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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 10, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 10, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Use the Journal Classifleda-- Our finishing touches give your garment that custom-made look. Ex- pert workmanship at reason- able charges. SINGER SEWING CENTER 510 E. 4th Ave,, Olympia, ]Phone 7586 LITTLE JACK HORNER -,,- .......... Anyway &apos;ou look at II, an tlition to the silver service lot mother or wife Is a wonder- ful way to say "many lmppy returns .of your wedding day, anniversary." BECKWITH'S GIFT8 - JEWELRY - MUSIC 129 Railroad Phone 143 CLIMBEI00 EDGE EAGLES, 4 TO 3; TACKLE WILDCATS HERE FRIDAY Posting their fourth triumph in five starts with a tight 4 to 3 decision over Elms Monday on a rain-soaked Elms diamond, tim Shelton Highclimbers face what probably will be their toughest rival o the entire 1947 season this Friday' fternoon wlen they eu- terrain the powerful Bremerton Wildcats on Loop Field at 3 o'clock, then return the visit next Wednesday afternoon before head- ing into their conference competi- tion April 18 at Centralia. In the Wildcats from the Navy Yard city, the Highclimbers meet the defending Cross State League diamond champions ot' 1946 with most of that title winning elnb back agaiu this year. The High- climbers should be at their best. however, /'or their mound ace, Lefthander Bob Tobey, is well rested and rarig for action after pitching to only three hitters in the Elma game. Tobcy was summoned to subdue an Eagle uprming which had. netted two rmm and had the ty- ing tally on third with only one out in Elma's fin}l turn at the plate, and he turficd the trick neatly after walkiug the first bat- ter to face him: A force play and a strikeout saved the game for Bill Valley, who lind hurled excel- led!t ball and limited the home cIilb to four scattcrcd hits and only one run before a walk, the Eagles fiftll hit, and a couple of errors got lim in trouble in the seventh and sent two runners across the platter to bring the count up to 4 to 3. After Tobey walked Halferty, lm got McMaster to roll to Ken Carlson and the Highclimber shortstop nailed Herb Blooming- dale trying to score the tying run l'rum third Catcher Carl Sundsten pulting a neat block on blue Eagle catcher. Sundsten had gone into the game with Tobey, replacing Sophom(we Floyd Pritzner, who had caught a fine game behind Val ey, buk Coach Norm Hiltyard ........ .-..'7+--: '--.'7 --" ---Y"--':-" ........... Fairbanks-Morse P UMPS For Every Purpose SIEELTON ELECTRIC CO. Covey Bldg. Phone 154-W t FARM-DAIRY-LOGGiNG SUPPLIES Logging Harness - Farm Harness utility Harness Lawrence Stock Saddles Hudson Unidek Brooders Hudson Oil Burning Hover Brooders Silent Sioux Oil Burning Hover Brooders We Are Agents For Hudson Founts and Feeders Rite.Way Cream Separators Universal Milkers Roth an4 Gordon Pumps Ortho & Acme Insecticides and Sprays =i€ : * * * Loggg Eluipment  Wire Rope and Other Supplies OLYMPI& FEED CO. O'Neill Building,First & Railroad PRO[00UCED IH U.S,A. wanted all the experience he could muster in an e£/ort to prevent the Eagles from knotting the count, and the strategy paid off beauti- fully. The Highclimbers won the game in the fourth and fifth innings. Mary Cartwright started L three- run ice-breaker in the fourth with a triple which Herb Baze and Priszner followed after were out, with singles and an Eagle error on Vailey's roller. SHELTON-MASON COUNTY 3OURNAI Trackmen Nose Out Monte, Trail Far Behind Hoquiam Highclimber trackmen nosed out :Montesno for second place in the triangular cinder meet at Hoqulam Ritner's, Grocers Tied as Fems Go Into Final Matches FEMININE BOWLING W L Ritner's Corner. ......... 48 33 Hef¢ $ in a e wld,key. We sincerely believe you'H enjoy tiffs light, sociable blend. 86 PROOF k/or Corby's next time! 68.4 Grain Neutral $pidts The Highclimbcrs had the mak- Friday which opened the season ings of a big inning in the fifth for all three contesting squads but but made three walks to Bob trailed far in arrears of the pew- Wells, Wayne Clary, and Cart- erful Grizzly team which walked w'ight, along with Ken Cardinal's off with first place, 95 to 24 to 21. single, good for only one run when Hoquiam won nine first places Wells was tossed ouL at the plate, and swept three events complete- The Highclimbers' seven hits were distributed among as many players. The short score: R H E Shelton .... 000 310 0----4 7 5 Elma ........ 000 100 2-+3 5 2 Batteries: Valley (5K). Tobey (1K) 7 and Priszner, Sundsten 7: Halferty (3K), ]urphy (OK) 5, Sheets (OK) 6 and Bloomingdale. Four games have been added to the Shelton schedule recently, the return Bremerton game next Wed- nesday, a double-header at Bat- tlcground May 10. and a Forest Festival game here with E]ma on May 17, The return game at Ho- quiam is still to be arranged. Office Gains Tie For Top, Sets New Rayonier Record RAYONIER BOWLING W L Maintenance .............. 45 36 Supervisors ................ 5 36 Office .......................... 45 36 Research Girls ............ 42 39 Chemists ...................... 39 42 Electricians ................ 38 43 Grease Balls ................ 36 45 Bleach Plant .............. 34 47 High game---Ron Dodds 213 High total--Ron Dodds 552 Three teams shared first place ly---thc 440, pole vault and shot- pnt---while compiling their slag- gering total. The Highclimbcrs won only one first place. Harold Anker whipping off a creditable 10.5 second 100- yard dash despite a wet track and a cold wind. The blond speed- ster from Allyn was nipped in the 220, however, by Hoquiam's John- ny Hart in 24.2. Anker scored eight of Shelton's 24 points, other tallies going to Gone White with a fourth in the higll hurdles and a tie for third with teammate Em- mett Smith in the high jump, to Dale Bailey with a fourth in the mile, to Buzz Fraser and Bob Rice with second and third re- specticeiy in the broadjump, to Dave Castagno with a third in the low hurdles, to Jerry Hart with a fourth in the 440, and to the relay team which finished second. The Highclimbers trek off to Port Angeles today for a triangu- lar sesmon. The results at Ho- quiam : High hurdles -- LeverLon (H), Krekow (H), Thomas (M), White (8) ; time 16.5. 100-yd. dash Anker (S), Hart (H), Tuttle (H), Murphy (M); time 10:5. Mile--Harris (M), Towne (H), Patterson (Hi, Bailey (S); time 5:22. 440--Sewell (Hi, T. Jacka (Hi, Miller (Hi, Smith (Hi; time 54.6. Pole vault---Giske (Hi, Forsell "Shelton Grocery ........ 48 33 Pastime ...................... 46 35 McConkey Pharmacy 42 39 Pantorium .................. 39 42 Werberger Winery .... 36 45 Mason Laundry .......... 35 46 Mac's Corner ............ 30 51 High game LaVonne Cole 184 High total--LaVonne Cole 523 Cimmpionship laurels for the 1946-47 women's bowling league will not be settled until the final night matches of the season next Tuesday with three teams still in the running for the gonfalon. Shelton Grocery knotted up the top rung by decisioning Ritner's Corner, 2 to 1, in a match of give- away, the Cornerites being a lit- tle more successful iu tossing away games than the grocers, while two games back of the lead- ers rests Pastime, 2 to 1 loser to McConkey Pharmacy and La- Vonne Cole's league - topping scores. The pharmacists cinched, no worse than a tie for fourth place. Mason Laundry edged Pantor- ium Cleaners and Mac's Corner shaded Werberger Wifiery in the other matches Tuesday. Ann Simpson set pace for the laun- derers while Helen Smith engin- eered Mac's victory, with time as- sistance from Rubye Frisken and Ruth Edgley. Only two teams are / sure of staying put in the closing matches Tuesday, the pharmacists being certain of sticking in fourth and :Mac's Corner having clinched the cellar position. First place could easily end in a knot all first di- vision clubs paired against second division rivals for the finale, Rit- over Maintemance during the course of which a new single game team score was established. After suffering a first game de- feat, the Office came boring back behind a pair of 200 scores hit by Hal Briggs and Bruce Thorpe to wind np with a 1030 second game and pulled the finale out of the fire by 15 pins as John Gavareski set up another 200 count. In the meantime, the Supervis- ors missed achance to take sole possession of first place by drop- ping the odd game to the lowly Grease Balls. who had a good night behind Harry Cole and Bill Oliver, losing the middle game only because Ron Dodds pet.ttp a 213 game for top indtviduat non- ors of tht night.  ..... Inez Dammann and Gee McKin; ney set the stage for Research Girls odd game triumph over the Electricians, who won the opener on George Booth's 178 figure, while the Chemists earned the nod over tailend Bleach Plant in the lowest scoring fracas of the night. Chemists (2) Bleach Plm,.t (1) Handicap 708[ Handicap 495 Stoy 377 / Friend 527 J. Eager 355[ Cab. Rains 419 Lynch 394' Dummy 411 Dielle ;]97 Lunsford 409 Tobler d25 Lemke 410 Total 26561 Total 2671 Of Ilce (2) Maintenance (1) Handicap 435 Handicap 276 Briggs 477 Westhmd 410 Thorpe d281 Jacobsen 4 25 Dunseath 3881 Rank 514 Dummy 480] Temple 417 Gaverski 528 Skelsey 489 Total 2736 Total 2561 Grease Balls (2) Supervisors it) Handicap 6601 Handicap 516 I-I. Cole 435[ Dodds 552 Oliver 466 t Moore 384 C. Cole 428 :McCann 383 Devlin 326 Hawks 398 Wright 374 Lemley 467 Total 2689 Total 2700 Research Girls (2) Electricians (l) Handicap 894 Handicap 519 Dammann 389 Stevenson 384 Cormfer 382 t Kneeland 399 Mays 309[ Carlson 427 Price 3541 Dummy 426 McKinney 373 Booth 457 Total 2701 Total 2612 in the Rayonier bowling circuit  (H), Freeman (H) tied for first, after :Monday's weekly competi- JMobley (H) fourth; 10 feet. tion with the Office pulling into a I Shot Cummings (H), Sewell tie with Supervisors and Mainten- (.H), Gunter (H,), Levcrton (H); ance as it kept its long vtctory141' 8". string rolling with a 2 to 1 verdict i 220 Hart (H), Anker (S), Ras- SAVE TIME ! SAVE TIRES! TAKE A FERRY BREMERTON -SEATTLE .12:15 A.M. 1:10 A.M. 12:55 5:00 *5:45 "5:45 6:15 6:15 *7:00 *7:00 7:30 7:30 8:15 8:10 8:45 8:45 9:25 9:30 10:00 10:00 10:45 10:35 11:15 11:15 11:50 12:00 12:30 P.M. 12:30 P.M. 1:15 1:00 1:45 1:45 2:15 2:30 3:00 3:00 3:45 3:30 4:15 4:15 4:55 5:00 5 "30 5:30 6:15 6:15 6:45 6:45 7:30 *7:00 iS:00 '7:30 *8:30 8:00 ?8:45 "|-8:45 9:15 "9:00 "9:30 "i'9:15 - 10:00 10:00 10:30 '1"10:30 11:15 "11:00 '['11:45 "['11:30 11:45 * Daily Except Sunday " Sunday Only ; 12:40 on Monday morning flght) BALL L! N E net's meeting Mac's, the grocers tackling the winery, Pastime meeting the launderers, and the pharmacists vying with Pantor- ium. The lineups: mussen (M), Murphy (M); time Mac's Comer (2) Werberger (1) 24.2. . * Handicap 3901 Handicap 507 Broad jump--Fackrell (H), Fra- Frisken 4091Cormier 308 ser (S), Rice (S), Weaklcy (H); H. Smith 454]Kimbel 383 18 6 ". Dummy 366] Johnson 350 Low hurdles --- Fackrel (H), Lynch 2671Jacobsen 393 Krekow (Hi, Catagno (S), Ray Edgley 448White 372 total 23341 Total 2313 (Hi; time 12.7. High jump -:- Halloway (M) Leverton (H(, Smith and White of Shelton tlcql for third; 5' 11". DiseusRasmussen (M), Faek- tell" (H), Sewell (H), Gunter (H); 122' 5". 880--Shandera (H), Kallas (H), Ranclch (H), IIart (S); time 2:12. Relay--Hoquiam CHart, Fack- roll, :Miller, Sewell), Shelton; time :38.2. Lumbermen Lose"00 Title by 3 Pins Although they won three of the five games, Morgan Lumber wound up with a three-pin deficit in the deciding factor, total pins, so lost the season's championship of the Olympia scratch bowling league to Capitol Cigar Store on the Harbst alleys in Olympia iV[on- day night in the roll-off between the first and second half elmm- pions. Both teams were of form, only five games going over200 among the fifty games rolled by the two rivals, Ken Fredson had the best of the lot with a 211 effort, clos- ly followed by AI Ferrier's 209, while the Cigars had the other three, all 202s. Frank Barker, Cig'ars leadoff, topped te indi- vidual totals with 946 with Fred- son following with 930. The Shelton team missed the pin-scattering of its scoring ace, Mark Fedson, who was under the weather and unable to roll. The Morganites won the first, second and fifth games, but their losing margins in the .third and fourth were just a bit too large. The lincups: IORGAN LUMIgEIt Sit, art .............. 171 394 188 152 194-- 883 Gustafson .......... 192 180 181 187 160 900 Werberger ........ 166 177 154 179 199-- 879 K. Fredson ...... 211 199 173 178 170 930 Ferrier. ............... 167 198 175 209 153 912 907 938 870 905 886--4506 CAI'ITOL CIGAR STORI Barker ................ 181 195 185 188 202--- 946 Rtgall .................. 178 170 184 202 158-- 892 Stevenson ...:......162 198 198 202 165-- 925 Christcnscn ...... 169 193 177 .:t61:167-- 867 McGee ................. 178 170 174 199 158 879 868 926 918 97 850--450'3 TOTEM (00URIOS ON BEAUTIFUL HOOD CANAL V2-Mile South of Union CLEARANCE SALE Navajo Rugs, Blankets and Saddle Blankets Only 20% Reduction To Make Way for New Merchandise SALE TERMINATES AT 8 P.M. MARCH 16, 1947 No Phone Orders or Mall Orders , SheL Grocery (2) Ritner'a (1) :Handicap 399 Handicap 504 +oo+00 Dummy 333 MeCasltn Skelsey 428] Willour Dummy 306 Hunter Durand 333 Bishop Total 2222 Total 2241 Mason Ldy, (2) Pantorium (1) Handicap 132, Handicap 297 Smith 454[Fre. Fredson 443 Simpson 48tTembruell., 361 Mifflin 377 IM. Fredson 428 Robinson 408[ Cart 321 Dodds 464] Dummy 438 Total 22831 Total 2288 McConkey (2) Pastime (1)' Handicap 1111 Handicap 183 MeConkey 3921Staley 458 Bolen 437{ Koppermmr 399 Dummy 441] Lindeman 429 Shirmer 430[ Scheff'hauer 400 Cole 523 Sutherlam 469 Total 2334 Total 2388 'Climber Netmen Open Season at • _ Olympia Friday Composed of two senior letter- men and a half dozen green but enthusiastic and energetic sopl- omores, the Highclimber tennis team rings up the curtain on its 1947 scledule Friday with an in- vasion of tile Olympia Bears' home court. Coach Grant Packard indicated Jack Graham and A1 McBride would play the No. 1 and No. 2 singles positions and team up for the No. 1 doubles assignment, but from there on he wasn't just cer.- rain how the Highclimber' lineup would read because Ronnie John- sob, Don Cote, Don Knutson, Dave Lemon, Jack Weirauch, and Fred Cropper were all engaged in a hot battle for the three other berths open on the team. One of the six will emerge from present elimination competition to handle the third singles berth while two others will take over the second doubles spot,'but who the trio would be the Shelton net mentor wouldn't predict. In addition to the Olympia en- gagement, the Highclimbers have nine other matches on their sea- son's docket, as follows: April 15Abcrdeen here April 18--a.t Ehna April 25at Chehalis May 2---Olympia here May 3--at Port Angeles May 6--.Elms here May 9--at Aberdeen May 10--Port Angeles here Clehalis here to be scheduled, SUNDAY CAL],ERS Mr. and Mrs. Nick Gronka and Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Aycr Of Olym- pia were Sunday afternoon callers at the home of Mr.,and Mrs. Ther- on 5. Cain. HOME LOANS * Convenient Terms -k Reasonable Rates . NO DELAY Mason County Savings & Loan Association Title Insurance Bldg. I . I Thursday, Highclimber Hoop Squad Honored at Activian Banquet Highclimber varsity and B squad basketball players were hon- ored Thursday night at a public banquet in Masonic Temple spon- sored by the Active Club at which John I-Ieinrich, former Stadium high school football and basket- ball coach, now College of Puget Sound basketball mentor, delivered an inspirational message on "The Place of Athletics in the Life of Boys." Varsity players were introduced by Coach Chet Dombroski with comments on each boy, B squad members by Coach Grant Pack- ard with similar comments, and each player's father by the boy himself during a program presided over by Joe Hanson, toastmaster. Coach Packard declined to place Coach Dombroski on the spot for 1948 with a direct prediction on next season's outlook, but com- mented that if the B team grad- uates to next year's varsity play together and make use of their natural scoring ability they can have a winning season. He asked fans, however, not to expect too much from the boys coming up from the reserve squad for "they will be playing against tougher competition where their mistakes will be more costly." In his message, Coach Heinrich urged the boys "always play to win" and to "subject individual aims for the team's benefit," and commented that athletics show early in a lad's life whether he is a leader or a follower, an arguer or a good sport. Coaches look for four things in a basketball player when selecting team rosters, Heinrich said, first attribute being a good competitor who is best when the chips are down, second for ability to control the backboards, third for quick re- actions, and fourth for defensive ability. He added that from a coach's standpoint success is not meas- ured in how many games his team wins but in how much he does with the material-at his command. Musical interludes were pre- sented by Phil Stoehr, Merrilee :Hill and Shirley Thorpe. Bordeaux Teams Top Grade Loop Two Bordeaux teams finished ahead of their four Lincoln school rivals in the grade school basket- ball .league which wound up its schedule recently, with the Golden Flashes going undefeated through the five-game season and the Hoopsters taking second place with four victories against a lone loss. Karl Schwarck of the title-win- ners led the scoring with 43 points. The standings were: Golden Flashes 5 0 143 47 Hoopsters ........ 4 1 67 65 Grizzlies .......... 3 2 64 56 Bombers .......... 2 3 49 65 Vandals. ........... 1 ..;q 45.. 66 Knights ............ 0 .5 65 128 Top Ten Scorers Karl Schwarck .................. 43 Don Botts ............................ 38 Duane Archer .................... 38 Barry Remsberg ................ 28 Phil Keiburtz ...................... 23 Eddie Barrett .................... 23 Denny Davidson ................ 20 Ken Brown .......................... 18 Gary Stewart .................... 16 Tommy Baze ...................... 12 Virgil Manke ...................... 10 PETTY SENTENCED Superior Court Judge John M. Wilson sentenced Robert Lee Pet- ty Friday, Apri 4, to a term of 15 years at the Mo.nroe Reforma- tory following a plea of guilty by Petty to a statutory offense. [ F " I Dunoyier's 61tO Stand at Chevron Gas Station - First & Coa I| Plywood Regains Commercial Lead COMMERCIAL BOVLING W L. Olympic Plywood ...... 45 "0 Lake Cushman .......... 44 31 Pantorium .................. 41 34 Grunert's Service ...... 38 37 Kimbel Motors .......... 36 39 Local 161 .................... 33 42 Moll Chevrolet .......... 32 43 :Morgan Lumber ........ 31 44 After a two-week sojourn m sec- ond place, Olympic Plywood re- gained the top rung it had ruled for the major part of the com- mercial league bowling schedule last week with a 2 to 1 triumph which dropped Morgan Lumber back into the cellar poMtion the lumber dealers had occupied for so long, while Lake Cushman Re- sort was suffering a whitewash thrashing at the hands of Kimbel Motors which forced the resort- men to surrender the pacemakers post they had captured two weeks earlier. The standings Underwent quite a transformation during last week's play, Kimbel Moto-'s mov- ing up to fifth place on their three-ply triumph, and Mell Chev- rolet shaking the cellar with a 3 to 0 verdict which dropped Local 161 a notch, leaving Pantorium and Grunert's Chevron Service the only teams m their same posi- tions. Pantorium .decisioned Grun- ert's, 2 to 1, in the fourth match of the week. AUTOMOTIVE PAINTING GLASS INSTALLED RIDLEY'S Body and Fender Works PICKUP and DELIVERY SERVICE WORK GUARANTEED NOW LOCATED AT PLU J. L. QUICKLY [G NY By CL Att 522 SP Ma al the int pu] YOUR BY BO DELPI hould be routed vJ va tr. Skooku No. 2 4t. VIEW Next to Mr. View Grocery GREASE-  " _ Tiale Schedule 8 ' TacOraa aiiyl except Phone 610 FROM | ,_. Olympia and .-. "crlves Shelton daily, pucI"AR EN C IE CARL.N, +,_ s MEETS AT 8 P. M. IN MEMORIAL ",+!" ;--_ 00st:nd;rd TUESD00] Annt AS THEY SAY IN THE MOVIES--OUR SMASH HI HELD OVER ANOTHER WEEK--- Railway NEW OUTBOARD AND INBOARD B 01'< ,entlyannounc,edI Sales, Servlce and Rental t Policy'of ma1*'tic, of p rodu00s BOAT MOORAGE -- SMALL CRUISERS FOR Gt peh 'r a year have now been ap 2e,lduced prices on 163 m, .... z Iac me el of ' .... . farm .t Dusty RillOd0000.c,o00,.o00e: • "n ' ____1' i:'' ':attachments' The new low( I .VeasofMac J -- " i Were made no, "SPORTSMEN'S tIEADQUAI',h aemand,: hut ta Finest Saltwater Fishing facilities on H OO Gd ##L=:,th e" ,,." ..... P ant to this c jwl h ..- v+-cem ot tim goo • . - + l+m n Nor h --s 0 t]etg+e have not been cht 0 e Mile t Hood P r'g ,thave=ad0 00educfi0' Complete Stock of Saltwater Tacklet £or Sale+ ad+!t, ++ +lltiitll,_ ! 0. l%xD:'lll*ms'+tOWered"l? Ruar pr<ptlUel'+Ji'bl! PHONE HOODSPORT 15-XV:ll 'or W ri .:+ ;.t r r' " " Route I Box 1, Hoodsport Wasl, far t , la0¢  half of ÷h _e  e tefited y the BOATS AND CABINS  : ?ore 1o to 23.8, aMc .+.+ --- lole ha,ye de Widraw fr?m pzc PRICE on Odd Size t NEW SASH AND WIN PLAN AHEAD FOR ECONOMIC BUILDING. You can util- ize this opportunity to make a substantial' saving in your construction costs by planning ahca'd and providing for odd sized sash and windows by'conferring with us first. TYLE-BORD FOR YOUR BATHROOM AND KITCHEN WALLS Delightful to.Look at  Easy to Clean COMPOSITION SHINGLE,S FOR YOUR ROOFbetter looking in their smart Red and Green colorsbetter protection with their longer lasting toughness. Lawton Lumber 420 SOUTH FIRST ST, PHONE 56 +"* " , Owned and Operated by Everett Dillon and Joe Siaps fgr :t to mov and we have as possible. maintain these and on t we levels. that "Any price i reduced l mele r,ek models reduced taodol reduced $41 educed $5.00 (5 model reduced $75J basic model re€