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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 10, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 10, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Th y, ;PENCER SUPP ALLY DESIGNED, CUT AND MA Thus your SPENCER WILL D 0f MORE FOR YOU than an ordlrJ Support. INVESTIGATE SPENCER'$ unusual style and health benefitst BERNICE SCtIREIB Phone 799-J Dealer 1416 Suffl Spencer Individually Designed Fou+ € :for Abdomen, Back azld Bre% SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL !: to clean! Call now! PANTORIUM CLEANERS & TAILORS 215 $. 2nd St. Phone 86 A JOB WELL DONE... • Hubby's done a swell job leith the painting, and we'l' do a swell job cleaning those paint stained clothes. There's hardly a job too tough for us Olympic Loop Tours Resumed This Summer Two-day stmnner bus t o tt r s around tile Olympic Loop highway via Shelton will be resumed again this year by the Northwest Grey- hound state line operating three days a week from Seattle, accord- ing to Terry Walker of the Quin- cult Hotel. The buses will stop overnight at the Quinault Hotel where pas- sengers will have dinner and breakfast before continuing on to Hoquiam and Aberdeen. Most of the passengers on these tours are expected to be visitors from the East who are making the Western = tour as arranged by the bus com- panies. The buses will be at the Quin- ault Hotel Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from July 7 nntil 1947 Ice Follies Have Cast of 167 Top Performers Now in its cleventi season, the famed Shipstads and Johnson Ice Follies of 1947, which opens its Seattle Ice Arena engagement May 8, again features spectacular production numbers as settings for its huge east of 167, inehtding Tardiness Costs Over $2,000 Loss In SS Insurance The loss of over $2,000 in insur- ance benefits on claims filed dur- ing February has been reported by Cortland A. Skinner, manager of the Olympia office of the So- dial +Security Administration. F,ilure to claim nenefits ill which they were entitled ac- counted for this loss to residents of this area. M Skinner ex- plained that old-age and survivors benefits can be paid retroactively for three months from the time that they are claimed, but that one of these persons waited for over three years before filing his ap: plication and three others waited more than a year. Labor Day, bus company offic- ials have annuonced. B E L F A I R i  --z by Olympic Motor Sales' BAN ++o++ ..+o+ + I, - EFOI2E:  NU >"  O0"3"" GO ON , ' l_nlPIt. 7.,so% sEeo¥- , --= - |j 0t0 +ou +++.+ - +  .... I; [ _ m sk+s 41 o+++,o+,+ 4;+. d IIW W +, ,'--.A_-.- / II Pau+ c- z PA' \\;HOI+PI.v .7---t- ; %  - ( -o PAs _,. )j ;;ihi;;; 'c +.+e.'.++_% -_.+_.++=-+.I7+rHUDSON,s++', i-+.WILL PLAN --'1 , ,.2 • " INVESTIC, a, TN GOOD, [ PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW FOR AMERICA S SAFEST CAR. ilter Bishop Farm ,J ,, you have a good Used Carte Sell, EY S 7-PIECE ORCHSi see Us, we will Buy it or we Will Sell it for you. 'RN FOR DANCING iN No.+ 1 _ !air Volunteer Fire Depa Social organization !! Seattle's engagement of the Ice Follies of 1947, which opens at the Ice Arena May 8, will be a homecoming for Johnny Kin. ney, Seattle-born star of the Shipstads and Johnson skating extravaganza. Kinney h'.arned his skating fundamentals in his native Seattle. i many of the most headlined names on silver blades. One of the "many production dazzlers is "Gypsy Caravan," With NIae Ross, titian-haired rhythm skater as the featured performer. The Ice Folliettes, precision tiained line skaters, dressed in white, pleated satin with sequin trim, over colorful nylon petti- coats, open this number with their fine blade maneuvers. Miss Ross follows, emerging from a flame setting, to skate a firey Romanian Rhapsody and Staccota. Romantic gypsy coup- Mr. Skinner st.ressect Ule import: ance of communicating with his office at 121 State Avenue, Olym- pia, when #n individual who has been working in commerce or in- dustry reaches age 65 or dies. If the thirteen persons who filed tar- dily in February had come to this office earlier, they would not have 10st $2,176.05 in benefits. les follow Miss Ross, tile climax coming when they surround her as she's the center of a flaming mountain volcano. It's one of the breath-taking moments in the Ice Follies pf 1947, when the Gonti- Glo effect goes on, transforming the gypsy dress into fantastic col- or schemes• There are mmw other produc- tion spectacles, including the open- ing Pageant of Olde England, Cen- tral Park, Poetry in Plastic, Swing Waltz, Concerto, Virginia, .Hippo- drome, An Orchid to You and sev- eral others. In addition to Miss Ross, the featured Ice Follies names include such top skaters as Bobby Blake, Frick and Frack, Evelyn Chand- ler, Roy Shipstad, Bary Green, Hazel Franklin, Betty Schalow and a host of others. Frank Hixon and A1 Wilson, again presenting the Ice Follies in Seattle, announce box sale is now open at Central Ticket Agency, 1411 Third Avenue, Seattle 1, with mail orders being accepted at the CiVic Ice Arena, Third North and Mercer, Seattle 9. , i Park Films Thrill Sports Club; Tiff Skelsey Nqminated Two Browns from Port Angeles feed in this locality and an offer angled their way into Shelton' by the Simpson Logging Company sportsmen's hearts last Thursday to furnish the food for the club evening with their enthusiasm and two reels of colored pictures taken in Olympic National Park. The two outdoor enthusiasts were Otto Brown, Chief Ranger of the park, and his assistant Charles Browne, chief fire ranger of the sanle area. Their scene of con- quest was tim semi-monthly meet- ing of the Mason County Sport and Skeet Club held in the Odd- fellows hall. Chief Ranger Brown is a comparably newcomer to the Pacific Northwest, having spent years in the park service in Cal- : ifornia and was an officer in Un- cle Sam's ski troops during the war, seeing active service in Eur- ope. He certainly likes the North- west, the Olympic National Park in particular, and pulls no punches in his praise of the scenic beau- tics and outdoor posstlilities of "the greatest and bnly'primeval area left in the United States to- day." Assistant Charms Browne, op- erator and commentator of the projector, is an old timer of this territory and knows every trail and foot of the park boundaries. His comments as the fihns were run were greatly enjoyed by the crowd. Nomination' of officers found Horace Skelsey again heading the group with Willis Oliver assisting as vice-president. Others nomi, Hated were Bill Sallee, secretary- treasurer, A. W. Wright, corres- pending secretary; and five trus- tees, Dr. R. W. Norvold, Grover Brewster, Charley Hurst, Orval Mora Hand Herb Durand. Babe Munson gave an interest- ing talk on tbe problem of intro- ducing different types of duck to plarit over a five-year period was discussed and accepted. J Tile next meeting will be held April 18 at Odd Fellows Hall at 8 p.m. ....... VISITS PARENTS [ Me'. and Mrs. Che, rles Rosevear and son, Ronnie, of Steilacoom City spent the week end with Mrs. Rosevear's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Theron J. C of Shelton. FOR II Pasteurized and Homogenized Milk TRY LATZEL DAIRY --WE DELIVER-- tWe protect the quality of the milk we han, dle by modern methods in our modern plant. GRATSNGERS' and SONS TELEPHONE 215-J-2 CI"PITOL HILL BUS 'SERVICE ST0'PPED'" "' + I • EFFECTIVE APRIL 5 i EXCEPT FOR SCHOOL RUNS o | • AT 8:30 A. M.--2:45 P. M. -- o:45 P.M. I OTHER RUNS TO BE, ON SCHEDULE ' l • SHELTON CITY LIN'ES • i KIMBEL MOTORS Fictory Approved - Plymouth - Inte PARTS - ',quipped to Repair and All Makes of rock - Tractors and ,ogging Equipment % k In Our • SERVICE 'FIRST ND MILL razing I?estin i" Welding Latest Sunmaster Method | i: ! / crete more contractors and builder+ quality-made Concrefe asemenf wails, and for comme tial €onsffucfion jobs. offer many worthwhile advanfl eed in erection, fire-safe, low laid-up cost. Plan thern on your nex¢ jobl ow for prices and other from We can usually ma IMMEDIATE DELl 0 we cordially invite you to visit us Saturday and take advan- exceptional, low anniversary pices we have placed on many use daily, and perhaps to win one of the three fine door prizes Offering. Thanking you again for your favors of these past 12 act lookm servln ou forman more " g forward to " gy y , ITS . ++ .... , .... ".+ M. on County with your pharmaceutical and drug store needs i:: € ;i #2i++ tM:e this opportunity tO express Oub sincere appreciation !!i!  + :'" ; . '" ...... 2 ]1 " " s patronage you have accorded us to make these years T. !!!i:i - SATURDAY at and successful. To express this appreciation in more than :# ; ' Yours very gratefully, with an OPEN HOUSE ROY C. McCONKEY Offering Valuable SPECI&L LOW PRICES ON MANY EVERY-DAY ARTICLES WHISTLING ,BALLOONS FOR THE KIDDIES .... - t ALL THE FILM YOU WANT Any Size -- No Limit ELECTRIC ALARM CLOCKS ELECTRIC KITCHEN CLOCKS ELECTRIC IRONS AND GRILLS SACCHARIN TABLETS :l/: or //., grain -- 100 or 1,000 TOBACCO AND CIGARETTES Luckies, Camels, Old Golds, $tl.69 Chesterfields, Phillip Morris ctn. l-lb. Prince Albert .... 89¢ 25¢ Seaman's Tob ..... 12€ l-lb. Gem Washington 69¢ 50¢,Tob. Pouches ........ 29¢ DRAWING AT 7 P.M. IRN , | (Your Presence Not ReqlJired to Win> SECpND +P  J Z Mayfair Radio and Record Changer P R P I Combination--- Table Model | ,. ALL THIS .,,OFFERED ,AT 12c Specials STATIONERY VALUES UP TO $1.00 for ..................................... 12¢ • Pint Isoprophyl RUBBING ALCOHOL ........................ 12¢ Pint Light MINERAL OIL ...................................... 12¢ 100 ASPIRIN ........................................ 12¢ REFRIGERATOI BOWLS .............. 12¢ 50 ABDG CAPSULES .......................... 12¢ $1.00 to $1.50 BILLFOLDS ................ 12¢ 50¢ to $1.00 COSMETICS .................. 12¢ (Lotions  Dusting Powder -- Creams -- Talc, etc) REGISTER AT EIItER STORE FROM 9 A.M. UNTIL TIME OF DRAWING ELECTRIC i cLoc00 PRIZ EASTMAN KODAK EXTRA RICH NIGHT CREAM SALON FORMULA LIMITED TIME A rich, =moothing cream. ,confa|ning precious oils and |ipoids. Coaxes dry skin to softer, fresher beauty for spring. Get your supply .ow. J €*'4 1 **l m/, AN00ER00RY S00TURDAY