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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 10, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 10, 1969
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munity Club Pinochle-Potluck Meeting Last Week Is Well Attended The monthly "Do" at the Community Club last as well attended, with plus a table of three, scrabble players. First to Erna Martin and Evelyn Nichoison took seconds, and Fred Mar- three hundred Edwards won Erna Martin and the distinction hundred trump. donations for the Sale coming in. It's so far. In fact, there been a few sales, picked up Friday card players. More, things are needed to Bring them to or, if necessary, friend Nora Bryan, from Seattle, were guests of Faith's mother, Mrs. Florence Ross (of Pano- rama City) Easter Sunday. Six- teen enjoyed a delicious dinner in the Panorama dining room. Before and after dinner the group gatherel in Mrs. Ross' apartment to enjoy a day of visit- ing and frolicking with the Evans' grandchildren (and Mrs. Ross' great-grandchildren ). An added reason for the get- to-gether was the birthdays of Jim Ross April 5 and of Lew Evans on April 7 -- so right in the middle, Easter seemed an appropriate and joyful time for such an affair. The traditional birthday cake and gifts were in evidence. INDAHL'S SON BACK IN U.S. Art and Irma Indahl's son, Ter- ry, who is on the carrier, Coral Sea, will be back at Miramar They expect him home sometime late this summer for a visit. Art and Irma enjoyed an East- er visit with his brother, Robert Morse and family( in East Brem- erton. Lee'a son home for Ea.qter June and Curtis Lee had the pleasure of an Easter visit from their son, Jon, and his wife and their grandchildren Chris and Mary Ann. This was a rare pleas- ure as Jon is a policeman in Se- attle anti doesn't get many week- ends off. One of the highlights of the day was the Easter egg hunt, enjoyed by all, despite a few skinned knees. Last week June spent several days in Seattle at the home of another son. Jeff and his wife are the proud parents of a brand new boy-baby, their first child, and June lent a helping hand to the young mother. NEW RESIDENTS Mr. and Mrs. Blanchard and their three children will soon I)e permanent residents at Ayock Beach. They have sold their home in Seattle and will be moving down as soon as school is out. Blanchard works in butcher sup- plies and Mrs. Blanchard is a practical nurse. They have a cousin living in Potlatch and a brother in Quilcene, added in- centives to their establishing per- manent residence here. They have already done some remodel- ing to their cabin here and now are considering enlarging it to make a more comfortable home. Ayock residents are happily an- ticipating the addition of this young family to the area. BEACON POINT Nancy Morris, at Beacon Point, said they had a good weekend, lots of Easter visitors, but not too much fishing. Work is pro- gressing on their tract develop- ment which will include a swim- ruing pool and other facilities. Opening date is planned for June. Reid Developers of Union are in charge of operations. They are well known for their work in the area, including Twanoh Falls and also the work at Fulton Creek. GUNKEI RETURN Ed and Harriet Gunkel re- turned March 30 frrom a tour of the South Pacific. The Travcoa Air Tour included stops at Aus- tralia, New Zealand and some of the South Pacific Islands. One of the most interesting parts of the tour was a trip into the prim- itive area at Alice Springs, in- habited by the original abori- gines. Harriet said she particular- ly enjoyed the kangaroo racing. The bus traveled cross country at 30 MPH -- and the kangaroos won. The tour lasted 45 days, every minute of it filled with fun and excitement. BOLENDERS ENTERT&IN The W. 3. Bolenders enjoyed an Easter weekend visit from her parents, the David Sniders from Salem, Ore. ROBINSON'S HAVE FAMILY GATHERING The Allie Robinsons had a fam- ily gathering of 13 for Easter. Guests included the Bob Erhart family of Shelton, the Bob Bur- roans of Bellevue; and Mrs. Rob- inson's sister, Mrs. Katherine Bamberger. EASTER BREAKFAST Mrs. John Robinson, of Ta- coma, arose early Easter morn- ing to be at her Lilliwaup Creek cabin in time to serve Easter breakfast to the Jack Catto8 and Mrs. Francesca Simmons. QUIET WEEKEND AT KESTWHII,E Restwhile Resort reported a quiet weekend with not much fish- ing. But shrimp pots were out and some of the ahrimpers did quite well. COME TO A FREE Christian Science Lecture Christian Science: Do you know what it is? p.m., 8at., April 19 EvergrRn 8eh(H)l or 877-5371 for pick sometime this month. Daughter- in-law Suzanne and grandson, FAM/L¥ CELEBRATES Kyle, left last Tuesday for San Diego to await his arrival. Dur- tt,_ their .two ing this tour of duty he has visit- "'- families, ed various ports including Hong Jim and his Kong Singapore and Mamlla. somt Schq )1: sfion Meeting Held 8th Grade Paren÷s '=HO.MPSON'-- have the same gains as last year to. ou  Eighth because of the higher prices on :.were invited to at- the tickets. ::tlon,=rne.eting last Student Fund Dinner Pre-Tick- a ,:,u m room 8 et Sales results were announced. SChre ` .. They are Mr, Angus' home rta. u°n parents room won the ice cream feed by s au°n concern, selling $126.55 worth of tickets. cnool program, Steve Slagle won $5 by bringing =, activities in $62.50 in ticket sales. Richard ice: course offer'- Hankinson won $3 and Gene Dial "[lon procedures, won $2. " s' Hum nit" s 1 Was designed to Bill Hawkln I opnrt,,.;,..  a le c ass Ligh ,:,::,,,Ly tO will be holding special seminars Pri ' coun- on papers they have been prepar- m.''",.. nese ing since early October. =;:rnnlt:° an" Each of the 14 students has se- .... [nay lected a topic out of the "Great cnool pro- Books." Most of the students Fund din- just a part of [cry. It started p.m. for the Plate scrapers of Prepara. with School bous- decorations a red, white and that there served Year. Mrs. of the Wld probably enter. explo- COW. the first produced Will be na just the 10 and by rodeo of Prairie her reg. The separ. t corn. - is Miss Pair only. Sold 8 • m. Sun- have spent the last few months reading what authors have said about their specific topic. The last month the students have been writing papers that are a combination of ideas found in the great books and their own ideas. The topics of the papers range from Angels to Meta-physics. Each student's paper has been put on ditto sheets. A copy will be passed out to each faculty member, the principal Ralph Lackey and Supt. Norm San- ders, and to each member of the class. Several teach- ers and the students have been asked to Write critiques on the papers and the seminars will be tape recorded. From these papers an evaluation will be made and the decision to continue this class in the future will also be made at this time. Petitions for condidates for A. S. B. officers have been made available in the office. People wanting to run for office have to have the amount of signatures needed plus the other require- ments before running. The sophomores sold tickets Monday through Wednesday to a dance which will be held tomor- row night. A professional rock band called the Free Earth will be playing. Admission fee is $1.00. EVENTS April 10 Baseball West here Boys Tennis Shelton here April 11 District Individual E- vents at Olympia Track at Sequim April 12 District Debate at Olym- pic College April 14 Baseball Bainbridge here April 15 TB Test for seniors Track at Chimacum April 17 Baseball at Sequim Illil I Spring Concert Boys Tennis at Sequim I I CASH For Your PROPERTY ! Write: P. O. Box 764, 8helton, Walmlngton 98584 AUCTION April 15, 1969 at 11 A.M. • t the Old Hospital parking,lot on EIRCH between 3RD and 4TH Iy be Shelton, Washington 1 inspected from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. 1963 Ford Pickup, V-8, for cash to highest htQ of W and best bidder. 1101  ashington De artment f Revenue " astside Street e,._.:_ =.. • , v,$,,,,,=, .... hmgton or 753-7291 W Let's face it. Practically everyone would like to be a little trimmer. Darigold can't promise you a figure like a jantzen model. But Darigold Dari-CIo 2°/o low fat milk can help the shape you're in. q3°/0 fewer calories than whole milk'will put less pressure on your bathroom scales in time. More protein will give you a quick energy boost. Besides that, Darigold 20/0 milk is just downright good. A steady diet of Darigold low-calorie dairy foods misht not turn you into a Jantzen model overnight. But one thing for sure-you can grow slim tastefully. Check the dairy case this week and pick up our shape-up recipe folder. Every day counts when your figure is at stake. The Sun Piper Mio swim suit by Jantzen. 10, 1969 County Journal 'i?