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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 10, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 10, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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I These 00are Fruit Trees T' LIATICALLY and geographically Mason County is advantageously positioned to develop a large and pros- perous fruit orchard acreage. It does grow apples, pea, plums, even peaches, to a small extent now. Most important, from the standpoint of volume, have been apples, which are used to some extent in this com- munity's important wine industry, a  well as to supply grocery produce counters and home tables with a lus- cious, healthful, appetizing fruit. That figure can be higher--and the growing of other types of fruit, too, can be expanded: Mason County is well situated for such deveIopment. With it would come expansion of fruit processing  canning, freezing, the manufacture of juices and beverages. Packaging supplies would have to be provided, as would the equipment and the growing and picking fruit and for transporting the finished pro- All related business would be stimulated of a strong, prosperous Mason County fruit- industry. it is an industry. And the man who grows f÷uit is an "industriMist"  as much so as the man who operates a factory. That fact should be remembered. For the very, same conditions which stimulate any other industry--any other businesswill also stimulate fruit growing here in Mason County. 4 Every businessman---every retailer, grocer, farmer, trucker, .dairymgn, fisherman, factory-owner, mill-operator---faces the same basic problem. He must risk time and money when he starts or expands a business• American businessmen have always done thishave always planned and built for the future• They did so because of a very simple fact: the American way of life held promise for them. In effect, America said: "Create new enterprise: if you .ail s that has been your risk. If you succeed, the fruits of your honest effoxCt shall be yours to enjoy." ° So Americaand Mason Countywent ahead• Men started small businesses, worked hard, created jobs for other men. Everyone received benefits..The community prospered. It must be so"in the future. Take fruit growing as an example. A man  any man  decides to start a fruit orchard• He must risk his savings. He must work t make his venture a success. He probably will hire others to help him if the orchard is of any size and he must pay a fair and decent wage, Mason Countyand all Amerlcawas founded and built on the fundamental principle that any man or woman should have the right to Work--shou}d have th6 right to sart a business of his own and to enjoy the fruits of his labor. As a result, no other nation in the whole world can approach the industrial fiight of America. In no otlier nation has the standard •of living risen so high for the in¢llvidual willing to work for it. This results from the American Way of Life, ald is the pathway to an even greater America. Why change it? The sponsors of thin sories of advertisements dVoe to com- munity bettenent are citizens of this community. They own homes here. Thet children o to school here, Tliy have a deep sense of responsibility to the individual citizens and to changes which will affect the community. Theyare interested in devel- oping a lealthy 0ommUniy following the American Way of Life, and thus keeping America and Mason County strong for the generations to come. He must do all these things, and he must also have "something left over" for himself. That "something" is his return on his investment of time and money. Unless he can be assured of this return he will not start his new "indu- try ' at all. That is only natural. But he will be assured of such a return here in Mason County, because Mason County is in America and the American way of life gives men this freedom, this initiative, this spirit of enterprise• With it, Mason County will go forward  into a future which holds promise of better things for every citizen, One" of a series of advertisements devoted to community betterment. 81MPSON LOGGING COMPANY • RAYONIER INCORPORATED ,0 LUMBERMEN'S MERCANTILE  ROY KIMBEL ENTERPRISES • GEO. M. GRISDALE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY • COMMERCE' I) AMERICAN FEDERATION OF LABOR LOCAL UNION8 OF BHELTDN • 8HELTON KIWANIS CLUB • WINE INDUSTRY OF MASON COUNTY SHELTON CHAMBER OF I kpril 10, 1947. EACH SPENCE 18 INDIVIDUALLY DESIGN Thus SF your MORE FOR l Support. - k  INVESTI unusual style l. BERNI( Phone 799-J Sponcer Individ for Abdom A] IEFORE IT'S, TOO ] FROM__ Eddy Bi ,FOR-.___ 120 South Thir It I'MCne :oy, a junior high "Et I her if you write : ,But ness Service) 't ,The responsibilit service in Washi ligation to meet progressive, rapi We have appli in rates in order t] of rising costs, t( qUate and depenc includes, for mat service changes, J need for an ever. Present local r more than 20 y, Charges now t phone ervice in rates established the light of condl these rates are inn a number of year Telephone cost "¢oubled since i Although our grown and revere tinily in the last up even faster. F (lue to more et ployees and high ,Wages. Equipmet materials, suppli of all kinds... fact, the cost nearly everythit e.quired to brit You telephone set ce has increas The Paci: