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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 10, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 10, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Harst/ne= Ferry To Make Last Trip To Drydock For Inspection On April 15 By CARMEN YATF_ , HARSTINE  Tuesday, April 15 have two important dates in common, at least for Islanders. Every American citizen with an income of course, knows what one of those two items is; income tax deadline. The second which will mainly concern Islanders is the day the ferry will go into dry- dock for what is usually a semi- annual check. However, due to the anticipated completion of the bridge to the island, Mason Coun. ty Commissioners will only have to be concerned with one such Coast Guard check this year. Af- ter that any further checlm will be someone else&apos;s headache, doubt, gt them which will, no ve all a big sigh of relief The word we have now, is that the 7:30 a,m. run will be made as usual next Tuesday morning. UIx)n the completion of that first ram the ferry will bid her Is. land friends adieu for a few days while she undergoes an inspec. (ion of her inner workings to be sure all is shipshape for another two or three months of service to the Island residents. If any change should occur it will be posted over the weekend on the ferry. Social Club members will be trying a new wrinkle for their club at this month's meeting. The April meeting to be. held at the Community Hall tomorrow eve- ning will feature an old fashion box social. Be sure to have dinners before you come to the Hall as the box lunchcs won't be opened until lifter an evening of card and game playing. You gala can use all of your feminine talents to make your boxes look attractive to the potential male buyer. It sounds like an evening of fun and one worth making a real ef- fort to attend. See ya' there. Twelve members OF the Har- stine Women's Clubs plus one gust, Both Craft (Shirley Craft's sister-in-law) gathered at the fer- ry landing last Thursday at 10:30 a.m. for the Club's annual spring outing. The gala first enjoyed a guided tour through the Crosby Mansion in Olympia. It was so very interesting, almost as though we'd been transformed into an- other era, during the hour we spent going all through the love- ly old home. Iaving the delightful two-story home from the pages of history and the two charming hostesses the 13 gels drove over to South. sound Center for lunch at the Chuckwagon. The remaining time was spent at the shopping Cen- ter until time to leave fcr Har- stine and the 4 p.m. ferry. The Chuck Bridges family were among the 40 horse riders that made the annual spring ride sponsored by the McCleary Trail Riders Club. The goal of the riders, attaing the top of Rock Candy Mountain, unknown to the group, was not to be achieved last Sunday. For when they got within the last three or four miles fallen timber and approximately two and a half feet of snow made reaching the top of the peak vir- tually impossible. But that wasn't enough to spoil the trip at all, for it was such a beautiful day and such a marvelous turnout of rid- era over a Holiday weekend that everyone thoroughly enjoye<t the event. Last week Kathryn Wingert spent a few days visiting each of her daughters. The first of the week was spent with her young- 'est daughter, Vera Pelzel and her husband, Paul and their four children. One day Vera and her morn had lunch with another former Islander, Jewel (Plnard) Doering at the new home the Doertngs recently purchased. The latter part of the week Kathryn went on to Vashon Is- land to spend a few days with her older daughter, I-na Tober and her husband, Norm and their five youngsters. Sunday Arlo joined the Tober family and his wife, Kathryn for Easter dinner. The Wingerts then returned to the Island on the 9 p.m. ferry Sun- day evening. The John Niemis spent a busy week last week with their two grandchildren, Susie and Rickie Graham. The youngsters were free of school duties for a week of spring vacation. Sunday their parents, Pare and Bob Graham, along with Pam's sister, Susan and her fiance, John Augustine all joined the Niemis for Easter dinner: Last Saturday Gret and Gordon Simmons were among the dinner guests who attended the fare- well dinner for Shelton's former manager of Penneys, Eldon Kah- ny and his wife, Emily. Kahny was recently transferred to the Tillamook, Ore. store. The dinner was held at the Timbers Restau- rant in Shelton. Sunday dinner guests of the Simmons were GreYs brother, Ame Babcock, and her sister, Em Babcock. Two day guests of Jim and Naoma Lohrer last week were Jim's brother, the Walter Lohr- er's of Southbay. The AI Pridhams entertained at an Easter dinner for the Kim- bel family which included, l_dga of Shelton and her son, Allen and his wife, Mary and their four children of Olympia. A1 and Mon- ies also provided an Easter egg hunt for the youngsters. Recent weekend guests of the Gene Sewards included Thora's sister, Tog MeQulllin anti her two grandchildren, Pam and Rob all of Tacoma. Then this past Sun- day the Seward's sons, Dick and Guy, of Olympia, dropped out to the Island for afex¢ hours. This after Dick and his wife, Marlen, and their two children had taken an overnight jaunt to Las Vegas, ,t if-', M C U fy " leaving Olympia early Friday "" "" • ason O n morning. The Jerrell's Cove Marina was the scene of frequent guests throughout last week. This week ' Ted and Elsie Ness are just busy trying to catch their breath from last week. First of all on Tues- day their son, Glen and his wife and two daughters arrived to spend three days during the Auto Gla00 ...... • Expert Installation JIM PAULEY, INC. 5th & Railroad Ph. 420-82Sl I, P00rt. ' " ' '*"' * Automotive Machine Shop I " Parts for all cars and trucks I * 24-Hr. Service on PartJ! I Lea Fields Auto Parts, Iflc. "/229 ,. 1st St.. 420-$351 Auto lLdia,tors • Repatred and Rod Out • Auto Glass Inatsllation ,e Body & Fender Repldring and Painting WHITEY'$ AUTO BODY (behind Klmhel Mz>tors) 7071/, 8. 1st 4E-3604 INll I Ru e Omaetl • PrempUom • ml0o €,m,¢ies NEIU8 PHARMACY 8th & Franklin Ph. 426.8527 J  i II I • Falrbanka-Morse Pumps • Electric Heating • Westinghouse Appliances 8NELTON ELECTRIC CO. 41g Railroad Ph. 4264285 Floor Coverings - • Linoleum eTile • Carpeting • Formica REX FLOOR COWBRINO Mr. View Ph. 426.192 Spring Vacation week. Shortly after Glen and his family left, Ted's cousin, Mrs. Edith Ander- son and her son, Steve and Mrs. Anderson's daughter, Mrs. Lin- da Easton and daughter Angels all Olympia arrived for a visit with the Nesses. On Saturday a cousin of Elie's', the D/If  and t h elf two children of Burbank, Calif. who were visiting Mrs. Sherwood's father, Howard Cole in Olympia all took a boat ride from Olym- pia to call on the Nessea by wa. ter. Friends of the Nesses, Mr. and Mrs. Carl of Tacoma also out from Tacoma spent several days doeked at the State Park dock Auto Repairing ' • Major Overltaula : Brakes & Ignition Welding & Tame-ups special wtert ED'8 SERVICE 219 8€h lit 4l-lRlt Beauty • Complete Hair • Ws - Wtgletl - Switches • Merle Norman Conmetics • Free Demonstrations ELAINE'8 BEAUTY SALON 6th & Laurel 426-4882 i 00Moal7 [ • FirhumJ I oaf1   i MAION'$ MASONRY Pa/nt C and C Palnte Go'-Ca-Wall @ Oe'-Oa-Namel A-Plex • Brella-Plex GRAYSTONE of 8HELTON 7th & Park 4a6-S844 Building 8uppUes - " • Lumber • &herwin-Wllliluns Paint (Kern-Tone & Kem-Gl•) • Cabinet Hardware GRANT LUMBER CO. 607 B, lat 424-66/2 ,m Rental Service Ahnolt Anything Aaywhere Bulldozers - Loaders - Pumps Folding Banquet "lbles & Chairs, Hospital Beda, Ntc. LEW RENT8 ;1218 U. 4th, Olympia, 3157-7781 Chain Saws New and Uaed • lta Oregon Oha/ns & Ao0usor/u Small motor tune-up & repairs Hour. '8 &.n to 6 p.m., daffy Mike's MoGuIIooh Shop 2215 Olympic I. N., 42610 , H , Travel i • Air - Raft - Stu.nup • No Extra Charge for Our Service Angle Travel Res. Center 401 Railroad Ave. 4..81 426.4154 Custom C00tbinets Quality Built Custom Cabineta Bank Terms Available: John and Jerry Bunko Better Built Cbineta by B & B CABINET IMOP Tylor Towne 426-2042 Ineome Taac 8ervlee--" i Experienced Amistance Prices ble 8:00 am. to 8:00 p.ra. Phone 426-4900 , I -- Service e Ra4Jo -  • Phonographe • (B l-way Radio LEROY'8 TV tERVICE Mr. View Ph, 41-3172 %'HS VA3JJgY Representaglve GRANGE INSURANCE ASBN. Fire - Auto. Casualty Pltoae 4-61S8 Star RL I, Box 84, Shelton Journal A 10, 1969 and were frequent drop-in visi- tors during the week. Sunday, Glen and his family returned to spend the Easter Holiday with his folks. Other news from the Jerrell's Cove area comes from the Wil- son home where Reid and Edna Mitchell of Seattle and Reid's business partner and his family came down for the weekend. A recent guest of Mrs. Frances Madge was Lois Leidig of Port- land who frequently drives up from the City of Roses to visit Frances. The two gels enjoyed a walk in the woods which is especially enchanting now with the hundreds of trillium in bloom. They also drcve down to the Hole- in-the-Wall to see how the de- velopment is coming along .and were quite impressed with the beautiful new pool. Harry showed the two ladles the whole pool project and finding out that Lois was a former National Swimming Champion invited them to come back with their swimming suits. This last weekend Frances had as her Easter dinner guests her two brothers, Ted Dike and his wife, and George and Lucy Dike all of Seattle. Hilma and Irvie Wingert trav- eled to Olympia to spend Easter Sunday with Hilma's brother, Sundius Johnson and his wife, Betty. Also joining them for din- ner was Helen Johnson. Last week the Archie Doolittles of Sumner spent the week on the Island. Keeping the Doolittles busy all week were two of their grandchildren. Coming down from Seattle to their property were the Fred Rombergs. They were accompan- ied by anofher couple who are close friends of theirs in Seatt]e. This past Saturday Jim and Orvaline Olds took their son, Luke, for a jaunt up to Snoqual- mie and a day of skiing.-Friday of this week Luke will be flying back to Phoenix, Ariz. before go- ing on to San Diego to enlist in the U.S. Navy. The Sid Baungards enjoyed a week entertaining two of their grandchildren last week. The two youngsters were Mary Fran and Rick Burkhalter of Lakewood. Also home for a few days dur- ing spring vacation was Suzan Glaser. The Glenn Yates family en- joyed the Holiday weekend away from home. Saturday evening the four Yates attended the Shelton drive-in to see the two movies, Jungle Book and The Lonesome Cougar, both by Walt Disney. Sunday morning after staying overnight in Shelton at Glenn's folks house, the Yates family drove to Tacoma. After arriving there they looked for and found the brand-new home their friends, Jewel and Glen Doering had just moved into about three weeks before. The two Yates youngsters and the three Deering children spent most of their time at a nearby playground which the home overlooks. The view out the front windows of the home also is a spectacular panorama of the Narrows and surrounding mountains with the Olympic mountains providing the back- drop for all of this. Allen Recovering Jay Allen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Allen of the North Shore, spent his spring break from Washington State University re- covering from an emergency ap- pendectomy in Pullman Memor- ial Hospital. The operation was performed shortly after mid- night April 3. Jay is a junior at WSU and graduated from North Mason High School with the class of 1966. S. Pacific Tour Mr. and Mrs. Gene Ward have just spent several weeks touring the South Pacific. The highlight of their trip included a tour of Fiji where they stayed at the Ko- roleuv Beach Hotel on the Coral Coast. Guests at the hotel have their choice of staying in that- ched huts or modern hotel rooma. At evening, Fijian ceremonies are presented in traditional styles. The Wards reside on the South Shore. Interested your money growth possibilities? Call or eend for a free prospectus on Fund ROCKY HEMBROFKaeglstered Representative of 8afe¢o Research and Management Corporation Rocky Hembroff Agency P. O. Box 206 506 W. Franklin, 426-3357, 8helton, Wash. q i il i First week's winner/ Kevin Hopper is '10 richer after winning first place in last week's Journal subscrip- tion campaign competition. Ano÷her win- ner will be determined Saturday as the pop- ular yea event gafhers steam ÷oward the grand-prize trip to summer camp for a srd-working local youngster. These 105 Junior Salemnon are now selling Journal Subscriptions TIM ALLEN 633 Arcadia DOUG ANDERSON 1521 Summit Drive LORI ANN ASCHE Route 3, Box 450 NANCY BARNETT Star Route 1, Box 35 JUNE BARREN Route 3, Box 596 CAROLYNE BLACKWELL Star Route 1, Box 47 TAMMIE BLACKWELL Star Route 1, Box 47 DANIEL BOURGAULT Star Route 1, Box 43 DIANE BOURGAULT Star Route 1, Box 43 BLAIN BURGESS 1103 Fairmont SHERYL CAMPBELL Route 1, Box 94 NAOMI CARLSEN 326 W. Alder CASANDRA CARR 604 Ellinor BRIAN CHAMBERS Route 3, Box 365 BOB CHRISTENSEN 1316 W. Harvard ALAN CLARK Star Route 1, Hidden Haven ROBERT COKER Route 1, Box 191 KELLY COLEMAN 303 Kineo St. RONALD L. COLEMAN Route 1. Box 588 DIANE CROW 2122 Island Lake Drive LENNY CRUME Route 3, Box 334-A SCOTT DAVIDSON Route 1, Box 336 NANCl DEAN Cushman No. 1, Hoodsport LEIGH DEVANEY 420 Hemlock St. RON DICKINSON 1517 Washington St. BARBARA DORCY 2110 King St. MICHELLE DRENGSON 621 South 12th VIRGINIA DUNDAS Route 3, Box 400 LIANA FORD Route 2, Box 908 CHRIS FRANK 1339 N. Olympic Hwy. GAIL FULLER 1617 Center JONI GIBSON 505 South 8th SHERI L. GOODBURN 1919 Hay St. ROBERT GOODWlN P. O. Box 514 BONNIE GREENFIELD 634 Dearborn DAVE HERGERT 529 Birch St. KEVIN HOPPER 2214 King St. KIRBY HOPPER 2214 King St. IVAN L. HUBLEIN 303 - 2nd St. JAYNI HUNTER Star Route 1, Box 78 JOHN HURST 127 Roosevelt JACK JENSEN Cushman No. 1, Hoodsport DEBBIE JOHNSON 818 South 14th SHARON JOHNSON Route 1, Box 378 LAU RA JOHNSTON 1005 Turner SHELLY JOHNSTON 1005 Turner ED JONES Route 2, Box 304 KIM KADOUN Route 3, Box 243 ANNE KAMIN Route 3, Box 490-A JULIE KAMIN Route 3, Box 490-A DAN KEMPTON 223 West "H" St. KAREN KYTTA 626 Grandview DOUGLAS LANE Route 4, Box 20 GENE LANMAN .... 1130 E. Fairmont DEBBIE LISOSKIE 920 North 7th DEBBIE LOOK Start Route 2, Box 8 JOYCE LOOK Star Route 2, Box 8-A, JEFF McGEE 1819 King St. CATHY MARTIN 432 Ellinor SCOTT METZLER P. O. Box 90, Union DAVID MIRKA 534 Ellinor GARY MIRKA 534 Ellinor DEBBY MORGAN 1309 May MEL MORGAN JR. 1309 May CHARLENE MOUNTS 626 W. Pine SCOTT MYERS 1316 Mason LORI NELSON Start Route 4, Box 427, Belfair MIKE NELSON Star Route 1, Box 40-D JEANIE NUTT Route 3, Box 605 KENNETH O'DELL 118 South 7th RYAN 806 South TINA 1765 PENNE 1112 Cots JEAN ANN PR( 1519 Center DARRELL RAI Star Route 3, Box JOHN 604 Seattle BRETT 729 Cota JIM sHEFFI 450 Lake TED 818 South JIM Route 2, BOX MIKE SPEI 301 East DIANE 1113 JOHN 925 OlyrnpiO GENEL 629 Pine SUSAN sTO0! Route 1, BOX NOLIN Route 1, BoX LINDA 1621 Center DAVID Route 2, Box CHERYL 706 Fran MIKE Route 2. ScoTT 1208 JEANNIE 72O TRACY 1139 Frsn CONNIE wHf Route 1, DAVID Route 1, TRACY P. O. Box KATHY 307W. JEFF W01 723 So, KIM 723 S FLOYD 1778 FRED - 1778 SCOTT 628 KIM 216 West RICHARI P. O. Box LYNNE Help the Youngster of Your Choice Win A Prize Subscribe Today/