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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 10, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 10, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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J t \\; i _ ,r /&apos; County Gets Bids On New Cars I1 Mell Chevrolet was the appar- ent low bidder on three cars, two for the Stwriff's Office and one for the Juvenile Probation Offi- cer which were opened by the Mason County Commission Mon- day. The Mell bid was $7,684.,27. Other bidders were Kimbel Mo- tors, $8,773.26 and Jim Pauley Inc. $8,543.99 The commission, on the recom- mendation of Undersheriff Har- old Brown. voted to hold the bids over for study for two weeks. t3rown said Sheriff Wally Ander- son was out of town and would not I)e back until then. Bids from four firms on asph- all products for the Road Depart- ment were received and turned over to the County Engineer for study and recommendation. Bids were received from Shell Oil Co.. Seattle; Chevron Asph- alt Co.. Portland; Refinery Sale Co.. Seattle and Blackline As- phall Co.. Tacoma. The resignation of Margaret Copp as county extension agent, effective May 30, was received. Judging Of ,.." Posfers Sef ",,, 2'  ." ' ', : * These two youngsters don't seem to be having much luck finding eggs during the Easter Egg Hunt sponsored by the Shelton Moose Lodge at the Mt. View School grounds Sunday. I Pre-judging of the Keep Wash- ington Green posters in the For- est Festival Poster Contest were the Shelton Jaycces, who are in charge of the project, announc- ed this week. Final judging will be April 23 by a committee of local people, the Jaycees said. Shop Mell Chev-Olds over 100 Cars, Pickups, Trucks from $95 C|tyAskedT Replu¢ Fire. Department's Station Wago n rt' Shellon City Commission, gram for th(, rel)laeenaent of light at its meeting Tuesday decided Io bituminous streets which were take a request from Fire Chief (lamag('d by lh() sew, re winter. Allan Nevitt for replacement of tie staled that 7 & miles of the Fire l)epartnwnt station wag- street had broken Ul) so badly on under advisement an(t discuss they had t.o be scarified and it with the I,'iro Chief. turned into gravel. In a letter to the commission, He was told to go ahead anti Nevitt said the present station wagon is in need of major over- haul or replacement. It is used as an ambulance when Hughes Ambuhmce is out of town or in cases where more than one lc- cident is reported. It also goes to all fire calls, the ehie[ said, and is used as a ])l'el);ll'e cost estimates and a pro- gram un the streets for the com- rnission's consideration. The commission set Clean-Up Week for May 5-9. communications vehicle and to have an ambulance on hand in case one is needed. Nevitt recommended the pres- ent whicle be replaced, and stated there were sufficient funds ....ind the in the Fire Department's capital /s''- iii J in outlay budget for this year to WOtrlo purchase the new vehicle. City Engineer ttoward Godat asked that any further action on .... a request from the developers of Lake Arrowhead to truck sew- age to the city sewer plant be held up until he had a chance to talk to Health Department offi- cials. Godat also asked for permis- sion for the commission to go ahead with proposals for a pro- Win a FRIGIDAIRE FREEZER at Lumbermen's Hola Hola Open House April 18-19 HOOVER Automatic Can Opener Of Shelton "Building Mason County" • 426-2611 Count Journal &?' i :< "The Appliance Kings" Electric Can Opener Opens all sizes of cans and leaves Drinking Cup Edge Model No. 8010 $x49n Sfeam & Dry Iron • Exclusive Stainless Steel Soleplate (No More Scratches or Stains) . ...... • Uses TapWater $129 "Jr €----" Model No. 4001 ALL HOOVER PRODUCTS ON SALE --" COME IN AND COMPARE -- WE HAVE THE BEST FOR LESS It, beats, as it sweeps, as it clea. with Knife Sharpener "J" and Olympic Hwy. N. * 426-3264 April 10, 1969 II WE'RE NOT LYIN' WHEN WE SHOUT DURING OUR LION OF A SALE SEE FOR YOURSELF WITH PRICES LIKE THE$| JACQUARD HAND TOWELS Regularly 98¢ NOW 57  JACOUARD WASH CLOTHS Regularly 49¢ NOW 23 c EARRINGS Regularly $1.59 to I)2.00 Now 88c SUNBEAM REVOLVIN SPRINKLER Regularly $10.95 NOW $7.4  WATERPROOF BABY PANTS 4's - Regularly $1'00 NOW 77' CHARCOAL ,, LIGHTER  ,, By Energme Regularly 59¢ ow 33 ¢ WELCOME MAT Regularly $1.1.9 NOW 67': SCATTER RUGS Assorted Colors ONLY $2.98 POLARIS BLANKET By Cannon Regularly $5.95 NOW $3.77 IRONING BOARD Regularly $6.95 NOW $4.97 CHARLES '! ANTELL SHAMPOO & CREME RINSE Regularly 99¢ Now 69c BAND AID SHEER STRIPS Regularly 71€ Now 49c MR. BUBBLE Regularly 39¢ eaoh Now 3151.00 COTTON BALLS by CurRy Regularly 79¢ Now SSc BATTERY JUMPER CABLES Regularly $2.95 NOW 97' 2.Piece CUTLERY TRAY Regularly $1"49 NOW 6T FLASHLIGPII 2.Cell Regularly 59¢ NOW 21' ALUMINI# COOKW, d 1| Loaf Pan, Cake Psi' Muffin Ti Regularly 59¢ NOW 31' DI STO 120 COTA