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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 10, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 10, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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14 Classified Ads harrow. Ed Buchanffn, at; 1, Box 125. . 4-10 ArA N -1.')'- l:d-c[i'c tl " 1-i u rs i-n g, 'cal give good references. Lottie Jones, ;122 E. Cota Street. 4-10 rX'T Eb .-yi-ffff-i;U,?;i 0-{:- -[h- ills n c e service. Write P.O. Box 131, Gig Haroor, Wash.  W-4-1u ANTED: ElderlY lady for care of i two small clfildren and general ,ii housework from 9 to 5:30, Good pay. • Interview Nellie Weston, Vanity De- luxe Beauty Shop, Phone 388..4-3-10 iELIABLE MAN with car wanted to call on farmers m Mason Count. }i  Wonderful opportunity. $15 to $20 m a day. No experience or capital re- quired. Permanent, Write today, Mc- !' NESS COMPANY, Dept. B, 2423Mag- nolia St., Oakland 7, Calif. 4-10-17 WANTED: A furnished or "p-fly fur= nis hed house, by_ young couple with a baoy, Phone 279-WX. W4-3-10 .! 41TX-lqTED .-}--" RSa'tind - h eiis-'-- H It" ;ey- breeds only. Top prices, Al Peterson, at, 3, Box 17, Shelton, Pione 762-R-2. 4-3-17 t LOGS WANTED SECOND GROWTH PREFERRED Prevailing prices paid by ' Enitai Lumber Co. Mill located at Minerva Park Phone Hoodsport ll=W-3 ItLJ II II I WANTED: To .buy or rent, 'electric 4ncubator, preter 300-egg size. Phone 215-R-8. 4-3-10-17 IELP WANTED :" part time. house- work and care o children zor free l rent and compensation. Inquire Pit-I her's uaIa. 1-16tfn. I WANTED: dead-Mock,prompt free, courteous service. Phone us collect. Ehna 9.1-J-13. Gray Harbor Render- ing, Inc. -27tfn. cullers at Oyster Bay. ijlll tong a s- llance, Oyster ay, collect, ask for Omar anleil. 10-18-tin WA1TRJfiS and kitchen help wanteo Apply Hotel Shelton Coff Shop. h-ttb feed, Myers ana ansen Mln .'a ., o oi. Pho.L,7 o.o.llae. . PRICES, honest scale, short haul. Brale Mill. Lynch Road and HI- ay, our miles south of Shelton. 8-29tfn. acreage, improwd or unimproved, anywnere on Puget Sound. Write stating location, price, etc. P. O, Box 468 Abe.rdeen. Wash. 3274-10 salarY to reliable part'y. Inquire Box C, this orrlce. , C3..2/4-10-3t ygb--On'd'--p-iSc'6--sprln g " filled Cushion froln studio couch or dav- enport Phone 764-R-I. Mrs. Ted Rlchert, Star at. 1, Box 86 (Sko- komiah Valle.y). 3-274-10 LOST AND FOUND ...... S/'7:ECIAL ........... SALE "7 750 Watt, 110 volt A.C." LIGHT PLANTS ........ $225.00 Regular $13.59 Thermador ELECTRIC HEATERS .... $11 Portable Canvas{ WATER BUCKETS ........ $1.30, Wool Gabardine FLYING SUITS ............ $7.95 WESTERN SUPPLY 218 N. First Phone 126 SEPTIC TANKS pumped and cleaned. Prices reasonable, Pioneer Septic Tank Service, Phone Bvomerton 2859, or 1992-J. 4-8--ti-26 EXPERT FITTING and alterations done, Mrs. M. McCann. 222 outh Fourth Street, Phone 489-M, 4-3-17 REAL SILK HOSIERY PRODUCTS: The omy autnomzed representative in Mason County. K. L. Mana, lox I, Lltnwaul). 4-3-17 BURGESON RADIO REPAIRING ser- ViCe on '&Ill InaKCS /lOnle and sale radios. AcrOSs from Jumur Jdgtt aenooi, IZI FranKnn, Mnone ilzw. _l:'lc] up gild aenvcry. Cloued Sat- uraays, or leave work at Mdllmer _.lectrlc.. .................... 11_:.7 tl:n__. PIESCR1PTION SERVICE on medi- cal conLract, old age asmstance, or direct wlttl you on your uoctor's order. repp's Drug tore, ecoud md Ra|lroad. 1O-Stfn. WELL DI{ILLING: Work and mate. rll guaranteed, Vern Davldsoa. tJU3 , l[!llofhelton. Phone -2W:.7_'8.LHI " ELECTR0L UX CLEANERS. SALES. Dervice and SUpplies, I, TCe pickup and delivery. Jack M.anley, only autllorized fac- tory represelltatlv 111 Masoa Coun- ty. Pllone l-to0dsport 2WZ or Shel- ton 6ti4. 7-18tn. als0 parts for all nlakes of aewlng machines. Phone 596J. B10-Btla grinding. 11ave you:' locker meat cut by an expermnced nleat cutter. Beef, pork, veal and elk and €leer in sea- son. Cut, wrapped and trimmings ground, 8c pound. Don Williams, 004 Dearborn, Phone 381M. 9-12t{n recapping, and repmring. Sam B, Smite lye., Lglon and Cherry, olympia. Phone 7753, U. S: Tires and batteries. ' ll-15tfn. i:  iii g i; i YO i i i f i - ;aqy[-J-Uff C- tonholing. Mrs. Ellis Wells, 405 Ar- cadia Avenue. tCorner Arcadia and Boundary treets.) -28-ttn i-60- WAi ' bARi-,NYR"-,?- ELECTRICIANS tea tact C. L. Col- lin, usiness Agent, 1612 Division. Phone OW. S-SOn DANCING every Saturday at :lalt, Good music, WANTED TO RENT METe'RAN AND WIFE would like to " re - a 3-room aparunont within • . walking distance of mills. Phone 259-R. O4-10 FOR RENT 01 .RENT: 25 cold storage lockers : at Agate Store, l:'llone 6-F-31. A4-10-17 $25.00 a month, W, A, Beakley, Ai- lyn, WaMl. " B4-10-24 , North Bay and state hlgnway I a at Allyn, washington, known as ' ayslde Apts. .Managem.en.t fur n- runes usual mrmture ana mrmsn- + lngs, hot and cold running: water. refrigeration,, electric lights, oil , purngr aa. munory, facilities, " Apartment prl_ces _from |25 t 9 $.82.k0 ,, ley, Manager. 8-,z-tn- n room. Delight Park, B-3-27-17 U, S.,Regular Army .. Job Open For Qualified Men Start at $48.70 per week ,'(approximate civilian equivalent of the pay of a U,S. Army private) ,This Is Army Week when the entire ation pays tribute to tlxe U, S. Army.  you can qualify physically, mentally: lorAlly, you may begln your career ,tth the best employer in the world y Joining the Army now. Rapid ad- 2aneenlent iu pay and opportunity as Tou progress. See your local Army ecrultlng office today. .... Mezzmhm Floor '- HOTEL OLYMPIAN Olympia, WaSh. . o I|i I I [| II I I I II We Have A ANDREWS SUDI0 120 North $eoond St. PHONE :t; .0:. Stoves and Furnaces VACUUM CLEANED Phone 236-RX Prompt Service Shelton FIX-IT-SHOP O Remodeling 0 Furniture Repair O Appliance Repair O Cabinets Built or Repaired O Free Estimates O Pick-Up and Delivery CHARLES WARD Route 3, Box 182-A • Phone 462-JX CABINET WORK PLATE GL]kSS SETTING REPAIR.WORK Homes Cut to ISlue Prints Shelton Cabinet Shop JACK DREW Behind the Bowling Alleys i ii iiii FOR EXPERT WELL DRILLING AND Berkeley Pumps SEE NASH BROTHERS Easy Terms Phone 834 MOVING TO NEW LOCATION At 119 FRANKLIN ST. From 228 S. 2ND ST. A. F. OPPELT Swedish Massage, Zone. Therapy, Mineral Bath Lytle, at, 1, Box 105. 2-20--5-8 ,,el,',lr ",lilt v",lP,',,Iv 'q," v'm, 'r'l-'qlF ",11," 'vv' m  e-,  " USED CARS FOR SALE: '29 Ford, good condition. If interested phone 10-J after 4:30 p,m. E3-27--4-10 WILL TRADE 1938 Harley-Davidson lnotorcycle 80, ill good condition, lor car. Inquire 205 East Cedar. P3-27--4-3 coupe; clean, ood Wi0tor. Imluire Rltner's Corner or Phone 55. 4-3-tfn FO'R- SALE i 1937 "-"Mar ley: D-a}ids0}i motorcycle. 61 O.V.H. Route 2, BOX 106. Shi{lton, Wash. C4-3-17 FOR SALE: 1941 H. D. Motorcycle 61 O.H,V., 16000 miles. Phone 36-M, 718 North 6th. M4-10-17 bR--SALE: oi--2°i?,,;:;h--28 ' MaCV truc.k.A.A. Bennett'Rt. 3 Box 240 ' ' 4-10-24 FOR"SALi'i 1937 Pl.motlt}-cot{i)(i mad(.: over to a 5-1)asenger; radio anti beater, very good condition; 43,000 miles, Inquire 921 Elinor. Phone 229-Y: F.:0 FOR S,LE: 190 Packai;d li0Deluxe" business coupe, Good condition, ross. enable. Pilone 272-J or inquire 1555 Railroad A,c. R4-10-24 bed truck, rigge.d for hauling ogs, le.ngthwise Or crosswise. 7150x20 tires, 2-speed Eaton rear end. ('atr condition. Victor Deyette, 517 Mill Street, Phone 561-W. 4-10 Hydromatic, Also 1941, Plymouth 4- door special deluxe, radlo]jnd heat- or. NVllber eters@n, Star" t, 1, Box 134. (SkoKonlisn Valley) 4-10-17 quire 1403 R,,, (' Phone 669. W4-10 Miscellaneous ANYONI . HAVING hiformation re. II I I I I I I II II SHARPENING Lawnmowers, Knives, Scissors and Garden Tools of all kinds Bicycle Repairs Keys Made - Locks Repaired Sleyster's Fixit Shop Third and Cota 2/7-tfn i i CAI|D OF TIIANKS May we extend ia this way o111. sin- cere appreciation for the kindnesses, sympathies and beautiful, floral pieces ofl'ered us durhlg our bercavenlent of our belovcd husband and falh,:r, Wil- liam Noblctt.  Mrs. Pearl Noblett. Phyllis Norris Gloria Mays. 7-10 LIL I I N(}. 17111 NI)TICI'; OF IIEAIlIN(: t}N FINAL ltE]'OR T ,ANJ) PETITION FOR lll t4vl  RI 1| [ rlON IN THE SUPERIOR COIlRT OF TIlE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOB. MASON COUNTY IN I JtOBATE In the Mat t(.r of the Estate of J(m(,f N, Mfller, D(;ceascd. NOT/CI IS IILREIIY (,/VJN tlmt Charles R: MtIler. Adnlintstratof of the estate of Josef N. Miller,.deceased Ia8 flied witll ttlc Clerk of the above cn- ttth'd court his Final Report and PetiLJon for Dlsi,'il,,iltion asking lhc eour't to settle and ttpprove tim samo, distribute tile propei'ty to the persons thereto eniitle(l and to discharge said PHONE 243 m Quick, Reliable, Expert RADIO REPAIRS Western Supply Co. 216 N. 1st Phone 126 H PLASTERING STUCCOING LATHING CONTRACTOR DON PUCKER ].024 E. Ellinor SHELTON, WASH. i  ' CO EATO Body and Fendei; Works Third and Grove Streets PHONE 84 i t t . garding.affalrs of John G, Luhrman. (leceased, write Thelma Luhrman. 211 18th Ave. N,, Seattle. 2. 4-10-17 AUTO BODY REPAIR P6R- sPENCEJFo UNDATi0NS-aiXd supports, p))one 799-3 for appoint- YY,J.LIM.LLNk.X'7r'n'TT'%T'Tt' PAINTING ment or can at 1416 Summit Drive. $9 -28 trlgeratlon Equipment. Home freez- GLASS WORK era, locker ptants milk coolers, etc,, c.old storage doors and insulation, portable coolers, vower meat saws, 'Cat Line' of Garden tractors. Kohl- er POwer Plants. Prices rtght quick deliverieS, MISKELLA RE- ,FRIGERATION & EQUIPMENT, Ph, 9690, Olympia, on the !-llghway at Mud Bay 'Y L P,O, Box 612. CALL Carl J. Arney Co. OLYMPIA 5865 219 N. Capitol Way BETTER INTERIOR DECORATING Papering Well Done CARBURETOR IGNITION BIIELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL Smithy's and Model A MUFFLERS Ray's Service MT, VIEW Phone 99 4-3-10 FULLER BRUSHES LOCAL DEALER HUGH C. HENDRY Star St. 2, Box 558 Belfair 4-10--.5-1 25 LOCKERS Open 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. SundaysNoon to 8 p.m.- Cbosed Tuesdays Agate Store ED AUSETH 4-10--5-1 CHIMNEY AND FURNACE CLEANING Heating System REPAIRS And Service William Graham Phone Union 383 or Write Union, Wash, CLARK'S 2nd HAND STORE 201 E. Pine -- Phone 40 WE BUY AND SELL EVERYTHING i Reliable, Expertly Prepared PRESCRIPTIONS Ib On Medical Contracts,' Old Age Assistance, or Direct to You Service | PREPP'S Drug Store 2nd & Railroad Phone 89 MrrCHELL'S AUTOMOTIVE MACHINE SHOP O BPECIALIZING IN MOTOR REBUILDING REBORING the Clean Way VALVE SEAT GRINDING WATER PUMP REBUILDG BRAKE DRUII REFINISH- ING. O 407 S. First St. Phone 628 - Shelton I THE CFT BOX 200 West 4th Olympia, Wash. We invite you to visit our shop of Catholic religious supplies and gifts, 7/8-tfn KIMBEL OIL CO. .RICHFIELD FUEL OIL New Fuel Tanks (Any Capacity) For Immediate DeliVery PHONE 645-W t i  i KITCHEN RANGES Oil -- Coal and Wood GOOD USED STOVES PRICED TO SELL Monarch, Round Oak, Pacific Everything for'the Home in Used Furniture The Used Furniture Mart BREMERTON 2508 6th Phone 5353 See Us for ALL YOUR GARDEN NEEDS IN OUR PERENNIAL STOCK READY NOW ARE: A few Pul Scarlet Climbing Rose Bushes, Hawthorne Trees, Camelias, Canterbury Bells, Delphinium, Carnations, Snaps, Stock, Phlox, Gladiola Bulbs. DD SOIL FUMIGANT FORREST FLOWERS and GIFTS 313 Railroad Avenue i Phone 432 CONSTRUCTION WORK Fills and Basement Digging Roads Graveled TOP SOIL FOR LAWNS Prompt Service - H. ALLEN & SONS Union, Washington Phone Union 354 NEW BEARING SERVICE WE HAVE ADDED A NEW LINE BORING BAR AND TOBIN ARP BEARING RESIZER TO OUR EQUIPMENT. Also Federal Mogul BeaEings Cracked Cylinders and BlockRepaired by K W COLD WELD METHOD MITCHELL'S AUTOMOTIVE MACHINE SHOP 407 South Ftrst Street, Shelton Phone 628 i BODY AND FENDER WORK AUTO PAINTING  UPHOLSTERING General Sheet Metal Work LONG'S BODY SHOP Next to Bus Depot Phone 162 TITLE INSURANCE POLICIES -- ABSTRACTS OF TITLE Shelton.Bell Abstract & Title Co., Inc. 119 South Fourth (Bell Building) Phone 65 Charles R. Lewis, President Blanch B. Bell, Vice-President C. Nolan Mason, Secretary-Treasurer Agents for PUGET SOUND TITLE INSURANCE CO. OF SEATTLE I "----T-T-TS NOT A HOME Cook Plant Farm Annuals 7 Perennials - Potted Plants - Vegetable Plants - Bulbs - Cut Flowers HJ W. Cook, Prop. Rt. 3, Bx. 265, Shelton, Wash. 2 Miles on Cole Rd. UNTIL IT'S PLANTED ii Cabinet Shop -- General Carpenter Work Painting  Furniture Refinishing Interior Decorating PICKUP AND DELIVERY SEIVICE • Call 112-J for Free Estimates JOHN BUNKO and HARRY ANDERSON 225 South Eleventh Street I I I Cabinet Work and Upholstering General Carpenter Work Park Street Cabinet Shop MARK FAY 518 Park St. Phone 284-R 4-I0--5-I i i Batteries Rebuilt Guaranteed' FAY AUTO REBUILD OIL CONVERSION UNITS 5 types to change your wood or coal range for oil. Same units as used by factory mod- els. CALVIN WILSON CO. Hoodsport o Phone 10 or 17 LEGAL STENOGRAPHER 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 518 Park Street 1-9 tfn I OFFICE DESKS Executive and Typewriter Styles Reasonably Priced Phone 192 or inquire CITY HALL i iii ROBERSON & FONZO TYPEWRITERS 1 Burroughs electric 1 Remington-Rand Very Nice Condition - Bargains Used garden tractor wi t h plow, cultivatol', good condi- tion,' $135, S. L., PEARSON & SON /20 E. Pine Phone 676 iiii PLOWING - DISCING HARROWING Gardens - Acreage - Lawns TOP SOIL FOR LAWNS Heating & Plumbing Everything in Plumbing an0 Heating Supplies Estimates Given on AN JOB Large or Small 222 S. 2nd Phone 685 RAY'S JEWELRY O Prompt Watch Repairing O REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: House wilh ]00-ft. wa- terfront: reasonable, inchtdin Iw(, row boats. Lights and water. 1 n]ile from city limits on Baysbore. Arthur D, Hill. ............... -I-10-17_ I'IOUSING SIIORTAGE bother? Here's a short house that lasts a long tin]c! See us shortly. :Dick Valley, 1525 Path'cad Ave, 4-10 FOR-- SALE: 6-room-lbuse.---,i " bed- '1947. Thursday, FOR ........ FOR SALE: 1'.)35 m '  ]s:m('son Aagle ('|7111 wm F].,,nl, Iin otlock I" I FOR SALE: One Motorola radio Also one large one )electric /2 -li.p, motor. good dondition. $100. Phone rooms, large livingroom and kilchen, X)R SALE: 5 closets, enclosed laundry, garage good condition. and fruit room. 2 lots, Inquire 1712 Boundary, Mrs. Lee I-Iunt(:;L 4-3717. FOR SALE: Auto FOR SALE:- 1-acre choice waterfront chassis, can bc ._ Mt. View. FOR SALE: Te'tm. on. Phone dS63 FOR SALE: 14-ft. Made for good shape. and Sunday Grapevicw. FOR SALE : Chiffon many others, If, ccr Lake. FOR SALE: Cedar property on /-larstine Island, Gar- age, 4-room house with bath...Grav- ity water. Beautiful view of Mt. Rainier. More land if desired. John L. Hitchcock at. 2. Box 177. 4-I0-24 FOR SALE: August Carlson's 40-acre )arOducing farm on Harstine Is- nd. within one-half mile of school. store, clubhouse and harbor. Build- ings, grapes, blackberries and oc- chard; pastures, good well and creek. 10 acres of woodland. P,'ice $5750. Inquire George B, Carlson Route 2. Box 130, Shclton. 3.2'7--4-10-3t FOR SALE4-bed]ftl:hishcd roods priced, Write ern home, 4 blocks from L.M. store. • Shclton, FOR SALE : tically new. I-Iollow. Eox ROCKHILL sale. $1.00 f)er dozen. Office. FOR SALE: Used di! top. decal 4 chairs. Phone ARE LIVING kill : glid( road Ave., Dealer. "FOR SALE: Mont dition. PPmne Street. OR- SA-L-Z--0 _] (ion rifle. 6 boxes _; trade for rowboat. I 121A. - ----SALE" 3 ger a]al plants 10c" & 15) i vines,, glads; pos% i of '/be or more. . at. 2, Box 228 shel._ $1.50 sack." Will aell fled. A. A Bennett, 80x90 corner lot. Inquire 323 First Street, evenings. 3-27--4-10 FOR SALE: Waterfront at Spencer Lake, 8,000 ft. at" $3.00 a foot, elec- tricity; also a beauty spot. H. H. Halbert, Spencer Lake, 4-3-17 FOR SALE: 200-ft. waterfrollt. Good ravel beach, fine view. Located at rapeview. Ed Okonek, Grapeview. 4-3-10 Shel ton. - .'r FOR SALE :--X--UniCef. good con}iition, verY£ Laurel St., phone FO I?.- SALE i'--3-dsck,' ' laying pens. InqU Store, FOR SALE • 7x16 -' Double bed stove $250. Wantc(1 a car.  FOR SALE: 1 lets, 90x100 ft. on Hays Street, Olympic View, $450. PImne 559-J. J4-3--4-17 FOR SALE: Waterfront land. 5 acres with 5-room house. Cole Road, at. 3, Box 246, Wayne Stuck, 4-3-17 FOR SALE ally Pines Auto and Trailer Camp, well located on Olympic High- way. Includes 18 rentals, service station, equipped and operating store with $2,000 in stock. 2 blocks of land plus two lots. Plenty of space for cabin and trailer expansion. Doing good business year-round and can be built up for an excellent con- tinuous income. Buy and oper- ate your own business. See it now! Priced at $26,500.00, FEE FOR PASSENGERS 392 00en! We Have A Y FISItING BY SOUTH SEND I% No. 255 l!auni Ca'rying Case lbieed at $75 !h Y0U'll Want to See Priced to sell at $7,000.00. Herbert G. Angle t borough Apt. nl'; ; ' ;: ! FOo n sL.-,so..:. 0u. 0  Herbert G. Angle dit'on •with ;e:.l  I)ER" NOW .tires to o with? lalow manure spread' R r,-..'. , -LIVERY " ' sprlngtooth harrbW,. 'lie._ " F °R • "-- ,Star Rt. I, Box 'e/','0N.  OPENINP- FoR SALE: TwoToT_k .-- Motors, 1st & 'i1 T ) -- ' 6-room modern home with 3 FOR-SAISE: -H3t-PatlL T. t r  c- r bedrooms and dining room. In- r0000t,C R E S T cludes 7 acres of good land and has nice creek runni,g -Igr C.  thru property. This is a fine only 30 gallons on =a- Jtl I  / A D N first served. West e)  Y Y  I, ., suburban home and is located Fi,'st St., P la - . vv • Pr-_ llt j' about 5 miles, from Shelton FOR SA. larha] rI0NE 41fl € / with schoOlpricedbUStoandselldailYat mail plants. Wl.1 de,Vl:   oo service, qncc. ouch. ,. oj ,.nor(&. ,rL,:n. ,, m _ , , $4,450.00. 1  * Shelton. . " ....j=  - FOR SALE : Nee{ ste1 4-room modern home, plas- $7 each. StretCh  €. tered, with half basement and Grapeview. Phone s-- furnace, Garage with nice FOR SALE: Set R.tde b yard and located on bill. volumes 9 and 14. 77-M. ( FOR SALE: One L.-.d also one .22 Hi % target pistol. ]'nqU Shelton. Wn. FOR SALE To Clear Up Estate 40-acres land, about 7-acres cleared, 6 cultivated; 3-room house, large barn, garage, workshop, woodshed and root house, family orchard. Located on county road on Harstine Island. Inquire Ed Wilson Route 2, Box 155 -- or- Frank Heuston at Courthouse 3-27--4-17 HOOD CANAL PROPERTY $500.00partly finished house, lot 120 x 120, wonderful view of the Olympics, no waterfront. $3,000.00small home, modern, grand view, lot 60 x 120, no wa- terfront. Other small homes with view of Canal and mountains, pces.up to $5,000.00. ;a,uuo. fine home, oil heat, fire- place, 100 feet waterfront, mag- nificant view of canal and moun- tains. A real buy. $19,500.00--stucco, four-bedroom, fireplace, extr guest house, 105 feet of waterfront, fine beach. Frank Nosworthy UNION, WASHINGTON Telephone 221 3-27tfn FOR SALE: modern five-room house w,lth basement, oil furnace, nice view and walking distance., from town. 427 Harvard or call 9W. 9tfn ' FOR Building 6 by 8, Call-at- 650 Dearborn Ave, Also plumbing supplies. 3-27---4-3-10 FOR- SALE:-6-i:6o-tn- house on 4  acres of ground, good well, chicken house, blgarden spot. Located on Isabella LaKe loop on Lost Lake Road. $2800. Phone 616-R-4. 14-10-17 FOR SALE: Wear "] table, chairs, chair, metal bee rCSS, CFOSS-COt and at, 2. F0-t SALE: duced to craft. In Located at Hillcrest, Shel FOR SALE oil. 728 FOR SALE: One seno ideal, for quire Mt:ll ' Phone 777. FOR SALE soil. 'Frlday 217-R-2. FOR SALE : Jerseys. 9 calf. and from ter FOR SALE : F-OR-SALE 'q- S011 ing supplies, ware. "'F-0 R SALE ley-Davldson car. R.D. gle 7th and us for a son starts. FOR SALE :  watt light pair (o., FOR SALE : red hot poker mums. Iarl's ( la/ luiles south way. FOR SALE ; FOR SALE: plies, Wagoner KITCHEN fixtures, and made to order, Phone 217R2 Bros. CONVERT to oil. Air Smn . Smith Cherry, FOR SALE: tractor Sylvester. at. Lake Road3 ' FOR SALE: 300 for removal ford, St. at, for auto partS .all. and Mill Stree F--oR-SZE--i4--h,P" ## pmnp with jet '1 ' electric. Phone v 148. ._ .,0Vt blankets "plac%'  and oter lin f, hand or orders mlt ! Apparel, 1416 Stg ," ! crest, phone 79fl_'.. VO'i--S-XLg.:-iS-O s,,. water tank a a I " boiler, $80 caU" U.S. approved, _f .,B • flocks. Only o l)rm Wagner Feed C°W'.l FOR SALE : Street. FOR u'fect cute 2, Box FOR SAIE :-Gable il! Real Estate Buys • NEW 5-room modern home on Mr. View, exceptionally well constructed, plastered, hard- wood floors, ceident foundation, utility room, laundry trays; cor- ner lot. $7,000.00, terms. ON PAVED HIGHWAY, a four room modern, with 5 acres, 3 miles from town; well and elec- tric pump; only $3,750. * ){:" * AT IOTLATCH, a completely furnished 6-room house, with four bedrooms; bath; newly re- ddcorated and painted; 150 feet Administrator. • NOTICI IS FURTHER (IVEN that / the ]1earing on the saht final R,,port 4-3-24--4t. 117 Cota Street highway frontage, 200 feet 9]5 aml Petition for Distribution will b(, BRAKES Phone 633 deep; including garden equip- he, ard ,,I) Saiurday the :10ih day ()t" phmts, $1.00 " - - -- "  " " WORK GUARANTEED Exchang?Your Old boat; price !Yj: May, 1947, at th(: hour of 10 o'clock, COMPLETE MOTOR ' ment, oil tanks and a 15;, ft. 2001 Hay ?ff:'-lL in tlc,torenoon, at the Court Room, $6,400 b-R--SXLE--10 at the Court House in Shelton, Wash- ington. ' HANGING 'TI-FACTORY Alarm Clock , . , C.L. Cline,  Dated tSlls 5th day of April, 1947, OVERHAUL PAPER .' (SEAL) YfARRY DEYETTE, Interior Decorating O For realty buys, consult a F()R SALEi For ,,if Clerk. estclox Alarm Clocks Froctor, Never  .. eliAS. R, LEWIS, . . . . . . . • •  .......  .7- . . Fa Auto Rebuild .... : w Realtor-- M. C. ZINTHEO, Electric Phong__ Attorney re," said eststb. Y " '  v F E OG DEN Now In Stock Phone 157, Title Ins Bldg OR SLE 2 ft Geor,,e W. Saw,e ShaltorLBell Buth]in.Ma,onllcounty,SOUthwahh)ghm.41h Street. 5']3 Park St. Phone 284-R 10" Front Street ........ anu many othels. 3-27 ' t,:a!le,', /xcellen/li[, ' 4-10-17-21---5-I-4t ' Rt, 2, ']=]0X 18  IJllOll¢ I'I-W , talcy, UalntO  v, IIIItWIN tO. Eck, Pres. . I.stituti011