April 10, 1969 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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April 10, 1969 |
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Officers Wonder How Forks
Marshal Got Lump On Head
Local law enforcement officers
are still trying to find out how
Forks Town Marshal Philip
Riebe, 36, ended up in the Tim-
bers Motel parking lot with a
lump on the back of hts head
shortly before 9 p.m. Monday.
Officers said Wednesday morn-
ing Riebe was still not able to
remember what had happened
to him. He is being treated in
Mason General Hospital for the
Officers at this point are un-
certain whether the injury was
the result of a fall or if Riebe
had been struck by someone.
He was wearing his uniform.
which is very similar to the uni-
form worn by Shelton Police Of-
They had determined that
Riebe had come to Shelton a-
bout noon Monday with a deputy
sheriff from Clallam County to
follow up a lead in the investiga-
tion of a burglary in Forks.
During the afternoon, they had
met with two deputy sheriffs from
Wahkiakum County who were in-
vestigating burglaries which had
occured in that county in which
they believe three Mason County
men were involved.
The Wahkiakum County offi-
cers left Tuesday afternoon af-
ter arresting three Mason Coun-
ty men on three counts each of
second degree burglary and
grand larceny. The three suspects
were taken back to Wahkia-kum
Officers said the four out-of-
town officers had gone to the
room at the Timbers Motel
which the Wahkiakum County
officers had rented and that three
of the men left to have some-
thing to eat. They left Riebe in
the room waiting for the Forks
deputy town marshal to pick him
up. IOebe had called the deputy
mamhal earlier to come to Shel-
ton to get him.
The next anyone saw of Riebe,
a passerby saw him fall in the
middle of the Timbers Motel
parking lot and called police
and an ambulance.
Officers are hoping the injured
man can shed some light on
what happened to him before he
ended up in the parking lot.
Other investigations have turned
up nothing which might indicate
how he received the injury.
hool Report
Due Tuesday
3 Taken To
,The Mason County men were
arrested Tuesday on warrants
from Wahkiakum County charg-
ing them each with three counts
of burglary and three of grand
The Joint School Study Com-
mittee announced Wednesday
that its report will be given at a
putdic meeting in Shelton Jun-
ior High School Auditorium at
7:30 p.m. Al)ril 15. The study
was requested by the Shelton
Education Association to evalu-
ate :
(1) Quality of the educational
program, including the adequacy
of curriculum offerink, adequa-
cy of instructional materials and
resources, and library facilities.
(2) Personnel practices, inclu-
cling the causes of low staff mor-
(5) Restrictions on academic
(6) Administrative interference
in the affairs of the Association
and failure to comply with prn-
visions of the district's negotiat-
ing-procedures agreement.
The study committee is com-
posed of representatiws of the
Office of the State Superinten-
dent of Public Instruction, Wash-
ington Education Association
and Washington A:mociation of
School Administrators.
The study committee held
scheduled interviews in Shelton,
Washington to collect information
!Jel l "['H . The three were Michael Krise, ale and high turnover. March 26-28, and has analyzed
0 Sch ITE PLAN prepared for the lows, with the assistance of a local citizens plans for the (levelolmmnts which are proposed 18, Box 1142, Tahola; Kennelh R. (3) Insufficient local financial district ree,)rds and budget re-
Larson, 29, 1510 Summit Dr., support..
€" tae "'"''CaltectUlStHct for its, Sl)ring Road site group, in developing the football field, parking for the present time axe about 85 per cent corn- Shellon: and William C. ports. All interested educators
It%. "r Ural firm of Dalke and Andring, area and a 1)ra('tice field on the site designated plete and that they will be complete by the end man, 22, E. Pine S., SheltoInCm e" (4 Administrator-teache,' reid- and citizens are welcome t() at-
. tions tend the public meeting.
• t 0t ,ae district is startin develo meat of here for the baseba 1 field. The city and school of this month so bids on the work cofld be ad- They were returned to Wahkia-
..,eathl ' g ' P ' I.
_Vaila, h^, etie facilities with funds which distric.t have an agreement for the installation of vertised. Clearing and grubbing of the area to kum County Tuesday afternoon
by two deputy sheriffs from that I$m$Mi$iiUlilml$iim$Illii$i$Hui$Himi$lm$mi$i$IHP
rty a: om the sale of the Lincoln School water and sewer facilities to the site and the city be used in the present development plans have county.
'atnl-"zrorathe°ldswimmingp°°lb°nds'sa . has voted toaward acontract for thework, been completed. The Wahkiakum officers were D I g F Boys' Sf t
,.o *.e*° to as *,nanc,,00 ,o 00o00nty ,,o,, e e ales or a e
U returned again Monday to con-
G p c,00 the investigation which Thi Y A S I d
led to the arrest of the three•
• rou Mason County Sheriff's Officers S ear re e ecte
"i i;h,: ' [I : asslsted lathe arrest of thc three
Ii I I Tuesday and they were taken ]I Boys State balloons to new , Rodney Reeve by American Le-
e to the Mason County Sheriff s of- dimensions in Mason County this 14ion Post 31.
rice before starting the trip to year with two new sponsors All are juniors at Shelton high
,ahkiakum County. swelling the delegate total to a school except Reeve, who attends
Although Kirae had a Grays reeo,rd seven. Mary M. Knight high. Tbe Mat-
1 Harbor County address, he had Shcllon Moose I,edge 1684and leek school Is returning to par-
hl I . Drama De art 83 Year - No 15 mte u ,o ¢ matt a t_te t o.t, tte.t.Sh2eto., W)nto. . 10 Cents r Co
m ,t e,tire ] .... p - -- " under act of march a. lerl9, Pubnancl at z we =o. pe py lived in Mason County most of Mrs Charles R. Lewis this year ticipation in the Boys State pro-
I, ',[eir hi- toppeu re- Thursday, April 10, 1.969 t'ul}lmhed in "Chritmatown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington, 24 Pages 3 Sections the time, officers said, have joined carry-over sponsors gram after a one,year absence.
r a,,-. I-I- "'Y successful Rotary Club, Kiwanis Club, 40 This year's Boys State will be
"'(-I, " eo"neWard A, nger, Board. Sa s He otnatnons Are Publnc G y PI &8Voiture135, andFredB. Wi. conduc'tcd from June 15 to 22,
,It llay in rotrued rehearsal • • • veil American Legion Post 31 to for the fourth straight year at
..'t Of er to present y g ar ews bin about the new plateau. (;onzaga University,
II _ Judges A )rd Post 31 sponsors two delegates. Boys State is a facet of the
i' to Crave,:- 1 _ 12.
vticipa u'ngt°L°ng" ' R ig A Mrs. Lewisissl,onsoringadele- American Legion,s Americanism
F. hlagtte!n (be South- I All negotiation sessions be- was Crown Coach and Truck present staff. School District for a full years (S ns S gate as a memorial to her has- program designed to provide high
e mtrmt les edmond Plans for the Mt View school
I)l,e_ r of this Festi- tween the Shelton School Board Sa , R" . • " salary and which ended when the band, Ctmrles R. Lewis, who was school juniors with an insight in-
e contest and th atmn Asso- Buchanan also was the success add]tmn and the athletic famh n S
t h ,. to p -- will " e Shelton Educ' ' • ' " " . - "" " ' "'- judge declared the action a no - a charter member and the first to the operation of American city,
l, i he. st, a.Widet, Ullman to com- elation ..... will be held at noticed ful bidder on rebuilding. , . a 1965 ties. ,being developed on. the. su .it anilarian commander of American Legion county and state government and
LP,¢,,.. 'l, , contest for specnal pubhc school board meet- Gdhg bus. rhe firm s bid of $10, Spring Road sxte were reviewed Tim dilriot': nttcrnov .T..,rno Post 31. Boys State is one of the to offer citizenship and leader-
t in ,, ., --
rl, l for ,,. State. tags, it was voted by the School 977.71 the only one received on with Architect Harold Dalke. v.',q':',:-" - t:(';' -:,. most highly regarded of the hum- ship training which the dek;gates
,,el" hoe t-ook Home- t)ard Tuesday night, the ork. Oalke said plans for both pro- m¢:ndedhf'navment'''f'tha 172. I1 The resignation of Gary Plews, erects American Legion youth can take back to their senior
, r ............. .................... district sanitarian for Shelton activities, years in high school.
Lcl r.ollth un for near- The decmmn to hold the nego- Resignahons from Vemce Fa- ject would be completed later 5 tn r.|v ,
IU ta Ieh. tinting meeting at pubhc sessmns gergren and Lorette ,Bruggeman thzs month and the board agreed .m. ....... ., .... ..a ......... and Mason County, was announ- The Moose Lodge picked up a
'i red this week by the Thurston- delegate sponsorship operl up '
',xment will be came on a motion from Board were received and accepted, to hold a special meeting to re- . .... ..... ':'' a" '"""
• , agai Mason County Health Depart- by ,a switch in the routing of the Aitl l i
We rt , wew the tion from County Planner James
athezva. Olympia, Member B. Franklin Heuston The board on the recommen " m when completed so
gh e^_, x, and Mark and was approved unanimously dation of Grinnell, voted to hire that bids can be advertised. Conn olly to attend, a meeting of meat. North Mason high school dele- ll | 1 I [
[[ i 's n:." .m. Each na bv the hnard arnlvn Miller tn rnlace Mrs The board voted to nay nhrt the egmnal rqann]ng :ouneu at Plews will join the staff of the gate through Kitsap county Amer- m m = -
-" hour .... " ............... " ............. .'-- - " ....... 7"30 ) m Ma 7 in city hall Rep-
I-. ta de*- from start Supt. Louis Grinnell has been Mary Uanlon as High School Daly $172.25 for five days he • I.... Y ..... . . Washington State Health Depart- ican Legion posts instead of 1194 IlllJl
L,, • up re • • ' ,' ' i wor • resentauves ot me scnom Dears meat April 14 as an advisor in through Post 31. mmilmv mTVn
i forcle, ar the PstagePS' per-Th tativesmeetmg mWlth r the SEA rel)resen-, m 18]'nghShMrs teacherHanloneffectiVes resngnatmnApr ! Septemberked as 1965schoOlThePSych°l°gmttmn camein and schoo! ,Tmmmtrauon' " " "" will t)e
,, ' ,, • e " p eliminary negot" - • .. , • • . . .[ . .' . the health aspects of recreation The seven delegates, who will What should be the last trip
1.. ,a eon:, homeward, tions and told the board at the was received by the beard last as the result of a trial which prese, at at the meeting, i was with the State Parks Department, attend 1969 Evergreen Boys State to drydock for the venerable fer-
I,l l;:,ot of a Porch meeting Tuesday night that the month Daly had brought against the c]ded Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts and at Gonzaga University in Spokane ry Harstine II will start at 2 p.m.
ILtreh d, .bedroom. Thc board should plan some meeting The board also voted to offer other groups. He will work out this year through the Shelton next Tuesday, April 15.
g,,agVlewUe _. hauled by dates to meet with the teacher contracts to Ed and Sharon Hop- of Olympia. sponsors were chosen last week. The veteran boat, which car-
l-Ih/a'Where V arly Saturday representatives, kins for the 1969-70 school year. ile m,e l,, i_._,,l_l lira____ ii" Plews will continue to make They include: ries cars and passengers between
lkq',,.[or theaey Will be re- Frank Buchanan Sales Co. Mr. and Mrs. Hopkins taught Il||l[][[ T[ll'lrll= T'l:l his home in Mason County anti Dan Nye by Moose Lodge 1684. Harstine Island anti the main-
II alia Pe eerie. Tacoma, was awarded bids on in Shelton District last year, commute to Olympia. Floyd Thomas by Mrs. Charles land, will go out of service when
bil2rma.n ee, the rebuilding one school bus and and taught this year in Glasgow, i / I I • • el He has been sanitarian here R,_Lewis. the new bridge spanning Picker-
I';r ,,t wnH devote the purchase of another. Mont. and had applied to return Anna00n ane= m .llm the past four years and is a ha- taJymcluCObb.nnolly by Shelton Re- ing Passage is completed.
[" I,.'I lao, he Hobbit". Th ..... h;, 7 to the Shelton District ........ ,.. ==,,==1,=,= =.= == tive of Mason County. A sueces-
-u, n' .... e Bu.h ........... on a _9- • The ferry will make the 7:30
--. ,mrels T The board also voted to offer
E -' o of - hea. passenger Gillig diesel bus was ' _ _ _ _ .......... sor has not been named, Art Nicklaus by Shelton Kiwan- a.m. trip Tuesday before head-
[ the Year e .............................. • rang k'. Anaerson, z, WhO gmries. the others were aaoea Plews expressed his apprecia- is Club, ing for drydock. It is hoped ser-
,o,o,u a lfle omy omer Oloaer con[raets Lid all iiiCilloers of mc o she
lll .. " ' • " " failed t w up for his sched- which was filed by Prosecuting tion to the people of Shelton and John Gray by 40 & 8 Voiture vice can be restored by the week-
i uled trial last February on charg- Attorney John C. Ragan shortly Mason County for the cooperation 135. end, but probably it wiU be the
lll[ I il • ......... es of burglary, is back in Mason before his scheduled trial in Feb- they have given him during the Dale White by American Legion the first of the week before the
i q rnAlIlA r J-s== r= o = ._ ii A i lil County Jail after being arrested ruary, past four years. Post 31.
, - -.,vm¢ Jigr$ l @ D@ Hgr@/4prR l,, SundaYThe Masonin Olympia.county Sheriff's Of- ferry returns to its normal runs.
flce was notified that Anderson
Dennis Cole, County, will conduct the kick-off
;, are meeting. It will be preceded by
Shelton next a film and the two guest speakers.
he American Cole is perhaps best known for
Will be his role in the television series,
1969 Can- "Felony Squad", however, he has
Scheduled many other TV credits as well
at The as having appeared in several
Public is feature films, such, 'as "Bye,
1969 Bye Birdie", "The Nutty Profes-
Mason sor", "Sweet Bird of Youth",
and others.
Carla, a well known TV and
Movie celebrity for several years,
has starred in such films as "The
Greatest Show On Earth" and
"The Ten Commandments", and
TV shows such as "Navy log",
"The Lucy Show", "Bonanza",
and "High Chaparral"
This will be Carson's third vi-
sit to Shelton in support of the
American Cancer Society. Al-
though Cole has just recently
joined the volunteer services in
support of the ACS, Carson has
been a volunteer 14 years, has
traveled to every state for the
ACS, and has been Director of
the Celebrities Council on appoint-
ment by the National Board for
the American Cancer Society,
since 1967.
Both Carson and Cole will be
present at the
to to the
volunteer workers for the Mason
County Unit of the AC, as well
as other interested persons. The
1969 Goal for Mason County is
While the business drive began
April 1, the residential drive will
be April 16, and 17. Mason Coun-
ty has been the first county in
the state to reach its crusade
goal for the last three years.
had been arrested by the Olym-
pia Police Department on a traf-
fic charge and was held for Ma-
son County officers.
He is being held in jail here
on a bench warrant signed by
Judge Charles T. Wright after
he failed to appear for trial.
Anderson was scheduled to be
tried on charges second degree
burglary of Tupper's Resort and
J and J Service last summer.
He was held in Jail several
weeks in lieu of bail after his
arrest and was released on per-
sonal recognizance by Judge
Wright in December.
Anderson did not appear Feb.
10 when his Jury trial was sched-
uled to start and could not be lo-
Anderson was arrested shortly
after T p.m. Sunday at the Olym-
pia Police Department.
Anderson faces four charges
of second degree burglary and
one of grand larceny. The burg-
lary charges involve J and J
Service, Tupper's Resort, Gott
Oil (2o. and Bali's Grocery. The
grand larceny charge involves
items taken from Gott Oil.
an had originally been
cht with the J and J
Service Tu btr-
who in the Easter
of 1-3 age
g Hunt s by the
Shelton Moose Lodge at the Mt. View School grounds