festival Assoc- hs called upon the complete co- I In time for the evenmg scare KEEPS HOSPITAL- iation including Fred teckwith, el)oration of every person. Money To chill their juvenile marrow S. 13. Anderson and W. L, Jessul containers have been distributed And curl their innocent hair. LIBRARY GOING requested the commission to deny "" throughout the city for tlo con- One of the many courtesies issuance of peddler and concos- venience of those who do not wish "Then over the waves of ether to mail their contributions. Other To fill their sweet long dreams and pleasures avallable to pa- sion permits during the days of donations may be mailed direct to Come tales of terror and torture tients at .th Shelton GenePal the lorest Festival. The Festival Hospital is the reading library desires that organizations of Ms- Warren Moc, Cancer Drive trcas- I And 17 kinds of scream." 'maintained by the; Rayonler son county be granted the conccs- urer, in care of the Seattle First I *By courtesy of Time Magazine Canteen Fund, aecordlng to an sions for food stands, ice cream NP.tional Bank, Shelton Branch. and tho Spo]ane Spokesman-R- announcement by hob'pital offi. and similar fund raising methods Attention to the outstanding vieW, naturally, cials this week. The llbrary ie and any organization desiring to- work of the American Cancer So- believed to be the only one of establish a stand during the cole- ciety throughout the nation and a elmllar nature sltuated in a bration slmuld see tle Committee in particular the work of the BABIES BORN MONDAY small hospital, or any one of its members. The Washingtbn division of that or- Three babies were born Monda Mrs. D. B. Davies donated two commissioners will refer ,all ap- ganization, was called by Mr. at the Shelton General Hospital afternoons a week to dletribute plications to the committee. Haw]s, who reminded of the free EASTER EGG HUNT, sponsored annually by the Active Club, again attracted a huge throng last They were: a girl to Mr. and Mrs. books to patients from a book monthly elinics in St. Peter's Hos- Sunday to the Tremper block as indicated in the two scenes above snaPped by Bob Price, Active Wright Carlson of Union. a girl cart. Over-bed tables are also BABY GIRL -B'OR'II • A bby, i was bon pital in Olympia which wore set Club member. Despite drizzling rain, which upraised umbrellas attest, one ,of the largest crowds to Mr. and Mrs. Lester Adams and provided from the mill canteen and Vliiii ' ( up-]ast.ear.with.the funds ra3cd of onlooker watched one of the blgge=t groups of youthful egg hunteds II1 the hi=tory of the annual a boy to Mr. and Mrs. I.-lcnry Ed- fund. by the drive, event, ler. , L ...... i-." ..... ,-- ,- ,,--'-7 2rll 4,