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the shot 56'111/2'' Friday night almost before
in the record book from his previous week's
ng throw of 56'9".
N Soa
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]~P against
th a mark
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Arnold and Smith
hurdles at Highclimber Stadium Friday.
MANKE took third for Shelton in the 80 low
The Shelton tlighclimber girls
track team established itself as
one of the premier squads in
Black Hills League competition
Friday night with a 69-45 dual
meet win over the strong Olympia
Bear contingent.
Some pre-season polls picked
the Bear girls to win it all. But it
was not to be Friday night as
Coach Judy Kecley's hustling
squad racked up three school
records enroute to its second
consecutive BHL win of'75.
Connie Tuson, everybody's
everything at the northside
school, romped home in 27.2
time for the 220-yard dash, a
school record. The smooth-sailing
senior also won the 440 in 63.6
er gl
Aria and Neva, are consistent
second or third place finishers in
the shotput.
The same is true with the
discus pair of Karen Martin and
Shannon Robinson. They are
busy picking up the all-important
two or three point finishes.
Or how about Sheryi
Edmison? Always close in the
440 she is a big part of the
fast-improving mile relay tearn.
"With this kind of work and
cooperation," states Keeley, "we
look forward to every meet.
These girls want to improve."
80 LH -- Peterson (O) 11.7;
Heinrich (0); Manke (S);
I00 --
Four hundred freezing,
highly-vocal fans watched Sheiton
High School's track team trounce
Olympia 96-49 Friday night in
Highclimber Stadium.
Most will agree that 350 of
these fans left the stadium
confused. The Johnson twins,
Dan and Dave, are the heart of
confusion again. With both of
them competing in mile and
two-mile run, you could not
separate them with a razor blade.
Both were clocked in identical
3:37.4 for the mile and 10:21.2
for eight laps. You simply cannot
tell them apart on the track and
dead heats do not help any.
They do create excitement, to
say the least. Blessed with
sprinters' speed, they will turn the
crowd on when they head for the
tape. When asked if they will be
beaten this year they both
answer, naturally, "If someone
does, doggone, they will have to
run to do it."
The Johnson boys were not
the only excitement created by
Bill Brickert's forces. The
440-yard relay team of Paul
James, Paul Mortensen, Gary
Nelson and Marty Settle set a
school record (three records have
been broken in two meets this
year) of 44.8. It is the quickest
time of the year for all of
Washington's AA schools and the
second fastest for all schools.
Jeff Pill, in a manner that is
becoming repetitious, broke his
own school record for the second
week in a row, this time with a
heave of 56'11½" in the shotput.
Marry Settle set a personal
best and qualified for the Shelton
Invitational April 26 and 27 with
a 22.8 jaunt in the 220. Right
behind Settle, much to Brickert's
liking, was Gary Nelson, timed in
23.4. According to Brickert,
Nelson is ready to put the heat on
Bill Blue, Olympia's fine
middle distance runner and
reportedly one of the better
competitors in BHL circles,
hooked up with Davey Johnson in
the 880-yard run. More
excitement was coming.
Lemagie (S) 12.1; With 80 yards to go and the
and anchored the winning mile Dunn (O); Tobin (O); crowd on its feet, Blue put on his
rclav team. Mile -- Andrews (S) 5:52.5; patented "kick." Johnson was
a r'~..~ I I~ :i-g h ~,,Trucksess (S); Lin~skog (O); ,
t he 440 relay -- Olympia (team there to meet the'~ehallenge
vastly-in~p~roving relay, long jump unreported) 53.1 ; nose-and-nose down the stretch.
440 -- Tuson (S) 63.6;
and high jump girl, set a record of Heinrich (O); Edmison (S); Johnson got home first in 2:03.8
4'10" in the high jump. The 880 -- Trucksess (S) 2:42.1; with Blue right behind in 2:03.9.
dedicated sophomore, according Elufman (O); Robinson (S); Quietly chipping away at
880 medley relay --Shelton
to Keeley, may up that mark (Manke, Gates, Knight, Andrews) another record is Paul Mortensen,
before the season is over. 2:03.2; the compact dash and relay man.
Sharee Franklin bettered her 220 -- Peterson (O) 27.2;
luson (S); Dunn (O); Winning with a 52.3 440 last
own school record in the shotput Mile relay -- Sbelton (Tuson, week, Mortensen ran a 51.7
' I "
to 323½. The Shelton girls Cross, Andrews, Edmison) 4:30.7. quarter mile Friday night. His
swept this event with Neva Strutz JT -- Missine (O) 111-4;
Cross (S) ;
Schad (S); own school record of 50.4 may be
-- Fr,~nklin (S) 32-3q2;
at 29'5 ' and Kathy Monroe at 29 Strutz (S); Monroe (S);
feet even.
Perhaps some of the early Lemagie (S); Knight (S);
success of this year's squad, DT -- Martin (S) 97-0; RESULTS:
Robinson (S); Ensign ((3); I00 -- Settle {S) 10.5; Jeff
claims Keeley, is depth. The HJ -- Knight (S) 4-10; Ramsey(O);Schab(S);
seldom-mentioned Strutz girls,Beeman (O); Kernan (O). 220 -- Settle (S) 22.8, Nelson
(S), P. Mortensen (S);
440 -- P. Mortensen IS} 51.77
Blue (O); Jack Ramsey (O);
• • 880- Dave Johnson (S)
2:03.8; Blue (O); Hays (S);
Mile -- Dan and Dave Johnson
(S) tie 4:37.4; Gallagher (O);
By LARRY WILLIAMS R )berts( ' 17.6 clock for the 10:21.2;Two'mileDan-- DavejohnsonJOhnson(s);(S)
Finishing third in a junior 120-yard highs was also Renecker(S);
120 HH -- Schab (S) 15.5; M.
varsity 180-yard low hurdle race commendable and the 116-foot Baze(S); O. Williams (O~;21-0;i
i n 2 4 . 7 t i m e i s n o javelin throw from Daniels 180 LH -- Schab (S
accomplishment to speak of. brought a smile to Brickert's face Baze (S); Burinsky (O);
440 relay -- Shelton (James,
it is when you fall over the P. Mortensen, Nelson, Settle)
third hurdle, are pushed to last 44.8;
place, 20 yards from anyone, get Climbers trlumnh Mile relay -- Shelton (Schab,
Hays, Nelson, Settle) 3:31.6.
up and with I00 teammates and "Consistency," remarked-- (o) Syo~nsPiol/ IS~) 56-11',,; Reister
400 fans cheering you on, you Shelton Golf Coach Jack StarkDT- Pill (S) 153-2Vz; Reister
almost nab second place, I / 10 of last week, "may be our strong suit (O) ; Johnston (O);
JT -- Roister (O) 160-3;
a second away. this year." Dickinson (S); Pavel (S);
This was the case with young H is Highclimber golfers LJ -- Nelson (S) 19-7Vz"
Scott Roberts Friday night as he proved" him right, at least in last Morris (O); Budsburg (O);
HJ -- Schultz (O) 6-2; Martin
and his teammates swarmed the Friday's 65-49 win in Black Hills (S); M. Baze (S);
Olympia jayvees 86-29 at League match play with PV -- Tie Collins (O), Thomas
Highclimber Stadium. Roberts' Timberline at the Bayshore (O) 12-0; Kingery (S);
TJ -- Briggs (O) 43-4V4; Wilson
performance must have spurred Course. (S); Thomas (0).
some of his running mates on. Dennis James, with a 2 over IIIIIIlUlIIIIIIIIlUlIIIIIIIIlUlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlUlIIIII
Four of the first year runners
par 38 and 16 point output, led
recorded personal bests and with the Shelton scoring. One stroke
highly-respectable times, back, at 39 and 15 points, was
Coach Bill Brickert was Scott Ba'rnard. Still only one
pleased with John Clayton's stroke away with a 40 and 14
4:55.8 log for the mile. I! is points came Randy Bostrom.
considered a near-varsity time.
Doug Christensen, 43-1 I, and
Clayton's 2:13.4 cruise in the 880 Bob Christcnsen with a 45-q
was also a fine elTort, according effort, capped the Highclimber
to Brickcrt.
scoring for the afternoon.
Sunday at 7:00 p.m.
within sight in the near future.
Joe Shaub, the newly-found
hurdler, skimmed the highs in
15.5 and doubled up in the lows
in 20.8.
Brr~kert is also pleased with
the progress his mile relay team is
making. Timed in 3:39.6 two
weeks ago, it knocked off a full
eight seconds against Olympia,
breezing home in 3:31.6.
Although it's too early to tell,
track fans may be watching
another AA state champion in the
making. The Highclimbers rank
right on top in the eyes of
Washington Track and Field
In typical Brickert
philosophy, the 21-year coaching
veteran replies, "i'm glad they
feel we're number one, but wc
have to work to stay there."
The next home meet is the
always-tough Shelton hwitational
April 26 and 27. That is the
highlight of Shelton's track
MIKE BAZE cleared a third place in the high jump behind Shultz of
Olympia, who took first with 6'2"
DAVE JOHNSON finished about V2" ahead of his brother in the two-mile
run and took first place, although their running time was a ditto 10:21.2.
10.2 got a win for Shelton's
Marty Settle in the 100-yard
Confusing, isn't it?
to go down the
street to have your new
windshield installed --
the other says to go up
the street.
to have a
is at --
3rd & Grove
"Where your windshield
is guaranteed not to leak."
Sports twenty-five years .ago.
From the beginning dashes to the final events of the
dual track meet with North Kitsap held at Loop Field, the
Highclimbers were in virtually complete control of things.
Final score in the meet was SHS 90V2, N. Kitsap 22V~. In
the 11 events the Climbers won all but the pole-vault.
Winning for the SHS squad were: David~on (100-yard
dash), Koch (120 high hurdles, shotput and discus); Young
(mile run); Smith (low hurdles); Hillman (broad jump);
Priszner (high jump); and Lingren (880-yard run). North
Kitsap conceded the relay race.
1st & Cota Shelton
Thursday, April 10, 1975 - SheltOn-Mason County Journal - Page 13