April 10, 1969 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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April 10, 1969 |
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magers have tak-
Is of major retail
formerly mer-
manager in Olympia,
$1NE$$ Simpson Curs
$ C I li ! r, ywo,o.
has replaced Eldon Kahny as
manager of Penney's. He joined
the company in 1951 anti has
been successively promoted to
Longview as assistant manager
and then to Olympia.
Also new on the scene, is Max-
Curtailment of sanded fir ply-
wood production to a four day
basis this week in all of its Wash-
ington, Oregon and California op-
erations was announced today by
Simpson Timber Company, a
major plywood producer.
Production will be suspended
1his Friday due to a continuing
decline in demand for sanded fir
plywood. A company spokesman
said scheduling after this week
will depend uln market develop-
gimpson redwood pl:vood and
overlay plyw, x)d production will
not be affected by this week's
Carl Howard
Out Of Service
M/Sat. Carl E. ttoward, son
of Mrs. Florence Howard, Shel-
ton, was recently discharged from
the Army in Maryland after ser-
ving 20 years.
tie enlisted at the age of 17
after attending Shelton High
School. He completed his high
of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Heu-
ston, Shelton, was among
outstanding Air Force Re-
serve Officers Training
Corps cadets who attended
the 21st National Arnold Air
Society (AAS) Conclave Just
concluded in New Orleans.
Cadet Heuston is a member
of the class of 1970 at the
University of Puget Sound,
of Mr. and Mrs. Paul C.
Sonntag, Belfair, was among
outstanding Air Force Re-
serve Officers Training
Corps cadets who attended
the 21st National Arnold Air
Society (AAS) Conclave just
concluded in New Orleans.
Cadet Sonntag is a member
of the class of 1970 at the
University of Washington
and is working toward his
B.A. degree in business ad-
Nt) mข)tc tackmg. xxashin, m.mg. wq)mg dihe. The elethic (lisA\\;rasher does
,t all h)r \\;,)u and %ets dishe, fl\\;e,w,ue ,m(I tJtensi} germ-free, leo,
N()w.. ,a[] ,)( thi (,n\\;(,nientt, ,ll)(] alety can he yours. }LiSt e(' yt)ur favorite
elctrRal dealer. Ih,'ll I)e h.fl)t) Y t() ,h()w v()u ;he }atest mt)tle}s ,}f portable and
built-in (}i}w,sh(,f, .... m(I \\;'()u']l he h,fl)pv v()u decided h) have one for your
very ,)\\;VI) !
ine Rhoades who recently re- sch,x)l education in the Army. K I-ayon'er Has ro'rgram
l)laced Bill Allen as manager of He saw combat duty in Korea
Mrs. Rhoades who has been He holds the Silver Star and IT'r Rayonier Inc. will pre- o am at
ifie be followed by the pr gr" --..
A with Sears the past ten years, the Bronze Star and received two sent the program at the Shelton 8 l).m. M .D. No. 3
cfiv S started in Sumner in 1959 where purple hearts in Korea and one Chamber of Commerce April Speaker will be G. R. Quimby,
she spent 75, years. She then in Vietnam.
le. of Second and traveled the five western states, Howard also served six years meeting tonight at Heinie's Broil- group leader, who will talk on ff ]. 81 r Harold W. Paxker, Vice PreJtdent )
JlAP@w,p_-.ll,.'" / .oo.; %X-J'IF .rk cole. ขrt, )
' is the Mason including Alaska, training new in Germany during his time in er. "Progress Report on Terranier f.li(|fl(dll ..'" .y s.,.., ....
erHce Center and managers of the catalog sales the Army. The dinner will be at 7 p.m. to (;routing".
a center of many stores. She has spent the past ......... , ....... , L ,,, , ...... =,,, , ,
People of the
a swap shop
trade either work
to a coopera-
n Olympia where
those handicrafts
or he can buy
others have
group makes an
employment for
year as manager of the Auburn
She and her husband Loren,
who is employed by Wright Con-
struction in Seattle, have two
children. One son Gary, in the
Navy in Vietnam and a married
daughter in Puyallup. They are
at present building a home on
Summit Lake.
Congratulations goes to David
M. Brown, 600 Fairmont, winner
of the washer and dryer at Sears."
According to manager Maxine
Rhoades the Browns were marr-
ied March 21 in Bremerton, so
the prize comes as a type of wed-
cling present.
is party
five hundred and
enjoyed by an
while some
Is eden from 8 a.m.
Week days so please
ad get acquainted.
:he Golden Key Card.
aUraber is 42@2568.
Starts 9:30 a.m. Thursday Morning
HUrry! Gtuantities Limited! No Telephone Calls
Ilaiahlft p.j., .................................... orig. 5.00 Now 2.88
Y lallnel 8hilt Gown,. ......................... orig. 3.00 :Now 1.44
Oy lhlon Panti Hose ......................... orig. 88ข Now .50
Wet Look Hose ............................. orig. 1.00 Now .77
Yet LOok Patti Hose ..................... orig. 2.00 Now 144
Terry Aprons ..................................... orig. 1.00 Now .66
ACrYlic Prints ................................ orig. 2.49 Now 1.44
(laie lrocades ............................. orig. 1.98 Now 1.44
lrded Crepes ................................. orig. 2.49 Now 1.88
GOtten Sweat Shirts (s) ................ orig. 1.66 Now .99
Pahlฐn tlouses .............................. orig. 2.88 Now 1,88
''rdUY Jackets'" ........................ ri .
ayl Jackets o .g 22.00 Now 10.88
ฐP'lia Jackets ...................... i ....... om.g. 26.00 Now 10.88
hort JaCkets ............................... orig. 18.00 Now 10.88
..................... ............... orig. 12.00 Now 5.88
i:::i:.:.:.:,.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.....-.-..,.............. ...... ................. ...............
..... .....:.:'.M::::::::::::::'::::::.:
Dresses, orig. $5 to 115 i!i
Now $2 to $12.00
Wta'a klrta,
W,s .................................. orig. 5.98 Now 2.88
klrta ............................... orig. 2/8.98 Now 3.88
Hose ................................... orig. 77 Now .50
................................ orig. 2/3.88 Now 1.88
orig. 4.88 NOW
lrt ......................................... orig. 2.88 Now 1.88
Jeans ................................................. Now 2.88
l('it Polo ................................. orig. 1.66 Now 1.33
SWeat Shirts, ........................ orig. 1.44 Now .88
Shirts, s.s .................... orig. 1.79 Now 1.33
B & e SALES ,r.,..,, Better 'uy$toM,$o, County
General Electric
Chest Freezer
Holds up to 865 Ibs!
Double-seal cabinet
signal light
Two appliances in one!
Two Door 1413.hcu. ft. ModelTB.14S00
Freezer holds up to 131 lbs.!
Freezer door shelf for ice cream cartons!
Giant fresh food storage. $22995
Slide-out shelf.
Twin vegetable hins!
Coppertone or White.
Washes up to 16 lbs.l
2 speeds! 3 c00.clesl
Filter FI0 ฎ-
,eFil, e]nF.OfuWaSh system--
3 wash, 2 rinse
Permanent Press cycle
with "cooldown."
Cold water wash and rinse.
Extra Wash Selection.
3 water-level selections.
Model WA-730E
S(,li(I Sial,, AM/FM/FM Stere(}
I),'lux,' Tonal l Changer
Transistorized 4-Track,
2-Chann,,I Tal)e I)eck
Six SI}eaker (;-E Sound System
Equipt.'d For Porta-Fi
with Automatic
Fine Tuning Control
for accurate color
automatically and
Big screen (23"
diagonal; 295 sq. in,).
Contemporary styling.
i , r:, ; )
: !!:!}l!::;l:::i:a: black
polystyrene woodgraln
finished cabinet
Color Controls that
"remember" correct settings
Exclusive '!Porta Color
Snooz-Alarm *
$ 87
L, .........
automatic-dry controls
at low cost!
Right care for all your dryables
including Permanent Press...
better wear, less ironing!
High Speed
Automatic Dryer
3 automatic-dry cycles.
Automatic Permanent
Press Cyde with
3 Heat Selections.
End-of-cycle signal.
Fluff setting.
Porcelain enamel top
and drum.
Model DE-710E
r. ......................... .;;;:`;`;P;;``..`;.-`%%``;. ............ ,
.." ..... ..v...v.v ....... ...v.v.v.:v.......v.v....v. ........ ......... -.-....;.....;.; .v;.;......v.......v .... ..v.v.......: ...... v...v,v.....v.v................ ,.,... .:
o:.......... ...... ... ......... ..,, , ..,.................... ,................,..%,.....:.;..,...,,...,..
i!i BUILDING? Ask about our builder's prices!
i::::.:. :: 5: ;::: ;:;:;:;:;:.:;:;:, :':.:; :;:.:;:.:, :. :.:; :; :. :.:; :. :. :;:.:" :::::: ::::: :: :: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .':::::.:.:.Y..:::::.:.:.:.::::
B andR
"The Appliance Kings"
"J" and Olympic Hwy. N.
Shel00n 426-3264
i i I I I ii , I I II
: .,r .v .... "
Thursday, April 10, 1969 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page t$