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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 10, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 10, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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t Use the Journal Classifi they really get remflts. L .LJ i i i t i i LINOWALL The Modern Wall Covering for BATItROOM AND KITCHENS Available in Several Colorful Patterns Just Arrived . . . Several New Patterns in PRINT LINOLEUM and 9ft. widths 01sen Two Temporary Stores to Serve You PHONE 102 325 Railroad Fifth& Railroad SHELTON-MASON cOUN'FY JOURNAL; MRS. WELLS • HONORED Mrs. Aliee Barietcman *snored Mrs. ,]ohn %Velis at a stork simw- cr Wednesday, April 2. Games were played and miscellaneous prizes were give]} to winneFs. '/'he honorc(I guest received many love- ly gifts. Imnchcon was served at tile close of the day, PARENTS OF DAUGHTER A baby daughter was born Tues- day, April 8, to Mr. and Mrs. Geral Rodgers at tile Shelton lmspitat, day, April 17. ATTENDANCE SOUGHT All tlmse hfierested in the future of the ITnion Sunday school are in- vited to attend the schocl next Sunday. Mrs. Pauline Winne, sec- retary-trearurer of the classes. asks that .a large attendance be present as the school is neces- sary to the community, P. STOEHR PRESENTED AT PIANO RECITAL :Mrs. Charles R. Lewis will pre- sent Philip Stoehr in a piano re- cital Sunday afternoon at 4 p.m., April 20, a't the senior high school auditorium. Lee Rucker, violinist, and the girls' sextet will assist. The program wilL be as follows: i i EACH SPENCER SUPPO'RT IS INDIVIDUALLY DESIGNED, CUT AND MADE Thus your SPENCER WILL DO FAR MORE FOR YOU than an ordinary Support, INVESTIGATE SPENCER'S unusual style and health benefits tday +, ii Sonata Up. 14, No. 2 and Fur :- - Eitse, both by Ludwig Van Bee- AC'rlVETTS TO MEET • thoven; Alt Wien, Leopold Godow- The Activettes will meet at the I sky; May Night, Sells Palmgren; hmne of Mrs. S. W. Price Thurs-lBy the Sea, George Posca, and four selections by Frederic Chopin. Lee Rucker and the girls' sextet will be heard in Canzonatta by Tschaikovsky and Since First I Met Thee by Rubenstein, respect- ively. BERNICE SCHREIBER Phone 799-J Dealer 1416 Summit Dr. Spencer Individually Designed Foundations for Abdomen, Back and Breasts i, t i i Need SPARK P AT ALl. ASSOCIATED DEALERS Tell Your Associated Dealer You Want a National Credit Card VISITS TEXAS Miss Nellie Nelson, assistant to Mason County School Superinten- dent William Goodpaster, has left her duties at that office for a three-week vacation at San Anton- io, Tex. She also plans to tour into Mexico. W.C.T.U. TO HOLD ONE-DAY INSTITUTE The Shelton Woman's Christian Temperance Union will hold its in- stitute on Wednesday, April 16, at the Baptist Clmrch with both an afternoon and evening session. The afternoon meeting will be- gin at 2 o'clock and the evening Guild Presents Book Review Shelton ladies attending a book review and tea tomorrow at the home of Mrs C. R. Lewis. 207 irch St.. will be privileged to hear Mrs, Marion Garland of Bremerton review Kenneth Rob- ert's newest novel "Lydia Bailey." The event is under the direct sponsorship of St. David's Episco- pal Guild and in open to the pub- lic, Tickets are now on sale for $1.00 and may be obtained at The Jour- nal or by. contacting Mrs. Philip Murray or Mrs. E. J. McGill. The program will begin at 2 p.m. A door prize will 'be awarded. Mrs, Garland is well tcnown in local literary and dramatic cir- cles and her review is expected to be of exceptional entertainment. A large turnout is anticipated by the Guild. SKOKOMISH VALLEY P.T.C. HOLDS ELECTION Skokomish Valley Parent Teach- ers Club met at the scttool house on Thursday evening for an elec- tion of officers. The folowing persons will take office in Sep- tember and be installed at the next meeting: Mrs. Claude Dugger, president; meeting will begin with a 6:30 Mrs. Oliver Peterson, vice-presi- p.m. potluck dinner. There will dant" Mrs Lestcr Crossa- uvo be r -h rs ""i I ................. - . a prog am wit M . w n- tory-treasurer; and Mrs. Theodore /;red Lewis, state president of the 1:iPhel.t historian and renn.*, W.C.T:U., and Mrs: Iz.a RichazdTI Appreciation of the $10 dons- son. state vlce-prestaenL. . . as. giles[ r tion of the American, Legtu.:-- u-'"" speakers. The- pubhc m mwted to l iliarv for the water heate- ,.hio]. tt.n , , -, ........ ...... I the P.T.C. had ordered, was ex- m=l,m,  i Pressed. Mr. George Andrews of A''. ru -r n I Shelton presented motion pictures. "'The;egfl-ar m0nhiy'meeting of [. Door p'iaZceo)soWnerSnWOn., by Mrs. the Shelton W(3 TU met Friday, Jeo, ara a unvel Je .... erson. Dr. J. B. Eason, health of- April. 4, at the home of Mrs. Corn H epner, for a on o'clock potluck luncheon. The Rev. Mr. Fry ad- dressed the group and led devo- tions. Mr€ Walter Elllott, Sr., spoke on hymns of the church referring to the cross, A number of the hymns were sung by the group. Mrs. Robert C. Johnson delivered a report on the latest statistics on liquor advertising throughout the country. She revealed that $100,000,000 will be spent this year ][o liquor advertising. MARRIAGE APPLICATIONS William H, Pu'baugh, 18, and Lorraine M. Smith, 16, bbth of Bel- fair, April 2, at Shelton. Arthur L. Ackley, 26, of Brem- erton, and Christina O. Maki. 27, of Centralia. April 4, at Shelton. Harry Velma Cook, , and Eu- gena Matilda Biekle, 6," both of Bremerton, April 5, at Shelton. Seth W, Follett, 28, and Inger E. Erickson, 24, both of Bremer- ton, April 5, at Shelton. A. S. Kresky, 59, of Las Vegas, New and Olive Anne Glanville, 36, of Centralia, April 7, at Shelton. LaVerne L. Lunore, 26, and TiN lie H. Cogens, 23, both of Port Orchard, April 8, at Shelton. .:  .i Justice of the Peace Walter Ma- goon Wednesday, April 2, perform-' ed a marriage ceremony uniting Burton F. Dickinson and Emogene Berch, both of Shelton. DIVORCE SOUGHT An interlocutory decree of di- vorce was granted Saturday by uperior Court Judge D. F. Hght to Florence Z, Scott from Raymond W. Scott. Mrs. Scott'd maiden name of Florence Z. Stev- ens was restored to her. FRUIT TREES ORNAMENTAL  SHRUBS A0000RCR000 00SERY Wilbert Catto Walker Park - Phone 59I-W fleer from Olympia, is to be guest speaker at the May meeting of the group. SOUTHSIDE 4-H CLUB SPONSORED The Southside 4-H Club met Friday evening, April 4, Mrs. Newman, senior girls leader, re- ported that the Friendship Club had voted to sponsor the 4-H Club in this community. The club will give a social at the community hall Saturday, April 19. The money received from this entertainment will be used to send eligible members of the club to the state 4,H club camp at Pull- man. There will be a saIe of articles made by members and parents. Lee Huston will net as auctioneer for a white elephant sale. Movies will be featured and refreshments will be sold. The public is invited and any person wishing to donate articles for the sale may bring then].  SPECIAL ELECTION HELD BY AUXILIARY The V.F.W. Auxiliary held a special meeting last Thursday evening at the Memorial Hall for the election of Bea Gray as treas- urer, Eva Hanson, chaplain: and Shirley Hanson, trustee• Friday, April 4, was installation of officers with the following seat- ed: Mamie Clark, president; Ma- mie Earl, junior vice-president; Boa Gray, treasurer; Ann Levin, secretary; Arma Springer, conduo- t'ress Eva HanSon, chaplain; Mary Jadinj guard; Mrs. Augusta Two- hy, historian and Gloria Williams, Irene Jackson, Juanita Potte' and Shirley Hanson, color bearer Leona Hancock, fifth district president, installed .the ladi of: the auxiliary. Cake, ce creamand coffee were served by the ladies following the ceremony. SWIMMING PARTY HELD Members of the Cheskchamay Campfire Girls enjoyed a swim- ming party in Olympia last Sat- urday evening, Those, present were Pat Henderson, Do0thy Fisher, Donna Demon, "Barbara Bates, Karen Candon, Barbara Hawley, L0raine Andrews and Sally Fer- guson, a guest Mrs. Bates and I Mrs. Noble furnished the transp?r I- tation. " ' ....... I ON FARMERS NEW-- ,0,,s++ ...... 6 + °'+ . Theycanbe I " 0 Buy them the modern, thrifty by having , eir purchase fiiianced through the , PoZ SEATTLE,FIRST NATIONAL i 'q ; !N.STALI.IvtENT CREDIT PLAN , 4, Automobiles SAVE M 0 N E Y lie Home Modernization i You P+ O.e F,., Prel=:¢h-Sl Moo,h, Bnd Get- ' :I e+ FUrniture $S,0001/$10,000 BODILY iNJURY LIABILITY • .... :+ / $5,000 PROPERTY DAMAGE Airplanes .... 80/20 COLLISION FiRE i& THEFT Save your War Bonds and pay for these new comforts aad conveniences out of income at low bank rates. Ask your dealer or inquire at Consumer Credit Department, any branch. SHELTON BRANCH M EMe,R F.O.I.C. CURRENT SIX MONTHS RATES FOR /Insert City or CounfyJ TERRITORr $940 Cevro[et, Ford, Plymouth ..... 2.30 1940 Dodge, Pontiac 6, ,'41 Plymouth ..... 40, '+, a0,ok s,L, ',, 4o Chry=er 6 Ro. 1 $23.40 '$9, ,40, '41 Va$oto 6, '40. '41. '42 Marc[iry J $25.30 $12.00 Lifetime Membershlo Fee atlnceptlon of Policy. SUBSTANTIAL SAVINGS ON OTHER AKES AND YEAR MODELS. BILL PEARSON 118 E. Grove - Phone 654 OSCAR MELL 1st & Grove - Phone 777 BIRTHDAY MEETING HELD MARCH 28 The Arcadia Economics Club met Monday, March 28. at the home of Ida Downie for a birth- day meeting for all those mere-, bers whose birthdays fell within January, February or March. Timse honored were presented with a decorated cake from the cluh. The next meeting will be held tomorrow at the lmme of Opal isehe. A noon potlucl¢ luneheol. will be servcd. On April 18 Mrs. Pauline Ems- Icy will be hostess to a sewing club sponsored by the Arcadia Ec- onomics Club. The Mason eotmty demonstrator will be pz'esent. .. New Candy Plan :h Slims Down Figure ii+.l Mrs. D. M, Hawkin, Texas .ays: I,:)|:: "Once l we ghed 1701bs Nc)w 119 lPml::]i Ibs. Lost weigit and inches with :i'i: delic ous AYDS Vitamin Candy i':il!: Reducing Plan." Your experience l:::i] may or may not be the same nut i:;] try thiseasier reducing plan. Very i First Box Must Show Results or ]l .=" i::. I Mop_ey Back, ,);i t In clinical tests, conducted by i;i !t"}; reed col doctors more than l[;:il,::  100 persona lost 14 to 15 : :[:iii o.nd. t.. few I:ili:::t weeks with the AYDS Vlta- ! ::::] sin CandyReduclng Plan. ; :ililil No ce:clse. No dr.. No ,a.- £11i!! tires.You don't cut out any meals, ii! starches, potatoes, meats or butter --you just eat them down. Simple when yot enjoy delicious AYDS Vitamin Cand a di, rectal. Absolutely" harmless. 30 days eu: l:, nutritiou AYDS $2.25. NOW, pnone or ca I a : 1947, GNETO zed S N ,, :B0SCH FAIRB; :: AUTOMOT] Street, Bremert No. 2 Can PORK and BEANS 10¢ Sunny Jim SYRUP 39¢ pt. AND LII (Tkal find it pays :" ' for Genus ( . . i4: " e Ford, You "can now help avoid unnecessary car trouble and P;l: W]y: accidents by getting a flee 4-point safety, check at your .'t gas station. As a personal service to you and in the ite[ A : accident prevention, your Mobilgas Dealer will check thO'"| , _ ..... parts of your car as a part of regular MobiLubrication .... | : ]; F OR D - ,. .... • FACTO TIRES INSPECTED • BRAKE FLUIP 5 . e lrlllUi nails, bits of glass, and other ' : level in master cylinde[.l r !# Fol a jt Iarelgn particles removed from . keeps your braking syiw" i: : sofe side. ; ' : treads. STEERING ASSEMBLY * WHEEL lhis mechanism, so vital to your inspected, ond condltiS safety, is checked ond lubricoted.  to you. @ Regular Mob]Lubrication with 4.point help put your car on the safe side and Needed mechanical repairs, as observed will be reported to you. Get MobiLul - YOUR , Mobilgas DEALER ,AL HU At+ Railro