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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 10, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 10, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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squad won two ursday in the an- meet and went overall 127% to 1251/z. the B and C classes scores, but the in the A class where Won 64-39, class &apos;the score was white 34V2. Greens score of 48 to 29, in four events in took firsts in the the 50 yard high jump, and Dittmer won the long jump yard dash in the A 1, competing in the everybody in any jump with his one and one e als Won the B double winner in the Terry Knight, who places in the pole .Yard dash. as and Fred Risks events in the C tPtured first in the a leap just sh()rt got a first in the Lewis got firsts DOle Vault. the events went in (W) Tennis (WI (W)" Miltenberger (W), 12.1 (W Armstrong 7.7 tW) Brooks (G) Tennis (W) 1/2" 'er (Gt James 2:22 ) Miltenberger(G e (W) Miltenberger 5'2', (G) White 548 Souliere (G) Lance not avail- (G) Henderson (W), 36'11" g (W) Pn'nston class were : on (W) (W) Noreen (W) (G) Eash (W) (W) tied for :rumpols (G) 1 1/2" ) Singer and tied for se- [W) Noreen (W) 53.5, Green 54.2 Hi Game: Nelda Flint 195 Men's Hi Game: Dave Knutzen Shot-Cole (G) Settle (G) Brad- Hi Series: Marge Witcraft 532 211 ley (G), 35'9" Standings: B & R Oil 38-14, Men's Hi Series: Dave Knutzen PV-Knight (G) Krumpols (G) Waterwheel Grocery 32-20, Dean's 543 and Lund (W) tied for second, Gun Shop 27-25, Springwater Women's Iti Game: Gerry Geist 10' Tavern 25-27, Walter Drilling 22- 177 The C class events went like 30, lloot Canal Marina 22-30. W,men's Hi Series: (;erry Geist this: Buechel's Garage 22 - 30, Hun- 466 100 Lli-Earl (W) Kingery (W) ter's Tree Farm 20-32. Silva Foxes 2-2, Mary Lund Coleman (G), 14.3 5:',0; Makeups 2-2, Dave Knutzen 100 - Riske (G) Godwin (W) FRATERNAL 543; Acetate Aces 4-0, Dan Cot- Savage (G), 12.9 IIi Game: Don Johnson 215 mier 506; Waterboys 0-4, John 50-Lewis (G) Riske tG) King- Hi Series: Lee Schuffenhauer 562 Denison 465; Maintenance 4-0, cry (W), 6.8 Bull Moose 3 Vern Schuffen- Bud Ristine 487; Woodbirds 0-4, tIJ-Baze (W) IIoosier ((;) Shel- hauer 506; Plywood 1 Lee Schuf- Andy Anderson 460; Rayonettes t(.n (G), 4'5 1/4" fnhauer 562; Fullers 3 Jack 3-1, Gem',,, Geist 466; Pin Curlers 75 - Densmre (G) Earl W Frost 538; Eagles 1 Lionel [,e- 1-3, Dian Mallory 395. Godwin (W), 9.6" man 517; Rotary 2 George Le- Standings: Aeetate Aces 32!,'_,- Relay-Green 57.7 White 57.8 magie 526; Himlie's 2 Oscar Die- 19,.Z Makeups 32-20, Waterboys LJ-Riske (G) Earl (W) King- rekin,; .t55; Antlers 4 Ernie Dab- 29.-22/, Woodbirds 25-27, Silva cry {W}, 15'11" man 509: Nimrods 0 Al Rasmus- Foxes 23t.z-28', Maintenance 22' SHOT-Densmore ((1) Coleman sen 458', Lions ,t Bill Kimbel 548; -291, Pin Curlers 21-31, Rayon- t(;) Hickson (W), 30'2" Iiardware 0 Dick Fisher 469; ettes 21-31. PV -Lewis (G) SagemillertW) Kiwanis 3 Walt Allen 518; I.W.A. Hoos:er G), 9'3" 1 Gene Benedict 544. SLOPPY SIX DBLS. This Thursday, the tenth, the Standings: Moose Antlers 41JA- Hi Game: Laurie Bunko 177 Blazers open with one of the 181&, Rotary Club 36-24, Lions Hi Series: Lueile Farmwald 434 stronger teams in the league, Club 36-24, Kiwanis Club 33-27, Standings: Try Hards 11760; Jefferson of Olympia. The meet Eagle Aeries 32-28, Bull Moose Sitters 11587; Jo-Jos 11494; Yaks is at Jefferson. Head coach Terry 32-28, Fuller Const. 32-28, Himilie 11449; We Too 11409; Vat Mates Gregg of the Blazers predicts Realty :',Ol/z-29/z. I. W. A. 38 30- 11208. that the A <:lass in which Sheiton ?0, Olympic Plywood 22-38, Shel- ls weak will be Jefferson's strong ton Hardware 19-41, Nimrod FRIDAY NITE SLOW STARTERS Ixint. He also commented that Clvb 16-,N. Men's Hi Game: Lionel Leman - Gene Benedict 210 Shelton's B and C classes are LADIES Thursday trio Men's Hi Series Lionel Leman 583 very strong. Hi Game: Lucile Farmwald 183 Women's Hi Game: Verna Johan- tti Series: Helene Redman 478 son 171 Standings: Grant Lbr. 19221, Women's tti Series: Verna Jo- Plienes I,og. 19214, Hardly Able hanson 494 I,og. 19075, Cartage Cafe 19046, Standings: Slow Pokes 29223; Clary Truck. 1.9034, B & J Mart L & V 29124; U-Name-It 28585; 1,9906, Balls Food 18951, Mamies Upstarts 28333; Duds 28037; ,* 18889, Pacific Coast 18556, Tim- Wright Pair 27856. her Bowl 18454, Johnson Mach. 18435, The Hut 17457. D12:30 WOMEN' LEAGUE "  Hi Game: Trudy Ellison 183 -  SIMPSON MEN'S BOWLING Hi Series: Shirley Stites 473  ii Hi Series: Glen Robertson 582 Standings: Jess's Mobile 29-23; Ill Game: Glen Robertson 222 C & L Time 28-24; BoWs Tavern FINAL STANDINGS 2nd Half 28-24; Neils 19-23. Loggers 43-13, Loaders 33-23, IBP 32-24, Shop 27-29, Mill 3 27- SIMPSON RECREATION 29, Mill 4 27-29, Railroad 22-34, Ht Game: Mere Smith 193 Chippers 13-43. Hi Series: Mere Smith 494 Awards Banquet Sat. 7:00 p.m. Standings: Railroad 32-20, Log- at Timbers. gers 27-25, Loaders 23-29. SIMPSON WOMEN'S Shops 22-30. Hi Game: Nancy Beckwith 217 GRANGE LEAGUE Hi Series: Mary )u Wieken 559 Men's Hi Game: Max Mikkelsen Purchasing 0-4 Helen Ogden 211 482; Research 4-0 Syble Ristine Men's Hi Series Tom Olson 550 459; Accounting 0-4 Jane White Women's Hi Game Verna Joh- n77; Loggers 4-0 Nancy Beckwith anson 174 522; Engineering 3-1 Betty Dean Women's Hi Series: Verna Johan- 545; Lumber ]-3 Joyce Dion 456; son 494 I.B.P. 3-1 Mary LOu Wicken 559; Standings: Southside 35-17, " Olympic 1-3 Ann Cole, Virginia Agate 34-18, Harstine 31-21, Sko- Fuller 465. komish 22-30, Shelton Valley 20- mmlilmf Standings: Lumber 34-13, ely- 32, Pomona 14-38. topic 27 - 21; Engineering 261,- 201/,z, I.B.P. 25-23, Purchasing 23 MR. & lVlRS. HANDICAP -25, Research 23-25, Accounting Mens Hi Game: Eldon Todd 212 18-30, Loggers 17x&-30x&. Mens Hi Series: Harold Bibbee MEROHANTS 527 Hi Game: Horace Mounts 223. Womena H{ Game: Margaret Bib- Hi Series: Ton Olson 566 bee 215 SGT. Charles H. (Harley) Renecker's 1-3, D. Stanley Womens Hi Series: Margaret Seiners returned home April 529 vs White's 3-1, K. O'Dell 525; Bibbee 487 Bob's 1-3, C. Holman Vs Prcpp's Mikes McCulloch Sales 3-1, ] after being honorably dis- 3-1, M. Preppernau 560; Kimbel's Lucille Chapman 462; Lannings, charged from the Army at 2-2, H. Mounts 559 vs Boon's 2-2 Hoodsport Care 2-2, Mile Dilley the Oakland, Calif. Among the T. Olson 566; T. C. F. 2-2, J. 406; Ruskin Fisher Assc. 3-1, Mr|lt ""-Ii 0 nine awards he received Hulet551. 526 vs Foods ,2"2 ; Villard JeanneLumber Lindgren2_2, Eldon417;ToddEacrett520; were the Bronze Star with Standings: Prepps 37-15 Dicks Diggers 0-0; Evergreen "V" ¢lewce, Purple Heart T. C. F. 32-20, Kimbel's 28-24, Florist 0-4 John Pearson 454; ,,er, Medal, Army Commendation White's 27-25, Renecker's 25- Tyee Well Drilling 0-0; J & J 26/L Boon's 22]-29,A, Shelton Service 1-3 John Hulet 522; Allyn II' Jght Medal, and Vietnam Cam- Foods 211-30 ,/z, Bob's Tavern Shell 1-3 Frank Kowalczyk 424; paign Medal with "60" de- 14'&-37½. Lake Cushman Sales Co. 4-0 Harold Bibbee 527. BODE vice. Sgt. Somers left for DIIFEIEI PEOPLE like dif- 3tndlngs: Lake Cushman $25 8hot New York April 5 to visit ferent wood finishes. Scandina- Sales Co. 75-28&, J & j Service on Sgt. James Jarus who is vians prize the orangy-gold color- 75-29, Tyee Well Drilling 56-44, ing of Douglas fir paneling and Ruskin Fisher Assc. 56-44, Mikes reh 29 hospitalized with wounds re- cabinetwork and usually finish McCulloch Sales 49½-54V, Eac- eeived in a Vietnam opera- this wood clear. Americans of- rett Lumber 47-57, Dicks Diggers Prize of $5 tion l)ee. 20, 1968 in which ten prefer more subtle wood tones 41'&-58'&, Allyn Shell 41-63, Lan- ,  and will stain fir a darker shade nings, Hoodsport Care 38-65, Ev- Hit ,,:_. Sgt. Seiners was also involv- or bleach it to palest beige, ergreen Florist 36t&.67. SALES .estdenha,_ or Business NO Job TOO Large SPECIAL! or Too Small OFF -. crushed .ock . When our experts do an asphalt driveway, residential repair or 10014 LIGHT FIXTURES construction, or abusinessprojeot, you are assured more value LIMITED SUPPLy ! for less cost. Call Shelton 426-1002, le: Retail Price $7.35  B & R Price $3.65 if no answer, Call Collect for a free !U; SAVINGS $3.70 estimate-- LEnox 2-3650. "1', and Olympic Hwy. N. INTERSTATE ASPHALT CO. Asphalt Paving Contractors 4=4 905 E. Heron Aberdeen, Wuh. Men's Hi Game: Jim Bryd 188 Men's Hi Series: Bill Schuffen- hauer 527 Women's IIi Came: Toni Jonker Sue Bloomfield 150 Women's Hi Series: Sue I31 ore- field 411 Shelton J. C.'s ?,7-15; V. F. W. Aux. 351/-16U,; Hemhroff Agency 30-22; Trailblazer's II 2fi-23',; Beckwith's 23-29; "rrailblazer's 1 19-33; Merv's Tire(.ap 17-35; ,los- lin Ins. 17-35. Standings: IIembroff Agency 4-0, Curt Casey 445: Trailblazer's II 3-1, I.ynn Southn;wed 414; Shelton JC's 1-3. Bill Schuffen- hauer 527; Merv's Tirecap 0-4, Mark Johnson 444: Joslin Ins. 1-.",. Jim Byrd 361; VFW Aux. 3-1, Neal White 443, Beckwith's 1-?,, Scott Robertson 434; Trailblazers 1 3-1, Dana Thompson 470. LADIES TllURSDAY TRIO Hi Game: Carols Hanson 167 Ill Series: Emi Plienes 454 Standings: Grant Lbr. 17836; B. & J Mart 17675; Pleines Log Co. 17649; Cottage Cafe 17642; Hardly Able L()g Co. 17638; Balls Food Center 17554; Clary Truck- ing 17547; Mamies 17302; Pacific Coast Bldrs. 17188; Timber Bowl 17096; Johnson Machine 17064; The tIut 16036 SI,OPPY SIX Hi Game: Colleen York(, 170 Hi Series: Marlene Campagna 461 Standings: Try Hards 12846, Sitters 12570, Jo-Jo's 12553, Yaks 12481, We Too 12433, Var Mates 12238 I The tlighclimber baseball squad scored its first win M(m- day when it soundly defeated the Tumwater Thunderbirds 6-1. Pitching for the 'climbers were Kevin I)orey and Jim Corey. Kevin, facing a total of eighteen batters allowed one hit and one run, while cOral)fling six strike- outs to hi credit. Corey, pitch- ing the last two innings allowed no hits or runs and struck-out three men. The highlight of the game was Ed Adams' triple which brought in two runs and put Ed in the position to score yet another run. Shelton bit five times to Turn- waters' one, and errored twice lo the Thunderbirds' three. Box Score : t. H E AB SB Shelton ................... 6 5 2 26 5 Tumwater ............... 1 1 3 24 9 Babe Rufh League Meef Slafed Friday Jlthe Shelton Babe Ruth Baseball League will hold its first meet- ing of the year Friday, April 11, at 7:30 p.m. in the conference room of the P.U.D. Building, Shelton. The league provides summer of 13 through 15. All interested persons are invited to attend the meeting. five matches last Tuesday on their way to their first league victory in their first league match. They won all but the number one single match and scored con- vincing defeats over the rest of their Sequim opponents at the Shelton High school and Knee- hind Park courts. SINGLES 1) Bob (le lost, 2-6 and 3-6 to Ghmn Fisher. 2) I,e Burfiend beat Gordon Sears 6-3 and 6-0. 3) Gary CYeasy heat Bill Row- land 6-2 and 6-0. 4) Bob Quimby beat Dick Bhmk 6-0 and 6-1. DOUBLES 1) Bob Cole and I,ee Burfiend beat Fisher and Sears 10-8 and 6-4. 2) Steve Evander and Bob Quimby beat Bill Keith and Blank, 6-2 and 6-1. The Climbers play North Ma- son at North Mason Thursday, the tenth, The Bulldogs were one of only two defeats they had last year, so Shelton will he looking for a revenge victory as well as another league win. A banquet honoring members of Shelton High School's basket- ball and wrestling teams is sche- duled April 17 in the Angle Build- ing multi-purpose room. Sponsored by the Shelton Boos- ter Club, the event will start at 6:30 t).m. Admission is $2.25 per person. Co-chairmen for the banquet, which is open to the general pub- lic, are Phil Close and Donald E. Daniels. lM Shop Mell Chev-Olds over 100 Cars, Pickups, Trucks from $9S COME TO A FREE Christian Science Lecture 2 p.m., Sat., April 19 Evergreen School AT REGULAR PRICE... YOU OET Plus Fud. Ex. FOURTH TIRE FREE FOURTH TIRE $1,94 FREE FOURTH TIRE FREE FOURTH TIRE $2,20 FREE YOU GET THIS TIRE FOURTH TIE $2.36  • FREE $2.46 L U t L • FREE $1, .R.. NowoNtTHS OLD  [] OOD$ FYE'4 AI * T ' 6"  [ ....... TRAuE.oW'  I •  9llllcoMPAC]  ] AVOID HARD STARTING PROBLEMS  i ..... 1 *--9 '-' i -v-:'-- MoTR SPINR Y NOW I SAVE NOW "lzW 1200o.o.LY "" BUY NOW on EASY TERMS FREE MOUNTING m III Illm "" SHAUB ELLISON CO "-- : IUrTMIIS • H IC.oddk.., t,ke sUffla Serving Northwest Motorists for '15 Year I Thu,rsday, April 10, 1969 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - PN 11