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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 10, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 10, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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IIIIIIiI I H! I H I IIH | li,ll~l IIIUlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII High Low Preclp. April 3 48 32 .42 April 4 44 34 .50 Aprd 5 47 30 .06 April 6 53 30 -- April 7 58 30 -- Aprd 8 54 29 -- AprlJ 9 61 36 -- l'~lir and warn1 is the forecast for the weekend. High temperatures are expected to range from 55 to 65 degrees with lows from 35 to 45 degrees. 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111141111111 Applying for marriage licenses in the Mason County auditor's office this week were: James Nielsen, 26, Shelton, and Laura Lord, 22, Shelton. Glenn O'Dell, 38, Shelton, and Marcia Cook, 37, Shelton. Michael Williams, 22, Shelton, and Janis Fraisure, 20, Allyn. Richard Stockwell, 18, Shelton, and Jerilyn Peck, 17, Shelton. Too Late to Classify CUSTOM-BUILT boat trailer for 18-20 foot. Like new, 2 years old. 426-8607. G4/10-5/1 1-BEDROOM furnished waterfront apartment, patio and boat landing. Call 426-3167. W4/10 FOR SALE -- Freezer, Sears 31 cu. ft., 3 months old, $350. 426-8562 after 6 p.m. K4/10 EXCEPTIONALLY BEAUTIFUL double wide 2-bedroom mobile home with extra % bath, separate utility and waterfront privileges, quality throughout. $150 month, lease preferred. Mann Real Estate, 426-6592. M4/I 0 LOST -- RED medium-size dog, average curly hair, black mask over nose, named Patty. Wearing red426c°"ar4637 ,a:% Reward. A4/10-17 WANTED -- '50 Buick radiator, urgent. Straight 8. 426-8597. M4/10-5/1 FOR SALE by owner -- 1973 24x64 Golden West mobile home. 2 be~lrooms, family room, all-elee4.r ic, shingle roof, lap siding, thermal windows, carpet throughout, same thing in 1975. Cost $27,000. Price for quick sale $22,300. 426-9582. P4/10 HAULING TRAILER for sale, excellent condition. Inquire 2025 Washington Street after 6 p.m. T4/10 GARAGE SALE- Friday and Saturday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. 1305 South 7th. J4/10 2 RABBITS, doe and buck, hutch ~n~l/i~qT~ment. Phone 426-5037. ONLY ON Friday. Sale 9-5. House plan ts and perennials. Hood Canal Southshore, across from Casa de Canal. K4/lO MOBILE HOME lot, Rae Lake, Lot 3, $2,850. 426-3051. W4/10-17 2-BEDROOM duplex, $100 month, $50 deposit Water and after 6 p.m. T4/10 All sorts of compromises After lots of people who go into politics have been in it for a while they find that to stay in politics they have to make "all sorts of compromises to satisfy their supporters and that it becomes awfully important for them to keep their jobs because they have nowhere else to go. Adlai E. Stevenson 10 yrs. experience in Architectural Design Assoc. Applied Arts Degree 15 years of drafting experience A pro- fesslonal, total design in all fields of graphics and drafting. 1127 N. 13th St. Shelton I DUKE, a five-and-a-half-month-old German shepherd male, is standard brown with a black mask. His ears are coming up nicely and he should mature into a very handsome dog. His disposition matches his fine appearance, and he loves children. He's available for adoption at the city pound and would prefer a country home if possible. The fee is $3 and his new owner may take him to the Shelton Veterinary Hospital for a free examination. Call 426-4441 for further information. R. G. "Dick" Marquardt, State Director of Selective Service, announced that the President has signed a proclamation effective midnight, April I, 1975, which changes the method by which young men fulfill their obligation to register Library day proclaimed Governor Daniel J. Evans has proclaimed April 16 as "School Library Media Day" in the state. The proclamation is to give special recognition to school library media centers and their staffs. "Knowledge and skills of the state's" young scholars are stimulated and developed with the aid of selected learning tools provided at school library media centers. Such centers, popularly known as school libraries, offer wider education horizons through the addition of film and recording collections, models and pictures. No longer are school libraries just repositories for literary classics and encyclopedias. "Important factors in the educational opportunities offered to our state'e elementary and secondary students are the services provided by the skilled librarians in these laboratories of learning, so it is fitting that they be given this special recognition," Evans said. with the Selective Service System. "Until April 1, young men were required to register within 30 days of their 18th birthday. This is no longer required" Marquardt said. "Planning is underway for a new registration procedure. "The requirement to register is still in full force and effect and only the method of registration will be changed. Planning fs centered around a once-a-year registration period of a few days in which young men born in a given year would be required to present themselves for registration. "The first annual registration will be conducted early in 1976 and a public announcement of the new registration procedures can be expected toward the end of 1975" Counseling 426-9232 Local man visits Israel Dan O'Neill of Shelton joined a group of businessmen and women on a fact-finding mission to Israel. They were led by George Otis, author, publisher and long-time friend of Israel. The purpose of the l O-day visit was to pledge support to Israel. The group gave blood, donated money and through interaction with Israeli officials and by visiting most parts of Israel became aware of the current situation existing in the Middle East. The group plans to step up lobbying for support of Israel throughout America, Otis said. Recovery group slates meeting The Olympia group of Recovery Inc., self help for former mental patients and those suffering from problems of nervousness, meets at 7:30 p.m. Mondays at the library of United Churches, 11 th and Capitol Way. Anyone from the Shelton area interested in the group is welcome to attend. mllllllllillllfllllllllllllllllflllllll|llllllllllllllll Bowling News IIIIIIliliilllllfllllllllllllllllllillllllflllllllllllllfl LADLES COFFEE TR IO Women's Hi Game: Linda Ells 184 Women's Hi Series: Linda Ells 486 BoL' n%% Llw', 26-22, Fir Lane 25-23, Andrews 24%-22%, Sh. Binders 22Vz-25%, Airport Groc. 22-26, Sh. Inn 20-28, Taylortowne Arco 20Vz-27½, Korats 19½-28Vz. Taylortowne Arco 2, Linda Ells 486; Airport Groc. 2, Mary Wood 420; Andrews 4, Linda Craig 425; Sh. Binders 0, Darleen Rohwein 422; Bob's 4, Joyce Arnold 432; Timber Bowl 0, Debbie Mallow 378; Boring 3, June Lewis 407; Sh. Inn 1, Corky Dorn 362; Fir Lane 3, Jeanette Webb 394; Korats 1, Norma O'Neill 407. FRATERNAL Men's Hi Game: Roy West & Ray Rohwein 223 Men's Hi Series: Roy West 588 Standings: Fuller 42-18, West. Auto 41-19, Bull Moose 35-25, Nimrod 31-29, Moose Antlers 30Vz-29%, Rotary 30-30, Moose Heads 29-31, Lions 28Vz-31%, Eagles 26-34, PUD 23-37, Renecker's 2292-37%, Kiwanis 21 ~k-38 V~. Lions 3, Bert Hoard 566; Bull Moose 1, Joe Anderson 543; Rotary 2, Ray Rohwein 558; PUD 2, Willie Flint 537; Moose Antlers 3, Ernie Dahman 543; Renecker's 1, Dutch Stanley 569; Kiwanis 3, Rudy Purse 477; Eagles 1, L. C. Leman 572; Western Auto 4, Roy West 588; Moose Heads 0, Jack Barnes 509; Nimrod 2, Lee Eaken 495; Fuller 2, Floyd Fuller 525. The only offer I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat. Winston Churchill Moving can be a bad experience -- a big problem. But it need NOT be with proper planning with the proper people. We at Eads Mayflower can work out complete details from preliminary packing to placement in your new home. Yours may be a large or small shipment. It may be going across the street or around the world. Whatever your concern, pass it on to us for prompt, safe and easy handling. We are concerned about you. We move people. FUSS Phone Us Collect WOnRr .A • Agents for Areo Mayflower Transit Co. AND O.N.C. Motor Freight System Moviql-Storage-Podt Ine 7 N:IT TO2 :::: PACKlNGPhone, e 49CRATING1-23,0 Page l0 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, April 10, 1975 Forest service" series Wynne M. Maule, Supervisor of the Olympic National Forest, announced this week several ~ublic meetings on the Olympic National Forest tentative Five-Year Timber Sale Action Program. The meetings are being held to afford the general public an opportunity to review these plans and offer comment before they are finalized, said Wynne. Open house meeting was held on the Quinault Working Circle sale program on March 28 at the Quinault Ranger Station. Meetings for the Peninsula Working Circle plan are April 15, 16 and 17 at Forks Ranger Station, Soleduck District. Open house will be held at Hoodsport Ranger Station and Quilcene Ranger Station April 30 and May 1. Hours will be from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at all locations. The Five-Year Action Plan shows the location of proposed timber sales through 1979. District personnel will be available to discuss any sales in which interest is expressed. Public comment on the proposed programs will be accepted until Ma~ 15, at which time the input will be evaluated and the program finalized. Brochures outlining the proposed program have been sent to individuals and organizations who have previously expressed interest. New garden manager at Lumbermen's is Norman Herth, formerly of Olympia. Herth most recently was in charge of the nursery at Harvey's in Olympia. He graduated from Oregon State University with a degree in landscape architecture and from there served as assistant manager of an " Emst-Maimo nursery in Seattle. Herth, who has presided over the restructuring of the Garden Shop during Lumbermen's recent remodeling, currently lives at Island Lake. Lumbermen's of is a privately owned ¢ with stores at and Bainbridge two custom You Do. Call us for a cour on Auto, Home Business Life. Arnold and 42 3 COMPLETE FARM & GARDEN CENTER AND PET SERVICE *** SHBTON-2121 OLYMPIC HIWAY N.-426-3341 x- in TRUE TEMPER UNI-SPIN OUTFIT Professional quality outfit includes 2-piece, 6Vz-foot rod with its own built-in reel. Reel is pre-spooled with 100 yards of lO-pound test line; has anti-reverse mechanism, stainless steel guides and tip top. Deluxe size Cheez -- Red -- Orange 2-oz. jar "nning Reel 32.00 Value ,99 ONLY Most Limited to stock on hand CHEES -- BAIT I Midget -- Tiny -- Bold Willow Leaf- Odd Ball Reg. 3.44 SPECIAL I Reg. 2.30 SPECIAL FISHING LICENSES SOLD * GIo Mallows Special ........................... Packaged Hooks Reg. 590, Egg size 8-10-12 Special ............. Dura-Pack Spoons 5 Red & White Special ...................... * Hip Boots Special ............................... * Life Jackets Coast Guard approved From ................. * Rod & Reel Combo #404 Reel #4040 Rod Special ................ * Velux Leader Line Sizes 4, 6, 8 Special ........................ set Quiet Uses no Two-speel bracket. bracket for tilt. 27" Runs on batterY 3221/10 Tackle Box 1 Tray Plastic SPECIAL 4 ft. 1 piece SPECIAL Fresh live bait kept peppy and wherever you g0, ! TRIPLE Indiana SPECIAL 95¢ VALUES STRINGER 9 Hook, 44" long SPECIAL Egg size 8-10-12 Worm size 8-10-12 SPECIAL