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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 10, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 10, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PHONE RATES 15 worde or less  $1.50 • 10 cents for each additional word over 15. • FOUR (4) Insertions for the price of THREE ($). • Classified deadline: 3 p.m. For Sale FOR SALE ..... Bird Baths, Plant- er Boxes, stepping stones. In- quire 1232 Railroad Ave. Phcme 426-6516. W 4/3 - 24 FREE KODAK FILM, Kodaeolor or black/white with each roll left at Ziegler's Camera. Ask for it 426-6163. 5/25 tfn INDOOR-OUTDOOR CARPOrt, $3.99 sq. yd. Choose from 11 For Sale _ - - _ - _ MOBILE HOME FURNITURE -- We specialize m quality compact furniture for your mobile home. At Olsen Furni- ture you're always welcome. 4th and Cota. 426-4702. 4/14 tfn YOUNG GRAIN fed steers 59¢ cut and wrapped. Expert cut- ting and wrapping. Shelton Foods. 426-6523. S 3/27 tfn different colors at Oisen Fur ............................................... n|turc, 4th & Cots. 426-4702. O 8/1 tfn COW MANURE with some hay and shavings for sale. 5 yardm delivered, $25.00. Phone 426- 8974. J 4/3 tfn FOR SALE --- Large selection of reconditioned ranges, re- frigerators, washers, dryers. Eells & Valley Appliance Cen- ter. 6/5 tfn FOR SALE -- Coleman Mobile Home electric furnace, Model SPARK OIL HEATER and 300 No. 4010 D. Phone 426-6530. gallon oil tank. Both excellent A 4/10 condition, $50.00. Call 428-6129 ............................................... C 4/10 ONE USED WURLITZER Or- WALL-TO-WALL CARPETS or room*sIZC rugs. Custol-made draperies. We measure, expert installation. Your satisfaction is mranteed. Free estinmt,'s YOtl're always welcome at ()l- sen Furniture, 4th and CotJ 426-4702. O 11/18 tfn WOOD FOR SALEm-You banal Any length. Call 426-3747. R 4/3 tfn SALE OR TRADE .... New and usi shoe skates. Phone 426- 3562 Y 4/10-5/1 FOR SALE (;oDd, effective and incxpcnsiv[ advertising. Just call The Journal, 426- 4412. 8/19 tfn ;IMI'LICITY MOWERS and till- ers. S(.c now at Mike's McCul- h)ch Sales (rod Service. 2215 Olympia Hwy. North. 3/28 tfn t iSED PIANOS for sale. One up- right and one baby grand, Also Console TV $35.00. Phone 426- 6877. M 4/10 ()NE USED SPINET. Excellent condition. Call Johnny's Music Box 426-4302. 205 Cota. 3/20 tfn REPOSSESSED ...... 1 year old Lowrey piaJm $650. Cost new $805. Johnny's Music Box, 205 Cota. 426-4302. J 12/12 tfn FOR SALE -- Y'urniture, freez- er, Skil saw, misc. items. Mrs. gan, $395. Johnny's Music Box 205 Cota. Call 426-4302. 3/20 tfn BEDROOM SUITE for sale, 3 pces, complete, good spring and mattress. 113 Kneeland, Space 2. C 3/27-4/5 POLYANTHUS primroses. 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. dally except Tues- day and Sunday. Call 426-2433. B 4/10 II' x 13' GREEN and beige rug and pad, 2 2'x3'matching rugs. $55. Phone 4262148. P 4/10 tfn BARRON'S RUMMAGE SALE April 15-16-17. Piano, freezer, ironer, fish tanks and equip- ment, clothing and misc. mile from city limit on Lost Lake Road. B 4/10 _ - .- _ = Mobile Homes TRAILER FOR SALE - 1965 Nashua 40-8, very good con- dition. Two bedrooms, oil fur- nace, gas range, eleetrlc frig. and lighting. Phone Hoodsport 877-5423. 3/27 tfn -_- _ _ Personal CONFIDENTIAL care for un- wed pregnant teen-age girls. UGN Agency. Collect calls ac- cepted. Florence Crittenton Seattle, Wa. 98178. "I'IA I)}C IN Y()UR ohI furniture tL ()lscn Furniture, 4th and C(ta. 4/14 tfn AUCYION SALE ,every Friday nite 7:30 p,m. Tropic Ballroom. 14 mi. east of helton Hlway 101. 352-5549. N 3/27 tfn tREE b)RM.ALS, ize 12, each worn once. $10 each. Phone 426-4653 after 5:30 p.m. L 4/3 GOOD ALFALI'A HAY, first cutting, heavy bales, $2.00. Good pasture for 6-month rent. ds. $2-$4 per cattle, horses $8. Good fly shelter and fences. Olson Lost Lake road. 426- 8053 evenings. O 3/20 tfn NEW HIDEAWAY automatic cabin or trailer hot water heat- ers. 110 volt $24.50. Gene Se- ward. Ferry landing on Hart- stene Island. 426-6818. S 3/20-4/10 = COLOR T.V. See at Olsen Furniture 4th & Cota 426-4702 v,m, i IH i i Immediate Delivery HOTPOINT 10 Year Free Replacement I Warranty, WATER HEATER The Hotpoint Custom Glass|iae water heater provides the siti- mate in sutomatic safe, effi- cient operntion. Ad best of all., It is backed by 10 year tans replacement warranty. Eells & Valley Appllanoe Center 2nd & Cote St. Phone 426-4663 Complete Home Furnishing Used Cars - _ - -_ _- - FOR SALE or Trade -- GMC 2 ton livestock truck. Runs good, seven good tires. 426- 3631. H 4/3-10 1951 INTERNATIONAL l%-ton truck. Rebuilt motor, excellent over-all condition. $450.00. Call 426-8808 after 3:00 p.m. D 4/10 tfn 1960- .- 19-0 INTERNATIONAL logging truck. Call for further information. 426-3711. B 4/10-5/1 '59 FORD 2 door -- Good con- ditlofl, recently reconditioned, $200. Phone 426-2326. B 4/10-17 '64 oLDs,'ae Mustang, ;69 Bron- co, all good condition. Call 426- 2727 days 428-8671 evenings. S 4/10-5/1 USED CARS '67 PLYMOUTH FURY Ill '67 OPEL KADETTE Wagon '66 FORD Country Sedan '66 FORD GALAXIE Hardtop '65 MUSTANG Hardtop '64 RAMBLER Classic 4-Dr. 63 T-BIRD, Yellow '63 T-BIRD, Green '63 T-BIRD, White '63 DODGE 6-Pase. Wagon '63 DODGE 4-Door '63 COMET 4-Door '63 VOLKSWAGEN Bus '63 CHEVY II Wagon '63 FORD GALAXIE XL '62 CHEVY II Wagon '62 RAMBLER Wagon '62 CADILLAC Fleetwood (full power) '62 FALCON Spt. Cpe. '60 MERCURY Hardtop '60 FORD Station Wagon TRUCKS '66 FORD Ranchero '56 INT. 4 x 4 '56 DODGE z-Ton '55 FORD -Ton '51 INT. Pickup Jim Pouley's Bob - Bus - Bill - Dick 5th & Railroad - 426-8231 ---v - - - Pets, Livestock _ - _ - - K-9 KLIPS, professional poodle clipping and pet grooming. Call Mrs. Kimball for appoint- ment 426-8988. 8/31 tfn A.Q.H.A. STUD, dark chestnut, $250. Call Oly. 357-4588. C 4/10 TROPICAL FISH, large variety, for sale. Inquire 1221 W. Birch, phone 426-6148. W 3/20-4/10 REGISTERED Quarterhorse stal- lion, gentle, four years old. $300. Phone 426-2417. S 4/10-5/1 Double L Corral Lake Limerick Now Open for Boarders Also Horseshoeing Cliff Dodge P. O. Box 712 Shelton, Wash. 98584 3/20-4/13 Sporting Goods 14-FT. FIBERGLASS BOAT, windshield. 15 H.P. Evinrude motor both excellent $350. Fri- day and Saturday evenings 426-8031. B 3/27-4/17 FOR SALE -- 8-ft. pram, almost new, painted, $35.00. With hardware. Phone 426-4505. T 4210 GLASSPAR, GLASTRON, Fiber Form, Boston Whaler. Sehock sailboats. Evinrude. IIomeltte Uppy's Hood Canal Marina, Union 898-2252. 2/15 tfn ALUMINUM CAMPER, cab high, insulated and paneled with rack for long wide box. Phone 877-5885. V 4/10 CAMPER, CABOVER. Also Jum- bo Eaz-Lift hitch, used five times. Phone Hoodsport 877- Sporting Goods OMC and MER CRUISER stern drives. Evinrude and Homelite motors. Factory-trained me- chanics. Hood Canal Marina, Union. 898-2252. 4/3 tfn Help Wanted GIRL TO LIVE IN to help in the home. Call 426-3648. H 2/13 tfn BEAUTICIAN WANTED  full or part time. Phone 426-4582. E 12/12 tfn BOY FOR MORNING PAPER route. Angleslde area. Call 426- 65.27 before 7:00 p.m. R 4/10 WOMAN TO WORK at Shelton Dairy Queen. Must be out of school. Call 426-3085. M .4/10 Real Estate BY OWNER --- EQUITY in 3 year old three bedroom, dou- ble garage, large landscaped lot. Close in rural neighbor- hood, 6£% interest, $18,950. Call 426-2427. M 4/10-5/1 FOR SALE by owner. View lot overlooking Hood Canal in Union. 426-4679. S 3/27-4/17 ii, Real Estate $27,500 -- 33 ACRES This may be just what you have ............................................. been looking for. A roomy, neat WAITRESS, breakfast cook, as a pin 2 bedroom home plus a kitchen helper. Apply after 4 small guest house, partly fur- any day except Monday and Tuesday. See Mrs. Adams, Lake Cushman Resort. A 4/10-17 Remote Terminal Typist I Immediate openings with Depart- ment of Motor Vehicles in Olym- pia. Minimum requirements, High school graduation plus one year clerical and typing experience or one year as Key Punch operator. Present salary $377 to $459. Pro- posed $398 - $482. Outstanding promotional opportunities. Civil Service. Liberal fringe benefits. Contact Revis Smith, Personnel Officer, Dept. of Motor Vehicles, Olympia, Wash. 98501. Phone 753-2478. 4/3-10 i CAREER OPPORTUNITY Will train man for sales position in Shelton area. Excellent fringe benefits, nished; several outbuildings, in- eluding a small barn. About 1200 feet on black-top road frontage and it's only 3 miles from town. Considering the ever-increasing prices of acreage today, this is good. Owner will carry contract. $11,500. DESERTED FARM Of ten acres. This is probably the "most asked for" commodity in the real estate business. The house? --- 3 rooms and a path, the out-buildings aren't much either, the well is excellent -- deep and drilled -- and somebody stole the pump .... BUT the 10 acres are beautiful ...... gently roll- ing and cleared except for a few Christma trees. Has 660 feet on each of 2 county roads. Owner will take only $1,500 down. $4,500. 5 ACRES That's all, just 5 acres -- but beautiful, gently sloping for fu- ture building sites. 330 feet of road frontage and 660 feet in depth. Just $600 down and $35 per month. $17,500. CENTER STREET And look what you get for it. A 3 year old 3 bedroom home, with full basement, large country- style kitchen with built-in range. The living room, hallway and 5821. W 4/10 , 2-year finance plan, stairway are carpeted and the .......... " . :., , bedrooms, have gleaming hard- "O. V B'3[:  8 ft. "Cabet' METROPOLITAN LiFE wood floors. A 8% mbrtgage, camper. Good condition. $500. Call 426-3587. H 4/10-17 '62 GREENBRIER camper like new for sale or trade. Box 991 John's Prarie Road. S 4/10 8% FT. CARAVEL CABOVER camper like new. Jacks in- cluded. Call 426-4534. B 4/10 TRAILMASTER 100 cc Yamaha, 2100 miles excellent condition. Phone 426-2049 evenings. B 11/28 tfn Estate - _ _ _ _ _ INSURANCE CO, Mr. Kopp Phone Olympia 352-0581 491-2127 evenings 4/10 Rca00 Estate ONE BEDROOM country house for sale. Also, two town houses. Must have some cash. Also land, Dayton area. 426-8113. B 4/3 tfn WATERFRONT LOT, also back lots on Island Lake. Phone 428-3762. P 4/10 - TERMS AVAILABLE - SPACIOUS... Beautiful large walnut trees grace the setting for this lovely older 3 or 4 bedroom Early American home located in downtown Shelton. There Is endless storage space in this home and the convenient IDea- tion to schools, stores, and churches is certainly a plus feature. Let us show you this one. $13,000. SSSSHHHH . . . If the'old neighborhood noises are getting you down, here is a serene setting you'll enjoy. Only one neighbor within rock throwing distance and yoU're still just out of the city limits on Capitol Hill. Even better yet -- this lovely 3 bedroom home is located on 1  acres of fenc- ed land. We enjoy showing this home and I'm sure you will en- Joy seeing it. $14,750. TOP BUY ... Nearly new 2 bedroom home on Mountain View. Excellent neighborhood of fine homes of comparative value. You'll have to see the value of thls home to appreciate the careful plan- nlng that goes into a home built for convenience. Sound llke the home for you? Take us along and we'll look for only $17,500. SPORTS NUT? Why not have a home located near the gym and Loop iFeld and walk to the Htghclimber games? This is a 3 bedroom home located downtown with fenced yard, garage, and some fruit trees. JUst had a new roof so no worry there. $8,500. FHA TERMS ... There aren't many homes ceil- ing on FHA terms these days. We offer this 3 bedroom, 1% bath. and fireplace home on such terms. Even though the home is located downtown, it does have a small stream. Even has small 1 bedroom unit on same Europerty for good rental incom or maybe your favorite in-law. $17,000. LOW DOWN PAYMENTS... 3 bedroom downtown home with separate garage. Total price is only $6500 with only $500 down. Monthly payments are set at $60. Sure beate pay- , ing rent. 3 bedroom home located on Hillcrest, Home needs some fix- ing up but price will leave some money to work with. Total price is $7500 and owner will carry his own contract. Make an offer on the down payment. Sturdy 2 bedroom home on Mountain View with large fenced yard. Located near the grade school and playground. $750 down will put you in with immediate possession. You'll like the total price of $7500 and monthly payments set at $75,00. 10 MILES OUT . . . We're offering a 3 bedroom borne located on approximately 3% acres with about 250' of road frontage. Plenty of space to park equipment. If you like to raise your own garden, you'll sure appreciate the soil in this area. Has some fruit trees and a chicken coop. Priced to sell for $12,000. A. ROY DUNN 110 RAILROAD AVENUE 426-4447 Evenings Calh DON BROWN - 426-6388  TOM TOWNSEND * 426-6597 A. ROY DUNN - 426-4601 Center - : : ..... I Page 22 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, April 10, 1969 i ...... ,..$12,825 can be assumed with payments of $105 which includes tax and insurance. $13,950. ANGLESIDE And what a lot of house you'll get for your money. 4 bedrooms, 2 down, 2 up, large kitchen with new cabinets, dining room, huge utility porch, garage and it's all on an over-sized corner lot. No financing costs, an existing con- tract of $12,215 can be assumed. $300. ANGLESIDE Yes, that's all it will take to put you into this attractive 2 bed- room home with fireplace, at- tached garage and It'e on a cor- ner lot. The full price is $11,950 with payments of $87.50 per month plus reserves for tax and insurance. $11,500. MT. VIEW This 2 bedroom charmer is lo- cated on a neatly fenced corner lot. Has 2 good-size bedrooms, separate dining room, large kitch- en plus attached garage. A 5 ¼ % mortgage of approximately $8,- 860 can be assumed with pay- ments of' only $75.25 per month which includes tax and insur- ance. $12,500. ARCADIA ESTATES Here's a dandy, and we want your comments. It has 3 bed- rooms, a huge kitchen, big din- ing and living room area, -- good utility space -- and it's fully furnished, even including wash- er and dryer. It's on 9/10the of an acre only 3 miles from town. Want to talk about it ? $11,000. OFF COLE ROAD 4 bedrooms, 5 acres and seclu- sion. If you can do some finish- ing, like paneling, a little sid- ing, some of this and some of that and you like the area, about 4 miles east off Cole Road and if you simply must have an excellent drilled well, a new roof and a concrete foundation -- then what are you waiting for ? -- the number is 426-6592. $15,500. MT. VIEW Besides the 4 bedroom home, 2 of which are in a finished base- ment, you'll get a bonus of 2 commercial lots which are easily worth half of the purchase price. There are a number of extras, so call to see it now. $1,750. LAKE PHILLIPS This large tract is not on the lake but real close to access and it's a dandy! Over 300 feet in depth with 80 feet on the road. $250 down will make it yours and now is the time to act. Own- er will also consider $1,600 cash. $4,950  $9,300 WATERFRONT 4 very fine, lowbank lots at Shorecrest. All have excellent beach and one of them even has concrete bulkhead. They're worth seeing. - MANN REAL ESTATE 121 R.R. Ave. 426-6592 anytime Real Estate THREE BEDROOM Waterfront home, basement, fireplace w/w carpeting, drapes. $29,950. 426-2589. S 1/16 tfn FIRST TIME FOR SALE: Your choice of beautiful wooded pri- vate lots at Rainbow Lake. Lo- cated nine miles from Shelton and one mile from Lake Lim- erick. Easy terms. Sales per- sonnel present on weekends. For appointment to see please call Olympia 352-7814. R 4/3-24 Hm PURDY REALTY Wynwood CenterP. O. Box 410 Gig Harbor  857-2121 In Grapeview, 13 acre farm with 4 acres in grapes. Three bed- room home with basement. New oil furnace. View of the Olympic Range Mrs. Lots of fruit trees. 2 car garage and chicken house. Total Price $25,000. In Grapeview, 100' of choice wa- terfront, 1100' deep. Pea gravel beach. Beautiful vlew of Mt. Rainier. 2 BR home with base- ment. 2 fire places, 2 baths, elec- tric heat, picture view windows, dish washer & some furnishings. Beautiful yard. 1 ear garage. Total Price, $35,950 and terms. 300' waterfront in a cove. Creek runs through middle of channel. 10' bank. Lts of trees. Will sell for less than $22.00 per ft. Call Julius Stock, 426-6705 days; 426-6911 evenings and weekends HOOD CANAL COUNTRY 2'& bedroom waterfront home be- tween Belfair and Twanoh Park on south shore Hood Canal. Price $24,950. $ * * Summer cottage at Stetson Beach Hood Canal. Price $9,850. $ $ * Just off Hiway 101, close to Shel- ton-Bremerton junction. 6 acres, 3 bedroom - 2 baths. Needs some finlh. inK. $ IN HOODSPORTI" 34 gently sloping acres of view property. $30,600 -- terms. • $ $ MATLOCK AREA 10 acre tracts at $5,950; 30 acres $14,850 all on terms and on black- top road. $ * * 100 acres Christmas tree land near Lake Nahwatzel on black- top. Cash or terms. • $ * Shumate Realty HOODSPORT 877-5576 days, 877-5575 eveninge SHELTON 426-8510 i ii ANGLE AGENCY FOR SALE OR TRADE 3 bedroom well cared for older home within jogging distance of town. Living room with dining space, kitchen with breakfast nook, large utility room, single garage with extra storage, elec- tric heat. Owner interested in something smaller. Asking $12,- 500. DOWN TOWN AREA Two"homes in the downtown area on approx.  acre of property with 150 feet of creek frontage. 2 bedrooms in each and both are rented currently. Excellent lo- cation for rental income proper- ty. Owner will consider selling Separately or in total for $19,500. Offers considered. CLOSE TO SCHOOL Older but nice 3 bedroom home on Hillcrest. New carpeting in living room and dining room, new flooring in kitchen, new gas hot water tank, newly repalnted inside and owner will paint out- side. All this and F.H.A. finan- cing besides for only $12,700. MOUNTAINVIEW 3 Bedroom home with 1 baths. Large family type kitchen, liv- ing room with carpet and fire- place. Many fine features and well located on large lot. $25,000 with conventional financing. Fawn Lake recreation lot. Ask- ing only $3,900. 3 bedroom home on Hillcrest with breakfast nook, part basement, oil furnace, single garage and lo- cated on view lot. Home needs tender loving care to bring it" back to value. Priced at only $5,500.00 and owner may even consider an offer leas. ANGLE AGENCY Since 1890 Real Estate & Insurance HERB ANGLE DICK ANGLE Evenings 426-4134 or 426-6188 401 Railroad Ave. Ph. 428-8272 Work Wanted R.E. WILL DO baby-sitting in my EXCHANGE home weekdays. Inquire 927  for what yoU Bayview. Call 426-2078. Mann, Realtor " N 4/3-10 426-6592. WANTED -- BABYSITTING after 2:30 or weekends, expe- Real rienced, 75¢ hour. Call 426- 2822. S 4/10 LICENSED EXPERIENCED ba- by sitter wants baby sitting in my home. Call 426-2241. J 3/20-4/10 Real Estate FOR SALE -- TRACT NO. 12 of Maple Beach tracts -- joins access tract, $6,000 or trade equity for late model car. 426- 4884. M 4/10-5/1 TWO STORY, three bedroom, full basement, double garage, close to schools, shopping, $13,800 5%%, $3,500 down or make of- fer. 943-8579. L 3/20 tfn Hou¢ Panoramic view of lot, beach floors, electric fireplace. Has sleeping quarters. terms. HOOD REAL Phone 877-5211 Union MR. REALY "Fishin' \\; Good HAMMERSLEY INLET... 100' of choice no-bank waterfront with tidelands today, if you hurry. This perfect vacation spot i: because it's already got a neat 4-year old cabir power and septic tank in. And, it's secluded MODEST COUNTRY HOUSE ... Here's your opportunity to acquire a sturdy, room home for $7,250 near Agate, add touch after you've moved in and enjoy There's about an acre and a half, and half mile from a good saltwater boat launch. FOUR TABLES OF BRIDGE y,s, you can easily set the bridge gang up in room inti's"[nimaculate'8 year old home There's 1628 sq. feet of living area altogether. special features here for all members of the fa 3 bedrooms, well landscaped corner lot with for the children. A real good buy at $21,500. being transferred, so possession can be had in short thne. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION- 3 bedrooms with nice hardwood floors; a with fireplace; a spacious kitchen with lots family room both inside and out; extra bonus large double garage; boy, if that doesn't spell answers, then ask to see this $18,500 will have it first hand. EASY ASSUMPTION--6% INTEREST-- Approximately $1,650 cash and no financing easy it is for you to pick up the purchaser's roomy 3 bedroom home in a quiet, residential neighborhood. Full price is substantial home. Shown by appointment only, OFTEN WISHED FOR[! Over 3 acres of rich ground with the back green trees and the front portion in alder hut and open with a small stream sparkling and 350 feet of blacktop road frontage and a with $500 down and easy monthly terms. PLEASANT LOCATION And lots of space for family fun in this newer 3 View home. This huge family room is so you'll be pleased with the large kitchen and room. There are more surprises too, and the Just $16,950. EIGHTEEN BEAUTIFUL ACRES--- It's part cleared and part timbered, about half acreage is part of an old farm so the cleared spot to plant Christmas Trees as a hobby or cash or terms. COUNTRY LIVING Just minutes from town to this king-sized home wooded lot. There are 3 nice sized bedrooms, full 2-car garage. Extra roomy kitchen with and a most attractive living room fireplace wall. J U ST $4,000-- That's all for this pretty and level lot near Lake Isabella. Why not call right now for 3 BEDROOM--1 FLOOR Roomy Southhill home. New gas furnace, with storage shed or play house for the kitchen. Take over low interest GI loan. TO THE WOOD811 Summer's coming. Buy your own forest to Covered with merchantable trees. Secluded. for $4,000. POTLATCH LOTS--- Ideal for that summer place or mobile home. tract. Owner will install concrete slab and mobile home at his cost. Near public acceSS Terms. ACREAGESPENCER LAKE AREA We Just lieted two nice building sites Just public access at Spencer Lake. Wooded. One tract 4.6 acres for $4,500. Other tract 5.6 HIMLIE REALTY, 1717 Olympic Highway N. EVENING8 CALL: DICK KNAUF 426.8110  "SKIP" N| DAVE THACHER 426.8635 CARL JO HN|" DICK BOLLING, CIo|lng Broker VINCE HIMLIE, Broker 42-6 -(101