April 10, 1975 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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April 10, 1975 |
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on the docket in
District Court
Carol Fuller during
Justice Court
~dair, 9165 S. lOth,
lane travel, $25
th Robinson, 326
failure to stop
$25 forfeit; Nina
1, Box 129, Elma,
right-of-way, $25
Smith, 1116 S.
speeding, $25
tsen, 216
N Tacoma,
Ity Jr., 625 NE
ralia, defective
without valid
$50 forfeit;
2128 Monroe,
;r passing, $25
ly SE, Bellevue,
$20 forfeit;
Rt. 5, Box 250,
to use due care
!5 ,fine; Richard
180, Shelton,
$40 fine;
Rt. 4, Box
$15 fine;
20, Delanty
$25 fine;
5, Box 660,
to stop at stop
ratcher, Rt. 4, Box
driving while
30 days in
:rsco, Calif.,
; Blaine
Fir, Shelton,
Capacity on trailer,
P.O. Box
$58 forfeit;
Rt. 3, Box
t585, Tahuya,
Dale Leel
failure to
Rt. 1, Box 690,
$25 forfeit;
~Ury, 8605 N.
Rio Vista,
ng, $41 forfeit;
725 E. 7th,
to use due
$20 forfeit;
5426 N. Dahl
SPeeding, $50
509 North E,
ed Washington
$10 forfeit;
Box 213,
driving, no
Person, $75
3310 N.
to stop at
stop sign, $25 torfeit; Roger
Hutson, 687 Sylvan Way,
Bremerton, speeding, $25 forfeit;
Anita Evans, 913 School Rd.,
Aberdeen, speeding, $36 forfeit;
Oscar Gunderson, 910 Ford Ave.,
Bremerton, speeding, $36 forfeit;
Walter Bruner, 3149 Harris Rd.,
Kelso, speeding, $25 forfeit;
Thomas Dolan, 6819 Pacific,
Tacoma, speeding, $41 forfeit;
Chris Anderson, Belfair, speeding,
$25 forfeit;
Steven Brown, Rt. 1, Box
263T, Gervais, Oregon, negligent
driving, $65 forfeit; Randy Ward,
1409 Riverside Ave., ltoquiam,
speeding, $25 forfeit; Denise
Graves, P.O. Box 541, Belfair,
speeding, $47 forfeit; Judy
Bright, Rt. 5, Box 1820, Port
Angeles, speeding, $45 forfeit;
Terry Lowery, P.O. Box 421,
Belfair, negligent driving, $65
Municipal Department
Richard L. Duggins, Rt. 2,
Box 903A, Shelton, negligent
driving, no operator's license,
driving without obtaining a
license, three weeks in jail; James
G. Muncaster, P.O. Box 1032,
Shelton, physical control of a
motor vehicle while intoxicated,
$312 fine, two weeks in jail,
s'uspended; Daniel Cush, 1802
Laurel, Shelton, driving while
license suspended, $75 fine;
William McKasson, Rt. 1, Box
17, Lilliwaup, negligent driving,
$65 forfeit; Harry R. Davis, 528
Franklin, Shelton, failure to yield
right-of-way to a pedestrian, $20
fine; Virginia Pauley, 404 S. 16th,
Shelton, failure to stop at stop
sign, $15 forfeit; Raymond
Henry, 1219 Railroad, Shelton,
minor in possession of and
consuming liqUor, $50 forfeit;
James S. Whitman, Ft. Lewis,
negligent driving, $75 forfeit.
Windows were found broken
in Bordeaux School.
Bruce James reported
vandalism to a residence.
Horses were reported loose on
Spring Road.
Ashes were found dumoe~ on
vehicles in the parking lot at the
Timber Bowl.
Simpson Timber Company
reported a motor taken from a
boom boat.
Gloria Mathena reported a
dog taken.
Art Guidi reported the
burglary of a summer residence.
Jay Eko reported vandalism
to a campsite at Buck Lake.
Three lawn ntowers were
found left outside at the Sears
Marsha Dickey reported a
checkbook missing.
Sarah Todd reported eggs
thrown at a residence.
Mrs. Joanne Smith reported a
bicycle taken.
Mason County Realty
reported signs broken down.
Lillie Pierce turned in a wallet
she found.
An attempt to start a lire at
the Log Cabin Tave.i was
Jim Sutherland reported
gasoline taken front a vehicle.
Anna Johnson reported
bicycle parts taken.
Monica Yarber reported a
tape deck and tapes taken.
Vehicles driven by Ellen Bjo.i
and Joe Earsley c611ided ;it Fifth
and Railroad.
Merle Cleveland turned in a
set of keys he found.
Gasoline thefts were reported
from the parking lot at
G raystone.
Deryl Johnson reported a
wallet missing. It was later
Eldon Johnston reported his
car hit a horse on Spring Road.
Mrs. Charles Wolfenbarger
reported rocks thrown at a trailer
Steve J6rdan reported three
or four cattle in the parking lot at
Shelton Furniture Repair.
Randy Linder reported an
electric guitar taken.
A purse found in the Collins
Lake area was turned in to
Mary Saimonson reported
damage to a mailbox.
An attempted burglary at the
Virginia residence on Cook Plant
Farm Road was reported.
Emily Estrada reported the
door to a residence damaged.
A. W. Robinson reported trees
being taken and garbage being
Albert Hill reported a fire dumped on his property.
started in a house. Gas siphoning was reported in
Louise Guyton reported a the high school parking lot.
male toy poodle lost. Dorothy Lester reported
Harold Redman reported vandalism to a vehicle.
animals shot.
Cattle and horses were CITY BUILDINGPERMITS
reported running loose in the Building permits approved by
Matlock area. the City of Shelton during the
Candi Donaldson reported a past week were to Mark Olander,
horse got away in the Agate area. patio slab, $150; Money Savers,
Oren Peterson reported the interior remodeling, $250; R. Cal
theft of azalea plants from a tlopper, residence, $16,500;
summer residence. James Richardson, mobile home,,
Carol Johnson reported $4,000.
vandalism at the pool at Beard's
Jerry Buckendorf reported Building permits approved by
rocks thrown through windows of the Mason County Planner's
a residence. Office were to Gerald R. Adams,
Bonnie Elles reported a dog storage shed, $1,130; George
shot. Carney, residence, storage shed
A wallet was found by and garage,$10,9OO;JackDenny,
officers and bronght to the raise house and put inbasement,
sheriff's office. $7,500; Darrell Estep, deck,
Bob Woodward reported he $750; Jesse Evans, garage and
found a heifer, workshop, $3,816; Larry
G riffiths, residence, $26,862;
Don Knight reported a
wheelbarrow and cedar hnnber Gene Lane, addition, $6,000;
taken. Luz Construction, residence,
H and R Service reported the $20,000; Anrdis Macs, vacation
theft of a rear end for a truck, honre, $9,600; William Nelson,
D. M. Johnson reported six mobile home, $1,600; Gregory
hens taken. Reid, residence, $26,788.80;
Richard Reischman, mobile
Barbra Branard repotted a
beagle dog found, home, $4,000; Bernard Thorpe,
Red Rudensky served t!me
3M Company and has been
burglar alarm system.
for burglary Now he's working for the
a consultant in the development of this
Brand Intruder Alarm
Burglary and vandalism. They're big problems nation-
wide. They're costly and dangerous. Now you have
added protection against them with the 3M Brand In-
truder Alarm. It floods an area with harmless, ultrasonic
waves. Designed to detect a burglar's motion, it turns
on a light, and seconds later blasts a loud alarm to help
warn you and frighten the burglar away. It's compact
and portable. To operate, just plug in,
..,.. Intruder Alarm
Rt. 4
Box 99
residence, $25,500.
April 6, 1:56 p.m., grass fire
behind Edgewood Apartments.
April 6, 1:05 p.m., chimney
fire, Rod Irwin residence, 821
April 5, 1 : 15 a.m., Log Cabin
Tavern, fire in restroom.
Dissolutions of Marriage
James Pyle and Madonna
Garland Dilts and Virginia
Michael Kilwine and Ruth
New Cases
State Department of Revenue
against Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Lewis,
unpaid taxes.
R. H. Laidman, J. B. McGuire
and J. C. Lomas against Margaret
Berliner, abstract of judgement.
State Department of Revenue
against R. G. Smith Logging,
unpaid taxes.
State Department of Revenue
against Frank Danley, doing
business as Lake Cushman Resort,
unpaid taxes.
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Rancich
against Timber Movers Inc.,
ab. t tact of judgement.
Douglas Gregg against Noah
Pacific Plywood Inc. and Mr. and
Mrs. Donald Teeter, lien
March 28, 10:32 a.m., fire
call, Benson Lake, smoke, no fire.
March 30, 5:07 p.m., fire call,
Mason Lake Road, brush and
grass fire.
March 30, 6:44 p.m., aid call,
Lombard Road, home injury,
transported to Mason General
April 2, 6:17 p.m., fLre call,
B rockdale Road, chimney and
panel fire, minor damage.
April 2, 11:33 p.m., aid call,
Treasure Island, carbon monoxide
poisoning, transported to
Harrison Memorial Hospital.
April 3, 10:36 a.m., aid call,
Pioneer School, child ill,
transported to Mason General
April 4, 3 a.m., fire call,
Shorecrest, house fire, moderate
Stifled opinions
We can never be sure that the
opinion we are endeavoring to
stifle is a false opinion; and if we
were sure, stifling it would be an
evil still.
John Stuart Mill
~/¢ These tides are for the
Union area. For Shelton and
Oakland Bay add an hour
and a half and 2.4 feet.
Add 1 hour for daylight time
Thursday, April 10
High ....... 3:50 a.m. 10.9 ft.
Low ...... 10:17 a.m. 1.5 ft.
High ....... 4:46 p.m. 10.6 ft.
Low 10:25 p.m. 4.0 ft.
Friday, April 11
High ....... 4:11 a.m. 11.0 ft.
Low ......10:46 a.m. 0.8 ft.
High ....... 5:25 p.m. 10.9 ft.
Low ......11:01 p.m. 4.5 ft.
Saturday, April 12
High ....... 4:33 a.m. 11.0 ft.
Low ......11:17 a.m. 0.1 ft.
High ....... 6:03 p.m. 11.2 ft.
Low ......11:36 p.m. 5.0 ft.
Sunday, April 13
High ....... 5:01 a.m. 11.0 ft.
Low ...... 11:52 a.m. -0.4 ft.
High ....... 6:45 p.m. 11.3 ft.
Monday, April t 4
Low ......12:15 a.m. 5.5 ft.
High ....... 5:27 a.m. 10.9 ft.
Low ......12:28 p.m. -0.7 ft.
High ....... 7:28 p.m. 11.4 ft.
Tuesday, April 15
Low ...... 12:57 a.m. 6.0 ft.
High ....... 6:01 a.m. 10.7 ft.
Low .......1:09 p.m. -0.8 ft.
High ....... 8:20 p.m. 11.4 ft.
Wednesday, April 16
Low .......1:44 a.m. 6.4 ft.
High ....... 6:41 a.m. 10.5 ft.
Low .......1:54 p.m. -0.7 ft.
High ....... 9:14 p.m. 11.4 ft.
Thursday, April 17
Low .......2:41 a.m. 6.7 ft.
High ....... 7:29 a.m. 10.0 ft.
Low .......2:45 p.m. -0.4 ft.
High ......10:11 p.m. 11.4 ft.
kind of store:'
Shop 9:30-5:30
Dept. Store
• 1st quality • 100% polyester
• Long sleeve blouses
• Slacks to mix or match
• Sizes 8 to 18 • Regularly $13 to $16
Mason General Hospital
A daughter to Lisa and Ma~m
C. Torbert, P.O. Box I0 ~t.
Shelton. April 2.
A son to David K. and Pat~ ;, ~:t
Rose, 1313 West Cota, Space ! ~,
Shelton, April 6.
A son to Norma and Lloyd i
Wilbur, Route 5, Box 4t..~.
Shelton, April 7.
A daughter to Robert :lr,t
Kathy Itoosier, 1962 Sum.~ ~:
Drive, Shelton, April 8
Carl Duane
was born to Corrine a~,:!
Harold Shriner of Shelton ,.~,
March 20 in Mason Ge,,~ ~1
Hospital. His grandparents are ~!,
and Mrs Bill Hoxit and Mr. ~,.i
Mrs. Harold Shriner St., "all :.~
Authority possessed
Where the people possess ~:,
authority, their rights obtair~ f.,
Ce,,rge Banc~.,.~:
Who wins when
You Compare Rates?
Y'ou Do.
Call us for a ~(,urto>v est,ma~-
On Auto. kt~,~,~ ()w,bers. ar~
Bus~no',,~ t". L,,~qe*.. Medmc.~,
Arnold and Smith
Thursday, April 10, 1975 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3