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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 10, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 10, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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tve Ito 1 wedding lllf)rllillg, Methodist it Patrieia ff Mr. and )£ Shelton, iT. Jerome and Mrs. ring eere- 0 by Hev- ,rshman in s and rel- el&apos; wedding ,ith brown Lt of straw. ink carna- drs. Emma r-in-law of 'al tan suit . and iden- vc. brother man. ft immed- remony for n Portland return will in Shelton. r education and when mployed in norton. duct of the )me, Idaho, a the U. S. in the Pa- He is now e Incorpor- out Council wfi 14, at .2 louse. md the with all leGs and ats that to make land of spring- of the Man, is .It's one i answer his little. , in Se- ;r.thwest' a Show women t of the oats, ff ie for a of tieing >r camp- put thts " on the tis+t• Te, fro Oth. nember, ly Rich- >st every /Iake his quarl;ers ut trsvel ats of in: his com- ou need ,w Rich- ,, l w motor our trip Thursday, b Q o o gl, U2 Dm W O =I ml @ 1947. Taxi.Grocery (formerly Heinie's Taxi-Grocery) FIRST AND PINE /. Evenings -- Sundays D Qffering DELIVERY SERVICE for f cREAM--CANDY--SOFT DRINKS -- Plus -- 'U.,,,TIG AND FISHING E(UIPMENT (IF'IFLD"0L PRODUI3'TS --'AUTO sUPPLI.S NCING Saturday Night Roller Rink i RY THE 6 RUSY BEE ¢Ty BUS SERVICE TO AND FROM THE DANCE SFPm,TON.MASON Lake Cushman .... 2;EE72;2 .... A light snowfall did not keep the Cushnlan ehlb members home from the party Thursdity night which was held at the home of Mrs. Mark P, yan who was assisted by Mrs. Robert Smith. There were five tables of cards and several additional guests, among them :Mr. and Mrs. AI Brenninger of Hoodsport. Prizes were won by Gordon Dickinson, Mrs. Nick See- va and consolation prizes by Mr. Brenninger an(t Mrs. Don Brown. The house was charmingly decor- ated with arrmgements of bridal wreath and primroses. The next party is to be held at the home of Mrs. Del Laramie. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Sceva of In- diau Beach were dinner guests Sunday of the Arthur Gilmores and while at Cushman visited tiae O. K. Linscotts. fr Mrs'ore Del Laramie was visited Thursday through Sunday b) her children, Dr. an Mrs. Noi - man Dorn and Miss Anelia Bry- don, all of Ellensburg. An Easter dinner was given at the home of the E. Radtke's in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Walter La- Master of Seattle and Mr. and Mrs. O. Radtke. The LaMasters spent the week end at Cushman. It was reported by D. W. Web- ster of Lincoln Park Ranger Sta- Christian Science Le6ture Delivered Here Friday Night Following is a condensed version of a le&ure on Christian Science entitled "Christian Science: A Sat- isfying Religion" which was de- livered by Robert Stanley Ross, C.S.B., of New York, in the Irene S. Reed high school auditorium last Friday evening. The lecturer spoke substantial- ly as folows: When John the Baptist won- dered whether Christ JeStlS was the looked-for Messiah he sent two of his disciples to the Master with the question, "Art thou he that should come or do we look for another?" Jesus replied by pointing to his works, saying, "Go and shew John again those things which ye do hear and see: the blind receive their sight, and the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, and ihe poor have the gospel preached unto them. And blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended in me." It is as if he said: These peo- ple were sick and in trouble. Neith- er prevailing systems of religion nor medicine were capable of heal- ing them, although they must have ad ample opportunity, But look ht them now! They're well arid happy! Could I send to John more' convincing 'proof?" Could I lion that the snow reentt seas- offer him clearer evidence of nred at Black and WhiteLake is l what constitutes practical, work- only one-half as deep as it was I able, satisfying ieligion? tast year at this time, there being i Impressive Incident now seven feet This news will l Recenly a young man applied be welcomed by sportsmen Who for membership 'in a local Chris- wish to get into the mountains tian Science church. During the early with horses, customary examination, he told +nnntn Admiral Portable RADIOS +67900 with Batteries only young qnce ? i new Buick -- and see ,., $+ tat .,.,.°ld saw is! thgsc sleek liners, the • tomorrow [encers- ¥09rs¢lf tart gett*ng -.. " beaut [::'hit.. ""', ;'s,n thin y lhla,' ana see how the spirit of • ' Y red..hi .... coursing.• .... " " +'  " - qod on these soft all. everything with zest, quie Iree.d r Jolt.' + road, with all rofidwe.igh you travel your level and n9n.swerving t mpgrtat Person who's arriving. Take it through the tangle of raffic and see bow nimbly it maneuvers - check it at a boulevard stop and see hgwsur e and posmve its controls are. In art truth, here's a car that's, a.ny man's darliog, every man's prid e. A car'at not o#ly meets your n ee.ds for 'transp0rtationl but satisfies your every hankering for size and power, Btyle and room, Bolid worib an opT,d, ollar value• .... ,,,. •, '  uch wanted car Natural!y, it s a m  America's most wanted a, utomo- / bile, in fact. Definitely not th num- ber to be picked up off he counter any time, any whr e. That's why forethought pays and prompt decision gets results. You are simply playing safe when yq. get your order in now! ON/,y BUICR//48 J££ ,// AIRFOIL FENDERs + , + W FIREBALL POWER W ACCURITE CYLINDER BORING W SILENT ZONE BODy MOUNTliVG$ • * FLITEwEIGI.IT PISTONs BUIcoIL SPRINGING '' "k $ULLAENGTH TORQue.TUBE DRIVE e PERhfI.FIRM STEERING W BROADRIM WHEELS * STEPON PARRING BRAKE #c DEEpLEX SEAT CUSHIONS "k CURL.AROUND BUMPEI "k NINE SMART MODELs : BODy By FISHER TAYLOR on the air twice weekly BOB E MOTORS ...... RVIN i 638 South First Street, Shelton phone 673 COUNTY JOURNAT; the membership committee that he had gone from one denomination to another in what Seemed to him to be a fruitless search for God. Finally he had turned to Christian Science and there had found that for which he' longed, namely, a satisfying religion. When the committee asked the applicant why he felt so sure, he answered that it was because he had found in Christian Science a religion whose teaching was based upon invariable, ever-available, de- monstrable Principle. A 1 r e a d y, with only a meager grasp of tim subject, he said that he had over- come a number of physical diffi- culties. !e had even been led to employ, ment in the midst of world- Wide unemployment. H a v i n g proved this divine Principle to be demonstrable in- some ways, he said he was convinced that it was demonstrable in all ways. To be sure, those who apply for membership in the Christian Sci- ence church are not required to express their convictions in the foregoing nor any other fixed terms. Nevertheless , this appli- cant's conclusiohs Were impress- ive. They showed that he had grasped early one of the basic vital facts about this new 'and yet old religion; for truly Christian Science is based uton invariable, ever-available, diwne Principle, and this Principle can be demon- strated adcgrdMg to ule. Writing on pages 146 and 147 of the Christian Science textbook, "Science and ealth:wit!4" Key" [o the Scripturis,+ : M:gry Baker Eddy, the Discovered and Founder of Christian Science, says: "Divine metaphysic§ is now 1;educed to a system, to a form €oihIirehensible by and adaptedto the thought of the age in which we live. This system enables the learner to dem- • , ., . € . onstrat+e the diwne Pnncple, upon which Jesus' healing was based, and the sacred rules for its present application to the cure of dis- ease," eickering (Crowded Out Last Week) Mr. and Mrs. Jim Anderson and two children of Shelton and Mrs, Lillie Cameron and son, Bob, of Pickering were Sunday dinner gnests at the Ernest Anderson home. the occasion being the 10th birthday of the Andersons' grand- son, Ernest Harrell. Mr .arid :Mrs. Thomas Williams nd Mrs. Elizabeth Wachtler of eattle spent three days at the E. B. Harrinn home last week. These people were formerly Seat- tle neighbors of the Harrimans and came down to help celebrate their 35th wedding anmversary. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Peterson made a bflsiness trip to Chehalis Thursday. Mrs. Lucille Wright and two children of Tacoma were week ead guests of the Petersons. Mr. and Mrs .R.J. Rhodes and Mrs. F. Barbour+ of Seattle were week end guests at the Earl Mac- Millan home. It was quite a shock to tis com- munity to learn that the Maldor Lundquist family is leaving us, having bought a 40-acre dairy farm neat' Mt, Vernon as their new home. Mrs, LundquiSt carhe to Pickering in 1922 as "the new schoolma'am" at Grant school, was wooed and won by Maldor, And for a quarter century they have been solid citizens of the community. Needless to say, they will be greatly missed. For many years Mr. Lundqulst's business has been logging, and now he is for- saking the donkey for the cow. Quite a change, we should think, from calling "TIMBER!!!" to "Come boss! Come boss!" Also quite a change from such potent terms as "bullbueker." "whistl, e punk," "donkey doctor" an4 "rig- gin' slinger" to such mild words as "butterfat, "balanced ration,' etc, Anyway, we wish them success. Grapeview (Crowded but Last Week) Mrs .Carroll Bush a1tended an annual mee(;ing Of the Goodwill Club at;Eagie ' Creek, " Ore:: her old home town. This was a special gath'ering h0nbrtng ive Of the 01d- er member's. Mr. and' Mrs. W. . Reeves and Mr. and' Mrs. . paynton had a full day lest' Saturday.' They at- tended the daffodil show in Ta- coma in the morning and the boat show in Seattle in the afterfioon. The pinochle Club met witch lrs. Vi Barrett last Thursday +,fie'r- noon. :Mrs. Oscar Sund +and Mrs. ock Wren tied for high score and +Mrs. Frances Spooner gpfftl-ie' con- solation. Grapevlew Women's Club met on Frl'diiy' aft.the home • of Mrs. A: A. Stratford in conjunction with Sar- ah Eckert'Auxlllary of 4 Seat- tle Orthopedic Hospital. Mrs. W. E. Reeves is treasurer of the new auxillars, and Mrs. L. Wren is chairman of the penny drive. Mrs. Luther is president' of both club and auxiliary. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Hillman have a gorgeous new Packard car, Miss Jfilia Stratford of Vaughn spent the week end with lmr grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Stratford. Otto Nelson and Charles Lom- bard are working in' the woods near Lake Cushman. Mr. 'and Mrs.Brnard Housen of Seabeck, with two of their chil- dyen, Brenda and Dennis, visited his paffents here last Saturday. JoAnn and Eddie Housen were in Bremerton attending Scout me&- in:ean" Buckingham and Chester .Hansen are working at the Castle Mill near Shelton: : rter waiting for about a month to "hear from their' son, Warren, word finally came that he landed in San Francisco last Friday and will' be home;soon. Kenneth Leever.p heard strange noises out on his beach the other day and upon inves'tlgating found some nnwelcome strangers taking oyserB an'd'ybung Slapper Leev- ers, alwayn  willing to help, was tossing oysters into the strang- ers' sacks, nd We were amused at Sa y Rice's day-by-Aay description of young Skipper's .black' eYe: The first day it was black, thn blue, green, purple/'yellor "and 'white. I, Miss Loreta O'Lou.ghln and l Mrs. Vern a'0hans0n n :to the, Pa • Army Recruiters .............................. ..... ' , In Twin Cities at At Shelton Hotel nApri112 l' V "t'tlXnOS['; 0 A change'in the local Army re- cruiting service w a+ revealed this The big parades with hundreds week with the appointments of of Cub Scouts; Boy Scouts and Staff Sergeant Arthur Allen and Senior Scouts will be part of the First Sergeant Charles E. Brower features of the "1947 Exposition of Tacoma as heads of recruiting - ..... of Scouting Progress" on April activities in this area. • Theywill] EW,.WL!  12. The Imrades will be staged operate from the Shelton Hotel. in Chehalis_and Centialia in the Any persons interested In ob- ] - ......... + " " S H00U00Ep h I ,. 't itself, to be held at the Southwest enlistmentsard asked tO leave ' ' L'+ Washington Fair Grounds midway .... _ .1tteir name and address or tele-+ ....... + . between Chehalis and Centralia. phone number at the hotel. Sgts.. -----, , , The boys and their leaders will be Allen and BroWer, wht) will be in i [mi +":" eria,+t:" transported between the two corn- Shelton every Thursday. from 9:30 i' |aJll *Otftel"O' munities and back to the Fkir a'.m. to 3 p..'VtI1 €onta'ct' those I  b,¢t !t.|.+i Grounds by special arrangement, persons. Already every Scout unit has This week, being Army Week, i aouse:paffl tickets t° sell and first rep°rts in" aeti'ities in nearbY military areas  "' ''' .... dfcate a brisk sale. The show, were dnnouned by the leal re- which is one of the 'activities cruiting officers.+ The celebration ;0, planned by the Tumwater Area opened with an open house at Fort  +.',.'-"! Council at its meeting tri Chehalis Lewis and an air sho at cChord - a l, last fall, will b.rlng together hun- Field • which featfi'red a jet-pro- I , ,+, dreds of uniformed Youngsters as lelled plane and a heli0copter. .................... +,,,,, , ,,,=++,a=, well as young men of the senlor Yesterday an Army Day parade program of scoutig. The, Che- was hed in Olympia. halls and Centralig Districts of ............. the Tumwatd; 'ea Cdunctl are playing host "ad'dtviding the du- ' ENAMELQID ties of putting on the show. HOLD EVERYTltlNG I .......................... Puyallup Daffodil Festival last • A one-coat Saturday. The crowd at P:uyallup This Ad Is Worth" beauiy+ireai: ' was so great they+decided to 'go ...... blieY me., fo,ou= /+22! on to Sumner. ' +': ...... ' furniture,w0odet Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schwlnn I'm the new Watkins Dealer in work.., toy/''; +1 ....... and family were Suhday +g31ers in MasonC0unty. In order to in- Seattle. " ........ trod.ce myself a.d my'service High gloss .... !, I Grapeview C onmunity Club met of bringing the famod.W,tkiqs lrilliaa+t ¢01qI i $41,.13, at the school house last Friday I/b+ol'dcts'mto  tO . hitb' "l"i , - "  r ' ' + ' 't evening. A carnival is being plgn- maRi'q:g' a "ispcli), offep. Clip ned "for the' last pai't Of." Ap'fl, tKl'+ad and: ,eset;•"it t# "me L ;,+ +. ]; ...... ;+++,  ..... also a series of card parties dur- vlan T'c+ill]+lt'i W d'th"25 eefis .......... ing April and" lay. 'There was oq any order of $2.50 or more. dancing to the music of our local I ha¢ s'ph¢'[l/0fYi*S ' in famotis orchestra, Julius Stock: Gordon Watkins"produgts. You get your Peterson and Elmer Wesserling m'oiley's @rth ;Whe" ou 'B S EM I- L U $1' R E and severa! tables of pinochle, f60"n,mebe6'ause'+you sae 6i + several+visitors+ dame over' from hlgh-qiaality food produots, 'cos- Allyn. Refreshments were under metics, medicln'es, household the direction 'of the 'young men of aJds and 'farm line products. the club. Wit for y 0al| and+ t]S this ad. Offe ad fmfa customer nly. William R. Spooner has been  work fresh, cher,u appointed vice-president of the ,2d c0Aors, amazmt+y Grapeview Fire Department. Last R.C. SPRINGER  warsh'abl b¢Lvlt Monday evening lessrs. Rice,  . . , , therton and Spooner attended a pHONi= 466W \\; +;.61 special meeting at the Belfair Fire Address, 304 McKlnley St+., Department. Our local officers Shelton, Wash. , ...':+art are eager to learn about this busi. ness. I I {7 '  -- .:/Z I.I  I + S.eaw,..Wttu00+00+f "+' MAR-NOT VARNISH ql* A hlgh-qual|ty" "mv PHIL(O PORTflBLE ......... gLWlIVS WiTH m|', fu/itur¢ ;. wood. • " , :..+ .' -+ + w0'tk. 2.flOors.'** 1, ,..00 ,; °++" " , Quart " :'PHILCO RADIO TIME" ...............  '' ...... ! • 7 . _ III J _L__ ik-WKLIAM$ ]' ' Su a+=g He, &:+  SHERW .......... ,,aue SKieS" SCREEN E Psramount Picture in Technicolor .... Screens' PHIL(O'S serv/ee, with this- good lOoking, "350"" non'coggin K PUHIHBL00 AMERICA'S MOST POPULAR 4DO I AL L !gl o ,PCays , FLO WA IHOOORS... OUTDOORS.,. ON (tO, t D.O, , ....... " 0 RE T or •' WS OW, H BATiERiES ' A. ,+, .... .+.:+ o., -.<,X: .... t-**.,o,=t =.,, +. ' /pl elo.W.x..: n+ It is the moat perfeet'il[; Of all timest ,  LtubINopolish!0fl. 01ympi¢ FuraRu00 "+ + .... |1 nl 321 RAILROAD PHONE 94 ................ + • " J L CATTO "2 .+; +Sg HARDW+ARE ,,HILCO RADiq TI " ++ Station KJR 9 p•m. Wed. Thanks to These Merchants and Individuals :E ANNUAL ACT'CUB EASTEI EGG HUNT FO'R" ' ' KIDDIES W.AS. A,GRAND SUCCESS + " Harold Lakeburg Eliot EleCtric M. C. (Nell) Zlntheo Mason County Abstract and Title Company Andrews Studio Shelton Electric Co. Forrest Flower s , Gifts 'Olympic FurnRure Co. Walter A. Magoon Carte Hardware Ross Barber Shop McConkey Ptlarmacy $,helton rin,lg & 8tationePy ' '  ' ' C 0 , *L + + .... Burgoyne Photographers ' Kuml Barber-!hcp Chatterbox Care Olsen Furniture Co. Pauley's Associated Service Stop Inn Ritner' Corner Shelton City Lines Les Yoting's' Hillcrest Service Rilph's Gr0cery Shelton Quick Shoe Repair ' Lop LunCh Grunert's Chevron Service Hedrick's Fountain Lunch Ndedham's Men's Wear Mason County Stationers Wagener Feed Co, Eonomy Drug Eells Auto Parts Meil Cflevro[;et : Vjnder Wal's M0b[Igas Service The Top Hat Hilltol5 and Log Cabin Taverns Supreme Dairy 20th Century Food Store O. K. Rubber Weld+r s Morga, n & Eacrett Lumber 01cklnson Oil ¢0. Hiltcrest H r'¢tvare Ray's-ServMe +tatlOn • United. purltz $Ol'e'of'"!lyn Stock/r6thes :Red + '&' Whlte ' ';gt0i" M i'levlew ;" ' Woody's Tavern'of 'A|lyn :Nas Bbbthers ,:r.., 'Ma's 'Coner; Mrkham' V, arlety. 8tore + dne:rbr u sir +Ba ke -+, Lumbermen's" MObantile CUb CIg,ar Stqre "  Cify 'Market Needham Fo0d 'Store Beckwith's Jewelry : Hi-way Grocery of Allyn M & S Food Store Prepp's Drug 8tore Sanitary Market Huerby Motors Cliff Wivell's Texaco orvloe Mason County Creamery J. C. Penney Store Killmer El'ectrlo Co. | Shelton iarber lhop Pantor um Cleaners Frank 8almi . Bob Ervin Motors• RauscheWs Richfield Service Kimbel +Motors Hal Olstead Agenoy Otympic Tree FaPm Taylor Radio Electric Herbert G. Angle 8helton Cash Grocery Mason County team Laundry & Gleaners Ivan NeuensohWander Binns Ice. Cream Co, Northwest EvergPeen COla Grill :' :: Miller's MERES ' Shoo Shelton Hardwa-' OUR SInCErE Acr!VE CL008 SHELTO00. u I I J t