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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 10, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 10, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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.roles Club 2S. "it the or a birth- hose mere- fell within :)r March. presented fl&apos;lllll ill() ,ill be hold le of Opal ]( l[lll CI10()II tulillo ElliS- ) ,'t seWillg krcadia Ee- sen county 1947. NETO REPAIR Authorized Sales and Service BOSCH -- FAIRBANKS MORSE -- WICO !;: ,:; ( AUTOMOTIVE ELECTRIC 6!0"812 Sixth Street, Bremerton Phone 499 P.-T.A. TO HEAR BRUCE SCHWARCK Members of the Bordeaux P.- T.A. will meet Thursday, April 17, at 8 p.m. to hear Bruce Schwarck, principal of the junior high school, speak on the "Chal- lenge of the Junior High Age Group." Ken Blanehard will sing and Mrs. AI Shafer will play sev- eral selections on the piano. SHELToN'00IsoN-couI00 JOURNAL Published every Thursday morning Member of Wasngton Newspaper Publishers' Association and ational Editorial Association Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice at Shelton, Washington WILFORD JESSUP and WILLIAM iV[. DICKIEi Publishers Bessie Bolen, Business Manager $2.50 per year in advance; 6 months $1.50: outside Mason County $1.75: OGDENS ARE PARENTS Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Ogden are the parents of a baby girl born at the Shelton General Hos- pital Thursday, April 3. DAUGHTER IS BORN A baby girl was born Friday, Pioneer Daughter Relates Early Life To Third Graders Continuing study on pioneer life, the two third grades at Bordeaux school have progressed to the com- ing of David and Frances Shelton, MRS. LAWTON PLANS TRIP Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Lawton of Ellensburg were from Friday to Tuesday looking after their business affairs in Shelton. Mrs. Lawton expects to fly to Reno, Hey., with her granddaugh- ter, Gay Driver, about April 15 to spend a couple of weeks with UNION GIRLS CLUB ENTERTAINS MOTHERS The Union Girls' Club held an Easter Tea Monday afternoon for the mothers of members at the home of their leader, Mrs. Irvln McVay. The handwo,'l¢ which the glrls had made during the short tfme they have been organized was on display. This work, which con- sisted of needle,ork, plaques, knitting boxes anplant conta|n- era, were gifts to the mothers. Mothers in attendance were Mrs. Frank Nosworthy, Mrs. Rob- i ert Butler, Mrs. George Plews, !Mrs. Harry Heuer, Mrs. Merle Tie.Mill Slab Wood NEVER BEEN IN SALT WATER DELIVERED IN 2-CORD LOADS Phone 656 MORGAN FUEL CO. Cowles, Mrs. Larry Schcel and II|IIIIIIIIIIIIII|IIIIlIIIIlI|I[|I|IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIII|IIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIII Mrs. C, J. Bacon, all from the La- :esent. We have a complete line of bookkeeping supplies, typewriter supplies, brief cases, zipper notebooks, and Rediform products April 4, to Mr. and Mrs. Earl An- derson of Allyn at the Shelton General Hospital. BABY GIRL BORN A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bloomfield Sun- day, April 6, at the local hospi- tal. MIXED CHORqS TO MEET I The Shelton Mixed Chorus will meet Monday, April 14, as usual, at the senior high school at 7:30 the first white family of Shelton. To further this study and to i vitalize it, Mrs. Horace Crary, ]daughter of Will Sargison, who :was a pioneer of Shelton, came and related stories of her child- hood and those told her by her father. This experience was thoroughly enjoyed .by the 67 eager children of the two grades. The special message she left was for them to carry on and fur- ther the ideals of these foresighted her daughter, Mrs. Louise Klrkpa- trick, she said. Phone Rates (Continued From Page [) as far back as 1919 are not enough for 1947 costs. What we are ask- ins for now is urgently required to give immediate relief in the :present critical situation. "We are faced with the neces. sity of making large capital ex- = dies Civic Club.  The girls served tea from a[ $S0 Door lll,!ze i daintily appointed table and later l'-- entertained their guests by sing- I = ing a group of lullabys. This club is the first organization of its l kind to be forined in Union and!= ilas gained the complete support[ Given Each Night of Om of the parents and the comnmn- == I ity. I Series l jorie Bittle, Patsy Heuer, Rober-I= ta Butler, Dee-Dee Nosworthy, I Arlene Morris and Lanita and . Georgia Plews. It is planned to = p.m. All interested are expected pioneers of. this fine commtinity of penditures to catch up with plant which these children are a part. shortages and to meet the serv- such as guest checks for to attend all rehearsals until the ie t .......... make the Easter tea an annual I== cafes and counter sales rSPc'2r g LC;nnnCetlezvC.lnht°dTe Rainbow Girls Guests italeatmiTsa°:rS!Saet:t:h;e:(:{e!tCmP ! event. "]  Snonsored bv Eagles Drill Team of Shelton Aerie , of the concert will be announced ---" Ill " " "--" books Dro- in the T,..t ,,,... ,t huroh portance, in the public interest, LADIES INVITED TO [----" "" later. ................... s ...... that the cred,t of the company be ST. DAVID'S GUILD I I . ., ,- .,,- e.,, MASON COUNTY STA-  u:}2hyk%tsnClurchPnc2a t maintained on a sound basis." St. Davids Guild of the Eptsco-]= tPll /' -- IH -- 2h -.. . v • Mr Wise stated that the total ,  , =A= --- .,+-i .-. rune when y? TIONERS any time, we'll I JACK MOFFETT I Sunday mormng .and.will hear a amount renresented in the pro- pal Church held its regular meet-I . lt i ,, Candy a, o ' enuren program nignngnea oy a .- . ing at the home of Mrs. Don Clark !  m io days su,p! .. KV1E A ,_ _t_, .... , ...... make I r A 1  ! ]i  I ..... n en*i'l ..... The Cove .... posed increase is approximately 13 Monday afternoon. These regu-  _ -h,orctl LIHfI ",-UL..le uu 9,an .u ,,¢,p yuu I U /' 1 • I I 11  I Herlltu , U t. Utt ntlit.  .... - n¢ fha oomnalv' rrnmq .......... :__ ,& -,' ..... " . "-- -- Keeping Gol" by Rev. J. O. Be- .e. c ...... . ........ ,- v.- ,. .... I1 TH WAW. your select,ons, l T lIT   K'& T C I vee revenues on intrastate business In Mondaylar meetingSof eachare monthheld theandSecondany i --in--  ® ................. i l JP/:   li  I J " Washington. ladies interested are welcome to ; = ' ................. . I Chilr n" --du't II ---------7 ---- Present rates in the Shelton ex- attend, whether or not they are ! = I i  I l   I   1 III I .,-,,. on a ., .,. j[ DR. LE COMPTE ATTENDS chane are the samq as they were Episcopalians.  i_ Ji Ii  I _ i'__l IIIJi •. • _ Ilk I - .,.Qr_, .y, .,,.^ I MEDICAL ASSOCIATION in 1919, when there were 238 tele- I:S/kL.LHUU M PU I U IA/t , |l[l  -_ I ....... I Dr. and Mrs. George LeCompte phones. There are now 1,757 tele- The meetings start at 2 p.m. and i [[i=lilllk  IIlhtIl = l ][I il[l|h-l  ]- |-[-=v I i and All tyles I returned Sunday from Portland phones, based on September 30, following a short business meeting I * tea and a social hour.are held,  SECOND AND GROVE E rl-AIh ...... , [- ": - - - I  .... CT.--,,,,L, I where Dr. LeCompte attended the 1946 figures.. ll  -, . :'' _- - I auvx, vvUUlUU$, I series of lectures and clinics giv- Principal telephone rate changes "]-- -- i ll l - -,-:.-. _, ¢.. ,; I 2 to o p.m. I en by the University of Oregon proposed for Shelton local Service FRIENDSHIP CLUB ----" : "  - .!" ,, • - ±- I Q1t,14-,,, lln,l,, "lll I Medical School Alumni Associa- monthly charges: SPONSORS GROUP I. Series Ticket $2.50 per Person (Including Tax) --  I ,oxvaa 1.a la I t'onl . Each year outstanding men Present .... Proposed The Friendship Club met Wed-I --= • I ' Phone Union 385 I are brought to this meeting made Business Individual .... $3.75 $5.75 nesday, April 2, at the Southside !   = ['lvsAoooeoog,    possible through the Ernest A. Business 2:Party .......... 3.25 5.00 Community hall with Alma Hurst I = DANCING 9 to 12 -----l/m,i, low tow To - , Sommer Memorial. Residence Individual .. 3.00 3.25 as hostess. The birthday of Mrs. = ---- IIONT Li 1 M I S .... = = '  I ,Imv,.ll  ....  I Mrs. LeCompte minted w,th Mr. Residence 2-Party ...... 2.u0 2.7a Seay was celebrated. -- . FOOD STORE and Mrs. Tom LeCompte in Van- Residence 4-Party ...... 2.25 2.50 #[   f  port where Tom is attending a No changes proposed for sub- Mrs Harry Newman, advisor of  ' +^ ,^:.., A u 1,, ...... +^ .^I .dlllllllllll|llllllllllllllllllll||lll|ll|lll|lllHllllllllllll|lIllllllllllllllllllllllllllk. ' I t'_-, \\; ;li-tl %1   I ] branch of the University of Ore- urban services. ' m;tteU=of=ih% lee'l loT's;;nsoi i  all ,'; [1,  ,;,   ..z./ k I.,,,i,.,,,/  -.-i :: / yon Engineering School. Mrs. Service Connection Charges for the 4.H Club. After discussion, I &r • I I /l= . .. [,Y.I '. ' J , "J_.,) ':!: > l'l',',! e]  Tom LeCompte and her daugh- . Present Proposed the members voted to accept this] i •  i IF   J I ----l='l='l)l {  e 1 'r- :.k'A2 ../-- /,"  / F,:I   ter, Annette Mtrie, returned to tusiness ........................ $3.50 $6.00 responsibility. The next meeting[ I i I  Fll •lIl)/'-' - ¢/ )v/Q[/il= ,l '# o   | t][',":!',1 Z ] Shelton for  week's visit. Residence ...................... 3.00 5.00' will be held at the home of Mrs.[ -_ - - -" _ -_ - -_I  Joe Hill on Wednesday, April 16. []il= I I. ..]   -" _. 2 l kl[/P, " t RETURNS HOME Toll rates will be increased mod- -" mm -- ('--¢-'// ' |   l]ll r  II 11!. ) Sgt. Charles Phillips of the Shel- erately on most routes but de- RAINBOW MOTHIR MEET ] i I YAI i F'IIA i   _  k 11 JI I[,,'J[i: J5 x / ton Police Department spent the creased on some of the longer The Rainbow Mothers Club will[ I V 1 Il I m  I r  I   t----- , '.IB  ll x Il [[/; ii R  weekend at his home in Kent. routes within the state. Fo dis- meet at the home of Mrs. Glenn [ I [- U V v  , . _. Sunny Jim I I t  /' l (  ) . -- trances up to 12 air line miles, all Story ehursday, April 10, in the I l v - - _ , ta - " =- i ....... I I A' NAVY MOTHERS MEET station-to-station calls will cost evening. I II L%/l) IIl, ,_IItU 1- It , ....... \\;-Z.\/ II  k  llmllll/li---: I 2 The regular meeting of the Navy 10 cents, with a five-minute ini- , }ll  1 I I i &'"/  IV" Am ?  " Mothers Club will be held at 8 tial period. All other calls will I , a I _J I  i / k /  I ] p.m. Thursday, April 17, at the have a three-minute initial period. EGG HUNT SPONSORED I -£ D[. I '[ I .w  V I  A ] Memorial Hall. The club has Example of Day Station-to- The Union Ladies Civic Club l lI l ti  I1 I -- -- I I '.;.:":Y,_., I \\; / /    =/ . J asked for volunteers to help sete Station Rates sponsored an Easter egg hunt Sun- I l  I . m [] ; t i .; \\; J I\\;/ /  v ---...--  the Kiwanis Tuesday. Am'il 15. at Shelton To: 3919 'Present Proposed "  i i  /  /k/. Memorial Hall at nodn. Ladies 'are Olympia .... $ .15 $ ,15 $ .15 daYchildrenat Twanohof the community.State Park fOrBabythe i[ tL1 . .| Ill: Edl  ' ". ' 'II .  , k,.v.-- I'.'; J to be in the hall at 9 or 9:30 a m Seattle ....... 35 .40 .45 chicks and live rabbits were used[ l tit    1 : I  I, /--  thatday. ' Spokane .... ,s0 ,0 ,20 ;I.[ -  I[] i  I I / qJ / IB' Under the proposed new service as prizes. , plan, telephone customers here I I I ,, I / l  I l i / '  .... will be offered an optional ex-BOARD OFFICERS NAMED i =r==l,!  i I  [ / .,l  i i Ii I Ill tended" servtce which includes sev- The last of Mason county'sl I  !. _,-- I • i ii =   ! == .--./  • /'.Y l"'  ll I!  Ill eral nearby commumties and school districts to report appoint- I | /--- ... I • -. -- . _ --= I I I  ' ":' ': " ": ' " / //'     Ii  . which Will. result in substantial menL of board officers WaS School i If" 7/'   I lllllt.-lll l 'I (.,, . IA / / I 11 ...... lW[I Savings in toll charges in many Istrict 3, Oakland Bay, which 'ff,- !  w u / i-amsmB i ---" - -'--- -: _- =!   \\;'qlL -llll/I / / /  THEATRE ill l II instances. -. --- _-- • -- _.: I ' . l,ll . //" ,e/ Those customers who take the this week announced to the office I (/['[ . ]./  [] of County School Superintendent I -' 1 - -- _ -- r--  -- . -       extended service will be able to William Goodpaster thtt Mrs. ] |' v  li  --=  ' 1 = !  .... : . i===2%'   / I .............. \\; I reach more than 12,000 telephones, Martha Wylie and Orville Moran[ I ', .... ,, ,,=,, I - t/ _ - - ---'q-']J r=  -- _ - - - ' / I -,''."2'  I without paying long distance or will serve as chairman and clerk, I i  1 i' ', %'o,,,i', " .... :l l places'. Betfair, H0odsport,, Me- es . RuddycheekL; ?' _ \\; ! I Cleary, Olympia, Shelton, Union. r peotiv ly. - I II | - =  t #'ll I ,..n<er\