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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 10, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 10, 1969
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,iobies Have Gem Show Is New Officers To Be Held • New officers were elected • Four members of the Shelton at the last meeting of Job's Rock and Mineral Society will Daughters. To be installed May have displays at the annual Gem THIS WEEK'S RECIPE is for Creamy Crab and is shared by Lillian Hemphill of Allyn. Lillian serves this deIicious crab dish in toast cups. The recipe serves four persons. Serve This Creamy Crab In Toas÷ Cups )r Real Flavor F# Creamy Crab, a delicious, creamy crab sauce with hard cooked eggs and mushrooms erved in toast cups, is Lillian Hemphill's selection for our file. The recipe calls for canned crab, but wouldn't it be extra special with fresh crab? Beautifying the:r retirement home has been the main project of Lillian and her husband, Mel- ville, since he retired from the Puget Sound Naval Yard in Bre- marten and they moved to the Allyn area. ttm have a ''mo home less than a mile north of Allyn. Both of them are interest- ed in raising flowers which has done much to make their retire- ment spot quite beautiful. • Llllian is a member of the Beachcomber Garden Club and of the Allyn Birthday Club. She and Melville have two sons who have, between them, presented them with six grandchildren. CBEAMY CJ&B 2 cans crab meat (7 & oz. each) 3 hard cooked eggs 3 T, butter 2 T. minced chives or green onion 4T. flour I tip. salt 1/2 tsp. dry muJtard I/8 tsp. white pepper I/8 tsp. paprika 1 C. water 2/3 C. instant non-fat dry milk I C. chopped broiled mushrooms 1/4 C. dairy sour cream 1 tap. lemon juice and remove boney tiuue from crab. Coarsely chop eggs; set aside. In a two-quart sauce l)an melt butler, add minced chives and cook until tender, Blend in flour, salt, mustard, pep- per and paprika. A(ld water and instant non-fat dry milk. Cook, stirring constantly tmtil thicken- cti. Add mushrooms, sour cream, lemon juice, crab meat and eggs. Bring to serving temperature. Stoon sauce into toast cups. Yield l quarts, or four serv- ings of 1V= cups each. Allow two toast cups per serving. 10 are queen-elect, Patsy MJlt- enberger :" senior princess-elect, IAnda Koch : junior princess- elect, Barbara Bamford: guido elect, Diane Kokett: and marsh- al-elect, Chris Lord. Several girls a t t e n d c d a Friendship Night in Aberdeen April 2. There was a surprise party for Linda Archer, after- wards. She is moving to another bethel. Maxine Schmidt won the cake for the Birthday March. It was decided the choir will sing "Let There Be Peace", the United Nations theme song, for Grand Session, Christie Dillon will be initiated at the next meeting. Mountain View PTA Fun Nicjht This Saturday • The annual Fun Night spon- sored by the Mountain View PTA will be held this Saturday from 5-9 p.m. in the school multi-pur- pose room. Something new has been added this year. There will be a pic- ture booth as well as the usual games of penny pitch, fish pond and many others. Potato salad, hot dogs and pie will be available and a draw- ing will be held for an oil paint- ing donated for the occasion by Mrs. Riffey, former Shelton tea- cher. Terry Sfephens Gets Promotion • A Shelton senior at Eastern Washington State College, Terry M. Stephens, has been promoted to cadet lieutenant colonel in the EWSC Reserve Officers Training Corps detachment. The son of Mr. and Mrs. Char- les C. Stephens, he is a gradu- ate of Shelton High School and is majoring in geoh)gy. MORE THAN 5,000 sons and daughters of deceased or perm- anently disabled veterans were receiving Veterans Administra- tion educational assistance in January 1969. Jayeffes To Meet b Mrs. Willard Hicks will be DICK ANGLE, president of the Mason Gen- hostess to the Shelton Jayettes eral IIospltal Commission, accepts a check this evening in her home. Co- from Mrs. Don Makoviney, president of Ep- hostess will be Mrs. Gary Plews. Members will have a White Ele- sllo)l Omicron Chapter, Beta Sigma Pht phant sale following the meeting. and Mineral Show to be held by the Tacoma Agate Club this week- end. The show will be a Rockhound salute to the 36th annual Daffodil Festival and Parade. Show hours will be from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Saturday and from It) a.m. to 6 p.m, Sunday in the University of Puget Sound fieldhouse, Ta- coma. The 10 clubs represented at the show will have outstanding dis- plays of Indian artifacts, jewelry, gems, minerals and crystals. There will be a lunch counter. Tickets are available locally from Bill Weeks, 523 North 1st Street. Church To Have Sale Next Week J A plant and rummage sale will be held April 1748 by membe of St. Edward's Cath. oltc Chureh. Sale hours both days will be fl'om 9:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. in the parish hall bemement. 8 released from ac- tive duty after January 1955 mtmt complete GI KtU educe. tion by May 31, 1974, or eight yean atter dtJcharge, Whl0h- ever ls later. Shop Mell Chev-Olds over 100 Cars, Pickups, Trucks from the convenient family size (7 oz.) regularly $1,50 NOW JUST 75¢ AND ALSO AT Vz PRICE: * CREAM DEODORANT --r smooths on, absorbs quickly . ROLL.ON-roils on easily, quickly. * STiCK-slides on, won't crumble. Regularly $L00 N0W JUST 50 € Stock up for your family needs n0w. Whichever you choose, you'll find Tussy's continuous action deodorants protect on and on and on. For a limited time 0nly... these once a year savings! Future Nurses Invited To y "' ....  Soft Drink Pa • A soft drink party will be held i at 3:30 p.m. today for girls inter- .... ested in nurses training. The e- .O vent, sponsored by the Mason .... ..... General Hospital Auxiliary nurs- ing scholarship committee, will ' ......  ...... be held in the home of Mrs. Har- ..... {:: : OldAuxiliary Cramer, members 1425 West areTUrner'asked to make plans to attend the an- GREG HASBROUCK nual spring luncheon which will be held May 26 in the Methodist Church. More details later. * High School Spotlight * WCTU To Meet • June 15 Greg HasBrouck will brown eyes and (lark hair, and • The Woman's Christian Tern- head for Hawaii where he will weighs 210 pounds. He was born perance Union will meet Friday work and renew friendships made June 20, 1951 in Cashmere and in the Baptist Curch. The meet- there last summer. In the Oil he has lived in Shelton the past four ing will begin with a tea at 1 p.m. plans to enter the University of years. Members are asked to take a Hawaii. He will probably major He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. visitor. in political science. George HasBrouck and has two Greg's subjects this year in- sisters, Gall, 15, and Lynn, 13. ciudo civics, sociology, kkee Donnie J. Guild ing, world affairs and debate. Because debate does take so much time outside of class, New Officers Of Has New Officers Greg's other activities are limit- ed. He is a member o f "S" Club, v.,.C'kr;s+ma s .,,T^wn • New officers were elected for having played tackle position on the coming year at the April the Highclimber football team the , = _   meeting of the Donnie J. Ortho- past three years. He has been a |OlS Installed Pedic Guild. Members met in the senator two years and works -- I- home of Mrs. Ray err with Mrs. part-time at MeIl Chevrolet.  The newly elected officers of E. Mailoy as co-hostess. His spare time activities include Christmas Town TOPS were in- Mrs. Cecil McLatn is the new water skiing, hunting and fish- stalled to begin the TOPS New president; Mrs. Ray Cook, vice ing. He especially likes hunting year April 1. Taking office were president; Mrs. R. Rae, treasur- deer and fishing for trout. Leona Christensen, leader; Barb er; and Mrs. Fred Stuller, secre- Greg is 6 feet 1 inch tall, has Kelley, co-leader; Alice Getty, tary. ' secretary; Mickey McMorris, treasurer; and Dot Clark, weight recorder. D..; ..,.I T.. -,.L--,,,, The chapter received a thank- ,...r....,.... you letter from Vietnam for the package of candy and gum sent • The Mason County Unit of Re- tired Teachers will meet at the recently. Dick Linn told the mere- Capital Restaurant Friday for a bars the $8 box of goodies did 1 p.m. luncheon. Mrs. Anna Sjo- not last through one lunch break, holm will show pictures which He said they gave the gum to the were taken in Russia. U. N. sailors who average 16 years of age. Carol Hodgdon was crowned Queen of the Month for March. Amaranth To Meet The chapter welcomes all who have a weight problem. The • Royal Court No. 26, Order of meetings are held Wednesday Amaranth will hold election of evening from 7-9 p.m. in the officers at 8 p.m. next Wednes- court house annex on Railroad day in the Masonic Temple. All Avenue. members are invited to attend. Looking on is Mrs. A1 Johnson, chapter treasurer. The money will go toward audio- visual aid equipment for Mason General Hospital. Pq;e 6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, April 10, 1969 Neirs Phormacy 5th & Franklin 426.3327 ............. _, ,,, LADLES' SPORTSWEAR One group of skirts, sweaters, vesta by famous maker. In red, white and blue or plain and plaids. THE ENGAGEMENT of Miss Bette Cowan Morton was announced at a family dinner Miss Cowan is the daughter of Mrs. Edwin J. ion and Norman B. Cowan, Ca.thlamet. parents are Mr. and Mrs. Samuel B. Morton, wedding date is set for August 3. At the p-ese young peopl e are attending the University of 1/3 OFF LADLES' DRESSES One special group of misses, juniors and half sizes. 1/3 to 1/2 PRICE -- Discontinued Foundations --- LACE FLIRTATION BRAS By famous maker, elasticized with spandex. Cross- over bands in front and undercup binding. Reg. $2.99. Now Sl.99 LONG LEG PANTY GIRDLE Thigh line, with power net elastic side sections and re- oessed garters. Regularly $3.99. Now s2.99 MR. AND MRS. HARRY COLE of Matlock forthcoming marriage of her daughter, Jae Michael Stangeland of Conway. Miss graduate of Mary M. Knight High School ad is end year at "¢¢estern Washington State Co liege ham. 3rd & Railroad * Choose from 3 Credit Plans