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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 10, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 10, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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,TATE .t.+  v,qrFmv ith ]()0-fL wa- , inchtdhlK two Id water. 1 lliile ayhore. ArLi)tlr .......... +l-+10-j! ] bother? llere&apos;s tsts a long tinle! ek Valley, :1525 4-10 + In}use. +- ,l "" bed- .mr anti kitcttcn, lal2ndry, garage s. lnquire 1712 lhatt(n'_ 4-3-17. oice waterfront ne Island. Gar* dth bath...Grav- d view of Mt. if desired, John Box 177, 4-10-24 2arlson's-40-aerc Harstine. Is- mile of school, I harbor. Build- berries and t)F- I well and creek. nd. Price $5750. '.arisen. Route 2. 3.2'7--4-10-3t 1 furnished rood- from L.M. store. nquirc 323 First 3-27--4-10 'oiK-aE Spencer L00 a foot. elec- ty spot. H.H. ake. 4-3-17 'ater frollt. Good ,Jew. Located at rock, Grapevtcw. .............. :3do , 90x100 ft. on pic View, $450. J4-3--4-17 nt land. 5 acres ole Road, at. 3, tick. 4-3-17 kLE ?railer Camp, lympic High- ntals, service tnd operating in stock. 21& lus two lots. or cabin and Doing good d and can be xcellent con- uy and oper- nness. See it 6,500.00. Angle kLE tome with 3 mg room. In- f good land eek running sis is a fine nd is located tom Shelton ad daily mail sell at Qnce. home. plas- asement attd with nice ed on hill. $7,OOO.OO. Angle LLE ? Estate bout 7-acres tted; 3-room Lrn, garage, aed and root mrd. Located on Harstine e son x 155 mston use 3-27--4-1 kNAL RTY ished house, lot ful view of the terfront. ome, modern, 0 x 120, no wa- roll homes with md mountains, ,0.00. , oil heat, fire- zterfront, mag- •nal and moun- four-bedroom, uest house, 105 L, fine be,ach. morthy HINGTON 221 3-27tfn five-room house 1 furnace, nlce distance' fronl w call 9W. E1-gtfn, -6AV8:-- Call -at so plumbing 327---4-3-10 Thursday, FOR 1,'OR SALE: :1935 m0 ] S:II(t'St)ll A llKh+ I,'ranklin, Marie Motor(m " " , +,...;lb._ A FEE FOIl Also ont, large..acheIe.'/l,,dplR- " - one+electric b - $  PASSENGERS /L.-H.p. nlotor. "OO..H': ]171J- good dondition. All 0 " ....... FOR SALE: Auto chassis, caa be seen Mt. View. iUOR--SAIE : Team, on. Phonc 4563, [ FOR SALE : l1ade for good shape. and Sunday We Grapeview. 'OR SALE: Have Chiffon Shasta-Da A IllanY" others. If, cer Lake. FOR SAUE: Cedar priced. Write • Shelt on. "FOR SALE : fically new. Holh)w. 1-]ox R-OCKHIIL sale• $1.00 i)er Office, i FOR SALE: Used dtnel][ top, decal trimm.e, i . 4 chairs. Phone 592,.. -A'RE LIVING exDen"eitfe kill yourself+ "+IIjo,.l+.l glide. See Dick Y" road Ave., Mobilglide "l Dealer• FOR S ALE '.- :Moil-to gra dition. Plane 10dr, Street. or-sA-L-C-g6:0 _; Iteally lion rifle 6 boxes ?.; trade lor'rowbo+at • Ig+# F[III! :1mA. _ FOR SALE: 3 gmerakl,- plants 10C & 15q '&,.]trv., vines., glads; post_a_./¢Pi .t'.kl|J- of 75c or more. lV)rE U|J]b Rt 2, Box 228 Slte!t0 --a'l A "-O R - +SA L E+: - Gi:O1- edlff_, IIy S " $1.0 sack." Wili',-,$| " OOrt =,,,. fled. A. A. Bennett, !l[t, [ '-') Sltelton. .__ 0d No r, good condition, ver+glrUmaum - Laurel St., phone +lw+ uaVrying Case F-el?J- SALE ---3-dec' '- -- Y)iln+f pe;l's. [,,ceq at $75 V0--R- g)r E--7 ig' ILJl}h 70 .... g(0000o,00i:v2a00.aff,dt Want to See borough Apt. FOR SALE : condition with se tires to go wittl low, nlanurc S springtooth harr Star at. 1. Box FOR SALE : PP. extra tire. V intod. otors. 0R- "SALE : and electric hot Mrs. 'Y, only 30 first First St.. Photo FOR SALE : plants. Will or nlore, Also one buck. F. J'. Lasen, Shclton. FOR SALE: New $4 each. Gral)eview. Phone FOR SALE: Set vohllnes  aud 77-M• FOR SALE: One also one .22 I-It target piatol. In( Shelton, Wn. FOR SALE: Wt)i :2; table, chairs, chair, metal be( ress, cross-tilt and fruit at. 2. IP()I. SALE : dueed to craft. 111 Located Hillerest. Shel' FOR SALE: Wc oil. also 728 Franknn. OR SALE: One sene ideal, for qttire Mell ChcvrO Phon2 FOR soil. Delivered, 'Friday 217-R-2. "OR SALE : Jerseys, 9 calf. and from Bang ter Cooke, SALE : SHELTON PINMEN HIT THE ROAD IFO R LOS ANGELES AND A.B.C. By devious routes, a. dozen Shel- ton bowlers push off within the next few days to take a crack at pindom's ioftiest citadel, the A BC tournament, now in frill swing in Los Angeles. Leaving Saturday in three dif- ferent cars will be ten of the kege- lers plus three of their women- folk, while next Wednesday two more head southward for the wood wars via the airlanes. One of the south-bound vehicles will carry a honeymooning couple, for Jess Daniels is taking his bride of two weeks, the former Mildred Frazier. on the trip which will serve the double purpose of giving him his first crack at the lucrative ABC prize money as well as serv- ink as a honeymoon trip for the newlyweds. Jess bowls with the Simpson Logging company team. Another car will set out bearing Bab 'Stewart, Ken Fredson, Slim Gustafson and AI Ferrier with a Seatt]eite at the wheel in the per- II • I I II z I8 YOU GZ00A +,5 OROER NOW URE DELl'VERY FOR OPENING CREST WARE, PItONE 499 / HEINIE HILDERMAN'S CHATTERBOX CAFE son of Joe Stenstrom, president of the .Northwest htternational Bowling Cougress. Stenstrom is a last-minute replacement for Warren Woods, who was unable to make the trip. A third Shelton group will be eomposed entirely of Sheltmt's famous Fredson family, Mark and Mary, Paul and Freda, in Mark's car. The fliers will be George Mer- rick and Phil Bayley. When all arrive at the scene of activities they will compose tlemselves into two teams representing the Siml)- son Logging Company and the Morgan & Eacrett Lumber Cmn- pany. The Simpson lineup will eonsist of Stewart, Daniels• Merriek, Fer- rier and Mark Fredson, while the Morgan & Eaerett representatives will be Gustafson, Paul Fredson, :Bayley, Ken Fredson. and Sten- strom. The two Shelton teams will bowl April 18 at 9 p.m. in the team event, then pair up for dou- bles and singles competition the following day at 3 p.m. I'ARTY IS SURPRISE A surprise party was given for Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hansen of KdR+SALFU Soll ing supplies, ware• FOR SALE ley-Davidsoa car. R.D. die 7th and us for & trine SOIl starts. FOR" -SALE : watt light pair (o., FOR SALE : red hot lnunls, 1, ndles way. Liltiwaup on their 22nd wedding aiversary Tuesday evening, April 1. Guests included Mr• and Mrs. Wayne Cornwal.l of Lilliwaup, Mr, and Mrs. Charles Reese of the Lilliwaup Care and Mr. rnd Mrs. Jack Manley of Hoodsport. Use 'tha Journa: Classifieds-- they really get results! Lake Poisoning To Clear Scrap Fish Proves Successful Clarence Pautzke, Chief Fisher- ics Biologist for the Washington State Game Department, has sub- mitted plans to the game eonmfis- sion for an expanded program of scrap fish remova.1 from lakes tlfru- out the state. The game department's program in the past two years has shown remarkable success, Pautzke de- clares, with more than 30 lakes SIDELINE SLANT S by BILL DICKIE IIOOP ltISTORV Statements to the effect that this past basketball season pro- dnced Shclton's first victory over Aberdeen in high school competi- tion have to be clarified a bit to be completely accurate for actual- ly it wasn't the first time a High- ciintber hoop aggregation has de- feated the Bobcats. The statement is correct to the cleared of suckers, carp, shiners extent that it was the first ver- and other worthless fist Through I diet posted by a Shelton entry in the use of rotenone, the undesire- the present Southwest Washington v.hle fish are removed. Then game setup, but back in 1925 the High- fish are planted. "We have l)rovided a vast new source of good fishing to the ang- lers of the state through our scrap fish remov,l program,' Pautzke asserts. "During the coming months we will step up the process of cleaning out lakes which have hccome infested with undesireable species and then v,'ill plant them to trout, bass and other types of game fish." "The planning and execution of the scrap fish removal program climbers whipped Aberdeen. 1.5 to 13, during what was probably the most sueeessful season-the local preps ever had in the casaba sport. The Ilight.limhers won fen and h)st four games that season ill the Class A h, ague which in- cluded ilequtam, Centralia, Ab- erd(n, Raymond, Montesano, Olympia, Vaneonver, N o u t I! Bend, Kelso and Chehalis. An- gas O'Neil coached the t;lub that season and the Mason County Journal commenied at the close are just two of the many important el' tile season that "Shelton was jobs that the game department's[ the only team in the league biological department does to in-[ wilhout a paid coach and also sure better fislfing. Much of the[ the sntallest school in the A biological work, of conrse, is not I division." spectacular, and many sporbsnten[ most went to the state tournament variousd° not realizefield biologistsh°W vit[h itandiS. The  The Highclimbers that year al- those  yam et lostfor the theSeC°nd'placeleague's playOfsecond biologists working in the lahora-[but tortes are constantly finding new, tourna#lent berth to Aberdeen, 20 ways to improve fishing and make to 13, after Centralia, which had for larger and bettcr catches of finished second, was disqualified game, fish now and in years to for using ineligible players in come." some of its gantes. Hoqnmm won FISHING DERBY LAKE ISABELLA - $25.00 IN PRIZES will be iven by the R, A. Padget Realty Co., Olympia, Washington for the largest trout in length measured in at the Delight Park Office by Carl Blomgren. Starts Opening Day of Season DERBY ENDS MAY 18 1947 When is Done @ @@ @ @ BEER the title that year without losing a game., And just to prove to future Highclimber basketball teams that it can be done, that 1925 Shelton high school agTegation also de- feated Olympia, 30 to 28. in a "chiller," to quote the Mason County Journal's wri,teup of the contest. " So don't let anyone tell you Shelton has "'never" defeated Olympia high school in basketball. Here's a thumbnail sketch of the 1925 Highclimber basketball record: Shelton 14, Centralia 5 Shelton 30, Olympia 28 Shelton 18, Montesano 11 Shelton 28, Oakville 27 (2 ove- time) Hoquiam 37, Shelton 7 Shelton 22, Kelso 20 (overtime) Shelton 43, Tenino 14 Shelton 15. Aberdeen 13 Chehalis 27, Shelton 26 (ove- time/ Shelton 37, South Bend 14 Shelton 17, Raymond 13 Shelton beat Vancouver Dut the Journal account failed to mention the score. Centralia 24, Shelton 15 Aberdeen 20, Shclton 13. Another Lhing the Journal ac- +ounts failed to mention was the lineups of the competing teams and there was never a single play- ers name mentioned over the en- tire season. BRIEFLY PUT / the banquet Thursday, incident- ally. Boh Levinson, who has coaehe(1 varsily basketball at al tln'e Tacoma higlt schools--Bellarmine Line.oln and Stadium--accompan- ied Heinrich here for last week's basketball banquet. He is now at Stadium and will succeed Heinrieh as varsity i'ootball coach there now that Heinrieh has moved up to the College of Puget Sound. Levinsor and Helnrich spent a few hours with their old Tacoma buddy, Frank Villard, after the banquet rehashiug old times. Jud llolh)way was the lone Uni- versity (f Illinois alum here in Shelton able and interested enough to trek up to Scattle last night to see the full length, colored motion pictnres of the U.C.L.A.- Illinois Rose Bowl football game, but he exercised his privilege of taking a gucst by inviting.his colleague among the chemists in Rayonier's central lab Jehn Itooper, Univer- sity of Maine and Washington State College graduate, to accom- pany him. Otie Brown, chief ranger in the Olyntpic National Park, was pleasantly surprised last Thurs- day evening to discover, after spcaking to members of the Ma- son Co untj SporLs & Skeet Club, that one of his audience. Del Cole, foreman of The Journal's staff of printers, is a brother of one of Brown's former fellow rangN's while at Yosemite National Park a few years ago. Pastime, Jewelers In Neck-and,Neck Pace with 3 Wins CITY LEAGIJE BOIVLING Pastime ...................... 47 31 Beckwith Jewelers .. 46 32 Lumbermen's Merc... 42 36 Simpson 15Ok ............ 38 40 Associated Oil ............ 35 43 Reed Mill .................. .35 43 Active Club ................ 34 44 Mason Laundry .......... 34, 44 Pastime and Beckwith Jewelers continued their ding-dong battle for the city league bowling lead as both swept their matches in Friday's cmpetitioh, which fotmd scoring generally just mediocre after the record-smashing spree of the previous Week. Pastime held its one-game edge in first plac by clubbing the Ac- tive Club €town into a tie for last place without turning' on a great deal of soring heat. A1 Ferrier's 211, top single game of the low- scoring night's play, was the only highlight of the league leaders' pe?formance. Second place Bcckwith's pro- duced the evening's best wood wobbling with a 2740 pin total which George Merrick paced with Simpson Bowlers Take First Rung In Last Lap Drive MEN'S MAJOR LEAGIJE W L Simpson Log .............. 39 29 Mason Laundry .......... 36+ 32 Morgan Immbgr . ....... 34 34 Fir Drug ...................... 27 -11 High game=-George Merrlck 234 High total+ -George Merrick 61S Simpson Logging company bowlers, comprising the scratch team in the men's major league, came roaring up from second place to all but button up the eireuit championship last Thursday night by soundly paddliug Mason Laun- dry and taking a three game lead on their victims. The launderers enjoyed  one- game advantage going into the match but with George Merrick clipping off a 618 total and a couple of 213 and 234 games, their 71 pin handicap didn't stand the gaff. Mark Fredson gave Merrick considerable assistance with 223 closing effort. Morgan Lumber cuffed last place Fir Drug, 3 to 1; in the other match and pulled up within striking distance of second place. Slmlmon Log (4) Mason Ixty. (0) Handicap O Handicap 213 Stewart 521 Allen 499 Daniels 3 Holt - 547 Merrlck Peterson 437 Ferrier 526[ smith 517 M. Fredson 5BDI D. Woods 454 Total 2770,1 Total 2667 Mofgaa Lmbr. (8) Fir Drng (!) Hdndtca '114 Handical 5 72 Gtlstafson 526115indeman 512 P. Fredson 518[Dummy 495 Bayley 53,9 K0pperman 462 . Fredson 556 IDummy " 552 W, Woods 52it Earl 528 Total 2774I ,14otal 2621 @ a 586 whlch was best in the league for the night. Firechief Teedee D, hit. an-averg+fttening 52,5 but the rest of the jeweler lineup Mr. O.K. -a( Says., I'h)wdy Folk,: A frJend .f 0LIrs say'.+ Lhat we shmtld be 4"ralefIl l'of hl(?k, ])lit ll(l silly" t'n<,ugh io depend (Ill il. ()n the o|her hlllld, SOSlP ieaph , like lo eel ib I e h t'k cad phtck, They feel best' Wlll.ll Ihey are hleILv i,ll llgh |O f l|tl St I(q)ll( + ]tO pluek. They say a bhlck I'at i. tlaltl('ky, 1)lit whell II black ('of t'llllN ill |'roilt o|' I1 car. aIId ((lakes il. it's hIciy. m ()[ I+Olll'e t]lero is cite ehtss that's nol only Otll O1 style |)tl| also aat Of l IC € IIO+V t|:I3't lllnl that's royally. ,:. + . Olher l,oopie think that Ihe lllllll-: her thirteen is UlltLl('ky. It sllre iN if yOU IlaV4! ihil'tPen pooplt, at a din'nor and you get stuck witi Illo' ct/eek. Bemtle Heuer has made an amaz- ing recovery from the .22 bullet wound which critically injured lim m an accident in Jantmry, the re- markable recuperative powers of youth being demonstrated thor- oughly in the fact the junior high athlete has been back in school for about a month and is now turning out for the Blazer base- ball team. Marge Tiffany doesn't let time waste even while she is bowling' • . . very frequently you'll find her sewing on Tuesday nights as she waits her turn to bowl with Mac's Corner in the feminine bowling loop• Tony Nelson, reporting for a professional baseball trial with the Vancouver Capilanos at Sunny- side last week, was told he needed another year's experience in semi- pro ranks )efore he was ready for the paid-to-play brand of ball • • . Big Bill Brenner, former Olympia prep star who is now managing the Caps, gave Tony the once-over-lightly and the ad- vicc. Dave Rickert, centerfielcler for the Vaughn prep baseball team which played here recently, is a nephew of Mary Rlckert, now out- fielding for the Chicago Cubs in the majors. Mary got his diamond start at Vaughn, oo, back in the wan off form. Simpson Log strengthened its fourth place position by shading tailen'd Mason Laundry, 2 to 1, behind Babe Carlson's pin punish- ing, while third place Lumb(o'- men's Mere lost grould to the two leaders despite a 2 to 1 victory ()vet Reed Mill. The league schedule closes after two more nights of play, on April 18, with several lineups due for tough going after the departure of their key nten for the ABC in Los Angeles. The leading Pastime loses A1 Ferrier and Ken Fredson, Beck- with's loses George Merrick and Phil Bayey, the L.M. loses Bah Stewart, Simpson Log loses Paul Fredson. Associated Oil will be without Jess Deniels, and the Reed Mill will be shy Mark Fredson's heavy scoring for the final night of'play, The lineups: L.M. (2) ][teed Mill (1) Handicap 126] Handicap 237 Stewart 536[ Sergeant 499 Gibler 494 Drummond 387 Roberts 512 Elliott 510 Lindeman 5171Gustafson 469 Mackey 50411VL Fredson 560 Total 26991 Total 2662 Beekwlth (3) Aoelated Oil (0) Handicap 117]Handicap  195 Merrick 586 Daniels 543 Deer 525 Frisken 414 late 1930s. Dodds 498 Skelsey 491 ,aln et i,lt Ps ilard hiP,{ eoDIt,N from walting fol, a ;al'1 Slltiil, Well. We'Ve Imen lucky a lot of ti,llvs. We'r( + hteky to live in a good town like this ++it<, and httt'e sLwh gOOI friends [uld ('ll.qlOIl(Ol'.L ILd, e!l, "+'-' '"' ...... RAUSCHER & SON 1528 Olympic Hiway (Hillcrest PHONE 585 l'kL._...2& 2. e.+.:.''..,.(.-- 2&m,,L Morgan & Eacrett - Lumber Co. . OFFICE QUARTERS AT 1324 OLYMPIC HIGHWAY ,. PHONE 656 for PITTSBURGH FAMOUS PAINTS @ • '+ tIAULING AND BUILDING SUPPLIES Fishermen & Boatmen ATTENTION We have been appointed distributor in this area for the popular BURCHCRAFT . BUILT IN ABERDEEN and MORRISCRAFT BUILT IN BELLINGHAM ! INBOARD AND OUTBOARD + HULLS MOTORS OPTIONAL Boat Trailers We have several models in stock at our Chrysler show rooms. These boats are fast and seaworthy With no excess weight, mak- FOR SALE: use on-4 l& acres l, chicken house, mtcd on lsabella FOR SALE: plies. KITCIIEN + fixtures, and made to order, Phone 217R2 Bros. CONVERT YOI to oil. Seo Air Flow Smn ]. Smith Cherry, FOR SALE : tractor Sylvestcr+ Rt. Ifako Road ¢) ' FOR SALE: 300 for removal ford, St. at. i FOR SALE: see for auto and Mill You'll find that real brewery taste in .a- tionally famous Rainier Beer as seryed at your friendly taver, n. Modern dispensing equipment brings you all the full •rich, e- ,ake Road. $2S00. FOR SALE: freshing tang and flavor of this superb beer. L4-10+17 pm ap wltl ' ele :trlc. I: -- " pbR-sL hdZS ..... % Enjoy a glass of fine old Rainier today• ,e Buys blankets, place " and other line l}t)al hand or orderSrit.FE tern home on Apparel, 1416 S_q  :w-+. tionally well crest, phons 79ya_'. tered, hard- -OR---S-ALE.:--15b a't / water tank a I#'l at foundation, boiler, $80 ca2h, I Lry trays; cor- A-l. - ,..¢J terms. £VbR" "-SX]g--b-at)'Y c;'+ _ U.S. approved, fu. n 0n  r , . flocks. Only. CorO Wagner 'eea Ll t'WAY, a four 1st. +'0 II Lh 5 acres, 3 ;3,750. gas heater. Fe r*" /I , S. 3rd Street J,l_l SALE: .o¢ a completely perfect conditio, P°" i ltouse, with louto 2, Box 3s,." . J ,th; ncwly re- FOR SAIE: -#. • ated; 150 feet t ractieal *- O, 200 feet ;arden equip- nd a 151]+.5 ft. ,, consult a ZINTHEO, : Ins. Bldg. 3-27 915 lants, $1.00 a .001 Hay Stree FO+-:R'-S ALE : C. L. Cline. Rt. FOR SALE Proctor, Electric, FOR ' trailer, Stalcy, IIIICWlNO CO. Pres. NATIONALLY FAMOUS SINCE 1878 simpson Industries and enjoys i spending, his evenings at the bowl- ing alleys, where his main divers- €=* sWE W ion is betting nickles with the ;; NOW HAVE . . . girls on whether they hit the head- ;i; pih; when they do they win a nick- le from him, when they don't he O:e wins a nickle from them. REE!00 ¢. Johnny Helnrieh, speaker at %* last week's basketball banquet and **  i PoLE8 N + coach of the state's senior all-star GAFFS football game next August 23 in %€* Seattle, in his talk sidetracked :e from basketball long enough to mention that the Seattle coaches *:* E --TS hold quite an advantage over the : state mentors beOtuse they have T PLUGS been able to See everyone of their : players in action during the past e season and before making their selections knew exactly whio4h €: €  | ' players would fit best into the e** double-wing style of ball the Se- %* attle team will play, whereas the Doug Cole showed the ion.#moof Earl 495 Holt 4 ink them easy to handle to and from the provement zrom s[art t:o I .+ ' ..,,., n v ....  - ' • , .......... a,o,. ........ s ....... -ter the season on une rttgncnmoer  +Total 2740 Total 2592 w¢ . . squad, Coax;h Grant Packard com- Slm son Lo "2" I ndr .... merited at last Thursday's' basket- T4P+,. g (, ,.U y  TrMlers To Fit nv R.t ball banquet, and in his opinion ......... v .... +--,, ...... v + + - T 7 --Z'a ..... ............ I++ Aronson 512]Dunbar 405 , We invite you to drop into our show rooms and wm give a goou acoun o mm ..... " -" f z vazsi" ] Carlson 5371D Woods 440 oee scme of tBe'finest small craft manufactured at se£I m 1;he scramote o' ' ty Petersen" 497 n',r,m, atR i¢AiaONAmLt ie+m Sguad.positi0nS next )v, epr. From l Snelgrova 443 S-mi"til "¢ 5()i A; or+9"r p-latched" "now'will assure you of a 'boat ' almost: oein cut oii roster aL r, . ... . L i+' ',. ^€ +u . .... ,  Funk 486]W, Woods o04 WPtCn the spring fishing and boat ng season gets + . ua ou I ,coat zso Unper way. Worked his way up to first hne re- o=ti.  a.+h,. ,,,,, tin lief dflty wath the httle Htghchmb- ..m,. a+ ,,m,,,,, R36 ers at t.he close of the season. "']== ..... r7 =-v a0 qll •   I 1 --' Ted Hlliler is one of the regu- 'Dotson 513 7teal{our 3{+2 KU  IIl -,HAiANaq lars' 'in the bleachers at the bowl- w ........ ..+ ffr, t,llt dn illiliiliiliililill'1il IVI'UIUE" tn alleys during the week ana ---,-v .............. +. ........ I ' ' '--''-= -- -- ' • K. Fredson 507 Pmce 4 8 LY PIC HI HWA ' ges a particular kink out of ..... [- .... 2 p M G Y ,, PHONE 465-W Watching the girls fire at the -wnta  2,l°:Ca 2;;3 headpin• His home near Edmonds ' ' ._ ""'. -- . .......... ' • ed spends all week in Shelton in .'.W-".-. €  € • *, €# € • ' , € €.  .@--'.  .-'.-* conneCtiofi with his duties for * * + * + € * + + .... + + + + + * * *, SPOONS state coaches have seen only a .fourth te a'third of their 24 play- ers and so were unable to tell jtut how well suited for T-formation play each would be. Gene White, Highclimber half- back who will be Southwest Wash- ington's only representative on the stae senior all-star team, and Heiflrich met for the first time at 4P And Fairly Good General Supply of Salt Water Fishing TaeMe. Shelton Recreation and Sporting .Goods FIRST AND FRANKLIN STREETS PHONE 224