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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 10, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 10, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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L Matlock: Pinochle Club Meeting Is Set At Community Hall By DORA HEARIN(; with their folks Mr. and Mrs. • MATLOCK -- the Matlock Pi- Max Cash. nochle Club meets on Saturday Mr. and Mrs. David Valley night at 8 p.m. at Matloek and Krista and Mrs. Edward Grange Hall with Carl Portman Valley spent Wednesday in Teco- and Dave Rayson hosts, ma with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier House. were host and hostess to a faro- Those enjoying Easter dinner ily picnic Easter Sunday at the with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Val- Grange Hall. Those attending Icy were Mrs. Jean Diggle and were Mr. and Mrs. Em Ross- family of McCleary and Mr. and mater and Linda of TeEinG, Mr. Mrs. David Valley anti Krista. and Mrs. Morris LoweU of Taeo- The David Valley family left for ma, Mr. and Mrs. Leman and San Francisco Monday. Christie of Napavine, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Hearing Mrs. Warren Hunter and Brian accompanied by Mrs. Norms and Mr. and Mrs. Gary Hunter Jacobsen of Aberdeen were Ea- sEd Cris of Bremerton, Mr. and ster dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCory and three Mrs. James Fredenburg of He- children of Gig Harbor, Mr. and quiam. Mrs. Arthur Sharp anti five child- Danny Goodburn of Shelton -on, Mr, and Mrs. Gone Ross- spent a couple days last week at mier and three children, Mr. the R. E. Bradberry home. ,rid Mrs. James Rossmaier and Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Bradberry ':we daughters and Mr. and Mrs. were Easter luncheon guests of aul Rossmaier and three sons Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rowe of ,f Olympia and Mr. and Mrs. Shelton. Carl ("oJburn and four children Mr. and Mrs. Dick Tupper and .... Mr and Mrs. Larry Chain- Susan drove to Point Defiance at terlin and two children of Sbel- Tacoma and went through the ton. zoo. They then went to Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Chamblin Bill O'tsmans for Easter dinner. and four chihircn of AlderwcxΧi Susan Tupper went to the East- Manor spent Easter weekend er Egg hunt at The Clevenger Resort on Lake Nahwatzel Sat- urday afternoon. ,. ull'LeaJ ,arMatl°ck Grange held its regu- B U meeting Friday evening. .t the next meeting April 18 the Skokomish Degree team will put , ,.D'rm:* on the third and fourth degree for all candidates in Mason Co- unty. There will be pot luck Requ s+ed '°°"" e ,,,oc Ladies Club met htst week Thursday with Mrs. Sadie • Application has been received Dawson hostess. The club is to by the U. S. Army Corps of En- make the name cards for tim gineers from Jots I.,ppert, 7209 Mason County Council Spring South G Street, Tacoma, for a meeting April 22 at the Fair r)epartment of the Army permit grounds. It will be an all day to construct a bulkhead, and to meeting with pot luck lunch and fill shoreward thereof, in tiara, ladies to bring their own meal m ersley Inlet. service. Interested parties are request- Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walker ed to submit, in writing, any spenl Easer with the Ilrry Wal- comments or objections that they ker family of Tacoma and Mrs. may have to the proposed work. Dan Walker nnd David spent The de'ermination as to whether Easter with her folks Mr. and a permit will be issued will he M,s. Neal I)avis of Tacoma. based on an evaluation of all Mr. and Mrs. I,Roy Boothe relevant fact:ors, including the and sons and M". and Mrs. San- effect of the proposed work on dy Bridges and daughter of navigation, fish and wildlife, con- South Bend and Mrs. J. R. Sin- servation, pollution, and the gen- gleton were Easter dinner guests oral public interest. Comments of Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Ford. on these factors will be accepted Mr. and Mrs. Gone Brehmayer and made part of the record and and son of Cosmopolis, Mrs. Beu- will be considered in determining lah Gowan of Shelf:on and Mr. whether it would be in the best and Mrs. Mike Brehmeyer were public interest to grant a per- Easter Sunday dinner guests at mit. Replies to this notice shouht the Herbert Brehmeyer Sr. home. :raatled to reach this office not Afternoon luncheon guests were lJtir then May 5 to Insure con- The Herbert Brchmeyer Jr. fam- slderation, i ly. Union: Two Women Honored At Schell Home Last Week By NAN(Y VRAHNOS • UNION ...... Friends and neigh- bOrE gathered at the home of Mrs. Larry Scheel March 28 co- hostessed by Mrs, Curtis Grout and Mrs. Otto Wojohn. The oc- cassion was for the participation in a double baby shower honoring Mrs. Wendell Lane and Mrs. Pmn Halgh. Mr. and Mrs. ,Harlan Blake were delighted to become brand new grandparents. Janice Haigh's baby boy arrived March 14 and Patty Lane's little boy will celebrate Iris second blh- day in August. A big event took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Metz- ler Easter Sunday. Mike Morton took the opportunity during din- er to annnunce his engagement to Miss Bette Cowml, Mrs. Thom- as Ball made a three tiered cake beautifully decorated with silver bells, little doves and lilly of the valley flowers for the engaged couple. The date of the wedding has been set for August 3, The Mrs. Sam Morton and sons Pat and Tim, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Balsinger of Everett, Mr. and Mrs. Don Stacy and three chil- dren of Lacey and Mrs. Sue Lewis of Union. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Boggs and three children took a vaca- tion trip to Walla Walla during the spring vacation. They visited with old friends and acquaintan- ces and went to the Whitman monument. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Buechel traveled down to Long Beach Saturday and spent the night, It wds quiet and peaceful and bad a nice rest. FROM NElL dinner guests were the proepec- • rive groom's parents Mr. and ONE MAN'S RX... There may be a time wh  ' you will be tempted to use a ber of your family to treat an- other who seerrm to have the same illness. Nothing can be more oan- gerousl When a phystciem writes a prescription for a particular patient, he has taken into ac- - ._--_-__-_----_-_-..-_--_ . count the nature of the speclf- i tc illness, its origin, the sever- | lty of s.wnptoms, the patient's I tiBEt's past response to certain I types of drugs. I :Although another memoer I of the family may exhibit sire- | Stainless Steel I l liar ,ptoms, he may be BUr- Self-Rim lent illness requiring far dil- l ferent treatment. In the case | of a respiratory infection, for / Double I [example, the use of perdclllin / l I reeky be beneficial to one pa- l Compa?ment I [ tlent mad usele - even life I threatening  to another. l Don't take chances. Give | SINKS 21x32 [ I medleatlononlytothepatlat I one else comes down w1 | what might seem to be the l same Illness, call your fally I doctor and ask his atce. I Remember . . , one man's I prmrlptlon can be another | maa'. polo / ,J" and I [ Nell's Plmrmm:y / Olympic Hwy. N. I I ,ergeny m. ,6-m65 / I ] Fifth &  Bt.--426-8327 / 42b-37 || Opel1 Daily 9:30 to 7:80 . l tw - 9o- 6oo ',re Έ :;+ + THESE YOUNGSTERS were part of the 1-3 age group who participated in the Easter Egg thmt sponsored by the Shelton Moose Lodge at the Mt, View School gTounds Sunday. The little fellow In the center of the pk.ture scooted about gathering eggs without the help of an adult while many of those in this age group needed a little a- Lake Cushman: sistanee and encouragement. There were candy eggs and colored eggs for which the youngsters received a dime among those which were distributed in the area. were icecream bars for everyone after all of the eggs were found. Southslde: : a 00hip Club Has Mee00 At Wright Home On By MRS. RAY KRATCHA Silver Stars attended L,, SOUTHSIDE --- Friendship Candy trail ride sundaY' Those going were . t club met at the home of Grace our, Doe TibbitS,  'i % . Wright April 2. Members were glad to welcome Karen Dale, Bob Snv0= =’1 Lee Gary and shirley  l Phillis McCuiston back from va- , Julie Ziegler and J ae i cationing. Members made Easter basket shank. favors for the Convelescent Stopping by at the l0L.; ttomes and Rogers School. and Mrs. Kenneth /tr’_w I I1' The next meeting will be held ter Sunday were Mr. at Julia Bake's April 16 and the Kenny Archer and gA | April birthdays will be celebrat- and Mrs. Johnny  l ed. boys. GregoryNunn =c#en,h;t Se/ " • "Are Sin, Disease,.. q t"" ,,,,I 4, Real?" is the subJe omv, week's Bible l.,esson', be heard Sunday in s" L I: f",-, ..... Science churches l A. ,,vurse A. are welcome at u'l - i:ii , ton First Church, at 11  [ll-" = • Airman Gregory L. Nunn, Services begin A.. 1, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence - . ' A. Nunn Olympia, has been _ ., i graduated from a U. S. Air II IL.--- ULllllll IB Force technical school at Kee- II ,nolz p'"l r sler AFB Miss • - m . da ' " ,uK , He was trained as a personnel I --. - '17 specialist and has been assig- I EIIISVVI'IL  ye ned to a unit of the Aerospace • Fu.. ..  Mt Defense Command at McChord m __, It ', AFB, Wash. ' II OVid| .?.tiV The airman is a graduate of II ..A '.mii! Tumwater High School. He  l '-'aa d attended Centralia College and • ...... l'mqgel ;s anti Peninsula College, Port Angeles. II li,=lCKUpS = ;:. [£ dime His wife, Marguerite, is the • ,, _ diL ' There daughter of Mr. and Mrs. II TrOm..gDIot Lionel R. Neau, Shelton. lllm"-e__c. ................................................ ,' and • m an net rP'O v as ( DESIGNED JUST FOR Sunny Weekend Brings Many Out For Drives In Area inchlde(t the Frank and Oliver Gray families and the Dutch Brittains of Hoodsport. Wesley Gain and the Jr. high Sunday school class from Hood Canal en- jo3d a "Pizza Party" and game night recently at the Dick Endi- cott home. Mr. and Mrs. Don Rollevson and family drove to Vancouver, B.C. to spend the Easter week- end with family frier)dE. Mrs. Dorothy Donaven spent a few days in Seattle visiting her daughters. Pat and lXmna and grandl)arents Shiela, and do- ing some shopping and movie go- ing after weeks of the "quiet life" here in the mountains. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Dean and family were Easter supper guests at the Bill Bryants in Hot,vJst>rt. Religious Talks Scheduled • LAKE C/ZSHMAN ..... The sun- ny, bright weather for the East- er weekend brought people from far md near to enjoy the drive ah:mg the canal and Ul) into the hills and mountains. Many folks returned to their properties for family dinners, work and play. The past few days of rainfall and warm weather and the stead- ily raising temperatures has started the spring run off -- but so far the lake level is showing a very slow rise. Easter weekend guests at the Dtck Endleotts were Mrs. Nell Wagner and friends from Wilbur, • The public Is invited to a ser- , ies of religious talks which will The Dick Laney household is I)ack to it's normal "activity" after weeks of flu, chicken pox, etc. Visitors for the day were the Robert Ehlys of Puyallup. The Lynn Jonson family spent the weekend with the Lawrence Newmans at their Menlo Valley farm at Raymond. The lodge at Lake Cushman is now open and features a "family buffet" on Sunday -- the new management ret)rts good crowds and healthy appetites! In eastern Washington. The East-, start tonight (Thursday) at 7:30 'dir anti family gang+ p:rn. tn the Islanfl Ike F'lrehall. The meetings are quiet non-ob- DIRECW ITNANL'_L assistance ligatory affairs designed to ae- to disabled veterans and depen- quaint participants with tim dents of deceased veterans to- Clarlst of the New Testament, ac- taled $4.5 billion In fiscal year cording to slxmsors J. ttamon 1968. and M. Gibson. COMBS Values to 39’ NEEDLE THREADER Regularly 25€ ELASTIC Regularly 19€ each KEY CHAINS Regularly 3g€ SAFETY PINS RegUlarly 15€ each NYLON SCARF Regularly 39€ WASH CLOTHS Regularly 19€ McKay Promoted Harry S. McKay, 19, son of++ Mr. and Mrs: 'David R':+MeKay " Be]fair, Wash., was promoted to Army specialist four Feb. 28 in Vietnam where he is assigned to the 101st Airborne Division (Airmobiles) as a eommunica. lions specialist. Tie A String On Your Finger, ;el The Alarm Early! 10= 10€ 2110€ 10€ 2110€ 10€ BABY PANTS I/ Regularly 19€ • v DISH CLOTH I  FELT MARKERS I al Regularly 19€ •  Regularly 29€ • CLOTHES PiNS   COIN PURSES I Regularly 19€ • V " Regularly 39’ • , NAIL CLIPPER 1 SPONGE 1 Regularly 29’ •  Regularly 19€ • PARING KNIFE I lg ADDRESS BOOK I Regularly L€ • V r Regularly 25’ • PLASTIC DUST PAN I 3 CORNER FILE I Regularly 29’ • V  Regularly 39’ • PLASTIC BREAD BASKET I J( INCENSE I I£ Regularly 19€ U V-- Regularly 19€ • V" R DISH PLASTIC BUTTE 1  9-VOLT BATTERIES 1 ir$ Regularly 59€ U V j Regularly 19€ • Juice TUMBLER )11/le 14" BEACH BALL I lle PLASTIC, Regularly 10€ each l • w" Regularly 29’ • q,e  OWL CEREAL B lbl GLASS WIND CHIME I Regularly 19€ •  Regularly 29’ • V qw Evergreen Square • Shelfon i i ii i Page 14. Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, April 10, 1969 ThE Femincered Double Duty Dollar SaV!$ I is tailor made by Fidelity Life AssOCtat! woman's nceds. This plan combines vtT st'curtly  from young woman-h’)d on thr= the golden years. Let me show' you theV tins plan-- designed just for you. .Nelson Hall + & Associates ,* P. O. Box 785 Shelton, Wash. 98584  Tel, 357-9628 :IOELITY LIFE ASSOCIATION A M.,.., t..l ,...,.. ’o..., N. R, 'Y, l +, ,% 'h motlt as G ald al ler :' . "The Name Of The Game Is Living" ASSOCIATION OF GREATER OLYMPIA HOMEBUILDERS **PRESENTS THE** At The New St. Martin's CAPITAL PAVILION LACEY, WN. -- Follow the signs ilil 6 PM - 70 Phi i+i+ ili BETTER THAN ii+! sAru00o0000 i+] !!i Ew. +12 Noon-10 .PM ii++ :+++ DOZENSL+ + /,::.=L,,,. ' +++ +} s2,ooo + !: Oy Wilson s Chucmwagon :!: :i:i i• I nn .... + }j:: svsiisble during entire iilil }ii I; rlZkb i i: .... lenh .. !!if: i!i ...... , ...................... ......:.:.:::::; • , • ._ |