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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 10, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 10, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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r,. George Smith's Father Succumbs in Olympia James Munroe Smith, father of George 'Smith of ShaRon, died last week in Olympia. Funeral services Were held for the pioneer Olym- pian in that city on Tuesday, April let. George Smith is foreman of the Simpson Garage here. 11 i i t , iii i . iii i $250,082 County Road Budget Set By Commissioners The Board of Mason County Commissioners this week adopted a supplemental county road bud- get calling for a yearly expendi- , ture of $250,082.11 which will cov- er overhead and operation, main- and construction. COUNTY JOURNAI5 i tt i |ml i, , Trailer Vacation for Sutherlands Finished Five weeks of trailer travel life behind them, Mr. and Mrs. Harold ]Sutherland and their year-and-a- half-old daughter, K a t h e r i n e Louise, and Mrs. Sutherland's mo- ther, Mrs. Cosby Trim of Everett, returned to Shelton last Friday enthusiastic in their recommenda- tion of that mode of :living for vacations. They traveled as tar as Phoe- SHELTON-MASON t l it, i H ii i Slavenburg Talk Inspiring For VFW Installation Veterans of Foreign Wars heard an inspirational address from John L. Slavenburg, past department commander of the V.F.W., during installation ceremonies held by Mason County V.F.W. Post No. 1634 last Friday evening at which W. T. "Bill" Jackson Was seated Farmers Have Day With Kiwanis Club Members of the Shelton Ki,anis Club were hosts to a large at- tendance of Mason couuty farmers at their annual Farmer's Day pro- gram of the club at the weekly luncheon meeting at Memorial Hall Tuesday. The program was arranged by County Agricultural Aget Andrew Kruiswyk wo in- troduced the guest speake{, ' Dr. Father-Son Fete Features Talk By ,Bobby Morris Fathers and sons enjoyed the cameraderie of the annual Fathers- and-Sons banquet at Irene S. Reed high school Tuesday night, with a full house attendance in the senior high school social room. A bountiful and delicious turkey dinner was served and a highly : iii!i!i ' Thursday, EACH SPENCER SUPp01I IS INDIVIDUALLY DESIGNED, CUT AND MAP pril, 10, 1947. • " i Thus your SPENCER WILL O O[l : J MORE FOR YOU than an ord[r J Support. ' ': .,t['i  • INVESTIGATE SPENCER'$ :: €_rtl. v unusual style and health benefitst '!iI  BERNICE SCHREIB : P' Phone 799-4 Dealer 1416 SUm][ h ¥ a loag time. Your records will sound wonderfully cJear, natural and free from surface ioise. In sealed, tamper.proof, clear.view package for your protection. VISIT OUR NEEDLE DEPARTMENT See our full selection of PHI LCO DELUXE RUBY, SAPPHIRE, and precious metal needles OLYMPIC FURNITURE COMPANY 321 Railroad Phone 94 i ii i A breakdown of the Oudget re- nix, Ariz., in a search for sun as the post's first World War II Joseph Knott of the Washington enjoyable program of entertain- ]]-7 veals that $46 082.34 will be spent which was largely successful, al- commander; State College Institute of Agricul- for overhead and operation, which though the weather wasn't en- meat presented under the auspices includes engineer, purchase, ferry tirely up to their expectations, Acting in the roxe of installing tural Sciences. Special musical numbers and of the Boys Club with President ' ' 4t'' and commissioner expenses. Over they, reported. Except for burn- officer, the Tacoma veteran re- group singing under the direction Harold Anker as master of cere- tc minded his audience of veterans of Charley Phillips carried a farm monies. Spencer Individually Designed Faun $68,000.00 is slated for mainten- ing out the wiring ia their trailer, that while they had fought brill- day theme and was heartily par- , T0v ance with County Road District Highlighting the program was ;for Abdomen Back azd BreaS | iantly on the battlefield to back ,ticipated in by all present. IUI principles of democratic countries. • leaving them without lights and 1 receiving $21,598 63; District 2, hot water for a counle of da-s an informal talk by Bobby Mar- ..,::  ..... . . , v a, ris, noted Pacific Coast football[ ............................. '- (Jl]Jfl_ 659,539.62, and Dmtr,ct 3, $27,-they experienced no inconvenience Among the farmers attending and basketball referee who is now] " , • 2nd St . • worth mentioning, Mr. Sutherland "you must realize now that an- 15 8 . A total of $135,219.71 is ached- said upon resuming hisduties at other and bigger ba%tle is ahead were the following: Floyd Davis, King county auditor. He regaled]l " |' , Jack Bunncl, Bert Rau, Claude his audience with incidents from[! [.. sled in construction for this year the M & S Food Store. _ carrying on your civic responsi- Stone, Harold Hunter, Hugo A. his 27 years as au athletic official Ill - with $32,487.83 to District 1, -- bilities. You must use your in- Glaser, Ed Wilson, Tom C. Them- and told abou: f;Om;e Ofw[le inter- 1 B E L F A I u $18,109.86 to District 2, and $10,- district No 2 (Beifair) was are- fluence and enthusiasm to make as, John Hitchcock, Walter Cook, esting athlet' 'g s " I whom ill l ]-''----- -'-'---- • ' " this county the kind of place you Howard Bailey, C. E. Dugger, Jim he had come in contact, l1 :!]E'I}Y '' 816.82 to District 3. .Matchilg sented to the "commissionersby fought for. funds provided by the state oat John t.I A "o Hunter, Allan Brumbaugh, Mel As a whistletooter Mr. Morris • , .:w.: '  Simmons, e ....... not, ..... You can't sit back on your Newman, Charles Brown, Mrs. has officiated in over 1,000 foot-li ......... ff I---'-i $73,805.20. of hearing in that matter has been laurels now," he said. "Take an Paul Hunter, Mrs. Howard Bailey, A petition for formation of fire set for Monday, Ma/ 5, at 2 p.m. ball games, four Rose Bowl con- ,:. ' . active part in civic .affairs of your Lee Huston, Viola Knudsen and tests, and so many basketball I.i O A n li   II Jr I L:i '  ....... community, state and nation, and Nancy Cox. above all, exercise your privilege '  ........ games he has no idea of the total • t El  -  1   [] i[o': 3 Fr vhe j? j of the ballot, While you are all .... but they include four North-South " U-- "Ill U ljll. ., C,.cU, PA_-r om re I sit.., oe Marsh veterans of War, remember that Kelso Music Meet p-c:¢ic'Coast conference .)]a-.offs | I . = = . . w I. IL • 111 -- 1'--c---- ./ [[ tuslc-, p a * • " 1 ' 1 Y • ' , P4q'T BE EVE WHE BAS¢ | first of all you are Americans." and one stretch of 100 games m i :.,.2,..! -  - . N- ll2..i = c " Slavenburg officially s e ate d Beckons Shelton 65 days . . Jackson as post commander, J, C. He pen some time telling in-  Mile North of Be far .It'e, s4-'rA4z ha McElroy as senior vice command- • " teresting poihts about "Wild Bill" I " :]o I  [  " , And T t Ain't Hay or, Mel Olson as jtmior vice cam- Prep Musicians eliy, the former gridiron great at '"t']-"-- Montana, whom he called the ,IFP "V,.%YUII mander, J. H. Gray as adjutant- Representatives from the local /lb C,' ,t;:tN6r=Tl" -Or Is It? quartermaster, M. J. Anstey as schools to take part in the second evergreateStseen.f°°tball player he had • A m • . kg II ...-Wl. .q./ chaplain, and W. T. Judah, E. V. section oftheSouthwestWashing- He also urged all boys to go to Fvgrv NtllrflV Nig[l / ' "-m" Nelson, and R. L. Pearson as true- ton musical competition which will college if they possibly can and mwvi WNil•lj • -{ | tees. Commander Jackson an- include choir and orchestra entrees INVESTIGAT] I guess all of us secretly hanker, and come home by way of Pound nounced his appointive officers as to be held Saturday, April 12, at to remember the words of the from time to time, for the good Ridge... nine miles in all. old days and the good old- Not very exciting, you might fashioned pleasures. Leastways, ay. But from where I sit it's not Buddy Riehards 'done a thriving excitement that we need these businet reviving the old.time daysbut those simple country hayrlde, pleasures that are part and parcel With a team of horses, and a of Americathe old-fashioned stout straw-bedded rack, Buddy can take as many aa thirty adults --at fifty cents a head l Two or three times a week they start from Town Hall. and go out along the river; stop for a friendly glass of beer at Shoreside Tavern; hayride, with its song and jollity; horseshoe games; the friendly glass of beer; and the good com- nanionehip that they engender. Copyright, I947, United States Brewers Foundation I Mild American Cheddar LB. Darigold Cheese .... 45¢ Peer Brand, fry Queens 102-oz, Stuffed Olives ........ 69¢ G,ardenside, Ex. Stan'd 20-oz. Green Peas ........ 2/25¢ Rose Brand, Standard 19-oz. Green Beans .......... 10¢ Petite Yellow Lge. 2V Cling Peaches ........ 25¢ Sun Pax, Whole NO. Yz Fancy Apricots.. /49¢ Canterbury, Orange Pekoe Tea Bags ctn. of 48 36¢ Snow Flake, Salted 1-LB. Soda Crackers ...... :. 23¢ Sun Browned 22.oz, Wheatena Cereal.. 22¢ Kitchen Craft Flour .... 10-lb. bag 89¢ Full Strength Bleach  QT. White Magic. ...... i.. 11¢ Wear Ever 12,OZ. Cleanser ........ 3 for 10¢ Cleans Aluminum, ctG. follows: BiB Judah, service of- ficer; Bob Springer, officer-of-the- day; Oscar Steen, post employ- ment officer; Bob Pearson and Bill Timberman, color bearers; and Jack Gray, post publicity of- ricer. New officers of the post aux- iliary were seated jointly at the same ceremony with Mrs. Leans Hancock of Raymond, president of the Fifth District, doing the hon- ors which officially installed Mare- ie Clark, president; Alma White, senior vice president; Mamie Earl, junior vice president; Beatrice Gray, chaplain; Ann Levis, secre- tary; Arma Springer, conductress; Mary Jadin, guard; and Lucy Ed- miston, trustee. Light refreshments were served. ..f ':':,,:, 00irst Compare Prices! Don't be fooled by claims of low prices• First compare SAFEWAY'S PRICES with those you have been paying. Comparison proves. PEANUT BUTTER Beverly, Regular or Chunk .................................... 1-LB. PRESERVES Dude Ranch, Peach or Apricot ............................ 1-LB. PRESERVES Dude Ranch, Apricot-Pineapple .............................. 1.LB. CHERUB MILK Evaporated .................................................... TALL CAN FRESH EGGS Washington Co.op Grade "AA" Large ............ DOZ. U & I SUGAR Spare Stamp No. ll good ............................ 10-LB. BAG FRESH BUTTER Tasty Pound, Fresh 'Creamery ......................... .PER LB. 33¢ 12¢ 93¢ 69€ Grapefruit Juice, Town House fcy .... 18-oz• 10€ Grapefruit Juice, Town House fcy ..... 46-oz. 23¢ Orange Juice, Full O'Gold fcy, 18-oz. 2 for 25¢ Orange Juice, Full O:Gold fcy..J. ...... 46-oz. 23¢ Blended Juice, Blend O'Gold fcy, 18-oz .... .2/23¢ Blended Juice, Blend O'Gold fcy...: .... 46.oz. 23¢ GRAPffRUIT ASPARAGUS Desert. Marsh Seedless, Serve cldlled grapefruit for breakfast! Per ¢ Lb ...... ... Large Bunches, Oregon Gr[,cn Onions.. bu• o¢ California, U.S. No. 1, tender spears. Serve creamed for dinucr! o.. Clip-Top, Clean LB. Ca lif• Carrots .. 8½¢ Yakima Gems, Size A LB. U•S• 1 Spuds ...... 4 ½ ¢ Local, Approx. Frsh• Spinach bu• 6¢ MRS. WRIGHT'S FRESH BREAD Large Loaf 17¢ Extra .Tender, enriched (l-lb. Loaf 12€) i ANOTHER CHANCE TO BUY AT THIS LOW PRICE EDWARDS lb./ ¢ COFFEE can q (2-lb. Jar 95¢) AIRWAY COFFEE.. lb. 40¢ NOB HILL COFFEE Ib. 44¢ i t t JELLO Assorted Flavors Pkg. ..... ,.. 9¢ Scot Towels A Kitchen Aid 2 rollS ..... 25¢ BEER Rainier, Pioneer. Olympia STUBBIES Case $3 00 • • • • • • plus 24¢ bottle deposit U. S. Graded "Good" Leg of Lamb..;; .... lb. 59¢ , U.S. Graded "Good SL'ICED  Pork Roast .......... lb. 49¢ B A C O N Shoulder Cut Ground Beef ........ lb. 39¢ rlormel "DaitT" From U.S. Graded "Good Beef Lb. ........ 75¢ Beef Roast ............ lb. 47¢ Blade, Arm, U, S Graded "Good Beef Short Rbs .... 1b. 29¢ ] LINK Meaty Cuts U.S. Graded "Good" I Sirloin Steak .... ,.., lb. 59¢ SAUSAGE U.S. Graded "Good' Little Pigs Loin Lamb Chops lb. 69¢ Lb ......... 59¢ U.S. Graded "Good" Local, New Crop Yakima Gems 15-LB. BAG Wine Rhubarb lb. 6¢ U.S. 1 Spuds ...... 67¢ " NO 8ALES TO DEALERS: Prices Start Friday, April 1"1, SubJect to Market Changes and S[ok I Ill I i i i ill (] Ill IlL t J KelSo, were announced this week great Knute Recline "it's the sub- by Lynn Sherwood, head of the stitutes who make the men who l Irene S. Reed High School music make the varsity." department. Musical numbers were presented by Phil Stoehr, pianist; the three; Local students to attend the troubadours- Herb Raze, Lee meet include Allen Brumbaugh, Rucker and Gerald Ristine--and Lee Rucker, Dick Baker, Charles a double quartet composed of that Brown, Quinton McPherson, Pat Henderson and Dick Weirauch. same trio plus Stoehr, Jimmy Hale, Tom Connolly, A1 McBride and Included in a selected festival Bob Okano. chorus of 152 students from South- A cast from the boys dramatics west Washington are S h i r 1 e y class presented a highly humorous Thorpe, Norms Simonsen, Merrily skit, while on ,the speaking side, Hill, Marjorie Jackson, Joyce Rex,. J. O. Bores gave the bene- Durkee, Virginia. Connolly, Philip diction, Vin Connolly the response Stoehr, Roy Dcffinbaugh and A1 for the fathers, and Principal McBride. George Hermes remarkd for .the Shelton will also ester a Girls' faculty. Glee Club of 36 in Class B com- petition (schools with 250 to 7501 enrollment), and also a 48-voice [ Allyn Grocery Bought mixed chorus. The first section of this musical I B.V Sam C. Corliss festival was held in Shelton Sat-{ The purchase of an Allyn gro- urday, March 29. The third scc-I'cery store and service station by tion of band competition will be'Sam C. Corliss, former Shelton held in Vancouver on April 26. At resident, was announced this week. that time the,, Shelton school band The former owners of the Shell will perform according to Mr. station were George and Mary Sherwood. Milosevich. ...... Mr. Corliss, who has been an PARENTS OF GiRL I cmp/oyee of the federal govern- Mr and Mrs, Earl Fulmer of lment for the past 15 years, took Allyn are the parents of tt baby possession, of the business, this girl born Friday, April 4, at the Monday. He has anuounced plans Sle]ton General Hospital. for modernizing the interior of .. . the store. A regident of Bremcrton, at present, Mr. Corlis plans to move with his wife and six-year-old twin sons to Allyn as soon as possible. He was at one time connected with a government office in Mason county. At the end of the month he will end his government service. Mr. MiloseviclL the former own- er of the Allyn establishment, will resume his logging activities. ALLENS ARE PARENTS Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Allen are the parents of a baby daughter born Tuesday, April 8, at the Shel- ton General Hospital. SHELTON TIDES i Thursday, April 10 We don't ,ust .......... a,m. 6.3 ft. High ........ 8:47 a.m. 12.5 ft. TALKService .......... p.m. 0.2 ft. ttigh ........ 11:23 p.m. 13.3 ft. Friday, April 11 We get it done! .......... ,,3 a.m. 7.b ft. High ........ 9:07 a.m. 12.0 ft. Low .......... 4:42 p.m. 0.5 ft. Saturday, April 12 Maybe you've hesitated to Higl ........ 12:35 a.m. 13.2 ft. put your washer in for sere- Low .......... 5:58 a.m. 7.5 ft. ice for fear we might be slow High ........ 9:47 a.m. 11.4 ft. in finishing the work. Please Low .......... 5:38 P.m. 0.9 ft. Sunday, April 13 don't worry about that. We High ........ 1:45 a.m. 13.3 ft. ARE busy of,course, but we Low .......... 7.25 a.m. 7.4 ft. make a rule to finish each High ........ 10:44 a.m. 10.9 ft. service job WHEN PROM- Low .......... 6:41 p.m. 1.2 ft. Monday, April 14 ISEDand as early as pos- High ........ 2:47 a.m. 13,5 ft. sible. Phone us today. Low .......... 8:45 a.m. 6.9 ft. High ........ 12:16 p.m. 10.5 ft. Low .......... 7:45 p.m. 1.4 ft. Tuesday, April 15 NASIt High ........ 3.34 a.m. 13.8 ft. BROTHERS Low .......... 9:38 a.m. 6.2 ft. High ........ 1:59 p.m. 10.5 ft. Low . ........ 8:43 p.m. 1.5 ft. 123 8.2nd St. Phone 334 Wednesday, April 16 High ........ 4:13 a.m. 13.0 ft. Low .......... 10:17 a.m. 5.4 ft. High ........ p.m. 3:15 9.9 ft. Low .......... 9:34 p.m. 1.7 ft. BOYS BICYCLES / Standard Models . :.. $46.00 De Luxe Models ..... $52.00 BICY/CLE TIRES AND TuBEs ' In Stock Now WESTERN SUPPLY CO. 218 N. First St. Phone 126 Walter Bishop Farm EARL DOBEY'S 7-PIECE LARGEST BARN FOR DANCING IN NOR THi Benefit Belfair Volunteer Fire De Social organization !! PLACE YOUR OR If yol See Us, we KIMBEL MOTORS Factory Approved Chrysler - Plymouth - Into SALES - PARTS - SERVICI # We Are Equipped to Repair and All Makes of Cars - Truck - Tractors and Logging Equipment In Our NEW SERVICE BUILDING e AT SOUTH' FIRST /ND MILL ST And Brazing I" PHONI Motor Testing [ 465 Electric Welding by the Latest Sunmaster Method Means No Guess Work years we ] aSon County v ticks this  generous, parrot t and sucre we cordially exceptional, use daily, and °fering. Thanki: and looking forw $ 00VttISTLING ,B, Do the iob Concrete More and more ¢onfracfors and builders : using our qualify-made Con'crefe Un;ts for basement walls, and for . and res|denf;al €onsh'ucf;on jobs. ,.o s,zE 98€ * @ TAX ' Our blocks offer many worthwhile |nclud|ng speed ;n erect;on, PRIZE ab;lify, and low la;d-up cosf. Plan • them on your nexf jobl RS[ (Y°urPrcs, Ma ..,m now or pr,¢es an ofher 1 , lion. We can usu;lly mal P]Z ../, IMMEDIATE DELl ... . ; ,