April 10, 1947 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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@ • .4
__ , ,,.,gl 10, 3.947 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL
..... • vv,vv,..,..v,,v.vv,,rv-,i.vv,vvvv ..I at e, of Wnshl., pgdon NO. t771 . 1'O• 1 8,,.1"
• irl?lll I%Iil'tl[ ll#'llilil!lr%ilO OFFICE (IF SUI'I,,II%'ISIIR OF SIIMM{INS NOTI('E OF llEAIIING ON FINAL
tl, lll __..'i711' 4'l[liJl'l"-,-,,.-- I . v OI.vmnil STATE OF %VA,qlIIN( TON F()R " l)l,TltIlll TION,
" TIiI, I1) lfi Illlll Itll I ........................... !.._.-- MASON CClUNTY / IN THE SUPI,IIJOI .t'OUf.T OF Till]
| 'l, -'l#lll'!'JJ2Jll I /gOTl('i, OF II'ATFll Ill(lilT APPi.I- Ural E 1"; tl e l I Ve n, I,'. 1"I. o 'S'I'ATIg (if," %VASI.]INGTON leOlt
.LVltu ull ': • , 1%'O. 90932 ('A'riON NOS, 7275 AND 727!1 ]ltisband and wife. and l,'rank Coollull ,M,tS(IN COI'NTY Ifn Prol)tile)
00ING o,. ,<,TA',',,:. T,, WHOM ,T CONOER00: .... l,a,,, .<,.ld,io,,,, a,s,, .... s W,,-
"iV L IN TIlE SUPERIOR COURT OF TIIE Notice is hol'eby iven that StatQ John F. Sled( and tile Unkllown Ill,llli lindh,lhil. Diq,oasell,
Departnlenl el Fishi,rles of Seattlv lleirs of Jolln l 0. Slade. doceilsed, als, i NOTICE I.q ItEI.EBY (lIVEN (hilt
d5 30 ,) STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND Washingtoll tinder date of Jnnc ][I, all other persons or parties linl(nfwn Axel 5Iatmm, AdlllJlli+iFa{llr of the ,:-
41 34 In lhe Metier of the Guardianship of 1946. filed with |he State SUpel.V sor elahning any rigllt, hth,, i,sl.illq:, lien, late of khc abort' lmnied deceased,
Phone E,i,,.I M, Menthol. ,Ill ill(Chip(teal, of Hydrittlllcs, Olynlpia, %Vashtngton, in' lille.vest ill the rc,ql estate des(rib- lia. filed ,villi th(, Ch,rk of the ahi,ve
APlllicathm No. 7275 for a pernli{ to ed in II'le von/l)tiiint horeln, De(on(l- enlitled (curl his Fhl'Jl tte iltl'l and
38 37 NOTICE 1>9 ttlgRIiJBY GIVEN thai divert the l)ublic watcvs of Lling'hfno ants. P,titioa fol' lJislributitm allhlnl4" ol 1ol,
36 39 , ill conlplianct with all order of tile
33 d2 '# ilh(ive-ontitlod COlll't (,ntercd in the Crook trlhutary of Easl Middle Fork TIIE STATE OF %VASHINGTON Io lhhlg,q asl-;inK Ihe Ciilli'l hi m,tlh and
A ab.ve entith.d cause on April 1st, 19.17 or" the Salsop ltivt.r, ill tilt.' anlount of John F, Slade ond lhe unkn(iwn llcirs allln'ove .:lid 10inn flepc, rt sad Peti-
32 ,13 ]. L. lilo llndprsitned uardifln will..n Ihe
[00tm!F00l, lii p 20 see, oral-ice( subjvct to existing of Jtdlll ]i,, Slade, €let.ca,,od; Alsr,, :ill l,,,n f,n' Visti.iimtion distribute the
31 ,l.I IDW 28(h day of April, 19.t7 sell the 1"ol- rights; t'nr the Imrposc of fish In'op- other persons or parties tulknown l)roperty to the pets,ms the(tie (,il-
,.)jcmrn in sec- HA men( hwing described real property belong- agatioll continuously that the upprox- claiming any right, lille, estate, lien, lith,d, alld It) discharge said Adniinis-
' ' ink to tills ostato at i)l'ivat#, sah,: ilnato point oI diversion is located or interest ill tile real estale de.seribod il'aitr and his bondsnlen.
.0S within tile SWlt of SWl of Sec. 2. in tile conlplahlt heroin lJefendanls: NIITICIC IS I,'UIUI'I-IICI/ (;IVEN that
I?lywood re- F " irlited By Lots 3, ,i and 7. Bhml¢ 32. {l/tlll- TWp, 19 N., RKI{. 6 W.W.M. and ALS() You and each of you are hereby said Final lleporl and Pelilion I'm' Dis-
it had rtllcd i-'° lIl I'ili d . oftain View Addition to the TOWnShclhln. ill Mason C.unty, Applk, ation No. 7279 for a ,erolil to sununoncd to appear wilhin sixty (60")lrilnltion will b,, hoard at lhe hour .f
of the corn- ....%.o.%,Ooo.oO, o..o.+-..:¢v, II e en Washing(ca. divert the public waters of East miu- days after tile (late of tile first publi- 10 o'clock in the forenooa, till Salur-
ing schednle .... * °"
The sale. is to be at Room 552 Cen- die Fork oI SatsoD l.lver tributary of cation of this sunlmons, to-wil, within day, the 26!h day .f Aj)ri], 1947, al die
Satsop River, ill tile amoant of 12 scc- sixty days after the 6th day of l%larch, Court RoOm. in lhe Courl Itouse. in
r.o 1 tlqulnph trlil Bul4ding, ill Seattle. King Counly, nd-f, el, subject to ex st ng rights; 1947, and delend tile abow"-cutitlcd She]loll, Washinlon.
gan Ltnllber - .0 Washington. All bids nmst bP ill writ- action in tile above-entitled court, alld I)aled tills 25th day of Marcll. ]9.17,
continuously" that tile approxi at() answer the conlplaint of the plain- IIARRY DEYETTI,L
position the ing and addressed to the undersigned for the purl)l se of fish propagatioI
occupied for kANI} CL attorneyGUardian'a[andthedeliverCdahovc addrcss,t° IlimorOrfiledhiS point of dive'rsion is locatcd withi the tiffs Ural E. Bittle and Vehna F. lMt- cn_lnty Clerk.
EARING with the ch'rk of tlw above entitled
SWI of NE! of Scc. II, Twp. I9 N, tie, hushand and wife, and Frank CHAS. R, LEWIS.
Rge, {1 W,W.M,, all in Mason (can- Coelllo. and serve a copy of your all- A1t()rncy for Saill estate.
us]lnlan Re- 0 c(Itlrl aL or lie(tire noon o[ tile 281h tY. The lllajis showing tlie locations swer open the undersigned allorney Address: ]h,II BtlihlinK, 119 qlut]l
clay rff April. 1947; the bids shall and plans el said 'diversions and the for plaintiffs, at her office below slat- 41h Strttol, Stipli[in Mas)n
a, whitewash BULLI}, ZING specify the terms of the offcr, and
ds of Kinlbol 0ITCHING bids nlay be for an)" one or m,n'e of plaz.e (if the proposed use arc (Ill file ed; and in ease nf y(lur failure m, l.t) (t,llllly, Washhla'lfn,
l the resort- in the ofl'lce of the Statc Supervisor do, Jadgment will he l'i.n(Iol'cd again.qt 3-27--t-3-10-17 -lt
pacemakers . the lots. of Itydratllh,s Olympia, Washington, you according to the delnand of the
, Dated at Scattlc. Washington, this together with such other inforniation complaint, which llas been filed with
71h day of April. 1947.
d two weeks EXCAVAT. ItOBERT D. MANCItEL, the Clerk of said Courl. CAI,L FO|t lll|}g
The object of this action Is to quiet NOTICE IS ItEILEBY GIVEN lhat
title to the (elbowing described real
as is required by law.
Any person, firm or corporation I
Gunrdian, wllos( riglit will bc iajuriously af- the Board of Cotlnty Coninlissionel's
erwent qnite 'CLINTON H. HARTSON, lotted by said almlications nlay file property in Frank Coelho: West IIalf of Mason County, Was]linglon, will re-
during htst Altorney for Guardian. with tile State Supcrvisor of Hydraul- (Wa/z) of Lot 6. aud all of Lot; 5, (ff ceive s6Mod bids up t,, 2:00 o'clovk
522 Central Building. its, at Olynipia Washington, such ob- l10ck 49. Union. Washington, per plat P.M. on April 21, 19,17. at Mason Court-
Motors mov- Seattle 4, Washington Ject Ol s or rclresentatlons, in writ- of Hood Canal Land and llnprovemcnt ty Courthouse, Shclton. Washington, at
tce on their Main 8460. 4-10-17-2t ln', as he may desire to make, within Company's plan of Union City, Wash- which" tiine all bids will bc -lmnpd
d l{ell Chcv- thn'ty (30) days after date of last pub- ington and t(, quiot title /o tJIc l'ol- and In b i(,ly read aloud for the:
• lication which date is April 17, 1947. lowing de:cribed real proj)erty in Ural Manul'a*.!tul'ing and siockpiling of
Jar with a 3 VER NOTICE OF WARRANT CALL Witness nly hand and off cia seal E. Bittle and Vclnia F. Bittle., htmband Screened Cover Stono for Light ]).i-
topped Local or Water Notice is herel)y given that the f(,l- this 16th day of Octoher, A. D, I946.
tnlliinoos Sllrface Trelltlnent, Riled
g" Pantorium Count
and wifo: East Ilalf (EU,) of Lot
lowing Mason .5' Warz,ants arc (SEAL) ItODNEY RYKER, 6, of Block 49, Union, Vasllington,
n Service the rRUCK called for payment at the oIfice of Stalc Supervisor of l{ydraulics, per plat of Hood Canal Land and lm- Oiling nnd for Crushod Mineral Ag-
g'rcgate for Non Skid Siligh' So.tl
same posi- the Treasnrer of said Counly, and th'lt 4-10-17-2t provemcnt Company's plan of Unhm T 'calnlcni Oiling.
, interest will cease on the date of the City. Washington, all of said prop- Masoii C.unty :lh)ad Project No. 100
S1Olh" 3 d GI'un
l0 | Alqf 0 ^^ publication of this notico: N 184I orty being in tile C(nlnt.y fff Mason, I'INIT No. 1
) r h match J L " - School District No 45 Warrant "a,o r.. ..,'.-.,.. r, ,-, State of Wasbingtofl. App'oxima|e Quantilies:
( u t , , . . • ......... ,-, .. r.mu ,.,. -'.*-" VIRGINIA O. MALLOY,
.... ., Nos. 4801 to 4846 inclusive. ,i,llrl'/ Ii%ll lil,l, lllllil,PltIN"
...... in=i'l' , 930 CU, Yds. :}:" Minus Screcncd
AILOI'ne7 for l-la L 1 S, Cw .... ¢mlt
---- | , ,-, .-'-:,: $t5-W -'. • r .. . STATE OF WASltINGTON FOR Office and Post Office Addr( ...... ( s "
City i{all ' ..... 1,900 Cu, Yd. i C,mrst" Crush.ed Scr0cn-
--" I '' 7 ,':.'2" ..... uounty, wasnington, MASON COUNTY ' ' ,,,. r, " ,' "
" (SEAL) In the Matte( of the Estate of James
PAINTING ! 7" ''='U':': ........ "; (j Dated at Shelton, Washington, April Ha..de.'M.,ilX 'T).o.'d.1 ' . Shelton, Washington; ...... 'n ,, 5"C't, ¢s. ''l I,;ine Ci'llSlied Scrcen-
o--,-------.-,)-u--ut, ialgs ';" to 0", . ..
F'ALLED | ,2.;?,':;:;:2:> ....... J,a_"...,,. ill, 1947. 4-10-1t NOTidl'i'S '' IE'R'BY" GIVEN tllat . "q.-' ...... IPacl{ bid sliall lie In aevpr(lance wttil
, | ;. .............. ......... lVlart Ngnce. Executrix of'the estate, . '"'4; ...... th( ' i lens spccifieation., and other
IT" L' I / .......................... '',gl ' , o James ltarden Nance, Deeeasea, .x,S,IIMONFOIJIIATIO .... col{ i'ac '£1'oc,lnlents n.w 'on file witil
| \\; ¢ " '..4' l|Mm ........ • the Clerk of said Court Petition for 2:.. .o.s-.., ...... .w where 'eoptes niay he obtained by tie-
--= / ..... °?C';2;;1mi Ul•l m•A•• • Distvibution, asking the Court to dis ................ •
_ .,. .......... , ......... positing $5.00 f.r each "set. DepOsit
bIll.L | • ....... . ...... . nlB • •••• ILll It. ILl lL. lllln M • • tribute tile property to the persons -atnu xvtattel" ut toe ,,eeenuency ;J h ..... ', nrle,t if nlans and sDeci-
. . I / =,:===,=,=,qmm • ••mmnm r nr lln • • thereto entitled and to discllarge of Dorothy Shoemaker and L a Shne- =::+Y.,; are returne({- in ,6od "ondi-
vnrk. , i 0a.0.;= ............ .-,- • vvn • IIilll • I said Mary Nance as executrix there- makdr, Minors. "" = ,
.... / .... ,*" "<'" ""J.: ..... --- •l of" and that 'sa d petition will be THE STATE..OF WA..SHINGTON, Bid ('orris may bc obtahlcd (real 'the
| ::?7.:=';Ll , ill I i I I • I beard on file 19th day of April 1947 :U: 'lrS, myrtle vlorris anti otis County Au(iitor oJ' Mason County.
i I ......... IiV MnIT I A,D., at 10 a,m., at the court room of nQem_aKe_r. ............. "Eacfi bid shall bo a('coliipan{ed by
..ICla'ti-0": tho Court House in Shelton Mason YOU AND ACil tip: Ou al nere: a certified ehc, k or casher's <hick
I I ],..o.M,i nl.illm • m County Washing'ton. at which time Dy notirlea ana.equn'ea to qe a ncl llay'abh; to the"Trcasurer ol Mason
l . o.< oo..',l:.: _ - - -- - - - - . m and place any person interested ill appear at toe totlrL xooui in lne r ..... t.. Wash n'ton ill the su II ( f
EIV < ]. "vvr'.m, 'rTv-v. • [ said estate may appear and file ob- Court House in Shelton, Wa.,hlngtont ' o',, ..x' .hn.. , ....... h,, forfeited ...... t) M-s;n
.-i- l'lblLllll k..JP_lllIb.l • Jections thereto and ontest the same. at 10:00 a,m, on Satm'day ttl 3rd day County bY the mlccessful bidder in
''- '-a--u,n.-, • Dated this 15th day of March 1947 of May, 1947, said date being more ...... {oils to enter into contract
.X.J2 ................... • A.D. ' than sixty days .a_f},_e_r the fi_r_.t ubH: {1TM flc tin" acccqlta}le surety bond in
- ' t,- ........... • HARRY DEYETtPE. =lon ot tnls sumlnon.ne tO-WIL: xv.. ....' ..... ...... ......... nf th( VOfM bid to fill con-
ANTEED la ltr. lll(llRn ]ferry 1.}011 • Clerk of Sald Court. than 60 days after th 27th day Of ditlons of .aid eontraet within five
I ief. Milwaukee Dock. • [ By DORISANN MOREHOUSE, February 1947 and then and there .,.... Xe *be'date (if awa'd
1{/ De ut . " have 'with you your nun I daoghters, h .. Ilonrd of County r Cominissinno,'
DOrothy , Shoemaker and L a Shoe- n¢'.¢n,}(-iountv - re,el;('es the rIllt
FED AT ................... I CHARL . WRIGHT, il ..........
m-nl=l I - ....... . _. •]Attol'ny fox" Estate, maker then and there to answer a "'" ""r -n- el o.ll i'i;i'a'nd t ^ -"vo
ia.h;;.t ..,1 .tlfi n filed llare i k [ lo r0.]ecl, u y " uo u w. i
-- I d,flo. n. fnllnw- i 1 P.O. Address: Angle Building, " ........... .=" " ..... , "" "'" "Y all info,'malitics in the bidding,
'.w Grocery GR_UI &uI].UWI ; . Shelton, Mason County, Washington. B. rankhn Heuston, Prosecuting At-[ ..... , (Ms 31 d,t., of "Mnl'ch 1n,17
.0 . '°" i '3-0-gq--3-10-4t torney °f MasOn C0unty, tO tbc ef-I ............ it" R'Z)'ICK'IIIS'(')'N
feet that the said Dorothy Shoemaker '1 L'LE O'DELL ' '
and Lila Shoemaker are dopeadeat ] I.(-)Y CARl-(
i 2'....:_ . n] OLYMPIAN VISITS children, " / ' 4-3-10-17
• • • • • • • • • ...',.i. Dated this 25th day of February I
NLI_ UNU-H, IreSiclent ] Miss P]tllna. McCutchan of 1947. ....
['lt%lITllTl% rnrvrtv w vsvwn l| olympia spen[ Monday night at HARRY DEYETTE, NO. 1749
b'II.HT I INlk'K n/the home of Mr• aridMrs. Theron Clerk of Mason County, NOTICE OP ]IEARING FINAL RE-
IN THE SUPERIOR COURT eli' THE In the Matter of the Estate of George
. , . . STATE OF WASHINGTON I,'OR R Taylor Deceased, .
Nina Stapleton, Plaintiff, Willianl Jobn Stiles, Administrator of
8 P. M. IN jD . ,. lllllii, _ • " " w , . , ," -vs.z-, the estate of Gcorge R, Taylor, de-
'" '*!)7 E Stapleton Defendant. ceased has filed in the office ol the
. TUESDAYS..-- | Announces Detanls of C21erk'of said Court his Final Report
md 3r ,You are llereby ,summoned to ap- tlie Court to setth, said report, dis-
+' pear within sixty (60)days after date tribute the property to tile persons
, .. . ., ., ,... __., ,-w , of the first publication of this sum- thereto entitled and to discharge said
0010,000,000 Price Reductions m0ns" and (cowl,, 'ithin {10 days after William John Stiles; and tbaL said
]Pebruary 27, 1947, and defend the rel))rt and Ietitlon will be heard t)ll
above entitled action in tile court
at 10 o'clock a.m., at the Court Room
l aforesald and serve a copy of your Satm'day the 3rd day of May, 19,t7,
answer upon tile undersigned attor- of the Court ]'tousc in Shclton, Mason
ney for Plaintiff at his office address County, Washington', at which thne
• hereinbelow ,stated and ill ec of and place any person interested ill
'your ailute so to do, Judgment wMI said estate lay appear arid file o]5-
IDe rendered against you according to jections thereto and enteSt the same.
ltf • the demand of the conlplaint, which Dated this 28th day of March, 1947.
has been filed with file Clerk of said (SEAL) HARRY DEYETTE.
AND INBOARD BOAT v2_recenttyann°unced- International . court, .Clerk of sitid Court.
• Drice l"tX:b.lCtllll The purpose of tile said acti'on is By Dorisann Morohonse,
Sales, Service and Rental !W',. PO.y g -- to secure a aecree ot dtvo,'ee upon Dell.
00.v' !!Sers of our ..... pp FARM TRACIORS the ground of non-support. CHARLES T. WRIGHT,
, , products a roxlmatdy z.w. GRAHAM, Attorney for Administrator
.vu a .... Attorney for Plaintiff, Office and Peat'Office address:
-- ?e] Year have now been worked ouL 12 Models Office Address Govey BRIg,, Angh? BuildinK. Shclton, Mason
Shelton, Washington, Ct unto', Washington.
' " on 163 models. '£ho Reduced $10 to $134,(up to 10.%) -7,-s--I-0-,-4--10-7t. "
Ve reduced prices 4-3-10-17-24-4t
u . Jrl2.lkltli, ic models of farm gracto, 123 ' • ": " ' ....... "
i I..m " A ll+".ils ofm machines,)t6bsic modek
llV u'l[lllP?' ,ra;tors anden=ine; and Z2mod MOTOR TRUK$ WORSHIP. HIM CIvry
i@ :,llt otor '. '; ' S , . , " 12 Models IN SPIRIT Pentecost-! Church
Resort en<ll TheaS wellnewaftlowerCertminpncesnaoteraro l:leduced'$0 to $00 (1.__ ,6) .' --.: and ,30 East Pine St.
rl' as o - Sunday School--9:45 a. .
e f March 10, 1947. . IN TRUTH org w0rship--//:09, a. .
_l,lil,iu were made not because of FARM .ACltItlE$ at SundayEVangenstle, 8:0u p. ,m.
SMEN'S tIEADQUAI'x" -. demand, but because W'e believe i23 Models Wednesday prayer Meeting,
' " Assembly of God ' 8:00 p.m.
" #llli llorel ira or(an nn Iron Tabernacle I Friday Regular Meeting,
ood 0 Wr t P t to this co try t Reduced $2.50 to.$122.50 "
twatcr Fishing facilities on F ,=.,. he ,._ - 8:00 p.
|Wlil. v,,ces of the goods people buy. (1.9% to 23.8%) : m.
710 Dearborn Phone 476-M EVERYONE WELCOME
Prices have not been changed on all " ..... Rev. Sam McGill. Pastor n
VIile North Hoods have mad reductions ¢herever mJ[}US:J'RIjlIL TRiO.R$ Rev. R. D. Oaddy, Paator
the amounts p9 .ible. ricell of (lriilitr).4 Mgdels
ck of Saltwater TacMc for sale • i
prqducts lavp been Reduced $35 to $50 (1;0 to i16) "
rst Baptist Church
wrlte - ........ ""-- " " " "" " ,I O. Bo vee,'l Pastor Fifth and Cota Streets
E I'IOODSPORT 15-1V-11 or . " ....
e 1, J3ox 1, Hoodsport, Wasll, for halfqfhe company's Bible School 9:45 a,m. --- Young Peoples Meetings 6:30 p.m.
.bY the reductions, Morning Worship 11 a.m.--,Topic: VTbe Coyojmnl/ "
' Keping God"
OATS AND CABINS 1N to 23.8 find fro $2.50 Enilla=e 0utt0fs--3 models reduced $22,75 in each Evening Service 7:30 p.m.
.... case (4.8% to 7;1%).
led n .list prices,, F.O.I. Ensilage Harvestor--1 model reduced $33.75 (3.9%). 'i " ,
Hammer Mills--2 mode reduced $5.09 in each case .......
lle htve deed the, the (1.9%and3%). , ' Mt Olive Lutheran Church
Withdraw frgm price ,cotxO: in Ume Spreader--1 basic model reduced $2..5.0 (4.9%).'
• • Power L0ader--1 model reduced $25.50 (89%). t " . .......
IES--OUR SMASH HI to p prices in ue,.m Spreader--1 model r#duced ,$13.00 ,(3,5%): t
fit e hands Milker Units--2 models rluced $12...00 and $1q, Q0 The Church of the Lutheran Hour
FHER tO Iriovtl toward the MIIksrVa'uunlPunlll'--2m°delsredued!ilT"00ineaeh ..... "
and we have felt a duty case (11.5% and 19..6,%).
P0rlabl Mllksr Viicuum Punqi$--2 models reduced $17.00 Telephone 395-M and 230
as possible, in each case (11.8% and 11.7). -
idd Size lnaintain the, lower p rc, es Stnlnl0$,$1801MIIli0 rPallS-2m0dtlsreduced$5"00mid Sunday School 9:45 a.m. -- Morning Worship 1, a..m.
• !0", (z8.5% and 2s.8%).
t AND WIN €,=0p.at0n--#m0delsredueed$13.25ineach
and on uninterrupted pro- case (8% to 10.4).
, wage levels. Tta Trailer--1 basic model reduced $12.75 (5.5%).
he carry OUt OUr all- il!k019r$--Smoaelsreduced$8"00t$18"00(l'9% First Methodist Church
BUILDING. You can util- that "Any price is too high if t0 4:3%).
substantial' saving in your "
for lalArlal Tractors (Whsel)--4 ba sic models reduced "A Friendly Church i0 a Friendly Community"
ahcad and providing
conferring with us first. t. t. ' Typ¢ llf Pr#d00¢tS $i9'.0 to $56.00'(1% to3.4%). Fourth and Pine
ilt@l'Jal Power Units--8 models reduced from $10.00 Sunday School at 9:45 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
21 "4' t'$150.00 (2.3% to 11.4%). Morning Worship
........ i.r' ,pe¢ial Music
II} .,.,o0,,...._, ,to=,
7), reduced from $9.00 to $20.00 Sermon Topic: "Great Living in This Hour"
.... II to $268.00, inclding a change in epecifications on
'---Qaodols ;W,9 items. Parsonage 320 N. 4th Telephone 276
........ :,:,w .......... ,-,, { reduced $5.00 to $10.00
!i!?i: ::::i! !: ..... . " "
iLLS :!!:i:::; ::: ">,':-.'.. i7<;!:?:::{ : :: ol
;',:< ':i;,! , < 7 raoel$ reluced $,5..00 in
' -,.e,...' :: ,, . , " "
First Church of Christ,
...... e 00odels red.oed ,000o in eae. Scientist
:,.I067,,,,, 1 •retlueed $1# 25 to $20.00 Branch of
:::::".:,?=llll The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scfentist,
hart % :'.,7:iX:,;e odels reduced $4 00 and $11.5.0 Boston, Maas.
:i:.;:::!::::.:::::i::ii'::: : >'li Subject Next Sunday:
_, 9delrluced SS.00 (S.S). , "Are Sin, Disease and Death Real?"
iiiiii ':..i', 1 odel reduced $75.00 (4.1%).
• 0w,,!i :-umlillll 1 , \\; SUNDAY SCHOOL AT 9:45
basic modeI reduced $122.5,0 6UNDAY MORNING 8:ERVICE AT 11 O'CLOCK
mber ,' Reading Room maintained by this church at 302 Ald,r Street,.
open daily, except Sunday, frpm 2 to 4 o'clock.
I and Wednesdays from 6:45to 7:45 o'clock.
,.o,,,0 ATIONAt tlAlIV|$T!R i Aldlrecordiallyinvitedtoattendthellervieesandvillitthe Readi.rl, Room.
t Dillon and Joe SiiJpsQll . CHURCH AT $02 ALDER STREET
Seniors to Present
Outstanding Hit
Play on April 18
Adam's evening, one of the most
ingenms farces and neatest sittla,-
tions ever devised to ch'ive an aud-
ience into hysterics, will be pre-
sented by the Senior class Friday
evenntg, April 18tit, ill the junior
high auditorium.
dward Everett Her(on had the
lead as Adam Ill Universal's hiL
movie based Oil this play written
by KaLherino Kavanaugh. This
lead parL is very ably taken by
Leo luclter in the senior cast•
There are ten se.nlors cast in
the play, all outstanding char-
aeLer parts, each of which is sure
to thrill the nlost exacting aud-
ience. These characters are"
Anxious Adam, Lee Rucker;
Adam's trusting" little highbrow
wife, Bernadine Winiecki, who tan
hardly believe the conclusions the
t y p i c a 1 mother-in-law, Barbara
Myers. draws from Adam'S ad-
ventures; two of the cleverest
creole servants that ever drifted
across a scene, Shirley Dittnlan
and Bob Okano; beautiful Rosita,
the lady in the case, Maxine Hol-
man and her raging jealous hus-
band, Tom Corlnolly L, the wild-eyed
nut AI McBride. wli drives the
taxi; hard-boiled John Cokes, Har-
old Anker, who doesn'L like re-
ceiving a fnneral wreath; and his
extra hard-boiled wife, Shirley
Thorpe who does not want to loso
out on the insurance.
Life in Adam's hotisehold be-
comes one terrible tangle as Adam
tries to explain why he was out
until four o'¢10ck in the morning
Do mark April 18th as d "must"
date oh' yo,ur calendar and listen
to Adam try to expla|n his actions,
and you'll know 'what we mean
when we say it's a "comedy riot!"
Mrs, Dllie Cleveland directs this
V otersApprove Fire
Pr0tecti0]i District
A t0tal 0f 31 votes cast' in favor
of a proposed annexation of three
Hood. Canal precincts to a fire
protection district passed the mea-
sure when residents went to the
polls at Hoodsport Saturday, April
5. Annexed precincts include Lil- I
liwaup, Skokomish and Ho0dsport,
Two votes were cast agaim, it tnet
annexation. I
FOR SALE: 4 large white rabbit,. S
Nelson Route 2, Bclx 196, Shclton,
Wash. 4-1.0
lnn Cafe. 4-10
Clean Cotton Rags
With Buttons and Snaps Removed
No Curtain or I-leery Undorwcar
,,, Journal Office
NCOME PROPERTY--7-rnl. mod-
0rn' llous. oil furnace heat 'aiid
radiators, 4 bedr( )IllS, )roakl'ast
nook ; olnTdtel 'furnishel in-
chiding ilano; lll'el)la(:t,. La.rge
corner lot in lawn lind shr/ib-
])(wy: re(lilly ol.ltbui]dlng cali he
converted into aptlr [llltnl Aim,
has double, garage, Close In
downtown. Pavcd street, ccnlen[
walks Se,
Shelton Wash,
Sealed bids will he accepted at the
office o1 the Board of County Conunin-
sioners at Ul6 Court House lnSliclton.
Washington, at 2:30 .P,M. on April
J,4h, .1047, for the foil-owing palntiug:
ueiliiigs, lneiudiug 1{i inch drop, of
all office .rooms on both floors of
Court House.
Ceilings and walls of halls on botl
floors. Ceiling to be same as office
C.eJllngs and walls to bc two tone semi
Cetlllgs and walls of four toilets
semi glosS,
aterial to be oil base flat white
on'all 'deillngs and drop, and semi gloss
In halls and toilets Quallty of paint
tobe Sherwin Williams or equal.
lld :Bond or'crtifled cheek ill the
amoant of 10% of the hid nlust ac-
conPay bid.
B6ard reserves the right to reject
any 0r all bids.
":Floor plaff of Court House may be
seen at. County Auditors office.
Dated this the 1st day of April, 1947.
Chafrman. " 4-3-10-2t
NO, 1888
• " ' I,AII!S' ' "
MASON COUNTY ('In Pr,15ate)
Ir the Muter o the Estate'of Johp
Hanso'n SaltWick, Deceased. '"
Letters' of Anunistration On the -
tate of John Haason Saltwicl', de*
ceased, wcrd ganted tu" tile nei'-
• signed, el} the 8th ,clay of "Feb}.t/ary,
1957, bY tae said Superior' CbuLt,'
All persons having claims 'agatnst
said estate are required to serve tllcm
with thef necessary vouchers upon nit
at the O fice of lily Attorneys, Brodie
& Brodie, 205 Capitol Park Building,
Oly m.pia, Washington wlthlla six
mofftfis after 'the dat'e of the fttt
Publication of this notice, to-wit, with-
In slx months after the 27th day of
March, 1947, and file the same with
the cl.erk of this Court, together wlfh
proof of s,,l(:h service, or they shall 1)e
forever barred. • . .
'Dated "at Shelton, Wash,, tins 22nu
day of Marclt 1947,
Adlnilistratrix of le Estate of
John :Hani0n SaltWlck Deccase(l,
NO. ].896
In the Matter of the Estate of Edl!h
F, Mathewson, Deceased,
Notice is hereby given that the un-
dersigned has been appointed and has
qualified as Executor of the estate
of Edith F, Mathewson, Deceased;
that all persons having claims against
said deceased are hereby required to
serve the same, duly verif ed, on said
executor or his attorneys of record at
the address beh)w stated, and file lhe
same with the Clerk of said Court, to-
gether With proof f such'service with-
in six months after the date of first
publication of this notice, or the same
will b barred.
19ate,. of first publication March 20,
Executor of said Estate.
Address: 545 Henry Bldg.,
Seattle. Wash,
yt{ll, Askren & Mathewson,
Attorney# pr lSgt@te,
545 Henry Building',
Seattle Wash, 3-20-27--,1-3-10-4t
................................... - ................ "'.]_.,...: ...... ,
March of Dimes
Campaign Lauded .............. ,
Il'aise ['nr the local 19t7 Mareh ",
of Dilnes COlnmittec and the citi-
zens of Mason County wris re-
ceived today by Fire(hie( T. E.
Deer, chairman of tim drive, from
Basil O'Connor, president of the
National Foundatitnl for Infantile
Acknowledging l.'eceil)t of the
financial report from this county,
which raiscd $2,578..;t8 in thc cam-
paign, Mr. O'Connor said. "Be-
cause of tire good work of tlte
(,itizens of your conmmnity nnd
the efforts of millions of 1Qeople
all over the country, the fight
against infantile paralysis will
continue on hvcry front, We art,
proud of the fine campaign you
hive conducted, Our national
headquarLers worlcers salute you
fbr a good job. well done."
Assisting Mr. Deer in the local
Ma/'ch of Dimes were Mrs, W F,
McCann, Mt'.q, fary 1VIcBride Wil-
liam Goodpaster, Fleming 13yars
and all the industries, business
houses and people who' greatly
aided in this worthy eampaign.
Virginia C. Malloy
(.its Hall
Phone 192
B. Franldin Heustou. [
Courthouse. helton
Pltone 312
A. K, McCampbell
Addressl Shelton, Wash,
Rt, 3. Box 54A
Phone: Shelton lllW
Eliot Electric Equipment Co.
Titl.e Insurance. Bldg.
Phone 6-15
119-121 gouth Fourth St.
" Bell Buildidg ,
S tmljnn. Waslflngton
'Pite. li.urance Buildlng I
Opposite iiirst National Bank I
wants a money-making Srl/ITSI-RS
flock of high egg produce/s FUNERAL HOME
and nore profitable birds Llcensed Embalrnorll I
for market, Seiect y0Ur w.A. wltere, Prop.
Chicks from us. Bred for Phoae 180-- Snelton, WMl. /
heaWh and vigor, early ma-
turity and big egg size. J
We Handle Ao¢ountlng Tax 5ervlcell
CENTENNIAL and Bookkeeping System,
HOLM crock FEED t st. e. ,_t
Olympia, F ted A.
&NGLE ::'
O'Neill Bldg. - Shelton [ ' ,Office at Angle B101n$ :
Now Open for Business
In Our Location on
Mountain View
Shelton Lumber
Company -
Due to present conmions our services
ill be !ira(ted for some time, but as
soon as possible we Will handle a
complete line of building aterials.
PHONE 65 P.O. BOX 598
Now is the time t.o
• tan help you
OWN your
own home .
Our Home Loans are Safe for You,
And Eqonomical
Thurston County Federal
Savings & Loan Association
w. L.
........ III LI J J I I I I