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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 10, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 10, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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!;iU  : son of Mr. anti Mrs. TImmas Matve, was recently l)resente(1 with the Navy (:olnmen- Medal for actions while serving with the Marine in Vietnam. The presentation to Matye, right, was P. G. Dyer, USMC. Mayte Presented With Commendation Medal T. Matye, son of Mr. s Th°mas Matye, Hoods- presented with the aendation Medal with in ceremonies in Bre- 20. the cerumen. in action in ay JO, 1968 while a m the Marine Corps. he reeeiv. the medal read in Was a member of of two howitzers States Army Spe- 111) at Ngok Tavak Province. In the hours, the camp by a reinforced amese Army hattal- trated the camp's two l)laces, and mortars, BMll automatic weapons, OVerrun the hill top seriousness of Matye unhes- himself to hos- assumed a Position Seeking Here Air Patrol for recruits. the group at San- or and Older can . 'ze at 426-2059 , contact 242. George outside thp comnmnd hunker where lit, (i(qiv(,r(,d a heavy vet unto of rifle fir(, against the as- saulling enemy forces. Aware that the camp commander was in the hunker att(mpling to call in air suPl)ort and that the struc- ture was also housing several woun(h,d p(,rsonnel, he resolut- ely henmin(d at his post through [)tit the fierce engagement, pre- venting the enemy from launch- ing a dh'ect assault against the l)ositkm. "At dawn. he organized a gun crew and delivered 105ram howit- zer fire (lh'ectly on the hostile lO- sitions until ;rnmunition was ex- pended. "By his courage, bold initia- tive and steadfast devotion to duty at ,reat lmrsonal risk, Sgt. Mary(, was instrumental in re- I)t Is nK the enemy assault and uphehl the finest traditions of the Marine Corps and of the United Slates Naval Service. Matye was discharged from the Marine Corps in August, 1968 and he and his wife are making their home in Tacoma where he is attending school in diesel and heavy equipment mechanics. iii i LOWREY Organs & Pianos Rent or Buy on Easy Terms Johnny's Music Box Open 'til 8:30 p.m., Monday & Friday 205 Cota 426-4302 ,i PQBII N Intimate Moisture Lotion ,o°°_ .. = ,U.ow * 1.85 Family Size Spray Regularly $1.39 ow 79€ Activities For Library Week Are Planned Here The appointment of Mrs. R. W. Oltman, Shelton, a meml)er of the Shelton Library Board as Trustee Chairman for Nation- al Library Week activities in Mason ()unly was announced this week by Dr. Robert H. l{uby, Moses Lake, Chairman of flw Washington Library Trustee Association. Mrs. Irvin McArthur, also of Shelton, was named to assist her. "This year's obserwmco of IAbrary Week (April 20-26b will mark the first time that library trustees have taken an active role in its activities", said Ruby. "We welcome their help in making th(, l)ul)lic aware of the "storehouse" of information arm recreational reading which is available at local librari('s. The emphasis of this year's al)l)t':d will be to youth, business i(,ol)h,, groups, an(I the general l)ublic to us(, the h'enaen(tous fun(Is of information their libraries can supply." Library Week activities in this county will be coordinated with those of other counties by the statewide NLW (..ommittee. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WE WILL INTERVIEW appli- cants April 21st and 22nd for experienced part-time sales- lady at Flagwood Gift Shop, Union, Wash. 898-2267. F 4/10-17 Senior Citizen Nominations Are Being Sought Here I The month of May will again be observed as Senior Citizen month. The Mason County Sen- ior Citizen Committee under the auspices of the Washington State council on Aging is asking ser- vice clubs and other organiza- tions to nominate persons of their choice, men or women over 70 who have lived in the state five years or more currently con- tributing personal service to so- ciety: this may be youth, sen- ior citizens, church, civic affairs, general community activities or other service to society, nomin- ated by an organization, and not VETERANS Administration hosp- itals helped train 35,000 doctors, nurses and other medical per- sonnel during the past fiscal year. by an individual. Nominations must be in the bands of the committee on or before April 26. Any information may be obtained by calling M.M. "Bud" Lyon 426-4431. j" .LIFE INS. j I O,ck--Ke-wooU I Life- Family - Mortgage Medical I Bus. 943-1214 - Res. 491-2376 l j 5804 Pacific Avenue Lloey, Washington 1 IBIP  "lllm -mmlm- mP qmml..ulmmP ,I I I I No. 1 Pre-Finished PANELING 4 Color Tones Reg. $3.95 SOON AT *2,.95 During Lumbermen's Hola Hola Open House April 18-19 I BILL NEAL'S UNION SERVICE Sports Oval UNION 76 MINUTE MAN III With a 30-Month Guarantee, the whisper-quiet Min- ute Man III has been engineered to give you less noise, more beauty, more mileage and better control. It's an exceptional value for all driving situations and par- ticularly for motorists who drive at sustained high speeds and exceed 10,000 miles a year. NEW UNION 76 MINUTE MAN IV A combination of new tread construction and rubber com- pounding make this the most significant change in the history of this tire. The 4 ply polyester cord construction gives a 12% increase in impact strength and also eliminates the flat spotting. The new rubber compounding gives a conservative 20% increase in mileage. And there's still morel There's a new, easy to view seal- ant that provides puncture protection. You can see it because it's red. NEW UNION 76 FIBERGLASS BELT SPORTS OVAL 2 PLUS 2 A GREAT TIRE, NOW MADE BETTER FOR MILEAGE, STABILITY AND IMPACT PROTECTION! The new Sports Oval is wide . . . a full 70 Series tire . . . and has every advantage of this design. For extra perform- ance, we have added 2 plus 2 construction. Two plies of p01y- ester cord and two belt plies of fiberglass make this tire te performer of the year. r Double your tire mileage Reduced tread action and "straight-line" performance doubles mileage compared to conventional construction. 4r 25% more starting and stopping traction The "wide-open" reinforced tread grips the road for su- perior traction. tk More economy The lower section height tire is designed for less power loss and better gas mileage. Buy A Set of 4 of Either of the Above Tires and Minute Man IV 1tLF£ CURAD Regularly 77¢ People Towellettes Regularly $1.19 NOW Room Vaporizer ATED ._. Regularly $1.19 NOW | ,,::,;o,, CONTAC Regularly $1.59 NOW 69¢ 89¢ Minute Man III San Francisco Bay Area At Your Choice Of the following Resorts Disneyland Las Area Vegas Miami Beach As the lucky winner you may now select a fabulous holiday for yourself and one guest of your choice at any one of the famous resort areas listed. You and your guest will receive free deluxe lodging --- and many more extras. No matter which vacation area you select, the management has planned an exciting entertainment schedule for your pleasure at their famous resort hotel or motel. HURRY! or00fR GooDroR r, RsJ cusro=0000s, r,m-I @ Buy the only fire Fine Enough to wear the Union 76 Name at ! ,. 322 South 1st Shelto. " 426-4176 Thursday, April 10, 1969 - Shelton-Mason County Journal. Page 13