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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 10, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 10, 1969
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tram To Talk PJILy Meyer Red Cross to take part in a pro- ........ Are Schools Ir.stituiional Kids ?" Panel discussion top- meeting of the ason's Parent-Teacher ion. for the discussion Turner, director of Creek Youth Camp also of the Youth Panel will consist of who have Mason High will begin at 8 high school cafeteria. Fedenk, (laughter Frank Fedenk, the Bremerton, Mason American gram of service with the Red Cross Societies of Columbia, Cos- ta Rica, FI Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama during the summer of 1969. Miss Fedenk will be one of 36 college students selected for the volunteer program. In order to qualify for the program students must be able to speak Spanish fluently and also have completed the advanced first aid course and formal training necessary to be a qualified instructor in first aid, water safety, home nursing, or mother and baby care. The summer will start for Miss Fedenk on June 26 when she will receive a three day orientation session in New Orleans before go- ing to Nicaragua for several more days of orientation. High School: About Students From Institution tlaving graduate(i from North Mason Iligh School in 1968, Miss Fedenk is nov,, a freshman at Olympic College in Bremerton majoring in Spanish. While at- tending North Mason she was active with the student govern- ment, Girls Athletic Association, drill team and the North Mason Junior Red Cross. She was a Ju- nior Gray Lady at Horton Nurs- ing Home and has been a mem- ber of the Motor Corps Emergen- cy Service Unit for the past five years. She attended the Red Cross Leadership Conference at West- ern Shale College in 1965, was chairman of the North Mason Red Cross Vietnam Food Drive and was a Baekyard Swim Instructor for two years. Miss Fedenk has also been ac- tive in the Girl Scouts of Amer- ica since early Brownie years and is now an assistant leader for Junior Troop 271 in Belfair. Order of Eastern Star Week. during For- t" is an award win- musical by Rich- and Oscar IIammer. also made into a around a fued and farmers and the romance of eludes Larry lw- 'in(li Rice as t as Aunt rson as Ike Skid- Rice as Fred, Slim, tlarvey Fry, Sandy ammings, Karen Addle Carnes, Ond as All Hakim, as Ellen, Marie :ate, Phil Barnett Jim Rotz as Lund as Mike, as Jc,, Marylou inia and Bob Wil- There are also various dances in husily under- of Mr. 'rson is the set Moorehead music and the vocal Deportme t Worki g The Belfair Chapter, Order of Eastern Star No. 241 has in- n n stalled the following new officers: Product Of Oklaho Worthv Matron, Kathryn Curry; Worth, Patron, Jack Curry; Asso- .o Ion me ciate Matron, Julia Staudt; Asso- ciate Patron, Merill Ison; Secre- CRABTREE S(OLAR3HIPS tary, Alice Pope; treasurer, Tru- Scholarships which are avail- ly Taylor; Conductress, Judith the Shelton High able to students include The Huson; Assistant Conductress, DePartment will Girls' Club Scholarship for any Margaret McKinney; and Marsh- senior girl and the Hood Canal all, Mary Ann Tiffin. Women's Club Scholarship for Other officers include Ada, Car- any graduating boy or girl. Ap- oi Rusher; Ruth, Joyce Ison; plications are available in Mrs. Esther, Agneta Michell; Martha Barbara Martin's office. Ann Westburg; Electra, Georgia JUNIOR PROM Oakland; Warder, Margaret Rice, The Junior Prom will be held and Harvey Rice. April 25. It is sponsored by the Courtesy officers are Chaplain, Junior class. This year's theme Mrs. Ivan Holm, president; Mrs. is "This Magic Moment." Glenn Miller, treasurer; Mrs. William Cady, program chairman FATHER DAUGHTER Mrs. Glenn Miller, co-chairman, BANQUET Hester Kelly; Organist, Betty The Girls' Club Father-Daugh- Pluckett; Bible Bearer, Dellrue ter Banquet was held March 27 Thompson and Soloist, Gertrude at Mountain View School at 6:30 Gilbert. p.m. The Past Matrons and Patrons Ernest Timpani was the guest will serve every month as greet- speaker. Entertainment was pro- ers. vided by Karen Burgess, Girls' Women's Mission Society . Rel- Club president, and her father, fair Community Baptist Church The theme of the dinner was The program at the April 1 "The King and I". Cinda War- meeting of the Women's Miss- son was acting chairman and ion Society included a talk by was in charge of organizing the Rev. Wendell Harder on the ev- events and of the decorations. nts coming up for Holy Week. The price was $1.50 per plate New o[ficers elected to serve and all Girls' Club members and for the next two years included their fathers or guests were invit- program committee; Mrs. C. W. ed to go. Henningson, vice-president of CHOIR missions; Mrs. Erma Rossell, Last Tuesday the Mountlake chairman of Cristian social re- Terrace High School Choir and lations; Mrs. Jess Chfldress, love Stage Band performed here dur- gift; Mrs. Rebecca Macomber, ing fifth period. This was their vice-president of leadership de- sixth performance of the season, velopment and Mrs. Ben Jesfleld, & CHAIR IAL :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: I • ','.:.i.'..!::.,...::: bAy • ReVersible foam cushions • elet from 4 Colors O.L, SI2 [, [I I t . and Olympic Haghway North 00Ook for our Grand Opening • • SOON • chairman of spiritual growth. Officers remaining for the next year are Mrs, Jack Dean, vice- president of interpretation; Mrs. Joseph Fillo, secretary; Mrs. Har- hm Olson, chairman of comrnuni- cations; Mrs. K. E. Spangler, special interest missionaries; Mrs Robert Hankinson, chairman of White Cross; Mrs. Gordon J. Squire, vice-president of Ctlrist- Jan service; Mrs. William Cum- mings, chairman of literature. Mother-Daughter Social Hour The Annual Mother - Daughter Social Hour will be ield by the Belfair Community Baptist Chur- ch May 1. All mothers and daugh- ters are invited to attend the 7:30 p.m. event to be held in the chur- ch. Chairmen for the Social ttour are Mrs. Flossie Cady and Mrs. Glenn Miller. i  i  I) Bologna or salami lb. PKG. € ZEE Co,o,, 're'iCner OWe& Giant Size Freshie Brand 40 oz. JAR BUD KNUTZEN lb. BAG € 1966 FORD FAIRLANE 500 Hardtop Coupe Radio, Heater, Fordomatic. April Kelly Blue Book $1715.O0 OUR PRICE $1595.00 at Kimbel Motors Chrysler - Plymouth I nternational 707 S. lit Days 426-3433, Eves. 426-4780 SCHOOL BOY Orange, Grape, Cherry or Boysenberry 46 oz. TINS Florida € € | € M00AR'GARINE .. '' 4/'1 Seneoa 3/88' 25 oz. APPLESAUCE Seneca 32 oz. / 8 8l APPLE JUICE v BEANS AND tin OVEN CLEANER oow .r.nd, oz..,z. 68* DOG FOOD sk,pp, Brand15 oz. tin 1 1/'1 SOAP PADS .r,,,o ,r.nd 10 ct. pkg. 26' J MEAT BALL STEW Chef-Boy-Ar-Dee30 oz. tin 69  TUNA FOR CATS N,n. ,ve.6 oz. tin 8/'1 LIQUID DRESSING Na,,ey'sls,e.. oz.t=, 3/1 FRENCH DRESSING "'"'"' .r... 2T 8 oz. btl. PLAIN OVALTINE .,,o hoool.t. 69' 12 oz. size BEEF STEW '"'Y" 30 oz. ,,. 76  FLOOR WAX Simonize Non-,©uf, 27 oz. size 48€ LIQUID DETERGENT .ren. oz"r'n"slz. 48' HILL, COFFEE "" Grinds (lb. ti. 69*) '1 35 BRO8. (3 lb. tin $1.g8) 2 lb. tin , Sweet r- Indian for INSTANT COFFEE "" 10 OZ. Jar 1.41 River  I Pinks nly (lb. tin 65¢) (3 lb. tin $1.89) HIGHLAND COFFEE .,i ri.. 2lb. tin 1.28 mm mm ,lil ) STORE HOURS :lr Friday: ........................ a.m. 9 - 7 p.m. • Saturday: .................... a.m. S p.m. A ' Thursday, April 10, 1969 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 15