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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 10, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 10, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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County-City Record COURT on the docket in Justice Court dur- )as( Week were: Patrol St. Rt. 1, speeding, $13 Brcuer, Rt. 6, defective lights Rollins, 725 no operator's Dale Brown, speeding, operator's $26 forfeit; 1523 E. 33rd, ling, $13 forfeit; 5, Box 187, ' Speeding, $13 forfeit; lnlng, p. O. Box 125, $13 forfeit; 607 Woodland, Lars Under- 6326 Issaquah, right of cen- t; Victor Wright defective forfeit. ce 531 ],.'. 5th, f rnproper passing, orfeit. (ea - ty RUilding Permits ts approved by Planner's Of- Pasl Week were to residence, $28,000 :ar Kretschmar, Don McSpe- residence, $2,500; nd Don Valen- 'n, $3,000; R.M. to residence, Office tcalf reFmrted a house aPOrtcd a .22 cal- :Ills reported a had come to ing reported the School broken reported logging at Paradise Estates on Ike Was reported brok- J°hns°rl reported two tires ttetz" reported electric iarts and copper wire reported a li- Wheels anti two Were taken at reported a ca- was reported Foresters. reported at High School. Depart- ul signs torn Ixes Were rei)orted clow in the Mason Lake POLzcE wned in three corner of E reported vandal- eobsen reported a Sith reported $36 in a coin COllection miss. bY Jeff White on Pioneer Way out. reported a reported a tapes taken. The door to the National Bank of Mason County was found open. SHELTON POLICE COURT Appearing on the docket in Shelton Police Court before Judge Rolla Halbert Monday night were Carl R. Dodge, Rt. 3, Box 262, Shelton, negligent driving, $27.50 fine, $2.50 costs; Leland Pritch- ard, 906 Columbia, Kels9, speed- ing, $18 forfeit; Michael W. Smith, 4220 Dawson, Seattle, no operator's license on person, ne- gligent driving, $58.50 fine, $5 suspended, $2.50 costs; Michael W. Smith, 4220 Dawson, Seattle, negligent driving, $56 fine; Ed- ward Pearson, St. Rt. 2, Box 97, Shelton, speeding, $31 forfeit; Hugh Wilder, 1111 Pioneer Way, Shelton, failure to operate motor vehicle in safe and prudent man- ner, $10.50 fine, $2.50 costs; Per- ry Eytcheson, Rt. 3, Box 552, Shelton, speeding, negligent driv- ing, no rear license plate, $60 forfeit; Richard Dodge, Rt. 3, Box 262, Shelton, failure to op- erate motor vehicle in safe and prudent manner, $20 forfeit; Su- san Kinnan, 303 E. Harvard, Shelton, no arterial stop, no op- erator's license, $30 forfeit; Har- ohl Williams, Rt. 11, Box 501, Olympia, speeding, $18 forfeit; Richard Adams, S'. Rt. 1, Box 165A, Shelton, driving while intox- icated, $112.50 fine, $2.50 costs, five (lays in jail, suspended; John Luhm, P. O. Box 147, Is- land Lake Dr., Shelton, speeding, $18 forfeit; John LeBresh, 1792 Jones Rd., Shelton, no arterial stop, $20 forfeit; Douglas I. White 1438 Dearborn, Shelton, speeding. $15.50 fine, $2.50 costs• SUPERIOR COURT New Cases Ehner A. Lewis against Mr. and Mrs. Ernest O. Byrd, dam- ages. Mr. and Mrs. John Howard anti Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hammill against Mr. and Mrs. Walter At- cheson. Luise Potcrbin, Clarice Larson and Ruth Forman, guiet title. Mason County Federal Credit Union against Mr. and Mrs. Ed-" ward Woodward, collection on note. Mr. and Mrs. Harold McCadam against Edna Hoshor and Flora Hasher, damages. FERY RECEIP'I Receipts from the Harstine Is- land Ferry for the week ending April 5 were $261.65, the Mason County Engineer's Office report- ed. CITY BUILDING PERMITS Building permits approved by the city of Shelton during the past week were to Pudy Flakus, fence, $60. Weather High Low Precip April 3 50 32 .04 April 4 53 36 .66 April 5 48 35 .53 April 6 62 35 .01 April 7 58 35 - April 8 57 32 - April 9 67 38 - Readings are for a 24-hour period ending at 8 a.m. as re- ported by the rFr Rayonier Inc. weather station. FIVE.DAY FORECAST Temperatures Thursday thru Monday predicted to average 3 degrees above the normal high of 62 and low of 37 degrees. Rain- fail expected to average near normal, falling mostly on Friday and Saturday. Thousand Ih €| & $h2; While Supply Lasts d 1 mile from 101 on the Cole Road Dale DeLon 9, 61 Taken By Deafh • Dale Hamilton DeLong, 905 Turner Avenue, was dead on arrival at Mason General Hospi- tal last Thursday. He was 61 years old. Mr. DeLong was born Feb. 20, 1908 in Kalamazoa, Mich. and lived in Shelton the past tw.; years, tie was a car- penter, a veteran of World War II and a member" of Mount Olive Lutheran Church. He is survived by his wi%, Ruth, of the home: two sons, Stanton, of Shelton, and John, of Fairmont, Calif. : one daugh- ter, Mrs. Randy Yape, Sequim: and seven grandchildren. Tides FRIDAY, APRIL 11 High .................. 1:23 a.m. 11.9 Low .................. 7:23 a.m. 7.0 High ................. 11:41 a.m. 9.0 Low .................. 6:47 p.m. 1.0 SATURDAY, APRIL 12 High .................. 2:11 a.m. 12.1 Low .................. 8:17 a.m. 4.7 High .................. 1:17 p.m. 9.2 tf. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. S÷ephie Needham Funeral Today • Stephana A. Needham 55, (lied Monday in Mason General Hospital. She made her home at Route 2 Box 1046. Mrs. Nee(lham was born Aug. 2, 1913 in Chicago, Ill. and had b:en a resident of Mason County the past 32 years. She operated Dayton Peak For- estry lookout from 1945 through 1963. She is survived by her hus- band, Gerald J. Needham, Shel- ton; three daughters, Mrs. Ger- aldine Fleming and Mrs. Ber- nice. Bunko, both of Shelton, anti Mrs. Leab Allen, Kent; two sons, Charles, Vancouver, and Steph- en, U. S. Army in Germany; nine grandchild :en; her mther, Mrs. Mary Ann Vylasek, Mont- ana; four sisters, Mrs. Mary Nel- son and Mrs• Agnes Clelland, both of Shelton, Mrs. Ann John- son and Mrs. Rita Gould, both of Montana and two brothers John and Joe Vylasek, both of Calif- ornia. The funeral service will be held at 11 a.m. today in the Bat- stone Funeral Home with Pastor Calvin Landgren officiati ng. Burial will be in Shelton Memor- ial Park. Harold Re+zman Marriage Licenses • Applying for marriage licens- es in the Mason county auditor's office this past week were: George Strickland, 73, Graham, and Winifred Neemier, 48, Gra- ham. Robert Pirtle, 42, Ai:erdeen, and Patricia Yundt, 26, Hoquaim. L. W. Carr, 50, Bremerton, and Vena Donovan, 48, Bremerton. New Arrivals MASON GENERAL HOSPITAL • Mr. and Mrs. David D. Pier- son, Star Route 2 Box 194AA, a girl, April 3. Mr. and Mrs. John S. Moore, 1828 Washington Street, a boy, April 4. Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Sylvester, 1515 Holman Street, a boy, April 8. Conner Bill Would Aid Kidney Machine Patients • A study of the feasibility of providing aid to kidney patients and for supporting kidney re- search, requested by Rep. Paul Conner, D-24th District, in the form of a resolution, was adopted by the House April 1. Conner said, "The state began to aid those afflicted with kidney diseases on a one-shot basis in 1965: now the total amount of state support has risen to over $1 million." "We should know whether we are going in the right direction," Conner said, "and if not, in what direction we should go." Conner said the study will be conducted by the Legislative Budget Committee, with results to be given legislators 30 days prior to the next scheduled session of the legislature. "I am concerned that kidney transplants may be the ultimate solution," Conner said, "and I am hopeful the study will show that the state can effectively aid in a program that eventually will reduce the need for such aid. i i" . CARLOAD Low .................. 7:47 p.m. 1.6 SUNDAY, APRIL 13 High .................. 2:47 a.m. 12.2 Low .................. 9:05 a.m. 4.2 High ................ 2:41 p.m. 9.6 Low .................. 8:41 p.m. 2.3 MONDAY, APRIL 14 tiigh .................. 3:23 a.m. 12.2 Low .................. 9:41 a.m. 2.8 High .................. 3:47 p.m. 10.2 Low .................. 9:29 p.m. 3.2 TUESDAY, APRIL 15 High .................. 3:47 a.m. 12.1 Low ................... 10:17 a.m. 1.6 High .................. 4:41 p.m. 10.7 Low .................. 10:11 p.m. 4.0 WEDNESDAY. APRIL 16 High .................. 4:11 a.m. 11.8 ft.ft' f' ' " TTE SALE ft. O,es In ea,,,e BlUE ft. • A m morial service will be l  ft. held at 7:30 p.m. today in the Bleitz Funeral Home in Seattle IJ for Harold Retzman, 72. ! Mr. Retzman, a resident of  (  .... . __ , ...... • Grapeview, died Sunday in the • Sw(wlish Hospital in Seattle. He rp. is survived by his wife, Pearl" ZI" °he daughter' Mrs" D°r°tby Set"  '/terberg, and one granddaughter. ft. • ff. Tmber Sales • • Two tracts of timber in Mason County were among those Our manufac÷urer, by mis+ake, doublecl our order ft. included in the March sales of ft. the Department of Natural Re- ft. sources. They were the Red ft. SaleSRegis whiChpaper WaSco.,boughtTacoma,bY forSt" SO save while +he selecHon is a÷ i÷s greases÷. $4,100 for 110,000 board feet and ft. the Hamma Hamma No. 2 Sale, ft. which contained 220,000 board was sold to Seaboard '." .....: ,,.z'w.: o.:,'!1,:._._._ A lie dlmt mm mm ft. k eet and ft. Lumber Co., Seattle, for $15,500. v-pc. ntng :,ze tame and BqM Cha,r$ your eft= . I  tertaining in a big way. With the two extra L21"// 'E,I k , :l&es, tl;!r  is plenty Of elbow roo: for ; 500'00Slo00 t • ! I tI- I \\;I there are eight of them, totheset. %0 a 1 ,s Regu.larly ,189 950W s139 I I I IIIII II IIIII I I I Low .................. 10:47 a.m. 0.7 High .................. 5:29 p.m. 11.1 Low .................. 10:53 p.m. 4.9 THURSDAY, APRIL 17 High .................. 4:35 a.m. 11•5 Low .................. 11:23 a.m. -0.9 High .................. 6:17 p.m. 11.4 Low .................. 11:35 p.m. 5.7 BIG SHOE ON CAMPUS ooUt your for... JL  JL • ,,® Ck',,,Jk Class time or date time, saddles do the necessary coordinating for your pulled- together campus look• "The Family Shoe Store" 107 $. 4th Street Choose From 15 Different Styles In Stock! 7-100. Rectangular Table G-pc. RECTANGULAR TABLE  ]|III & FOUR CHAIR$ Regularly seg.g5 J I I I II lie I ,,, . 0000O,o,o 3o./. , I 4r All Formica Tops. Many d t fin ehes,: Avocado, Bisque, Bronze and :?-pc. Pedestal Table I and Six Pedestal Chairs S179/' Regularly $219 95 ...N..?W • B' ' Regularly $99. _ J J  o,. o.,, ...: , eLSE [FREE " PARKING and DELIVERY 4+h & Co÷a • 426.4702 ] I I J .. , Thursday, April 10, 1- Shelton-Mason County Journal - PI 3